All Episodes

August 12, 2024 107 mins
THE BIG PODCAST - Olympics Wrap Up, Drake Drops 100gs, Chris Brown Concert Reactions, NEW BIG Interviews with Canelo & Blacc Sam
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Big Boys Neighborhood Full show episode podcast, Big
Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Louisgi's up in here? What a loud?

Speaker 3 (00:08):

Speaker 2 (00:08):
What the hell did Drake just do?

Speaker 4 (00:09):

Speaker 2 (00:10):
And we're not talking about it.

Speaker 5 (00:11):
If you're talking about like Drake, you don't give us
enough content. You don't have enough stuff to put out. Hey,
I want to know more about about Drake. But it
was nice time. Oh my gosh. Yeah, we want to
know more about your life. Well, he just dropped one
hundred gigs of just videos, audio clips of stuff from
him on his plane, him at in the studio, him
at concerts, him behind the scenes, like random ass conversations.

One hundred gigs. Just too much crap that I kind
of didn't even go through yet. Yeah, I'm still like
on the third file.

Speaker 6 (00:41):

Speaker 7 (00:41):
Hey, dude, I'm really on some tell me about it now,
you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (00:46):
Somebody else looking at me and oh did you see this?
Like no, send it to me.

Speaker 7 (00:49):
Yes, But he's doing exactly what he was supposed to do. Man,
you release music, Oh my good, right back to your
fan base.

Speaker 5 (00:55):
You just beat Drake And he dropped three songs on
there once called It's up once called housekeeping knows. But
the one that I did notice that I was talking
about some friends and I wonder if he's like changing
some friends in a circle was blue green, red.

Speaker 8 (01:07):
Friends and shitted life and.

Speaker 9 (01:11):
They were just hanging out.

Speaker 6 (01:17):
For a gunshot.

Speaker 9 (01:18):
And I did put some head a just time of noday.
Since then.

Speaker 8 (01:24):
Thirty six okay, and ays, okay, that's what he's supposed
to do.

Speaker 2 (01:32):
Man, an artist, man, you put music out?

Speaker 5 (01:35):
Yeah, dog, I wonder how long he was holding onto
this for I wonder if you were just like this.
What he put out is something like if some artists
were to get hacked and they were just like, you
know what, I'm just gonna your gigs of all your
stuff out there. This dude just did it himself. It's insane, dogg.
So can I believe how much crap is on here?
The videos after videos after videos after videos, somebody like
and you can straight leaked himself. And it's so quick

because everything has a download button, just a download so
you can literally download all of this and probably make
your own.

Speaker 2 (02:03):
Uh, I don't know. And Dean Kendrick say he hate
the fake accent.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
So yeah, he came back. Now what he's from the
UK a little bit right, Yeah, yeah, but that's what
you're supposed to do, broke.

Speaker 5 (02:17):
Yeah, he gave us three songs. It's up, housekeeping Nose,
housekeepy nose was whatever it's up is crazy. There's a
lot of supplimentals and a lot of just opposition. Well,
you know what I said, I don't have time. Send
it to me.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
We'll talk about it. I know what it is.

Speaker 7 (02:31):
Boom, that's the one I'll listen to as well. Y'all
stick around, y'all radios.

Speaker 1 (02:34):
Big Boys Neighborhood, this is big Boy on demand.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
Big Boy Neighborhood is up in here. What up, Honnie?

Speaker 10 (02:41):
What you got Big Bolt? Sue is here with Yay
with ty Dolla sign. We got that. But here's what's happening.

Speaker 11 (02:47):
We didn't get the final version yet because what yan
ye have been doing, which I feel like is more Yay,
is he's going in and he's like doing a little
fixing on each song, whether it's like taking a drum
out in one song and people online are going and
they'll tell you, like in the song, maybe he renamed
it to Forever. The open verse was cut out forty
five second shorter, there's a better mix.

Speaker 10 (03:05):
So he's updating this in real time. So whatever is
on your phone, you're not gonna if you go back,
you might not hear drums in one of the songs
or rest drums, but people are so excited and like
one of my favorite songs is slide.

Speaker 2 (03:16):
When your man ain't.

Speaker 12 (03:17):
Loving you, fries somebody else, I'm gonna beat us somebody else.

Speaker 9 (03:23):
So when you won't come my home, Sonne and you
won't beat him down these.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
You know, I'm a.

Speaker 13 (03:28):
Side sie SI.

Speaker 7 (03:38):
You know what I got me try like the high
Ride Cosette. Like, hey man, we saw Tie over at
the Chris Brown concert, right yeah, And they had a
listener party for Voltures Too, and literally it was like, hey,
you know Voltures Too. And it was like two hours

you know that I got the I got the text message,
and so Ty came back to me and he was like,
hey man, he said.

Speaker 2 (04:05):
You know you're tired. Man, I didn't even know yo.

Speaker 7 (04:09):
Sorry, But he was explaining how he was explaining how
he didn't know that there was going to be a
listening party to that day, a couple of hours before.
He said he didn't know that they were dropping the
album that day until Yay was like we were releasing
the album, so he said everything was backwards.

Speaker 2 (04:28):
He didn't know nothing.

Speaker 11 (04:29):
That's so crazy to me because Ty is the person
like Kanye. Those two are on the things together, their
names are together. Like if anyone else didn't know, I
would understand. But like, how do you not tell thy?
But then when we had Tie in.

Speaker 2 (04:39):
The neighborhood, maybe he doesn't talk Ty, Yeah, there it is.

Speaker 11 (04:43):
But in the neighborhood though you asked y like, were
you ever hesitant working with Kanye?

Speaker 4 (04:47):
Did you ever question like, man, maybe maybe I shouldn't.

Speaker 12 (04:51):
Nah. I always like saw just watching him as a fan,
going to the top doing something to come down, here,
going to the top again, doing something to come down,
and every time you go back to the top, everybody
starts again. Sorry, knew what was gonna happen?

Speaker 2 (05:07):
You know now I'm swinging right.

Speaker 7 (05:11):
That's from our votures to uh interviewer sit down. Yeah,
five months ago when Ultus was supposed to come out.
But it's here now. Believe that you can find that
entire interview at Radio big Boy dot com. It's right
there for big Boy TV, our YouTube channel. As you're
watching hit that subscribe button as well. You'all continue to
hang out with us in the neighborhood Big Boys Neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (05:28):
You're checking out another full show episode a Big Boys
Neighborhood on demand.

Speaker 7 (05:33):
It's going to get into your Aten phone. Tap Curtis here,
you're good friend, mister Luther LuFe Docer. Right here is
kid trouble. Shout out to our producer Jason for helping
us with this one right here, man.

Speaker 2 (05:42):
Yes, this is where Luther is calling.

Speaker 7 (05:44):
For help with his fourteen year old son played by
our producer Jason.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
He is afraid of his.

Speaker 7 (05:49):
Son, So Junior, Oh Junior, which is Jason tries to
snatch the phone out of Luther's hand. This is Luther
versus Son. It's going to get into your Aten phone.
Tap right here.

Speaker 14 (06:07):
With the.

Speaker 13 (06:11):
Got you got you?

Speaker 4 (06:22):
Hello, Yeah, I was wondering if there's someone I could
speak to about possibly making an arrangement where I can
have an appointment to come down and talk with a
counselor and my son. He's really starting to scare me.
I'm fearful of my life. It's to the point now
where he's getting physically abusive. He keeps pushing out his
chest telling me to go ahead and take a swing
at me. I knock your effing glasses off your face.

Where we've totally switched rolls. I feel like now I'm
the child and he's the parent. So I just can't
handle it anymore. He'll be fourteen. I can't even call
him son, I can't call him boy. He can't ride
into my face. And he said, hi, my name is Junior,
my name is And I had to keep saying Junior.

Speaker 13 (07:03):
You could call child Protective Services.

Speaker 2 (07:05):
That you hold on for a second. Plot, Yeah, the
time is it. He's here, He's here.

Speaker 4 (07:10):
Yes, I'm on the phone right now. I'm gonna come
out of them. I'm ordering those shoes at you want
my god, Oh my god?

Speaker 9 (07:17):
Oh wake up?

Speaker 1 (07:19):

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Why are you home for school so early?

Speaker 6 (07:21):
Shut up?

Speaker 2 (07:22):
Order a pizza? Okay, Okay, give me the phone. Okay,
come on, okay, hold on, wait, okay, wait, hold on,
give me that phone.

Speaker 9 (07:31):
Do I look like I have all day?

Speaker 2 (07:32):
You're supposed to be at school.

Speaker 9 (07:34):
You don't want to with Junior.

Speaker 2 (07:36):
I know Junior, because Junior, I know Junior. Want this pizza? Junior?
You give me your address.

Speaker 8 (07:43):
I'll call the police right now.

Speaker 2 (07:44):
You want me to give the address so I can
call it. Order the pizza right.

Speaker 9 (07:46):
Now, stupid, let's go.

Speaker 2 (07:49):
Okay, don't hit me in the back of my head.

Speaker 15 (07:51):
No more.

Speaker 13 (07:51):
Tell me where you live.

Speaker 4 (07:55):
You whispered, five, said said, then called back.

Speaker 2 (07:58):
You know what, I'm just tired. You forget man.

Speaker 4 (08:09):
It was cats and dogs in there, and try hear that.
You know we had all the animals in there.

Speaker 7 (08:14):
Shout out once again to I producers Jason for playing
the part of junior. You understand soon to be fourteen
years of age. Your a teen phone tap right there,
CURTI sit your good friend, mister Luther lufeg you Mickey
Fiky makes it.

Speaker 2 (08:24):
It's going down. DJ questions up in here? Whatever? Questionified?
What's good?

Speaker 7 (08:28):
Big Nane taining doing the damn thing? And my man,
happy home? Hell did you say I'll take that?

Speaker 4 (08:34):

Speaker 7 (08:34):
A dude, are you going to this Chris Brown concert tonight? No, man,
I'm gonna go tickets Okay, yeah, yeah, cause you gotta
have a ticket to get in my bad dog. Hey, man,
phenomenal last night, phenomenal. I'm talking about man, two solid hours.
It was like a playlist.

Speaker 2 (08:52):

Speaker 7 (08:53):
It wasn't a lot of talking it was just hit
after hit after hit.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
Dude, dance it like. Brown did an amazing show last night. Yeah,
I've never seen him. I've heard amazing things about him though.

Speaker 7 (09:04):
I've seen him. And I was even talking to him
last night, bro, and I was like, man, I told him,
I said that show was phenomenal. Yeah, that show was phenomenal.

Speaker 9 (09:12):

Speaker 2 (09:12):
That says a lot.

Speaker 7 (09:13):
Everybody always compares him to Michael Jackson perform. That says
a lot. I just saw, not even a different thing.
I was just I just had a chat, you know,
and I like watching shows from an audience, So just
watching that show, dude was.

Speaker 2 (09:24):
Amazing, man, super amazing. And then Annie, Yeah.

Speaker 10 (09:30):
He kept like that thing where he was like po poke, Like, man,
I wonder.

Speaker 2 (09:34):
How much does it cost? Though? You know what I'm saying, Like,
how much does it cost? What to get you some rhythm?
Jesus Rank, look at here? What you doing over there?
You put it in your head? Alrighty do you talk about?
Woman got coming up in the Mickey Fiky Micks. She
just had to jump in check it out. Binger got you.
I got that.

Speaker 7 (09:50):
Kendrick Lamartin I like us also got that to nashe
Nasty coming up in the ninety two minute commercial free
Mickey Ficky Mix and Mickey Ficky Mis is going Down.
DJ Quest is up in here. Big Boy's Neighborhood, Keep Cheep,
keep his Chip.

Speaker 1 (10:01):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand. Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio Bigboy dot com Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (10:13):
Alrighty, now, Honie is up in here? What up, honey?
What a big Oh? Nothing? Honest? What he got? My love?

Speaker 10 (10:18):
Big Drake surprises all and he dropped. Not only did
he drop three brand new songs, but he dropped like
a bunch of content, like a content on a whole
new website that he named one hundred gigs he made
like this fake Instagram account has a bunch of posts
on there, like probably over one hundred at this point.
And then he was like, you know what, I'm gonna
give you some new music.

Speaker 11 (10:35):
And this new music Big is not by himself because
one of the songs features Lotto and it's called Housekeeping.

Speaker 8 (10:40):
Nose West Coast Girls due the same burd Ina Hills
Southside Girls.

Speaker 9 (10:45):
They know how to close the deals.

Speaker 8 (10:47):
Ups upsis Upenasius day do whatever feel I'd.

Speaker 16 (10:53):
Had too many drinks that hot behind the wheels, crack
it out parking and carrying your castille, hey man.

Speaker 2 (11:00):
And what's the name of the song?

Speaker 10 (11:01):
Housekeeping nose?

Speaker 2 (11:02):
Housekeeping nose?

Speaker 11 (11:03):
Yes, okay, So here's my theory for that big There
was rumors that Drake was dating Lotto's sister Brooklyn, so
hearing this, I'm like, are they still dating or was
this when they were dating? And he's just dropping it now,
That's what all these people on Lene are also saying.
But then there's another song he had, and this one
also features twenty one Savage and young Thug called I'm up,
Sun Up.

Speaker 9 (11:23):
Crinky, you'll put up. I didn't remember.

Speaker 2 (11:27):
I just picked up something from me.

Speaker 17 (11:28):
Sayes it so one on one black and stereo or
one that I want red inside of that time and
a month blue money, that'side got this blood money, That'side,
got this because vacasion whatever we want, because I don't
care when on my hoses.

Speaker 2 (11:40):
You hang around two many digging desk sif you gotta
beat the silk releasing music, And I'm wondering how far
in the vault that is?

Speaker 7 (11:49):
You know what I'm saying how new certain things are,
and even the reference tracks that he was putting out
oh with because it's a lot of content.

Speaker 10 (11:56):
Yep, and big just even looking at some of the
stuff you'll see like air Drake.

Speaker 11 (11:59):
So if you go click on it and everything you
can download, it's all free, like you just have to
click on the right side, not use any third party apps.

Speaker 10 (12:05):
So it's cool.

Speaker 11 (12:06):
But then you see him smoking Huka, you see him
at a strip club, you see him with women and
a bunch of money. I think it's cool because Drake
doesn't really show this side, like when you go on
his Instagram, it's very cookie cutter the pictures that you
expect to see and.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
This it's like everything plus the videos as well.

Speaker 7 (12:20):
Yeah yeah, I'm saying just the background and you know,
like almost documentary style stuff too.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
It could make your own documentary. You just downloading one
hundred gigs and stuff.

Speaker 4 (12:27):
Remember you say, I gotta talk about Jason to see
what the licensed stuff is.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Get flagged on big Boy TV.

Speaker 10 (12:34):
You can't copy right, Like if he's letting us download
it right, it should be okay.

Speaker 4 (12:38):
I don't know a lawyer chat Yeah, man, I'm not
a lawyer, But big this is so good. Whatever you do,
don't put it up money on my platform.

Speaker 10 (12:46):
I got you fake one, go ahead like Drake's bake one.
That's why he did it there.

Speaker 11 (12:50):
But then I also think he's gonna drop a documentary's
seeing all of this, like is he getting us readymentary?

Speaker 10 (12:56):
Because maybe there's like better stuff on the documentary and
then we'll be like, oh we saw.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
That in that that's true? All right, all right, let
her have it.

Speaker 7 (13:03):
You guys, I got like an hour fifteen minutes of sleep,
so I really don't want to debate none of this
hony stuff right now.

Speaker 2 (13:10):
So that you have thank you, You're more than welcome. Yeah,
you can have it, y'all. Stick around, y'all.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
Radios Big Boy Neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood on demand for more,
subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV, and check
out Radio big Boy dot com, Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
Luig is up in here. What I loot All?

Speaker 5 (13:30):
The leader of the sex community has spoken, Big Yes, sir,
the leader of the sex community.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
She has She has spoken. Let me know what you
guys think about this rule when.

Speaker 18 (13:39):
It comes to sex unless up my two year celebate
celibacy for three minutes.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
It don't count.

Speaker 18 (13:46):
They don't count girl, three minutes. Anything under three minutes
don't count, alright, And if you use a condom, it
really don't count.

Speaker 7 (13:53):
Alrighty, So anything under three minutes. She said that she
was working on being.

Speaker 18 (13:57):
Her sellaby celibacy for three minutes.

Speaker 2 (13:59):
Yeah, since she was working.

Speaker 18 (14:01):
On slab celibacy for three minutes.

Speaker 7 (14:03):
You know, man, anytime you put up a video, there's
an option to delete and do it over. But do
you know, I guess she wanted to keep that for
twelve seconds right there.

Speaker 5 (14:12):
That changes everything's in sex. Sex doesn't matter if it's
under three minutes. That means I've never had intercourse with
my wife and I have two kids. That's crazy, right,
that's crazy. Everybody's BodyCount is probably gonna goodn't half done. Man,
I don't mind. I know I had to drop a
couple of my body counts. That's the case. Three minutes
and we're.

Speaker 2 (14:32):
Not talking about her. Yeah, you've never no woman like yees. Yeah, man,
she was a one minute girl. You never hear she's
a one minute you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (14:44):
Yeah, if it's three minutes, it's offul yeah. Man, they're
just asking people out there, like what do you think
about this whole situation?

Speaker 2 (14:50):
Alright, it doesn't count I for one woman worse?

Speaker 4 (14:54):
Oh no, only one, I think alrighty, I don't see
it up there, man, oh here it is here it is.

Speaker 2 (14:59):
I think it counts. It counts as the body sex sex.

Speaker 19 (15:02):
Like you know, it counts, hounds down, hands down, it counts.
The body is a body like you.

Speaker 7 (15:08):
Ware you know, ye see, and those are ladies counts.
Speaking about a lady saying that, you.

Speaker 18 (15:14):
Know, celibacy for three minutes. Anything other three minutes don't
count out.

Speaker 2 (15:20):
Yeah, I think it does count. Yeah, No, one can't
say it does counts to count. No, you can't see that.

Speaker 4 (15:25):
You have to say anything over three minutes or under
three minutes it does count.

Speaker 18 (15:29):
It just anything other three minutes don't count out.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
So anything under three minutes does? You gotta say it
like that? If that's the case, Like, what what other
things don't count? The right?

Speaker 7 (15:40):
Right, We're gonna come back with our neighbors. Man, what
else doesn't count?

Speaker 2 (15:44):
Yeah? Right?

Speaker 7 (15:45):
So that means if I eat a four meal and
it doesn't taste good, I could just go to him
and say, hey, I didn't enjoy it.

Speaker 2 (15:49):
That doesn't count. You know what I'm saying? Within three minutes?
That doesn't count?

Speaker 18 (15:56):
Man, I love celibacy for three minutes?

Speaker 2 (15:59):
Alright? What else doesn't count?

Speaker 7 (16:00):
Whispeak with some of our neighbors kick it around in
the neighborhood as well, y'all continue.

Speaker 2 (16:04):
To hang out with us.

Speaker 7 (16:05):
Ninety two minute commercial free think he makes DJ questions
up in here, Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 18 (16:11):
Celibacy for three minutes.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
You're checking out another full show episode A Big Boys
Neighborhood on demand.

Speaker 2 (16:18):
Big Wood Neighborhood. Alrighty, now we heard this right here.

Speaker 18 (16:22):
I messed up my two year celebate celibacy for three minutes.

Speaker 2 (16:25):
It don't count.

Speaker 18 (16:27):
They don't count, girl, three minutes, anything out of three
minutes don't count. And if you use a condom, it
really don't count.

Speaker 7 (16:34):
All right, So we're just asking what else don't count?
Can you imagine if any song under three minutes didn't county.

Speaker 6 (16:40):
Oh my god?

Speaker 7 (16:41):
Or when questions in it mix it? If we got mad,
you gotta pay it for three minutes else it doesn't count.
What else doesn't count?

Speaker 5 (16:47):
So whatever neighbors ivan said that this doesn't count when
it comes to women.

Speaker 20 (16:51):
It doesn't count if for one woman worse of faha
and fake eyelashes is like she's pretty much what counter
I for one woman where so aha and fake eyelashes
is like she's putting enough filter on her body and Moscota,
when you meet her at the bar at the end
of the night, she takes her off and then her
big lot pops out and then you always end up

with like one caterpillar on your pillow in the morning,
dirty torta right.

Speaker 7 (17:16):
No, man, belly's popping up this dude. Man, so he's saying,
you're sending your representative on it.

Speaker 2 (17:25):
That's a cow john.

Speaker 4 (17:26):

Speaker 5 (17:27):
If you got a girl rolling up with like this
tight ass waist trainer, right and at the end of
the night she just like, oh here you go, let me,
let me take.

Speaker 7 (17:34):
It off, and they starts scratching right there. You know,
when you take something tight off, you gotta rub one
and Lord have mercy, Oh my god, that was tight.

Speaker 2 (17:43):
And this one goes to Myra dog.

Speaker 5 (17:45):
When I go to the bar and I drink a
big beer, it's not you know, and they have a
big thirty two ounce one and I ordered.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
That counts as one beer, not four of them inside it?

Speaker 3 (17:53):

Speaker 2 (17:53):
Wow? So an eight ounce?

Speaker 5 (17:55):
Yeah dog, So that's one beer. Man, you had like
eight beers, Yop, I had two beers.

Speaker 2 (18:01):
I remember that one night when she didn't fall for you,
like over here, one cag one cag. It doesn't count.
It doesn't count. What doesn't count?

Speaker 11 (18:10):
If I fill my gas for three minutes or two
minutes and fifty seconds, it doesn't count.

Speaker 10 (18:13):
They should have charged me. They should give me the
gas and not.

Speaker 2 (18:16):
Charge me for that.

Speaker 7 (18:16):
Let me tell you, if you could put three minutes
worth of gas in your car, you're gonna blow it up. Yeah,
you know, I don't know. Maybe maybe you could because
usually it is shut off. But I think in three minutes,
I think your gas hand could be full.

Speaker 11 (18:28):
You all start feeling it in something else. I'm not
getting charged on this, you guys. Three minutes doesn't count.

Speaker 2 (18:33):
I remember you said that. Remember you said that. Alrighty,
this is honest.

Speaker 18 (18:37):
I love me celibacy for three minutes there it is.

Speaker 2 (18:40):
Already your continue to hang out with his man, big boys.

Speaker 21 (18:44):
This is big Boy's neighborhood on demand.

Speaker 7 (18:47):
Big Boys Neighborhood. Annie is up in here whatever, Honie,
Oh nothing honest to what you got my love.

Speaker 11 (18:52):
I think Chris Brown is one of the best performers
I've ever seen in my whole life.

Speaker 2 (18:55):
Ay Man, his concert amazing, Yes, amazing, Bro.

Speaker 10 (19:00):
His voice, he's dancing, everything about it, the energy.

Speaker 7 (19:03):
I know you probably sleep, bro. Call me, somebody wag
Chris Brown up and call me. He got to speak
to la. Oh, somebody wake up up.

Speaker 2 (19:09):
You know what I'm saying. He enables a beautiful crowd, so.

Speaker 11 (19:12):
Beautiful, big, and everybody was excited to see him. This
is just some of the reactions there.

Speaker 22 (19:16):

Speaker 23 (19:17):
I'm Sarah from San Diego, California. It's my birthday and
I'm so excited to be here at the Crypto Arena
seeing Chris Brown. And I hope he sings to me
because I made a sign says make my eleven eleven,
which come true. Happy seeing, Happy birthday to me, Bill.

Speaker 19 (19:31):
Take it down.

Speaker 24 (19:32):
I'm beg for it.

Speaker 25 (19:33):
I'm Rachel's and I'm so excited to see Chris Brown
because he's been my man since I can talk, basically.
And the song I'm excited to see is in my feelings.
I think that's what it called No feelings, Feelings.

Speaker 2 (19:46):
My name is the Brina.

Speaker 19 (19:47):
I'm so excited to see Chris Brown.

Speaker 10 (19:50):
My favorite song is Summer Too Hot.

Speaker 19 (19:53):
That's a get up.

Speaker 10 (19:55):
Hey, it's his bossy at the Crypto.

Speaker 18 (19:56):
Here to see Chris Brown favorite soul Summer Too Hot.
Right now, I'm excited.

Speaker 13 (20:01):
Turn up.

Speaker 25 (20:02):
I'm Mica Jay from corkorand California.

Speaker 19 (20:08):
Chris set the Crypto and I need to just like
I'm stripped for me.

Speaker 7 (20:12):
Hey, man, let me tell you. And you're probably like, man,
it's all women. Yes, I think the only guy that
was there was me, Chris Brown, and Marian and Jose.
Even when we walked in, girls were like, what are
y'all doing here? Like, man, we gotta set the balance
off ugly. Then Marion came out like, man, get your
sexy years out of here.

Speaker 8 (20:29):
It was.

Speaker 2 (20:30):
It was a hell of a show.

Speaker 11 (20:31):
And his kids were there too, and we got to
you know one part that a lot of people I
feel I haven't really seen his little royalty signed her
first ever autograph and now she's going next to us.

Speaker 10 (20:39):
And then while Chris was performing, he would.

Speaker 2 (20:41):
See wait it was it was online? So yeah, when
she invaded their privacy and reported but it was just
so cool.

Speaker 11 (20:49):
And then just seeing every dance move that he did,
and think there was one point where he did kind
of drop his mic, but.

Speaker 10 (20:53):
The way he picks back up like you can't even
tell a man.

Speaker 2 (20:56):
I would say that that show, if it wasn't perfect,
it was, that's perfect.

Speaker 9 (21:00):
Yeah, damn.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
He had an amazing show.

Speaker 10 (21:03):
Man, even when he blew over people like Chris Brown
is flying over me and.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
I love A girl's trying to jump all my baby,
you can't jump off. Let's stop and stop teasing you.

Speaker 26 (21:12):
Yeah, I do.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
I wish you luck. What did you say, Louke, I
wish you not.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV.

Speaker 21 (21:24):
For more. Check out Radio big Boy dot com.

Speaker 7 (21:27):
Big Boys Neighborhod. Let's get into your phone Tapparini. Right here,
this a right here is new flu diagnosis. This luc
calls a pharmacist to find out how to cure his
extreme flu systems. That's going to get into your nine
ten phone tap right here, Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 27 (22:02):

Speaker 7 (22:05):
I was talking about some information about something that's over
the counter. I took the COVID test pcr andy came
back negative. I have this fluid that's been that's been
going around.

Speaker 27 (22:15):
What kind of sent are you having?

Speaker 2 (22:17):
I feel hot?

Speaker 27 (22:19):
Do you have a chest coggestion?

Speaker 2 (22:22):
Yeah, it seems like it's coming from the chest. When
I do that one thing, I'm dying. Okay, okay, one moment,
you pause, let.

Speaker 27 (22:32):
Me check one moment. Thank you, sorry, thank you for
holding This is a pharmacy, So you should see a doctor.

Speaker 13 (22:45):
Terrible over.

Speaker 27 (22:57):
Yeah, sorry, so you should try like.

Speaker 7 (22:59):
A tea with my wife, her mother in law Annie,
I'm gonna ask you to keep your headphones on. Okay,
I'm going to ask you to keep your headphones on.
Keep your headphones on on. Here we go does a
lot of like homeopathic things, and she was like, don't
change socks for like three days. I guess the toxins
come out through your feet.

Speaker 27 (23:19):
Oh that sounds kind of bizarre to me.

Speaker 7 (23:22):
What's the pink thing that you drink? Pink thing they
say it with like pink panthers. I'll figure that out.
And does this give you diarrhea as well?

Speaker 2 (23:30):
Does what give you like the flu?

Speaker 27 (23:33):
Not usually?

Speaker 2 (23:34):
I mean, I'm you know, everywhere, so oh, you should
talk to you know as well? Does it sound like herpies?

Speaker 27 (23:41):
I'm not sure. I don't think so.

Speaker 7 (23:42):
Okay, what else should I do? In the meantime? Yeah,
I don't have a rash. I've been looking for it.
And do you think I'm allergic to djon mustard? Maybe
hair falling out of your eyebrows?

Speaker 27 (23:54):
That doesn't sound like action?

Speaker 7 (23:56):
Sheeals, No bad credit, no stains on my teeth, none
caps backwards.

Speaker 28 (24:05):
I have to go.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
It was so nice, honey? Was that too much for you?

Speaker 10 (24:18):
A little dript drink?

Speaker 2 (24:24):
My man said? Was wrong with a little drip Drip's do?

Speaker 29 (24:26):

Speaker 2 (24:27):
And now he said, allergic to penicilla?

Speaker 4 (24:30):

Speaker 2 (24:31):
Come on now, man, you can't. You can't blame nobody
else for this.

Speaker 7 (24:35):
Believe that makes it is going down? Dj in questiones
up in here? What I'm questionified?

Speaker 2 (24:39):
What's good? Big?

Speaker 7 (24:40):
Ain't telling my brother Happy Wednesday Day to you?

Speaker 15 (24:43):

Speaker 2 (24:43):
I would take it over? Got coming up in the
Mackey Fikey makes quests.

Speaker 7 (24:46):
Check it out, Big, I got that Tommy Richmond million
dollar baby, also got that Central seeing little Baby.

Speaker 2 (24:50):
But for but coming up in the Mickey Fie Man, Yeah,
that's my my UK hip hop right there. You know
what I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (25:00):
Make a rhyme out of anything you know? Alrighty now
it is going down. DJ West up in here.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Big Boy Neighborhood used to call me on my.

Speaker 9 (25:13):

Speaker 7 (25:13):
You're pinning a big boy from Big Boys Neighborhood on
iHeart Radio. We have the most fun on your radio.

Speaker 5 (25:21):
Kevin Hart. We've had Chocolate Dropper in the neighborhood. Man
spit life for us, finding the beach swinging from a seat.
Chocolate driver eats no meat, vegan, BIG's de feet bars,
I give h kids.

Speaker 2 (25:38):
I live.

Speaker 9 (25:40):
Reckless to the point. Look at me, I.

Speaker 30 (25:42):
Got no point. Yeah, firearms in my belly. That mean
I'm coming from the gelly here. That means the guts.

Speaker 9 (25:51):
Look at me. Stop being nut.

Speaker 30 (25:54):
Drink no water, quitch my thirst dated raid never came first.
I'm putting on together. I fear no weather. I got
one feasa. That mean I fly whenever.

Speaker 2 (26:09):
Thank you for listening.

Speaker 9 (26:10):
It is you find a big boy, Big Boys neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (26:12):
You can catch more of us right here on I
heard Radio, Big Boy Neighborhood. Honnie is up in here?
What up, Honie?

Speaker 29 (26:19):

Speaker 2 (26:19):
Nothing? Understand what you got there's.

Speaker 11 (26:21):
This viral video going online that's saying, if you have
sex for three minutes, it apparently doesn't count, and.

Speaker 10 (26:27):
This is how it goes.

Speaker 2 (26:28):
So you're saying, my whole sex life is just move.

Speaker 31 (26:30):
I'm not saying that.

Speaker 18 (26:31):
Sure, Okay, I missed up my two year celebate celibacy.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Wow, she messed up her salary? What boy was she
about to say?

Speaker 6 (26:39):

Speaker 18 (26:39):
I missed up my two year celeb celibacy for three minutes.

Speaker 7 (26:43):
Hey man, let me tell you. You could always record over.
It was not necessary for you to just put that up.

Speaker 2 (26:49):
Dude. You you could have just went back to delete
and said three to one and did it again. Please.

Speaker 18 (26:53):
I missed my two year celebate celibacy for three minutes.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
It don't count.

Speaker 18 (26:58):
It don't count, girl, three minutes, anything under three minutes don't.
And if you use a condom, it really don't count.

Speaker 7 (27:04):
So she will celibate and she said that she messed
it up, but really it doesn't count because if you
do any for one, if I was the guy, I'd
be like, damn, that's what you're doing, Jada.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
Yeah, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (27:14):
You're putting that out there. I tell them telling the
homies smashed. So she's saying if she did it for
under three minutes, it doesn't count.

Speaker 10 (27:23):
Which doesn't make sense to me.

Speaker 11 (27:24):
Big and so many people online though some people were
agreeing with it somewhere, and so when we were out
we asked people, what do you think about this?

Speaker 19 (27:30):
But I think that if you have sex for three minutes,
that body still counts.

Speaker 24 (27:34):
I totally disagree. Under five, I don't remember you.

Speaker 19 (27:39):
It's a body.

Speaker 24 (27:40):
That's fair. But sometimes if you don't get the satisfaction,
am I gonna count it?

Speaker 30 (27:46):
You know?

Speaker 19 (27:46):
Like that's actually true? Like if I didn't it don't count.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
Stop it, man. So that means if I don't like
the meal I didn't eat. You know what I'm saying,
What the hell is that?

Speaker 29 (27:57):

Speaker 1 (27:58):

Speaker 2 (27:58):
Man, that's that's a scary count too. Yeah you do?
You did that at the show?

Speaker 10 (28:02):

Speaker 29 (28:03):

Speaker 2 (28:03):
I wish I was with you.

Speaker 4 (28:03):
I would have just looked at him and really was
he math? I bet they were. Chris Brown had a
beautiful crowd, Oh my gosh.

Speaker 2 (28:10):

Speaker 11 (28:10):
And you know what I thought, my friend. I had
a friend who basically told me she didn't have sex
for like five years. She's like I'm basically a virgin
at this point. She's like, when you don't have sex
for like five years or a long period of time,
like you just go back to this holy And I'm like.

Speaker 2 (28:21):
Oh, amen, there's another change that's probably be too risky
for radio.

Speaker 7 (28:26):
But I've had this conversation many times even on radio,
where it's like, you know, people still like feel like
they still have their V card because.

Speaker 2 (28:34):
They you know, haven't been vaginal. Yeah, I heard that.
I would love to hear what I have to say
about that. Probably y'all do stick around, y'all Radio's Big Boy.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.

Speaker 21 (28:51):
Subscribe to our YouTube channel big Boy TV. For more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com.

Speaker 2 (28:57):
Lug is up in here.

Speaker 5 (29:00):
The funniest people on television have some great news for us. Man,
And I'm talking about Charles Barkley. Bro When we talked
about Inside the NBA, one of my favorite shows with
Shaquille O'Neil, Kenny, the Jet Smith and Ernie Johnson, Like
we talk about how that show is sometimes better to
watch than the games. Yeah, man, before or at halftime,
they're like Snoop Dogg in Paris. Yeah, it's hilarious.

Speaker 7 (29:20):
You know what I'm saying that I really enjoyed the
Man because it's not just about scores.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
Yeah, hell yeah.

Speaker 5 (29:25):
And you never know what you're going to get. No
to Inside the NBA is the same. Such a great show.
And then T and T losing the bid for the
NBA rights for the next couple of shoot. I don't
know how long the contract was, but they lost to
the Amazon, so they pretty much have one more season.
And because of that, Charles Barkley said he was gonna
retire because you don't want to break up the crew
would be dumb.

Speaker 2 (29:44):
So Charles Barkley just came out big and he said
that he is utter.

Speaker 5 (29:48):
Retiring, It is gonna continue with TNT Sports and he's
gonna do an extension on his contract a man. So
does that mean with inside the NBA are they're not
sure what they're gonna happen because a couple of them
have CA so maybe they're going to restructure that team
and figure something out. But I think there's you know,
he also does n c A a basketball so they
know he's one of the most So this isn't an

inside the NBA no deal no, this is just him
with anti sports going to continue. But now he got
to hope that inside the NBA could possibly figure out up,
figure it out and stay together because Charles Barkley is
probably the funniest person on television when it comes to sports.

Speaker 7 (30:25):
Bron Man, I don't even know if he know how
funny he is. And some people just say, oh, no,
he's rude. What kind of women are in a big
old women?

Speaker 15 (30:34):
I would just say that that's that's a gold mine
for wait watching, Why does every conversation about to eventually
come around to the fandex is and it's all and
Victoria definitely a secret. They can't wear no. Victoria's secret
down there. It's a secret. We're down every wearing bloomers.

Speaker 29 (30:54):
All he does.

Speaker 15 (30:54):
They wear big old bloomers down there. And then I
wear no in the San Antonio and can't be down
in San Antonio.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
Check amen, And they trying to shut him down. He
keep going.

Speaker 7 (31:07):
Then Shaky's doing the fake you know who's starting then
throwing him you know, yeah, And when you.

Speaker 5 (31:13):
Think he's serious and he wants to apologize to San
Antonio women, and just because what.

Speaker 29 (31:17):
Do you have to apologize him?

Speaker 15 (31:18):
I want to apologize to the women of San Antonio
because Ernie.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
What happened? What happened to prompt this? This has been
going on for a good Ernie twelve years. I had
chier rolls last night. I see what all.

Speaker 9 (31:36):

Speaker 2 (31:40):
What's going on down? You know how little he is.

Speaker 7 (31:44):
She's had children's for the first time. Come on, now, Chuck,
stop lying to yourself. All right, come on, Chuck you Charles?

Speaker 2 (31:52):
Oh my god. Yeah, So whatever it means, man, I
just hope they can stay together. Believe that, y'all. Sticking
around your radio Big Boy Neighbor.

Speaker 1 (31:58):
Big Boys Neighborhood on a Man Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
All right, now Annie is up in here. What up, Honnie?
What a big Oh? Nothing to what you got?

Speaker 10 (32:15):
We found Drake's fake Instagram account.

Speaker 2 (32:17):
Big Drake fake Instagram account.

Speaker 11 (32:20):
Yep, And it's called like plot twist. There's like fourties
in the beginning, then sixties at the end. But you
gotta go on his Instagram and check this out because
he has so much content on there, and that content
then leads you to a website where he dropped three
new songs, but not just that big. He also dropped
content of songs, things like yikes, Like you know he
was on Kanye's album.

Speaker 10 (32:37):
Not only was he on it, he was actually the
one who wrote one of the songs.

Speaker 31 (32:40):
And this is the reference shack to that, eh menacing
look hit him up.

Speaker 9 (32:46):
Then I start a die just to fit the house. Man.

Speaker 17 (32:49):
I had the copper field like to the Doe whila
back when the money made to sound.

Speaker 9 (32:55):
They're like no, no, no, hey hey good bow uh.

Speaker 17 (33:00):
People had a problem looking in my eyes as they
look away, safe to say.

Speaker 2 (33:05):
And he released that.

Speaker 7 (33:06):
The reference track yep, wow fine help song dude, And
then of.

Speaker 2 (33:14):
Course we know yikes ye from eighteen.

Speaker 9 (33:18):
Manicent frightening Fine?

Speaker 7 (33:21):
How sometimes I scan myself myself.

Speaker 9 (33:27):
I could get Manoicent frightening fine?

Speaker 4 (33:32):
How oh man sometimes happier times yeah, sad your times?

Speaker 10 (33:39):
Like that's so crazy to me, big bran.

Speaker 2 (33:40):
Man, what if that wasn't the reference track. I can
go and do that to any song right now. You
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (33:45):
Just put a little static on it and make it
seem like I did a song. But nah, that's the reference.

Speaker 10 (33:49):
He has footage of it.

Speaker 11 (33:50):
It's him in the studio withs younger Drake and then
he has also a footage of him like smoking hookah
in the studio.

Speaker 10 (33:55):
And I'm like, oh, it's not the kind of thing
came with receipts.

Speaker 2 (33:58):
Oh he did, yeah, man.

Speaker 11 (33:59):
And not only that, not only is he releasing music
behind the scenes things like that, but he also released
this thing on his Instagram that people are like, what
is he saying about Jake Cole? But he said, remember
when Ja Cole got his phone stolen out of his
pocket by a fan and then they called jay Z
from it, but he wasn't answering it, so they took
his number and called from their own phone and he
picked up.

Speaker 10 (34:16):
So they were like, jay Z didn't answer j Coles.
So it's just that instagram.

Speaker 6 (34:22):

Speaker 2 (34:23):
I don't believe that either.

Speaker 10 (34:24):
I don't either believe, but it sounds good.

Speaker 4 (34:26):
It does.

Speaker 7 (34:27):
It sounds good like I can see him probably looking
at j Cole and probably at the moment, I can
see maybe not picking it up. But I don't think
jay Z would pick up a random. I don't think
I think he'll pick up J Cole way before pick
up a random. That's what I'm saying, yeah, but hey,
it makes great news, right it does. It's a great story, y'all.
Stick around, y'all Radio Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
You're checking out another full show episode podcast of Big
Boys Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (34:51):
Big Boy Neighborhood. Annie is up in here. What up, Honnie?
Oh nothing, Honie? What you got? My love?

Speaker 10 (34:56):
BIGS hasn't made a huge announcement that I'm not really
happy about. She was recently performing in Canada at a festival,
and then she went on Twitter the next day and said,
yesterday was my last show for a while. Finally about
to get my life together. Thank you God man.

Speaker 1 (35:11):
You know what?

Speaker 2 (35:11):
Those she did a long run, she did.

Speaker 7 (35:14):
I think she did a double dose just in the
States of the SOS tour, right, she did, and she
took it overseas, and she had.

Speaker 2 (35:22):
A lot of spot days, she had a lot of festivals,
so I could imagine she probably need a break.

Speaker 10 (35:26):
Yeah, Like, I can't imagine how tiring that is. You
see her on stage. She has to practice everything by
all the different things and get back.

Speaker 2 (35:32):
And she's the marquis, she's like the headliner, she's the person.

Speaker 11 (35:36):
You know, So like I get her taking a break,
But it does suck because I really want to see,
Like she still has to drop her album Alana that
she promised es with the deluxe, so we're waiting on that.
But in the neighborhood, you had asked her about music
and if it was therapeutic for her.

Speaker 10 (35:47):
It's like stressful but also therapeutic.

Speaker 31 (35:49):
It's weird. It's very like a task because it's something
that I'm unfamiliar with, like the people, the process, the risks,
the courage that it requires, Like there's a lot of
things of like in order to really succeed, you have
to live on the outside of like your own body,
like the outside of your skin. That's very difficult for
me naturally because I don't know, like I would never

volunteer to be like, I don't think I would also
not recommend it to anyone else to volunteer, but I think.
But it's like when you hit your flow of like
I don't know what this means for you in particular,
like what are these lessons teaching you? Like what are
these songs? And like the process of like growing and
getting through these fears?

Speaker 7 (36:30):
You know what's wild about that? Even since that one
that one time that sit down. You know what I'm saying,
She got bigger so much soon, she became even more
of a star man, you know, and I'm pretty sure
and not pretty sure, I know that the demands were different.
Oh my god, Yah, you gotta be everywhere because everybody
wants you.

Speaker 27 (36:49):
You know.

Speaker 2 (36:49):
I don't want you to get a break.

Speaker 10 (36:51):
Sorry, Yeah, I love her so much.

Speaker 11 (36:53):
But what I do think she's gonna do is maybe
she is gonna take a music break, but I feel
like she's gonna get into TV.

Speaker 10 (36:58):
Or like movies or something like appearances. I would want to.

Speaker 2 (37:01):
See her that well, just across the board. Man, what
it was it a tweet? What did it say?

Speaker 10 (37:06):
It said, she's going to take time for hers finally
about to make get my life to show.

Speaker 7 (37:10):
We get some neighbor reactions as well. Man, that doesn't
sound like I'm venturing into a little t r. It doesn't,
you know, swear, But we get our neighbor's reaction as well.

Speaker 4 (37:17):

Speaker 7 (37:18):
It says it done with the business taking a little break. Y'all,
stick around, y'all radios, Big Boys Neighborhood. You're finding a
big boy from Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. There's
another in case you missed the moment with us.

Speaker 4 (37:34):
We're just speaking on it. Man Wardrobe malfunctions. There's a guy,
a diver at the Olympics.

Speaker 7 (37:39):
There's pictures of him, and as Louis would say, it
looks like he has three in his hand.

Speaker 2 (37:44):
Save something for the rest of us dogs, like saved
some girls for the rest of us.

Speaker 4 (37:48):
You never heard that saying when you said save something
for the rest of us? Yeah, were you talking about girls?
You said the first they meant okay, I said, so
you said for the rest of us, Jameson, for the
rest of us dogs, Yeah, I don't. I don't, right man,
For the rest of us dogs, what's safe here with me?

Speaker 2 (38:08):
I don't care.

Speaker 7 (38:09):
I never got a front with me, my brother Jameson
for the rest of us dog thank you for listening.
It is you find a big boy, big Boy's neighborhood.
You could catch more of us right here on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (38:19):
Same so for the rest of us dogs, big boy.
We were speaking on how Scissa put out a tweet
and the.

Speaker 11 (38:25):
Tweet said she said, yesterday was my last show for
a while, finally about to get my life together.

Speaker 10 (38:29):
Thank you God.

Speaker 9 (38:30):

Speaker 2 (38:31):
So it seemed like she was, you know, stepping away. Yeah,
you know what I'm saying, stepping over and maybe need
some very much deserved rest.

Speaker 10 (38:39):
Yeah, she's been working so much, so.

Speaker 7 (38:41):
Much, man, But selfishly, we want we want Sissy, we say.
So we're talking to some of our neighbors and getting
their reaction as well.

Speaker 10 (38:48):
Big Maya is just as upset as I am.

Speaker 16 (38:50):
I have been trying to see Sissa at the tdast
Christmas Drive in Nickerson Gardens for the past five years.

Speaker 24 (38:57):
So I'm very that she's not performing anymore. Her for
a long time, because that doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 16 (39:02):
I haven't seen you. That means you need to keep
performing until I do. But I mean, I guess good
for her take a break. Yeah, I just saw her
at the last October Conquer, but I wanted to see
her at least one more time.

Speaker 19 (39:14):
So I'm sad that she's not performing again.

Speaker 2 (39:16):

Speaker 7 (39:16):
And then when I was saying she was waiting to
see her at the Nickas and things, the TD Toy
Drive five years in a row.

Speaker 2 (39:22):
You know, she did like two different tours and she
did spot dates.

Speaker 7 (39:25):
So if you really wanted to see her, you could
have went to one of those tours as opposed to
every year waiting to see she's gonna be at the
TD toy giveaway.

Speaker 11 (39:32):
Yeah, she literally has been everywhere. I feel like you've
seen her everywhere, but she was at the TD event
last Oh.

Speaker 2 (39:36):
Yeah, yeah, she killed killed. You missed a good one.

Speaker 10 (39:41):
Oh see, I feel like I missed that stuff.

Speaker 11 (39:42):
I feel like I've missed her almost every single time
she's performed with something the tool. No, that's why I'm
on the same boat as Maya. Like I've been waiting
to see her. Every time I need to see her,
something happens where I can't go. She's the only person
I think that I've wanted to see And.

Speaker 7 (39:55):
Oh, well, you know what, step and away. I'm saying,
she probably needs a rest. This is your fault, my
fault that you didn't see her. Don't put that on her, like,
oh I want her to stay around because you didn't
get up.

Speaker 32 (40:06):
But I'm not the only one.

Speaker 10 (40:07):
It's me and Maya, so it means like we're all
the same.

Speaker 2 (40:09):
It's your fault.

Speaker 7 (40:10):
Yeah, this is your fault, guys, this is so os toy.
She brought it back a second time, you still didn't go.
I know that's what and we have free tickets here.
You make it to Hookah. You should have did this story.
You should have did this story.

Speaker 16 (40:26):

Speaker 7 (40:26):
To our neighbors out there, I apologize. I apologize wrong
with signing.

Speaker 2 (40:30):
Du stick around y'all. Radios Big Boys.

Speaker 21 (40:31):
Neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood on demand.

Speaker 1 (40:34):
For more, subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV
and check out Radio big Boy dot com.

Speaker 2 (40:40):
This Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 7 (40:42):
Annie is up here. Annie Drake is in the neighborhood.
Before we do anything, man, what if Annie?

Speaker 2 (40:47):
Oh nothing? What you got?

Speaker 10 (40:48):
My loveig Drake has dropped so much. She dropped three
new songs. He dropped like some samples of songs, covers,
Like there is so much that's going on because he
released like a hundred gigabytes of data. Things that just content,
additional content videos of him. But then there's this one video.
Now people are really digging in and binding things out.
You know the song Too Good that he has with Rihanna. Yes,

this is for Serena Williams. Listen to what he says,
you up.

Speaker 18 (41:13):
And coming relationships, everything's gonna be you.

Speaker 6 (41:17):
I'm not gonna get like to really into things.

Speaker 33 (41:19):
No, I get heavy on a couple joys, but this
is more about me and Serena.

Speaker 18 (41:23):
So I gathered.

Speaker 34 (41:25):
I gathered that, but I.

Speaker 33 (41:26):
Wanted to make a song. Well, it's funny because when
I make songs about women, I also make songs for them.
So I know what kind of song to make. If
I'm going to talk about them, I'll at least do
them the justice of making them a song that they like. Yeah, Okay,
so I know I know Serena very well, and I
know that she'll hear it loud and clear. But you'll

also not hate me for it because it's lighthearted, you know,
and seeing someone else.

Speaker 2 (41:55):
I don't know, Mom, I don't know how to talk
to you.

Speaker 8 (41:59):
I don't.

Speaker 6 (42:01):

Speaker 9 (42:03):
My friends always feel.

Speaker 2 (42:05):
To tell me things.

Speaker 6 (42:08):
Like that.

Speaker 4 (42:08):
Just man, that one would you said? Gigabytes and stuffy?

Speaker 2 (42:15):
Man, I love it.

Speaker 30 (42:16):

Speaker 2 (42:16):
That was his mom he was speaking with.

Speaker 11 (42:17):
That was his mom he was talking to. They were
in the studio. And what I love even more about
this is that he was smoking Hookah. I realized with
this like content that Drake dropped he loves.

Speaker 2 (42:27):
Yeah, and that's the part that he's in there with
his mom and him.

Speaker 10 (42:29):
No, I mean that's beautiful too.

Speaker 2 (42:31):
But did you guys know there was a video she
wouldn't like it?

Speaker 11 (42:33):
Yeah, I'd like, what is that in the background? Sounds
like Coka because you hear the bubbling. But he also
owns like partly a hookah club or hookah lounge. And
I'm like, I love you more now, Drake, Hey.

Speaker 7 (42:41):
Dude, is every story? Remember when Natalia every story led
to Starbucks and coffee and she worked. There is every
story gonna lead to hookah with you?

Speaker 10 (42:52):
Not every but like draking bad money, those are the two.

Speaker 2 (42:54):
Love it so a lot of.

Speaker 10 (42:58):
But it's so good. And now I hear that song.

Speaker 4 (43:00):
Ain'ty man believe that y'all sticking around? Y'all radio is
Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 21 (43:04):
This is big Boy on demand, Big Boy.

Speaker 2 (43:07):
Neighborhood, Louis.

Speaker 5 (43:08):
He is up in here with a blog man or
exclusive interview bro with Hello Jag. It was so cool
meeting him for the first time ever.

Speaker 25 (43:17):

Speaker 5 (43:17):
Yeah, I've been watching his fights all the time, my
whole family, so we've been supporting him since day one. Bro,
But big you sitting down with them, It's crazy just
watching your dynamic with him, because it felt.

Speaker 2 (43:27):
Like you just knew each other. Ye man, he is
refining for a long time.

Speaker 5 (43:30):
Man, But you did ask him like about coming from
a family of fighters, bro, how.

Speaker 2 (43:35):
Does it feel just coming from a family a foxers
you know.

Speaker 22 (43:40):
Is eight siblings and seven the seven or boxers they
fight on point.

Speaker 9 (43:46):

Speaker 22 (43:46):
So the same night we have the record units, in
the same night we fight the seven brothers?

Speaker 2 (43:52):
How many one?

Speaker 29 (43:54):

Speaker 2 (43:54):
How did the other three feel?

Speaker 9 (43:56):
Film was their debut?

Speaker 2 (44:02):
So wow, that's one of those things.

Speaker 35 (44:04):

Speaker 2 (44:05):
Out here, we have a lot of home.

Speaker 36 (44:06):
Invasions, people breaking into your house, trying to get you
when you when you sleep. Can you imagine if you
broke into your house and you have seven brothers that fight,
you would call the police on yourself saying give me.

Speaker 29 (44:19):
Yeah, you know, but it was always in your blood.

Speaker 2 (44:24):
And you knew that this is something that you wanted
to do. You cann't picture doing anything else.

Speaker 22 (44:29):
And that moment. I play in soccer, but I when
I find boxing, I say, now, this is what I
want for my life. Because my older brother started with
boxing and the he inviting us to to see the
pro thebute and when I see him fight, I say.

Speaker 29 (44:48):
This is what I want for my life.

Speaker 22 (44:50):
How old are you around it eleven eleven and keep
bringing me to the gym one week and then he
left to Tijuana to work there, and I say, hey,
bring me with you. I want to I want to
to be a boxer, want to be a fighter, and
I don't think it easy. And two years later he
come and I you start.

Speaker 4 (45:06):
Hey, man, that story right there and there in the
Guinness Book of World recommend I had no idea in
two thousand and eight.

Speaker 2 (45:13):
I remember my family talking about that. My parents, Yeah,
I do remember.

Speaker 5 (45:17):
After he said that, I was like, oh, I do
remember my family talking about Oh yeah, at least you
said my nose.

Speaker 2 (45:21):
He sit on the record like they broke a record
of making.

Speaker 7 (45:23):
That's wild, man, because even when you see the Vargus Dynasty,
you know what I'm saying with the three with the
three brothers boxing down friend of Vargus's son, uh huh.
I trip off of them three being great boxes. Can
you imagine seven of them? And how do you break
up a family fight.

Speaker 2 (45:39):
If it happened?

Speaker 4 (45:40):
Bro, Yeah, you know what I'm saying, Like, Man, I
had a great time with Carnelo, man, and in the
future we have a real sit down.

Speaker 2 (45:48):
But I enjoyed it. Man, y'all stick around, y'all radios
Big Boys neighbor Big.

Speaker 1 (45:51):
Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily. Subscribe
to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV for more. I
got radio Big Boy dot Com.

Speaker 2 (46:02):
It's about that time for your eight ten phone tap, Curtis,
and you're good.

Speaker 7 (46:05):
Friemish to Luca LuFe. This right here is bitcoin withdrawal.
How's your bitcoin coming along on it?

Speaker 10 (46:11):
It's going well, spechally sheba right now?

Speaker 6 (46:13):
A millionaire yet?

Speaker 2 (46:14):
No, No, that's it okay, but don't worry about it.
Don't worry about it.

Speaker 7 (46:17):
What this person right here is a millionaire? Yes, your
phone tap? This is bitcoin withdrawals. This is where Luther
calls a banker wants to withdraw his bitcoin because he
has made millions and it's going to get into your
a ten phone tap right here.

Speaker 2 (46:32):
Big Boys Neighborhood got good morning.

Speaker 7 (46:55):
I really needed to speak to someone about my actual
account because I am ready to close my bitcoin account.

Speaker 2 (47:01):
I needed Well, did you just say bitcoin?

Speaker 9 (47:04):

Speaker 2 (47:04):
Yeah, but I don't need the actual coins. We don't
do bitcoin. That's something else entirely well.

Speaker 7 (47:10):
One of your representatives is the one that actually opened
up my bigcoin account with eight thousand dollars, and now
I think I'm up to like forty two million dollars
from what he was saying, So I would like to
go ahead and get that forty two million dollars right now.

Speaker 2 (47:22):
You gave somebody eight thousand dollars, yes.

Speaker 7 (47:25):
Eight thousand dollars, one of your associates, and he was like,
when it comes to bitcoins, he're saying, everybody has like
little names and everything. So his name is monkey Bread.
So with monkey Bread, I actually gave him the eight thousand.
But from what I understand with the with each dollar
for dollar, I'm up to like forty two million dollars.

Speaker 2 (47:41):
So I just want to close out right now. That
is not a good situation.

Speaker 9 (47:45):
Yeah, monkey, gentlemen, monkey Bread, monkey Bread.

Speaker 31 (47:48):
I'm pretty sure there is no mister monkey bread anybody
with the person.

Speaker 2 (47:52):
You know, I have some customers here, I've got to
attend to.

Speaker 4 (47:54):
You or what right a minute, ar, don't you think
that I should have priority over somebody that's probably coming
in and want to get out one hundred bucks right.

Speaker 2 (48:01):
Well, it's one hundred real dollars. It's probably worth more
than forty two million.

Speaker 37 (48:05):
Imaginary ones, but.

Speaker 4 (48:06):
Imaginary forty two million dollars you said, like imaginary, like
the forty two million doesn't exist.

Speaker 2 (48:12):
Well, you need to learn how to address a multimillionaire, sir.
And what is your name?

Speaker 8 (48:16):
My name is Johnson Johnson.

Speaker 2 (48:19):
Okay, now, mister Johnson Johnson.

Speaker 7 (48:23):
I'm coming down there and I'm gonna speak with you, sir,
and I need to go ahead and close my big
coin account.

Speaker 2 (48:28):
Yes, sir, thank you very much.

Speaker 4 (48:29):
It's always soon as you start talking about the millions.
A kissen, So I'm on my way down right now, sir.

Speaker 7 (48:33):
Hello, Hello, the A ten phone tap right there, CURTI said,
your good pramnise to loota loofe, your Mickey Ficky mix
it is going down.

Speaker 2 (48:41):
DJ quest is up in here. What I'm questified? What's good?

Speaker 4 (48:44):
Big maintainer doing a damn thing? And we got comed
up in a Mickey Picky Mix quest check it out.

Speaker 7 (48:48):
Bigger got that Steve Lacy bad Habit also got that
future Metro and Kendrick Lamar like that coming up in
the ninety two minute commercial Free Mickey Ficky Man.

Speaker 2 (48:54):
Good in the neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood. This is Big
Boy on the big boy neighborhood. Annie is up in here?
What up? Annie?

Speaker 6 (49:03):

Speaker 2 (49:04):
Nothing to understand?

Speaker 29 (49:04):
What you got?

Speaker 2 (49:05):
My love? Caelo, y'all don't know where I wanna stop him. Yeah,
we's gonna stop the Canilo chan.

Speaker 11 (49:13):
But Big, we've recently got to go see him at
a press conference because he's about to fight Burlonga Edgar
Berloga and it's gonna be going down September fourteen.

Speaker 2 (49:20):
Put a hard a on a Berlanga berl Yeah.

Speaker 4 (49:22):
Yeah, so people, did you know it's hard for you
to pronounce his name because people don't quite know him.

Speaker 11 (49:29):
I was reading the comments and that's what a lot
of people were saying, because there was a moment at
that press conference where I thought people were gonna beat
each other up. Before that happened, Big, I thought it
was so beautiful the way that Canelo walked in, because
there was a live Mariacci right there, man.

Speaker 7 (49:59):
And when we talked about it, Canelo as well, this
is this is one of those fights, man, this is
Mexico Puerto Rico.

Speaker 2 (50:04):
Yeah yeah, man. So it was a different excitement with
that too.

Speaker 10 (50:06):
Oh yeah. And they were going at each other for
that too, like Edgar was saying like, oh, Puerto Rico.

Speaker 6 (50:10):
And I was like, oh my.

Speaker 2 (50:11):
Gosh, it's getting She was in there getting like nervous. Yeah,
you know how it would stand up.

Speaker 4 (50:15):
And I even told her. I was like, baby, I said, man,
this is day two of a press tour.

Speaker 6 (50:19):
I had no idea.

Speaker 4 (50:20):
I was like, man, they're selling a fight, and they're
selling it so well to they did.

Speaker 11 (50:25):
Because there was at one point like they I feel
like they went off script because there was Caleb Plants also.

Speaker 10 (50:29):
I mean, I don't know what it was, but there
was Caleb.

Speaker 2 (50:32):
The line please.

Speaker 10 (50:35):
But they started getting into.

Speaker 11 (50:36):
With people in the crowd and then Cano's like, hold on,
hold on, Oh yeah, Caleb.

Speaker 2 (50:40):
Let's turn things back. Hello, make it easy.

Speaker 19 (50:44):
I'm gonna I'm gonna take him for you.

Speaker 2 (50:48):
I promise you. I promise you. That's for you, buddy.
Buddy smack.

Speaker 9 (50:59):
You're thinking we got more like you than you?

Speaker 2 (51:01):
What you canalo? Where you canalo? When when I better
IQ than me. You're gonna see you coming like you
the employ you nothing. You're going to see nothing. Get easy.

Speaker 15 (51:21):
I know.

Speaker 2 (51:23):
The easy way, because you your coming, You're going to
see You'll talk. Man.

Speaker 7 (51:34):
There was one line I can't stay on air, man,
But Canelo was like, I'll f you up right now.
They were talking back and forth and Canelo said word
for word but would have edited on it. He said,
I'll f you up right now. Your money is gone.
He said, if I f you up right now, your
money is gone.

Speaker 29 (51:49):

Speaker 6 (51:49):
I love that for him.

Speaker 10 (51:51):
Then, oh my god, he's such a troll. And people
love that online.

Speaker 11 (51:53):
They're like, I love the way Canelo talks and they're like,
all right, this guy is not even gonna beat him.
Canelo is gonna just punch him whenever he wants and
he'll fall.

Speaker 4 (52:00):
And Canelo he learned how to be slick and talk
a whole lot of mess in English.

Speaker 19 (52:03):
I love it though.

Speaker 4 (52:04):
Oh yeah, many people say his English isn't good, and
I always ask how good is your Spanish?

Speaker 2 (52:10):
Where people say, oh, like, what are you talking about?

Speaker 6 (52:13):
I did?

Speaker 2 (52:13):
You're doing full interview?

Speaker 5 (52:14):
Yes, in Spanish in English, and I come on, man,
have you seen him going back and forth with his
Excellency from Saudi. Yeah, they're going back and forth talking
about like he I don't like I guess you told
him I don't like the way he does business. And
then uh, Turkey came back and said some other stuff
about him, like, oh, you didn't want to fight Crawford,
the money's on the table kind of you're not going
to pay overpay for something.

Speaker 2 (52:34):
Just back and forth.

Speaker 4 (52:35):
He get into so much drama. Man, oh man, could
this be Mexico saarti rabio. That's alright.

Speaker 2 (52:43):
Believe that Big Boys Neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (52:45):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV.

Speaker 21 (52:53):
For more. Check out Radio big Boy dot com.

Speaker 2 (52:56):
Luisg is up in here.

Speaker 5 (52:57):
What up, loot o man, there's some trouble in fighty
trouble end body the Olympics, bro oh man, So did
you hear about olympian Tom greg who is from Australia
and he does he's on the field hockey team.

Speaker 2 (53:10):
Right he was eliminated or something?

Speaker 9 (53:12):

Speaker 2 (53:12):
Right, Yeah, he.

Speaker 5 (53:13):
Didn't win gold, he didn't win bronze, he didn't win
the silver.

Speaker 7 (53:17):
He won bud he won uh arrest and arrest, yes, man,
this idiot he got gold and.

Speaker 2 (53:25):
When it comes to being arrested, this idiot.

Speaker 5 (53:27):
Dog after obviously they got eliminated. I guess he hung
around Olympic village decided to go around Padise ended up
getting busted and arrested because he was caught buying cocaine
from a seventeen year old Yeah. Man, yeah, seventeen years
out there hustling, Yes, dog, can you imagine any Mommy,

oh man, I need need some blow bites, Get me
some blow oh bight, and.

Speaker 2 (53:54):
Then a cocaine. He got the cane for you.

Speaker 9 (54:01):
Damn man.

Speaker 4 (54:01):
It's a little rat that comes up yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
would have little mustache, would a little breat like a
little tam on his head. Yeah, going a little lot
of cigarettes with a long stick on it, painting a picture,
got on a scarf around his neck with a black
and white striped shirt.

Speaker 2 (54:18):
That's what the.

Speaker 5 (54:23):
Yeah, dude, I guess the cops were monitoring this seventeen
year old drugular for a minute.

Speaker 9 (54:27):

Speaker 5 (54:27):
Man, it approached them and tried to buy something and
they both got arrested. But he did apologize, because dude,
you gotta apologize.

Speaker 34 (54:34):
I'd first they like to apologize for what has a
curd over the past twenty four hours. I made a
terrible mistake. I take full responsibility for my actions, my
actions and my own and no way reflect the values
of my family, my teammates, my friends, my sport and
the Australian Olympic team.

Speaker 2 (54:50):
I've embarrassed you all.

Speaker 34 (54:51):
I'm truly sorry.

Speaker 4 (54:52):
Hey, man, if you get up and get out of
the bed to go buy cocaine, yeah in Paris, represent
your country at the Olympics, you gotta you got a
hell of a problem, man, it's big.

Speaker 2 (55:03):
James Want said, Okay, it's a hell of a drug.
Yes it is, man, Okay, is a hell of a drug.
My man got up.

Speaker 5 (55:08):
I wonder if that was on a sick one while
he was competing, like out there on the field of
the field hockey thing, like, bro, the.

Speaker 2 (55:16):
Game's over man, you want to play? Why?

Speaker 4 (55:23):

Speaker 8 (55:23):

Speaker 2 (55:23):
Hell yeah? Taking a stick hitting people with it. Yeah,
like Australia.

Speaker 4 (55:28):
Yeah, field hockey player Jonathan from Australia has another nose bleed.

Speaker 13 (55:32):
We don't know why.

Speaker 2 (55:35):
Why has another nose bleed? Now? Yeah, running up and
down the field. He wasn't even in the game. That
just sucks.

Speaker 5 (55:41):
Giddy busted like that, But I think a lot of
us have been busted. So yeah, in whatever situation before.

Speaker 2 (55:45):
Yeah, So we ain't come back to it, man, We're
coming back with our neighbors who got busted.

Speaker 4 (55:49):
Yeah, hell, we could have kept it in the neighborhood
who got busted? Y'all stick around your radios, Big Boys neighborhood.

Speaker 7 (55:55):
If eighties, you're finding a big boy from Big Boys
Neighborhood on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 2 (56:04):
We have the most fun on your radio. What you got, Honi?

Speaker 11 (56:08):
Eminem just had a therapy session with himself aka slim Shady.

Speaker 21 (56:12):
I've been sent from the past to save our career.

Speaker 28 (56:14):
We'll save my career, my twenty five year career where
I saw like a billion albums.

Speaker 2 (56:20):
I think I'm doing pretty fun.

Speaker 28 (56:21):
We solo that off my back. Just don't get it twisted.
Ooh well for me, you still be wearing that same
damn nikeer hat. You're not a Taylor Swift with one
era that mattered mine. Everything that people think of when
they think of Eminem as yours truly, from the blonde
hair to the middle finger to the jokes, all of
it me And if we're being honest, the music that

you've been dropping since I've bounced, ain't it?

Speaker 2 (56:44):

Speaker 21 (56:44):
I heard your last thought that was AI Really so
a computer can write rap?

Speaker 13 (56:50):

Speaker 28 (56:51):
Look, man, no one gives a fuck about your lyrical miracles.
You're scaring the people want to be entertained.

Speaker 7 (56:57):
Eminem heard what people were saying, so for man, did
they can fist fight on here because I need to
watch it.

Speaker 10 (57:02):
Then at that like slim Shady comes down, he's like,
you know what, man.

Speaker 4 (57:06):
Okay, god man, you didn't even say spoiler alert. Thank
you for listening.

Speaker 7 (57:14):
It is you find a big boy Big Boys neighborhood.
You could catch more of us right here. On iheard
Radio Big Boy Neighborhood. Luigi was talking about how there
was an Australian field hockey player.

Speaker 2 (57:24):
Australia was eliminated from the Olympics.

Speaker 7 (57:26):
So my man said, you know what, man, let me
go ahead and get on out of here and get
me some cocaine. Yeah, man, walking through, get out of
Olympic village and let's go get some cocaine.

Speaker 2 (57:37):
Rug cocaine is the hell of a drugs man. You
know what I'm saying.

Speaker 7 (57:40):
My man traveled abroad alright, so we were just saying
he got busted. Yeah, Doug, we were asking who got busted.
So we went out to some of our listeners.

Speaker 2 (57:47):
As well our listeners. One of our neighbors Isabelle just
listen to the alrighty who got busted?

Speaker 37 (57:52):
Hey, this is about calling from Prima, California. And the
time that I got busted was for me stealing a
package on accident. I wrote the wrong address. I went
to go pick up an item from a lady and
I wrote the address wrong and I took someone's package
by accident. And then also my boyfriend did prison time

for doing a home invasion.

Speaker 18 (58:18):
But we're good now.

Speaker 2 (58:19):
That was back then. I don't believe her.

Speaker 9 (58:24):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (58:25):
I'm sorry. And even before she got to the husband
doing in prison, I don't believe her. She for like
male frogs, did she the wrong?

Speaker 2 (58:36):
Yeah? So did she want to go pick it up?
I don't I don't quite understand.

Speaker 14 (58:40):

Speaker 2 (58:40):
I think that's what she means. I think she did.
She like go, she stole a package. I mean, and
I mean she's not not allegedly my ass. Yeah, trying
to alertally like all that stuff, like no man, like.

Speaker 4 (58:54):
Come on, man, come on, you forgot to even say
it that when they brought it there, like come on, man,
who' said that?

Speaker 2 (59:03):
I don't know. We had another neighbor who's man? And
then we get these calls and then we started debating them.
Yeah right, you know what I'm saying. Alrighty. We got
another neighbor who said his brother got busted. Alrighty, alrighty.

Speaker 38 (59:14):
So my brother got busted twice for distribution of math.
The first time he got pulled over, it was on
the freeway outside of the freeway and h they found
them with bag with a bunch of baggies and stuff,
and he went to jail for a few years. The
second time, he was selling out of his house out
of cigarette boxes, using cigarette boxes, and whole swat showed
up to his house. My brother was there, my other

brothers were there. They weren't even involved, and the whole
swat team showed up rated the whole house.

Speaker 29 (59:43):
Kids were there. Pretty embarrassing.

Speaker 2 (59:45):
Damn man, suck.

Speaker 7 (59:48):
I thought for sure somebody was gonna say they put
a big razor in their pockets. You know, I didn't
know that we were gonna have mail for all my
India prison time. Buddy, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (01:00:01):
Back in the past.

Speaker 4 (01:00:01):
But there y'all. Stick around, y'all radios, Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (01:00:06):
You're checking out another full show episode A Big Boys
neighborhood on demands about that time.

Speaker 7 (01:00:12):
For your nine ten phone tap courtesy of your good
friend mister Lutha Abbasid of lou Faith in the neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (01:00:19):
Right now, this right here is Avasar Loss.

Speaker 7 (01:00:22):
Avasar calls get directions to the hotel from the airport.
Who's gonna get it to your nine ten phone tap?
Right here, big boy, neighborhood.

Speaker 26 (01:00:39):
Got Cynthia is that's how my sister you.

Speaker 2 (01:00:52):
Ye ain'ts I mean dan Na blue?

Speaker 13 (01:00:55):
Do you know what highway you on?

Speaker 2 (01:00:57):

Speaker 4 (01:00:58):
I'm sorry, langle.

Speaker 13 (01:01:00):
Hmmm, I'm looking out of the airport.

Speaker 26 (01:01:02):
You needed to go straight onto highway.

Speaker 13 (01:01:04):
Three eighties Yan thirty and then look up at the
intersection there was a big church.

Speaker 4 (01:01:09):
Three churches, pop bines and KFC man huh yanks Yanks?

Speaker 13 (01:01:17):

Speaker 2 (01:01:17):
How far is the tell? It's just Funday. I'm air Bart.

Speaker 13 (01:01:23):
You speak Spanish.

Speaker 2 (01:01:24):
My own niece mayonneese Miyaonne is me?

Speaker 4 (01:01:28):

Speaker 2 (01:01:29):
You ain't cause loss?

Speaker 23 (01:01:30):
And nowhere stay on that highway.

Speaker 13 (01:01:32):
The highway will be through three.

Speaker 2 (01:01:34):
Find zero right right, turn right, all right.

Speaker 13 (01:01:37):
It's your left right, turn left.

Speaker 2 (01:01:40):
At the turn turn left right right.

Speaker 13 (01:01:42):
But I need to find out where you are right
now to get you back to the hotel. Is the
ocean to your left or to your right? Right now
to my right, and you've got clips to your left
crips left? Yeah, okay, so you right now on Highway thirty.

Speaker 2 (01:01:57):
Now is the crips to the left on me?

Speaker 13 (01:01:59):
The clip should be on your left hand side and
on the right right you're turning away from the cliffs,
but the ocean will always be on your right hand side,
right exactly.

Speaker 4 (01:02:11):
I thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:02:12):
If I getting launched again, I would call me back.
Who sink? My name is I'm peg Conk, Yes, a
beautiful one.

Speaker 13 (01:02:20):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:02:21):
My name is lu.

Speaker 13 (01:02:24):
We'll see you soon.

Speaker 2 (01:02:25):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 7 (01:02:28):
Okay, thank you. I love how we beat their name
on with the first one. Then I said it three
more times other day. Yeah, you gotta love it. Man,
how much he did those edits?

Speaker 2 (01:02:40):
You're making? It is going down. DJ questions up in here,
what I'll questify? What's good?

Speaker 9 (01:02:44):

Speaker 7 (01:02:44):
I'm good man. Happy Thursday to you, man, Thursday to you, sir.
I want to talk to l a real quick man.
The last couple of nights I went out to UH.
I went out to Chris Brown's concert, christ Breezy, and
I'm telling you guys, man, there's sometimes I've been in
radio for thirty years and there's just sometimes, bro, where
you will have these moments and you'll say, damn, I'm
on radio and I just I had one of those
moments and the last couple of nights. Man, Just the

people like, dude, I'm fbouna start crying in here. Just
the people that come up to you, bro and and
give you love like that, Dude, you can't you can't
buy that, like, it's so amazing, man. And that's why
when I see people, I love seeing people, man, like
I love people and I man, just the people that

come up to you and ask you for pictures or
just the moment of your time, man, and people always say, oh,
the last one or I'm sorry, and I'm like, dude,
I'm like, the problem is and you asking for a picture.
The problem is if this ever disappeared. And I want
everybody to understand, man, I never take this for granted.
I can't tell you what this feels like.

Speaker 2 (01:03:52):

Speaker 7 (01:03:53):
It is amazing, La and anybody that's listening to my voice,
I love it and I love y'all. And I don't
know why I'm getting so effining emotional right now. But
y'all don't understand do what this feels like? And have
people coming up to you and smiling and they just
want to picture when the world is so crazy and

I want to tell you, guys, I don't know why
I'm emotional, but I love y'all man, and people that
come up to you and they give you a moment
of your time. You don't understand, dude, I'm not going
through anything.

Speaker 2 (01:04:27):
This isn't me. It's just dude.

Speaker 7 (01:04:29):
You just get these moments and you're just like, man,
these people are so beautiful and just people coming up
to you, man and saying, man, I've listened to you,
I've done this.

Speaker 2 (01:04:39):
Can you say hello?

Speaker 16 (01:04:41):
Can you?

Speaker 2 (01:04:41):
And I never get tired of that.

Speaker 7 (01:04:42):
And I tell people time and time again, if you
see me, no matter if you've seen me with my family,
I mean the day my mom died in the hospital,
somebody didn't know, they didn't know, and they were asking
for pictures and I took the pictures. You know, Please,
if you see me out, don't ever think that you're
harassed to me. Don't everything that I won't take a picture,
Don't everything that you can't come up and talk to

me no matter where you see me at and put
me to the test, challenge me.

Speaker 2 (01:05:08):
I will talk to you anywhere at any time. You
know what I'm saying. So, but thank you guys, l A.

Speaker 7 (01:05:14):
I just really just wanted to say that, man, And
I know thank god this wasn't video, because this has
been a mean you know what I'm saying, like like,
look at this old crippy man. Oh punk ass up there? Yeah,
that's I need to do. Our producer Jason got a camera.

Speaker 4 (01:05:28):
But Annie is one of those she probably like, Oh,
I would have loved to have recorded this. And Jason
a producer, you think you would do that at like
around ten thirty. But La, thank you guys so much. Man,
the Niska Pick your Nation is going down.

Speaker 2 (01:05:41):
DJ questions up in here big way. Hey do now
I feel I feel like an idiot? Now you know
what I'm saying. No, No, I do think I do
feel like an idiot? Question you like?

Speaker 4 (01:05:51):
No, no, no, you don't feel like an idiot. People
used to you know the voice of LA hip Hop
got crying on. There's making that happen. You're making figure
mean DJ question. Hey, dude, Louis walk back in.

Speaker 2 (01:06:02):
He stepped out. Louis walked back in, like, man, what happened?
Like his sister okay, trying to step back like oh no,
who called him? The mickey Kinkie mix is going down?
DJ Quest up in here Big.

Speaker 1 (01:06:18):
Boy Neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes
posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy Tv
for more. Check out Radio big Boy dot com Big
Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (01:06:33):
All right now, louisg is up in here. What I'm lowing?
All I loved, I can say friend of the neighborhood.

Speaker 5 (01:06:38):
So my brother Bail, I'm crazy And just sitting down
with him, Big Year interview with him, the one on
one was like, I tell you, it felt like you
guys knew each other and you guys are friends because
just walking in and him saying big bye, and then
like his whole crew knowing about you in l A
and how big of a staple you are. And I'm
pretty sure that guy, you know what I mean? Like
it was just great, bro, but asking like how does

he pick these fights? Hey man, I'm gonna tell you people,
people going to have a problem with this too. I'm
telling you man, because amen, benevide is like, there's names,
there's people that people are waiting on.

Speaker 2 (01:07:12):
And he said, this is how I pick his fights.
What's your process of picking?

Speaker 22 (01:07:16):
I don't. I don't get too into there.

Speaker 18 (01:07:18):
I don't.

Speaker 22 (01:07:18):
I don't give us who is the next guy. I
just go in there and do my thing. I led
to my manner and trainer, who is with me? Since
how you start? And he come and say, look, this
is the fight. We have, the names we have and
this this, you can do this and this and make

this and then so we're going forward with the with
the best option.

Speaker 2 (01:07:45):
What do you do?

Speaker 36 (01:07:46):
Is there a ritual like something like if when you
wake up on fight morning, what time do you get
out of the bed?

Speaker 27 (01:07:54):

Speaker 22 (01:07:55):
Normally I need to sleep eight nine hours, so it depends.

Speaker 2 (01:08:03):
So eight nine hours you get up. Is it a
regular day for you?

Speaker 4 (01:08:08):
For me?

Speaker 9 (01:08:08):

Speaker 22 (01:08:09):
For me, like a one more day in the office.

Speaker 2 (01:08:13):
Hey man.

Speaker 7 (01:08:13):
And then through the entire sit down right yeah, it
was like, man, people gonna say, oh big, let him
off the hook because that was right there because we
brought up ben a Videz, and we brought up Crawlford
and things like that. But when he said that they
picked the opponent, that's why we got another sit down.
I enjoyed sitting with him. But yeah, you do hear
the names like Benavidez all the time, but he's not
going to catch Crawlford at a Catchwaight you know what

I'm saying.

Speaker 5 (01:08:36):
But there's some names out there. Oh yeah, you're talking
about the Saudis trying to fight together.

Speaker 2 (01:08:41):
But yeah, man, look believe that. Y'all stick around y'all
radios cause Neelo.

Speaker 4 (01:08:44):
You can find that entire interview at Radio big Boy
dot COM's right there for Big Boy TV our YouTube channel.

Speaker 7 (01:08:49):
As you're watching, hit that subscribe button as well. Continue
to hang with us in the neighborhood Big Boys Neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (01:08:54):
Boys Neighborhood on Demand. For more, subscribe to our YouTube channel,
big Boy TV. Check out Radio big Boy dot Com,
Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (01:09:03):
Luisg is up in here with man. A real fun
episode of family Feud went down, Bro. It was a
celebrity family feud talking.

Speaker 5 (01:09:12):
It was Gabrielly Glass, Yes, Fluffy's family versus Fat Joe
and the Terror Squad.

Speaker 2 (01:09:17):
Love it, man, Dog. It was great.

Speaker 5 (01:09:19):
The money is going to charity, so there was it
was for a great cause. But them going back and
forth was so funny.

Speaker 9 (01:09:24):

Speaker 2 (01:09:24):
There was a moment when it was a face to
face Fluffy and Fat Joy when they come up to
do the tapping up.

Speaker 5 (01:09:29):
Yeah, yeah, the tapping of the button, and like Fluffy
was just like ready to do it with both hands
on the button and Fat Jo had to call him
out on it.

Speaker 2 (01:09:35):
But Fluffy had the last laugh.

Speaker 5 (01:09:37):
One hand oh sorry, oh yeh ye, one hand, one hand,
oh sorry, trying to pray.

Speaker 2 (01:09:45):
No, Fluffy, first you bring this shirt. Now you got
two hands on the door, Come on, come on, you
know what's going down though, Hey, why don't you just
lean back pants man, Fat Joe?

Speaker 13 (01:10:04):
Joe? Hey man.

Speaker 7 (01:10:06):
And when you hear Fat Joe say, man, first you
got this shirt, Like Fluffy has a guy who making
these shirts and he had a family feud suhirt on it,
y'all show you I haven't watched the episode. As Harvey's
face in the back, big ass face of him in
the back, that's why he's fat Joe said, oh you
sucking up?

Speaker 2 (01:10:23):
Oh yeah, man, that's exactly what he was doing.

Speaker 5 (01:10:24):
But it was good scene back and forth Fluffy with
this family was so cute, bro, Like you know what
I mean? With this family, they're just sisters and stuff
like that. Man, they're just watching the terrors crowd up.
Like what am I watching right now?

Speaker 29 (01:10:34):

Speaker 5 (01:10:35):
This is wild TERI squad used to be a terror squad. Yeah, man,
but again there had to be a winner. And who
do you think one m bluffy family terrrist? I would
think I would think for some reason, no disrespect to fluff.
But I would think fat Joe. All right, you got
to hear hold on, let me get it the right way, man.
See what's happening here?

Speaker 2 (01:10:53):
Hold on? What the fuck's love it? Other food over body?
The terror squad just want to j Amen sat Joe.
He's on top of it for the seconds on the clock.
Please listen to this question. We asked one hundred married men.

Speaker 28 (01:11:12):
Your wife just said you get to be single again
for twenty four hours.

Speaker 2 (01:11:17):
Where do you go? Strip club? Named something bears like that?

Speaker 7 (01:11:21):
Ain't he said? Name something bears that? Like he said,
passed from the st at that strip club, lock and loaded.
You know why because he don't really know what a bear,
but he get to follow past. My man is like, man,
I'm going to the strip club butt you on the
Terror Squad one, I love it and shout out together

you want himself, y'all, stick around, y'all radios.

Speaker 2 (01:11:44):
Big Boys Neighborhood ain't Nebo eighties.

Speaker 7 (01:11:49):
You're find a big boy from Big Boys Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (01:11:51):
On iHeart Radio.

Speaker 9 (01:11:53):
Here's another in case you missing moment with us.

Speaker 2 (01:11:56):
Once you got.

Speaker 11 (01:11:57):
Honest there big This gave me another reason to really
like the Olympics, because you know, I'm just kind of
catching the highlights on TikTok.

Speaker 10 (01:12:03):
But then there was something that I saw. It was
this Tiber guy. He's from France, and he jumped out
of the water, jumped out, he got out of the
water bag. He was wearing these really really tiny underwear
stuff and you could see his package so much.

Speaker 2 (01:12:16):
Oh it was these little tiny underwear stuff like fos.

Speaker 10 (01:12:19):
I'm like, you're like naked.

Speaker 11 (01:12:21):
Well I didn't even have one, but he looked so
good and everyone online was like, all right, this is
why I'm going to start watching the Olympics.

Speaker 10 (01:12:28):
But like seeing his I was like whoa.

Speaker 2 (01:12:29):
And then it made me seeing he is go ahead
on you.

Speaker 10 (01:12:32):
I'm sorry.

Speaker 4 (01:12:33):
Oh, somebody's coming in within himself. Now you find yourself.
You know when I see certain things, like from from France.

Speaker 2 (01:12:40):
Okay, so he's right there. Yeah that he swim to
the meat. Oh my god.

Speaker 10 (01:12:44):
Another thing I did think.

Speaker 11 (01:12:46):
I'm like, you're from France. You probably wanted to go
out of the country and like explore.

Speaker 2 (01:12:49):
But yeah, man got to stay right here. He from France.
What he got in his pants? Thank you for listening.

Speaker 9 (01:12:56):
It is a big boy, big boys neighborhood. You could
catch more of us right here on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 10 (01:13:02):
You could see his package so much.

Speaker 2 (01:13:04):
Big boy neighborhood is up in here. What up, honey?
What a big new music?

Speaker 10 (01:13:10):
Travis Scott.

Speaker 2 (01:13:11):
Travis Scott new music? Don't I know this big?

Speaker 10 (01:13:13):
It's so good. This is like a different type of
Travis Scott that I just want to hear more of,
like that summer vibe. But this is a song he's
on called Active with Ah.

Speaker 8 (01:13:21):
You know this Ish left your section to come of Ish,
you know, like I just hopped from the DJ from
the age.

Speaker 2 (01:13:31):
Okay, gotta furnish the money. Yes, uh, I want to
pay three more and narra.

Speaker 9 (01:13:38):
Side with the truck game Jack tape man.

Speaker 2 (01:13:40):
That's right? Is this Travis music? Like, what is it for?

Speaker 11 (01:13:46):
He's gonna be featured on new album, So this is
the song they have together. There's a video out for
it too, which is so great. Big, but I love
seeing that he's going in different lanes.

Speaker 2 (01:13:54):
Yeah, I love the Temple to Bible that yep.

Speaker 11 (01:13:56):
And you know he's out in Europe right now and
he's not posting himself like in this studio working, so
people online are like, all right, we're getting some new
music real soon, possibly with Playboycarti.

Speaker 10 (01:14:05):
But that's not the only thing he's doing out there.

Speaker 9 (01:14:07):

Speaker 11 (01:14:08):
So he's currently out in Europe, no, no, no, no,
but he's in Paris too. He's watching the Olympics and everything.
And while he was out there, he was at the
NBA watching the basketball not NBA, but he was about
watching the basketball games with Quabo.

Speaker 10 (01:14:19):
And then they start singing the national anthem.

Speaker 2 (01:14:37):
Yeah so much.

Speaker 6 (01:14:40):

Speaker 2 (01:14:40):
Oh they didn't get a chance due to ad lib
track here they got to me.

Speaker 10 (01:14:43):
In my head and everyone online is like, all right,
they're probably in.

Speaker 11 (01:14:45):
The studio together because all the artists are out there,
like from just all different types of artists, not just
from America, everywhere, so it's like, what kind of music
are they going to be making.

Speaker 7 (01:14:52):
Hey man, I wonder what do the clubs, the streets,
the mall, the walking, what does it look like?

Speaker 2 (01:14:58):
Oh my gosh. That's why papara he was on him
so tough in Paris and they was like, we don't
see you.

Speaker 4 (01:15:03):
At the time he was like, I shut up. He
didn't say that way. That's pretty much what the conversation was.

Speaker 11 (01:15:08):
But that didn't make me think that. When I saw
that vide, I was like, Manning, you're upe. I guess
they don't get to see a lot of the artists from.

Speaker 10 (01:15:13):
America like just like that.

Speaker 7 (01:15:15):
Hey man, you know how here you would say, oh,
such and such was at the club last night, and
such a listening party, and you know, you're starting to
see stars as you know, pretty much international, but you
don't just see them like I've seen people at the
gas station.

Speaker 2 (01:15:28):
I've seen people at a listening party. You know what
I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (01:15:32):
Yeah, I saw Doojia Cat and Michaels when I was
shopping with my daughter. And then you go to a
Chris Brown concert, you know, every celebrity be there here,
but maybe not another country.

Speaker 9 (01:15:42):
You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4 (01:15:43):
So yeah, and it's got to be it's got to
be a different kind of phenomenon. Believe that, y'all stick
around your radios. Big Boys Neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (01:15:49):
You're checking out another full show episode a Big Boy's
Neighborhood on demand, Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 5 (01:15:56):
Luigi is up in here with a lot he wasn't
playing when he's it. I'm gonna keep updating Vultures to
bro what is happening?

Speaker 4 (01:16:03):

Speaker 5 (01:16:03):
He gave us three more songs dog on the Vultures thing,
and there's one called Believer, there's one called Gun to
My Head, and the one that everyone's talking about is Drunk.
Because Drunk originally had Bad Bunny on it.

Speaker 9 (01:16:16):
This is a version.

Speaker 5 (01:16:17):
Un all right, dude, bad Bunny off a drunk You're like, dude,
that's badass.

Speaker 2 (01:16:36):
But then when he upheated it.

Speaker 5 (01:16:38):
Now he has a new feature and it replaced Bad
Bunny with bessel blum my Dog.

Speaker 4 (01:16:55):
So as a reference track, what do you do? You
bring face to blu Man and you say, sing what
bad Bunny was hanging?

Speaker 5 (01:17:01):
I don't know, I don't even know how the conversation happens,
legal man, if he makes it on him like if
it's something that he did to himself, or do you
call bad Bunny and be like, hey, this is the situation.

Speaker 2 (01:17:11):
I gotta do this, or hey, beest, so can you
pop in and record this? Like ay, man, no way
in the world you don't because I would have did
a song with both.

Speaker 7 (01:17:19):
Yeah, but there's no way in the world you take
bad Bunny off the bass Pluma on unless it's something legal,
you know.

Speaker 2 (01:17:27):
And now I'm gonna ask you a hard question. Yeah,
you have a song. You can either pick bass of
ploma or bad Bunny. Who do you pick? I'm taking
bad Bunny.

Speaker 7 (01:17:33):
Who do you pick? I take Bad Bunny? Yeah, yeah,
right now after key words right now? Yeah, and not
that's I'm just talking about, like I don't know right now.

Speaker 2 (01:17:48):
That is real.

Speaker 5 (01:17:49):
That is like I said, how do you how do
you that's crazy to have the power just have something
in your like stable to just replace a bad Bunny
with like I'll just get the next one, you know,
just get how dog?

Speaker 2 (01:17:59):
How does he this? Hey man, I w a different
They'd be like, man, we didn't clear it. I'd be like,
so what.

Speaker 7 (01:18:05):
You know what I'm saying. I would be like, man,
I'm taking it off. I'm taking it off. We look
around to be Thanksgiving, I'll still be like, man, I'm
taking it. I'm taking the verse off.

Speaker 2 (01:18:14):
If I was bad Bunny, I would kind of feel
some type of way. Doug Hey, Man, I know I petition.

Speaker 7 (01:18:18):
I'm pretty sure they get the lumbers even if it
is if it is legal, you know what I'm saying,
which I feel it is a clearance situation. Even if
it is, Man, I would feel kind of like, damn,
bro put base one.

Speaker 4 (01:18:32):
Who knows if they're gonna wow, y'all stick around, y'all radios,
Big boys neighborhood.

Speaker 7 (01:18:41):
Adies, you're prying a big boy from big Boys neighborhood
on iHeart Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:18:45):
We have the most fun on your radio.

Speaker 4 (01:18:49):
What a blog the Paris Olympics, man, Paris Olympics, Ladies
and gentleman.

Speaker 2 (01:18:55):
I'll tell you what.

Speaker 5 (01:18:55):
This French divert probably didn't think he was gonna go
viral or just his physic yeah, man, instead of his skills.

Speaker 8 (01:19:02):

Speaker 5 (01:19:02):
Because there's a French diverse name is Jules Boyer. He's
getting so much attention, so much exposure, Jewlis Boner. Yeah,
Jules Boyer, Boyer Boyer Okay, because there's pictures of him
in his speedos and this dude looks like he's smuggling
something out of.

Speaker 7 (01:19:17):
Hey del Chris bro I haven't seen it, but I
know you said it look like he has three h
charisos and his and his pants done. But it's crazy
because is that the one that you had on your
screen saver yesterday? Want to walk class because I haven't
seen it.

Speaker 4 (01:19:29):
Dog No, hey man, And I'm gonna tell you if y'all,
if y'all listen to this, just listen those are you know.

Speaker 2 (01:19:35):
We have a breakdown of what Louis story is, what
Annie is?

Speaker 1 (01:19:38):
You know?

Speaker 4 (01:19:39):
Just and Louis titled his Olympic Boner Scandal Olympic Boner
Scandal sand.

Speaker 7 (01:19:46):
Thank you for listening. It is upon the Big Boy,
Big Boy's neighborhood. You can catch more of us right
here on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 4 (01:19:53):
About that time for your eight ten phone tap and
your eight ten phone chap is Curtie say you're good friend,
mister Lucid lufet talk.

Speaker 2 (01:19:58):
About rude on this one. This is free meal raffle.

Speaker 7 (01:20:02):
This is what Luther calls a restaurant to try to
collect the uh free meal for a voulture that he
received that he believes he wanted to like in a raffle. Yeah, man,
thee Yeah, but very unprofessional. The manager is man, Yeah,
trying to explain how they had nothing to do with
the raffle. And do you remember like you would go
to like little churches or something like that, then they
give you like raffle buk sorr. It'd be like, oh,

you got coupons for this, yes, So Luther thought, hey,
I got some free meals. Let's go to get into
your aten phone tap right here, big boys.

Speaker 2 (01:20:31):

Speaker 29 (01:20:39):
To make it. Got how you doing? Man?

Speaker 2 (01:20:53):
I was just calling.

Speaker 4 (01:20:55):
I was supposed to receive my vultures in the mail
and they told me to be probably a week. But
it's been almost three weeks for the free meal voulture.

Speaker 35 (01:21:04):
I don't know who is issuing the vouchers. It wasn't us.
I don't know who did the right ma'am.

Speaker 2 (01:21:08):
I don't understand why y'all would have a raffle.

Speaker 35 (01:21:12):
We did not hold a raffle. That's what you don't understand.

Speaker 2 (01:21:15):
Okay, so not do a raffle. So why would they
say that I would have dinner for us?

Speaker 35 (01:21:19):
I don't know who these people were.

Speaker 7 (01:21:21):
Now you're getting upset. I am a customer here, ma'am.
I am a grand prize winner, and you're getting upset
with me.

Speaker 35 (01:21:28):
I don't know I extically, what you're trying to do
is get meals out of me.

Speaker 13 (01:21:32):
Did not do it.

Speaker 35 (01:21:33):
Now you need to contact it, ma'am. Held the raffle.

Speaker 4 (01:21:36):
I am trying to get out of you what was
given to me as far as being a winner, A
dinner for four with dessert and beverages not including alcohol.

Speaker 2 (01:21:45):
That's what I was given. Sure, yes, ma'am.

Speaker 35 (01:21:48):
You may attacked the people you went to the raffle for.
You're not getting anything for us, and you're not going
to strong army. I'm not anything from us.

Speaker 2 (01:21:54):
No, ma'am.

Speaker 4 (01:21:55):
I don't know why you're getting so upset with me.
And you said I'm trying to get a free meal.
I'm not trying to get a free meal. I'm trying
to get a meal that I won through your restaurant.
You didn't win through us, Yes I did, ma'am.

Speaker 21 (01:22:06):
That's what that did.

Speaker 13 (01:22:07):
Not you did not?

Speaker 35 (01:22:08):
Okay, you want it through some organization that represented us, Yes, However,
we did not part pay awful. Nor were we in ma'am?

Speaker 4 (01:22:16):
You just said, okay this one. Can you make me
a reservation for seven fifteen? And I want my dinner
for four.

Speaker 35 (01:22:21):
You're not getting your dinner before. And if you come
in here and demand dinner for four, I will have
the police escort you out. You have what we can
do it your way or my way.

Speaker 7 (01:22:30):
Don't call you know We're gonna do it our way
because this is ridiculous. I'm a grand prize winner here,
and I've told you I wanted some of them notching.

Speaker 35 (01:22:37):
What You're not a grand prize winner? You're nothing? Got that?

Speaker 10 (01:22:40):

Speaker 7 (01:22:41):
So you're saying that I'm nothing? Hello, Yeah, that's pretty
much what you said, Luther. Yeah, you're not a grand
prize winner.

Speaker 2 (01:22:47):
You are nothing.

Speaker 6 (01:22:49):

Speaker 2 (01:22:50):
Yeah, man, you said it's so rude. Yeah right, you
don't think it was rude calling her and playing a
joke on.

Speaker 29 (01:22:56):

Speaker 2 (01:22:57):
Wait, man, it's great.

Speaker 4 (01:22:58):
How we get set up a phone? I was a
wait I called him and missed their day. Yeah, man,
the aten phone tap right there, Curtiy, say your good
pramise to Luther. Lufey, Mickey, Ficky Mix.

Speaker 2 (01:23:07):
It is going down. DJ Quest is up in.

Speaker 7 (01:23:09):
Here, what a questified, what's good maintaining doing.

Speaker 2 (01:23:11):
The damn thing? And my brother happy pride you sir,
I would take that man. Nothing going down tonight.

Speaker 7 (01:23:17):
I'm not working, but tonight I'm going out to watch
America play Mexican soccer in San Diego. Now to his
first game. Our guy, Savvy, he loved when you're not
DJing because you're like, then I get all the DJs.
What you at tonight, Savvy? Hey man, catch me at
the city Walk ahead stage city Walk tonight and then
about Sharky's hunting the beach, So open up the parties.

Speaker 2 (01:23:37):
Let's go both tonight. Yeah tonight.

Speaker 4 (01:23:40):
Oh this dude got little tour going on. He was
looking at his itinery here, looking at his sheet, like
all right, what I got? Okay, I gotta go from
City Walk and I gotta go to He's like, yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:23:51):
Yeah, check my Palm party. Look at my palm pilot.

Speaker 7 (01:23:55):
Who we got coming up in the mixey Ficky mixed
quest check it out, big, I got that Tommy Richmond
million dollar baby. Also gonna one of one coming up
in the ninety two minute commercial. Free Mike, you pickure,
miss you.

Speaker 2 (01:24:03):
Make you picky, make hit is going down Big Boy neighbor.

Speaker 1 (01:24:06):
Friday, DJ West This is big Boy on demand, Big
Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (01:24:13):
Annie is up in here. What U, Honnie?

Speaker 34 (01:24:15):
What oh?

Speaker 2 (01:24:16):
Nothing? Honest to what you got My love? New music,
new music from Callie Chi Tallly Chiz Hello, I Am
also hold on love a good time. Man, they just
thrown audio off there, Jesus christ Man, they moving things
around on me. Yeah, I just know that too.

Speaker 11 (01:24:30):
But you know, she recently just dropped some new music.
This is actually part two of her album or Cadis.
There's a song on there that I really really love,
but it's called a Dicto.

Speaker 32 (01:24:38):
Into the third Samer thing.

Speaker 2 (01:24:45):
Like I love her voice. I love it Hello, it's
so beautiful.

Speaker 11 (01:24:54):
And the cover for this is beautiful too, like her
songs are also up on YouTube. But then there's another
song like she so saw Spoken. It's called simple but.

Speaker 2 (01:25:08):
So ay man.

Speaker 7 (01:25:18):
It's when I'm hearing just a few songs that I've heard,
it sounds like she got a great album though she does.

Speaker 2 (01:25:25):
Man, I love just I love her vibe like she's
like one of one.

Speaker 10 (01:25:28):
Yeah, and she's not always trying to be in your
face or anything like that. I can't hear about her
out of club or anything.

Speaker 11 (01:25:33):
And that's because in the neighborhood Big when she was
dropping her album Red Moon and Venus, she told you
what she's up to next.

Speaker 32 (01:25:38):
I am also getting ready to drop My next album
is going to be the Latin one.

Speaker 2 (01:25:42):
So are you writing? And I'm done with that one? Okay, Yeah,
I'm finished.

Speaker 32 (01:25:45):
So I just have to shoot music videos and content
and the artwork and stuff. I have said do that,
and I'm actually also working on the album that comes after.

Speaker 7 (01:25:53):
That fun and this is all you. Yeah, And so
when you say you're not going to tour, that doesn't
mean you're off.

Speaker 32 (01:26:00):
It does really essentially as yeah, so.

Speaker 2 (01:26:05):
What will you do? Will you taekwondo classes? Like like
what do you say? Well, now the cooking shows.

Speaker 32 (01:26:12):
Yeah right, I'll be working, you know, writing, writing my
next album.

Speaker 2 (01:26:16):
Get getting yourself together?

Speaker 32 (01:26:18):
No, yeah, getting myself together. I growl a little vegetables
in my garden.

Speaker 2 (01:26:22):
Did you cook? But yeah?

Speaker 32 (01:26:24):
I cook? I cook pretty much. I have bunny rabbits.

Speaker 2 (01:26:27):
Okay, ain't cooking rabbits. R Yeah, but now she's a
mom as well.

Speaker 10 (01:26:33):
Yeah, and she's not going to be touring, which I
thought was really interesting.

Speaker 11 (01:26:36):
Although she has spot dates and stuff, but she's taking
time for herself and she's also you know, making.

Speaker 2 (01:26:40):
Me news man. I know when she came into the
neighborhood and gave us her name, my real name is
and so.

Speaker 18 (01:26:51):
This is love a good time, A little little bothered,
are dad?

Speaker 2 (01:26:57):
I love a good time poo a litle little bothered?

Speaker 29 (01:27:00):
Akon show, I.

Speaker 2 (01:27:00):
Think a kon one. I think akon one. Believe that
y'all stick around, y'all radios Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (01:27:09):
Cho you're checking out another full show episode A Big
Boy's Neighborhood on demand.

Speaker 2 (01:27:15):
Big Boy Neighborhood Louji is up in here with a lot,
oh Man.

Speaker 5 (01:27:18):
J Balleen Bro dropped the album Lio Dog and when
I tell you, man, it's like the old school that
get thrown J Balleen. But then he has a new
mix of everything. But obviously we all know his favorite hit,
which was me hinting.

Speaker 2 (01:27:34):
Come on huge right there, man, superstar Bro.

Speaker 5 (01:27:40):
When I was listening to the album I Love That,
it was like you get a you get a feel
of the old J Balvin, but then some new stuff.

Speaker 2 (01:27:45):
One of my favorite songs on there is called.

Speaker 7 (01:27:47):
Gaga international man, and we were talking about the documentary.

Did you see that documentary? Did he get a chance
to see that one he put out like a couple
of years ago.

Speaker 2 (01:28:17):
Now, did they get from or something like that?

Speaker 5 (01:28:19):
Yeah, man, I didn't get I saw the beginning of
a moment checking out him going back home and doing
the contract.

Speaker 2 (01:28:23):
Guy, Yeah, I do remember what it is? So well done, dude.
He loves his fans so much.

Speaker 15 (01:28:27):

Speaker 5 (01:28:27):
There was one time where he was doing a collaboration
with the Jordan brand and that come out with a shoe, right,
and he understands how these people like have bots and
try to get these resellers to buy their the shoes
and then resell them for a ridiculous price.

Speaker 2 (01:28:40):

Speaker 5 (01:28:41):
This dude ended up tricking these bots and these guys
who resell them by putting the shoes up on sale
on his website for twenty five thousand dollars.

Speaker 2 (01:28:49):

Speaker 5 (01:28:49):
Man, But he ended up sending a code to his
real fans that gave him like a twenty four thousand,
something like seven hundred discounts.

Speaker 2 (01:28:58):
Yeah, so you got a code and yeah, paying like
three hundred bucks. Yeah, yeah, I love that. That's the
way it went down there.

Speaker 39 (01:29:03):
So what Jay Balvin did to counteract this is he
sold his sneakers on his website for twenty five thousand dollars.
But if you were a true fan and you kept
up with Twitter, in his personal website, he gave a
discount code for twenty four thousand, seven hundred and fifty
dollars off And some of these sneaker bots actually went
through with the checkout and paid twenty five thousand dollars
per pair, while his true fans got the discount code
and only pay two hundred and fifty dollars retail. It's
crazy to see that Jordan Brand has been working on

some sort of anti bought protection for years now, but
Jay Balvin outsmarted the sneakerbotting software and pulled the ultimate
troll on sneaker.

Speaker 2 (01:29:32):
And you know I love that, Yeah, Doug. So he
at home with like twenty five thousand dollars shoes, and
you know what they did.

Speaker 7 (01:29:39):
They say, you know what, if they're going for twenty five,
I'll spending his twenty five hour hid and get thirty
thirty five forty.

Speaker 4 (01:29:44):
Yeah, and you got nothing but a two hundred and
fifty dollars year. You will never get twenty five thousand dollars.

Speaker 2 (01:29:49):
Yeah, that's because you're not a jay. That's what you get.
That's what you get. That's that's clever right there, very clever.
Fi makes it is going down, man. Big boyaghbor.

Speaker 1 (01:30:00):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy tv for more.
Check out Radio Big Boy dot com Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (01:30:12):
Louis is up in here. What I'm you know, a
bunch of druma at the Olympics.

Speaker 10 (01:30:15):

Speaker 2 (01:30:16):
Yeah, man, when it comes to that damn river that's
flowing down like Paris, bro, Yeah, that nap. I've been
in Paris. It is. Yeah, you said it this girls,
I'm about to say the same thing as nasty.

Speaker 5 (01:30:26):
Dog like coaches are telling their their athletes like if
you see anything like brown that just pops up, just
swim around it.

Speaker 4 (01:30:33):
Yeah, Like just to avoid these That's exactly when I'd
be like, you know what, maybe I don't want this
gold medal.

Speaker 5 (01:30:38):
No dog, And it's like, honestly, it's like killing people's,
these athletes dreams. Because you already got a couple athletes
who have pulled out because they got sick.

Speaker 2 (01:30:46):
From swimming in it already. Yeah, how can what're you
talking about? Man?

Speaker 7 (01:30:49):
They say that it has to been cleaned in like centuries,
so oh centuries over two hundred years, and then you
try to clean it up just for the Olympics and
you spend one point five million dollars.

Speaker 2 (01:31:00):
You could have just built another area.

Speaker 5 (01:31:02):
Yeah, it built some It's freaking gross brow Like I said,
there's some Olympians who are getting sick. One of them actually, yeah,
they were talking about the Is it called the sin River?

Speaker 2 (01:31:12):
That's what it was canedtail me.

Speaker 3 (01:31:13):

Speaker 40 (01:31:14):
Olympics triathlete Tyler Mslatchuk leaves it all on the line
at the Paris Olympics. Literally, the Canadian athlete is going
viral for throwing up ten times after swimming in the
Sene River during the men's triathlon July thirty first.

Speaker 2 (01:31:28):
That is the scene. He threw ten times.

Speaker 5 (01:31:31):
The reason was because he swallowed so much water. Oh
my goh, bro, what are you guys thinking?

Speaker 2 (01:31:37):
Dude? That leads to you know, of course diarryea dehydration
and everything. Bro, gotcha times?

Speaker 10 (01:31:43):
Legal? How's that legal?

Speaker 13 (01:31:45):

Speaker 1 (01:31:45):

Speaker 10 (01:31:45):
How people do that knowing they could get sick? And
it's like this big game.

Speaker 7 (01:31:48):
Hold on, Hold on a second. Hey, Siri called Paris
a legal system.

Speaker 2 (01:31:52):
I don't know, Honie, I don't know. Still, I still
don't know all the laws here. That alone, what's going
on over there? Bro, I would hate to just be swimming.
Pop your head up. You just see this big old
giant turn next to You're like, oh yeah, yeah man,
or like whatever, you know what I mean? Hey man,
he's got to grosser out knowing that you're taking in
that water. Oh my gosh. Yeah, that's one of those

things when to coach, you coach like, ghos you get
in here, you get in here, I dare you to.

Speaker 5 (01:32:21):
Some for the officials, some of them, like the people
like the committee didn't want to swim in there in
the beginning, to remember, oh bro, they told him like nha,
hang type for a second. Then they have people testing it.
Oh yeah, yeah, that's that's wrong. Somebody's definitely faking this.

Speaker 7 (01:32:33):
There's too much money when it comes to the Olympics
not to have something safe that you can swim in.

Speaker 2 (01:32:37):
Man, there's a lot of gross things out there. That
night you've done there's a lot of gross things in here.
That's y'all.

Speaker 4 (01:32:43):
Stick around your radios. Man, We're gonna come back with
some of our neighbors. What grosses you out? What grosses
you out?

Speaker 7 (01:32:49):
Y'all continue to hang out with his in the neighborhood,
Big Boys Neighborhood.

Speaker 21 (01:32:52):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand.

Speaker 1 (01:32:54):
For more, subscribe to our YouTube channel, Big Boy TV
and check out radio Big Boy Come.

Speaker 2 (01:33:00):
Big Boy Neighborhood. Alrighty, Now, Louis was talking of Louis.

Speaker 7 (01:33:07):
Lewis speaking about how yeah, exactly, that's why we want
to get credit. But Louis speaking about how you know
how nasty that river is in Paris and one swimmer
threw up ten times he was so grossed out by
him so.

Speaker 2 (01:33:23):
Much water, Yeah, cooking so much water. Man.

Speaker 7 (01:33:25):
So we're just asking what grosses you out? What groscees
you out? Let's bring Veronica into the neighborhood. This is
my wife right here, Veronica, Veronica, Oh, she was like you.
But we had a chance to tack in with some
of our listeners as well, man, and what grosses you out?

Speaker 5 (01:33:45):
And I think this like for parents, this might gross
a lot of people out, But this is Steph right
here talking about this.

Speaker 32 (01:33:51):
When I have a drink of my own, and one
of the kids asked for a drink and they backwashed,
and I see all these little fish she's in there.

Speaker 35 (01:34:01):
That's gross.

Speaker 2 (01:34:03):
Yeah yeah, man, I started to see that with the
broh my god, man like really starting like you can
have that, you can have that beer.

Speaker 5 (01:34:14):
Anything we're drinking. He wants to come up to you
and have a drink, right, so now do it. I
did it with my water bottle the other day and
I was just like, oh, yeah, that's a nice little feed.

Speaker 2 (01:34:24):
Get in here. That's not the man, what gros did you?
We also had to hold me a hood coachie.

Speaker 14 (01:34:32):
Hood coach, a good morning neighborhood. So the reason why
people finding gross when I put my ice cream in
the microwave is because it's just a simple fact that
it's being melted. Then I have to come and try
to justify why I do it. I mean, I don't
like rock solilid ice cream that I've never been a

big fan of, so that's the reason I do it.

Speaker 2 (01:34:55):
I just like it's soft.

Speaker 14 (01:34:56):
Then I have to explain it to him and name
his terms, like in other words, it's it's too smoothie
or it's a shake oh, he didn't.

Speaker 2 (01:35:02):
Melt it like that mel his ice cream.

Speaker 29 (01:35:04):

Speaker 7 (01:35:04):
Gross, No, I've taken I'm taken stuff and put it
in the microwave ice cream like if it's like hocking
dos in it's rock rock solid. I throw it in
there for like five seconds, tance just enough to where
if you go to like write eight or something, and
it's that consistency. But my man said, it's like a smoothie.
And I'm like, man, it's hot heat wave going on.
You might as well to hit that thing outside, put
it on the porch and come back.

Speaker 5 (01:35:25):
I can imagine I'm just putting one in the microd
like all right, bro, that's kind of weirdo. Hey man,
that's when that's when you do one of them things sharing.
Oh yeah, No, one's sitting down and saying.

Speaker 7 (01:35:34):
Hey man, let me get a little spoon of that
ice cream right there, Man, let me get a zip
your ice cream. Yeah, my man says, like a shake
or smoothie. You don't know, you know, it's like a
shake or smoothie.

Speaker 5 (01:35:44):
A shake or smooth that's what like a you know,
you know what's grossing that I noticed this at the
boxing event the other day. Is now when you go
to the events and you order a beer, they open
them for you and pour them in a in a cup,
but their hands.

Speaker 2 (01:35:58):
Are like all over the Yeah.

Speaker 5 (01:36:02):
Then they grabbed the cup with their hands on the
top and then they pour it for you, and then
they're just breathing, just.

Speaker 7 (01:36:07):
Like when people bring me water by the top. I
don't drink it. Oh yeah, I don't drink it.

Speaker 2 (01:36:11):
I'm like, I'm cool. I am good. Y'all stick around
your radios Big Boy Neighborhood eighties.

Speaker 7 (01:36:20):
You're find a big Boy from Big Boys Neighborhood on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 9 (01:36:23):
There's another in case you missed the moment.

Speaker 2 (01:36:25):
With us as to what you got.

Speaker 11 (01:36:28):
If you have sex for three minutes, it apparently doesn't count.
We ask people, what do you think about this?

Speaker 19 (01:36:33):
I think that if you have sex for three minutes,
that body still counts.

Speaker 24 (01:36:38):
I totally disagree. Under five, I don't remember you.

Speaker 19 (01:36:43):
It's a body.

Speaker 24 (01:36:44):
That's fair. But sometimes if you don't get the satisfaction,
am I gonna count it?

Speaker 2 (01:36:49):

Speaker 6 (01:36:49):
You know what?

Speaker 2 (01:36:50):
That's actually true?

Speaker 9 (01:36:51):
Like if I didn't it don't count.

Speaker 2 (01:36:53):
Stop it man. So that means if I don't like
the meal, I didn't eat Wow, you know what I'm saying.
What the hell is that?

Speaker 8 (01:37:00):

Speaker 2 (01:37:01):
Thank you for listening.

Speaker 7 (01:37:02):
It is you find the big Boy, Big Boy's neighborhood.
You can catch more of us right here on iHeart Radio.
It's about that time for your nine tamn phone tap
and your nine tam phone cap is trunk.

Speaker 2 (01:37:13):
This what Luther calls me mechanic to help.

Speaker 7 (01:37:14):
Him actually accidentally locked himself in his trunk. I love
how somebody walked by it, and I love when the
dude called me an idiot. Yeah, just for locking myself
in the trunk. Yeah, man, that is wrong. Let's go
to get into it right now.

Speaker 4 (01:37:27):
Man, your nine ten phone tap thirty three, your good friend,
mister Luther lu.

Speaker 2 (01:37:30):
Faith right here, big boy neighborhood. I tricked you. Yeah,
they called me in the ninety two. Once you call
me back and say how'd you trick me? You know
what I'm saying. Even if I didn't, it's gonna get
into the phone cap right here.

Speaker 9 (01:37:46):
I trick Hi.

Speaker 2 (01:37:52):
How you doing? My there is Luther? I was calling about.
I have a couple questions. I really did it this time.
I locked myself in my trunk.

Speaker 35 (01:38:00):
Do you like yourself in the trunk.

Speaker 2 (01:38:01):
Well, I put myself in the trunk and locked it.

Speaker 4 (01:38:03):
I mean, I didn't accidentally lock myself in here, but
I was just wondering how what I go about getting
out of here.

Speaker 2 (01:38:07):
I'm on my cell phone and.

Speaker 8 (01:38:09):
Okay, that's an inside.

Speaker 22 (01:38:10):
But you're gonna have to have a tool to take the.

Speaker 13 (01:38:12):
Bolts off of it.

Speaker 2 (01:38:12):
Where am I going to get a tool from?

Speaker 26 (01:38:14):
Call the police department?

Speaker 2 (01:38:15):
I can't call the police because I got two warrants.

Speaker 4 (01:38:17):
You might want to try to kick the back seat
panel down, kick it down, put you hold on for
a second.

Speaker 17 (01:38:22):
Sure, hold on?

Speaker 2 (01:38:26):
What am I kicking for here?

Speaker 29 (01:38:27):
The back part of the seats?

Speaker 26 (01:38:28):
If you can kick that forward?

Speaker 2 (01:38:32):
I think I broke my toe and I can't kick
the seats. How much is that going to cost?

Speaker 4 (01:38:37):

Speaker 35 (01:38:38):
I cannot send somebody from my place can help you.

Speaker 2 (01:38:40):
So if I kick down the seats, will you pay
for him? No, sir, it's your idea.

Speaker 35 (01:38:44):
You're the one that's calling for help.

Speaker 37 (01:38:45):
I tore you call nine one one.

Speaker 6 (01:38:47):
You know what.

Speaker 4 (01:38:47):
I'm not even in the mood nor in the right
amount of space to argue with you right now.

Speaker 2 (01:38:52):
Hold on? They like him in the trunk of his
car and he can't get out. Excuse me. Yeah, I'm
not a idiot.

Speaker 9 (01:38:59):
Where you need to call it.

Speaker 2 (01:39:00):
But I'm not an idiot. Okay, that's not very nice.
So you've never been locked in your trunk, sir, I've
never been locked in my trunk. Oh, so I must
be a idiot. Hello, I'm not you, sir. Hello, is
this somebody out there? I'm in the trunk. Hell, hold on,
hold on to somebody out here. I'm in the trunk.
I'm in the trunk. The kids are in the front seat.

Speaker 4 (01:39:23):
Yeah, the guy just called me a idiot, but I
want to make a complaint about her later.

Speaker 2 (01:39:27):
I'm gonna get the keys and they're in the front seat. Okay. Oh,
just let's start my car up, just driving me.

Speaker 4 (01:39:34):
They shout out to my man Sketch for playing passers by. Yeah, carjacker.
Yeah ah, that is true to my man Sketchy and played.

Speaker 7 (01:39:48):
The carjacker in that phone tap, the nine ten phone tap.
Right there, curtey ty, your good friend mister Luther Lou
fan big one.

Speaker 2 (01:39:57):
Is going down. Before we get into the Mickey Figy
MIxS Lou where you're gonn be at tonight?

Speaker 5 (01:40:00):
My brother yo, tonight re grand opening at David Butchers
and Orange. I'm gonna be there from seven pm to
like ten or two however many Yeah, I'll.

Speaker 2 (01:40:09):
Be out there hanging out to the paramedic you know.

Speaker 8 (01:40:14):

Speaker 5 (01:40:14):
Yeah, it's gonna be a David Busterer's in Orange seven
pm and no income join me.

Speaker 2 (01:40:17):
I'm gonna be DJ and having a good time, just chilling. Men.
Let's vibe out. Yeah, let's vibe out. Grand opening. Yeah,
let's five out. Believe that we're not coming up. First off, quest,
what's up? Question five? What's good? My brother Friday to you?
Quest Friday? You I would take that one coming up
to make the Ticky makes class check it out big.

Speaker 7 (01:40:34):
I got that Tommy Richmond million Dollar Baby also got
Central seeing Little Baby band for band coming up in
the Mickey Picky Mix.

Speaker 2 (01:40:39):
It's savag. You're gonna be over at uh City Walk. Yeah, Yo, Jams.
He said you're gonna pay him in our K points
and tickets.

Speaker 6 (01:40:54):

Speaker 2 (01:40:54):
When he committed earlier, he said, what you wor wow?

Speaker 7 (01:40:58):
Damn yeah, bro, he's gonna be on the big stand.
Oh yeah, hey man, he be over there DJ and
Universal City Walk for Free Park.

Speaker 4 (01:41:09):
And then if you go from city Walk, what you're
gonna says?

Speaker 2 (01:41:15):
Okay, I thought you shark like the restaurant. He was like, no,
what would I be doing there? Of course?

Speaker 4 (01:41:23):
Alright, now you continue to hang out What's in the
neighborhood Big Boys neighbor.

Speaker 1 (01:41:27):
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand, Full show episodes posted daily.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, big Boy TV for more.
Check out Radio big Boy dot com Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (01:41:39):
Alrighty, now Louig is up in here. What a loodog Man.

Speaker 5 (01:41:42):
We got a very exclusive interview, an off air interview
on Big Boy TV right now with Black Sam, the
brother of the late Nipsey Hustle big Man in Oh no, man,
I was so like captivated by just watching this interview
because I've heard on this one for months just because
of content and everything.

Speaker 26 (01:41:58):

Speaker 5 (01:41:58):
Oh yeah, this is a great story how Nipsey Hustle
once stole the bunch of computer parts and brought him.

Speaker 6 (01:42:02):
Home and it was doing his thing. He put me
up on that CD thing long time ago when he
was in high school. He actually built the computer young.
He stole computer parts and then he bringing it in
the bedroom. We share the bedroom I'm like, bro, get
this junk out of here. I'm building a computer. I
was like, bro, shut the stuff, you're building the computer.
So he stole a CD burner and he put it

in and he showed me and came back. I think
one day from high school, like three hundred dollars. So
this the time, I'm flipping Burger. Still I'm making like
sixty seventy a day, Like, yeah, I made three hundred today, man,
and I'm off off the CDs. He was telling me,
I go to Napster. I'll get it before it comes out.
I got a list and he showed me these lists.
He like, I got another three four hundred orders that
I'm burning today to get to school. So I was

just now, I'm like show me. And now he showed
me everything and.

Speaker 2 (01:42:47):
There wasn't junk anymore.

Speaker 9 (01:42:49):
I'm not junk.

Speaker 6 (01:42:49):
At this point, he was still shorter than me. So
I'm like, all this mine. I took over the argument enterprise.
I'm taking over this burner for a minute.

Speaker 3 (01:42:58):
So when you see that there is this lucrative thing
that can go on, and Nip is already on it
right and you take it, you say, man, it went
from you know from trash to treasure and it becomes
your thing. You go for two and a half months
to Africa, you bury it two fifty. You come back home.

Speaker 6 (01:43:16):

Speaker 2 (01:43:16):
And where was the money buried at?

Speaker 6 (01:43:17):
And my mom back yard?

Speaker 9 (01:43:18):
Do you dig the six seven feet yourself again?

Speaker 29 (01:43:21):

Speaker 6 (01:43:22):
And I'm digging for hours and hours. Finally I hit
and I'm like oh, And then it took me probably
like another four hours to get it wedged out. And
finally I open it and when I open it, it's
filled up with water.

Speaker 29 (01:43:35):

Speaker 2 (01:43:35):

Speaker 6 (01:43:35):
And so then I'm just like I ain't never had
no breakdown. I'm sitting up lose it. Then I'm just
trying to figure out, like how salvage the money was
molded wet. Each stack was like falling apart. When you
pull it apart, it was just crumbling. Moms went and
got blow dryers for me, and and so I just
went in the bathroom and was peeling them off little
by little, put them to side and blow drying them

til they get back hard so they wouldn't break.

Speaker 2 (01:44:00):
You put two fifty in, yeah, how much you lose?

Speaker 6 (01:44:02):
Good? Fifty was just like gone, like you couldn't do
nothing with it. Broke all up. The rest of the
money we salvaged. It was just smelled like up on
the edges, but we counted it up and it was
like artist, what we got?

Speaker 27 (01:44:15):
Hey man?

Speaker 4 (01:44:15):
When you hear the entire just interview, bro, that was
one of one of my greatest sit downs for off air,
that's awesome. Yeah, man, you can find that entire off
air episode is right there at Radio Big Boy dot com.

Speaker 2 (01:44:26):
It's Big Boy TV our YouTube County.

Speaker 7 (01:44:29):
And as you're watching off air with Black Sam, make
sure you hit that subscribe button as well. You'all continue
to hang out with us in the neighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood.

Speaker 1 (01:44:36):
You're checking out another full show episode podcast of Big
Boys Neighborhood, Big Boy Neighborhood.

Speaker 2 (01:44:42):
Honnie is up in here. What up, Honie? What Big Oh? Nothing?
Understand what you got?

Speaker 6 (01:44:46):

Speaker 24 (01:44:46):
The Olympics.

Speaker 10 (01:44:47):
I feel like this is all about Snoop Dogg.

Speaker 2 (01:44:48):
Right, did you say the Olympics?

Speaker 10 (01:44:50):
Yeah, But for me it's about Snoop Dogg and for
everyone else too big.

Speaker 11 (01:44:55):
Even at the closing ceremony at the Olympics, they brought
Snoop Dogg to Long Beach and he brought out Dot
did dre with him.

Speaker 27 (01:45:09):
A bottom all ying.

Speaker 9 (01:45:10):
Berna dp GC.

Speaker 4 (01:45:12):
You should be turningdata sept you'll be c Yeah, we look,
get back up and when they finished in the you got.

Speaker 21 (01:45:18):
To get on the Homies doing Homie Big.

Speaker 11 (01:45:21):
But not only that, but Snoop Dogg also loves horses,
and we saw that at the Olympics with Martha Stewart.
And there was this one piece that's going viral online
because it's him and Martha Stewart. They're at NBC and
they're showing them highlights of a horse that's done dancing
under gin and juice.

Speaker 2 (01:45:35):
We've got one more highlights, one more. We've changed music
a little bit, maybe something you're a bit more familiar with.
Watch and listen, please assume. Okay, we gotta help. We
see horses out right, crap, Look at that. Look at
that just from the front for your rest.

Speaker 6 (01:45:53):
Drum like a party. It's kind of hard being a se.

Speaker 2 (01:45:58):
But oh that's the sidewalk, Martha, we do that. Good
at that? He skipped.

Speaker 5 (01:46:03):
Oh, manet a lot harder than Tusky.

Speaker 2 (01:46:06):
Four feet are harder than two. Yeah are indeed, let
me show you, hey, man, I love it, bro I
love it man.

Speaker 11 (01:46:16):
And I hope when the LA Olympics are here in
twenty twenty eight that he's also doing this because it's La.

Speaker 7 (01:46:21):
It's let me shore how professional I am right now.
When I was saying he could do anything anything, they
didn't even know I was chewing beef, you know what
I'm saying. So, if there's anybody that's out there that's
looking for a correspondent that can speak int you at
the same time, on your goud y'all, stick around y'all radios,
Big Boy's Neighborhood eighties, you're find a big boy from

Big Boy's Neighborhood on iHeart Radio.

Speaker 2 (01:46:45):
We have the most fun on your radio. Alrighty now
we heard this right here.

Speaker 18 (01:46:51):
I have my two year celibate. Celibacy for three minutes.
It don't count three minutes. Anything under three minutes don't
come out. And if you use a it really don't count.

Speaker 2 (01:47:01):
All right, So we're just asking what else don't count?
It doesn't count? Done right?

Speaker 5 (01:47:06):
If you got a girl rolling up with like this
tight ass waist trainer, right and then at the end
of the night she just like, oh yeah, let me
take it off.

Speaker 7 (01:47:13):
And then start scratching right there, you know, when you
take something tight offs, you gotta rub one it.

Speaker 2 (01:47:19):
Lord have mercy.

Speaker 9 (01:47:20):
Oh my god, that was that was. Thank you for listening.

Speaker 7 (01:47:24):
It is you find a big boy, big boys neighborhood.
You can catch more of us right here on iHeartRadio.

Speaker 18 (01:47:30):
I messed up my two years cellar Beat.

Speaker 8 (01:47:33):
Big Boy has left the building.

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