Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's another jubile phone frames on the twenties. Hello, Yes,
Hello Luna, this is your Uber driver Pete Ekins from
the other night. How are you?
Speaker 2 (00:18):
I'm okay, what's going on? Yep?
Speaker 1 (00:21):
The other night you were in the back of my Uber. Yes,
m h and so I was able to get your
phone number after the ride, and it's taken a few
days to call. But are you missing something?
Speaker 2 (00:36):
What? Why are you calling me?
Speaker 1 (00:40):
Well, because I pick you up no chinchilla, I drop
you off.
Speaker 2 (00:44):
Chinchilla, chinchilla like the animal.
Speaker 1 (00:48):
Okay, are we just gonna play dumb because I'd pick
you up no chinchilla a chinchillas car and then drop
you off chinchilla all over the vehicle.
Speaker 2 (01:00):
Okay, I don't know what you're talking about.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
You abandoned your chinchilla in the back of my Uber.
Speaker 2 (01:07):
Speaker 1 (01:09):
You haven't called or emailed or tried to get a
hold of the right service company at all. And I'm
very upset because it's a cute little guy, and obviously
you use my Uber to try to offload your chinchilla
on somebody else.
Speaker 2 (01:24):
That's ridiculous. I do not have a chinspilla.
Speaker 1 (01:28):
Well you did before you got my car.
Speaker 2 (01:32):
No, no, sirch o god.
Speaker 1 (01:34):
Okay, so you're gonna try to say that you'd never
had a chinchilla.
Speaker 2 (01:37):
I've never had a chinchilla.
Speaker 1 (01:40):
Then explain to me why I pick you up. No chinchilla,
I drop you off chinchilla.
Speaker 2 (01:47):
I have no idea. Maybe there was already a chinchilla
in your car.
Speaker 1 (01:51):
There was definitely no chinchilla in my car before you
got in, because I checked it and cleaned it actually,
and it was chinchilla. Lis, So come clean.
Speaker 2 (01:59):
I don't know what to tell you. I don't have
a chinchilla.
Speaker 1 (02:02):
Mm hmm.
Speaker 2 (02:04):
Okay, So are we done here?
Speaker 1 (02:06):
Nope, we are not done until you admit that you
left a chinchilla in the back of my oun.
Speaker 2 (02:11):
Oh my god, I do not have chinchilla.
Speaker 1 (02:15):
H yes, you do now, because I where I dropped
you off, I'm assuming that was your house where I
dropped you off. Was it your house?
Speaker 2 (02:21):
You know what? It's none of your business. Okay, So
you can take your chinchilla and go to hell. Well,
it's not mine.
Speaker 1 (02:29):
Wherever I dropped you off, the window has been opened
and I put the chinchilla inside. What mm hm.
Speaker 2 (02:36):
You went to the address that you dropped me off
at Did you just say you put it inside?
Speaker 1 (02:42):
Yes? I did ten minutes ago. I dropped him back
home where it should be.
Speaker 2 (02:46):
Dude, Okay, first of all, you need to confirm that
someone is actually the owner of a chinchilla where you
just go and put it inside? Are you crazy? That
was my grandmother's house. She's not freak out. She doesn't
even like tiny mice you are stuck in.
Speaker 1 (03:05):
Well, you might want to call her and let her
know that she's watching your chinchilla for a little while,
just like you expect everybody to watch your chinchilla, even
Uber drivers.
Speaker 2 (03:13):
Oh okay, well, how about I call Uber first and
tell them that you are a psychopath and that you
have no business being a driver anymore. She's gonna freak
the hell out.
Speaker 1 (03:22):
I can't believe I pick you up, No chinchilla, I
drop you off?
Speaker 2 (03:27):
Yeah I know, I know, chinchilla. You know what? It
wasn't mine? And what am I thinking? I'm gonna call
the police because you broke into my grandmother's house and
put a live animal in her home?
Speaker 1 (03:38):
All right, then I'm going to tell you it's a
prank phone call.
Speaker 2 (03:40):
Then what?
Speaker 1 (03:43):
Yeah, this is actually Jubil from The Jewbeil Show doing
a phone brank on you. Your best friend Lily set
you up, you little I'm a killer.
Speaker 2 (03:51):
I'm a killer. Oh my god, my grandmother is gonna
have a heart.
Speaker 1 (03:57):
There's no chinchilla in your grandma's house.
Speaker 2 (04:00):
Oh jee, thank god.
Speaker 1 (04:04):
Wake up every morning with Jubile phone pranks.