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July 16, 2024 71 mins
THE BIG PODCAST - Can Drake Redeem Himself? Eminem Pop Up Store, Is Kanye Really Retiring?
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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This is Big Boys Neighborhood Full showepisode podcast, Big White Neighborhood. Beautiful
in the Neighborhood. Once again,thank you for being in the neighborhood.
We do have a whole lot moreshow coming up for you to do.
Continue to hang out with us inthe neighborhood. Man, They're already talking
about Super Bowl for next year.Man, you have time, performances and
everything, and people were saying thatthe rumors that's out there suck. You

really sing the finalist for the performers, one of them is Miley Cyrus.
Hey, man, I don't I'mnot tripping off a mighty Cyrus. Yeah.
We've had some great years, man. Yeah. We had Doctor dre
and Friends, we had Rihanna,we had Usher. You know what I'm
saying. It was good to thegenre and how we rocking Miley Cyrus.
You know they gotta do that.Yeah, they could do it. You

wanna start turning off the Super Bowlhalftime they do, they do one more,
They're gonna be like, Man,no, I don't want Miley Cyrus.
We wanted Wayne to be it.This is like his hometown, yeah,
Bil Wayne and all and yeah,a lot of people in mind like,
man, it should have been WayneMan. I don't know if that's
going to happen. I don't thinkI feel bad. Yeah, but Mightley
Cyrus. Is she back in theUSA or whatever they said, Mighty Syrus.

She's not like us, not likeYeah, I think she. I
think she'll do a good job,though I do expect the wrecking ball,
Like if she comes, that's justall like expected, all the songs she
wreck me on Mine Flowers. Oh, now, okay, I might watch
now all the Mighty Cyrus sayers arecoming out in the neighborhood. They try
to keep it all like him anr and you know, a fire like

flywers I said in the US partyin the USA go alrighting down with super
Bowl rumors may get into that.And also, man, what did Kanye
what do ye mean by retiring?He said he's professionally not going to be
doing music anymore. And now,yeah, and it's crazy because Kanye,
he don't say certain things like that, or he don't just say things just

all of a sudden, you know, everything is you know, nothing looking
from Kanye is paratic. You knowwhat I'm saying. He's a man of
a few words. Just announced itto be like the listening of it in
Korea. Bro, Yeah, man, the Korean's over there, like,
hold on, man, get thisthis dude. Man, I don't outfitting

and bought one of these black Yaysthe Square shirts. Yeah, so we
shall hilarious if Kanye or if theysay he's retiring, I'm like, yeah,
I can hold my bread. Yeah, you know what I'm saying.
I can hold my breath and thenI'll breathe immediately because I don't see that
happening man. And also man Friansare speaking on the man, how can

Drake redeem himself? Big Absoul,who's part of TD. Kendrick's really close
friend, he tweeted something out basicallysaying that Drake can redeem himself as an
m C, and then people startedcommenting like, no, he can't.
This is what he has to do. That's what he has to do.
So they're kind of giving Drake adviceand the neighbors, and then Soul came
back to you know what I'm sayinglike pretty much, don't get it twisted.
You know what I'm saying, Uh, Dot did win win? Yeah?

But it's crazy, man, becauseI don't think that Drake career is
over, like Drake can step outon stage, Drake can still make it,
you know what I'm saying, Likelike, you know, there's just
some people that's not going to rockwith him, and they probably didn't rock
with him before. But I don'tthink that Drake core audience is like no
more Drake and so we'll see,man, But fans are really speaking on

how or not even fans people arespeaking how Drake hen redeem himself. We
can get into that. And also, man, yay, what does it
mean by when you say you're retiring? And super Bowl halftime performance roomers,
all that and more. Y'all continueto hang out with us Big Boy's neighborhood.
This is Big Boy on demand,Big Wood neighborhood phone. Tap on
the teen's time, Nadie and gain. This is pool order right here.

Just wre Luther from a Pulio poolsystem. I call him a lady up
in years and I wanted to confirmthe Big Boy pool order that they placed.
That's going to get into your phone. Tap on the tans right here,
Big Boys neighborhood to make it ayellow. Hello, this is Luther

lou Fe calling from Pulio and Iwas calling about the big boy Pooly ordered.
He never ordered any pool. Wehave a small backyard, so why
did you guys order the big boy? You could have win, did not
order any pool. We are seniorcitizens, you're up in age. I
understand that. But being that itis getting hot and a lot of people
start making their orders for the summer. So what happens with your big boy

pool now, ma'am, I don'tdo what happens to it. We didn't
order it. Man, Why areyou getting upset with me? Because are
you familiar, ma'am? I'm sorry. Are you familiar with a company called
Pulio? No, I am notfamiliar with Pulio. You're getting all huffy
puffy like you big bat. SoI'm saying that we understand that you did
once your pool in before the summerreally kicked off before hand. Can you
understand English? Yes, ma'am,if anybody comes here tomorrow, I'm calling

the police. No one will bearrested tomorrow, ma'am. My job is
just to make sure. Then youshould have just let me hang up,
okay, And I understand that,And I'm sorry for making you so upset
today, ma'am. Hopefully you'll usePOOLI old pool systems once again, and
hopefully you will enjoy your big boypool. I don't have a big boy
pool, and that your seventeen thousand, six hundred gallon capacity for six thousand,

six hundred and fifty five dollars.It will be there on Saturday,
and hopefully you don't look at usin bad life. A pool here Saturday,
sir, and I will let thepolice here. Well, I'm not
going to bring in. I'm notthe delivery person. I have a bad
what it will not be delivered tomy house or the police will be here
and don't call me again. Allright. If the police want to swim
with you, that's fine with us, ma'am. That's your business. Okay.
I don't know what you and yourhusband are going to do, but

you guys sound like some freaks.In order to stamp pool. Just be
kind to the neighbors, ma'am,and don't put on a throng big boy
neighborhood makes it's going down. Jquestions up in here? What I'm quest
what's good? My man? Behumd sir Wednesday here already? Man?

This is crazy? Yeah, yeah, it is fine. Man. The
year is flying. Yeah, itis. Man July tenth. We are
It's crazy, right, Yeah,I gotta say what now, I gotta
start christmashoping. You know what,And I believe you. I'm behind.
I'm behind because every year I can'tbelieve when you say you're done, you
before people start. Yeah, andI already got ideas too, really yeah,

I got ideas too. It's justnever manifests. You know what I'm
saying. Yeah, it's execution exactlywhat we got coming up in the Mickey
Ficky mixed quests check it out,big, I got that j I D
Surround Sound. Also got Kendrick LamarUphoria coming up in the Mickey Fiky mix.
All right, your Mickey Fiky mix. DJ Quest up in here,
Big Boy Name, you're checking outanother full show episode A Big Boy's Neighborhood

on demand, Big Boy Neighborhood.Louis g is up in here. What
I'm We's got some breaking news,guys. Oh, what's going on?
Man? Kanye West is retiring fromprofessional music. Yay dog retiring from professional
music. Believe it or not.Bro Rich the kids shared some text messages

back and forth of him and thensend him nothing You can't send him nothing.
And you had told him that I'mretiring from professional music, not sure
what else to do. Oh yay, I'm retiring from professional music. Not
sure what else to do. Andthen he said, retire. Why how
the people need you the music?You and everybody else? We have made
this the biggest step in culture tothis day. Man, that sounds like

a great reply that you know you'regonna put up public you know what I'm
saying. Read that again, reachthe kids, replies and retire? Why
how the people need you the music? You and and ty and we have
made that. We have made whatwas the biggest stamp in culture to this
date. Hey man, that thatdoesn't sound like something you just send somebody

in the replace. That sounds likeyou like you're gonna post that. Come
on now, y oh my god, just drop yea about mine and V
two and we need to do itall over again. The kids need you,
bro for show, maybe some timeto chill. But retiring, ain't
it? I heard that? Man? Yeah, came back like, all
right, I don't get it.I'm going to retire. We were just

talking about the Vultures listening party inKorea, and now he's gonna retire that.
Come on, man, that hasn'teven been released VOTs yet. You
know, you know a man asmuch as we love yeah, you know
how much he talks. You knowwhat I'm saying, Like, hey man,
it's like, you know, onething in the morning, a different
thing at night. I trip out, bro, because if you're retiring from
music. But then the other daywhen you had the exclusive Vultures interview and

you were talking about like, I'mhappy to be alive. My life has
been there. I wake up everyday just surprised to be alive, Like
because of how many threats I gotfrom political too, I guess that would
make me retire, you know,Twitter commentary to all that, just like
going through just to be like boom, I'm exposive because the first thing,

the first step to cleaning up somethingis like people be like, man,
it's something smell. It just smelledlike that. It's like have you checked
under that couch? Nobody want tolift up that couch. And when you
go to lift up the couch,the whole industry it's like, stay away
from that. I get it.It was a crazy analogy, bro,
Do you what do you mean awayfrom that? Couch. I get it
now, I see what it is. But yeah, I don't know what

this announcing is. Speak you.I'm pretty sure you've had several interviews with
them. I'm pretty sure you learnedit. What does this mean? Is
he done with music? We're gonnagive ultures to now? Like? Is
this an old text trail? Isyou like? What's happening? From man?
Exactly? What you think? Canwe just get rich the kid person?
We got to get y. Youwant to come into the neighborhood as
well, and by the time comein, even if it's if it's an

hour from now, which it won'tbe, he'd be like, oh yeah,
yeah, back man to around yourradios. Big Boy Big Boys Neighborhood
on demand, Full show episodes posteddaily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel big
Boy tv for more. Check outRadio big Boy dot com. Big Boy
neighbor is up in here. Whatup, Honie? What you can Drake

redeem himself? Yes? Yes hecan? And you don't what I'm sol
from TDU. Sorry but I'm sofrom TDU. T d E. Who's
Kendrick lar? I'm sorry, butI just thought it was really interesting that
people are talking about this because hetweeted out that you know what, if

Drake is the MC that he believesthat he is, then yes he could
redeem himself. But of course Absolcame back after and he was like,
all right, but don't get ittwisted. He never really had a chance
between like Kendrick and the rest ofthe crew. But then I thought about
it, like a lot of peoplethought this was interesting for Absol to say
because he was also one of thepeople who came out on stage at the
pop Out show. So when Ifill white T shirt, that's like the

money. I love it. Man. They did a great job at night
too, saying black heabies together.Yeah, And I thought it was really
dope. How Kendrick just gave himthat like light right there and he performed
six sixteen in la because a lotof people might not know like outside of
La oh absolute, but he's sothey do. I love when a was
like, man, any more exposiveor anything. He's like, you gotta
leave me, you know, I'mblind man. Even listening back to that

big then that this kind of mademe go into the comments because I love
reading comments and seeing the people youdo. Man, I just like seeing
where the temperature of where people areat with this, and a lot of
people and there were just like,okay, well, one thing he could
do to redeem himself is just likesomething you could will tell us, like,
oh, make that music that youare known for music. Yeah,
yeah, just keep doing that.Because they're like, okay, when it
comes to MC, we don't necessarilythink that Drake is like an m c

MC, but he's great at makingmusic. And I thought about it.
I was like, that's kind oftrue, but I want to see what
you also thought about that too.Hey man, I think Drake is you
know, I think we're not likeus. You know, that's going to
be one of those songs they likeus, like, people are going to
remember. And I don't think he'sgoing to be able to escape the OV

whole thing and you know, thingslike that. But as far as Drake
making music and Drake being Drake andDrake being fine, I think Drake could
be fine. I think so too, because even reading some of the comments,
other people were like, you guysdon't even realize this, but this
actually made Drake so much bigger thanhe actually is. This was a great
thing for Drake, and Drake washuge already I don't think that it helped
Drake, you know what I'm saying. I don't think that it totally hurt

Drake either. But but Drake,you gotta think Drake already had a huge
catalog. Yeah, you know,its it some tarnish, of course,
some tarnish, you know what I'msaying. That's true. We didn't hear
like, you know, Drake listeningshares went up or anything like that when
this whole thing was going on oranything. Right, it probably did,
though, it probably did. Iknow thats did. But the material too,

It's true. It's like all thestuff that he was releasing. But
of course we asked this a questiononline too big, and we got so
many different responses where I was readingit. There's like some Drake fans,
but then there are some people whoreally don't like Drake really hey man.
But there's some die hard Drake fans. You start to see that even more
as you start to branch out.Yeah, I'm saying we'd come back.
We'll take some of those callers aswell. Y'all continue to hang out with

us Big Boys Neighborhood. You're InsideBig Boy's Neighborhood. Full show episode podcast
Big Boy neighborhood and he was speakingon it man fan out there saying,
man, can or how does Drakeredeem himself? Yeah, And we asked
the question online Big and some ofour neighbors like Richard, this is what
he thinks Drake has to do.Drake's gonna redeem himself. I think he

needs to get back to the Melanies. What a lot wine say, Keep
a Canadian man? Did he sayback to the melanies as opposed to melodies?
Hey, dude, didn't it soundlike somebody isolate that too? It's
something he said, he needs toget back to the Melanies. I don't
know Drake's gonna redeem himself. Ithink he needs to get back to the

Melanies. What a little white say, Keep a Canadian man? Rap it
by girls, rap about your littleJi grassy show. You know you ain't
start from no bottom. You startedToronto, My boy. You know that's
cool. That's cool. Be you. We ain't like you though, you're
not like us. They're not likeus, alrighty man? Yeah, so
he just says, stick to theMelanies, man, the Melanies and Susan's

Abigail's you know, what I'm saying, Yeah, man, I do a
Melanie No, you gotta love it, man, Yeah, just stick to
the Melanie you'll be good. Yeah. Then this is most advice to Drake.
Can Drake redeem himself? I wouldthink if he could just drop another

disc track that has some bars betterthan all his dishes than he already has.
But I don't know if it's alreadytoo late, because everyone's saying Ken
Drake already won, and it's kindof been like more than a month already
since the beef kind of lasted.So I don't know if it's a little
too late for him to drop anothertrack, or he could just keep entertaining

the fans that already like him andsupport him. That's what I think.
I don't think he needed dropping one. I don't think you need to drop
another one, man, and theneverything just start going full circle. Game.
Man, he needs to just stickto the to the melanies. Yeah,
you know what I'm saying, Juststick to the Melanie man. Yeah,
as Richard saying to the melaniees,Yeah, Drake's gonna redeem himself.

I think he needs to get backto the melanies. Yeah, man,
get back to the melaniese Man melodies. Amen, I guarantee you. Richard's
like, Man, I'll never leaveanother message. I'm gonna block l We
love our listeners. Why are youdoing to me? Melanie? Yeah?
Man overall man, broad stroke Man. Some people are saying he just needs

to stick to the Melanies. Many, Yeah, I think Drake just be
Drake. Drake got a hell ofit. He got a hell of a
catalog already. Man, we enjoyedDrake, not enjoyed. You know what
I'm saying, As Richard said,to the Melanies, and continue to give
us what we had. Man,you know what I'm saying, y'all.
Stick around your radio Big Boy neighborto the Melanie Big Boys Neighborhood on demand

For more, subscribe to our YouTubechannel, big Boy TV, and check
out Radio big Boy dot com.The Big Boys Neighborhood. Louis is up
in here. We got a bigrumor, bro for the next Super Bowl
halftime show. Even Vegas is takinglike bets on this one right. They're
saying that the finalist for the SuperBowl halftime show for next year is going
to be Miley Cyrus. Really oneof the finalists, Dog and you're like,

damn, Miley Cyrus, Philly broAny think it's kind of sucks to
be honest with you. I don'tknow. I'm not a big fan of
my Lee Cyrus. I did acrossthe board is at that time. Like
I haven't heard Miley Cyrus do anythingrecently. But we had like popping like,
man, we've had some great years. Oh my gosh. Yeah,
you gotta think just in the lastwhat last three years, we had doctor
Dre and Franz, we had Rihanna, we had Usher, you know,

and it sounded so good. Everybodyput your I remember that nigga trun through.
I'm not gonna niggas just the bestspot your second a year. Rihanna
killed it. Oh yeah, usherMan. Middle America's probably asked her for

my retarded you know what I'm saying, Like as much as we love it
every year to then now something therewas somebody going, damn. I remember
that. When I was at theat the Super Bowl, Sofi Dre and
friends. I remember when Kendrick cameout, this lady asked me, she
said, who is that? Youknow? So she she didn't know Kendrick
at the time, you know.So there's some people that's probably waiting on

them. It comes to like footballand you know, drinking. Do we
really want to sit there at halftimeshow? Sir? Right? The remember
listen to this. Listen Why youdon't know this song? Why are you

acting like you don't know? Whyyou act like you don't know this song?
That's how all? Wow, it'sgonna be bro Now this one right
here is he close with this?Man? I'll be there me your song.
Look at everybody in there. I'mgonna be here the tape. I'm
gonna take everybody you sell out?Yeah, man, yeah, but it's

gonna be a perfect time to justgo take a little you know, restroom
haunt, a couple of beers,hit a couple of beer bonds. You
know you would be out there.Man, we'll be all right. You
know you got the cyrus virus.I know that you got it, man,
you got the mighty cyrus virus.Stop it, man, I'm gonna
I'm gonna come in on that SuperBowl for sure. Say what Now,
I'm gonna come in high like awrecking ball. See yeah, you know

all of them. Man, howdo the people feel about those? We
asked a couple even want to putit up on social media. People are
like, no, man, that'sthe worst. That's the worst. But
they have some opinions. Enough,right, we'll get into so we'll come
back to it. We'll definitely comeback to it, very opinionated. He
said he changed a little bit.Yeah, alrighty, Big Boy Neighborhood.

You're checking out another full show episodea Big Boy's Neighborhood on demand, Big
Boys Neighborhood, Beautiful Day in theNeighborhood, Ladies and gentlemen. Alrighty,
we were speaking on it, man, Miley Cyrus. Miley Cyrus may be
in for Super Bowl halftime show fortwenty twenty five. Louis said, it
sucks. Yeah, I was saying, man, maybe he's an NFL and

America needs a break from what we'vebeen giving them. We forgive it.
Somewhere somewhere, somebody is hating thatjay Z is now the guy that put
the talent on it during the halftimeshow. You know what I'm saying.
I guarantee you if if Trump ispresident next year, it is gonna be
Miley Cyrus up there. Trust thatbelieve that. Man. But we had
a chance to speak with somebody aswell, Luke. Yeah, just people

online we're talking about now is abad look. And I'm like a lot
of people would the route that isvery obvious and I think we might hear
here. So I don't think MarkCyrus will be a good choice Mike Cyrus.
So I don't think Mark Cyrus willbe wait, hold on, hold
on, you guys, hold on. So I don't think Mark Cyrus will
be a good choice in the rD featuring Snoop or Stefanie Tyler, the

creator should be a good choice.I would like to see Kendrick Lamar be
at the super Bowl only because Imean, no one who cares about Miley
Cyrus. I mean you know,I mean she was there popular, but
I mean she has that came outwith anything in a long time. And
Kenja Lamar, you know, hasa bunch of albums, you know,
a bunch of you know, goodtracks, been around for a good minute
too, and not age to mentionlike the beef that's going on between him

and Drake. I mean, man, that'd be epic. NFL gonna go
take that beef and put that onthe platform. You have a better chance
to seeing Mike Cyrus. So Idon't think Mark Cyrus, Yeah, man,
Mike Cyrus to be there, MikeSurius, what you gotta figure Doking
Like you said, in the past, we've had doctor Dradon friends, We've
had Rihanna Usher, then he hadJennifer Lopez with Shakita, he had the

Week and he was in there,and then I don't remember anything after that.
Man, Like they gonna they're gonnahave to go with like a jelly
roll or yeah, oh my gosh, you know what I'm saying, or
or bring bring Axel Rose back,you know, guns and rosies. You
know, like they're gonna they're gonnahave to Man, I'm telling you,
man, teach you're gonna steer towardsthat route. Like I mean, I

would. I would love to see, like like how we were talking about
it with being in New Orleans,right and people were like, man,
Lil Wayne need to do it.It's hometown is low hanging Fruit. Yeah.
I don't know. You know whatI'm saying, Lil Wayne and friends,
Drake and then Tiger. That wouldbe so Joe Birdman, Right.
I think a lot of America turnedthat off. Yeah, yeah, I
think a lot of America turned thatoff. Man. What about Drake right

for him to do the Super Bowlat halftime. Do you think Drake could
do Super could do Super Bowl beforeKendrick? Yes, I think will right
in the next ten years. Ithink Drake would probably do a halftime show
before Kendrick. Really well, Kendredid one already. Oh yeah about the
solo was right right. I don'tknow, man, if I'm gonna put
money on, I think Mike cyrusMan, I think I'm gonna go with

our listeners Cyrus. Yeah, Mikecyrus Man, you know what I'm saying.
The Cyrus virus is going down.Figure makes DJ quest up in here.
Big Boys Neighborhood. Adies, you'refinding a big boy from Big Boys
Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. We havethe most fun on your radio. It

is going down. Hey, susupcovid up in here? Hey man,
what part of Mexico is the familyfrom? Like Pop my dad's from over
the going so nor that my mom'sfrom a little ranch. Now with mort
it's like next to Amen. Well, it's very close to where Fernando Elenzila's
from. Amen. Have you heardthey talked anything about the first female Mexican

president. No, I've had tocall my dad. I don't even want
to because I know it's gonna bepolitically incorrect. I don't know what to
say. Why would you say itwould be politically incorrect. I'm just saying,
I don't know if you know,because Latinos are still on something like
shy stuck Cliff and right hey dudethings. They still haven't grown up on

that. Yeah, I mean inpublic that they're keeping it low kiy because
they're seeing all this Cancel Coaches stuff. But it is in my house is
till like eighteen ninety three. Thankyou for listening. It is you find
a big boy, big boys neighborhood. You could catch more of us right
here on iHeartRadio. Big Boy Neighborhoodwere sitting in here. I'm gonna tell

you guys, we sitt him herearguing about pants and plumba is English,
right, we get into it.But even I couldn't learn that bust to
rhymes first. You know what I'msaying, and that's in English. Man.
But we'll give you a bar onwhat we're talking about. Big Boys
neighborhood one is up in here.What I a? Oh nothing, honest
to what you got? My loveapparently Kanye is retiring from a professional music

Oh my god, what does thatmean? Professional music? That probably means
we're not going to get music likethis. Oh my god, hey man,
that right there that he made thatwhen he was a professional. Yes,

yes, man and the other guyon that track, Rich the Kids
shared a text message that he hadwith Kanye, and it was a message
that Kanye said to him, andhe said, I am retiring from professional
music. Not sure what to do, what else to do next? Hey
man, let me tell you forone, risky Kid, you're wrong for
you putting that out. Yeah,you know what I'm saying, Like now,
I know I can't even text Richthe Kid. You know what I'm
saying. Can you imagine, likeman, having a good day, feeling

sad? You know, then youput that up people start calling you.
Yeah, man, I saw RichKid put up that you're feeling sad.
Yeah, But I don't know.I don't know what Yay retiring from professional
music means. I hope you knowwhen people in the comments are like,
oh, he's just having a moment. Let Kanye Kanye right now. Yeah,
definitely, because he has music comingout. Rich the Kid's gonna drop
his album. He's no, he'snot vultures to vultures. Bultures too in

Korea Like yeah, but Greg,I know that he's not going to stop
music doing music because when he wasin the neighborhood, he did this for
us. I'm made Jesus Walks.I'm never going to hell to a level
flow. It's never going to sell. Let you we wrapped the her Man's
a versus sophisticated ignorant, right.My curse is a cursing. I get
a custom You a customer. Youain't customed to going through customers. You

ain't ben knowing, and all theladies in al got I'm showing off.
I'm done. I hit you up. Man, y'all. Nah, that
was a credible neighborhood man, Iwas telling himself with Dan's first home fans.
First man, hey man, youdon't I love about Kanye. Also,

I got part you can't see thefire Bess find over you made backupa
slicker bread with dude Jay is chilling. Yeah, it's chilling. What more
can I say? We're killing them? Hold up before we in this campaign
and you can see we even bodythe damn lane. So if we let
them miss up the things they can'tchange and pray that all and they pay

me sharing page. Man, thatdude's not retiring, kidah man, because
we need another one. Maybe heretired and he's back. You know,
it's like a four hour retirement orsomething like that. You know, this
is the time where I'm okay withKanye being Kanye and saying something and not
meaning it. I'm like, allright, you live your life and give
us music, yeah, man,because I mean that's his outlet. Yeah

yeah, it's his outlet man.Yeah. Yeah. He was like,
what else am I going to do? I'm like, bro, you have
a whole fashion line. Yeah.I think what we learned from all this,
man is, uh, don't tastereach the kid? Yeah pretty much.
Yeah, well that's what I learned. Yall, stick around, y'all
radios. Big Boy Neighborhood. Thisis Big Boy's neighborhood on demand, Big
Boy Neighborhood. All right now,now you guys know how I've been saying

in that best so ploma, I'mlike, man, his English to me,
even when you hear the song withCardi B's on and so forth,
his English, I'm like, man, his English is good. Do you
know what I'm saying. So I'vealways been saying, like, man,
did he learn English? So onand so forth, and so we've been
having this discussion off air about festso Pluma, right, and so when

we started to do some digging,beest so Pluma went to school in Texas,
yep, right to eighth grade inTexas, and he finished high school
in Texas. Right. So hewent to eighth grade in Texas from what
we're seeing, and he finished highschool in Texas. So that could be
about four or five years, youknow what I'm saying. So Jose,
Jose was saying that he don't feellike he learned any English when he was

going to school in Texas, whenhe was a construction worker and working in
New York and all these other things, saying that you feel like best uploment
in the last year or two,How did he learn English? Well,
I think he had like a tutoror like Rosetta Stone, Rosetta Stone.
So at no point that taught himhow to like speak English. Okay,
and that could be, but atno point did he learn English. From

eighth ninth through twelfth, he learnedsome, but I don't think he changed
it. No, no, no, no, no no, because let
me tell you, okay, whenhe first started it from correction, he
didn't really know how to speak Englishthat well. And then now you hear
him and you see him on likeJimmy Fallon and he's speaking like really good
anger and so you feel and I'msaying he probably tightened up. But you

were saying that the whole time whenhe was in America he didn't learn.
He learned restaurant English, yes,in instruction right English, which at no
point in school from from eighty ninthhe learned like the basics. I think
just to give him me nothing.But now everything you said Rosetta Stone to
help them probably or a tutor,or to help him, because so you

said he took a tutor just onthe road two three years. He probably
said, you know what, dude, this is hitting. I'm doing Spanish,
but I want to cross over toEnglish, so I better start learning
it. But you were saying thathe didn't speak English anytime. When he
was here. I thought he waslike a so I thought he was like
yeah. I really thought he justcame from and then like he was just

like, you know, man,this is good, I could do this
he didn't really that Rosetta Stone.Yeah, a little bit after right,
that crossover everybody does. And Diana, what were you saying? He didn't
get rose and he got engleishing.But for those who don't know, it's
the same thing. But man,I just love that he was like,

no, Big, when I camehere as a second language, you know,
it took me a long time,Big, But now I don't know
saying louted out, I'll be ableto. I don't think there's no audio
up there. Oh no, heexplained a little bit of how he learned.
All right, we'll come back toit. Alrighty, Now, let's
get back into this Rosetta Stone.Y'all stick around, yall, radios,

Big Boys. If anybody know anythingelse, call us up, defensive rumors,
do everything through? Was that astone? In a year? Boys
Neighborhood on demand? Full show episodesposted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel
big Boy TV for more. Checkout Radio big Boy dot com Big Boy
Neighborhood. Alrighty, now we werespeaking on I've been saying, like man

without knowing a lot about best upon the background. You know what I'm
saying, Like school and everything.I always say man like, dude,
his English is amazing to me,you know what I'm saying, Like I
didn't know if it was just gettinginto the business on and so forth.
But we've been talking about this offair today even more so today, and
so we found out, you know, sources were saying that he went to

school in Texas, and he wentto school in Texas toil about eight through
twelfth grade. Now Jose is sayingthat he didn't learn No, he didn't
learn English like that in the lastyear or two. You were saying he
picked it up through Yeah, Imean Rosetta or by what was it called
Rosetta Stone, Yeah, yeah,or a tutor, so a tutor,

a tutor. So when he wasin eighth, ninth, tenth, eleven,
twelfth grade, Yes, going toschool in Texas, he didn't pick
up any English. He learned probablysome some, but but because you can't
learn it all in four years,four years as a fourteen year old as
Yeah. And then he worked inNew York as a construction worker, restaurants

and various jobs out there. Yeah, and so you don't think he spoke
any English there. It was oncehe got into the business where now the
world is his as well, Iwouldn't even learn English. Yeah, that
was the world was mine. I'mnot even learning English. Yeah yeah,
And he didn't have to because hewas caught up in his art, which
is Mexican music. So he wastalking Spanish all the time, surrounded by
a lot of Spanish speaking people.Who's gonna teach him how to speak English?

Right? And so now he gotRosetta Stone or the other one wants
to call it. You tell usyou do still a tutor. I think
it's a tutor. So you thinkhe took a tutor on the road,
even when he has hustling and comingup. He took a tutor on the
road, Yes, because it wasimportant for him to learn the end.
But not in school. It wasn'timportant to graduate from school. Yeah that's
time you're working. Grade from highschool. It wasn't important. But you

know what, there are a lotof people that didn't know how to speak
graduate. Her name Chara. Let'sbring Chara into the neighborhood. Charae hello,
hello, Hello there now, Chara, Chara, you're a teacher.
You're a teacher in Texans. That'sa different kind of Spanish. Also,
by the way, it's like TexasSpanish already, so charae as a teacher

in Spanish. You called us upbecause you heard him speaking on this.
What was the reason why you calledI'm calling heard the conversation and got to
say, Jose got it all wrong. Now I am a I am a
ninth grade English teacher in Texas.The law is first, kids that speaks

Spanish or any other language other thanEnglish, they have to have EESL classes
while they're going to school. Ande L said e s L is English
in the second language, so theyhave to learn it. No if and
but somebody, alrighty, I tookyou sol when I was a little kid,

A little kid, yeah, whenI was in six, when I
when I was six years old,all the way to like maybe like ninth
grade, right, I took.I don't want to compare your intelligence with
his, because I've known you sinceyou were down their kids. Let it's
always disrespectful that you said, no, no, no, nothing disrespectful.

But I was just saying, likeI just thought he was saying that he
applied himself in one year. Moreso two years probably two years, okay,
two years, yes, because whenrose through not anything in school,
not anything that helped work, thathelped change in such and helped them.
Restaurants helped them. Yes, butyou really like know it, know it

and like communicate with somebody like JimmyFallon or like you. Then do you
got to speak a different type ofEnglish? And I don't think he kind
of you to me every day andlisten to you. I'm with you every
day. What bro you understand mySpanish English? You don't get the headaches

anymore? No, all right now, man, you know we do have
a phone tap that we got toplay as well. Yeah, man,
So I'm glad. I'm glad wegot to the bottom of that. Yeah,
no questions if you were, ifyou were listening to this great and
in conversation, all right now,help you learned something? Yeah, man,

I got tickets to Big Boys ComedyFIESA. It is going down in
the Long Beach Ladies and gentlemen.The first show completely sold out, so
we had to add another Renee Vodka, Concrete, Frankie Kin Jonas aka Creeper,
Chris Estrada, and Jay Valentino.That is going down July twenty six
at Terror Theater in Long Beach.If you would like to go keyword is
long beach. Keyword is long beach. Yeah, man, lone beach fest

so Pluma. That was like wordsloan beach Gluma. Call us up right
now, throws that a stone inthere too, please? Yeah, because
when I saw pel Plum, Iremember we saw him in the crypto.
You know, he couldn't even understandwhat I was gonna say. You chased

him down and never called it.Yeah, all right, I'm jone with
you. Hose Big Boys Neighborhood,Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, full show
episodes post daily. Subscribe to ourYouTube channel, big Boy Tv for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com, Big Boy Neighborhood. Louis G's
up in here with a dog.Can Drake redeem himself? It's beef with

Kendrick Lamar. There's been a lotof conversation about that man. Can Drake
redeem himself? Yeah, team,that's a hell of a word. Hell
of a word. Died and anapso from TD put out a tweets said,
if Drake is the MC, Iimagine he can be. Redemption is
not off the table, real talk, man. A lot of people want
it in the comments and they're like, yeah, he can redeem himself by
doing this, by doing that,No, he can. It's over.

Then somebody said that not like usvideo was his funeral. It is a
lot of comments, man, butbut you know it was crazy about that.
Man. There's different people that ridetoo, Yeah, because you would
go outside of areas or the world, and but they're playing that like us
all over the world. Yeah,yeah, all over the world. Man.
But there's people that feel like eitherDrake won. There's people that feel

like, uh, Drake made Kendrickmore famous. Yeah, there's so many
things when it comes to I've seenpeople break down how people break down Kendrick
and all. He mean, I'veseen people break down Drake the same way.
Oh he said this, Oh hegot Kendrick with this, and he
made a story about his daughter thattake away points everything. Man. So
it's a battle back and forth.Even when it came down to like there's

so many athletes and so many celebritiesthat like don't know what it picks sides.
To be honest with you, theykind of looked at it as a
beef only because they're probably friends withboth of them. Yeah, Like Kevin
Durant, he was asked, likeyou know what Drake, what does he
do next? You never know whathe does, bro, He's just one
of those stealth like under the radardude that has just poppa up out of
Nowhere's some crazy. Yeah. Theyalso just let him ride for five or

six years before you say something.You never know him. He don't really
have to respond either to because doyou think he's like kind of currently solidified
as like numbers wise, scoreboard wise, as like the goal of the space.
Yeah, but I also feel likehe's competitive too, and he likes
that little he like he likes torap, you know what I'm saying.
And he likes to he likes thatlittle that lyrical sparring session, regardless of

who it is. Over his wholecareer, you haven't seen it, so
you never know what you're gonna dowith it. Man, That's the beauty
of it. Though k did hedid the politician thing right there. But
you know it's crazy because Drake hasa lot of relationships, man, and
you can't deny how good that notlike us was, you know what I'm
saying. Do you stand next toa lot of it? Man? Like?

Probably not? But come on,man. NBA player Demartin Rosen.
If you've seen him not like usin the video, you hear the name
of the song, like man,finally somebody finally asked him, like people
were wondering, like why is heup there at the pop out? At
the pop out? Rake, thefan of Kendrick myself is cool to see
you in that video. How didthat come about? And does that mean
they can't play Drake in this buildinganymore? I mean, he love Drake,

you love Jake. Always could playhim, you know, Kendrick ben
a friend of mine family, damntheir family for a long time for a
while. You know, we're fromthe same city, grew up, Damn
there in the in the same neighborhood, you know. So it's always been
there. Haven't always been publicized.But you know that's that's basically family,
and that's a different thing, man, basically family. And my thing is

also man to love Kendrick. Theseguys are probably thinking, I don't hate
Drake. You know what I'm saying, I don't hate Drake to love Kendrick.
Believe that? Interesting? Wonder whatif he kenry Deem himself? Yeah,
well this is what this is whatRichard said. One of our listeners
Drake's gonna redeem himself. I thinkhe needs to get back to the Melanie.
He need to get back to theMelanie. Man. You know I
like Drake. Melanie acts there.It is right there, man, spoken

by a great man. Right there, y'all sticking around, y'all radios.
Big boy, you're a big boyfrom Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio.
We have the most fun on yourradio. It is going down. Hate
Susuppvid up in here. Hey man, how are your parents' grandparents? They're

great, great. Treat you yourchild better than to treat you, way
better than the treating me. Yeah, way better than treating me. It's
so funny that my dad is whatthe cat told me when I was there.
Because I'm taking care of the baby. I'm walking up. He said,
hey, you're loving him too much. I'm like, what do you
mean? You love it too much? That boy baby be sad? Sad?

He's one perfect You love it,love him. Thank you for listening.
It is you find a big boyBig Boys Neighborhood. You can catch
more of us right here on iHeartRadio, Big Boy Neighborhood. Louis Gi is
up in here with up loud dog, we got some great news for Shrek
fans. Browing body wal told methe world is going on ring fans,

come on now, all right,so listen up man. Mike Myers is
on board, Eddie Murphy's on board, Cameron Diaz is on board, and
they just made the big announcement Dreamworksaid, Shrek five is coming to theaters
July first, Yes, twenty twentysix. Alrighty twenty twenty six, y'all,
dude, you know what, I'lltake you two years from now.

M Technically they're like in the developmentsta right right, but everybody's on board.
Hell yeah, man, yeah,twenty twenty six, man, we
damn YEA would be like three orthen and four. I didn't even years
be married with a with your firstchild. Yeah, man, you'll take
your first baby. That'd be crazy, man, twenty six. That sounds

so far away and so near atthe same time. But to wait on
a movie, Wow, it's sucha big franchise. Even as soon as
they probably greenlit it, they're likebig, yeah, you get you ready,
let's go. It's so big,bro. And honestly, when it
comes to Shrek, like you saidthat theme song, we just played right
now. But my favorite part isthe end the donkey. I'm a believer.
Come on, y'all tell me heyman. And I just recently saw

an interview with with Eddie Murphy becauseyou know how he's doings top a sou
He was talking about people come upto him and everyone want him to do
the donkey boar. I love it. Yeah, man, he's still the
donkey. You know, it's stillIt's still Eddie Murphy. So he'll definitely
be able to pull that off.He's definitely on board to you. Obviously.
The one person that I hope ison board is I'm throwing you because
I love putting boots push kill,they got nasty. What do you reckon

we should do with him? Isay, we take the sword new to
him right here, give him thebo back of treatment. Amen. There
was nothing personal in your He gottacome back, he gotta come back.
It's funny. I went down therabbit hole and I googled like just Shrek
moments, and there is something whichsaid, like Shrek all the like adult
jokes. Oh yeah, yeah,so many at tulls. Yeah why kids

love Shrek. But you can gowatch Shrek at any age because you're get
it. You know what I'm saying. There's some things that kids probably won't
get, which you're like, Okay, that was clever. Yeah, yeah,
man. So July twenty yeah,July first, twenty twenty six.
Guys, let me put that inmy calendar right now, so nothing gets
booked. So that's July. Yes, you said July right, July first,

twenty twenty six, July one,alright, and that falls on a
Wednesday. Oh wow, wow,that's Wednesday day. And we sure as
July first, get I'm gonna putit in my calendar. Alrighty y'all stick
around, y'all. Radios Big BoysNeighborhood. Big Boys Neighborhood on demand,
full show episodes posted daily. Subscribeto our YouTube channel big Boy TV for

more. Check out Radio Bigboy dotcom, Big Boy Neighborhood Phone Tap on
the Teen's time. We can't hearyou. Stephanie Thisten right here, man.
First off, wl L, welove our listeners, man. This
is one of our listeners right here, by the name of Stephanie. Stephanie
wanted to be on the air,but I got on like this line with
her and I played like I wasthis new screener phone screening for the neighborhood,

and she had to go through alot to get in touch with and
speak with the neighborhood. Let's goget into your phone. Tap right here,
big boy neighborhood to make it allsick. Hello, Hello, Stephanie

your hell? Yes, all right, don't put you on with big Boy.
You're gonna shihim with yourself from there? All right. I can't hear
you. First thing you said,if if yourself? Okay, I'm sorry.
First thing won't do is fish filmme. That's okay, okay,
okay. He had me through aprogram, so be with me. Okay.

No blue, no blue tooth,no no speaker. Okay, alright,
so snick voy here's big Void andherself for miss for okay, okay,
hopefully Stephanie, Hello, Hello,hello there, Steph, Steph,
what do you are kind of grossto someone? You're breaking up on your

end? I can't hear it.I was saying, is this on the
time with your kind of gross?Yeah? Sorry, it's like breaking up
on your end? Definitely. Yes, it's your story. What's your story?
Again? So if you boy knowwhat's your story? It's about my
son. He has like these huge, big biggers that he gets in his

nose all the time right there,right, okay, okay, if you
before say say the same thing,all right, I'm sorry, finish the
story and we have to do likesurgery to take him out of his nose.
Big I'm sorry this voice he isbid boy. Okay. And if

you if you have phone, iffor live air, please I can't hear
you if you get phonished, affordthe live air please, Okay, okay,
over you Okay, big boy callin. So I'm like this supposed

to be going, Big Boy neighborhoodto Mickey fix it is going down.
DJ quest up in here once againwith a quest, what's good big maintaining
my brother happy? Say man,we were talking about you know, they
were listeners or people that's just saying, how does Drake redeem himself? And
so we had one of our listenersthat called up man by the name of

Richard. He was saying that thebest way for Drake to redeem himself after
the battle with Kendrick Lamar. Hesaid this, and Drake's gonna redeem himself.
I think he needs to get backto the Melanies. Yeah, man,
he needs to get back to themelanie Ye need the Melaniees. Yeah,
he needs to get back to That'swhat Drake needs to get back to.

Man, the Melanies, the Abigail's, the Susan's. Just get back
to that. Man, what didyou say? You don't like Drake when
he acted? What is he saying? Doesn't we gotta do a lyric check
for Kendrick and he says, Idon't like Drake with the MELANIESE. I
like Drake when he Jennifer's. Youknow what I'm saying. But he needs
to get back to the Melanies.Yeah, man, it kind of makes

sense. He makes great music forwomen his way exactly, Melanies, the
Veronicas and everything. Man, itmakes sense. Yeah. So you know
what, man, we've been clowningRichard all morning. Man, he might
be ten steps ahead. You knowwhat I'm saying, Man, I need
to get out the mustard and catchup that ridiculous man. What we got
coming up in the Mickey Ficky mixquest check it out big well lyrics check
that right now? You got thatPandrick Lamar Euphoria to the Melanies. Also

got that Tommy Richmond Million Dollar Babycoming up in the Mickey Ficky You Mickey
Ficky Mix DJ Quest up in here, Big Boy, you're checking out another
full show episode podcast of Big BoysNeighborhood. Big Boy Neighborhood. Phone Tap
on the teens time right here,man, this is can't read. This
is where Luther wants to sign upfor some reading lessons because he feels like

he's been living a lie. BecauseLuthor can't read, it's going to get
into your phone. Tap on theTEMs right here, Big Boys Neighborhood to
make it all Hi, this iscan I help you? How you doing?

Man? My name is Luther Luther. I was just calling about registering
myself for some classes there, okay, for what kind of classes? Just
as far as my reading level.It's kind of embarrassing. It was hard
for me to even make this phonecall here. But it's getting now where
everything is becoming you know, yougot to be so computer triggered and and
you know, I understand read themessage. It's time to learn how to

read. Yeah, it's like I'msorry, that's right, that's all right.
It's like you're living a lie,you understand, And every day I'm
just wondering if I'm going to beexposed. Somebody gonna recognize it. Don't
worry. Don't worry. Like Isaid, you call the right people and

we're going to help you. Ijust want to sit down on the blanket,
just a glass of lemonade, smackants off my leg, cooling a
shade, and just read a book. I want people to come up to
you and say, man, whatyou doing. I want to say,
I'm reading. Yeah, Oh god, I want to read. Yeah,
that's that's great motivation. Thank you. I'm ready to read. Oh my

god, I feel so good aboutthis. You are going to get there,
Lucer, thank you. Tell mesay, Luther, You'll be a
reader. You will be a readerthan a good reader, and it'll bring
much joy to your life in manyways. Oh, thank you so much.
You're welcome. Can you write mea letter and I'll be able to

read it one day? Okay,thank you so so much. Please take
care. Big Boys Neighborhood on demandFor more, subscribe to our YouTube channel,
big Boy TV, and check outRadio big Boy dot com Big Boy
neighbor Log's up in here with aYo, So Sissa right from the Neighborhood.
Yes kill Bill's song might heal myex's not the best idea. Yeah,

it's kind of weird when you lookat your girl singing this song and
she's like singing on the top ofher lungs and happy about it, and
you're like, man, why areyou singing this song for as long as
it's my girl singing and I'm nother ex? Yeah, I guess that
makes sense, right, heal myex idea? Well, she was recently
on this random ass podcast that I'venever even heard of before. People do

almost like you say that all thetime. You give them the interview and
they don't want to come on home. Man, there it is. It's
wild, bro. But yeah,they did ask her about the kill Bill
lyrics you might kill your X.Like. After I said that, it
was like, Wow, that wasso crazy. I was gonna say,
have you always been that chilled?I was like randomly like just like slightly

enraged. So you'd rather be injail than alone? I just think that
maybe you go that wrong, Butyou were other people that I asked someone
in jail, I would rather bealone than in jail. He too,
I'd be quiet. I'm trying tobreak it down, you know, right
to kill my axe not the bestidea his new girlfriend's next how did I
get here? I might kill myax? I still love man, And

we were talking about it and wesaid this through the whole kill bill that
if a man sung that song,oh my god, yeah, man,
everywhere, he had to me nobodyat the shows, you know what I'm
saying. Like, I've seen Cizzyand Concer just off of the s OS
album probably four or five times,and I was thinking, oh, like
you, but very passionate to themusic too. Man. Yeah, Doug.

She is also like getting like realfreaky and talking about like sex,
toys and stuff. And I waslike what I was like, Dude,
the mind of sissor bro Like,she is everywhere bro Like I would love
to like just okay on social mediaalso because she puts up a lot of
half naked pictures up there too.Yeah but research, you say, oh
yeah, research, research, Like, hey, man, you got to

bring it back for the story.They gotta bring it back for the story.
Man. But that SOS album justbuilding up to it, and then
what we got with SOS the entirealbum, man, then the tour and
then coming back. I can't waitto hear new music from Sissy. She
was such a superstar. Oh god. I recently saw this clip of like
her at this giant festival somewhere inanother country and they're like, Sissy didn't

like get the crowd going. AndI'm like, you guys don't deserve sizz
crazy bro Yeah, Tripp, Andit looked practice hell. They were just
at the very very very very soundsso good part. And you know what
I love about Sissy as well.Man, You you get Sizza however,
like you get her as a person. You know what I'm saying. You
can tell that there's a lot oflayers to Sissa, you know what I'm

saying, and you get these differentlayers from it. I think that's why
a lot of people identify with theirmusic as well, you know what I'm
saying, because there's something there foreveryone. And she'll put herself out there
and let you know that she's areal human being and she goes through certain
things. You know that, y'allstick around, y'all radios. Big Boy's
Neighborhood. This is Big Boy onDemand, Big Boy's Neighborhood. Honnie is
up in here. What up,Honnie? That's honest to what you got,

Big fifty cent is such a trolland I love it. But he
was recently performing in Canada and videocame out of him just pointing out the
crowd and saying, what did youdo to Rick Ross? Yeah? I
can't believe. Look, come on, you did it. You did it?

He play at the crowd and we'llset Canada. Who said, hey,
man, Rick Ross had to knowthat, And maybe fifty cent didn't
even have Canada on his schedule,but he is probably like, man,
book me a show in Canada soI can go out there man and talk
more mass. Yeah, because youknow the video is everywhere. Rick Ross

getting in an altercation with his campon in another place in Canada at festival,
Like this isn't the first time thatthe ns talk mess because he does
it all the time and even inthe neighborhood you asked him about his beefs.
This is like when you go inyou totally done. Do you ever
see like you and Rick Ross together? Are you and Game together? You
and Jah rule? Hold on?I got forty more names, Michael Jackson

them passed, So that's not gonnahappen. You know what I'm saying.
All the black eyed peas like youknow, all this stuff, all those
situations are different, Like you knowwhat I mean, Like each one of
them is the common denominators you wouldfigures, you know what I like,
he looked a bit big. Let'slook at the competitive nature of our right
of hip hop period and then saywhy am I being in constant competition?

Is because I was in that positionmusically. Now, I look at the
altercations that you see Wanning at differentpoints, like when you have that moment,
look at the altercations you see Drakinglike you see him in Puffy Box
on that points. You know whatI'm saying, Like all this stuff is
coming from the momentum that at themoment, you know what I'm saying,
It's not like there's any what Pufffelt like the beat from zero to one
hundred was his right and he neverwrote He didn't write the lyrics that made

the record to hit right, right. He just felt like, you took
the record it could have been mysummer hit and made it your summer hit,
you know what I mean. Andlike, at the end of the
day, it's his producer's record,you know what I mean. Like,
so once you gave it to youas an opportunity for you doing it and
nothing comes back if he makes therecord and turns into a hit and put
it out, I could you bemad at that? Like for me,
a lot of the other altercations thatthey're not really like I told you game,

I wouldn't be able to resolve thatbecause I don't even know where it
came from. Hey man, letme tell you I can understand that.
But he still didn't answer why hehad so much beef that. Damn man,
it was a great answer though,you know, the competitive events of
the support and everything, you know, but Jesus christ Man, just put
it this way. We have onBig Boy TV, we have an episode

the Doctor's something that we put togetherand it's called fifty Talks Mess on Celebrities,
and that thing is like an hourlong and we didn't use everything,
you know what I'm saying, Soit make sure you guys check it out.
Way up to like nine hundred thousandviews on fifty cent Talking Mess because
people love to hear fifty talk Mess. He does it really well. Yeah,

man, Even Madonna got hit bydamn you know what I'm saying,
called Madonna Grandma, and Madonna usedto be the King of Talking mess the
Queen are Talking Mans, and nowfifty fifty Reigned Supreme Believe that y'all stick
around y'all Radio so you can findthat entire interview and also fifty cent Talks
Mess on celebrities on Big Boy TVis right there Radio big Boy dot Com.
And make sure while you're watching ourYouTube channels, hit that subscribe button.

Y'all continue to hang out with usBig Boys Neighborhood. Adies, you'll
find a big Boy from Big BoysNeighborhood on iHeartRadio. Here's another in case
you missed the moment with us andit's going down. Heyesus suppovid up in
here your popshall relationship still good?That's great. What's his favorite curse word
in English? Sign up? Yeah? Yeah, sign up? He lovedever

SI signed up up. He didn'teven say it right, which that's what
I love because it's like his versionof it is little twang to sign He's
it, okay, that's all.He's in the right place for everything.
Sign out. The thing is thathe learns English and construction sites. That's
where he learns them, and I'mlike, yo, he can That's not

how you speak in real life.You know that's over there and for everything.
He's my mouth. He tries touse that in like normal life.
Walmart is like, come, come, that's two hundred dollars. I'm like

they talk like that. Man,Thank you for listening. It is you
pointing a big boy, Big BoysNeighborhood. You can catch more of us
right here on iHeart Radio, BigBoys Neighborhood. Annie is up in here.
What up, Honnie? What abig? Oh nothing, honest to
what you got, Honi. Thinkwe've all seen the video at this point,
but the huk tua her oh man, uck dude, yeah, oh
my gosh, she's taking over everything. Even if you go to like,

oh, this dish dispenser would soapin there. You see like her picture
where it's like huck toua yeah,yeah, like people are doing the funniest
things big. But recently she hitone million followers on her Instagram that she
had deleted a few months ago.And then she got paid thirty thousand dollars
to make a public appearance in Florida. But not only that, she also
got to judge a bikini contest.Yeah, man, thirty racks And they

said that she's gonna start making more, and you were saying how she did
like sixty five thousand already on merchalready, man, take that to the
bank. Oh. I can't evenimagine everything else she's gonna start doing.
But one thing I feel like shereally needs to capitalize on is all these
songs that people are making off ofher. And this is what I really
like it ain't I guess so manis a time man and there's so many

different songs on there big. Butthen there's a lot of rumors about her
too, Like one roomor I sawon TikTok was like, oh, her
dad is so upset because he's apreacher and a priest and like he saw
this, He's like, what's goingon? So she put this, like
she put some of the stuff torest. What do your parents think?
I think it's so funny. Iknow how I am though, because like
you can never tell what comes outof my mouth. My father is so

far from a preacher. Is crazy. The guy that does my hat,
he got offered six hundred dollars likethree days ago for me to spit in
a jar and sell it. Basaboltingman. Six hundred bucks a day,
bro all day, even if itwas six dollars. I spending a job.
You gotta get this six d Itry to get sixty. But we
can negotiate, and that you're gonnado something with my DNA. You don't

want to create another me anyway?Who knows? Very successful? Man,
Like wait, so he got skinnyfrom surgery. So you've got these big
blocks over here. Oh my god, I got to put it on top
of my investment. Yeah. Man, the way I look and what my
DNA is totally different, don't getit. So many people are rooting for

her, Like Diana, who workswith us, We were just talking about
her. She's like, is itwrong that I'm really rooting for her?
I was like, girl, everyoneis rooting for you know. What I
think is having fun with it,and you know, and she's gonna get
one of them fake one million dollaroffers from like a porn place or something
like that. Yeah, She's like, I said no to them. She's

not like what's Playboy? Yeah?Yeah, a Playboy is no longer like
a front runner. You know whatI'm saying. Playboy ran commercial like after
Three's Company or the show. Nobodytripping off a playboy anymore? Man,
What they're gonna offer you know whatI'm saying now, buddies are hell oh
yeah, man, your bunnies arerabbits. Big Boys Neighborhood on demand full

show episodes posted daily. Subscribe toour YouTube channel, big Boy TV for
more. Check out Radio big Boydot com Big Boy Neighborhood Phone Tap on
the T's time, Man, wegot some T T to Knock First off,
shout out to my man Cobs forplaying a part of T T to
Knock on this one. This wherelutheror makes a call to confirm a book
and for T. T. Tananakaand the Prance and Ninjas, and I

love how my man on the otherline gets extremely frustrated with Luther because there
is no T. T. Tanakacoming to his house to do nothing.
It's gonna get into your phone.Tap on the T's right here, Big
Boys Neighborhood to make it all sticklike, got you yo? How you

on? This is Luther LuFe forOne Nation booking agency and I was just
calling to let you know that we'llbe by possibly hopefully in the next two
three hours. Or mister Tanaka,Man, you got the wrong people.
I don't expect nobody T T.Tanaka and the Prince and Ninjas. They're
in town for the show, andhe's just flew in from Japan. He's
here now. He's getting a littlejet lag, but we'll have him over

to the venue for a walkthrough withhis road manager and his security. No,
I have no idea what you're talkingabout. I really don't hold on
T T get on the phone.This is the promoter. I'm not no
promoter. Hello, and somebody's goteverything screwed up. I am not no
promoter. We live in a mobilehome and we just ordinary people. I

love threw it up, hocket people. Now are you a singer? Also,
sir? Were you the one whorequested to do it? Or you
wanted to have him sing something foryour wife? What was the special record?
Don't you understand me? I toldyou not here forget it. I
don't understand where our miscommunication is.Because the man he is here in America.
Yeah, and he's ready to dowhat he has to do. Yeah,

I'm I'm about that's mohawk. See. Yeah, I'm not interested.
I'm just gonna put him in thevan and come over right now, sir,
I'm uh in the USA. Itold you there's nobody here okay,
and you're saying that you don't havea trailer for him, So where is

he supposed to get dressed at?And where are the princes? Damn,
we didn't do nothing, sir.You have a show booked at your venue
this weekend. Okay, Well I'llbe there in an hour or so,
you know what, So that wayyou can finish paying us the money that
you got to pay us. I'mabout that's moha. You're inside Big Boys

Neighborhood Full show episode podcast, BigBoy Neighborhood Pole in the Neighborhood. Louis
is up in here what I've lovedall Yes, you go down Lebron James
and bron James. He had tocut it up. We haven't really had
a chance to hear like Lebron Jamestalking about Bronnie and becoming the Laker.
But now since Lebron James is onTeam USA about to hit the Olympics in

year smash every other gap country tothe US of A, come on,
now he's actually talking about it.And someone did ask him, like,
yo, how did you feel aboutlike Bronnie James getting drafted and how did
you feel when you got drafted he'sstarting to have some of the same arrows
slung at him that you had whenyou were a teenager. What's gonna take
for him to withstand that. Idon't know if people really understand Bronnie.

He doesn't care. I actually careda little bit when I came here.
I wanted people to like like me, and some of the things that people
were saying about me kind of botheredme early on in my career. I'll
let it get to me. Ronniedoesn't. He doesn't. He doesn't.
Ronnie plays. He works his tailoff. When he's done, he goes
home and plays a video game.He does not care about nobody's He doesn't

even listen to that stuff. He'slike the complete opposite of his dad.
His dad will say something, yeah, Bronnie does not care like me personally.
When I was coming up, Ihad no choice. I literally had
no choice. I had to makeit out like I had no choice.
I had to make it out forme, my mom, my family.
Bronnie has all the choices in theworld. So it's like a whole other
people don't understand how hard Daddy isin the commitment for him to be coming

out of heart surgery less than ayear ago. Wow, for him to
be able to be in the NBA. That's the kid is he's he's special,
but he doesn't care. He doesn'tlie an, he doesn't bother.
That's a great piece grade. Ianswer right there too, Bro. You
gotta figure. Yeah, when LebronJames got drafted and he hit the NBA
like he was Hella young. Yeah, and then he had to deal with

all that and like you got tofigure he had the family. And the
world is different too now because whenLebron got and it wasn't all this social
media and everybody has a microphone.Now everybody has a micro So Bronni is
dealing with something a bigger beast rightnow. And you know the NEPO stuff
and you know it's just dad andso on, you know, but it

is what it is. And mything is this, if if Bronnie is
on the Lakers because his dad isLebron James, good, you know what
I'm saying. If there's a privilegeright there and your son plays basketball,
you know what I'm saying, thenthere it is, you know. And
like if he got Savannah, hiswife, on the team, we'd be
like hold on man, you knowwhat I'm saying, like like hold on

and hate it. I love it. He is a laker, you know.
And we got a neighborhood reaction aswell. Man, We're gonna check
in one of our neighbors as welland see what they feel about Bronnie James
lebron Jamesy'll stick around y'all radios BigBoys Neighborhood. You're a big boy from
Big Boys Neighborhood. On iHeartRadio.We have the most fun on your radio.

Hey, susup hoved up in here. Hey man, you say,
y'all grew up and I grew updifferent, But you and your girl different,
Like, what's what's the difference.Well, the hugs, she got,
the confidence her mom gave her,Like my girl told me. She
said, yeah, we never saidI love you. My girl said was
like we were I love you family, I love you, I love you.
She's like, yeah, we didn'treally say that. Yeah damn yeah

exactly. Like her mom just gaveher confidence, like tells her like because
you're the best, I'm like thebest. My dad still brings up the
stuff that I did in kindergarten.He still can't get over He's like,
Hey, the best he couln't evenspell dog. Thank you for listening.
It is you're finding a big boy, big boy's neighborhood. You could catch
more of us right here on iHeartRadio, Big Boy Neighborhood. Louis g

is up in here. Louis speakingabout Lebron j and Bronnie James. It's
just how Lebron James said that,like Bronnie James is different. He doesn't
care what critics say, doesn't care, goes a lot of crazy, goes
in. He works hard, hegoes home, he goes with the family,
He plays video games. Unlike himhe used to. He would probably
get bothered and say something, buthe doesn't care. Yeah, and just
putting the question out there, like, how does everyone feel about Brownie James?

We had our guy a listener,Mike hit us up about it,
and honestly, these opinions are onlyhis opinions and not ours of the neighborhood.
All right, Oh, Mike,how do I feel about Bronnie being
a Laker? You know? Imean, hey, Bronnie, get your
little numbers up. We get it. Daddy got you there. I'll keep
it short and simple, bro Igot more love for my BM than I
do for you being a Laker brother, Get your numbers up like Bronnie Farro,

like twenty two minutes, four points, two for nine, two assists,
two steals. Come on, baby, thought do better all bes aside.
I mean, if the Lakers aregoing this route, cool, then
just signed luisg put him as acenter, me as point guard. It's
a rap. You might get alittle three p hey man. Let me
tell you though, as hard asthat may sound, he's speaking for a

lot of people. That is literallyall I got. I don't think I
got one comment that said, hey, I'm happy for that his dad,
he's playing with his dad. I'mglad that, you know, maybe maybe
there's potential with Bronnie. He doeslook at like there was all negative and
it was all right Laker fans,and I'm saying, they're like, bro,
you're gonna be cheating him on regardless. Man, how do you talk
about them like that? Now?It's crazy because I think that Bronnie could

play a role with the Lakers,and I think people got more upset because
it's lebron James Son and I cansee that, you know what I'm saying,
Like if I had an opportunity andmy son was good enough to come
in and do radio, and Ican say, man, if there's a
position, yeah, I would givemy son the position. You know what

I'm saying. And call it whatyou want, but I would give him
the position, especially if that wasyour dad. Yeah, and he been,
and if he was doing it hiswhole life, you know what I'm
saying. But there's some people thatcould say rightfully, so like naw,
he cut the line. It's likehow ice Cube had Oh Jackson Junior play
him in Straight out of Compton,but he put him through four years of
school. Yeah, man Audish youknow, and people had a problem with

it. So we'll see. AndI'm telling you, man, Briannie,
if he put up points, good, if he don't, it's gonna be
good or bad. Man, youknow what I'm saying. And I think
it's always gonna be this gauge ofhate and and like like what was my
man's name? Mike? Mike,Mike speak for a lot of people.
You know what I'm saying. Weprobably sound soft to l A right now,

Like what are you talking about?Mike is speaking for a lot of
people. Believe that so it comesdown to that thing. Man, you
gotta show him proof, y'all.Stick around, y'all radios, Big Boys
Neighborhood. You're pubing a big boyfrom Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio.
Here's another in case you missed themoment with us back up being here with

our good friend Hayesu suppovid up inhere you and your popsh your relationship still
good. Gotta call him see howhe's doing. Do they make it over
a lot? Yeah? He goesover the back and forth back theah man.
Yeah, am I going to work? Oh, in Mexico he has
money and here he's poor. That'sMexico. He enjoys himself and posting on
Facebook like he's like you like,hell you ten bucks? Over there is

come back overhead. The struggle isreal on Facebook. Well he tries to
have a face. Yes, hehas like a hitting account. I know
he does because you'll bring up stufflike chie men from like Mexico, and
I'm like, how do you knowthat? He just posted that? And
then I don't know how, butI just have feelings. Thank you for
listening. It is you find abig boy. Big boy's neighborhood. You
can catch more of us right hereon iHeartRadio. Big Boy has left the building.

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