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May 15, 2024 12 mins

➡︎ The Jubal Show’s War of The Roses / To Catch A Cheater

If you can't call a radio show to see if your significant other is cheating on you, who can you call!? In this segment, Jubal and the team do a sneaky prank on a significant other in an effort to trip them up. The person who set them up is ALWAYS listening on the other line. Drama, babe. Drama.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's time to Catch a Cheater.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Only on the Jubile Show. Angie is on the phone
today for to Catch a Cheater and she thinks that
her boyfriend of seven years named Will might be messing around,
So we'll see if we can help her out. Angie,
thank you for coming on the show. Tell us what's
going on.

Speaker 3 (00:17):
I guess, like you said, I think my boyfriend Will
has been cheating. He just got back from a boy's
weekend in Vegas, and ever since he got back, he's
been kind of distant and dismissive. And I was like
doing his laundry and one of his shirts had like
a smudge of like makeup or like Li's stick on.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
It, Okay, and you know for sure it wasn't lipstick.
I mean there's really no way to tell.

Speaker 3 (00:39):
I mean, you definitely know, Yeah, it's not mine. And
I was doing his laundry from his trip, so it's
not mine.

Speaker 4 (00:45):
So in the seven years that you guys have been together,
has there ever been like another moment where you felt
like maybe he was being sketchy or is this the
first time?

Speaker 5 (00:54):
No, this was the first time.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
Do you know the boys that he was on the
boy's trip.

Speaker 5 (00:59):
With yes, I do. They're college friends.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
Do you think you're looking for it? Because he went
to Vegas with his boys?

Speaker 5 (01:05):
It was mainly the shirt.

Speaker 2 (01:07):
I mean, the stain on the shirt makes sense. I
just asked a question because you know what happens a lot,
Like I've been on a lot of dudes stripped to Vegas, right,
And there's always a few girlfriends or a few wives
that are just convinced that their husbands or boyfriends are
gonna cheat, right, And it always it always makes me
laugh because I'm like, you think about it, how hard
was it for your boyfriend or husband to sleep with
you? You think he go to Vegas for the weekend and

be able to You know, it's cool that you think
he's all that, but trust me, it's still a hard
ver him problem.

Speaker 4 (01:35):
But I will say, Angie, like, if I were you,
I would also be alarmed by lipstick on a shirt
or any kind of face makeup on a shirt. I
would be freaking out immediately. But just maybe was it
a strip club? So before we start to really jump
to conclusions, it could be did you ask him about it?

Speaker 3 (01:55):
No? I haven't mean I thought of the strip club thing,
but I don't know it's just also because he's been
so distant and dismissive since.

Speaker 5 (02:05):
He got back.

Speaker 3 (02:06):
Like if he hadn't been distant and dismissive, I would,
you know, probably think it was maybe like a strip
cluib or something. But because he's also acting weird and
then there's makeup on the shirt that just kind of
like yeah too strike already.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
Just then I get well, how's he been dismissive? What
do you mean by that?

Speaker 3 (02:24):
He's just kind of dry and like quick to like,
you know, if we're on the phone, he's quick to
come off the phone or like just kind of like
when he comes home, it's all like really dry and quick,
and then he'll run off to the gym or something.

Speaker 2 (02:37):
Do you trust the friends that he was with.

Speaker 3 (02:43):
I don't know. Okay, I mean they're his friends, so
you know they they're gonna have his back.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
Does he have the type of friends that would stop
him from doing something if he was going to do well?

Speaker 3 (02:53):
So in his group of friends, he's the only one
that's not single. They're all single.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
That's another thing to think about too.

Speaker 4 (02:59):
Okay, So were you watching like stories and stuff while
they were out on the weekend? Nothing popped up on
social either.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
They didn't really post anything, which I guess is not
a good sign either that no one was posting.

Speaker 4 (03:14):
Not to like get you all riled up, because I'm
having anxiety for you right now. I don't know to
tell you in this one because I don't feel like
it feels good.

Speaker 3 (03:23):
Yeah, which is why I didn't confront him first.

Speaker 5 (03:26):
It's just kind of like.

Speaker 2 (03:27):
You know, all right, cool, Well, we'll try it. We'll
see if we can figure it out for you. You
already told us what a grocery store he shops at.
So play a song come back, and then call him
and pretend to be from that grocery store and say
that every single month we get we choose one Rewards
card member at random who gets free flowers delivered from
our beautiful, brand new floral department, and we'll see if
he believes that, and see if he sends the flowers
to you or to somebody else. Okay, okay, thank you,

all right, We'll play a song come back. You're to
catch teeter next right in the middle of to catch
a Cheeter if you just joined us. Angie is on
the phone and she thinks that her boyfriend of seven
years might be cheating on her. His name is Well.
Before we call him to try to find out if
he is cheating, why don't you just kind of recap
what's going on.

Speaker 3 (04:05):
Yeah, so he went on a boy's weekend to Vegas
with a few of.

Speaker 5 (04:11):
His friends, and ever since he got back.

Speaker 3 (04:13):
He's been super distant and dismissive. And then I was
helping him with laundry while he was out for my
get work and one of his shirts had a lipstick
and kind of makeup smudge on it.

Speaker 4 (04:24):
See, this is the part I don't like.

Speaker 5 (04:26):
Yeah, I just I don't know what to do.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
We're about to call him from the grocery store that
he shops at and is a Rewards card member at,
and pretend to be from there and say, every single month,
we choose one Awards card member at random who gets
free flowers delivered anywhere in the whole world, just the
hard way of saying thank you for shopping. We'll see
if he believes that, and where he sends those flowers,
if he sends them to his girlfriend, Angie or somewhere else.
All right, Angie, Ready, ready, Okay, I'm gonna dollars number

right now here.

Speaker 5 (04:49):
We go.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
Hello, Hey, this is Straw. We'll calling from grocery store.
I was looking for our rewards card member Will.

Speaker 5 (05:05):
Yeah, this is Will.

Speaker 2 (05:07):
Congratulations, you're this month's big winner.

Speaker 5 (05:10):
What did I win? What did I win?

Speaker 2 (05:12):
The flowers?

Speaker 5 (05:15):
Okay, I didn't.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
I don't remember signing up twenty free flowers or anything
like that.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
You did when you became a rewards card member with us.
Because it's a new thing we're doing. We just redesigned
our floral department. It's new and improved and we've got
so many more options. Also, we're doing delivery now, so
in honor of that and to say thank you for shopping,
every single month, we choose one Rewards Card member at
random who gets free flowers delivered anywhere in the entire world,
completely free. Just our way of saying thank you for shopping.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
So, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 2 (05:45):
What you've won is thirty six long Stimm red roses,
a box of chocolates, and some balloons.

Speaker 1 (05:51):
Oh cool, okay, cool, I know someone to send it
to my girlfriend?

Speaker 2 (05:56):
Your girlfriend? Yeah, so okay, you want what's your girlfriend's name?
Andree you can send a card along with this. Would
you like to send a card?

Speaker 4 (06:06):

Speaker 1 (06:07):
Yeah, sure, what would you like it to say? Well,
our seventh year anniversary is coming up in like seeing
like a month or so. But yeah, I guess just
say like happy anniversary, Andre.

Speaker 2 (06:22):
Sure I can do that. Just between me and you,
guy to guy here, you ever mess around on your girlfriend?

Speaker 1 (06:28):
I don't think there's any of your business. But I
don't know you.

Speaker 2 (06:32):
I think it is kind of my business. Because this
is actually Dubal from Jubel Show. It's a radio show,
and we do a segment call to catch a cheaterwhare
for your significant other things that you have cheated, you
might be cheating. We try to see you send flowers
to somebody else order them and your girlfriend Angie is
actually on the phone, has been listening this whole time,
like Wow.

Speaker 1 (06:50):
I can't I mean, I can't believe you're doing that.
And Andrew, why do you think I'm Like, what's going on?
Why do you think I'm cheating on you? Because I
went to Vegas to a bunch of guys friends, Like
what do I mean? Yeah, it's not because you went
to Vegas with the guys. It's because what I found
after you came back from Vegas now doing.

Speaker 5 (07:09):
Your laundry, what did you find? Like, what are you
talking about?

Speaker 1 (07:13):
What did you find?

Speaker 3 (07:14):
That blue shirt? The button down blue shirt that you
always have that you always wear. It had like a
moudge of like lipstick or makeup foundation or something.

Speaker 5 (07:23):
On it, like on the car.

Speaker 3 (07:25):
Okay, yeah, so you want to tell me about that
and where that came from.

Speaker 5 (07:30):
Because it's not my makeup obviously I wasn't there.

Speaker 2 (07:33):
Where are the lists that come from? Will?

Speaker 5 (07:36):
Okay? Baby?

Speaker 1 (07:38):
So I'm gonna be honest with you, so don't get
upset and I just just hear me out.

Speaker 5 (07:42):
Okay, Okay, all right?

Speaker 1 (07:45):
So last weekend at Vegas, we were at this club
and a bunch of beautiful girls came over to her table,
and you know, we just hung out with us all
night and there's just one cute girl and I would
just like chatting and had a really good chemistry and
I kind of a.

Speaker 3 (08:02):
Bunch of beautiful girls Like what the few mean?

Speaker 5 (08:05):

Speaker 3 (08:07):
Why would you, I mean, especially describe them as beautiful
to me?

Speaker 1 (08:11):
And this, well, were it's Vegas, Like I.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
Don't care if it's Mars. Why would you tell me
that they're beautiful?

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Because beautiful girls go to Vegas? Like, I don't have
to Will, Will, this is stupid. Why would you even
just keep going? But why would you even say that?
That's no? I yeah, but I mean okay, so let
me start over. The ugly girl came up to her cable,
I mean annoying.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
What happened, Will?

Speaker 5 (08:41):
Okay, So we were they're hanging out.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
I was chatting with one girl, like great chemistry with her.
So she sat on my laugh and I had a
great time. I didn't kiss her, but I you know,
with the music's playing, so I think maybe because you're
saying my laugh, she got let's sit on my uh shirt.
You know, it made me second guess. Okay, I'm in
this relationship with you for like seven years, and now
I'm attracted to somebody else. I might be attractive to

somebody else, so I don't I'm just really conflicted, Like
you know, I just don't know the answers. But I
did not cheat. I mean, I sent you the flowers
so that you should be happy about that.

Speaker 5 (09:16):
I didn't missend it to some other random girl.

Speaker 4 (09:19):
I mean, well, it was nice that you sent flowers
to your girlfriend, but you're also telling her that you
had chemistry and you are attracted to another woman while
you were in Vegas.

Speaker 2 (09:27):
So yeah, read the room.

Speaker 6 (09:30):
Yeah, I'm more upset about the fact that you called
them beautiful, cute and then she sat on your lap,
which is completely inappropriate after we've been together for seven
years and we live together and we have a dog together.

Speaker 5 (09:41):
So what are you trying to tell me right now? Well,
because you're telling me you had chemistry with.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
Another woman, you're telling me that you're second guessing our
relationship after seven years.

Speaker 1 (09:49):
And you know, like we're not on the best turns.
Number one we like last time we had sex is
I think like a month ago, two months ago. It's
been forever. You're busy with work, the dog, I mean,
I love the dog for like, I mean, it was
just nice that somebody appreciated me. And the girl was
very you know, to say how handsome I am and
that she old my hair, and it's just like it's

just you don't give me any compliments and she does.

Speaker 5 (10:12):
Oh she does, Okay, I know, I don't.

Speaker 1 (10:14):
Mean that she does. I meant she did, like I don't.
I'm not I don't talk right, I'm not her.

Speaker 5 (10:19):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
I mean, it was it was a thing I don't
even know her like where she lives?

Speaker 3 (10:24):
Yeah, I got it, and you made your point.

Speaker 5 (10:26):
Will thank you whatever? Will? Uh huh? Okay, So now, okay,
so you're pissed. No, I'm more than pissed. I'm done
with this conversation. All right, bye?

Speaker 1 (10:38):

Speaker 2 (10:38):
Well she hung up. Man, I'm dead, you know, well,
I will, I will.

Speaker 5 (10:45):
I mean, I'm dead.

Speaker 1 (10:47):
She's gonna kill me.

Speaker 5 (10:48):
She's texting me right now. I'm dead.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Don't respond to those for a minute, okay.

Speaker 4 (10:52):
Like, yeah, God, I will say that it is a
great thing that you were able to come completely clean,
even though it was packaged in a little bit of
a sloppy way.

Speaker 2 (11:02):
So you didn't do anything. You didn't you didn't do
anything physical with the girl in Vegas.

Speaker 1 (11:06):
Oh that on and laugh. I mean that's not cheating.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
Are you happy with Angie?

Speaker 5 (11:12):
I mean I don't know.

Speaker 1 (11:13):
I mean, yeah, she's great, but it's like we're not
we're not on the best termed.

Speaker 2 (11:18):
I mean it is when you were yeah, I mean
seven years. But it sounds like you really honestly were
just honest with yourself right there, and that hurt a
little bit. But if that's the truth, then you should
definitely not be in it.

Speaker 5 (11:31):
Oh boy, kill me.

Speaker 1 (11:34):
Well, good luck, thanks, I need it.

Speaker 2 (11:37):
Well, good luck man. And you know, every tough thing
in life is a lesson. So on the other side,
you'll be able to go to Vegas, you'll be able
to go to those clubs with those beautiful girls, and
you won't even have to worry about a girlfriend. It
sounds like that's.

Speaker 4 (11:49):
What you want, Angie, won't have to worry about somebody
coming home with lipstick on there shirt.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
You know, it's a win win for all of you.

Speaker 5 (11:54):
Yeah, I guess I don't know, right.

Speaker 2 (11:58):
Good luck to you, will, good luck will, all right,
thank you. The Jubile shows to Catch a Cheater.
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