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May 24, 2024 19 mins
In this episode of 'Talk Talk,' Martha, Christie, and Karena talk about picking up after dogs. Karena saw a heated discussion on the Nextdoor app where people asked if it was okay to drop your dog's poop in someone else's trash bin when you are out walking your dog! We think Martha might be going above and beyond with what she does with her dog droppings. 
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Episode Transcript

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When the on air mic goes off, the talk talk begins. It's Talk
Talk with Martha Quinn. I saida poop hop, Hey, scoop,
scoop, scooby doo poo poop,booo boop dooop in your line, wow
boo boo boo boo boo boo booboo boooo. Shoot be dooo shoot bedoo
hoo. Let the dogs out,poo poo poo, poo, poo poo.

Let the dogs out, poo poo, poo poo. These are all
subtle hints as to the topic youwill not believe we're tackling in this week's
episode of Talk Talk with Martha Quinn. You know, Christy, you always
have such a snappy way of summingup the essence of this podcast. Would

you do that right now for us? Don't put your dog poo where it
doesn't belong because people get upset aboutthat. Apparently apparently. Okay, So
this came about in a conversation thatwe were having last week. We're about
to start episode number two hundred andKarina all of a sudden burst out with,
Hey, what do you guys thinkabout when people pick up their dogs

poop and walk up the driveway andput it in some other neighbors trash can.
And this seemed like a very fascinatingconversation to me because this is a
situation that has happened to almost everydog owner. Unless you live so far
out in the country, you're neverwalking your dogs around other people's houses.

By the way, this is episodenumber two hundred and two of Talk Talk
with Martha Quinn. This is theshow that brings together the Morning Drive with
Christy Live Crue, Christy and Karinaof Alaskaz with the Martha Quinn Show crew.
Martha and Karina of Alaskaz. Weare a trio, but we are
mighty. We get together. Thisis when we're talking like we're talking in

the breakroom and we are inviting youto join us in on the conversation.
There is another two hundred and onepodcast, so you can check out to
get fully acquainted with who we arebefore we get into the poop discussion.
Can I exc you lads a triviaquestion? Eighties movie trivia question? Yeah?
Yes, What is Tom Cruise's namein Top Gun? Maverick? His

nickname Maverick? But isna Yeah withoutgoogling, Yeah, without googling. Don't
google it, yeah, Scott JohnRyan, Well, your friend Martha Quinn
here didn't google it, and Ididn't feel at all that I needed to
at all. I both tweeted andfacebooked Happy anniversary, top Gun. This

is the movie where we met LieutenantPete Maverick. Oops, did you say
Pete or Pete? Pete? Isaid Pete, but I said Maverick was
okay, so you could theoretically sayI was somewhat right. Yeah, but
I was thinking that Maverick was hislast name. I did not know from

me was first name Pete? Yeah, let's find out right now, maybe
tom ol Pete Mitchell. You're right? Wow, how did he get the
name Maverick? That was just hisname? I guess A Maverick is a
high flying boot scoot and booge guy. I don't know, Yeah, like

a daredevil type. Yes, Iwas saying that anytime you started to hear
in that movie, that's what romanceis happening. It is a word used
to describe a person who acts freefrom constraints or organizational guidelines. Basically,
they do what they want. He'sa Maverick, perfect, perfect for him.

Okay, Well, my apology.Jeez, to those who follow me
on Twitter and Facebook, I doapologize. I tried to. I did
re tweet it out on Twitter correctly. I haven't done it yet on Facebook,
but I'm going to very very soon. So let's get into today this
fascinating topic, Karina, Why don'tyou set this up because this was your
idea? Sure? So on Isee this on the next door neighborhood app,

which is pretty much an app thatyou can connect with your neighbors.
Everybody postings, have discussions, andthen I see this on Facebook and community
groups. Someone posted that they wereupset that somebody was walking their dog in
front of their lawn, picked uptheir dogs droppings and then dropped the bag
inside their trash bin, and theywere livid about it. But they also

asked the question, am I wrongfor being upset about it? Or am
I right? And this has people, you know, they're pretty passionate about
this conversation. So do you dropyour dog's belongings when you pick it up
in somebody else's trash bin if you'rewalking, if the trash can is out
on the street, like waiting forthe garbage man to come In the next

ten minutes then I might. Husbandhas been known to drop the bag in
someone's trash can when there's nothing init, it's on the bottom, and
I say, no, hon,you can't do that. Now, everything
that they put in here is gonnasquash the pooh on the bottom of the

trash can, and that will benasty, nasty, nasty. You can't
do that. And my husband's defenseis that, well, it's better than
either leaving the droppings there or alot of people do this move. They
pick it up, they neatly repit it in a bag, and then

leave the bag there forever. Youknow, when I first heard you talking
about this, you were the firstperson I thought about, Martha Quann when
Karina brought this up about dropping yourdog's deposit in someone else's garbage can,
I thought about you and how yougot upset with Jordan because he did not
put the bag off to the sidebecause it could get squished in with the

rest of the trash and mess upthe garbage can. And I remember you
talking about this once and I said, Okay, I can understand why people
would be upset because if the bagsquishes then there could be an issue.
But for me, it's trash,like you're throwing trash away, and I
would rather you throw the trash away. Yeah, then leave it on the

street, because I always see thoselittle green bags yeah, of people's dogs
deposits all on the street or atthe park. There forever, pick it
over, throw it away, andif that's the closest garbage can, then
you've done your due diligence. Thenyou've done your duty. If you're gonna
wrap it up in a bag andleave the bag there, I personally would

rather don't wrap it in a bagbecause at least the rain will come along
and maybe have a chance of washingit away. But like I see bags
up on trails, You see thosebags everywhere. I personally, if I
thought that I left a bag ona trail or somewhere on my walk,
I would high tail it back andI would get that bag. I am

like a maniac about picking up thebelong with my dogs digested food. Martha.
I'm curious though, besides, iflet's say Jordan has his way of
picking up the dog droppings, butwould you have an issue if someone's dropping
it in your bins? You know, if they're throwing their bags of their

dogs booboo in your bins? Wouldyou be like, okay, well,
at least they're throwing it away.Okay, I will say this, there
is something about another dog's droppings otherthan your own that is it's like ew
gross, even though your dogs isjust as bad. But when you see

another dogs, it's kind of likechanging another kid's diaper. You could change
your own kids diaper, but anotherkid's, you know, you know,
one who's not your own, it'sdoesn't have the same Oh isn't it so
cute? Let's see? Oh,how's he digesting? Kara is not too
well? Okay, note to self. So when it's another dog's situation digested

food, okay, that's difficult.But if it's on top and the trash
is about to be picked up inthe next ten minutes, then I go
okay. But if it's on thebottom and I have to live with it
the whole week, then I'm Matt. Now. In my where I live,
it's a cul de sac, andsometimes people will, you know,

have their animals, their dogs,deposit their digested food right like in front
of our driveway, and I gonuts. I want to set up a
camera and like catch who it is. Like, I don't know if it's
somebody coming in from the outside orone of our neighbors, but that I
go cuckoo. There was a gentlemanwho called because we talked about this on

the morning show Morning Drive with ChristieLive six to ten one or three point
seven. That is this morning show, not just the Bay Area. Thank
you, figs Doroth the Quid.And he said that he has literally seen
someone dump it in his garbage can. He has gone to his garbage can,
taken it out of his garbage canand chased them down the street and

giving it back to them. That'scrazy, because he was like, not
on not today, not in mygarbage can, not around my house because
and he said he loves dogs thesame thing, but it was someone else's
and it's not his problem. Hesaid, keep it away from me.
Funny, that is so funny.That is so pressed. Can you imagine

I've done something petty like that beforetoo? But still like, what what
do you mean, Christy, thatI'm not talking about that? No,
excuse me, no, I'm justexcuse me. You know, like if
someone leaves something you know that's justunwelcome, Christy, Like what come on?
For example, an example. Forexample, this is an example that

I will have to share at alater date because I don't feel like it
could be shared right here in trouble. But let's just say sometimes petty measures
call for petty payback. Yeah,yeah, this is gonna be talk talk

adults only. Uh you know,you know, I'm just saying, yeah,
yeah, I'll say that because thisconce This bothers me all the time,
not bothers me, but I alwaysfeel like I will admit that.
There is a block around my areawhere I dump my dog's little little,
tiny little choppings because she's tiny ina bag. This house either looks empty

or they're working on it, butthe ben is the bin is by the
walk in it like a dumpster.And though they're working on the house and
it's a dumpster outside, no,it's just a garbage it's like a house
garbage can. And they but theyleave it like on the sidewalk. It's
kind of like they don't have somewhereto put it because they have stuff on
the side and on the other sidethey don't have anywhere to put the garbage

can. So it's kind of closeto the bottom of the driveway. So
I drop the bag in there,But I'm always looking around like, oh
gosh, just anyone looking at me, is somebody gonna put me on next
door? But I feel like youhave a secret guilty conscience. I do.
I do, And then sometimes I'lljust pick it up and then I'll
just walk home with it. Thehow does your conscience feel in that situation?

Fine, I'm not really like,oh okay, no one's looking at
me, and I'll just be like, all right, I'll take it with
me. But I'm like, whydo I got to walk with this bag
full of Benita stuff? Like that'syour dog? Yeah, I know,
But now that I know that alot of people do have an issue with
it, I'll just pick it upand take it home with me. That's
another thing I don't understand. Whydogs wait till you walk. I'm like,

Banita, You've got a whole backyardand a whole front yard, and
you want to wait till I walkyou to go. This guy called and
he said that he will not takehis dogs for a walk until they do
their business. And they know,hey, we can't go play outside and
go for our long walk until afterwe go to the bathroom. So he
said I don't ever have to worryabout the issue because I'm not picking anything

up and I'm not dropping anything offbecause before we even leave the house.
It's kind of like little kids goto the bathroom before we get in the
car. Yeah, and that's whathe said his dogs are trained to do,
and that's what they do. That'spretty good. Mm hmm. I
was like, that's a great idea. I think a lot of times dogs
do it to mark I think it'sanother way of marking. Yeah. Yeah,

because well Benita does that too allthe time. Like, stop it.
You don't need to smell five millionthings. No. I actually just
did a wellness shot about this.For dogs, sniffing is a lot of
mental stimulation. They get a senseof what's going on in the neighborhood.
And you should let your dogs sniffas much as they want. It's like

doggie TikTok. Yeah. I guessthat's true in a sense because she has.
When she was younger, she wouldrun away from run away when the
door would be opened. She wasn'treally trained yet to stay, and so
she would run out, and Iwas thinking, maybe she'll she would find
her way back, and I thinkshe would find her way back by sniffing.
Yeah, she was smelling those refriedbeans in that Teresa we were cooking.

This is a Mexican dog. I'mjust kidding. Oh man, I
hope Bueler can smell tofu and zacchinibakini. Well, I guess what conclusion
have we come to? If you'relistening right now and I have a thought
about this, Like, I knowSylvia Bermudez and San Bruno, she's got

a dog. She would never dothat. She's way too she would never
put her dog's poot in somebody else'strash. Can I don't think so,
she's way too together. She wouldknow, she would have it totally under
control. I don't know she wouldbe a slacker like Carna, you know,
because also you would you say that, but I would think that two

of all dog people. However,I do have someone in my family who
doesn't clean up after her dog,period, and we're always arguing about this.
I'm like, you're so freaking lazy. She let her dog do his
du in my yard and I waslike hey, and she was getting ready
to leave and I was like,hey, your dog went in my in
my yard and she was like,oh, well, it'll dry up,
you know. And then she leftand is this is this a rotweiler mask?

No, this was this was atthe time a pitbull mix. Well
it's not tiny like Bonita's. That'snot a No, it wasn't tiny at
all. It was a it wasa pretty good sized pit bull mix.
And she's like, oh, well, it's okay, it'll dry up.
I'm like, dude, that's soshady. She got on a car and
left. But we always have thisconversation now because with her dog. She
has a different dog now, it'sa Frenchie and he's one of those big,

big French bull dogs I guess they'recalled. Yeah. She's like,
no, I don't believe in pickingthem up, picking it up. I
just let my dog go. I'mlike, one of these days someone's gonna
come out with the bat. Wow, oh my goodness. But walk in
my cull to sack. I thinkthe camera. The majority of people would
say, like, just pick itup, take it with you, and
dump it at home. Yeah.Now, sometimes you get into trouble when

you're out, Like we take Buellerwith us all the time because it's fun
for him. He likes to goon the car and bark his ever loving
head off at other dogs. Sowe feel like, well, that's a
good exercise for his lungs. Atleast, you know, he's having a
good time even though we're going shutup, shut up. So sometimes he'll

take him out and he will usethe restroom out and then we're like,
if there's no trash cans around.I have in the past put the bag
kind of like closed it in mywindow, like pulled up, you know,
rolled up the window, the electronicwindow, but with the tip of
the bag inside but the contents outsidelike that, because there was no place

to put it. So but that'swhat that's what I did in that situation
because it's like, Okay, there'sno I don't know what to do.
The other nightmare situation is when you'reout walking your dog around a lot of
people in the park or something,and your dog uses the restroom and you
realize you don't have a bag.I have been in this situation and literally
been going up to people, Hey, do you have a plastic bag I

need? Oh, you have babies. Do you have a plastic bag that
you might put that a diaper into? Could I borrow a plastic bag?
You're a mom. You've got tohave a plastic bag because I can't leave
it. That's nice of you,Martha. At least you try. At
least you try, and like,Okay, you care, Yeah, you
care, you care. Most peoplethey leave that well, I don't know.

Yeah, you care, you docare, Yeah, I do.
That's the case with me and Idon't have a bag. If I go
on a trail where I always takeBenita, I'll use a stick and just
flick. Wow. At least it'steeny tiny like that, and if you
make sure it's off the trail,yeah, like somebody will think it's a

geese or something, or turkeys becausewe have wild turkeys and special mad I'm
not that mad at that, really, I'm not. But it's it.
I will just flick it off thetrail. Okay. You know if I
don't have a bag. Most ofthe time, I always have a bag,
but you never know. But Ido know that it is my duty
to pick up my dog's duty.There you get feel that. I do.

I feel that. That is,if your dog is poop pooping,
yeah, bet, I get toscooping. I love it. I love
it. That's right. Hair,what goes on and we are so psyched
to have you take part in it. Pull up a chair, hang out

with us. As you can see, we tackle issues that mainstream media is
afraid to tackle. There you go. We get down and dirty into the
real stuff of life right here.Hey, let's put that on our slogan.
We get down and dirty into thereal stuff of life. When do

you pick up your dog poo?Or where do you put do you put
your dog's big dug poo? Inthe trash? Camp card? Hitting jo
Yes, I would love to hearif you have a thought about this,
If you could hit us up throughthe talkback microphone. It's a little red
microphone that you'll find when you're listeningto this station on our awesome iHeartRadio app.

And you could just tap that micand say, hey, Martha,
Christian and Karina, I was walkingmy dog recently, and this is how
I handled the situation. Or Isaw somebody handling their dog's business in a
way that I did not like,And you can tell us about it,
and you can also give us ideasof topics for the three of us to

yack about. Like Sylvia Bermudez suggested, what would we do if we won
the Big Powerball lottery, and thusSylvia Bermudez became that episode's executive producer.
So, if you would like tobe an episode an executive producer of an
episode of Talk Talk with Martha Quinn, please let us know your idea for

a topic we can throw onto thetable and all of us get into it.
That would be super fun. Ithink so, I like it.
I'm here for it all right,EVN. Thank you for checking out this
episode of Talk Talk with Martha Quinn. Until we meet again, I am
Martha Quinn, I'm Christy, I'mKarina Velaskez. Mister ready,
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