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July 12, 2024 67 mins
THE BIG PODCAST - 50 Cent Talking Mess Again? Was SZA Too Harsh, New Music Video From Eminem and Big Sean
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This is Big Boys Neighborhood Full showepisode podcast, Big Boys Neighborhood Beautiful.
They in the neighborhood. Thank youfor being in the neighborhood. Once a
game. We do have a wholelot most show coming up for you to
do. Continue to hang out withus, man, fifty Cent Man,
I guess you can't get your teambeat up in Canada without fifty cent saying
anything. I knew he was goingto say something about that Rick Cross thing.

Oh already said it on his Instagram, But then when he was performing
in Canada, he started pointing outthe cud. He's like, come on,
Canada, you guys do got RickRoss like that with you? With
you and see fifty is good togo everywhere. Yeah, he's good to
go everywhere. Man. So wegot a thing on Big Boy TV man.
A new episode is called fifty CentTalk Mass so good and so many
times man, we get it.We gotta have great conversations with fifty when

he come into the neighborhood. Butsometimes, man, at some point he's
gonna say something about someone being atit is jay Z, Rick Ross,
Dady, whatever it may be,the game, whatever it may be.
He don't ready talk about the game. Yeah, don't get a twisted I
know why he go after everybody,but he's never really talked about He told
us why he doesn't do it inthe neighborhood where he talks us. He

said, you asked him about thatrelationship and he told you why. Okay,
so that's right there and fifty talksmass. But you guys, if
I haven't checked that out as ofyet, it's big Boy TV right there.
Yeah, but donna got it badbig Boy TV. You guys,
go ahead and check it out.But we got another piece of fifty cent
talks more mess. So y'all continueto hang out with this man. And
also when it comes to hot hopto of man, she's she's out there.

He's famous man man spit girl.Who would have thought that coming out
of a club and just you know, somebody ask you a random question that
you would go and become hot toa girl no one even knows her real
name? Bro to a girl,Hey, real name is out there?
What you're saying like no one callsher? Hay? Yes, right,
well, well we'll just say noone calls about our real name because we

were correct when we said that.He said, no one knows her real
name. We're like, no peopleknow her real name. Did an appearance
her first appearance, Man, shegot They said she got thirty thousand dollars
over the weekend to host like abikini contest. How lucky was she?
Man, you know what's cold aboutthat? The guy who hosts the channel,

he didn't get any shine. Andthen her friend next to her,
she went to the appearance with her. Yeah, but she's not like hot
to a plus. You know whatI'm saying. The channel like really like
her. We're not good any creditfor it. We we're the ones if
it be heard, Oh you shouldhave been something different then, yeah,
you know, like she blew upand hopped to a girl. Man is
big time now. Eminem got anew video as well. Man, my

gosh, it's so good big It'scalled Toby. It has Big Sean on
there, baby Tron. The wholesong is basically him saying, like you
got bit by spider Ton into spiderMan, I got bit by ghats Hey,
man, let me tell you man, I thought that Houdini. I
thought Hoodini came and kind of wenta little faster than what like when when
Houdini first came. I was onit. Yeah, you know what I'm
saying. But it's now it's likelike songs are certain things, they move

a little faster. Now. That'sI'm glad that he came right back with
Toby and he also put visuals toit. Believe that, man. So
we're gonna speak on it. Mand m's new video. And also how
poor girl is out there getting paid. He's big time in fifty cent talks,
more Mess, all that and more. Y'all continue to hang out with
us Big Boy's neighborhoods. This isbig Boy on demand, Big Boys Neighborhood,

Beautiful the neighborhood. It is aboutthat time for your nine ten.
This is to win a phone Tapple. If anyone that's listening out there,
man, I just want you toI just want to tell y'all be real,
don't send a representative. Be whoyou are and let people love you
for who you are. My buddy, Jose, Jose is extremely Christian.
Jose is a Christian, but Josesends his representative. He was just sitting
here talking about someone that used towork here so bad. Behind their backs.

The security guard at the front,Wow man, the security officer at
the front, just working for hisfamily. He talked about that man and
his looks so bad right now,But that's the Christian. That is my
Christian friend, Jose. He lookslike the whole I'm from. Yeah,
he said that old the guy lookedlike an old man from up He didn't
even call him. He said,you know the old guard from up Wow,

man, and that that's the Christian. And we can make these mistakes
because we're man. He's holier thanthou. So so I'm saying, just
be real. Don't shend a representative. If that shoe hose, they let
that be you. But don't situp in here and have us praying for
every mail and send me Bible scriptures. And then you talk about that old
man working for his family out thereout there. Yeah, Carl, he
didn't even came from Carl. Butit's why you never called a Ruben.

It's crazy, man, because Icould drink some of this water and say,
man, it tastes funny, andhe'll go back and take it back
from me. He'll lie to thepeople. You know what I'm saying,
live for games man, and hegoes to all the ice Cuban Snoop Dog
Concerts on Saturday and be at churchon Sunday. Don't send your representative,
man, Please don't disrespect the elderlyin front of me. Jose, it's
about that time for your nine tennentswith to win Phone Tap and your nineteennants

to win Phone Tap. We gotyour tickets the Big Boys Comedy Fies.
The first show completely sold out,so had to add a second show named
Vodka Concrete Frankie Canonis, Chris Estradaand Jay Valentino. That's gone down July
twenty sixth at the Terrorst Theater inLong Beach. Tickets are on sale right
now at ticketmaster dot com. Butwe got to pay for your nineteen listen
to win Phone Chap and your nineteenlisten to win Phone Chap. Is can't

read this? What Luther signs upfor some reading lessons because he feels like
he's been living a lie. Givethese centers representative because he can't read.
Let's go to get into your phonetap on the teens right here, big
boy neighborhood, just be real tomake it all got Hi? This is

can I help you? How youdoing? Man? Okay? My name
is Luther. Luther loofe. OkaylI was just calling about registering myself for
some classes there, Okay, forwhat kind of classes? Just as far
as my reading level, it's kindof embarrassing. It was hard for me
to even make this phone call here. But it's getting now where everything is
becoming. You know, you gotto be so computer trigger and you know

I understand read. Yeah, it'stime to learn how to read. Yeah.
It's like I'm sorry, that's right, that's all right. It's like
you're living a lie, you understand, And every day I'm just wondering if
I'm going to be exposed, somebodygonna recognize it. Don't worry, don't

worry. Like I said, youcall the right people and we're going to
help you. I just want tosit down on a blanket, just a
glass of lemonade, smack ants offmy leg, cooling a shade, and
just read a book. I wantpeople to come up to it and say,
man, what you doing. Iwant to say, I'm reading.
Yeah, oh god, I wantto read. Yeah, that's that's that's

great motivation. Thank you. I'mready to read. Oh my god,
I feel so good about this.You are going to get there looser thank
you. Tell me, say,Luther, you'll be a reader. You
will be a reader, a goodreader. It'll bring much joy to your
life in many ways. Oh,thank you so much. You're welcome.
Lady. Can you write me aletter and I'll be able to read it

one day? Okay, thank youso much. Please take Carelucer, Big
boys, neighborhood yr Mickey Finky mixedDJ questions up in here? What I'm
playing? What's good? Big?They ain'taining my brother? How you doing
over there? Man? Feeling good? Bro? Man, I'm glad at
you. Man. You see thatnew Eminem Toby video, haven't you got
to take it out? Man?He's doing visuals again. I heard the

trucks. Yeah, doing visuals.Man, he's spending it looks like he's
spending money on videos. You're notseeing that anymore? That's good. Yeah,
I feel like it's a lost art, believe that. I know.
The Houdini video killed it. Yeah, man, good like you know Eminem
show vibes yo, Hey man,I was saying with Houdini, Man,
it seemed like Whodini came. Theydid a splash, and now you know
you pay attention to music for solong, only so long. Now.

That's why when he came back withToby, I'm like, okay, yeah,
people's attention spans a little short,very different man, very What did
you say he was attention? Yeah? Yeah, I got up right now.
No no, no short, I'mjust saying I forgot what he was.
Then we're not coming to Mickey Fickymakes Quest. Check it out,
big I got that old g Zgeekh League. Also got Kendrick Lamar.

Not like us coming up in theMickey Ficky minute. Your Mickey Ficky makes
DJ quest Up in here, BigBoys Neighborhood. You're checking out another full
show episode a Big Boy's Neighborhood ondemand, Big Boy Neighborhood, Honnie is
up in here? What up,Honie? That's honest to what you got?
Big fifty cent is such a trolland I love it. But he
was recently performing in Canada and videocame out of him just pointing out the

crowd and saying, what did youdo to Rick Ross? Yeah? I
can't believed you did it. Heplaying at the Crown and we'll say,
Canada, what's up? Hey?Man? Rick Ross had to know that,

and maybe fifty cent didn't even haveCanada on his schedule, but he
is probably like, man booked meand show in Canada, so I can
go out there man and talk moremess. Yeah, because you know the
video is everywhere. Rick Ross gettingin an altercation with his cand on in
another place in Canada at festival.But this isn't the first time fifty ns
talk mess because he does it allthe time and even in the neighborhood you

ask him about his beefs. Thisseems like when you go in, you've
totally done. Do you ever seelike you and Rick Ross together? Are
you and Game together? You andjoh Rue hold On? I got forty
more names, Michael Jackson them passed, so that's not gonna happen. You
know what I'm saying. All theblack eyed peas, like you know all
this stuff, all those situations aredifferent, you know what I mean,

Like each one of them is thekind of denominators you would know fifty man.
You know what I'm saying, Likea little bit big, Let's look
at the competitors right of hip hopperiod and then say why am I being
in constant competition? Is because Iwas in that position musically. Now look
at the altercations that you see waningat different points, like when you have
that moment and look at the altercationsyou see draking like you see him in

Puffy Box on that points. Youknow what I'm saying, Like all this
stuff is coming from the momentum thathe have at the moment, you know
what I'm saying. It's not likethere's any what Puff felt like the beat
from zero to one hundred was hisright and he never wrote He didn't write
the lyrics that made the record tohit right right. He just felt like,
you took the record it could havebeen my summer hit and made it
your summer hit, you know whatI mean. And like, at the
end of the day, it's hisproducer's record, you know what I mean.

Like, so once you gave itto you as an opportunity for you
doing it and nothing comes back ifhe makes the record turns into a hit
and put it out, I getyou be mad at that. Like and
for me, a lot of theother altercations that they're not really like I
tell you game, I wouldn't beable to resolve that because I don't even
know where it came from. Heyman, let me tell you. I
can understand that, but he's stilldidn't answer why he has so much beef.

That is so man. It wasa great answer though, you know,
the competitive events of the sport andeverything, you know, but Jesus
christ Man just put it this way. We have on Big Boy TV,
we have an episode the doctor issomething that we put together and it's called
fifty cent Talks Mess on Celebrities,and that thing is like an hour long

yep, and we didn't use everything, you know what I'm saying, so
it makes sure you guys check itout. We up to like nine hundred
thousand views on fifty cent Talking Messbecause people love to hear fifty talk Mess.
He does it really well. Yeah, man, even Madonna got hit,
like damn, you know what I'msaying, called Madonna Grandma, and
Madonna used to be the King oftalking Mess, the Queen a Talking Mass

and now fifty fifty reigned supreme.Believe that y'all stick around y'all radios and
you can find that entire interview andalso fifty cent Talks Mess on Celebrities on
Big Boy TV is right there Radiobig boy dot com and make sure while
you're watching our YouTube channels, hitthat subscribe button. Y'all continue to hang
out with us Big Boys Neighborhood.Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, full show

episodes posted daily. Subscribe to ourYouTube channel, big Boy TV. For
more. Check out Radio big Boydot com, Big Boy Nighborhood. Luigi's
up in here. Hot to aGirl is moving, man, She's on
the rise. Bro. Ever sinceshe went viral, Bro, she is
like trending all the time. Thevideo's still going viral. People are barely

like realizing who she is because shefinally has a name to the Hawk to
a Girl and her name is HaleyWelch. Yes, man. And then
recently she's now doing appearances. She'smaking thousands of dollars off of these appearances.
And man, they say her firstappearance over the weekend was like thirty
thousand dollars. Hell yeah, goodfor her, Bro, she already saw
like sixty five K and like merchthat she's doing. Now, I think
she got representation. Now there's podcastdeals, there's reality TV show. You

know what I love about this?Yet it says she's gonna do reality TV
show, but she got to strikewhile it's hot, And you know what
I love about this? Man,you haven't heard her say or I haven't
heard like, oh, OnlyFans andI'm selling lingerie and houa could be taken
crazy something by someone else. Man. And I'm pretty sure she'd get one
of those million dollar, fake milliondollar offers from like a porn company or
something to get her. And shesaid no to them. Playboy, Yeah,

Playboy still around? Okay, whatthe hell? What the hell is
that many boy? Oh yeah,hey, dude, she probably don't even
know Playboy, that's how young sheis. They were not a thing.
No, not at all. Man. And you know somebody did ask her,
like, think about this, youknow, hockta and what it means
and how it went viral? Whatdo we What do parents think about this?
Man? What do your parents think? Her? Your face? I

think it's so funny. Okay,so they're I know how I am though,
because like you can never tell whatcomes out of my mouth. I
mean it's a hit or miss whatcomes out of my mouth? I just
talk out of a hit. Well, we know that out of her mouth.
You know what I'm saying? Ohmy gosh, Like you said,
after that going viral, she saidshe had like deleted a lot of her
a lot of her social media beforeshe even hit like the viral sensation.

Man. But then when she startedgetting not she started getting like all kinds
of random offers, even from peopleshe knows, were like offering stuff.
The guy that does my hat,he got offered six hundred dollars like three
days ago for me to spit ina jar and sell it measurabolting. I
was like, and you know howyou can see like boxers or people signing
sports members and they just sit downand just sign. I'll be spitting for

six hundred dollars all day, youknow what I'm saying all day? And
that's I'm worried about somebody grabbing likeDNA. I don't know what they could
do with it. But man,come around, you got to strike while
the iron out while you're on fire. Yeah, man, all the money
you're in off dude. Honestly,I'm so excited. I haven't seen something
like this since we uh, sincedog Face and the dog Face. This

is she's gonna get big, bro. Like. She also has a personality
too, so I she's can dosomething on reality and it's still like an
innocence in a naivetetur as well,you know what I'm saying, so I'm
not looking. That helps you knowwhat I'm saying. Y'all stick around,
y'all Radio, Big Boys Neighborhood.You're inside Big Boys Neighborhood. Full show
episode podcast, Big Boy Neighborhood,Beautiful Day, The Neighborhood is up in

here. What Honie? Oh nothing, understand what you got? Honnie Big
sister kind of admitted about something abouther song killed Bill Man. I think
I know exactly where it's just going. Oh my gosh, because she was

asked about her lyrics about killing yourex. This is what she said,
she feels about them, you mightkill your X. Oh my god.
Like after I said that, Iwas like, wow, that was so
crazy. I was going to say, have you always been that chilled?
I was like randomly like just likeslightly enraged. So you'd rather be in
jail than alone? I just thinkthat maybe you got that wrong. I
would rather be alone than in jailme too. Yes, every single lyric

of yours is real, right,Yeah, hey man, I love my
old girl trying to make his sayinglike, no, you stopped trying to
overanalyze that. I'd rather be yougot interview the thing. I thought,
this is really funny and really interestingbecause you know, we've talked about this
in the neighborhood. Like if aguy had written the song saying I might
kill my Oh yeah, it'd betotally different. I want to be singing

that big, sir, that iscrazy. It would be totally different.
It wouldn't be it wouldn't be ahit. Yeah, it wouldn't be a
video. It wouldn't be a songthat you could sing live and tour on.
None of that stuff. Man,one of the biggest songs ever.
Like, my mom knows this song. I'm like, mom says that,
she's like, well, I likethat song. But like when it does
come to Sissy too big, likeI think she's so beautiful, I might

kill my ex. Not the bestidea his new girlfriend's next. How did
I get here? Done? Man? Good Lord have mercy. She was
enraged when she wrote that, Okay, we'll just miss it. Yeah.
Then in this interview too, Soyou know, I think she's so beautiful,
so gorgeous, Yet so many peoplethat do look at her and you
just look at it. You're like, oh, she probably gets all the
guys in the world, all theguys want to date her, and she's

probably in so many or could bein so many relationships, but she said
this is her problem with dating.Yeah, I didn't catch them, but
I cannot keep them yet. Man. They realize that and weirder, and
then it's just like all right.The butt makes it seem like it's normal
on the outside, Like I wantto shake ass and do all the normal
things, but I also want tojust like I want to swim in the
swamp and I want to like collectmethane gas with my man. I heard

that. Amen, I love metoo. I love I love what you're
saying. What the hell collect methanegas? If you can't a man,
if you can't far you with man, we're gonna pass gas with right.
Really nice, you know what I'msaying, Like hit records, but like
I love how honest she is justall the time. Believe that, Man,

I can't wait for like a newbody of material from Sissy, like
a new album. Believe that y'allstick around, y'all radios big boys.
You're playing a big boy from BigBoys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. We have
the most fun on your radio.It is going down. Hey, susup

covid up in here. Hey man. Part of Mexico is the family from
like pop. My dad's from overthe going so nor that. My mom's
from a little ranch now with water. It's like next to a man ball.
It's very close to where Fernando Lenzuila'sfrom. Amen. Have you heard
Have they talked anything about the firstfemale Mexican president? No, I've had

to call my dad. I don'teven want to because I know it's gonna
be politically incorrect. I don't knowwhat you're gonna say. Why would you
say it would be politically incorrect?I'm just saying, I don't know if
you know. Because Latinos they're stillon something like she the cook clean and
right hey do things. They stillhaven't grown up on that. Yeah.

I mean in public, they're keepingit low key because they're seeing all this
Cancel Coaches stuff. But it isin my house is till like eighteen ninety
three. Thank you for listening.It is you find a big boy,
big boys neighborhood. You can catchmore of us right here on iHeart Radio.
Big Boy Neighborhood Beautiful. They neighborhoodadgies and gentlemen. It's about that

time for your eighteen listen to wimphone tap and your eighteen lisen to win
phone tap is some T T.Tanaka. Shout out to my man DJ
Cobs from Japan for playing the partof T. T. Tanaka in his
phone tap. This is right hereis where Luther makes a call to confirm
the booking of T. T.Tanaka and the Prancing Ninjas. I love
how my man on the other lineget super frustrated, and this is one

of those. I think this isprobably one of the first T. T.
Tanakas that we pulled off. Let'sgo and get into your eighteen.
Listen to wim phone tap right here, big boys, neighborhood. Hello,

yo, how you doing? Thisis Luther LuFe for One Nation Booking Agency
and I just calling to let youknow that we'll be by possibly hopefully in
the next two three hours or misterTanaka. Wait, man, you got
the wrong people. I think expectyou nobody. T. T. Tanaka
and the Prince and Ninjas. They'rein town for the show and he's just
flew in from Japan. He's herenow. He's getting a little jet lag,

but we'll have him over to thevenue. For a walkthrough with his
road manager and his security. No, I have no idea what you're talking
about. I really don't hold ont T get on the phone. This
is the promoter. I'm not nopromoter. Hello, and somebody's got everything
screwed up. I am not nopromoter. We live in a mobile home
and we just ordinary people. Ilove threw it up pocket people. Now

are you a singer? Also?Sir? Were you the one who requested
to do it or you wanted tohave him sing something for your wife?
What was the special record? Well, don't you understand me? I told
you not here. Forget it.I don't understand where our miscommunication is.
Because the man he is here inAmerica. Yeah, and he's ready to
do what he has to do.Yeah, I'm about that's mohawk. See

yeah, I'm not interested. I'mjust gonna put him in the van and
come over right now, sir,I'm uh in the US. I told
you there's nobody here, okay,And you're saying that you don't have a
trailer for him. So where ishe supposed to get dressed at? And
where are the princeps? Damn,we didn't do nothing. Certain you have

a show booked at your venue thisweekend. Okay, well I'll be there
in an hour or so, youknow what, So that way you can
finish paying us the money that yougot to pay us. I'm about that's
mohawk and just yeah, it's notlike he said, I'm a badass mohawk
right. Uh. And there's certaintimes when we're doing those phone taps with

our write cause a note. Yeah, man, and it didn't say mohawks.
Oh yeah, he said I'm abadass mother. Mohawk works, right,
mohawk works. Believe that the MickeyFiky mix it is going down.
DJ Quest is up in here.What I'm questified? What's good? Big
ninety ten and my brother we gotcoming up in the Mickey Ficky mixed quests.
Check it out, Big, Igot that? Oh my bad all

good, I'll good, check itout. Got that jid surround sounds a
Scott says a Saturn coming up inthe ninety two minute commercial free Mickey Ficky
Mix sounds good in the neighborhood.Ninety two minute commercial free Mickey Fiky Mix.
DJ Quest is up in here.It is Big Boys Neighborhood, Big
Boys Neighborhood on demand. For more, subscribe to our YouTube channel, big
Boy TV, and check out Radiobig boy dot com Big Boy Neighborhood.

Louis is up in here. WhatI'm loot? Bring m Hello. He
recently dropped a Toby track featuring onBig Sean and Baby Tron and now they
were kind of they were talking aboutwe're gonna drop the video and then there's
something happening where you know, wecan't drop it yet, but they finally
dropped. The visuals are here.There's a lot of c g I on
it. It's a lot of MarshallMathers of the day ce g I where
he's back at the house that isno longer there in Detroit, like where

he grew up. I haven't seenthe videos yet, but I'll make sure
that I check it out today.But are they making it look like a
younger eminem du Now they did it? Oh Okaydi? I was like,
what am I looking at here?Yeah? Man, yeah, but it's
really dope. But the song itself, bro, I love this one more
than Houdini. So we my flyI got bit by a spider, me
must have got bit by a goat. I used to dream as a kid
I would grow to be one.I hope that I inspired, hope for

you to go get what you designmost y'all spit fire. I was just
flying coach. Y'all thought you wassick. You were misdiagnosed when you never
had designed A man a dropping musicfor a reason. It's coming. It's
coming. Man for him to justpick like these two guys from Detroit,
which is Big Shawn and Baby Tron. Big Sean is so underrated. Bro
say that says this flow paint apicture like I made this cause I'm a

cold in it. I don't knowwhat so I put all them on in
my soul in it. I makesure a person. You're so different,
I can't listen to you for awhole minute, so good bless ain't no
when I watch you in my fargo and win it. But I know
he didn't got a more invested.But if it's one thing I make,
I make no excessions. I gotno addresses, I got no inception.
I got love and hate coming fromboth directions because I come from the deal
with they bms and where they movingthem keep like a corporate wression. But

I'm my new president. I gotno reflection made of living on bars.
I need no shine, damn man. Yes, hey man, that's one
of the things. Now. Ilove when you see certain things that have
the lyrics to it now right onthe screen. That makes me look look
even more so. And Eminem obviouslyspitting version. This is a crazy you
see like Big Sean kill it andthen Eminem comes in and kills it.
But Eminem does call out those topfight rappers that everyone thinks about now,

mistakes in the building, instid ofslapping the floors in the Empire statement building.
I got so many stories, butI hate ceilings, hate feeling your
top five favorite rappistol. I knowthey're about to be pissed at me,
but just to me, it's amystery. How us I've already ripped the
p higher up on a list thanme, yet here I said on your
listen with five whista it's fine,but just the inside to me, celevery
just the one. Now I getthis, go and buy your pioneer.

Who is one of the reasons whyI am here. They tell me I
should just let that go and slide. Mellie Nell shouldn't get no reply that
man, it's a legend. Soon am I damn, hey man,
he didn't even say the Big three. He said the top five, Yeah,
Doug and Harris. So you feelit, you feel yeah, you
feel that in yourself. There itis how some of you are hiring me.

I wonder what he sits back andhe knows he can come back at
any time and possibly like demolish everything. Hey dude, if you remember that
the interview that we have with werenot interview, but one of the interviews
we had with him and m ohyeah. He was talking about how no,
I'm just talking about just one ofour assholes. Oh yeah, yeah.
He was speaking about how he continuesto write like you know this songs

or just stay in the game,and referencing back to another interview that we
had, he was talking about howhe was going to go at at Kanye
and Wayne and you know what I'msaying that he just felt like, man,
you know what, that's career suicide. He's just in a different place.
But now when you fast forward andyou here told me he's talking about
the top five, like who's inthe top five? Yeah? Yeah,
man, so ah, that's funny. If the vaute for a lot of

artists on the ready been. Imessed with some of them. No,
no, believe that, man,but shout out. That's why we see
the album was coming songs and Iknow em and I'm about to do some
touring as well. You makes youPiki make Kid is going down Big Boy
neighbor Quests. You're checking out anotherfull show episode a Big Boy's Neighborhood on
demand, Big Boy's Neighborhood, Luigi. Oh, Annie is up in here?

What up? Annie? What up? Big? Oh? Nothing?
Honnie? What you got my love? Big Sexy Brad is putting arrest to
all the rumors. And you know, I saw this too, and I
was asking you, I was askingjust everyone in the neighborhood about it.
But she hadn't Now she's going tobe going on tour, and then news
came out online saying, oh,she's going to cancel her tour because it's
not getting sold. And then thereports were saying only thirty seven point eleven
percent of the tour got sold.So this was going on around online and

Sexy saw this. So Sexy wenton Twitter and she was like, my
fans are buying tickets. We're doingjust fine. We're not canceling this tour.
This is all cap and then shewent on to explain what's really going
on behind the media, and shesaid, this is how they try to
do you when you go with anindependent promoter and the bigger companies try to
sabotage you. We're not canceling anything, right and big We had talked about
this in the neighborhood as well.You were telling us that you do know

who this promoter is, and it'sa brother by the name of James Man
And James has AG Promotions, rightyeah, and AG is a black owned
promoter. And I'm talking about rodWave tour that came through Future every he
does all these tours, right yeah, but he has a problem with you
know, Rock Nation has a problemwith him. You know that's what Live
Nation has a problem with him,and they try to do, you know,

certain things where he have some onebook, like he had the Nicki
Minaj tour, you know what I'msaying, the Pink Friday tour, and
they came and she ended up doingit for less. Wow, you know
what I'm saying. So those thingshappen. Is her tour is sexurary a
tour selling I don't know, youknow what I'm saying, but I know
that this dude pays overpays. He'sthe one who paid Future his first million

dollars per show, you know whatI'm saying. So it could be some
of that, or it could bemaybe it's not selling. But when we
were at beet for the BT experienceand for the pop out and what you
know, the BT thing that theydo with Cardian France, since she read
killed it, she did, mydaughter always wanted to go see her.
She did her own shows, Somaybe doing your own tour is a little
different. And we've seen some toursthat got announced and they did have to

you know, cut some cities andstates or stop the tour altogether. But
if that's what is based on andthere's somebody that's trying to sabotage and say
certain things, then that that's crazy. That is crazy. Because when I
first saw this, and you know, we got to see her so many
times just this year performing even onDrake's tour, I was like, we
are and I just look at thecrowd. Everybody knows her lyrics, so
it's not like they're just there forthe first of all, And you know

what I'm saying, these are justsome of my favorite songs from her,
trying to let that be some freehands, all your need hands, all

your need hands, all you needand the thing about it too, Annie,
she has a very strong fan base, she does, you know,
and I'm hoping that her fan baseshow up and they buy tickets. I
hopes so too, especially after shedid put this out and just to prove
like those other big companies like No, she could do it with the independent
artist and her fan. Yeah,independent promoter that believe that man Mickey Finky

makes it is going down. DJQuest is up in here, Big Boy
Neighborhood. This is Big Boy's neighborhoodon demand, Big Boys Neighborhood. Louisgi
is up in here with a bluetdoll Man friend of the neighborhood. Fifty
centers talking mess, No, notfifty Yes, you guys haven't seen our
fifty cent talking mess that we haveon radiobigboy dot com for Big Boy TV.
Make sure you guys check that out. Man four hour fifty just talking

mess about a lot of people,but his main target recently has been Rick
Ross, Yes, sir, andRick Ross. Obviously. If you guys
don't know the situation that happened inCanada where him and whoever he was with
got into the scuffle and somebody gotknocked the hell out from DJ. They
whooped his but yead Hey, dude, they had to do They had to
peel him up off the ground.They took time whipping on him. Man.

Yeah, but Rick Ross did explainedwhat actually happened. Guy, Mad,
I'm thinking about the event that happenedover there. Let me tell you
some some man said the event,No, bro, the concept that you
were performing at is an event,you know, like, I don't think
that was called you know you y'allgetting beat up any event. Mat.
I'm thinking about the event that happenedover there. Let me tell you something.

When the first dude stepped up torose, the little short fat one
that looked like Bam Bam Biggelo fromwrestling. When he stepped up, and
then I squat down his eyes andtold him what I said, basically,
boy, if I hit you,I'm gonna see everything you ate for the
last two days. His ross droppedout of his ass. He never said
another word. Hey man, Now, if I'm about to get into a

scrap of somebody and I say I'mgonna hit you so hard everything you ate
in the last two days. Whatdoes that sound like? Bro? You
know? Yeah, that sound that'slike some weirdo stuff. Right, go
ahead, all right, you likeit? I love it. He never
did nothing. He was a straightbuster. Then behind him said I know,

and then I got hit with adrink. I'm still convincing. Oh
punch me. Somebody said Rose totry to punch you. He hit you.
I say, nah, he hadto throw a drink, because throwing
a drink would have been way moredisrespectful than screaming. What about your DJ
getting beat down? Bro, nobody, you just say nothing about that.
Explain your homie being knocked out.Explain your security guard turning around and getting

beat all in the back of hishead. Bro. Like like, and
I love Rose, you know whatI'm saying. But I'm saying, if
you're talking about you got a thirtyfive million dollar house, and you got
cars, you got all this land, you could buy the land next to
me for thirty five million and fiftymillion is my house on and so forth,
then you gotta have a better securitydetail. So there's no way in

the world that somebody should have gotthat close to either punch you throw a
drink or beat up your security orbeat up your your DJ didn't have been
that close. Man. You comeinto Canada, you play not like us,
and you let them get right upon you. Now you got all
this money, got all this wingstopping all that stuff. Bro, get
a better security person around. Youshould probably interview the guy that knows mm
A. Yeah, man, fiftycent did clown him when he was in

Canada. Oh yeah, man,you know you did it. He pulled
at people Hordas man, you knowhe wasn't gonna let that goal, not
gonna let it go. Y'all stickaround your radio's Big Boys Neighborhood ad.

You're frying the big boy from BigBoys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. We have
the most fun on your radio.It is going down. Hey, sus
suppovid up in here? Hey man, how are your parents' grandparents? They're
great, great, but they treatyour your child better than to treat you,
way better than you treating me.Yeah, way better than treating me.

It's so what is that? Mydad? Is what the cat told
me when I was there. BecauseI'm taking care of the baby, I'm
walking up he said, Hey,you're loving him too much. I'm like,
what do you mean too much?Boy? Be sad? Sad?
He's one perfect you love it,love him. Thank you for listening.

It is upon a Big Boy BigBoys Neighborhood. You can catch more of
us right here on iHeartRadio, BigBoy's Neighborhood Audience up in here. What
up, honey, Oh nothing,honest to what you got, honey.
Think we've all seen the video atthis point, but the houk to h
oh man, dude, yeah,oh my gosh. She's taking over everything.
Even if you go to like thisdish dispenser would soap in there.

You see like her picture where it'slike huck to like your hands. Yeah,
Like people are doing the funniest thingsbig But recently she hit one million
followers on her Instagram that she haddeleted a few months ago. And then
she got paid thirty thousand to makea public appearance in Florida. But not
only that, she also got tojudge a bikini contest. Yeah, man,

thirty rats. And they said thatshe's gonna start making more and Louie,
you were saying how she did likesixty five thousand already on merch already,
man, take that to the bank. Oh. I can't even imagine
everything else she's gonna start doing.But one thing I feel like she really
needs to capitalize on is all thesesongs that people are making off of her.
And this is what I really like. It ain't accomplished. I guess,

so really good a time man,And there's so many different songs on
there big. But then there's alot of rumors about her too. Like
one roomor I saw on TikTok waslike, oh, her dad is so
upset because he's a preacher and apriest and like he saw this, He's
like, what's going on? Soshe put this, like she put some
of this stuff to rest. Whatdo your parents think her? I think

it's so funny. I don't knowhow I am though, because like you
can never tell what comes out ofmy mouth. My father is so far
from a pretcher. It's the guythat does my hat. He got offered
six hundred dollars like three days agofor me to spit in a jar and
sell it measurabolting man. Six hundredbucks all day, bro, all day,

even if it was six dollars,I was spending the job you don't
got to give me six hundred.I try to get sixty. But we
can negotiate, man, And that'sgonna do something with my DNA. You
don't want to create another to meanyway knows you're successful. Man, Like
wait, so he got skinny fromsurgery. So we got these big blob

sitting over here. Oh my god, I had to put it on the
top of my investment. Yeah.Man, the way I look and what
my DNA is totally different. Don'tget inuation. So many people are rooting
for her, Like Diana, whoworks with us, we were just talking
about her. She's like, isit wrong that I'm really rooting for her?
I was like, girl, everyoneis rooting for you know what I
think is having fun with it,and you know, and she's gonna get

one of them fake one million dollaroffers from like a porn place or something
like that. Yeah. She's like, I said no to them. She's
like, what's Playboy? Yeah?Yeah, Playboy is no longer like a
front runner, you know what I'msaying. Playboy rant commercials like after Three's
company or something that show nobody drivenoff a Playboy anymore. Man, What

they gonna offer you know what I'msaying, Bill, Oh yeah, Man,
Bunny's a rapid Big Boys neighborhood ondemand. Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel big BoyTv. For more, check out
Radio big boy dot com. We'retalking about it, and we said this

through the whole kill Bill that ifa man sung that song, oh my
god, yeah man, everywhere,you had to be nobody at the shows,
you know what I'm saying. LikeI've seen sizy and concert just off
of the s O S album,probably four or five time, and I
was theking, Oh my you butvery passing into the music too, man,

Yeah, Doug d She was alsolike getting like real freaky and talking
about like sex, toys and stuff. And I was like what I was
like, dude, the mind ofcism. Bro. Like she is everywhere,
bro, Like I would love tolike just oh okay, stopped on
social media also because she puts upa lot of half naked pictures up there
too. Yeah. But research,you said, oh yeah, research,

research, Like, hey man,you got to bring it back for the
story. They gotta bring it backfor the story. Man. But that
so OS album just building up toit, and then what we got with
sos the entire album, man,then the tour, and then coming back.
I can't wait to hear new musicfrom Sissy. She's such a superstar.
I recently saw this clip of likeher at this giant festival somewhere in
another country and they're like sciss anddidn't like get the crowd going, and

I'm like, you guys, don'tdeserves crazy, yeah, Tripp, And
it looked practice. Hell, theywere just at the very very very very
sounds so good. That's the coolpart is she And you know what I
love about Sissy as well? Man, you get Sizza however, like you
get her as a person. Youknow what I'm saying. You can tell
that there's a lot of layers toSizzle, you know what I'm saying,
and you get these different layers fromit. I think that's why a lot

of people identify with their music aswell, you know what I'm saying,
Because there's something there for everyone.And she'll put herself out there and let
you know that she's a real humanbeing and she go through certain things,
you know, like y'all stick around, y'all radios, Big Boy Neighborhood,
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand full showepisodes posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube
channel, big Boy TV. Formore. Check out Radio big Boy dot

com, Big Boy Neighborhood People.Then in the neighborhood, Luis is up
in here with a loot ale LebronJames, Yes, sir, and also
go ahead down Lebron James and bronJames. We had to cut it up.
We haven't really had a chance tohear like Lebron James talking about Bronni
and becoming the Laker. But nowsince Lebron James is on Team USA about

it at the Olympics, smash everyother death country to the us of A.
Come on, now he's actually talkingabout it. And someone did ask
him, like, yo, howdid you feel about like Bronnie James getting
drafted? And how did you feelwhen you got drafted? He's starting to
have some of the same arrows slungat him that you had when you were
a teenager. What's gonna take forhim to withstand that. I don't know

if people really understand Bronnie. Hedoesn't care. I actually cared a little
bit when I came in. Iwanted people to like me, and some
of the things that people were sayingabout me kind of bothered me early on
in my career. I'll let itget to me. Ronnie doesn't. He
doesn't, he doesn't. Bronnie plays, He works his tail off. When

he's done, he goes home andplays a video game. He does not
care about nobody's He doesn't even listento that stuff. He's like the complete
opposite of his dad. His dadwill say something, Yeah, Bronnie does
not care like me personally. WhenI was coming up, I had no
choice. I literally had no choice. I had to make it out like
I had no choice. I hadto make it out for me, my

mom, my family, Briannie hasall the choices in the world. So
it's like a whole other people don'tunderstand how hard that is in the commitment.
For him to be coming out ofheart surgery less than a year ago,
Wow, for him to be ableto be in the NBA. That's
the kid is he's he's special,but he doesn't care. He doesn't.
Wow. Amen does. That's agreat piece grade. I answer right there

too, bro. You gotta figure. Yeah, bron When lebron James got
drafted and he hit the NBA likehe was a Hella young, Yeah,
and then he had to deal withall that and like you got to figure
you had the family. And theworld is different too now though, because
when Lebron got in it wasn't allthis social media and everybody has a microphone.
Now everybody has a mic So Briannieis dealing with something a bigger beast

right now. Yeah, and youknow the nebo stuff and you know it's
just dad and so on, youknow, but it is what it is.
And my thing is if Bronnie ison the Lakers because his dad is
Lebron James, good, Yeah,you know what I'm saying. If there's
a privilege right there and your sonplays basketball, you know what I'm saying,

then there it is, you know. And like like if he got
Savannah, his wife, on theteam, we'd be like, hold on,
man, you know what I'm saying, Like hold on and hated I
love it. He is a Laker, you know. And we got a
neighborhood reaction as well. Man,We're gonna check in one of our neighbors
as well and see what they feelabout Bronnie James, Lebron James. Y'all
stick around, y'all radios, bigboys, Neighborhood. You're checking out another
full show episode podcast of Big BoysNeighborhood. Big Boy Neighborhood. Louisg is

up in here. Louis speaking aboutLebron j and Bronnie James. It's just
how Lebron James said that, likeBronnie James is different, he doesn't care
what critics say. It doesn't care, goes a lot of crittic goes in.
He works hard, he goes home, he goes with this family,
he plays video games, unlike himhe used to. He would probably get
bothered and say something, but hedoesn't care and just putting the question out

there, like how does everyone feelabout Brownie James? We had our guy
a listener, Mike hit us upabout it, and honestly, these opinions
are only his opinions and not oursof the neighborhood. All right, Oh,
Mike, how do I feel aboutBronnie being a Laker? You know?
I mean, hey, Bronnie,get your little numbers up. We
get it. Daddy got you there. I'll keep it short and simple,
bro, I got more love formy BM than I do for you being

a Laker. Brother, Get yournumbers up, like Bronnie for like twenty
two minutes four points, two fornine, two assists, two steals.
Come on, baby, though,do better all bes aside. I mean,
if the Lakers are going dis routecool, then just signed Luigi,
put him as a center, meas point guard. It's a rap.

Might get a little three p hey, man, let me tell you though,
as harsh as that may sound,he's speaking for a lot of people.
That is literally all I got.I don't think I got one positive
comment that said, hey, I'mhappy for that his dad, he's playing
with his dad. I'm glad that, you know, maybe maybe there's potential
with Brownnie. He does look atlike there was all negative and it was
all right Laker fans and I'm saying, they're like, bro, you're gonna

be cheating him on regardless. Man, how do you talk about them like
that? Now? It's crazy becauseI think that Bronnie could play a role
with the Lakers, and I thinkpeople got more upset because it's lebron James
son. And I can see that, you know what I'm saying, Like
if I had an opportunity and myson was good enough to come in and
do radio, and I can sayman, if there's a position, yeah,

I would give my son the position. You know what I'm saying.
And call it what you want,but I would give him the position,
especially if that was your dayah andhe been and if he was doing it
his whole life, you know whatI'm saying. But there's some people that
could say rightfully so like nah,he cut the line. It's like how
Ice Cube had Oshane Jackson Junior playhim in Street out of Compton, but

he put him through four years ofschool. Yeah, man, audition you
know, and people had a problemwith it. So we'll see. And
I'm telling you, man, Bronnie, if he put up points, good,
if he don't, it's gonna begood or bad. Man, you
know what I'm saying. And Ithink it's always going to be this gauge
of hate and know and like whatwas my man's name? Mike? Mike.

Mike speaks for a lot of people. You know what I'm saying.
We probably sound soft to l Aright now, Like what are y'all talking
about? Mike is speaking for alot of people. Believe that. So
it comes down to that thing.Man, you gotta show him proof.
Y'all stick around y'all radios Big Boy'sNeighborhood. You're probing the Big Boy from

Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio.Here's another in case you missed the moment
with us, it's going down.Hayesus suppovid up in here? You and
your popsh your relationship still good?That's great. What's his favorite curse word
in English? Sign up? Yeah? Yeah, sign up? He loved

sign up up. He's don't evensay it right, but that's what I
love because it's like his version ofit is little twin to. He's it
okay, that's all. He's inthe right place for everything. Sign out.
The thing is that he learns Englishand construction sites. That's where he
learns them. And I'm like,yo, he can. That's not how
you speak in real life. Youknow that's over there and for everything.

He's my mouth. He tries touse that in like normal life. Walmart
is like, come on, that'stwo hundred dollars. I'm like, they

talk like that, man, Thankyou for listening. It is finding a
Big Boy Big Boy's Neighborhood. Youcan catch more of us right here on
iHeart Radio. Big Boy is upin here? What up? Lou Dog
did Drake side oh, man,Drake has been seen out in public.
Yes. Man. So you knowthe annual all white party that that CEO
Michael Rubin throws on fanatics. Iwas at a party, right they did

Chloe Kardashian fortieth birthday. Huh Andwe were there, really and Veronica was
like, oh yeah, Michael Rubin, I would have. I was like,
dude, why you didn't point himout because you know, I'm taking
enough to go to him? TellYeah, Like, man, that dude
was in the room, and everybodygo to his party. Everybody wants to
be at that party, Doug Andobviously Drake was one of the people there.

And one of the things that cameout was obviously Drake and attendance.
You got a bunch of celebrities,a bunch of athletes together, and you
have an all day kind of partygoing on together, right, live DJ
with live DJs, And they saidthere were several DJs throughout the day,
throughout the night. But the onenews that came out is that a lot
of these DJs, all the DJs, all the DJs did not play any
Kendrick Lamart, Yeah, man,and you gotta think I guess when.

Drake probably showed it to Michael Rubin'sparties all the time. Yeah, And
I'm pretty sure man, if thatwas my guest, I would tell them
too, like, hey, man, Kendrick does not come to the parties.
Yes, let's not be disrespectful.You know, I could. I
could totally understand that. Yeah.From a DJ's perspective though, it's like
one of those things were like,dam I can't play this song. I
can't play that's song. And outof respect to like, if you want

to be the idiot DJ that's probablynever gonna get hired again, you should
probably respect that too. If itwas told to you, like, hey,
don't stay away from Skendrick, don'tplay the records. No, man,
I wonder what reaction would have happened. He did have the nerve to
do it. Dog probably got it, you know what I'm saying. For
one, you would have been yelledat, possibly touched. Yeah, you

know, And do you want tobe that guy you want to have that
viral moment? Do you want tobe the one either that release a you
know, a do not play listor they told me that that sucker stuff.
Man, if Drake is there inattendance, and Drake is cool with
Michael Rubin. Yeah, of courseyou don't play the record, gotcha the
DJ. That'll be awkward and itcould be embarrassing. The only DJ in

the world that I think would havethe nerve to do it and just be
like if he wouldn't be invited,it would be a djjah, Yeah,
I knew who you're talking about.He wouldn't be in handman would be to
go there and have you rocking fora few minutes and put that record on
and head wouldn't mind being kicked out, none of that. And I can
go west Coach, make sure,hey get this with it. You know

what I'm saying. Dog. Atleast we know Drake is out of the
bounties happy you look at me.There's a beneficials out there. King's Drake
bro from all right. Believe thaty'all stick around, y'all Radio's Big Big
Neighborhood Embarrassing Big Boys Neighborhood on demand. For more, subscribe to our YouTube
channel, Big Boy TV and checkout Radio big Boy dot Com Big Boys

Neighborhood Phone Tap on the tens time, ladies and gentlemen, we got some
lutha abbaside Lucas in the neighborhood.This is Avasar doctor right here. This
is where Luther would like to makea doctor's appointment for his daughter. And
he has a hard time getting hismessages across because he does not speak my
own. So what he does thenhe flips from his my own to English.
Yeah, she didn't even catch It'sgonna get into your phone. Tap

on the tens right here, boys, neighborhood to make it all stick,
like I help you. Yes,I'm called about the appointment from my daughter

in the bartle. Okay, sohow you say elmandro elementary, Yeah,
the god element throw They say thatI'm possero. Excuse me? My English
is my daughter? Yeah, that'sfine. Years old now now she ate
the man ate. Yeah that's fine. I won't okay in the posisentdro and

their physical in Yeah, okay,wait then big bond with the baseball,
the big bond, the big buye, what big bar the big bine.
I don't know what you're saying ortrying to explain. Oh to borrow,
no saparo tomorrow sparo. Okay youhave this either or thringo. You can

bring her in now bringing now,yeah, and sorrow? Did you saying
sick? Yeah? Ask I say, are you sick? Ain't she said,
popping and yang she is ain't?She ain't? And I say,
your tommy hator? She said,yes, my tummy hurt. And I
say, you hurt my heart?You know, but she does need a

physical for school, I would think, so okay, So do I just
walk her straight in or bring heron in? No problem? No apartment?
No now waiting in line? Didbe? I think? No?
All right? Can you put uson the list plus two? Yeah,
no problem. What's your name?Yeah? My name is Luthor. Her
name is Stacy Elizabeth. Yes,yes, okay, I thank you for
no problem. You take care ofhim't care of him. Thank you so

much. Hold on, hold on, I'm not done crying yet. This
is big Boy on demand, BigBoy in the neighborhood. Annie is up
in here. Whatever, Honnie,what nothing? Annie just celebrated a birthday
once again. Happy belated birthday too. We say happy birthday two year as
well. Thank you. Yeah.It was the time. It was the
record heat like one hundred and twentytwo at one point and one hundred and

twenty seven in the car. OhMan yeah, yeah, man, do
you definitely for July barbecue though?Just put your meat on top of the
car. Believe that what we gotcoming up right now? Baby girl?
What's the Voltures? Yeah? Man, man, I'm thinking I'm not not
that I'm getting tired of Voltures.Drop it already, come on. I'm
not gonna lie though, big.I love when Kanye does things like this.

He'll be like, yeah, Igot an album coming out, and
then he kind of drags uscause Ifeel like we're just watching his show and
I'm like, come on, giveit to me, Kanye. Hey man,
let me tell you that hasn't beena Yay album that's come out on
time ye when he was working withwith with Pusha Tiana, when he was
working on them sevens album. Nos, Yeah, Nas, Votures, Votures

too. We should be on Volturesnine by now, Yes, you know,
by the rollout schedule. But VolturesToo is coming. I hope it
is coming big. And the reasonthat a lot of people are a lot
of us think that it's happening isbecause Ty announced that he's going to be
in Korea with Kanye August twenty third, and it says it's a listening experience.
But if you do look at someother articles that were written from Korea,
it says that Kanye is doing hisfirst solo concert in fourteen years in

Korea. So I'm like, wait, what does this mean? Is Kanye
gonna maybe perform and do his albumin Taija saying it's a listening experience or
are these blogs coming tho those twodifferent things, A listening experience and yay
performing live yep, And it saysAugust twenty third is well when you read
the articles, so I'm like,well, I went to Voltures and that
wasn't a performance, it was anexperience. Yeah it was they tell not

at all. But you know what'sreally cool about that is like you get
to experience that with Kanye and Tyeand they're biding and that whole vibe.
Everyone around you is excited. They'relike drinking, smoking, doing all that
good stuff. But when we didhave Kanye in the neighborhood and Tie in
the neighborhood for Vultures, we askedKanye why did he choose to work with
Tie? Todd made it where Iwas able to make music. He just
didn't bring none of the music industrybullet to the table. Sometimes I feel

like people get into music because theydon't want to have to actually work,
like given we did Donda, Ihad people show up at eight am because
I thought, like when people arein the league, they gotta show up.
They gotta work, no matter howfamous they are and no matter how
much money they get. But musicis something where we'll be working at three
am or sleeping in. And myfocus for the past year and a half

was the music, then the clothing, mostly the shoes. But ty you
can give him something, even likejust a murmur of something, he could
bring it back with the words.He can fix all the notes on it.
He can bring the drums and music. But more than anything, he
brought himself as someone who stood besideme when a million people told him to

not stand beside me. And healso brought hit records a man and Tye
is extremely talented. Yeah, Ithink people understand how talented Tie Dollar Sign
is not at all. They thinkhe's just like, hey, chorus here,
But no, dude, man pickup any instrument and everything. Man,
So I'm wondering what does his volturesto sound like. I wish it

would have did it here, Butto get the experience over to Korea.
All right, Yeah, it's notgonna happen anyway, Go ahead, it's
not gonna happen. You guys,think around your radios. Big Boy Neighborhood,
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, fullshow episodes posted daily. Subscribe to
our YouTube channel, Big Boy TVfor more. Check out Radio big Boy

dot com, Big Boy Neighborhood.Alright, now Honie is up in here?
What up? Honie? Nothing?Cardi B what's that? The main?
Big? I think she's pregnant withher third baby. And I'm not
the only one who thinks this either. So you know, we had gone
to BT Weekend, we saw herperform like a few weeks ago, and
then we had posted videos that havegone viral on your TikTok, And you
know, I love reading comments bigand reading all the comments. There's thousands

and thousands. Every single person islike, Yep, she's pregnant. Look
at the jersey she's wearing. Andthen July fourth comes and she's out and
people are zooming in. They're like, wait, why isn't she drinking alcohol?
She's pregnant, And then anything sheposts her like, man, this
means we're never going to get anynew music from Cardi but Big when did
see her perform, she kind ofgave us a hint that she is pregnant
when she said this. Yeah,she said it'd be as hot and fat

doing her show. She had anoversized jersey on and everything she was show
though. I was like, damn, yeah, she was working too with
the dancers, with her booty andeverything. But people are like, this
is the shirt that Ashaannti wore whenshe was trying to hide her pregnancy.
But Big, then people start gettinglike really really wearing to be at her
shoes. That's like, you're pregnant, jersey when you're pregnant. But they're

saying, you know what, CardiB. Does this mean you're not going
to be dropping any new music becauseyou're pregnant. You're gonna have to deal
with a lot. And that reallyupset her Big. So she came on
and she also previews some new music. Yeah, don't mean a new album
coming up. I hope it does. Three seconds you know why, I
think it's gonna mean that it doesbecause when Invasion of Privacy came out,

she was also pregnant. She wasCoachella she was. She was doing it,
So I think she's gonna try toprove people wrong. You know a
thing, If Cardi B Is pregnant, you know what I'm saying. So
I'm saying if if she is pregnant, she did a hell of a show
that night. She did. We'veseen that before out of Cardy. Yeah.
Not only was it that big,like her performance was great, but
she got on so late, Like, if you're pregnant, you probably need
enough, you need to be inbed by that time, but it was

almost midnight. You don't come backwhen you come into the neighborhood. She
gonna say, well, how didyou know? Yes, how did you
believe that she is? Congratulations ityeah, Leader, stick around your radio,
Big Boys Neighborhood. You're inside BigBoys Neighborhood. Full show episode podcast,
Big Boy Neighborhood. Luigi is upin here with Lamar Damn right,
Kendrick Lamar Boy talking about they notlike us, They not like us.

Bro it's here. Yeah, wesaw the social pH stuff came out in
this city filming not like Us themusic video and it's finally out. Just
happened to drop it at the sametime that we need I think he knew
Drake was gonna get some shine atthis all white party. I don't even
think that was on his mind,man, I gotta do. They said
it was the Kendrick Lamar not likeus less weekend for that that part of

that billionaire party the Hamptons or whatever. Damn God, but it was dope,
bro. If you saw, ifyou get a chance to watch the
video, or if you haven't seenthe video, you need to check it
out because so many, so manylittle things that you're gonna catch on from
the beginning. And I think Kendrickgives us some new music right in the
beginning too. We incorinated life goeson, Honey, my babies looking for

the keep a horn on me,that my seat, Pete on the ship.
The brow print is boyt me,mister get off, I get off
at my feet, Hey man,this deal the pass world. And then
it kicks off. Yeah. Man, there's so many things that are like
like from the beginning, Dog yousee him, you know, they talk
about his wife and his kids andthe fairy Danity video family, Dave Freeze

in there slapping heads. Ay man. I just thought it was a you
know, I thought it was enoughof a good look for everything. Yeah,
Timmy the clown and his dancers,you know what I'm saying. And
then Kendrick and you know the WhiteRoom. But then also I was like,
man, they did a lot onthe street. Then seeing him go
out to the street as well,I thought, I thought it was a
great video man, him and Mustard. There's an outping out there that he
gets down. It starts a manand at the end of the cage.

Hell yeah, and it's perfect Timmy. Because BBN, we just dropped our
Kendrick Lamar documentary big and one ofmy favorite pieces was when he was in
here while a couple of years ago. But we were asking him like,
dude, how has life changed?But how is it now? Has there
been a difference a change from thelast five years to today, not just
record success but just life and everything. Oh yeah, definitely me being able

to support my family. Can yousupport mine too? Yeah? Come on,
at least just one, you knowwhat I'm saying. But yeah,
that's gotta be great. That's great. Inspire you know, my little brothers
and sisters, inspire my little cousins, my city. It also makes me
more hungry though, really though,Yeah, why yeah, because it's a

need to never be content or tobe comfortable. You know, you always
want to continue to grow. Sowhatever that challenge is, I'm always looking
for Do you feel like he wroteyour best verse yet? My best verse
yet? No? Damn no?Do you ever always searching for that?
Do you search? It's obvious nowthat has he hasn't wrote written his best
verse responsible And still I don't thinkKendrick Lamar has written his best verse yet,

you know what I'm saying, Becauseit seems like he just gets better
and better and it's not about it, not like us. It's been just
great bodies of music that you givefrom Kendrick. Oh yeah, you know
what I'm saying. And when louisspeaking about the bbing Big Boy Neighborhood,
our documentary, it's right there Radio, big Boy dot Com, big Boy
TV. Make sure you guys checkthat out. Man. It's a great
documentary that we put together with Kendrickand so many others that's speaking on as

well. You'll continue to hang outwith us right here, Big Boys neighbor
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, fullshow episodes, post it daily, Subscribe
to our YouTube channel, big BoyTV. For more, check out Radio
Bigboy dot com, Keep Boy NeighborhoodPhone Tapperini, ladies and gentlemen. This
one right here is Freeze your FatAway. This is one of those Well

why not call a woman about herfat removal procedure and when she says,
you know what, I never bookedit. Hey, we know you did.
Stop denying it, all right,I say, well, maybe your
boyfriend probably booked it. It's gonnaget it to your phone. Tap on
the teams right here, Big BoyNeighborhood to make it all sick. Hello,

Hello, I speak to please.Yes, my name is Luther Lufey
from Freezer Fat Away, and Iwas calling I need a little bit more
information from you for your upcoming procedure. I've never been to you, guys.
Is someone there with you and youcan't speak right now? No,
let me tell you body sculpting,fat reduction, Freezing your fat away hunt.

This is so common. We haveso many men and women that come
in and some people are good enoughto go right back to work. I
don't need that. I didn't callyou that question. Why do you have
my name? It's just an appointmentwith you, guys. Okay, So
you're getting some cold feet with thatcold fat. Huh. All right,
well this is what we're gonna Excuseme who says that on the phone.

First of all, I have atwenty five waist. I don't need that
freeze. Your twenty five does soundsmall. But I don't know, Okay,
I don't know if we're doing youknow, your bat wings or you
know, I don't know if it'sif it's say, light on your butt,
maybe that way, you know,Come on, hon when you when
you go and you put your handsover your head when you're not using a
filter, think about that. Whatname do you have on this procedure?

Okay? The name that I haveis what yes, and it's been it
has been paid for in full,but it's been paid for half. So
already you got three hours, soyou might as well take advantage of the
three hours and let me freeze yourfat away. Name. I didn't set
up this appointment. You don't knowanything, and you're making a lot of

assumption. I'm sorry for calling andtrying to give you to give you know,
freezing your fat away, but youput the food down your throat,
so you need to take the responsibility. And oh my god, responsibility.
Yes you are. I am goingwith this. Nobody speaks to me that
way. You're up. Joke.Adies, you're finding a big boy from

Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeartRadio. Wehave the most fun on your radio.
Yo. Hey susup hoved up inhere. Hey man, you said y'all
grew up. I grew up different. But you and your girl girl different.
Like, what's what's the difference.Well, the hugs she got,
the confidence her mom gave her,Like, my girl told me she said,

yeah, we never said I loveyou. Yeah. My girl said
was like we were I love youfamily, I love you, I love
you. She's like, yeah,we didn't really say that. Yeah damn
yeah exactly Like her mom just gaveher confidence, like tells her like,
well, just because you're the best, he's the best. I'm like,
you're the best. My dad stillbrings up the stuff that I did in
kindergarten. He still can't get over. He's like, hey, the best.
He couldn't even spell dog. Thankyou for listening. It is U

find the big boy Big Boys Neighborhood. You could catch more of us right
here on iHeart Radio. Big BoysNeighborhood Louis g is up in here.
What I low? A man friendof the neighborhood, John Cena Man when
he was doing his rounds for themovie Argyle, he sat down and did
an interview and he was talking aboutlike somebody was like, hey, I
heard that you were gonna like thinkingabout retirements and this was his answer.

No, that's not a baby there. That time is gonna come, and
it's gonna come soon. I neverwanted to just go out for for the
sake of going out there. AndI'm gonna be forty seven this year.
I feel great. I want tohave the passion, the same passion as
the fan base, and I wantto give them exactly what they give me.
And the miles on this odometer saylike, hey, that's got to
be done before fifty. Wow.So even when he said that, people
are like, man, is heretire before he fifty? But he hasn't

hit fifty yet. But he madenot a wearing tear on his body though.
Man, you got to figure overtwenty years wrestling. And he finally
came out and made the big announcementto all the fans. Tonight, I
officially announced my retirement from the WWEI want to say thank you, thank

you so much for letting me playin the house that you built for so
many years. Thank you so much. Always for your voice because it's really
loud, and you're honesty because it'sbeautifully brutal. You're a w W.
He's superstar. If you want some, hurry up and come get some.

No, damn, that's crazy,man dog. So many epic moments.
Hell, yeah, it's crazy becausewhen I was growing up, my friend
Andrew, his little cousin, hewas a huge John Cena fan when he
was like one, then two,then three, then four. Then I

seen him growing up. Now he'slike sixteen, seventeen, and I'm like,
there's still John Cena fan. He'slike, I still love John Cna,
bro, And I'm like, that'sit. Years he's been like impacting
kids and adults. Bro. We'vehad John Cena in the neighborhood for decades
now. Yeah, it's crazy saying, and it's crazy you to see the
evolutions of him coming in freestyling hatback yards. You know, his shorts

with Nikes, and then now yousee him you know, extremely corporate actors,
suits and everything. Man movie.I was talking about earlier it was
it called Nick Ricky Snikky or somethinglike that. Yeah, that's that's a
good one, man, hilarious.Oh you gotta check it out, Doug.
If you guys haven't seen he alsodoes Peacemaker if you haven't seen the
Peacemaker series and if you want tosee a rated R version of and like

we're talking like Deadpool status. Amen, it's a great show. Dog.
I remember just early interviews with himas well, man, when he would
just talk about even even at Johnsenathat we knew. Yeah, he would
get rented cars, have to drivehimself to like you know, fights,
and yeah, it was crazy.Man. He's he's paid a lot of
to that tuition, a lot oftuition to the school of experience when it
comes to wrestling. I'm planning tobe over in twenty five. Yeah,

you should be returned, so man, end of a legacy, and he'll
probably stop back here like how wesee the Rock and other wrestlings do so
as well. Seventeen to hang outwith us right here, Big Boys Neighborhood
are probably Big Boy from Big BoysNeighborhood on iHeart Radio. Here's another in
case you missed in I mean withus back up, been here with our

good friend haysusuppvid up in here.You and your pop shall relationship is still
good. You gotta call him seehow he's doing. You know they do.
They make it over a lot.Yeah, he goes over there,
back and forth back. Yeah.Man, Yeah, what's going to work?
Over Mexico he has money and herehe's poor. That's how that.
Mexico. He enjoys himself and postingon Facebook like he's like, I mean,

is ten bucks over there? Iscome back overhead? The struggle is
real on Facebook. Well he triesto have a face. Yes, he
has like a hitting account. Iknow he does, because you'll bring up
stuffy like chieze men from like Mexico, and I'm like, how do you
know that? He just posted that? And then I don't know how,
but I just have feelings. Thankyou for listening. It is U find
a Big Boy Big Boys neighborhood.You can catch more of us right here

on iHeartRadio. Big Boy has leftthe building.

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