Episode Transcript
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This is Big Boys Neighborhood Full showepisode podcast, Big Boy's Neighborhood, Beautiful
Day in the Neighborhood, Ladies andgentlemen, it is definitely going down.
We got a whole lot more showcoming up for you to do. Continue
to hang out with us, Man, And it seemed like I knew that
this was going to happen. Buthe reacts to Eminem's new album. Man,
he doesn't. He's just like us. But he's like, I have
to listen to this a few timesjust to understand what you're saying. And
the thing is he could just callEminem and be like, hey m what
did you mean over here? ButI don't think he wants to do that,
Like he really wants to digest it. Hey man, digest dissect that
Eminem album. Man, Yeah,yeah it does, dude. I'm still
breaking down a lot of the kindredstuff. Yes, you know what I'm
saying. So with Eminem's new album, you gotta give me to like not
long probably what April of twenty twentyfive. Oh, and I'm probably happy,
But yeah, Eminem reacts Man.And Eminem is such a good dude
towards I mean, fifty cent issuch a good dude towards eminem Yeah.
Man. And also man Prime Day, Oh, come on man, Amazon
Prime Day? Man, was thata waste? Umboozled Oh tell me and
Annie have been on this because we'vebeen looking at deals online and we're like,
now we're gonna wait till Prime Dayand then once it came, just
in general, like you see thesespecials, you see fifty percent off and
then you're like, wait, thatwas like the same price last week.
A man, doesn't it seem likePrime Day was worse this year? Yeah?
I saw nothing. Yeah, yep, it's like the teamless sites,
like I could go get something cheaperon there. It's the same quality.
So I even went back into mybuy again and I was like, Okay,
I bought this before, and Iwas like, buy it now because
it's three dollars less. You knowwhat I'm saying, Like, do I
buy it? Am? I forcedto buy it right now? And I'm
like no, I'm straight, man, But was Prime Day a waste for
you guys as well? And alsoman, bad Baby, many bad baby.
Her home was robbed. Yep,she got robbed the big you know
what the year outside. I thinkshe also deserves an idiot a word for
this because she got robbed a fewdays after she showed her paycheck for her
only band, which was fifty sevenmillion dollars. She's made fifty seven million
dollars since like twenty twenty one,and they said a bulk of that fifty
seven million dollars come from DMS.Oh wow, yeah, man, how
does that happen? I don't know, man, subscribe her only fans?
She was really going on. Areyou subscribed to any of them for work
purposes at all? Yeah? Idon't need. We got to go behind
the wall and see what's on.Yeah, we may need to check it
out. I believe that. Allright, Thank you, Louie. I
appreciate that bad baby home was robbed. Y'all stick around for that. Man
was Prime day a waste and alsofifty cent reacts to eminem all that and
more. Y'all continue to hang outwith us big boys neighborhood. This is
big boy on demand, Big Boysneighborhood phone tap on the teens time,
ladies and gentlemen, we gotta salutethe abside, say in the neighborhood for
your phone tap. This is Avasarhouse cleaning right here. This so Luther
calls a lady to get directions fora lost house cleaner, Avasar that's out
there. The lady on the phonehas a hard time understanding Avasar because she
does not speak my own that's gonnaget into your phone. Tap on the
t's right here, big boys,neighborhood to make it all sick. Hello,
Hello day Okay, could you tellthem that Luther lou Fay called from
Luis Miguel's house cleaning and we haveAvasar, your house cleaner. We're gonna
start your cleaning services today. Buthe's lost in the area right now,
So do you know can I bringhim on the phone with you real quick?
Okay? Okay Avasar? Yeah,hell on Brinald. Yes, I
tried to find the main the headdress, but I lost. I came fine,
okay, So we're gonna try toget you in now, Avasar.
Are you guys by the store overhead? Pless you're on the right track.
If you go back to that store, yeah, you will turn left
and gravel road okay, and thenwe'll just stop that road two places on
the right, okay. In theeye for guerro man. I don't I
don't know exactly what he's trying tois Cacerro and the cleaning supplies in Cancero.
I'm not what he's saying. Again, I heard him say cleaning supplies,
Ali action free ca Sero. Myname is by main name is Abbasarfando
herelu ferries. All right, yes, so I clean, I break downs.
I did everything for you, andyou learn the macilento. Okay,
once again, I apologize for uh, that's all right for for this and
and Luis Miguel's house cleaning services willbe there in possibly fifteen minutes. I
think I think he's on the rightroad now, all right, okay,
so Caro mi cerro, all rightthere, and he's looking for you.
I look for you. You niceand I pay Sero, Cassandra the canandro
hanh all right, it's you're checkingout another full show episode A Big Boys
Neighborhood on demand, Big Boy Neighborhood, Beautiful Day of Neighborhood. Honnie is
up in here? What of Honie? What? Oh? Nothing? Honest
to what you got? One fiftycent is just like us. He is
just like Usa bypass. I meanno, no, no, not that
far. But he's just like uswith the eminem stuff. Like he loves
Eminem. He loves mm's album,and he's just like us in the sense
of like he's still trying to dissectthis Big. He doesn't get what Eminem
is trying to say in his music. So the other day on his Instagram
he posted, Yo, Eminem,this is crazy. It takes me a
while to understand the details of thisone. And he posted this song sons
there so evil. So yeah,man, he got a full album too,
he does. You got to reallypay attention to it. That's the
thing Big I started putting up.So you know, he told you,
like, you got to listen tothe album from the beginning to the end.
So I did that the first time. But then after that, I've
been skipping around on songs and I'mlike, what are you? Like,
what were you thinking? And itcomes ONW have to turn my volume down
because I always have my windows down, and They'll be like some crazy stuff
coming out of my speakers and I'mlike, oh yeah, And I'm telling
you, man, he's backing thatEminem slim shady bag. Yeah, yeah,
he's killing that to me. Doingheadlines and stuff. It recently got
announced that he's gonna be headlining afestival in Saudi Arabian. Y, dude,
we said it. Yeah. Andyou know when there was that big
boxing event when everybody went over thereand Eminem was over there for like two
three days, and I'm like,dude, I'm like Eminem and Paul and
Tracy. I was like, themanagement, they don't move like that,
and I was like, it's goingto be some kind of payday and the
same way, yeah, every thesame way. The fight's in LA.
That's happening with Terrence Crawford and thatbeautiful fight card he put together here,
crazy man, and he does performsomething off the death of some shady But
what I really love is about thisis that we're seeing Eminem do more.
We're seeing him out. And whenwe had fifty cent in the neighborhood,
this is before, like Eminem wasn'treally doing much at the time, so
we didn't think it was gonna happen. But this is what he said,
I'm gonna bring eight Mom to television. Oh okay, just check it.
I'm not gonna you know, Iain't got no dudes. I know I
would love to see like an eightmile TV show executive produced by fifty Cent.
I feel like it's gonna happen ifhe had his production studios. Eminem
is back on his grind of musicfestivals doing shows like he was doing Jimmy
Join. Either what they gave Eminemto do a show in Saudi Arabia,
right because whenever fifty someone's in theysaid that in Dubai or when they were
doing the World Cup, they offeredthem like millions at that time he turned
it down. It's crazy. Ifeel like it's gotta be over like fifteen
million or something like that. Justthe headline. I would think, so
like more than that, I wouldthink. And I can't imagine what this
show is going to be like whenit comes out. Yeah, it's gonna
be amazing. Theyin't not gonna stopat anything. It's gonna be Ferris Wheels,
all kinds of stuff on. Stayjust believe that, y'all. Stick
around your radios Big Boys Neighborhood.Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, full show
episodes posted daily. Subscribe to ourYouTube channel big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com. My neighborhood. Luji is up in
here with all and I know I'mnot the only one out there, but
it wasn't like Prime Day, justthe waste that I tried. I did
buy a couple of things that Ithat I need for that whole Bermuda Fest
and everything, and I want todo some promo pictures for Bermuda Fest weekend,
yes that I have coming up.You know what I'm saying. And
you could be invited as well,believe that. But I feel like the
deals were not there. Bro.It wasn't the big hype like it was
before. Not at all. Man. It's TV with this much discount,
very lackluss. I kept seeing somuch stuff that was pretty much like kind
of I think you I don't likeI had a discount code and a discount
price, but then I was like, no, I remember that it was
the same damn price. Yeah,man. And when you go on Amazon
anyway, and if you're a Primemember, they'll show you any day of
the week, they'll show you apercentage saving. Yes, and it was
it was damn near the same theykeep doing. If it wasn't the same,
it was a little bit off,yeah man. And honestly, on
social media, so many people weretalking about it, especially people who were
shopping online. Here's another example.They said that this webcam camera whatever,
oh projector I'm sorry, was actuallyeighty nine dollars and on Prime Day it's
now sixty nine. However, theysaid with the forty percent off coupon,
it would have been fifty four dollarsbefore Prime Day. Now it's sixty nine
dollars. The same thing with thisrug. Before Prime Day it was ninety
nine dollars and on Prime Day itis one o four. How the price
went up, I have no ideathat's exactly what it was. Amen.
Let me tell you I got bitin the butt too, right, did
you do? You know how Isaid? I just I purchased some stuff.
Ye, yeah, I didn't.I didn't go to my car and
purchase it. Oh. And I'mliterally looking at these headphones that I wanted.
The price change, the price change, Oh wow, do it?
And on Prime Day that was theone thing. They were fifty one percent
off, damn, the one thingthat I saw that I was like,
oh, I get those. Youknow what I'm saying, But it is
what it is. There was justso many deals that, honestly, like
I didn't see anything good. Andlike I said, I saw something for
eighty bucks and then for whatever reasonit was on sale for eighty bucks,
but they listed the price value ofone to fifty. But we're giving you
something percent off and I'm like,that's just like manipulating the price, bro,
which I did, even this fakeass discount. Yeah, imagine that
this price was originally three hundred dollarswhen it really wasn't. Yeah, it
gets bold and even right now.Man, I'm looking for a new TV
right and I'm we purposely waited forPrime Day to see if anything happened,
and you know, they got allthese TVs, all these TVs, mandom
TVs were nothing, right man.It literally just made you like do dumb
purchases, yeah, because you werealready on there here, Like I might
as well headphones that I'm talking about. I went and bought those headphones,
but fifty one percent off. Iwas like, okay, yeah, you
know, I'll get I like overthe ear headphones. But I was like,
now I'm definitely not gonna buy themnow. Totally unecessary stuff. A
lot of people about oh yeah,yeah, yes, there's somebody listening right
now, like yeah, it gotme yep, that damn Megan is style
you on all those Amazon Prime commercialsustick around y'all radios Big Boy Neighborhood.
You're inside Big Boys Neighborhood. Fullshow episode podcast, Big Boy Neighborhood.
Luigi was speaking on how Prime Dayman, Amazon Prime Day was a waste,
yeah man, And we were talkingabout just dumb purchases because a lot
of people did kind of do thatlike I'm just gonna get it, or
you went in not buying anything specificallyand you just saw something in body,
total unecessary stuff that you don't need. Yeah, man, So we wanted
to speak to some of our neighborsas well, Man, what's that dumbest
thing you spent money on? Justthose dumb purchases? Who're going, let's
go with all the alrighty. Dumbestthing I ever bought on Amazon during these
Prime days was this little mixer cupand you can put your cereal in there
and take it with you, saying, for example, to work or whatever.
You know, on one side it'sgot milk and the other side it's
got your like your cheerio or whatever. Yeah, never really use that at
all, yeah man, you seeit. Impost buying off. I got
these red things at the house that'scollapsible right, and you can pull them
up and it's for pizza slices.Oh have you seen that? Man?
I've never used that damn thing.And then there's a pizza place that we
go to that we prefer our pizzaand squares. So it's like and I
mean, you know, yeah,so we just throw them in like a
old you know, like old plastic. So it's like it's a good little
pizza. Can take that kind ofthing. Yeah, Or you can stack
them in a refrigerator so you don'thave to put the box in there.
But what I do with extra pizzaanyway, is I just grab a zippils
just a yeah. Man, God'sthring it to you, Lu because I
know you love pizza. It's justlittle random things. But then there's also
big purchases that some people make.Dumbest purchase I have remained was on a
Frenchiet fighter from a family member twogrand just like any other dog, no
difference. All it has is theears. At first they look cute,
it look nice, but when theygrow up, damn they're ugly. The
frenchy thing. Man thing, Man, nobody's expensive ass dogs. Yeah,
dude, you know what's crazy?Also, man, is like hoose.
He was it Frenchies he was usedto but yet loud. Now a lot
of people are in the game andthe value you're not paying crazy like that.
Yeah, you see like fluffies?What are those? Like? Frenchies
that are fluffy? Got so randomass breathe. I'm like, bro,
you can't get a fluffy on Amazon? You can't get one? You you
afraid of dogs? You tray thatfluffy as well? But I want to
get Yeah, do you want let'swrapping something. I gotta close up this
Amazon thing ordering something right now.Y'all stick around your radios Big Boys,
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand. Formore, subscribe to our YouTube channel,
big Boy TV and check out Radiobig boy dot com Big Boy's Neighborhood Phone
Tap on the teens time, Ladiesand gentlemen, we gotta salute the abbaside
in the neighborhood for your phone tap. This is Avasar house clean right here.
This so Luther calls a lady toget directions for a lost house cleaner,
Avasar that's out there. The ladyon the phone has a hard time
understanding Avasar because she does not speakmy own let's going to get into your
phone, tap on the t's righthere, big boys neighborhood to make it
all Hello, Hello, say,okay, could you tell them that Luther
lou Fay called from Luis Miguel's housecleaning and we have Avasar your house cleaner.
We're gonna start your cleaning services today. But he's lost in the area
right now, so you know,can I bring him on the phone with
you real quick? Okay? Avasaryahnald yay. So I try to finally
headress, but yes, I lost, I came fine, okay, So
we're gonna try to get you innow. Abasar, are you guys by
the store of a headless You're onthe right track if you go back to
that store, yeah, you willturn left and gravel road okay, and
then we'll just up that road twoplaces on the right, okay, in
thee Forquero man. I don't Idon't know exactly. What he's trying to
is cacer and the cleaning supplies inCancero. I'm what he's saying again,
I heard him say, cleaning suppliesAli action free Caceerro. My name is
by my name is Abbasarando herelu Ferrisalright, yes, so I clean,
I break downs. I did everythingfor you, and you learned the maclinto.
Okay, once again, I apologizefor uh, that's all right for
for this and and Luis Miguel's housecleaning services will be there in possibly fifteen
minutes. I think I think he'son the right road now, all right,
okay, so care of me,Cerro, all right there, and
it's looking for you. I lookfor you. You so nice. And
I pay Sera cassandri Andro hanh alright, yay to like Sero the Wonders,
Hey, Gandris. Course you're checkingout another full show episode a Big Boys
Neighborhood on demand, Big Boy NeighborhoodNeighborhood. Annie is up in here.
What a honey, what a bignothing as what you got, Honi big
so be A very guard just gota nomination at the Emmys for her role
in Griselda. I love a modernwoman. One woman's behind drug Taylor.
I'm not gonna give it away fornothing. I thought she did a great
job in Griselda, so good man. And you ever to watch anything and
wish she didn't watch it so youcould watch it and then feel like the
first time. Yes, somebody that'swhat that feels like. Right. There
was this one scene with her kidswhere I thought she was going to pass
away and her son came and justlike shot the guy, and that just
stayed in my head. But hebrought up at one part when she was
at the party. That's the samepart where she told the dude to strip.
H Yeah. Man, she's justsuch an in the radio. It's
so cool everything she had to dofor this role, and this is one
of her first drama roles she everhad to do. Like she's been nominated
for things before. When it comesto Modern Family, which is the sitcom
she did so good on that show, but big when it comes to this.
Carol G was also in this show. It was her first ever acting
thing. And this is what Sophiahad to say about her. Carol G
and I became very good friends whilewe were filming the TV series. Griselda
Rosela was Carol G's first acting role. As she would show up and set
every day ready to just dive inand to learn. And here's the thing.
She was so humble and she wasso easy on the set that if
you weren't already a fan of hermusic, you would have no idea that
she's actually a world famous, megamusic stuy devoted fans all over the planet.
Hey man, I was thinking thesame thing even when I was just
listening to that is that Carol gis huge? Yes, And to go
on to the set man and understand, like, man, this is in
my field, and they say shewas so professional, and I thought she
did a great job. Oh mygosh, I hope we get a part
two of this and then just likewe see more of her, more of
just her acting. She was sobeautiful, so amazing, and she loved
it too, her parents loved it. But then it makes me wonder,
do you guys think that they aregoing to bring out a part two or
maybe like another version of it.I don't know where it goes from there.
Yeah, I mean it was sucha dude. They can even because
even with Cocaine Cowboys one and two, there were other things that they didn't
cover, so they could definitely goback in. I know I would watch
another four this six episodes if theyif they pulled it off the right way.
When you think about Narcos, Narcleshas so many different others spin offs
toit, so I feel like itcould happen. Yeah, man, I
thought they did a great thing withthat. Griseldam. Congratulations to Sophie as
well. Your continue to hang outwith his Big Boy Neighborhood eighties. You
find a big boy from Big BoysNeighborhood on iHeartRadio. Boy, we have
the most fun on your radio.Kanye West is retiring from professional music.
I trip out, bro because ifyou're retiring from music. But then the
other day when you had the exclusiveVultures interview and you were talking about like,
I'm happy to be alive. Mylife has been there. I wake
up every day just surprised to bealive, Like because of how many threats
I got, from political to Iguess that would make me retire, you
know, Twitter commentary to all that. Just like going through just to be
like, boom, I'm exposed.Because the first step to cleaning up something
is like people be like, man, it's something smell it just smell like
that. It's like have you checkedunder that couch, dough Nobody want to
lift up that couch, and yougo to lift up the couch. The
whole industry it's like, stay awayfrom that, kid. Boom boom,
Thank you for listening. It is. You find a big boy, Big
Boy's neighborhood. You can catch moreof us right here on iHeartRadio. Have
you checked under that couch Big boyneighborhood. Luigi is up in here and
it's about that time once again.It's time. Yeah, the mom het
up knows best. Mom's knows best. With Louis g his mom, you're
gonna have a heart attack. Finally, I kinda celebrate there is Why did
you piece together like if she's gonnacelebrate have a heart attack Grammy nominated.
You know what I'm saying, that'sridiculous. You don't take that and flipp
it. Mom knows best what wegot? Oh man? So all right,
if you guys haven't seen the picturesout right now of Kanye West's wife
Bianca, and she's you know,we always talked about her how she's always
wearing nothing. Yeah, man,this time she and it's wearing bro nothing.
I literally just looked at the picturesright now because and y'all show you
yesterday. I thought that it waslike them pasties or something, and then
y'are like, no, that's heractual breast. Yeah, And now I
got like, man, wow,she's wearing like some sale little booty shorts
and then this like it's actually along sleeve shirt but it's see through.
Yeah yeah, hell of a CDthrough tone and you can see her breast
desists yea and everything. So youknow, I put my mom down and
I was like, hey, I'mabout to show you this picture. Just
let me know what you think.Oh lord, all right, loud this
I'm gonna show you Kanye West's wife, right see, I'm a Bianca s
and Sodi. I'm gonna show youa picture, okay of what she wears
when she goes outside in public.Okay, Okay, I want you to
tell me what you think and whatyou see. Okay, hey man,
and when you this is a realreveal, like you showed it two hundred
reveal. Here we go, ready, one, two three? What do
you see? Oh? Wow?Is that said? It's kind of awkward?
Yeah, look at her? Howdon't she dressed like that? Probably
they said, who's that anna walkinga run? Wow, they're gonna see
it's a you know, like astripper or prostitute. What she's looking for
somebody? I don't know what she'sspending money to buy that clothes. It's
really transparent. It's like she's notworking nothing. Why she's spending time to
dress like that? Just don't wearnothing, baby, I don't know she
can walk outside or step outside whenit's you know, little boys look at
her. Wow, I can't believeit. Probably when they see her,
probably they run away because they're scared. No, the baby. I think
she's scared the baby. Yeah,or they're gonna go. I want let
you tell all right the last wordsfor Bianca. She has to wear something.
They cover her. That's a bongasomething nice. Who's Anna? Hey
man? And immediately immediately your momon just the reveals knew, so she
don't even know all the backstory ofof yay and the dressing and all the
other outfits and the no saniness line, just the fact that her knockers are
completely out there. It is Lordais right there. Mom knows best.
Big boy's neighborhood. This is bigboys neighborhood on demand, Big boys neighborhood.
Annie is up in here? Whatup? Annie? Oh? Nothing
an serious about that time for Inever I got it all cute up idiot
award, Oh my gosh, wereally need that bag. And I love
this girl a lot bad baby.Yeah, cast me outside, how about
that? Yeah man? Catch meout? How about that? Yeah man.
But there's just some things that sheshouldn't be doing. Like she's twenty
one years old, so I getit. I did. I still do
a lot of dumb things online.But like she went online and she posted
how much money she's making off ofonly fans or she's made in the past
few years, which is fifty sevenmillion dollars. Oh my gosh, it
was seven million blos. That's alot of money. Like, you should
never be flash you fifty seven hundredcould change lives. Yeah, fifty seven
thousand. I wouldn't even lost thateven if I had one thousand dollars.
Seven million, that's a lot ofmoney. And for her to go and
post her earnings on her social mediafor everyone to see. TMZ picked it
up. It was everywhere. Shehas a house in Los Angeles. Big,
we've seen the news all over aboutLos Angeles. You know, kind
of be careful about what's going on. So the next thing that happened a
few days after she made this announcementis her home got robbed. Yeah man,
Luckily she wasn't in there, Noone was in there. No one
was hurt, but they did geta bunch of stuff, like the police
ended up showing up. They tookhandbags and just other you know things a
moment. They still don't know thevalue. It's probably up the up and
running now, but yeah, theydon't know the value because she wasn't home.
She was out of town or something. And it makes me so mad
because I'm like, oh my gosh, I really like you, but like,
don't do these dumb things like this. Yeah man, we got the
audio of the people. I justwant to play that. Yeah man.
You know when I saw this story, I kind of went back into time
and I was like, you knowwhat, Like she was here with her
mom one time, and she wastelling us about that moment on catch me
Outside? How many times had yousaid catch me outside? How about that
before you got on that show?Never I swear on my mom. I
put that on my best friend's life. I've never said that before. When
did you find out that it wasbecoming an internet viral sensation. I just
started going through Instagram and I'm like, fuck, is this she said?
You curse again? You're gonna haveto put twenty dollars into the swear jar
and I know you got it becauseI seen you counting money on TMZ and
here we are now. Now shereally really got it. That's why she
should not be doing that on socialshort. There is this thing about like
those those teen camps, you knowthose teens. It's a documentary, but
they talk about how you send yourbad kid to camp, and she's featured
in that. She does an interviewabout how bad she was treated Paris Hill.
Just so many people, man,it's so bad. She talked about
that rehab. Second when she wasin the neighborhood too. Man posting up
that you made fifty seven million dollars, Danielle, we gotta give it to
you, all right, and letme put this up right here. Yes,
my love, you are an idiot. Hopefully it's a learning lesson to
not post that. Yeah, man, And you continue to hang out with
us. Man, there's just certainthings on social media. What else,
what shouldn't you post on social mediaor what shouldn't be on social media.
We're gonna check in with some ofour neighbors as well. Y'all continue to
hang out with us. Big BoyNeighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood on Demand Full
show episodes posted daily. Subscribe toour YouTube channel, big Boy TV.
For more, check out Radio bigBoy dot com Big Boy Neighborhood. We
just had to give out an idiotawards a bad baby. You know,
Danielle, she's come by the neighborhoodbefore, man, And I didn't know
when she came by the neighborhood.She was so little, like thirteen or
fourteen. Yeah, man, andnow you see it growing to you know,
a lady got a kid and everything. Man saying how her home was
burglarized because you know, and youcan say if it's direct whatever, but
she put up that she's made fiftyseven million dollars million on OnlyFans since twenty
twenty one. A couple few dayslater they hit her house. So we're
just saying in the neighborhood, whatshouldn't be on social media? Well,
I don't think that couple should beposting their problems on social media. Oh
my gosh. Man. And weasked this question online and I saw so
many different answers, but this iswhat jose said. Guys that wear flip
flops, that ain't right. Ify'all ain't taking care of your feet,
make sure to crop them out ifyou're posting that picture. Women that take
care of their feet take care ofthemselves. So men pay for that French
tip, petty, and while you'rethere, you should get one two.
Nobody likes no crusty. Ask yourfeet and if you toes busted, you
should paint them shack dust. Heyman, let me tell you, I
don't think that this is just aboutwhat shouldn't be on social media. He
sounded like one of them foot fattishpeople. This is all about feet,
you know what I'm saying. Yeah, man, because he went in,
he went into women's feet and andwhat do you say, French tips or
something? Yeah? Man, Ithink I think I love you, my
neighbor, but I think you Ithink you got a foot fattige. I
think it's a guy thing. Whatelse shouldn't be on social media? No,
this is this guy telling him thathe has a foot feet. Yeah.
And I think the guys doing theselfies, I think it's time to
just retire those, bro, nomore selfies in your restroom dogs like that.
Just oh man, Like I don'tknow what the last I saw an
actor put something up and I waslike, nah, bro, you just
can't put something up like this.Hey, man, I feel like just
a lot of personal things shouldn't beon you know, like people posting up
their cars, like even with badBaby her getting hit for the you know,
them hitting their house. Man,Like, no one around you said
you shouldn't put up something that saysyou made fifty seven million dollars in the
last three years. Yeah, yeah, yeah, man, Yeah. Some
people just you know what, it'sa sign of the time, so people
just put it up. Yeah.And I have a thing big, like
I think I have a rule whereit's like you shouldn't be posting in the
house or like videos in the house, like if you have your wall,
cool, but like you shouldn't beshowing people your house. They can come
rob you and they know all thedoors. Eighties and we've seen it happen
many a time. Yep, Astick around your radios Big Boy Neighborhood eighties.
You're find a Big Boy from BigBoys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. There's
another in case you missed it,moment with us. We got a big
rumor, bro for the next SuperBowl halftime show for next year is going
to be Miley Cyrus. Really oneof the finalists dog and you're like,
damn, my Lee, Cyrus reallybron you think it kind of sucks.
I don't know. I'm not abig fan of my least Cyrus did across
the board. You know you gotthe Cyrus virus. You know you got
it. Man, got Miley Cyrusvirus. Stop me, man, I'm
gonna I'm gonna come in on thatSuper Bowl for sure. Say what now,
I'm gonna come in hut like arecord ball. Yeah, you know
all of them. Thank you forlistening. It is upind a big boy,
Big Boys neighborhood. You can catchmore of us right here on iHeartRadio.
I think it's kind of sucks.Big Boy Neighborhood. Phone. Tap
on the Tess Time pre paid sallyright here. This is where Luther would
like to rent a car. Butas he's giving out his credit card information
and the things that they need,I keep running out of prepaid cell phone
minutes. It's going to get intoyour phone. Tap on the t's right
here, Big Boys Neighborhood, tomake it all stick like gotcha? Gotcha?
Yes, I'm calling for Honolulu forfull signs. What kind do you
guys have in right now? That'llbe your on your prepaid cellular phone account.
That's like a few weeks century Chevroletand Pauler somewhere. Okay, and
with the information given, if webook it now? The rate you have
fives remaining on your prepaid cellular phone? Think it was these pre paid phone
Sorry, they're ready to be thirtyseven dollars per day on each island.
You have thirty twelve thirty four onyour cellular account. Is there a way
that I continue to call? Pleasepurchase additional minutes on your cell phone account,
will be terminating. Hold on fora second, sir, I got
to grab my credit card and popthis here real quick. B I G
boy in the morning. You havefive minutes remaining on your prepaid cellular phone
account. Oh no, why theysaid us to you in the cheapest many
blocks. I think they'd be ableto do a couple hours on it.
You would think so? And whatwas the other you need to call?
Please purchase additional minutes or your cellphone account will be terminated. Put you
hold on for a second. Sureplus texts prize ninety nine. Thus thanks
for a good meal prices. Youhave five minutes remaining their prepaid cellular phone
acount. I probably wasn't hitting pound. Sorry about that. Let me go
and give you a confirmation number fornow. Thank you and that confirmation all
please purchase additional minutes or your cellphone account will be terminated. You got
your clown, alrighty, that shouldbe it. Okay, give me the
confirmation for that last plot call please, okay, hold on minutes or yourself
will be terminated. Five? Allright, go ahead, sir. It's
a three four minutes us five Andnow what do I do? Sir?
And now you just pick them up? Did you have any other reservations?
Help you now? Other than that, I'm fine. I appreciate that.
Are you going to purchase additional minutesor what? God? Big Boys Neighborhood
on demand full show episodes posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big
Boy TV for more. Check outRadio big Boy dot com Big Boys Neighborhood.
Louis he is up in here.What well? I think fifty cent
fron They got a chance to hearthe whole eminem album that doesn't slim Shady
because you love it, loves it, it's crazy. He just says.
It takes a while to understand thedetails of this one because yeah, I
think we're all going through the samething. Yeah, we're still trying to
trying to sit down and decipher anddissect. And yeah, you know what
when it went down to like Iremember, just the way I processed the
album was the first couple of songsand then once to get into like Evil
and Lucifer, I kind of skippedthose a little bit, and then I
came out from the first listener.Now the first listen, Okay, so
then I'm going back to listening toEvil, to Lucifer, stuff like that,
even Guilty Conscience too, like Irecently did. But I love the
album, just back and forth,and of course you need time to decipher,
listen to the lyrics. Like evenon Habits he snaps, it's get
off the internet. You ain't evenfetch your kids dinner. Yes, parental
discussion. Mental, I thought thatwas such a clever line. The Internet,
you ain't even fetch your kids dinner. Yes, a little rental discussion.
Mental of the question my head isSmith and Wesson. You're missing whether
it be the weapon like an evilStepdad, I got it in for red
like a gin just step kid,who bet and just and it's just a
mess. And that the head menwant to wear lift to get women's underwear.
Who cares to this therapistiness? Thebare would just be waved, just
the playing which under scared Square business. Just attack the therapists and the Paris.
It's like, Amen. As soonas I heard Renaissance as the first
one I knew from Renaissance, andthen the second one as far as like
the way that the sequence is habits. Soon of the Renaissance and Habits,
I was like, oh wow,yes, I knew I was in for
a ride. Bro. Is anybodykind of surprised that fifty cent is it?
On the otherum featured you know what? When we when we kicked it
around yesterday and was talking about it, I was like, yeah, that's
kind of crazy. And it's especiallyas much as fifty cent speaks upon Eminem
and knowing how tight they still are. Yeah, I was. I was
surprised by it. Yeah, itwould have it would have been nice to
happened. I know, he likefeatured a lot of Detroit like rappers and
amen. Fifty was probably like itwould have been nice. Yeah. Well,
well, you know, fifty isdoing this whole many Men campaign right
now, which is loving it Ijust looked at his website. They do
like restocked his shirts for many men. So now those are flying up to
check but now with not the oneswith just the mini man shirt. Yes,
Doug genius, he knows what whenit's hot. He was like to
go to print, yeah right now, but you know, big yeah,
but yeah, go to print.My first memory of fifty centing you was
when I was listening to the radioand you guys had made a bet and
it was about washing his car,Yes, Lamborghini or whatever he was driving
at that time. Yeah, dude, I had one of them chrome cars
and I lost the bet and Ihad to I had to wash it.
And I remember it was live enup. Yeah, we're down here,
yeah, on the side of thebuilding. Yeah. But then we came
back, man, and he lostsomething. It was a final, it
was a game or something. Iknow. You made us a hockey bet
with him one time too, andhe lost that. Yeah, And I
mean it was ten thousand dollars man, and we gave it away for gift
cars. Believe that. But shoutout to fifth once again. Y'all stick
around, y'all radios, big boys, neighbor, big boys, Neighborhood on
demand, full show episodes posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big
Boy TV. For more. Checkout Radio big Boy dot com, big
Boy Neighborhood. Luiji is up inhere. And I know I'm not the
only one out there, But itwasn't like Prime just the waste I tried.
I did buy a couple of thingsthat I that I need for that
whole Bermudafest and everything, and Iwant to do some promo pictures for Bermudafest
weekend, yes that I have comingup. You know what I'm saying.
And you could be invited as well, believe that. But I feel like
the deals were not there. Bro. It wasn't the big hype like it
was before, not man TV withthis much discount, very lackluss. I
kept seeing so much stuff that waspretty much like kind of I think you,
I don't like you had a discountcode and a discount price. But
then I was like, no,I remember that it was the same damn
price. Yeah, man. Andwhen you go on Amazon anyway, and
if you're a Prime member, they'llshow you any day of the week,
they'll show you a percentage saving.Yes, And it was it was damn
near the same they keep doing.If it wasn't the same, it was
a little bit off, yeah,man, And honestly, on social media,
so many people were talking about it, especially people who were shopping online.
Here's another example. They said thatthis webcam camera whatever, oh projector
I'm sorry, was actually eighty ninedollars dollars, and on Prime Day it's
now sixty nine. However, theysaid, with the forty percent off coupon,
it would have been fifty four dollarsbefore Prime Day. Now it's sixty
nine dollars. The same thing withthis rug. Before Prime Day it was
ninety nine dollars and on Prime Dayit is one o four. How the
price went up? I have noidea that's exactly what it was. Hey
man, let me tell you Igot bit in the butt too, right,
did you do? You know how? I said? I just I
purchased some stuff. Yea, yeah, I didn't. I didn't go to
my car and purchase it. Oh. And I'm literally looking at these headphones
that I wanted. The price change, the price change, oh wow,
do it? And on Prime Daythat was the one thing they were fifty
one percent off. Damn, theone thing that I saw that, I
was like, oh, I getthose, you know what I'm saying,
But it is what it is.There's just so many deals that honestly,
like I didn't see anything good andlike I said, I saw something for
eighty bucks and then for whatever reason, it was on sale for eighty bucks,
but they listed the price, ohvalue of one to fifty We're giving
you something percent off, And I'mlike, that's it's like manipulating the price,
bro without even this fake ass discountthat this price was originally three hundred
dollars when it really was it.Yeah, it's bold and even right now,
man, I'm looking for a newTV right and we purposely waited for
Prime Day to see if anything happened, and you know, they got all
these TVs, all these TVs.Man, them TVs were nothing, right
man. It literally just made youlike do dumb purchases, yeah, because
you were already on there, LikeI might as well. Phones that I'm
talking about. I went and boughtthose headphones, but fifty percent off.
I was like, okay, yeah, you know, I'll you know,
I like over the ear headphones.But I was like, now I'm not
I'm definitely not gonna buy them now, totally unnecessary stuff. A lot of
people about oh yeah, yeah,yes, there's somebody listening right now,
like yeah, they got me.Yep, that damn making a stallion on
all those Amazon Prime commercials. Juststick around, y'all. Radio's Big Boy
Neighborhood eighties. You're finding a bigboy from Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio.
We have the most fun on yourradar. Miley Cyrus. Miley Cyrus
may be in for Super Bowl halftimeshow for twenty twenty five. Yeah,
just people online we're talking about nowMiley startus is a bad look and I'm
like a lot of people went theroute that is very obvious, and I
think we might hear here. SoI don't think Cyrus will be a good
choice. And the RD features slowvoice to finde Tyler the creator. I
don't know, man, if I'mgonna put money on it, I think
Mike cyrus Man gonna go with ourlistener, man, I don't think Cyrus.
Yeah, Mike cyrus Man, theCyrus virus is going down. Thank
you for listening. It is Ufind a big boy, Big Boys Neighborhood.
You could catch more of us righthere on iHeartRadio, so I don't
think Cyrus big boy neighborhood luisg isup in here with a lootoll you know
what. Shout out to the WNBAbyes. I've been watching more w NBA
this season than I have in thelast couple of seasons. Bro. And
they have their All Star weekend goingdown this weekend in Phoenix, and they
just announced that their halftime performer isgoing to be Award Grammy Award winning Global
Superstar Man mister. I know you, Damn Veronica. My wife she went
to see Pitt Bull one time inVegas and she said, baby, they
had such a great time, likeone of the best shows. His energy
and the dance, everything through theroof. He nodded perform. Yeah.
I think he did the tour withlike Anika Iglesia's one time and my mom
went to go see him. Shewas like, oh my god, fit
Bull and I was just like,yeah, that's Amazin do his heir.
Hell yeah, so that's gonna happen, which is which was, which is
amazing. Now he's doing a halftimehalftime show for sure. We don't know
who's gonna do the national anthem,but O w n b A. Just
don't call it ingrid. Guys.This is when you bring it home.
Amen. And you know it's atrip, they say, international tourists.
Yeah, right after she did that, a lot of people cancel their trips
to America. Yeah. You knowwhat now I'm reading Yeah, you're reading
something different. Man. She willnot be doing the national anthem at the
w NBA All Star Game. No, not at all. Dog. Have
you been seeing Kaitlyn Clark games orAngel Rece games? Not as much a
lot of the footage, but no, it's so much fun to win it.
Tho. Yeah. I think alot of eyes when you say you're
watching more w NBA as well,I think a lot of eyes too,
are tuning in and this great basketball. Yeah. I used to love going
to the Sparks game. So yeahyeah man, yeah yeah. But on
like Women's Sports, she was like, why are we going to do that
story? I'm like, dude,I need to stop it. And then
we were like, man, weneed to do this story. She's like,
give it to Louis. Yeah.Man, y'all stick around, y'all
Radio Big Boys Neighborhood. You're checkingout another full show episode podcast of Big
Boys neighborhood, Big boys neighborhood.Phone tap on the teens time right here,
man, it's high school diploma time. This for Luther calls is old
high school all right, that henever graduated from ever, to see if
he can get a copy of hisdiploma. All right. She also keep
reminding him, Luther, you didnot graduate. He's gonna get a your
phone tap on the teen's right here, big boys neighborhood to make it records.
Hi, how you doing mat?Okay? I just got hired through
a Trevor's Trucking and they're requesting eithera copy or an original of my high
school diploma and I don't have that. Well, you're the only one that
got that document. You had toorder a new one. It's a ten
dollars fee, okay, And howdo I go about doing that? That's
what I'm going to tell you.Okay, Okay, sorry about that.
It's a ten dollars fae. Itdoes take about two weeks to process.
I didn't graduate and you didn't geta diploma. Then No, I didn't
get a diploma, but I needto come by and get one. Did
you graduate or not? Sir?I didn't graduate. No, you're telling
me you did not graduate, correct, but you want to come pick up
a diploma from us? Yeah,I need a diploma to show to the
new boss over at Trevor's Trucking.You either graduated or you didn't graduate.
Right, No, I didn't graduate, But I don't have anything to give
you here. So how do Igo about getting the actual diploma? All
I need is that little sheet ofpaper. I know that you have the
paper there. If you could justtake a calligraphy pin and put my name
there, then I'm good and thenI can work. I'm not gonna put
something on a piece of paper,but I can't verify it's a sheet of
paper. Just put my name onthere so I can go to work.
Okay, did you graduate? No? I didn't you know Chris Billups.
No, Chris Billups graduated? Uhgraduate, Kateman Carlos, the Carter Twins.
No, they were in my class. No, but they were in
my graduating class. I was justtelling you, like, you can use
them as a reference. You canpunch them up right now, Well,
can you wipe out someone else's nameand just put my name on there and
then run me a copy and putthe seal on that I can't do that.
I don't understand why I can't geta diploma which you did not earn
it. So you can't get adiploma that you did not earn. But
I did most of the schooling.All right, Well I need to hang
up now, Okay, okay,so I Big Boys Neighborhood on demand.
For more, subscribe to our YouTubechannel, big Boy TV, and check
out Radio Bigboy dot Com Big BoyNeighborhood. Honie's up in here? What
up? Ernie? Oh nothing,understand what you got? We got to
go to Toronto and help Drake Bigright Ray, Yeah, man, home
is flooding. Just listen to whatit sounds like. It sounds crazy,
now, actual sound. This isactually it. He's like pointing down on
his feet. You see it likeit's up to his ankles because he even
zooms it down where you see whathe does. It sounds like a flood,
like a river. And think they'retrying to close the door. So
from what I read, because hehas a huge house that's like over fifty
thousand square feet and they said thatthis is like the closet area, and
he was I guess one of hisworkers over there is the staff members were
trying to close the door, andeveryone in the comments are like, what
do you think that's going to doif you close the door, Like you
think that's gonna help A man whoworked on that side of the house though,
Oh my god, your lord,but big. This makes me wonder,
like, well, actually not wonder, but it also makes me think.
So right now in Toronto, there'slike a huge storm that's going on.
There was like a lot of rains, a lot of people are out
of the power, there's floodings happeningin homes. So it's kind of like,
you know, Drake, he's justlike us. No matter how big
his house is, Drake, he'sjust like, uh, they're he's not
like nice. Man, my gosh, I'm sorry, but yeah, stop
doing these tabloid little things. Ohthat was so clever. Yeah, man.
The thing I also thought this wasreally funny because you know, Drake
whenever something happens set him. Notfunny because it sounds, but I'm like,
what kind of a song is hegonna make out of this? And
will he take like that water inthe beginning of that just rushing and be
like, man, when my housegot flooded because we did get this summer
song called Hot Uptown this time tryingmy patious, trying something else, fine,
even working favor trying. Amen.You just wanted to hear his song.
That's a great song. Yeah,man, I'm thinking that's when I
had like waterfalls and some kind ofreference to She just wanted to hear She's
over here dancing and everything like,Okay, that's the last song that he's
released every like ever since this year. So I'm just like, Drake,
now you should be inspired to dropno more new music because you have this
flood. I would take that floodand be like, don't go water falling
it some you know, he'll workon a smart I'm not the artist I
tried. All right, God,I want to apologize for Annie right now.
But you guys think about him andhe went right back to the pocket.
Remember one of our listeners said thisto the melanies that stick to the
melanies that Drake needs. He said, to the melanies, Yeah man,
he said, like Kendrick Lamar issaying, man that Drake needs to stick
too, to the melanie, tothe MELANIESE man. So he's right back
in his melanie pocket. Yeah,this is like, God Send, I'm
just trying to find a way tobail you out of that horrible rendition in
that song that believe that man.When y'all stick around, y'all radios,
Big Boys Neighborhood to the Melanies.This is big Boy on Demand, Big
Boy Neighborhood, Louis. He isup in here. What do you know?
What is really gonna do it?Bro? He's a UFC fight at
the Sphere in Las Vegas. Oh, that's gonna look amazing, dude,
It's gonna look insane. I've onlyseen like concerts and other little things that
they're having there. But have youbeen in there? No? I have.
Jason, our producer, has beenin there, man, but I
haven't been in there. It's likeeveryone's talking about how big of a spectacle
it is, like yeah, they'retalking about like you know, yeah,
there's bands performing there, but thebig actual picture in the spectacle is just
being in there itself and everything on, how the screens are and it's just
amazing. That'll probably be my firsttime in there then, Oh yeah that
is Oh it's this year and it'sgreat because Dana White has it for Mexican
Independence State weekend, that's September sixteenthweekend. He take take that weekend.
Maneeds to be a great boxing weekend. Man. But in UFC, get
in there, bro Man. SoUFC Notia is going to go down.
And the one thing I love aboutit is going to be very Mexican fighter
heavy. That night my last onethat he did well, Yeah, and
he loved it. But the coolestthing about it is that he sat down
and he talked about how he lovesMexican fighters. What I think of Mexican
people, right, the baddest humanbeings that have ever walked the face of
the earth. The Mexican. Mexicanpeople are very tough, durable people that
work hard, they support each other, very loyal to other Mexican people.
They'll work hard all week and spendtheir entire paycheck to support other Mexican people.
And this this show is literally goingto be a love letter to the
people of Mexico, their history,their heritage, their toughness, their durability,
and their future. I love letterto the people of Mexico. That's
so dope. M speaking that wayof that yeah, that night and how
he's embracing it and how he's understandingthat he does have a lot of Mexican
and Latino fighters, not just yetin the UFC. And also man the
crowd, Oh yeah, man can'tsleep on him. Bro No, And
I honestly I've I've been to likea small version of like the sphere thing
in Los Angeles, whach of theschool. I can only imagine how big
this sphere in Las Vegas is?Bro, hey, bro, And what
is the outside going to look like? What are they going to cover it?
Well? Yeah, that's you notice, like keeps saying this because you
know, I don't know how tosay that word. Yeah, you say
it again. It's the spear,the spear. Yeah, I even sayd
it wrong right there? I knowI did. You know what I'm saying.
That's why I would say man atplace in Vegas. Oh yeah,
you guys say this, not likeman, Oh it looks amazing. It
looks amazing. Let's think about thattoo. It's like, you know,
it's so big, it's so giantthat it depends where you're sitting at,
like how dizzy you're probably gonna getlike you haven't been in there right now.
But I went to a small versionof it, even went the small
version of it. I was justlike, would you be in a small
version too? Right? No?No, small version verse version of it?
Yeah, my bad. I apologize. Yeah, but I think that
was actually really really dope. Bro. Yeah, man, Yeah, And
you know what, man, youknow the audience. You know the audience.
Bro. Believe that y'all stick around, y'all radios Big Boys Neighborhood eighties.
You're finding a big boy from BigBoys Neighborhood on iHeartRadio. Here's another
in case you missing moment with us. How far did you go while snooping?
Anonymous? Okay, So, whenI was twelve years old, my
mom was married to a producer.That's all I knew was he was a
producer. He made a lot ofmoney, and people would come over at
night and do what they did,and he would produce. And one night
I just got really curious, soI decided to go downstairs and see what
was going on. And I openedthe door to our gym and he was
producing all right, but it wasan adult film that was in full course
in my house. Oh my god, the scenes at the house. How
old were you, Anonymous? Oh? How old were you? He's twelve
years old? Oh? Man?And when you walked in there was were
they full on? It was fullon. It was in my gym.
So they were like sweating with headbandoh Kimsey, yeah, head bands.
Yeah, they were wearing like lagwarmers and leotards. Oh my god,
thank you for listening. It isyou find a big Boy Big Boys neighborhood.
You could catch more of us righthere on iHeartRadio Big Boys Neighborhood.
Alrighty now, man, we're speakingon Dana White. How Dana White is
taking Mexican Independence day. Man.He says like a love letter to Mexicans
where he's doing great fights and everyeverything. Man. And we've had Dana
White in the neighborhood many of times. Man. And for an off air
that I sat down, you canfind it at Radio Bigboy dot com.
It's right there for big Boy TV. The entire interview. But we were
just speaking on early on how hegot the UFC in his hands. Yeah,
you look at it now and itsounds genius. So this story is
crazy. I don't even know ifI've ever told the story before, But
so I start managing Chuck and Tito. Yeah, the UFC didn't even want
Chuck Odell they wouldn't sign it.So there was this guy named Wayne Harriman
and he owned a company with JohnLewis called the WFA. So he calls
me and says, I want youto run the WFA. I want you
to come in and take this over, and I want you to run this
company. I was like, allright, let me think about this.
So I called Lorenzo and I saidI just got this offer to run the
WFA. And He's like, whatthe I thought you and I were going
to do something together. I said, wow, yep, we will.
So I turned this guy's offer down. Two not two weeks. Three weeks
later, I'm on a call withBob Myras goosebumps telling you this. So
I'm on a call with Bob Myerwitz, the owner of the UFCA, and
I'm trying to negotiate Tito's contract,and I'm trying to get Chuck into the
UFC right, and they had screwedTito over on some money and stuff.
So I'm trying to get the moneyback that Tito got screwed over on with
UFC. With the UFC at thetime, And finally Bob Myerwitz and snaps
and he says you know what,there is no more money. I don't
even know if I have enough moneyto put on the next event that.
He freaks out of me, rightand hangs up, and we get off
the phone. I called Lorenzo andFrank. They're in Miami, and I
said, I just got off thephone with Bob Myrowitz. He just freaked
out of me. Man. Itbasically said, there's no more money with
the UFC. He's probably gonna goBK. I think we could buy the
UFC, and I think we shoulddo it. I said, Lorenzo,
you should give him a call andwhatever. Lorenzo calls Bob Myrowitz and the
negotiation starts. For there. There'sno assumptions that anything's gonna happen. I
never asked for anything. I neverwouldever. Long story short, we start
going down the road with these guys. And two months later, three months
later, whatever whatever the time toLorenzo's up buying the UFC. Him and
Frank called me over and they're like, we want you to be the president
of the company. We want youto run it. So literally went from
trying to get Tito his money,Yeah, getting cursed out or someone get
Yeah to call in and saying,Hey, I think there's a move here.
I think we could buy this thing, and I think we should.
So did y'all really get the UFCfor two million dollars two million? Two
million for two million and an oldoctagon? Right? Hey? Man?
It sounds genius right now, becauseyou know what the company is worth,
but two million. Then they endedup putting like millions upon millions upon millions
into it, man, But itpanned out. You could find that entire
interview with Dana White at Radio bigBoy dot Com is right there for Big
Boy TV, our YouTube channel.As you're watching that subscribe button, y'all
continue to hang out with us inthe neighborhood Big Boys Neighborhood, Big Boys
Neighborhood on demand full show episodes posteddaily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel big
Boy TV for more. Check outRadio big Boy dot Com Big Boys Neighborhood.
Phone Tap on the teens time,Man, Alberta's dead? Yes,
man, This Luther calls to letone of his friends know that Alberta has
died. Man, So you knowwhat, No, she did what Alberta?
Y'all? Yeah, Alberta is dead? Yeah? Man? Yeah,
you know you know who passed toAlberta. Yeah, man, that's gonna
get in to your phone. Tapon the teen's right here, Alberta's dead,
big boys neighborhood to make it allstick. Gotek to Lorenzo. This
is Luther from over upin. Yeah. I haven't talked to him for about
three years. Man. I wasjust calling and let him know that our
Berda died. Yeah, she excuseme. I'm sorry. I just wish
that he was there so I couldtell him. Do you remember me,
lit Luther. I was the fatguy that I had to afro with the
red beard and the blond mustache.It was me, little Fuzzy Johnny le
Otis and Snoop Dog. We wasall in the front that one day and
you came by and you told usto get the of the streets, you
remember, Yeah, and then wetook a bat and broke all your windows
out. Well, I was justcalling also saying I'm sorry about that.
Man. At the time, whenI was hungry, I went inside and
stole your washer and dryer. Ohyeah, yeah, I told y'all.
Birda died right. She was robbingthis bank of Compton and she ran as
far as she could. The dogate her to death. By any chance,
if you go outside today, haveyou seen mister mcgillicutt. You remember
mister McGillicutty. Miss she short witha big ass. Okay, and we
can just sit down and talk makingalrighty, you know Alberta's dead, right?
Yeah? You want me to sendyou a little obituary? Yeah?
Alright? Man? Did I tellyou a bird is dead? You know?
You know who just passed? Alberta? Yeah, she's gone, man.
And guess who else is gone?Alberta? Albert I got some bad
news for you. You know whatthe bad news is, Alberta is dead.
Yeah, I know, all rightnow, Alberta is gone. Peace
Peace, I said peace. BigBoys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes
posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTubechannel, big Boy Tv. For more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com, The Boy's Neighborhood. Louis g
is up in here. What Iblued? All Man? For those who
didn't hear the news, the countrysinger Ingrid Andress, who did the national
anthem for the home run Derby onnational television and totally sounded horrible, gets
red the bombs bust You hear thebombs in the background. Yay, bro,
don that up flag. Hey dude, this sound like you handed the
mic to a person that just can'tsing. Yeah. Dogs, the ear
start bleeding. No lunches, broamen, I would say from a so
called professional singer, that's the thatis the worst yeah that I've heard.
And obviously people were making this peacego viral, and she came out and
said, I'm not gonna bs youguys. I was drunk last night.
I'm checking myself into a facility todayto get some help I need. That
was not meat last night. Thatwas not meat last night. I apologize
to the MLB, to all thefans in this country I love so much
for that rendition. I'll let y'all know how rehab is. I hear
it super fun. Yeah, that'sthe way you want to go to rehab.
I hear it super fun. Oh, but it just got to be
thinking, like dude, We've hadsome like bad renditions of the national anthem.
The latest, the last one thatI can remember that everybody was going
in on was Fergy's That My god, man, man, I love Ferky
too much to let it play.I love her too much to let it
play. Man. Yeah, thereit is you know what the mic was
on what the mic was on?Man? You know what I'm saying,
like, yeah, it was thenewscastle like, yeah, it was a
horrible red ship. But she lookedcute though. Yeah. Yeah. Man.
It's like when you know, sportsevents hire like little girls or little
like you know, teens or somethingto sing it, and then if they
mess up, and they're like,okay, they're just kids, right,
but not not when you're like aprofessional country country singer grab me nominated singers
like yeah, yeah, dog believethat. And then with Roseanne bar years
ago, she's a comedian. Yeah, man, they were bulling her.
That's expected though, And did shegrabbed their crotch and did like a spit?
Oh my gosh. Yeah. Man, we've all had drunk moments so
dark, right, but television likethat? Yeah? Oh man, you
sure you want that micro front ofyou if we're gonna start talking moments exactly.
Bro. Yeah, he broke upnaked with his homeboys alright now and
now he's all Christian and everything.You got level were get into it with
our neighbors as well, man,that drunken moment, y'all do continue to
hang out with us Big Boys Neighborhood. Adies, you're finding a big boy
from Big Boy's Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. We have the most fun on your
radio. I've been saying without knowinga lot about best up on the background.
I always say, man, like, dude, his English is amazing
to me. Now, Jose youwere saying he picked it up through Yeah,
I mean Rosetta or is what wasit called Rosetta stone? You really
like it, know it and likecommunicate with somebody like Jimmy Fallon or like
you. Then you got to speaka different type of English, and I
don't think he kind of do.You Just give me every day and listen
to you. I'm with you everyday. What are you talking about?
You understand like Spanish English, y'alldon't get the headaches anymore. No,
thank you for listening. And itis you find a big boy Big Boy's
neighborhood. You can catch more ofus right here on iHeart Radio, Big
Boys Neighborhood. We were speaking onthe man National Anthem was just recently slaughtered
by Ingrid Andress. If I'm sayingher name correct, man, she was
this is her here, Yeah,and she came out with a press release
and said that you know, shewas drunk that night. You know what
I'm saying. Yeah, blame iton the outcome. Whatever she was drinking
was a lot. Yeah, man, when it taking your whole voice and
rhythm and everything away. But shesaid, dude, she like today.
But at some point management agent assistantwas like, dude, this is not
going to end with it. Butshe said she is going to rehab.
That she was drunk. You knowwhat I'm saying. So, Luigi,
we're talking about just those drunken moments. Man. Some of her neighbors have
some stories. This is lampsung storyand his drunk Oh lord, have mercy.
He didn't wake up naked with nobody. I think it got Freddy right
here going down. Oh no,we got Lampson right here. Hold on.
Back in college, I went tothis club in Hollywood called the Roxbury
for my friend's birthday. On theway out, I ran to a bunch
of my friends. I thought Iwas cool, and I were two more
shots of Patron, and my friendran it back and got two more shots
of Patron. It was the worstcar ride of my life with motion sickness.
When I got back to my friend'shouse. We had to walk up
all these stairs and I ended upbreaking off his grandma's plants. Woke up
the next day and I had gumin my hair and even chew gum the
whole night. My man said,I woke up with gum in my hair
and not on chew gum. Theyhappened with that and as soon as we
get yeah, I'm doing the sameold thing, tonight is the night.
Yeah. Imagine going up the stairsand just breaking all year plants that she
waters every day, like waiting inthe morning. Mad is here? He?
Oh yeah, dude. We alsohad to check in with our guy
Freddy Man. So this one timeI had just got home from work.
My neighbors were outside chilling, haveyou some drinks? And I decided to,
you know, join him because Iwas just tired from work. I
needed a few dozen drinks. Sothey had rock, they had sprite and
cranberry juice. I had about sixsix cups of that, and man,
I got completely hammered. We werechilling outside in his front yard unfolding chairs.
I laid down in the grass andI knocked out. Literally woke up
the next morning in my house andI don't recall getting to my house and
my neighbor said that I woke upwhile we're still on the grass laying down,
and we just started singing karaoke andhe don't that's how have you ever
seen his TV Showser people wake upand they be like in prison, Yes,
you know, I don't I blackedout. I couldn't imagine blacking out
like that. You've been blacked outdrunk before, right, have you?
Right? And you Wow? Myman said hundreds of them. He was
like, but I didn't see thenational anthem though, believe it. Y'all.
Stick around, y'all. Radios BigBoy's Neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood on
demand, full show episodes posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big
Boy TV. For more. Checkout Radio big Boy dot com, Big
Boy Neighborhood. Ani is up inhere? What Honie? What a big
nothing? What you got on GreatNews Hello. Recently, Sexy Red was
asked if she could do a songwith her dream collab. Who would that
person be? Dream Collab? Idid my dream collab pri father, the
creator tired of the creator along withthe creator, sexy Red, Wow,
that is so cool, big andyou know, like Tyler the Creator.
I feel like it's almost at everysingle show that he could be at,
Like anytime we're at a show,you you know, man, And you
know what I love about Tyler theCreator. We always run into each other
in the audience. Yeah, he'san audience guy too. Even at the
Kendrick show after he performed, hewas just in the audience vibing out.
So he was vibing out to SexyRed too. When she was performing with
Drake opening up, they took pictures. I was at this show that night,
and you also took a really coolpicture too, and she was like
poking her butt out and you're justlike in the and he took a crazy
picture too. But when I sawtheir two pictures, like when I saw
him with Sexy Red, I believethat seeing too bad that that line lives
in my head. But then wheneverit does come to like Sexy Red.
She also told us that she's goingto be dropping a joint album with Chief
Keep, and then she was askedabout Drake Rake my baby daddy, Chief
Keep my other baby daddy Central.Yeah, she's overseas right now. Huh.
Yeah, one of my guys overthere running running around with her.
They're doing great festivals over there.Oh my gosh, it feels like everybody
is out there right now, likeall the videos like see Travis is out
there, Sexy is out there,Doja is killing and she did this split
and hey, man, have youseen Sexy Red sitting down and she's on
the shop the new Lebron James likethe new series, not the series,
but the new episode right now.I saw the trailer. Hey dude,
she she really holds her own inair. It's like her dre three stacks
from Outcast. It's like, Ilove the shop anyways, just them sitting
down, but also just seeing likethe different ages and you know what I'm
saying, her representing hip hop nowand her respect for Andre three thousand,
like and I thought she did verywell at sitting in that room, man,
like taking a shop. You knowa lot of people do talk crop
about Sexy read like the comments thatI read like oh why are you guys
posting this? Or oh why isshe doing all the time. She's so
dope to me one because she's stillstaying in her lane. She's never changed
and she doesn't care about the haters. It seems like like she's just really
nice. She even defended Ice Spiceon Twitter and stuff. And you know
what's wild about that too, man, is that she was talking about when
you see the shop, about thehaters and I should keep moving along and
pretty much what you just said righthere. And I love it too because
when you do see her at festivals, and because she's about to go on
tour, but when you see herperform, you really become a fan of
hers because you look around at howamazing everybody else is just like ubing some
people almost always almost ready to pullmy daughter out of the rolling law though,
like hey, the you know brownand and the pink and browns and
yeah, I mean that's yeah,my dad was there. She is so
good, that's the thing. It'sso like she's got news. Not for
everybody, No, she's not foreverybody. Man new music. I am
mad at you guys to tick aroundyour radios big boys. Big boy has
left the building.