Episode Transcript
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This is Big Boy's Neighborhood Full showepisode podcast, Big Boys Neighborhood, Beautiful
Day in the Neighborhood. Thank youonce again for being in the neighborhood.
We got a whole lot more showcoming up for you, So if you
can't do, continue to hang outwith us. Man Eminem's new album,
dude, let me tell you man. Yeah, And when he say the
death of Slim Shady, he reallyis like man effie, Yeah, yeah,
Bro. And how he's talking aboutpolitically correct and being in PC court,
Dude didn't give a damn yeah.And by the time I finished this
segment, I'll say politically correct correct, you know what I'm saying. But
yeah, man, am, whenhe say the death of Slim Shady and
him referring back to what the marshalwas going to come and clean it all
up, This dude sound like EminemSlim Shady. Man, I can't.
I'm having the greatest time listening tothis album too, because not only his
lyrics sound like him, but hisvoice just sounds like his old self,
like that it feels like he recordeda while ago. Dude, he is
really in Slim Shady Eminem pocket rightnow. Yeah, I love this.
People love this. They're like,oh the way that Marshall and Slim Shady
talk to each other. And becauseat one point he started getting real and
real, real fast man, andI think that he just went back to
a formula, you know what I'msaying, even with the Christopher Reeves on
the dance New Dance, Brand NewDance, like he went back to all
right, you know what, letme with brand new dance. That's like
them let me shake that. Youknow, they always give you a song
and say, okay, well letme just give you this, and I
think that's that song right there aswell. Man. His album is amazing.
It's so good everyone online, becauseyou know, people weren't sure what's
gonna happen his last few albums.They didn't really like it. But this
one they're like, all right,now we see that we can't talk telling
you man, the haters are gonnahate, they gonna come out. You
know, there's more voices now thanwhen Eminem was, you know, releasing
like songs. We're like, ohhell, so there's a lot more voice.
But if you listen to this andyou listen to it like from an
art from an artist and somebody that'ssaying, you know, we can't say
anything anymore. We gotta be piecein PC court. And when you listen
to the way he's doing it,it's like, Okay, I'm gonna do
this one. And then it seemslike he's really gone. I hope not,
because I feel like this is openingthe door for people to be less
of the cancel culture. Yes,man, and I love it. I
think we need it. You know, even as a broadcaster, man,
you know, this is the mosttime that you sit and curl your toes
and you're really working your mental editorbecause everybody has a problem what you're saying,
you know. And lyrically Eminem withthe Kate Jenner and generous and that
dude is amazing. So Eminem's newalbum it is here, ladies and gentlemen.
Also, we got ice Cube inthe neighborhood Iceque. We got a
brand new, big interview with iceCube man. And of course when you
think of ice Cube, you thinkof no Vassoline and that was one of
the biggest dis songs ever. Sowe had to ask him about Kendrick and
Drake, you know what I'm saying, And c was one of those guys
he's been there, he's done that. Recently, he just said that the
New Friday movie that there is somemovement or that, and he's never said
that. He hasn't said that inyears. So we got to talk to
him about what does that mean whenwe say that the next Friday of Another
Friday is coming in. Also,Big Three, we got to talk about
Big Three and also made the offerthat they made to Caitlyn Clark for millions
of dollars. Man, I hadn'theard Q really speak on it, thinking
about it. In the neighborhood,y'all continue to hang out with us.
All that and more Big Boy's Neighborhood. This is Big Boy on Demand,
Big Boy's Neighborhood. Phone Tap onthe teen's time dropping off Dad. Shout
out to our producer Jason for playinga part of Dad in his phone tap.
Christm Right here is what Luther called, you know, older folks home,
saying that he's gonna drop off hisdad. Everything was fine until they
figured out I couldn't pay for thehome at that time. It's going to
get into your phone tap here allof a sudden, then they don't care
about the older folks. Let's getit into your phone. Tap on the
tens right here, big boys,neighborhood to make it at hell? Can
I help you? Yeah? Iwas calling about some information for my father.
How old is your father? He'seighty one years of age. Okay,
he just need an extra eye onhim. Would you like to take
a tour so I could just bringhim down right now? Sure? Okay,
that's fine, Dad, get yourjacket. Were you thinking of leaving
him here tonight? Yeah, I'mjust gonna leave him there and then in
about another two weeks or a month, then that's when I'll be able to
take hold on dad. Can youget your jacket. We're gonna go to
your new house right now. No, No, Luther, you can't just
drop him off without some money upfront. I just can't take someone.
So this is this is just ahard phone call for me to make.
I can't take him, so Ijust don't know what to do. Man,
Well, I can't take him.What Just say hello to my dad?
Luther? What Hello? Put yourson back on. I'm on the
phone too, man. Margaret,Margaret is at the place I'm about to
take you to right now, Luther, this is Margaret here. Say hello.
It is not, Luther. I'mon my way. I'll call the
police. He'll end up in jail. I'm telling you I can't take him.
I cannot keep him here. It'sagainst the law. I will have
to call the police. Why becauseI can't take him? Because I'm a
failure. You take him someplace else. I cannot take you. Why are
you screaming at me now because you'reacting ridiculous? Why am I acting ridiculous
because I'm trying to drop your fatheroff. Well, I'm just going to
drop them off in the front andI know that you guys won't just leave
him out there, Ruther. Youcan't just drop someone off at the door.
Man. I'm burning up my minutesright now. I'll just talk to
you when I get there. Well, I'm not going to be here,
all right, Well, just leavewords that my dad will be there and
he's wearing the burgerdy VoIP. Well, he's our responsibility. It takes a
village better you bad all Wark?What come on? Alrighty, we're on
our way, mark big boy neighborhoodto make it is going down? DJ
Quest is up in here and whata quess? What's good? Brother?
Happy Friday to you? Quest.Happy Friday to you, man, There's
so much to talk about this Fridaynight and album and death is Slim Shady
man. Yeah. And when hesay like it's the death shot, this
is it? Shot is here man? Yeah, this gives me very much
like Marshall Matherel p vibe straight outthe gate, Bro. The Renaissance such
a year, bro, jump off. As soon as he starts, Yeah,
as soon as he starts, I'mlike, man, if Renaissance is
the beginning. And then when wewent into Habits, I was like,
oh he got me. Oh mygod, have got me. The's such
a great I should I be listeningto this? But he he says it
all man, Yeah, and andand that's such a good thing, bro,
because everybody's so scared to like speakto their minds. Man. He's
kind of picking at the people thatare so you know, picky at things
like yeah, in Renaissance, hecalls out like you know, he saw
fucking in third person about how youknow people will hate on Kendrick or like
yay, and you know, andthen he says that that people will find
something wrong with thirty six Chambers.We'll say, like that tells me everything.
A man, and even that verseright there, just to show you
how people listening and Annie and Iwe were speaking about this earlier. Man,
when he goes through you know,Kendrick, and he even put himself
in there, right, people like, oh, did he take a shot
at Kendrick. No, stop theclickbait listening to the song. That's what
it is. Clickbait. Yeah.Man, it's crazy. And I think
with something like this, especially todaywith the PC culture and all that stuff,
man, I think like it wasneeded. Yeah, I think it
was needed. Man. Some peoplejust want to say and get some things
off their chest without people just comingout man and being the police. Yeah,
you know, and we see itall the time. And he talked
about the cancel culture everything, man, and there's just some things he said.
Also, I won't say right,you know what I'm saying. I
won't say what sim Shady consumed.Yeah, lead that what we got coming
up in the Mickey Ficky Mix questscheck it out. Bigger got that Metro
twenty one Savage in the Weekend Creeping. Also got Kendrick Lamar Yuphouria coming up
in the Mickey Ficky Mix. YourMickey Fiky Mix DJ Quest up in here,
Big Boy Neighsday. You're checking outanother full show episode a Big Boys
Neighborhood on demand, Big Boy Neighborhood, Beautfule Day in the neighborhood. Annie
is in the neighborhood. Annie,what a big ice Cube in the neighborhood.
We do big We have a brandnew interview with ice Cube and this
is really cool. But he hasthis league, it's called the Big Three
and he has a huge game goingon this Sunday and we asked him about
it. And what are the expansionteams that that we're starting to see now?
Is there an expansion team for La? Yo? What La bought a
franchise and what does that mean?That means they're gonna take one of the
teams and it's gonna be based inLa. Did we have an LA team
before? No, the team evenearly on, we're not assigned the cities
are Oh so the team, Yeah, we're just the ghost Ballers or the
three Threes company on trilogy, neverassigned the cities. But now it's gonna
be assigned. You know, theseteams are going to be assigned the cities
and so you know we're gonna eventuallysell all twelve teams to twelve cities,
and those teams have played there,and then we'll expand the sixteen teams hopefully
twenty and just keep growing it.And that's where we'll have these games.
You know, it'll be at leastfour games in each city with the city,
like the LA team I have theMarquee game at the end of the
night, you know what I mean. It's gonna be fun to see.
You know, these these cities unlockthe fan bases that's in you know,
when it's cool to wash the game, but when your team is playing,
when it's that territorial thing, likeit just unlocks like a great in LA
and Miami already in LA, Miami, Houston, Lord and Detroit already and
does LA start next year? Nextyear and every year after that, we'll
have games, you know, Sothis is the last year you could see
all the whole league in one place. So we're gonna be in Anaheim on
Sunday, Honda Center, gotta comethrough. I would definitely be there too.
And how many games? Six games? Hey man, it's gonna be
a great thing for and that wedon't get a lot here. That's why
I tell we get I mean,we get a lot, but when we
have boxing here, I tell people, man, show up for boxing.
You know what I'm saying, BigThree, show up for Big Three,
because when we show up, itmake sure that it comes back to us,
you know what I'm saying, Becauseyou get like La you know where
we'll do beautiful things, but fightsgo to Las Vegas, fights go you
know what I'm saying. So themore that we show up and not not
just show out in l A orcertain areas, then you you'll start to
see more. But I'm so excitedabout Big Three this weekend. Yeah,
my son has a basketball tournament inAnaheim and Big Three's in Anaheim. Believe
that. Yeah, man, youcan grab takes. We also got them
in the neighborhood as well. Manfor the Big Three, y'all continue to
hang out with us Big Boys NeighborhoodThe Boys Neighborhood on demand, full show
episodes posted daily. Subscribe to ourYouTube channel big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com. Neighborhood. People put in the Neighborhood.
Luigi is up in here with uploudog Oh my gosh, and you
have an m album, bro BroThe Death of slim Shady. Yeah,
Oh I love it. I don'teven know what. I don't even know
where to start dog so many songsfrom the beginning Renaissance right off the bat
Man. One of my favorite songsHabits that we're gonna get into but once
it got into Fuel with Jid thathe snapped crazy Guilty Conscience too. Hey
man, let me tell you rightnow, going through the album, I
don't have a favorite yet. Yeaheither. And the one thing that I
enjoy also, man, is thatthe lyrics are up in a lot of
places, even on Apple Music already, because I'm an I love listening to
lyrics, and now that you seethem printing too, I'm like, oh,
nothing's getting past. The only thingI didn't see right now, and
you probably gotta go somewhere else isFuel. Oh you know what I'm saying,
Like, I gotta I gotta catst that, but go ahead in
him and then boast that from theone but the one I love bro It's
Habits with White Gold. Get offthe Internet. You ain't even cut your
kids dinner yet. Get off theinternet. You don't even your kids dinner
yet, Get off the internet.You ain't even cut your kids dinner yet
real discussion, mental question. Myhead is slipping west in your miss and
whether head the weapon like an evilstep dad. I got it in for
red like a ginger step kid.Who the bet I do and just and
it's just a messing that. Butthe head men want to wear lifting and
women's underware. Who cares? Thistherapiusiness not bad, We'd just beware the
player which under scared some Serratus andsquare business just attacked the therapists and the
Parisis. It's like merry Christmas dress. It's a hairy crystal terror. It's
like the hair trigger with these buttons. I'm always pushing pain. I'm always
inflicting protesting sounds on the shady officerslived. I make you think that you
had the game a lot till theypick it your job on the wait for
me to wish plain it gets I'mconflicted walking on Nick. So it's like
if I take it too farst aspart of me gets it, he wants
the same. I'm sorry and fixit. I'm My statements are basically confidating
from the beginning of the album mHandy. From the beginning. I know
a lot of people want to sayOh, it's too lyric always, but
it's not Dog. I can saylyrical not because it is all lyrical.
Yeah, man, I love it. Dog one of my other favorite songs,
and it hits different because I'm adad now and it's dedicated to Hailey,
his daughter Temporary I'm fulcome for basistime. I'll be five and you
will get over for me and moveon. You can play me on repeat
on a song. But don't youdare shed a tear what I tell you?
Straightened up, little Sodia them timeswhen I held you, jad it.
It'll be okay, baby, I'mhere. Hey, I'm watching you
right now, baby girl pout.I will protect you your guardian. Ain't
joke. It's hard as to makefeel us parting as paint folk and darling.
The rain will drive you insane.Stell you will remain strong, Hayley,
just hang on. It won't betoo long. I need you to
move on. You'll remember. Itwill get better. It's time, man,
we can go on and on.Even our listeners were like chiming in
gosh, yeah he got one,he got one, man. Y'all stick
around, y'all radios. Man,we're gonna talk with some of our neighbors
as well, Big Boy Neighborhood.You're inside Big Boys Neighborhood Full show episode
podcast, Big Boy Neighborhood. Man. Sitting with that eminem album, Yeah,
Man, sit with that M andM album, Bro, And I
can't wait to just really like getextremely connected to it, because I'm telling
you, man, I'm gonna I'mgonna study that album for the next few
days. Man, Yeah, hegot me. But I'm telling you one
of my favorites was Habits Broke Guilty, Get im sc A lot of people
out the gate man, my gosh. And then you got the dance song
come on Bro. Hey man,you know what with brand new dance and
it sounded like some slim shade youknow how I got to give you guys
one And I felt that with Houdinias well, But this one, he
said it, I don't want to. I don't want to. You almost
find yourself. Yeah, even withcertain songs we can play on air,
I'm like, man, we probablycan't even play that on air of the
stuff. Yeah, man, butbut not only have we had a chance
to really kind of just speak andwe speaking from just like man, it's
it's new to us, But there'salso a lot of our listeners that got
a chance to get next to itas well. Man, they did.
Like Brian told us how he likedthe album. This is a really good
album. I like how Eminem addressesthe crab babies, the sisters trying to
cancel him, handful of grade songs, especially the song with j I Dean,
the one that was really good.I wasn't expecting Two Chains to be
an album that was a surprise.It's a slim Shady album. What else
do you expect fuel Yes, tryingto let her smag, brag it up,
shout and want to shag, wantto shack it up. I can
put yeah. He but then Bigwe had details how he felt about it.
Yo, Am his new albums crazy, So Shady's back and back gangay
hitters. Don't sleep on k dotthough. His new stuff's coming and be
coming out and that's fire. Butthe new movement is like, Yo,
don't be ashamed of what you gottasay, say what you have to say,
just like Am. Honestly, thisis crazy because AM's album is point
blank basically slim Shady gets back.Hey man, when he said slim Shady
like that, is for real.It is. Yeah, man, he
took you back to like some youknow, some early slim shady I am.
And he even called out gen Zand said, you're trying to cancel
me because of this, and youknow what he says. It all almost
to the point where there's just somethings you're like, man, can can
we say that? Just don't hand? Yeah, like the songs I was
cutting that, I really like,I love Antichrist the way that the Beatles
and everything. I was like,I don't know if this is a boy
man. And the one thing alsois that when you when you listen to
the full body like you need somebodyto kind of say, man, we're
being pceed out. You know,everything is being too much. You know,
like when you see a Dave Chappellegetting on stage and Dave Chappelle just
like, I'm gonna say it,And the same with Eminem and his slim
and being this slim shady again,He's just gonna say it. And a
lot of times, man, thereare things that you say, Okay,
he's saying what I feel, orhe's saying something. I'm like, let
him say that if he wants to, let him say that. You know,
what I'm saying, believe that you'llstick around y'all Radios Big Boys and
neighbor Big Boys Neighborhood on Demand.For more, subscribe to our YouTube channel,
big Boy TV and check out Radiobig Boy dot com. It's about
that time. Like I've said,for your eight ten listen to win phone
Tap and the eighten listen to winPhone Tap is Smelly Jackets. Yeah,
man, shout out to our familyover there man over at Triple R,
which is real recognized, real theydid the neighborhood jackets, right, great
job man. When it came downto GUSTAVO, appreciate you, Alex,
appreciate you had to call Wan andthey do great work. And the best
way to tell somebody that, ay, you did great work on these neighborhood
jackets is to call them up andtell them that, hey, man,
for one, these jackets are fallingapart. They smelly and everything. And
I think I think in this onealso low I think one low key threatening
you. Yeah, I wentight reviewthat I wanted to do. Yeah,
man, So let's go ahead andget into it, man, Smelly Jackets
is your phone tap Big Boys Neighborhood. To make it good morning, brother
wan. How you doing, mybrethren, man, I'm doing good.
How you doing? I just wantto hit you up about the neighborhood jackets
that you guys made for me atTriple R. What happened with the leather
is really starting to peel and it'slike flaking and it's like kind of like
turning great, Like you could literallytake your hand and scrape the black off
and you'll see like gray under it. Whereas but it's peeling bad. You
cannot wear that jacket out. Yeah. Man. Also, when it gets
wet, it smells like like suwets, like like it smells bad. I
got called out at a concert wheresomeone had said how bad I smelled,
and I was like, ah,it was a yeah, yeah it was
the jacket. I'm gonna grab oneof the jackets right now and start like
saying at it. And did yousee when Annie put it up on her
Instagram? Oh yeah, Like shewas talking about the quality of the jacket.
She tagged you guys in it,like what are you making here?
Oh wait, I just see that. Yeah. I had her take it
down. Hold on, I'm gonnasend you these right here. This is
mine. Before it really started raining, listen. Damn yeah, man,
Man, that's horrible. The smellis bad. Man. It's tied up
in the plastic bag in the garage. Don't I'm gonna get you right if
we gotta remake them, so Igotta shoot your bread back on with whatever
it is. Have you met Louisyet? Yeah? Go on yelp.
Just see what he wrote on yelp. Okay, yeah, he went in,
Bro, and I apologize for that. Just tell Louis that I'm a
grown man. So if you evergot to say anything, I'm a phone
call away or we could meet upin person. And I feel you,
but win. Don't threaten Louis man. I already pulled them back. I'm
not threatening, Louise. I'm justsaying, if you have something to holler,
you know, just I'm a phonecall away, man, I'm this
is my man Wan from Triple R. Let me tell you why I feel
a certain way man, because wineyou know this is a phone tap?
Right? Are you crazy? Myman was? I ain't tell Louis I'm
a grown man, big man.I love you, Bro, thank you
so much. My man said wecan meet up. I love it,
man. Such great guys over there, too, man, they are Man.
It did some great work on theneighborhood jackets as well Man shout out
to Want and everybody over a tripleR real recognized, real, you make
you mixed. It is going down. DJ questions up in here? What
up? QUESTI five? What's good? Big maintaining my brother Happy Friday,
Copy Friday to you, sir.All right, now give them the DJ
tour that's going on, man,Tonight, Palm Springs, Coca night Club,
Tomorrow night Long Beach to be anightclub. But that's having you out
anywhere this weekend. City Walk,City City. I love him over at
City Walk, man, Man,do you do you DJ out like just
here in the big stage? Goahead now, man, I will come
by one there and throw something atyou. That's what we do. Man.
I love that you guys are outthere. Man, I rock to
via last week with well Man,so once again. Palm Springs tonight,
Palm Springs tonight and tomorrow night LongBeach and you'll be all going to say
walk tonight. What I'm doing onSunday Saturday? Jane d l a f
C game there. Yeah. Man, he pulled off that car ninety minute
commercial for you, Nickey Fink.He makes DJ quest up in here,
Big Boy Neighborhood Driving straight out eventyou're checking out another full show episode a
Big Boys Neighborhood on Demand, BigBoys Neighborhood. Louisg is up in here,
Ladies and gentlemen, Luig and alsoman shout out to ice Cue ice
Cube in the Neighborhood Man Big Interview. What's going on with man bre It
was so good. Obviously having theking of this is oh yes in the
studio. We had to just askhim, like yo, the whole Kendrick
and Drake beef and I think hewas spot on when he said he knew
who was gonna win, you know. But the thing is me and Dove
was talking about it when it firstjumped off between Drake and Kendrick. Is
you know, the first person witha hit record that's a disc is gonna
win? Wow? And so yousaid that early on. I said it
early on when they was both doingrecords back and forth. Right here we
have said. I said, thefirst one with a you know who come
with that major summer hit is gonnabe the one that win. And we
see that, yeah like that?So so you saw this coming on and
you knew that. Man, whoevermake that hit hit? That's beyond just
a hit record, right, youknow what I'm saying, Like not like
us is a hit, I don'tcare. What are you rapping about?
Beyond it? So by him?Man, you know the disc isn't and
being you know, so on point, you know, like surgical with it.
I'm like you, I'm sitting backwatching the show. I don't know
where it's gonna go. Could itbe over only if Drake wanted to be
over? Yeah, I mean youknow he heavyweights. It's not the end
of the world, know what I'msaying, as long as you're down to
get damn. What a surprise Ifhe came with it one more, you
think it is better than damn.But you're competitive too, man, I
mean he should. Hey, ittake a different kind of person to get
into a beef though. You knowwhat I'm saying, because I'm gonna tell
you straight up, I couldn't handleit. I couldn't handle the man either
either I cry or somebody got todie. I was just playing. But
that's Cube in the neighborhood. Man. You can find that entire interview at
Radio Big Boy Dot comments right therefor Big Boy TV and as you're watching,
to make sure you hit that subscribebutton. And I'm telling you,
man, Cube in the neighborhood.We've seen Cube go through no vas Selene
with inn w A. You know, we see him in U b Real
their their situation, then a wholeentire bow down, you know, with
bow down with Dub and Mac andyou know, really defending the West Coast
line. You know. So whenwe asked him about you know, Drake
and Kendrick, of course you're gonnalisten to that. He's been there,
he's done that. And I lovehow you said, like the difference between
the no Vasseline and not like usnow is the fact that you know he
was against friends. Yeah, yeah, my family, Yeah, going against
your cousin that killer to do adistrict. Yeah, I'm like, damn
yeah. So y'all stick around yourradios. Of course, we got more
ice Cube in the neighborhood. Youthink you mix? It is going down.
DJ Quest up in here, BigBoys Neighborhoodsboro eighties. You're find a
big boy from Big Boys Neighborhood oniHeart Radio. We have the most fun
on your radio. It is goingdown, Hey, susup covid up in
here? Hey man? What partof Mexico is the family from? Like
Pop My dad's from over the goingso nor that. My mom's from a
little ranch now with Moat. It'slike next to Amen Hall. It's very
close to where Fernando Elenzila's from.Amen. Have you heard have they talked
anything about the first female Mexican president? No, I've to call my dad.
I don't even want to because Iknow it's gonna be politically incorrect.
I don't know why would you sayit would be politically incorrect. I'm just
saying I don't know if that youknow, because Latinos they're still on song
like the Cliff and not right.Hey, dude, things they still haven't
grown up on that. Yeah,I mean in public that they're keeping it
low key because they seeing all this. Cancel coaches. But is in my
house is till eighteen ninety three?Thank you for listening. It is you
find a big boy, big Boy'sneighborhood. You can catch more of us
right here on iHeartRadio. Big Boysneighbor Little Beautiful Danny neighborhood. Annie is
up in here? What up?Hone? What Honnie, I know what
you got. Come on, EminemMan new album is here of some shady
and big. A tweet that I'mreading right now, it says exclusive rapper
Eminem has been hospitalized after an intenseback injury due to carrying the entire hip
hop in the street. People areloving this album. I am already out
the gate. We're not disappointed big. But there is a song that everyone
is talking about because this is wherehe mentions Kendrick Lamar and Ja Cole.
Now that's traveled inside the mind ofahater. Because I don't see the pants,
so I sees the months to complainthis Kitchen's album was but it didn't
have any bangers. Wayne's album mcgainecouldn't tell you which one was. Namer
Join this album was forny, shady, scus it way worse everything you see
the entertain minutes too much tangers.I didn't like the reading, so I
hated Mike Delite, tATu you andHeardy Prince would find something wrong with thirty
six Chambers. What they can tothe greats take a part of the constant
way. May I love that?You just did it clickbait too? Oh
yeah, you did clickbait two man, I heard it, yeah, and
people were talking about how old hediss Kendrick Lamar and he was saying,
getting into the mind of a hater. Yes, because even the first time
I heard it, I had togo back and I was like, okay,
that's why I listened to the lyrics. You know what I'm saying.
Yeah, man, And they evenstarted reading the lyrics once they were starting
to come out. But think there'sanother one that you mentioned this, but
the lyrics fully aren't there because theway he raps. But this is what
Jid and Eminem called fuel trying toshag back it up, shout him,
want to shag want to shack itup? I could put him throw pattle,
I cut up bill lephead and therein Ndada said barb Rud and then
chatted up. I'm gonna argue ineibkids ain't compatible in the ketaple but going
a couple of decades. But letthis text rank from that page that I
met Drake. So from the secondyou press play, what I suggest this
safe because like dreym hold mees southWest State, we can just say I'm
pet so much to hear bro yougot you got and I don't want to
pay that much attention. Okay,it's not for you. Yeah yeah,
man. And is like when youdo listen to this album, at least
the first time listen to it fromnumber one all the way down that he
had. He said, you haveto listen to it like that, cause
it's almost like a movie. Andthink there is one song on here,
like there's so many emotions in thissong. But this there's a song that
actually made me cry so much becauseit's a letter that he wrote to Haley.
And in this letter he's basically saying, listen to this after I've passed
away, so it makes you feelbetter. It's so temporary. So Haley
Jane, I wrote you this songto help you cope with life now that
I'm gone. How should I start? I just want to say, look
after Lane, Stevie and Uncle Nate, Sweetie, be strong. I know
why it was your rock and Istill am saying goodbye. It's just not
ever easy. But while you crying, just stop, Haley here baby,
try your right. This is notbroken for the pieces ay man, and
you're here, like we've been speakingearlier about you know, the PC court.
You know what I'm saying you can'tsay certain things, and there's a
lot of that in the Eminem album, right, But also when you get
songs like that, like Temporary,it brings it back full circle where you're
listening to a full body of music. Now. Of course, the way
that people listen to music, they'regonna you know, they're gonna pick and
you know, dissect and everything.But when you listen to the full body
of music, you know, man, and like he says, you have
to listen it from like the beginning, because that's how he pretty much programmed
it. Because you're talking about hewent from like Evil to Lucifer to them
like that song, Yeah, somebodysaved me. Yeah, it's great.
Everyone's loving this album so much.That brand new dance. Man, he's
a lot. I was even listeningin the car this morning. I was
like, man, turn this downjust a little bit. I read to
hear it's coming out your windows,you know what I'm saying. But we
got more Eminem. We're gonna speakon man. We got some of our
neighbors that want to wait in aswell, So we're gonna talk to our
neighbors as well. Yuging team tohang out with us Big Boy's neighborhood.
This is Big Boy's neighborhood on Demandsaid we It's not just me, Hey,
man, I every time I hearsomething with Kendren, not every time,
but I still hear something new andI figure out something new. And
I just figured out something. I'mgonna have to do that. I'm going
to do a bar account before Ireally stamp what I what I'm thinking.
But I gotta do the bar accountas well. Man, Real ninety two
three, LA's new home for hiphop, Big Bay neighborhood. All right,
we were speaking on the man.The Death of Slim Shady new eminem
album is here. We've had achance to go over quite a few times.
Man, we were speaking about it, and now we also want to
take your calls as well. Man, and so this going to see was
going down. Who We got ourneighbor Hazard, who told us what he
thinks about the album. Yeah,Hazard sounds like he had something to say.
Man, death is Slim Shady coolday gra Mama did go that.
Man, he's in the water.He smells blood. It's not safe to
swim right now. I just listento it all the way through. But
I feel like I gotta listen toit like ten more times to catch all
the rhymes. That Brand New Dancerecord is crazy. I want to know
what Christopher Rees did to him tomake it so bad, but I guess.
He mentions later in the album thathe's had that song since before the
Gentleman passed away, and he wasgoing to drop it originally, but then
dude died and he feel like puttingit out at that time. The jelly
roll record is crazy to me.Did somebody save me? The way he
ends the album is wild. Ijust feel like the fact that he's here
right, that he didn't have anoverdose that took him from us like a
blessing. The fact that we're gettinga Death of Slim Shady album is a
beautiful thing. You know, appreciateour legends when they're here. Man,
our neighbor hazard. He did that, man, Yep, he did that,
man. And it's crazy because that'sthe one when I hear Brand New
Dance and how he's speaking about ChristopherRee and these are the parts we could
play on air. Yeah, thisis very safe right here, very safe
each verse and bars, Yeah,supper Man, Batman, fighter Man,
slip fell in the garbage can Amen, and do you did you hear what
he said? I'm going to givehim his chrysanthemums, his flowers, like
his chrysanthemums. Oh my god,man, yeah, man, what in
his mind? And has it alsospoke on somebody save me? And you
were saying the same thing with JellyRoll in eminem and comb. We didn't
need the time, but we didn'tneed other timbo. We didn't need Yeah,
thank you nobody, No, no, I just wanted to make sure
that you please. Jelly row isso dope the pill. Lets us start
the spiral mess it to my daughter'sI him even deserved the father title.
Heyley, I'm so sorry Hana whenI wasn't there for your first guitar recital,
didn't walk it down to yaisle mister, birth of your first child,
your frost podcast looking down, sweetie, that's a pan of how you turned
down sorry that drugs and put themabove you. Sorry that I love you
enough to give them up to Ilove you more than a pill. Looking
up to the ceiling from mister foolwonder will somebody said, man, And
that's with Jelly Roll right there,And that's exactly why m say you should
listen to the album from the topto the bottom, from beginning to end.
Man. Yeah, you know hedid that. And speaking of that,
what I really hope that he doesdo after this is make a movie
with this, because that's really whatit is. Like if I were to
see the movie of the Death ofSlim Shady, that would be so dope
to me. Just I thought itwas so well put together, Man Mary
production, everything, Man Raby stillgiggle. Hello. There's one song that's
actually not on the album, butit's on his website and it features two
chains Kydie and Luca. Yeah,because when we were talking about it earlier,
I was like, oh I didn'tsee that one. Yeah, oh
yeah, eminem God it irom manat Jim glad As. You'll stick around
your radios Big Boys Neighborhood, BigBoys Neighborhood on demand, full show episodes
posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTubechannel big Boy TV. For more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com, Big Boys Neighborhood, Beautiful Day in
the Neighborhood. Man Luis g isup in here with a lot a man
for the neighborhood. I was doggoes interesting when the Big Three came out
and then there was news that heoffered a contract to Caitlyn Clark while she
was in college, right when shewas about to go to the w Millions
of dollars too, bro, Yeah, man, And we had to talk
about it like what, like thisis great because he actually explains everything that
happened at that time. Yeah,he can't to do real all right,
y'all put an offer out to CaitlinClark. Yeah, she was just gonna
play this season. It still couldhave played w NBA or how about they
had worked out for it. Yeah, our schedules with the fever, we
only had one overlap and we waswilling to move those games at the time.
And so you know, we waswilling to do a lot of things
because we saw business wise it wouldjust open up a lot of opportunities for
the league, sponsor wise, itwould you know, unlocked millions of dollars.
So we had to go for it. And you know, we didn't
know if she was up for thechallenge or not. You know, that's
a big challenge to play in aman's sport, So you know you gotta
be kind of up to make thatstatement too. I just did it for
the money, Yeah, I mean, you know, you know, I
mean, you know, we madethe offer and was it like ten min
what was it? It was fivemillion a year for a couple of years
and some other concessions. But youknow, at the end of the day,
it was really up to her.It was more about the the challenge,
I think than the money, becauseyou know, she's still a college
player. You know, she gottacut her teeth in the w n B
A. Yeah, try to cutyour teeth in both leagues at the same
time. Could be you know,a little overwhelmed. My man said,
he said it would unlocked millions,you know, like millions of dollars.
Man, that would have been insaying, like she would have been playing
against some like old like legends,like legends, like I know they're all
veterans, but like even he says, he even explained it in the interview,
like some of these players in theBig Three. Is a whole different
aspect to like playing in regular uh, like an NBA game. It's two
different things. Because it's three onthree. You got to do everything.
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.You know, you gotta play defense.
Ye know what I'm saying. There'sno specialists nothing like he's he's three points
specially you gotta play it all.That would have been saying, all man,
But y'all continue to hang out withus. Man, We got ice
Cube in the Neighborhood, Big Interview. It is right there for your Big
Boys Neighborhood. Big Boys Neighborhood ondemand, full show episodes post daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, bigBoy Tv for more. Check out Radio
Bigboy dot com, Big Boys Neighborhood, Beautiful They in the Neighborhood. Luigi
is up in here with a bludog. Oh my gosh. And you have
an m album, Bro Bro TheDeath of swim Shady. Yeah, Oh,
I love it. I don't evenknow. I don't even know where
to start dog so many songs fromthe beginning renaissance right off the bat Man.
One of my favorite songs Habits thatwe're gonna get into but once it
got into fuel with Jid that hesnapped crazy Guilty Conscience too. Hey man,
let me tell you right now,going through the album, I don't
have a favorite yet. Yeah either. And the one thing that I enjoy
also, man, is that thelyrics are up in a lot of places,
even on Apple Music already because I'man I love listening to lyrics,
and now that you see them printingtoo, I'm like, oh, nothing's
getting past. The only thing Ididn't see right now and probably gotta go
somewhere else is fuel. Oh youknow what I'm saying, like, I
gotta I gotta catch that. Butgo ahead in him and then boasta on
one but the one I love,bro it's habits with white gold. Get
off the internet. You even cutyour kids dinner? Yes, get off
the internet to your kids dinner yetthe internet. You ain't even cut your
kids dinner yet, parental discrestion,Men of aggression, my head to Smith
and Wesson, you're messing with it. Be the weapon like an evil step
dad. I got it in forred like a ginger step kid. Who
the bet I do and chest andit's just a mess, and that the
head and the men want to wearlifting and women's unaware. Who cares?
This therapistness not there. We'd justbeware the player, which under scared some
serratges and Square business just attacked thetherapist for the Parisis. It's like merry
Christmas dress. It's a hairy crystalterror. That's what the hair trick with
these buckings. I'm always pushing pain. I'm always inflicting protesting sounds on the
shady offices. Livid make you thinkthat you had the game of up till
they pick it. You only waitfor me to explain it. It's unconflicted
walking on Nick's like if I takeit too far, mist this part of
me gets it. Who wants tosay I'm sorry? Can fix it?
I'm a'm My statements are basically confidatingfrom the beginning of the album had me
from the beginning. I know alot of people want to say, oh,
it's too lyric always, but it'snot. Dog. I can't say
lyrical no, because it is alllyrical. Yeah, man, I love
it. Dog one of my otherfavorite songs, and the hits different because
I'm a dad now and it's dedicatedto Haley, his daughter, temporary and
locome. For the pieces, we'llgo back to the time. I'll be
fun until and you will get overfor me and move on. You can
play me on repeat on a song, but don't you dare shed a tear
what I tell you? Straightened up, little soldier them times when I held
you Chad it It'll be okay,baby, I'm here. Hey, I'm
watching you right now. Baby,I will protect you. Your guardian ain't
joke. It's hard as to makefeel us parting as paint fulk and Darling.
The rain will drive you insane.Still you will remain strong, Hailey.
Just hang on. It won't betoo long. I need you to
move on. You'll remember. Itwill get better. It's time and we
can go on and on. Evenour listeners were like chiming in gosh,
yeah he got one, he gotone, man, y'all stick around,
y'all radios. Man, we're gonnatalk with some of our neighbors as well.
Big Boy Neighborhood. Upon the BigBoy from Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeart
Radio. We have the most funon your radio. It is going down.
Hey, susup covid up in here. Hey man, how are your
parents' grandparents? They're great, they'regreat, but they treat you your child
better than you. Treat you,way better than you treating me. Yeah,
way better than treating me. It'sso funny that my dad, what
the het told me when I wasthere, because I'm taking care of the
baby, I'm walking up. Hesaid, Hey, you're loving him too
much. I'm like, what doyou mean too much? Boy? Sad?
He's one perfect you love it,love him, Thank you for listening.
It is upon the Big Boy BigBoy's Neighborhood. You can catch more
of us right here on iHeartRadio,Big Boy Neighborhood. Man. Sitting with
that Eminem album. Yeah, man, sitting with that Eminem album, bro,
And I can't wait to just reallylike get extremely connected to it because
I'm telling you, man, I'mgonna I'm gonna study that album for the
next few days. Man, hegot me. But I'm telling you one
of my favorites was Habits Broke GuiltyAgain Scar a lot of people out the
gate, man, my gosh.And then you got the dance song come
on bro, Hey man, youknow what with brand new dance and it
sounded like some slim shady you knowhow I got to give you guys one
and I felt that with Houdini aswell, But this one, he said
it, I don't I don't wantto do you almost find yourself. Yeah,
even with certain songs we could playon air, I'm like, man,
we probably can't even play that onair stuff. Yeah, man,
But but not only have we hada chance to really kind of just speaking
we speaking from just like man,it's new to us, but there's also
a lot of our listeners that gota chance to get next to it as
well. Man, they did.Like Brian told us how he liked the
album. This is a really goodalbum. I like how Eminem addresses the
crab babies, the sensors trying tocouncil him for greade songs, especially the
song with Dean the one. Itwas really good. I wasn't expecting Two
Chains to be an album. Thatone was a surprise. It's a slim
shady album. What else do youexpect? Fuel, Yes, trying to
let us back it up, shoutand want to shag, want to shack
it up. I can put hisheart up zero yeah Heed, but that
big we had details how he feltabout it. Yo. AM's new albums
crazy, So Shady's back and backgangay Hitters. Don't sleep on k dot
though. His new stuff's coming gonnabe coming out and that's fire. But
the new movement is like, Yo, don't be ashamed of what you gotta
say, Say what you have tosay, just like Am. Honestly,
this is crazy because AM's album ispoint blank basically slim shady. He's back.
Hey, man, when he saysslim shady like that is for real,
it is, man. He tookyou back to like some you know,
some early slim shady I'm and heeven called out gen Z and said,
you're trying to cancel me because ofthis, and you know what,
he says. It all almost tothe point where there's just some things you're
like, man, can can wesay that? Just on't end? Yeah,
like the songs I was cutting thatI really like, I love Antichrist
the way that the Beatles and everything. I was like, I don't know
if this is any boy, man. And the one thing also is that
when you when you listen to thefull body, like you need somebody to
kind of say, man, we'rebeing pceed out. You know, everything
is being too much. You know, like when you see Dave Chappelle getting
on stage and Dave Chappelle just like, I'm gonna say it, And the
same with Eminem and his slim beingthis slim shady again, He's just gonna
say it. And a lot oftimes, man, there are things that
you say, Okay, he's sayingwhat I feel, or he's saying something.
I'm like, let him say thatif he wants to, let him
say that. You know what I'msaying. Believe that, y'all. Stick
on, y'all radios Big Boys Neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full
show episodes posted daily. Subscribe toour YouTube channel, big Boy TV.
For more. Check out Radio bigBoy dot com, Big Boy Neighborhood,
Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. Annieis up in here and whatever, Honnie,
what Big I know what you gotto come on now? Big a
brand new interview with Ice CB's notby the Neighborhood and it was just so
amazing, so funny. But therewas one thing that we had to ask
him because everyone wants to know what'shappening with the Friday movie, and we
did hear there is some traction,so we asked him about it and not
that how do you make because wewe've seen some of the major players in
Friday, I know, create happen? Man. Notice, let me cook,
man? Yeah, well and thenwe'll eat. Yes, alrighty,
what ingredients are you putting it?Don't worry about We don't let you cook,
but but what don't don't worry aboutnone of that, right, Warner
Brothers got new leadership, Mike deLuca, who We've done a lot of
cool movies together at New Line.All about the Players Club. Players Club.
That's that's a classic right there.I think that's your best movie ever
Players Because come on, man,I mean yeah, man, you know
what I'm saying. The one thingthat you know how to do, Bro,
you know how to find talent andput talent in your movies, man,
Cat Williams, all those Chris Tucker. But man, when you found
big Boy and put him in asJoe for Players Club, man, that's
when everybody else started to come aroundthe message. Joe, you don't remember
what I did for you as afilmmate. We're gonna do part two then,
because you don't look like Joe nomore, I know, man,
but with the same way, thesame way. Just let you cook.
Just let you cook, I mean, I think right, let me cook,
let you eat, look like JoCleverly, we will write it in
and we'll make it like oh youknow, Joe. You know we we
can write it in close to whatI did. You know, gas bypass
Joe, And you know what I'msaying. And now he's on his health
thing, Like, what if Joetook one of the girls home she cut
out his kidneys or something, hisliver tub. That's a hell of a
hangle. That's see that that brings, that brings still bring drama into a
drama. And Joe woke up inthe bathtub of ice with his liver missing,
and that he's blames it right there, And Joe is back to kill
I don't know. I think youneed to put more season in pre season.
Joe's back to kill them, right, Joe, you said Joe's back
to kill the Yeah, let's waiton that one. Let's get Friday out
the way from digging this. Yeah, let's do it first. Then,
bro, I think I think thatthe Revenge of Joe is way better than
Friday. There it is, man, I had to say it. Man,
Cuban is hilarious. Cuban is hilarious. Man, Just let me cook.
Let me believe that you can findthat entire interview at Radio big boy
dot com is right there for bigBoy TV, our YouTube CHANNELNGE you're watching.
Hit that subscribe button as well.Once again, Cuban the neighborhoodbhoo hatees.
You're finding a Big Boy from BigBoys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. Here's
another in case you missed the momentwith us, it is going down.
Hayesus covid up in here. Yourpop shall relationship is still good. That's
great. What's his favorite curse wordin English? Sign up? But yeah,
yeah, sign up. He lovedsign up. He didn't even say
it right, which that's what Ilove because it's like his version of it
is little twang to sign using.Okay, that's all. He's in the
right place for everything sign out.The thing is that he learns English and
construction sites. That's where he learnsthem. And I'm like, yo,
he can. That's not how youspeak in real life. You know that's
over there and for everything he triesto use that in like normal life.
Walmart is like, come, that'stwo hundred dollars. Then thank you for
listening. It is you find aBig Boy Big Boy's Neighborhood. You can
catch more of us right here onIheard Radio Big Boy's Neighborhood. Beautiful Day
in the Neighborhood. Annie is upin here, and what up Honnie?
Writing our ice cube in the neighborhood. Man Big interview. We sat down
with our brother Yep and Big.You know, when you sit down on
ice Cube and you have what's goingon in the hip hop industry right now
happening with Kendrick with Drake fighting witheach other, you have to ask him
about it because he wrote one ofthe best distract he's been there. Man.
You know. But the thing isme and Douve was talking about it
when it first jumped off between Drakeand Kendrick. Is you know, the
first person with a hit record that'sa disc is gonna win? Wow?
And so you said that early on. I said it early on when it
was both doing records back and forth. This right here we have said together.
I said, the first one witha you know, come with that
major summer hit, it's gonna bethe one that wins then and we see
that, yeah, not like us. So so you saw this coming on
and you knew that man, whoevermake that hit hit, that's beyond just
a hit record, right, youknow what I'm saying, like, not
like us is a hit, Idon't care what are you rapping about?
Beyond it? So by him,man, you know, the disc isn't
and being you know, saw onpoint, you know, like surgical with
it. I'm like you, I'msitting back watching the show. I don't
know where it's gonna go. Couldit be over only if Drake wanted to
be over? Yeah? I mean, you know he A Heavyweights is not
the end of the world, youknow what I'm saying, As long as
you're down to get down. Wouldit surprised you if he came with it
one more? You think it isbetter than damn? But you're competitive too,
man, I mean he should.Hey, bro, what is he
waiting on? It take a differentkind of person to get into a beef
though, you know what I'm saying, because I'm gonna tell you straight up,
I couldn't handle it. I couldn'thandle the man either either I cry
or somebody got to die. Yeah, hey, man, you hear his
phone going off of like, man, that's probably somebody calling for money for
Friday. Believe that. But youwe got Cube in the neighborhood, man,
and what we've seen with Drake andKendrick, it is only right that
you asked him about that because he'sbeen there. He's been there with nw
A. You know what I'm saying, He's been there with with Hell with
Cipresai with be Real, so he'sno stranger to it with making you know,
bow down. Yeah, So it'salways great to have Cube in the
neighborhood man and specifically speak on whatwe've been seeing when it comes to Drake
and Kendrick. You can find thatentire interview at Radio big Boy dot coms
right there for Big Boy TV,our YouTube channel. As you're watching hit
that subscribe. But y'all to continueto hang out with us right here,
Big Boy, you're checking out anotherfull show episode podcast of Big Boys Neighborhood,
Big Boy Neighborhood. All right,now, let's go ahead, and
this is Luther loo Fay a littlebit of open house right now. Could
I sell your house? That house? The house is going to get into
your phone. Tap on the t'sright here, Big Boy Neighborhood to make
it all stick. Got gotcha?Hello, Hello man speak to please take
a message? Yes, could youturn up? This is Luther Loofe from
Neo Realty. Wait just one minute, what do you call him? Just
to let him know that I'm theperson that'll be doing the inspection. What
inspection on what on the property?Is not doing anything but no property.
Okay, So I can tell youthat because I know you do know that
your open house starts on Sunday.We do not say he ain't say nothing
because he don't have nothing to sayright now. The market is good.
Where else can you get one hundredand fourteen thousand dollars for that check that
you living in? Man, wedon't call my house for shack. Miss.
I didn't say I can hear go. And I don't know why you're
breathing hard and why you're getting soit's not your problem why I'm breathing hard,
ma'am. He just walked in thedoor. We're going into a full
open house on Sunday. I needto come by and take the pictures and
do the initial inspection for this house, and I preferred. So which one
are you selling? Sir? Now? You ain't selling there now you don't
own their? No, So whichnarring do you own? Sir? Nothing
ain't sir. I'm not trying toget you guys. Set it's obvious your
door, and I apologize, dohiky. It's obvious big here that we
gotta work with each other, correctsir. No, I ain't gonna work
with you. Hello, Hello,hello, ma'am. Sorry, but that
we got disconnected. Just what I'mgonna do. I'm just gonna come by.
It's no need of you coming byhere, ma'am. I'm on my
way. No, I'm not well. You're not coming in my house,
okay, ma'am. I don't needto calling the police. Why are you
come to my door, ma'am,don't come to my house. I don't
know why you persistent that you're gonnaget in. You're not getting in my
house? Is it dirty? Rightnow? My house is not why you
ask me? Damn. Big BoysNeighborhood on demand For more, subscribe to
our YouTube channel, big Boy TV, and check out Radio Bigboy dot com.
Big Boy Neighborhood alrighting down, Luigis up in here with up bloodles.
I saw this video about with Safariright. He was talking about Nicki
Minaj's X and when they were talking, they were you know, there's one
of the things that he was talkingabout was how it was so bad during
the breakup with Nicki Minaj and hewas having like dark times when me and
Nikki first broke up and she gotwith me and they were like the biggest
in the world, and he wasall beefinished. You gotta think about I
had two of the biggest people inthe world like against me, so that
made everybody be against me, rightand yeah, so it was like nobody
wanted to be next to me,nobody wanted to like work with me or
none of that. So it justmade everything hard. And I was like,
that's like that was that was adark time for me. You know
what I'm saying, Like that reallyaffected you. Do you wish like you
had kept your relationship with Nikki asecret even nobody knew until after the fact,
you know what I'm saying, Right, there were rules like you guys,
you couldn't like kiss in person orlike show affection hond On, that
wasn't even a thought. Hey man, that's the same thing Kanye was saying.
Remember he asked, He said thathe didn't know that they were a
couple, and he asked, couldyou know, could he set up the
menajatoy with him and Amberg? That'swhat he was asking Safari. Remember when
he was saying it. It wasduring the Voltures interview. Man, turn
your headphones on the list. Weplayed it many a time, you know
what I'm saying. But yeah,so he didn't know, but I can
imagine that had to be crazy forhim at that time. And you gotta
think the Barbers when it comes toNicki Minaj's extremely protective. There's so mean
and then you got a powerful MeekMeal. Yeah, and it wasn't even
the interview was like, yeah,the industry was the It's not just the
industry, it's the people out slideof the industry that was probably attacking this
dude. Oh yeah, the barsbig One time I went online with our
account and they started attacking me becauseI didn't put the camera. They're like,
you ugly, this is natural cameraon Nikki. We don't want to.
I've never been like that. Notpeople are mean. They like ten
years Lady's still talking about it,saying do you Thinkari is still holding nonso
that because your ex er commander waslike, dude, what are you talking
about? That was the biggest struggle, Like we have kids together, Like,
what are you thinking? The strugglecontinues, bro, struggle? Yeah,
hey man, it is what itis. We got listeners that went
away in on it as well.Just stick around your radios, Big Boy
Neighborhood. This is big Boy ondemand. Big Boy neighborhood. All right
down, luisgi in the neighborhood.Man, we're speaking about how Safari Safari
is Nicki Minaj's ex, and youknow, during every interview, of course,
the interview will bring it up,but he'll bring up Nicki Minaj.
The conversation always kind of you know, stop saying Nicki Minaj, you know,
and it's one of those where it'slike, hey, got Safari in
here so far, how was itwith Nicki Minaj? You know, because
what do you ask? Did youask what do you have for breakfast?
And then you go straight to NickiMinaj? You have to yeah. But
in a lot of the comments werelike dude, this dude just needs to
move on, move on, moveon, move on. When I put
up the question like who else needsto move on? Our friend of the
neighborhood, Damien hit us up,Louis, you know who the needs to
move on? Offset and Cardi B. Louis needs to move on. Offset
and Cardi B Bro. They goon and off, on and off,
and I hear every time that hecheats, she goes and then she gets
pregnant. So I'm tired of it. They both need to just be separated.
They're toxic for each other. CardiB. Offset, I'm over Wow.
And you know, you know,allegedly Cardi B Is pregnant right now,
she looks very even in Paris.Right now, they're in Paris,
Offset and cardis she looks very pregnant. Yeah, well I got to but
I was at BT and I mean, you know what I'm saying, congratulations
to them. The signs were allthe same. But yeah, you know
it's I'm not a betting man,but I would have bet everything that I
have. There's a couple of ourneighbors too, who are also chiming,
and they're like, Shakida needs tomove on. Really what about her ex
situation? Yeah, yeah, shedid like a not like us, Remember,
yeah she did it, just didn'tget all the attention like Kendrick.
But yeah, she did not likeus. And Mayne when she has Patty
with the mother where she played thesong and pointed the speaker to the house
or something like that, they ain'tmad at her. Somebody else said,
my ex after two years can't getover me because I'm dating someone twelve years
younger. Oh I heard that.Oh damn, she needs to move on.
Yeah. Ouch, you know whoneeds to move on to us when
it comes. I don't know ifthe gonna say, Man, so the
US men's soccer team, they justfired their coach. They need to move
on from these like American coaches.Bro. Look, it's like a good
European coach that can take us tolike the World Cup again. US sat
us trash for a year. Don'twant no more American coaches? Man,
whybody else doesn't Europeion doesn't taking allthe good jobs and everything. Wow?
The same Wow. Now he's sayingMexico need to go to the UK as
well. Wow, man, dogthis man from a regular coaches that we
Wow. He said, regular coachesdon't get us to the Promised Land exactly.
I didn't know where this was going. Man. I think I'm about
to move on, man, becauseyou know, we walk out of here
together sometimes. Yeah. Man,there you take get a European Wow.
Alrighty man, Hey man, y'allgotta call Louis seven one, don't call
me all right, Well, y'allstick around, y'all Radio Big Boys Neighborhood.
You're finding a big boy from BigBoys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. We
have the most fun on your radio. Hey, susup covid up in here.
Hey man, you say y'all grewup and I grew up different,
but you and your your girl,Like, what's what's the difference. Well,
the hugs she got, the confidenceher mom gave her, Like my
girl told me. She said,yeah, we never said I love you.
My girl said was like we wereI love you family, I love
you, I love you. She'slike, yeah, we didn't really say
that. Yeah damn yeah exactly.Like her mom just gave her confidence,
like tells her like, well,just because you're the best, and I'm
like the best. My dad stillbrings up to the stuff that I did
in kindergarten. He still can't getover. He's like, hey, the
best. He can't even spell dug. Thank you for listening. It is
you're finding a big boy big boy'sneighborhood. You can catch more of us
right here on iHeart Radio, Bigboy Neighborhood. Annie is up in here?
What Annie? Oh nothing? Whatyou got? My love take.
A lot of people online are upsetwith Steve Harvey because of what he asked,
making the stallion on celebrity family Feud. Name something you've done to your
mate's feet massage massage. Yeah,the name something you've done to your mate's
feet. Yeah. Yeah, that'sa hell of a question asked making The
Stallion, man, you know,and you would think and people mad at
Steve Harvey. Steve didn't write it, but somebody got to be like,
yo, she got shot in herfeet yeah by Tory Lanes, you know.
Yeah. And that's the thing thatpeople are saying. They're like,
you know, she's very sensitive aboutthis. This is something that's kind of
still going on. People are talkingabout to all of Twitter, all of
just like the comments that I'm reading, they're like, how could Steve do
this? How could the producers dothis? Like don't they know this?
And it was right there. Evenif it went to the other side,
you know what I'm saying, it'sstill like, damn, that's a hell
of a question. Is she answeredit and got it right. And that's
the part that people are paying attentionto the most big the way that she
reacted to it, which is liketotally fine, and we're like, this
is why we love Making the Stallion. Hey man, It's just it's crazy
because that's you know, that's traumatic. Yeah, that's you know, like
there's a gang of questions that youcould just ask me, Like, alrighty
all, big boy, when hasanyone ever broken at someone's house? It
stole your Christmas toys when you wasa kid? Steve, really, is
there any one here? How manyAmericans don't know their daddy? Oh?
Do you hear? You know whatI'm like? Man, I had anyone
here? Mama passed before they time, like Steve? Really? Lord?
So that question exactly like that threwpeople off. But then the question that
we were talking about that was soawesome because of Megan's response named something that
might be curvy me, hey,dude, and she said me, this
is a body real quick. Butyeah, it was the number one answer.
He was coy, Yes, hewas over. Yeah. Man.
Then she turned around and did thatlittle poles out like I A'm mad at
you. I never wanted to bein an audience in my life, a
family few, but I would haveloved that being there. You know when
they do the fast money, theyturn around to the crowd. Oh my
gosh, she was wearing red.She It's amazing that she didn't. Big.
I don't normally watch family, ifyou, but watching Megan on this
and how excited and how happy shewas. I was like, I want
to be on that. I alsowant to see Vince Staples on that because
I know he loves man. Yeah. But one thing I do wish that
she didn't. I know, Idon't watch the show, so I know
they can. But it's performed becauseyou know, she dropped that new remix
with Cardid, Glorilla and herself,for one, had no idea it was
on the You know how it isman to stop down the show so make
it could perform, you know,talking about ratings. Imagine what happened if
she just started doing her move right? Thank god you're not? Yeah,
alrighty well, but let's let's saythat performance for like Saturday Night Live or
can't something like that? Y'all stickaround, y'all? Radio Big Boy Neighborhood
like this Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily. Subscribe
to our YouTube channel, big BoyTV for more. Check out Radio big
Boy dot com, Big Boys Neighborhood. Phone Tap on the teens time,
Ladies and gentlemen. This is Instadad right here. This Luther calls the
story because he wants to buy anInstagram for his daughter. Now, he
doesn't understand the concept of it beinga free app, and he believed that
Instagram is like a product. Sothe story clerk tries to explain to Luther
many times that Instagram is a freeapp. Let's go to get it to
your phone. Tap on the t'sright here, big boys, neighborhood to
make it all electronic. How youdoing, man? Fine? Thank you.
My daughter she's thirteen years of ageand I was trying to buy her
Instagram, Instagram, Instagram, Instagramon the internet. Yeah, okay,
well I want to buy her justthe Instagram part. Just download it.
She's like, all the kids haveit, Dad, they do. And
I was like, well, ifall the kids smoke, would you smoke?
And she was like, yeah,go to Google and say download and
how are you spelling this Google thing? G o o g oo? Yeah,
or go to y'ah and that's Yahoo, like the milky h y h
oh oh oh okay. So withthe Instagram thing, she was telling me
like Beyonce is on there. Shewas saying that j Cole, Kendricklmar I
mean everybody good, bad and ugly. Oh wow, now are you on
their ugly? No? I don'thave time. Yeah, you know what,
that's me. Also, you knowI work hard. I'm a single
dad with a wife. And wellyou need to get computer savvy dad.
How much does that cost? It'slike Facebook. You don't sell Facebook in
the store. Okay, now whatexactly is Facebook? I'm not a computer
and I'm not really able to assistyou anymore. Get another adult to help
you. And what about the Twisterthing? Because I know that a lot
of people are on what are youtalking about? It's something where everybody's saying,
oh, you know I'm on Twister. That's another app? Yeah,
okay, So with the Twister andthe Instagram? Do I get those together?
Like? Is it a twister?You get them separate? It's just
an a. And so from theapplication, I just feel I put my
name in or put my daughter's namein. No, okay, I'm lost
here. You say it was anapplication. No, no, no,
it's an app. So you fillout the application and you don't fill out
an application. It's called an app. It's a program. Oh show anything
else? Okay, So I'm gonnacome down. I want you to get
the commission. Okay, you don't. You're not going to give me a
sales sur No, I do wantto give you the sale man Instagram.
I want to make sure you getthe commission on it. Then. Okay,
well, thank you very much,sir. I appreciate it, all
right, not necessary, No,it is okay, have a good day.
Okay, did you you twist me? Okay? Okay, all righty
good. You're inside Big Boys NeighborhoodFull show episode podcast, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Annie is up in here. Whatup, Honie? What what you
got? We got to protect ChrisBrown baby. Yeah, he's really scared.
He posted this on his Instagram.It was a video of a woman
and basically it's like a two minutesten second video and the caption said,
I'm not trying to be mean atall, but this is scary. Yeah.
And in the video she the personher name is Angela, people found
out on TikTok. But she's basicallythreatening Chris's dancers, his cruise and all
because of something that happened at aclub. And this is just a part
of it. I kept looking ateverybody else wrong, So this this is
the stalker here? Yep? Okay, I kept looking at everybody. I
was remembering everybody, says man waittill I get my money right. I
don't care what I gotta do.If I gotta join a gang, I
gotta do some mob. I don'tcare because he say it. Because you
got with the wrong crew, youdon't go to jail. This is a
lady. Yes, okay, gotcha? Where can I legally kill? Because
I'm coming I legally that's something Ican maybe twenty years from now, laugh
like he he ha ha, WellI can finally legally kill or I can
kill that. My word is overyour word, and they gonna believe me
over you. She left the videowith all that, yes, and the
video is going around everywhere. Peopleare like doing conspiracy theory, saying,
oh my god, and you sayshe may have had a meet and greet
because I see there here there's picturesof her, because you know, TikTok
of course found out everything about her. There's a kind of scary looking picture.
She's much taller than Chris, allthat hair, she's wearing all reds.
So people are like, oh mygod, she's like the devil,
and then they start like doing allthese but it's so scary when you think
about Chris Brown. People know shemet him at the meet and greet because
I'm looking at a picture right now. Yeah, and you know, of
course Chris wanted to meet his fans. But that's that's that thought again,
like she's picturing herself closer than whatshe really is. I couldn't pick up
that one. I'll tell you that. Well. Yeah, yeah, man,
I think I remember. Didn't shescore two touchdowns when Doctor dre and
did the halftime? But she islike a really big I would be scared
about christ Super. You know,he's had so many okay, so many
sockers before where it's just like he'shad people be in his house before.
He told us about this guy before. It's like four in the morning.
I was coming downstairs this guy andjust like my garage, he was just
but he was sitting in his carand like, you know, you know,
just a look. And I cameand I was like, sir,
like what do you need? Like, what's up? What you need?
But it's not that nice. Ofcourse in the morning, I'm trying to
scare somebody. So he's like,your dogs are making entirely too much noise.
Mind you, it's a neighborhood fullof dogs. It's a dog park,
a quarter like, you know whatI'm saying. So the dog thing,
that's definitely not your reason for beingthere. Second of all, I
didn't mention this. When I lookdown, he was in his underwear.
I say, sir, are youfondling yourself in front of my yard at
four in the morning. He's like, no, I'm calling you. I'm
up here because of the dogs andthe noise and all. I was like,
well, cool, Well, I'mgonna notify the police and say there's
a there's a man in front ofmy house in his underwear at four in
the morning that's complaining about dogs.So you and you tell me what that
sounds like. Okay, I'm outhere and shut your dogs up. Hey,
man, I forgot about that onebecause every time I hear to stalk,
I'm thinking of the girl that wasin his kitchen. Wow, he's
a lot. Yeah, man,that is a whole lot. Man.
But we we're gonna come back.We got listeners that one to weigh in
on it as well. Man,y'all stick around your radios. Big Boys
Neighborhood, I ain't neighborhood. You'refinding a big boy from Big Boys Neighborhood
on iHeart Radio. Here's another incase you missed the moment with us back
up being here with our good friendHayesu suppovid up in here. You and
your popsh your relationship is still good. Gotta call him see how he's doing.
Do they make it over a lot? Yeah? He goes over there,
back and forth back. Yeah,man, Yeah, I's going to
work Mexico. He has money andhere he's poor. That's Mexico. He
enjoys himself and posting on Facebook likehe's like, hell is bucks over there?
Is come back over here to struggle? Is real on Facebook? Well
he tries to have a face.Yes, he has like a hitting account.
I know he does, because you'llbring up stuff like from like Mexico
and I'm like, how'd you knowthat? They just posted that? And
then I don't know how, butI just have feelings, right. Thank
you for listening. It is youfind a big boy Big boys neighborhood.
You can catch more of us righthere on iHeartRadio Neighborhood. Luisi is up
in here. What I'm loot all? Drake took another elg Ladies and gentlemen,
what the hell happened? Let metell you bro So Goba, Menica
is going on right now. We'retalking about the soccer tournament between like South
America and North America. A lotof teams Outgentina, Mexico, USA.
Both of them got eliminated. Sonow we are down to the final two,
Bro, and that is you know, Argentina and Columbia. But when
not Cantina was playing Canada, Drakedecided to make a three hundred thousand dollars
bets that Canada was gonna be Agentina, right, and this is what happened,
Bro, and the Reforettes the game, and we will see Argentina Sunday
night. Did Miami to the CopaAmerica final. Still, this is a
team that finally ways to get results, keeping clean sheets, barreling through their
opponent Canada. It really have achance, Canada didn't really have a chance,
Damn damn. And then they getpetty too, Yeah, they got
real petty then, so on Cantina. After that, you know, realize,
like, oh, Drake put abet against the team, right,
So on Cathina on Twitter on theirposts, they put up a post of
them hugging each other celebrating after thegame, with the caption not like us,
not with us. Man, yougo, I'm looking at it right
here. And that's out of theirofficial account, out of the Canthina's official
account. Man on social media,not like us as written the not like
us fun Oh my god, man, they had time. They're like,
man, we're going to secure thisw hell Yeah, and then you know,
revenge is hours. That's crazy,bro, not like us. In
hell, Kendrick has impact all overthe water. It's not hitting soccer.
You can't go anywhere, no goanywhere, not like everywhere. And Drake
was just doing what he was doing. Drake Betts, Yes, that's it.
Wow. But yeah, that wasdefinitely one of the Canada didn't stand
the chance. Yeah, think thatwas obviously one of the favorites. So
now it's Onnthina versus Colombia. Andlet me tell you, bro, messy.
I think he has one goal inthis whole tournament. But you're gonna
hear this at that final. Aman, he's probably not going to score
one goal. Doctors. Colombia istough. Let me tell you that,
even miss. What are they saying? Yeah, yeah, crazy to see
not like us, Like I said, going like we talked about how it
was during halftime during basketball. It'san international socker. It's everywhere man in
the top elite. The Spanish comment, oh, Ken Lamar, what did
he say, hey man, youlose three hundred thousand three grand bro and
that yeah, lets probably jump changefor him. It's a lot. Oh
yeah, but remember Kendrick Lamar didn'tmention that he had his little betting habit
there it is which one? Becauseit was like nine different Yeah, y'all
stick around. I got work todo. Y'all. Stick around, y'all.
Radios, Big Boys Neighborhood, you'reinside Big Boys Neighborhood Full show episode
podcast, Big Boy Neighborhood. Annieis up in here. Whatever, Honie,
Oh nothing to what you got?Music? Music? Moie got?
Why did you just drop? Thisis called stupid? And I love the
features Little Yachty and baby Face Ray. I'm a toy remembering them days.
I'm a sliding now. Of course, I just took him out of my
check. It's stooping. I justput a stupid Hey mane YG gonna have
a good one, and Yachty's amazing, YG is gonna have a good one
and Big That was produced by DJMustard. Oh my god, anytime that
Yg and Mustard works together. They'rejust such a great team. And the
cool part about about that is thatthey're actually real life friends. And when
we had Mustard in the neighborhood,he told us how they literally live walking
distance. Why'd you got some goodstuff too? Know? Man, crazy
stuff man with him coming with knocker, Oh my god, why you got
some they got another? I don'tknow, say it? You feel me
you don't think it's right to sayit? No, because he'll be like,
like, bro, He'll call me, yeah, like like why would
you Like like you just told totallylike I was spinna do a whole rollout,
but like you just messed up mystuff. He'll say something like that.
I'm like, you know what,don't say it. No, he
do got a song, that's writeit down. By write it down,
I'll say it so that you dolike man big here, you know,
around the corner from me. Hewould come to my house. I'll be
like, I'll be at the studon His daughter will just come to the
house like she's just ring the door. But I'm like, what are you
doing? Here? Is Connor home? Y'all live around the corner from it
walking There is a neighbor that's like, oh my god, hey man.
But just the success of that,that's being able to live around the corner
front of your potlat yeah, yourkids going up together, man, and
the experiences that Mustard and YG havehad to get. That's beautiful man.
And nigg. I was wondering,like when Mustard was in the neighborhood,
was he talking about this song Stupidwhere he was just like, oh,
why she's got something really good comingout? And you know what, I
should have asked that you produce it? Oh? Yeah, you know what
I'm saying, that you produce it, man, But I feel like that's
it yep. And you know hisalbum is going to be dropping. YG's
album. He's currently on tour rightnow, finishing August seventeen, but August
sixteen, just read up three isgonna drop. Yeah, you know there's
gonna be like a lot of Mustardus or there has to be a lot
of Mustard music on there, Ithink, man, And why G did
not that, Oh there's a differentkind of Hygi. Even coming back with
Stupid, when I felt like aknock is still breathing, you know what
I'm saying, It's like knocking stillknocking, but y'all slid. He coming
with it, and I love whathe did and with his boys when he
don't, love getting out of him, and I love it, man.
So we continue to keep her eyeon y G Man. Y'all continue to
hang out with us in the neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood. Big Boy has
left the building.