Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's another jubile phone frame Mornings on the twenties. Hello, yeah, hey,
I was looking for Andrea. Hey, slow down, Sorry about that. Hello,
was looking for Andrea. Yeah, this is Andrea. Hey Andrea,
how you doing? This is Pete Eakins with and just
calling about your car that was in your phone. Oil change.
I'm trying to drive here. Sorry about that? Sorry, sorry
about that? Oh boy, I'm sorry. What the oil change?
Is it? Okay? Yeah, everything seems to be good. I'm
just out taking her for a test dra Hey. Hey, hey,
you're dropping my car? Yeah, just taking it for a
little test drive, make sure everything's going well with Hey, what,
I'm so sorry about that. I think the Bluetooth connection
in your car doesn't work very well. Have you been
having problems with that? Because I'm noticing that. It's just
a car out. Don't howk at me? Buster? I howk
at you? Yeah? I'm so sorry. What my car okay?
With the oil I'm like, I'll come and pick up
my car right now. Why are you called? Yeah? Car
seems to be running smooth. I wish I could say
that for the other drivers that are a I'm moving here.
Hold on one just one second. I'm so sorry about this.
I'm you know, people get so upset when they think
that they own the road. Do you know what I mean?
You out driving my car? Bring my car back. I'm ready,
I'm pick it up. Well, just you know, checking it out,
making sure it's running all smooth. It's running like it's fine. Yeah,
it's running pretty good. Uh fast are you going? Why
are you riding my car? Well, because you had the
oil changed in it, and I just wanted to give
the engine. Hey. Hey, hey, I will get out of
this car so fast. Sorry, what's that I'm coming to
get my car right now? In my car? Okay, Well
you can't come get it just yet. It's not Hey,
it's not done yet. Why are so many people hawking
at you? I've been asking myself the same question, you know,
driving my car. I only ask for no change, nothing
else to trying to go here. Oh boy, oh boy,
I need to go back. So you pick my car up. Hey,
Just to let you know, any red light camera tickets
that you get in the mail, I will gladly take
care of those. I think I've hit about three or
four of them. Bring my car back to deal right
now and let me know what I can come pick
it up and the metal fingers for you, bud. Yeah,
now I'm honking at you, yeah, conking right at You
want to bring my car back? Well, okay, yes, it'll
be in about two hours. It should be back. Whow.
I don't know how it's done. What's that so sorry?
It's hard to hear you with the windows rolled down? Yeah,
the oil change. I thought that's all you were doing. Yep,
and it is all changed and done. It's just I'm
taking it. I got a dentist appointment. Got to keep
the teeth, you know, sharp in early white. So yeah,
and I'll bring it right back after that. You mean
to bring my car back right now? Because you're about
to get fired. I'm gonna go off on your boxes.
This is so inappropriate. Bring my car back right now? Well,
I can't do that actually at all. What do you mean? What?
Because this is actually Jubil from the Jewbel Show doing
a phone prank on you and your husband or honey.
Set you up? What it's a joke. Oh seriously, So
my car is not Wait you don't have my car? No,
I don't at all. Oh my god, I totally thought
that you actually went out like to the dentist and
someone just like took my car. I'm like, what the
hell is Wake up every morning with jubal Phone Franks