Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's another jubile phone frame today Mornings on the twenties. Hello,
I'm doing wonderful. I'm sure you're glad you have the
day off today? Oh who is so sorry? I got
a little bit ahead of myself, didn't I My name
is Aquarius and I am a psychic aquarious psychic reader,
and your boss Kevin gifted you a reading with me
for your birthday. Oh okay, I thought we were going
to schedule something. Well, yes, normally we would, but I
felt the need to call you today. My intuition was
tingling quite a bit and your name was coming up,
so I figured I would just call you. How are
you doing today? I mean you send me rather quickly?
There I go. O. Spirit playing the Quarius is here? Hello, Spirits,
and what would you like to tell me about cherld
Oh oh oh oh oh sorry, that was a hard dismount.
Sometimes when I head up to the spirit playing the
dismount it is rather shocking. But Cheryl, I am. I
want you to okay. And the spirits called me and
wanted me to tell you that everything is going to
be okay with your home plumbing. I know that was
quite hard for you and quite an expense and everything
will be fine. Oh god, yeah, I did just have
a huge plumbing issue. Okay, well, I guess that's a
relief that everything will be okay. They should not have
to worry it all. The spirits told me that everything
will be fine with that. So, Cheryl, is there anything
that you would like to ask? Aquarius? Did they say
anything about my job? Yes, Cheryl, I saw that there's
a promotion at your company. Maybe I can trying to
get it again and again, Cheryl, Cheryl going back up
to spare World, I have more information. Going back up
a Querias is here. Hi, hey Steve, how are you?
And yes, oh really, oh my goodness, really, oh my goodness, Cheryl,
Please I'm talking no on the spaars place. Oh who
that one took to anatomy. I've dismounted from the spirit
realm and I have information for you. Do you know it? Dan?
I sing a D A letter D named Dan den
is A is a coworker of you. Yes, Dan is
a coworker of your. Unfortunately, Cheryl, I saw that Dan
is receiving the promotion and not you. So sorry to
bring bad news from the spirit warm you sild that
Dan's getting the promotion that I've been trying to get
for six months now. Yes, unfortunately I saw a Dan.
Well that's because Dan just started and if he gets
this promotion before I do, I am not going to
stay at this company any longer. Cheryl. You send me
back up to the Spirit Plant. I'm going back up there. Hello, Quarious.
I can't believe they would hire Dan for that. I've
been there for trying to get this per Oh. Oh
my goodness, how I hit my head? Oh? Oh, yes,
said okay. Sometimes when I dismount from the spirit plane.
Oh boy, that's gonna believe a bruise. Cheryl, I was
told somebody else from the spirits. Maybe you're learning that
my new job will give me a promotion when I
need one. And actually, I've learned that this is a
phone prank. And this is actually Jebel from the Jewbel
Show doing a phone prank on you and your boss
set you up. No, he actually did all this to
let you know that you're getting the promotion. So congratulations.
Oh my god, yes, are you cheating me? I thought
I was having the strangest interact to pick somebody up
ever before wake up every morning with Jubile phone, Franks