All Episodes

July 10, 2024 69 mins
THE BIG PODCAST - Roddy Ricch Drops New Music, DJ Hed On Kendrick And The Pop Out, Bronny James Drafted By The Lakers
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Episode Transcript

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This is Big Boys Neighborhood Full showepisode podcast, Big Boy Neighborhood, Beautiful
day in the Neighborhood and once again, thank you for being in the neighborhood.
We got a whole lot moret showcoming up for you, so do
continue to hang out with us.Man, We got Roddy rich in the
neighborhood for our brand new Big Interviewwith Roddy rich Man. Of course you
got to speak about new music.He was at the pop Out, came

out with Kendrick Lamar Man to stageduring Kendrick Lamar and Friends. And he
also explains how he had a hellof a decision between you know, does
he do something for Roddy rich ordoes he do something for Kendrick Man.
And you guys know that he wasat the pop out, so he he
was in Paris, you know whatI'm saying. But dude came on out
man and it was a great nightas well. We have some great times

with Roddy rich in the neighborhood forour big interview and also man, the
change in Roddy rich you know,the change the things that he said a
younger Roddy rich really thought were importantman, and he just found the importance
of you know, other things.And so when we played some some audio
from a couple of years ago,oh yeah, yeah, yeah, because
you know he would come in andhe'll wear his diamonds and everything. He

came in with nothing. So wegot our big interview with Roddy rich in
the neighborhood to do continue to hangout with us for that and also,
man Bronnie to the Lakers, ManJames fifty fifth pick in the draft,
second round, and man, he'splaying with his dad, Lebron James.
Did you hear the rumor? Big? What's that? It's online? They
said Lebron is sleeping with his teammates. Mom that man, I saw that

one man, and that was thesame thing. I was saying the same
kind of thing yesterday and I saidit to my kids and it was not
It was something that I saw today, and I was like, dude,
I should have put that out becauseI was wondering, I say, and
y'all probably seen it now, butI'm telling you I said this yesterday.
I was like, man, whenhe go to pass the ball, need
the ball for Pat? So hesay, does he say, Dad?
Oh, you know what I'm saying? Like, like, what did he

say when he wants Lebron to passin the ball bro you know, like
I would yell out dad, youknow, and that'd be the only person
Lebron I know it's him, Butman, congratulations to Bronnie and congratulations to
the Lakers man, and hopefully it'sa great move for the Lakers. Congratulations
to Lebron James. That is history. Then also DJ Head in the neighborhood
Man, big interview for those whoknow DJ Head, you know, if

you don't, man, take itas an introduction. Man. DJ Head
is one of our neighbors, oneof our partners in the neighborhood. Man.
He took a lot of head onwhen it came to Kendrick Lamar and
that Drake stuff. Man. Yeah, I would see comments like who is
this guy and who is this person? And you know, and he spoke
up for Kendrick a lot. Yep, So we're gonna talk to him about
just the Kendrick BF. He alsodid the pop out where it was DJ

head and friends and really take usbehind the planning as well. The Coastguard.
DJ Head would be in the neighborhood. Bronni to the Lakers and speak
on that Roddy Rich in the Neighborhoodfor an all new big interview, all
that and more, y'all continue tohang out with us Big Boys Neighborhood.
This is big Boy on demand,Big Boys Neighborhood Phone Chap on the teens

time, Ladies and gentlemen. Grampshang up up the phone. Shout out
to my man Fuzzy Fantablets for helpingme with him from playing the part of
Gramps. This is what Luther callsto order some soul food for his father's
party, but Gramps keeps picking upthe phone. The actual Gramps was hurt
in this phone. Tap. It'sgoing to get into your phone. Tap
on the t's right here, BigBoys Neighborhood. To make it all that

was wonder if I could speak tosomeone about Katie ring a party that we're
doing for our grandfather. He's gettingup in years and we're getting to the
point right now we don't know exactlyhow much longer we're going to have him.
Yeah, and we just want todo something special for him. Yeah.
They used to do the same forMama. Yeah, that's true.
Hold on, Hold on a second, Granddaddy, I'm on the phone right

now. I'm sorry, my kneeis bothering me. Okay, your knee
is bothering you. Okay, I'mgonna come back there real quick. Okay,
all right, all right, hangup the phone, now, hang
up the phone. Yeah, buthe is, he's such a beautiful person,
and I mean that's why, that'sexactly why we want to we want
to do this for him. It'sgoing to be a beautiful day for the

Yes. Yes, should have tookmy pencil minutes ago. I'm gonna come
in. I'm going to come in. I'm going to come back there.
Hang up the phone to watch.Just hang up the phone, all right,
yeah, just sometimes he can getout there. If he knew that
I was on the phone getting himsome soul food, it'll be something lovely
for him. I mean, yes, it must go to my feature swelling

luthorcramps. Please, I'm trying todo something for you. Hang up the
phone, all right, sir,Okay, okay, Now, how much
do you think it would be forlike forty people? Probably be like eight
nine person handing what you're I mean, just like you know, of course,
there's gotta be some French and thekids and left the front open,

not even in the front. Ican feel the draft. Okay, they
forgot to put the they forgot toput the Get off the phone. Get
off the phone. Okay, I'vegot you back. Okay, okay,
okay, I got it all right. Get off the phone. Big and

yours you make you think you makes? It's going down? DJ Quest is
up in here? Whatever questified?What's good? Big Man? Happy Friday,
team, my brother. I'm doingwell, Man, be Friday the
signing man and Georgia got for BTweekend. What clubs you are tonight?
I'm in Palm Springs Copa nightclub tomorrownight in the city of down inside dB
Lounge. Did you watch any thedraft? Yeah, more people watch that.

I've heard more draft conversation than debateconversation. That presidential debate was a
mass manas already. Yeah, theyneed to make a movie called Old and
Older. You know what's crazy,man, Biden looks so old yesterday he
looks so old man, and thenfor some reason Trump look younger. I
don't know who his surgeons are.What's going down, man, I believe
that? And also, man,congratulations to Bronnie James and the Lakers.

Man, father and son making historytogether. We've never seen this man first
father son du in the NBA.Hey, man, I was telling them,
I'm like, if they're coming downthe court together and Lebron got the
ball, does Bronnie say Dad whenhe went on the passing the ball?
Right? Right? Right? Yeah? Man? Because usually, like even
with my son, they call outtheir names. Yeah, you know what
I mean, Jad, you knowwhat I'm saying. But so I guess
he would just be like, Ican't say Lebron. Yeah. Yeah,

I would definitely be like dad.Yeah, because what would Jayden call you?
Like? Imagine he called you byyour first day man. And when
they did that father and son thing, I asked, jad, Yes that
I said, Jaden, I said, do you want to get into radio?
You know what I'm saying. Isaid, because you know I could
do the thing. I can getthem. Yeah, you know what I'm
saying. I can get them,you know. But that that's that's history.
Yeah man. And but then mywife Veronicause she was like, oh,

happy anniversary once again, baby,sorry anniversary. But she was like,
oh, the first game we gottago to. I was like,
dude, they got to plan thefirst game, because is it gonna be
preseason. It's gonna be early andit's like, what what is that first
When is that first game where hehits the floor. Yeah, that's true
hit and hitting the floor together becausea lot of starters, Yeah, normally

play a lot of preseason, rightright, But it's gonna be an event.
You're making thinking makes hit is goingdown? Big Boy Neighborhood. You're
checking out another full show episode aBig Boy's Neighborhood on demand, Big Boy
Neighborhood. Annie is up in here? What up, Honnie? Oh nothing?
What you got? My love?Roddy RIDGM hotting up, Roddy Roddy

Ridge is getting ready to drop hisalbum, the Navy Album. We don't
have a release date yet, butwe got a pre or we got some
new music. That's what is callednine one one. What Jimmy like one
like that? Really like Friday andthe videos out there too big, It's

so good. But when we hadhim in the neighborhood, we even listened
to this song with him. Hegave us a preview and he told us
what makes it so special? It'sa special record with nine point one.
This is actually the first record thatI'm doing with thirty Rock at the Box.
It's the first record since the Boxthat we're doing a record together.
Is it crazy to go in becauseyou know, you have a formula with
someone and it's like, ah,damn, we you know, not that

we're trying to recreate that, butwe got something so good. You know.
It's a crazy story. Yeah,it's a long strike. I can't
give it all right now. Buthe's a special dude and that's gonna be.
That's a good moment. Good moment, good moment. This could have
happened already. Why is it happeningnow? Yeah? Growth, Yeah,
being able to be in the roomand an experiment and fellowship, you know

what I mean, learn it outsideof music. We got a lot of
success, so you would think thatthat's where our mind would be. But
it's learning people outside and you makethe best music. You know when people
say, oh we back outside,we back outside, but for real,
like we are back outside, youknow what I'm saying, And we're right
here, man, the sun ishere, the summer's here. Was that
intentional? Like, man, thisis what I want this to feel like

temple wise and everything though, itjust feel it, just feel that way.
Yeah, I feel that way.Yeah, and we need this,
man. I just got a Cadillacthat's done, you know what I'm saying
him For the summer, I gotme a seventy eight Broel And this is
one of those where it's like,oh yeah, we need a handle lot
temple wise and everything. Bro.Roddy makes great music. He makes great

music, man. And it's crazybecause you can feel that he's in a
different space, not a space like, man, what does he making or
it's gonna be a different Roddy,but there's just a different kind of appreciation.
Yeah, he's so grateful. Hekept singing in the interview like it's
all about being grateful and humble.I thought that was so dope. This
one go platinum. Yeah, Ithought he's like, no, no,
no, no, But shout outto Roddy rich Man. You can find

that entire interview at Radio big Boydot COM's right there for big Boy TV,
our YouTube channel, and as you'rewatching, hit that subscribe button as
well. Y'all. Do continue tohang out with us Big Boys Neighborhood.
Big Boys Neighborhood on demand full showepisodes posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube
channel big Boy TV for more checkout Radio big Boy dot Com, Big

Boys Neighborhood. Luisg is up inhere. What I'm lootole rich Man rich
come home Man. He popped outthe Ken and Friends Doug. I'm telling
you, Bro, the reaction ofthe crowd was crazy, man. And
he just sounds exactly like he soundson the records, which I love.
Bro. He was in the neighborhood. We had to ask him, like,
when was the first time you,like when you heard like that?
What was your reaction when you firstsaw or when you first heard like like

and it's crazy because we said theKendrick verse again, you know what I'm
saying. When you first heard theKendrick verse and you hear you know,
dot coming and you're like, Okay, what's going on? When you first
got to like that like that?Yeah, you know, Pluto and Metro
them Like, I'm like, that'slike my you know, you know what's
down on my mountin Rushmore. Iknew it was coming. We heard,

you know, we talked, soI knew it was coming. I just
didn't know what it was. Iain't know what it was, so,
you know, we was at,uh what was we at? I think
we was at Larrabie when we listenedto Futures album from front to back.
But what was that verse on there? Oh yeah, okay, yeah,
yeah yeah. So you know welistened to it and and and we knew

we knew we had to strap strapup boost right, and then we see
the back and forth, you knowwhat I'm saying. And did you enjoy
and not enjoyed it? All?Were killing it? But did you understand
what that was when it was withDrake and when it was with Kendrick,
did you know like, Okay,there's something going on here, there's there's
mean what it was for hip hop? Man? You had two of the

biggest guys you know, uh gettingin the ring in boxing, you know,
real sport, you know what Imean? And I think it was
beautiful for the culture. Yeah,I think it was beautiful for We never
had that, you know what Imean. We never, I mean not
never, but we we ain't hadthat in recent years. Yeah, in
recent years, and we haven't hadit like that, you know what I'm

saying. Yeah, you know,it just felt it just felt a little
different. And you had two peoplethat's on top of the game, on
top of the world, right youknow what I'm saying, Hey man,
that is gonna be a conversation fora long while. Yes, And you
know, for some reason, man, it just hit me yesterday I don't

think Drake is done. No.Did you see what he had posted with
that AI robot thing? And peopleare like, oh, he's claiming that
Kendrick Lamar allegedly is buying using botsto go stream. Not like us,
that's out that because it's not likeus. It's just exactly that's what I
thought, like everyone was saying.For some reason, it just feels like
I don't know it with not likethat, the momentum, the you know,

the pop out, the video,I don't know. I don't For
some reason, just yesterday I waslike, man, what if Drake came
with one more? Like let Kendrickhit all this, you know, you
never know. You never know,man if he does a concert in Canada
and has everyone come out and hepreviews it, don't I'm gonna pop off
to that, you know what?I like? Real talk like like Kendrick
got a movement in the coast,you know what I'm saying. And so

I don't know. We shall see. I'll ask Roddy you know what I'm
saying. Stick around y'all radios.You can find that entire Roddy Rich interview
as well as at radio. BigBoy dot Com is right there for Big
Boy TV our YouTube channel. Asyou're watching hit that subscribe, but you'll
continue to hang out with us BigBoy Neighborhood. You're inside Big Boy's Neighborhood.
Full show episode podcast, Big BoyNeighborhood. Alright, now Annie is

up in here? What up,Honnie? Oh nothing. We got our
guy DJ Head in the neighborhood,Man, the Coastguard, the West Coast
guy in the trenches, when evenKendrick Lamar was like, hey man,
get out the trenches. Yeah.Yeah, but a lot of people were
really upset with Head two when itcame to the Kendrick and Drake beef and
how vocal DJ Head was man,and he was saying he wasn't speaking for

Kendrick, but a lot of peoplewas taking his words. Yeah, he
was tweeting, dude. I waslooking at it when he said it was
something that he put up, Ohjust wait till tomorrow or something something he
said, I Head knows something,you know what I'm saying. Even though
Kendrick grid Lamar's read it thread therelike DJ had said, Something's gonna happen,
Kendrick's coming again. Yeah, Ilove it man the big When we
did talk to DJ Head, whoended up opening up with this amazing show,

we asked him what was that firstconversation he had with Kendrick when he
heard not like us Okay, Sowhat I can say is his temperament was
he was still in the thick ofit, like he wasn't because I'm celebrating
him. I'm giving him as flowers. All right, bro, you won,
this is it's over with like youyou know you won, like no
need to. I'm giving him hisflowers. And he was just man,
you could tell like I can't.I don't want to say what he was
saying. But his temperament wasn't thathe was victorious, right. This temperament

was you know how like when theHomies going a mission and they just come
back. Yeah, like say,you go get into a fight and you
just finished the fight, you stillnot yet won, and yeah he's still
on you know what I mean,Like, man, you know whatever,
So he was still in I justlet it. We talked about ten minutes.
I just you know what, I'mHe's stilling to meet the Graham's energy.
I'm cool, right right right rightright? Did this work? Yeah?

So I just let him. ButI was telling him I appreciate him,
you know what I mean. Hewas like, no, I appreciate
you. You know you was reallyhe told me like you was like really
out there in the field for me, you know, like it was really
it was me like versus the worldon the internet, like so and Top
Top told me the same thing.I talked the top He was like,
yeah, bro, you was theonly one out there in the street.
I was like, I was like, yeah, from I guess from a

media standpoint, But I didn't lookat it like that. I was just
speaking my truth. Hey man,you know what, I did see a
lot of that. I see now, you know when you see certain things
and people say, oh, thisdidn't age well, yeah, I'm seeing
people make bold statements about how Kendrickis going to lose and he was not
ready for Drake And it was justone one two guys that went through.

You know what he did to meetMail and how he's a bat, he's
a drink and did and yeah,and it didn't hold well. You know
didn't age well, yeah, man, like I don't think lyrically, Drake
can't compete with Kendrick. Kendrick waslike made for this. Even if you're
like, I don't know, youjust can't compete. Drake is great at
making music. I think, likegreat pop hip hop, a rat.

And I think also when Push Upsand Taylor made, when those came like,
you know, back to back,and Drake is known for back to
backs. You know what I'm sayingon Meek Meal, I think that's when
a lot of the comments came up. I was thinking that because even we
were sitting and I was like,man, you know, Kendrick's quiet right
now. Yeah, but man,as we see you know what I'm saying.
Yeah, every view mirrors and MickeyFicky believe that y'all stick around.

Y'all radio is big Boys neighborhood eighties. You're finding a big boy from Big
Boys neighborhood on iHeart Radio. Wehave the most fun on your radio.
It is going down. Hey,Susuppvid up in here. Hey man,
what part of Mexico is the familyfrom like Pop, my dad's from over

them, so not that my mom'sfrom a little ranch now with Morta.
It's like next to a man hall. It's very close to where Fernando Elen
Tuila's from. Have you heard havethey talked anything about the first female Mexican
president. No, I've got tocall my dad. I don't even want
to because I know it's gonna bepolitically incorrect. I don't know what to
say. Why would you say itwould be politically incorrect? I'm just saying,

I don't know if you know,because Latinos they're still on something like
the clan and not right, heydo things? They still haven't grown up
on that. Yeah, I meanin public that they're keeping it low key
because they're saying all this cancel coachesstuff. But it is in my house

is till eighteen ninety three. Thankyou for listening. It is you find
a big boy, big boy's neighborhood. You could catch more of us right
here on iheard radio you need toput in the neighborhood. After Friday to
you and yours, ladies and Gentlemen'sabout that time for your eighteen phone tapp.
And this one right here is bloodycarpet. This w Luther calls the

carpet cleaner the gentlemen think he wasI buy and clean a stain out the
carpet. That stain is blood,yeah, man, and Loki threatening my
man as well. Yeah. No, nobody who's gonna get into your ad
and listen to win phone tap topay very close attention big boys, neighborhood

the white Water to make it agot you got carpet? Hello? How
you doing, sir? Good?Are you guys open to come and clean
some carpet? What kind of asting? It's blood in one room?

Yes, it's just in one room. You're looking at about one hundred and
twenty five dollars. Would the staincome completely up? We'll do the best
we can for you, buddy,pull on speaking with right now? Do
you come out to do the carpetbefore you send somebody else out? I'll
send Somebody'll be comfy, buddy,all right, because when you come in
to clean up the house, hecan't tell no one what he's seeing.
Okay, what there is to seethere, buddy, there's blood on the

carpet. Nobody want to know.Can I pay in cash? Yes?
Do I have to sign anything?No? But I need your name.
Okay. My name is Luthor lastname is Loofe. And tell him when
he come in, don't be lookingaround it, okay. Just you know,
if he just go to that oneroom and there is no it's not
my business, okay. And cleanthe blood up. None of our business.
You're gonna tell him. Don't saynothing right about the blood on the

carpet. As long as there isno body's laying down on the floor,
you know, no, there's okay, there's nobody's on the floor. This
this is just blood on the carpet. Okay. Tell the phone number.
You need a number. I needthe phone number. Man, You sure
nothing gonna come back to me?Man? Because I don't want to do
no, tam Can you call meat a payphone number? Can I put
that on there? No, youhave to give me a number, the

whome number. Can I give youthe circular the phone home number? Buddy?
All right? It ninety one.They're telling the pull up to the
back, okay. And don't beshining his lights when he getting the driveway
with this. Whatever you're writing up, make sure you destroy those receipts.
I don't want to have nothing leftover. Tell him to wear some gloves
and you have to cash and Ihave the cash. This ain't a threat,

but already got one, and don'tlet me get you too, all
right, No, I'm serious.I need somebody to come over here and
clean his blood off the carpet.I'm very serious. I appreciate your time.
Hey, man, just in theneighborhood. Do you think that he
was going to come by and cleanthe carpet or do you feel like he
was going to call the authority?I think it was a seal dog money

he was going to I don't.I felt like he was baiting me,
man. I felt like he wouldget off the phone and call the police
and pull up the Yeah. Yeah, and I pull up every way that
he didn't want me. I hada lights on. Yeah, I'll be
looking around and everything. Yeah,man, there is right there. I
get the money first, though.I feel like you get the money like

I just saw something crazy, Butyou can't go in there and clean up
the evidence. Yeah yeah, stillstretching the phone, chaut like I'm gonna
call back and add on to it. Hey buddy, alrighty, Now we
got your tickets. Your four packagetickets are six flags magic. What did
the man want to make sure wasnot on the floor. Alrighty, what

did the man want to make surewas not on the floor? If you
got it, hit us up.You're making fish is going down? DJ?
Question is up in here? Whato' questified? What's good maintaining doing
the dang thinking man? Happy Fridayto you, my brothers, Happy Friday
to you, sir. Tell themwhat you're gonna be at one more again
this weekend Tonight Palm Springs Coca NightClub, Tomorrow night City of down E
dB Lounge. I love where youat this weekend. Baja Sharky is hunting

the beach tonight tomorrow, second floor, hunting the beach. Let's go running
the beach out there out there?Yeah, latins with Trump? Right?
Yeah? Man? You like thedebate last night? Man? Man,
your boy ridiculous? Man, Whodo you think is the better golfer?

I was like, dude, thesedudes talking about mail mail enhancement pills and
all that. I'm done, yeah, oh yeah, we're in trouble by
dude, and I'm you know,I'm not a betting man, but I
would take the loss that I had. Yeah, I lost a hundred bucks,

but I'll take that hundred What wasI bet? I bet that Bidy
was gonna die during the uh yeah, during during the debate. But there
is you know what I'm to makeyou figure it is going down? What
did the man want to make surewas not on the floor. Big Boys
nighbor Big Boys Neighborhood on demand Formore, subscribe to our YouTube channel,

big Boy TV, and check outRadio big Boy dot Com Big Boys Neighborhood.
Luigi is up in here. WhenI've loved all yo NBA Draft,
we were waiting the first round,was waiting for the second round to see
what was gonna happen with Brownie James, and the fifty fifth pick came in.
Man, yeah, man, it'sa fifty fifth pick in the twenty
twenty four NBA Draft, the LosAngeles Lakers select Ronnie James from the University

of Southern California. I love it, man, I love it man,
lebron James and so once again shoutout to hey, man, we got
great editors here. Dog got hishistory, man. And when that happened,
there's video of Brice and just Bronniesitting down and when the announcement came

out, like everybody just went crazy. Dude, select Ronnie James that's a
moment man, with your family thatthat, sir, it's history. Hey,
man, I love all playing likethey didn't know what was gonna happen.

Yet I'm sitting at my house,I'm like, man, he better
go to the Lakers. Yeah.But like you said, man, we're
witnessing history. And the crazy thingabout it, man, is that we
got the best Lebron James. Yep, you know what I'm saying, soul
Lebron James. It's the best LebronJames. Man. And you were saying
it earlier, Loude. What hewhat Bronni's gonna learn just on the core

playing alongside his dad, And Iwas just wonder, man, if you
see Lebron coming down with the balland Bronnie's open, does he say Dad?
You know what I'm saying, toget the ball, because I go
to my son's games and everybody,you know, they like Jayden or you
know, you know BZ something likethat. But yeah, I'm wanting if
he yell out, I would yellout dad. Yeah that was actually a

question said that. But other thanthat, man, I have a couple
of quests said that he you know, he's gonna learn a lot from his
h Yeah, yeah, you bestbelieve that. And let me tell you,
man, do you think so ifthey offer him an extension to be
with the Lakers in the next let'ssay they give him another three year,
then Bryce would be eligible for theNBA Draft. Can you imagine this is
ridiculous? Right? And then haveBronnie, Lebron and Bryce on the Lakers.

Is that something that could possibly happen? Man, somewhere LeVar Ball is
like, man, come on,I gave you everybody, man, I
gave you all the ball of boys. And what you got doing? Man,
this y'all want to you know,Oh my gosh, it's gonna be
historic watching them both play. Here'sthe thing, bro, is this gonna

be the season that Lebron gets intoa fist fight? Because it's all different
places, it's different. Is hegonna get more technical? You know what
I'm saying? Now? Do youthink he'll be awkward if he's trying to
hit on a girl and his dad'slike, hey, Bronnie, get back
in the game. I think Bronnie'sin a relationship as well. Yeah,

man, oh my god, that'son your own relationship exactly focused on that
merchant man speaking of relationships. Man, Today is my wedding anniversary to my
wife, Veronica. I love youso much. I love I love you.
Happy anniversary to you, Queen.Y'all stick around yall Radio's Big Boy
Neighborhood adipin a Big Boy from BigBoys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. We have

the most fun on your radio.It is going down. Hay susup covid
up in here. Hey man,how are your parents' grandparents? They're great,
they're great. But you treat youryour child better than you. Treat
you, way better than you treatingme. Yeah, way better than treating
me. It's so funny that mydad is what the het told me when
I was there, because I'm takingcare of the baby. I'm walking up.
He said, hey, you're lovinghim too much. I'm like,

what do you mean, love toomuch? Boy? Sad? He's one
perfect you love it, love him. Thank you for listening. It is
upon the Big Boy Big Boy's Neighborhood. You can catch more of us right
here on iHeart Radio, Big BoyNeighborhood. Friday to you and yours,

Big Boys Neighborhood that is going down. Honnie is up in here. What
up, Honie? Oh nothing honestto what you got? My love,
Roddy Rag, Roddy rich Love,Roddy rich Man big. Everyone's talking about
this interview that we recently did withhim all over Twitter and online, and
that's because he was one of thepeople who popped out at Kennon Friends and
he performed as right tell you what, oh man, I have great memories

man, so good rad memories andthey just seeing him on stage was amazing.
But when we had him in theneighborhood, he told us the importance
of the pop out show. Kendrickdid his material, but at no point
did you hear him say, man, Drake and Dared is you know what
I'm saying? It was just likewe were there. Yeah, it was
about a celebration and it wasn't abouthate for it was it was about the

love for But but a lot ofpeople aren't gonna understand that because they're not
where we're from, right, gotyou from? They think, oh,
I see game backers up there tripping. It's not about that. No,
man, it's not about that.It's way bigger than that, you know
what I mean? All of them. Yeah, I'm still tripped out you

just seeing I'm seeing three different walksat the same time. Yeah, man,
understand that that's three different walk threedifferent Yeah, I mean and and
and the hands slaps and who wasactually on stage and who were in the
audience, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, for those that know,
we know what, we had achance to meet, you know, and
then whatever somebody else got out ofit, you got that. That's beautiful,

that's cool, that's beautiful. Butbut that was one of the ones.
Hey man, that was a greatnight. And not only was it
a great night, I think it'sstar it also great dialogue and a great
movement as well. It did yeah, man and big seeing everyone on stage
was really awesome and really amazing.And I thought that was actually something that
was planned. But when we hadDJ head in the neighborhood, he said,
Kendrick decided that last minute, likeall right, we got to get
everyone on stage and do this.And I thought that was so Yeah,

when you saw a lot of thepeople that just kind of came on stage
at the end. Because I knowI wasn't in the text threads, I
was not in the chat, butI was like, man, I told
myself, I told Jose I said, man, he going to that song
one more time. I'm up there. You had to be and everyone was
commenting like big Boy, you hadto be on there seeing you there.
Also, people were looking for you, like just reading the comments. So
did you see when I hugged KendrickYes here, yeah yeah yeah. He

was like I love for you toget off the stage. But you see
how he pushed his hand in mychairs like whoa man? Hold on man?
But that it was such a greatmoment. Man, It's such a
beautiful just to hear everyone talk aboutit, like you said it open up
that conversation. Now everyone's looking atLa the word I'm talking about. Really
people I got like I told youa friend of mine she's staying instant bull

she hit me. I was atYeats concert last night, so many people
were coming up to me talking aboutyou know, Can and friends. So
it was it was a great nightman. You Mickey Fiky makes hit is
going down Big Boy's Neighborhood. You'rechecking out another full show episode a Big
Boy's Neighborhood on demand, Big BoyNeighborhood Beautiful Theay in the Neighborhood, Ladies
and Gentlemen Luis g is up inhere with a blue dog print of the

neighborhood. New music. Roddy richMan nine one, I know you know
deepka with you on your worst hisday when you come on down my way
finance hell this hey man? Wegotta ask him like now did nine one
one come about? But Roddy fromthe beginning, press play everybody in here
nine one one. This isn't usgassing press play you know somet Sometimes people

say, oh I gotta grow onme, press play nine one one?
You got it? Come on?Did you know that you felt that it
was a special record with nine oneone? This is actually the first record
that I'm doing with thirty Rock atthe Box. It's the first record since
the Box that we're doing a recordtogether. Is it crazy to go in
because you know, you have aformula with someone and it's like, ah,

damn, we you know, notthat we're trying to recreate that,
but we got something so good.You know. It's a crazy story.
Yeah, it's a long story.I can't give it all right now.
But he's a special dude, andand that's gonna be That's a good moment.
Good moment, Dad, Why withso many and not records in between,
but records in between. And thiscould have happened already. Why is

it happening now? Yeah yeah,growth, Yeah, being able to be
in in the room. We gota lot of success, so you would
think that that's where our mind wouldbe. But it's learning people outside and
you make the best music. Heyman, it's perfect for right now too.
You know when people say, arewe back outside? We back outside?
But for real, like we areback outside, you know what I'm

saying. And we're right here,man, the sun is here, the
summer's here. That the intentional,like, man, this is what I
want this to feel like, templeWise and everything. Though it just fel
it just felt that way. Yeah, way yeah, and we need this
man. I just got a Cadillacthat's done. You know what I'm seeing
him for the summer. I gotme a seventy eight bro feel and this

is one of those where it's like, oh yeah, we need a handslot
temple wise and everything. Bro.Nah, And that's what I say,
man, you continue like you makeus, you give us bragging points,
you know what I'm saying. Andit's easier like people can say, oh
big, I enjoy this your phonetap. But when I could just press
play and play a hit, itmakes my job much easier. So keep

doing that where I could just likeif I don't have to be created for
three and a half minutes. Wowoo, keep that coming, man, I'll
take it. Continue to make hits. Believe that you can find that entire
interview at Radio big Boy dot COM'sright there for Big Boy TV, our
YouTube channel. As you're watching hitthat subscribe. But y'all continue to hang
out with us in the neighborhood,Big Boy's neighborhood. This is Big Boy's

neighborhood on demand, Big Boys Neighborhood. Louis is up in here. When
I've loud all yo. NBA Draft, we were waiting the first round,
we were waiting the second round tosee what's gonna happen with Bronnie James,
and the fifty fifth pick came in. Man, yeah, man. With
the fifty fifth pick in the twentytwenty four NBA Draft, the Los Angeles
Lakers select Bronnie James from the Universityof Southern California. I love it,

man, I love it. Man. Shout to lebron James, and so
once again shout out to hey,man, we got great editors here.
Dog got his history, man.And when that happened, there's video of
Brice and just Bronnie sitting down andwhen the announcement came out, like everybody

just went crazy. Dude, selectBronnie James. That's a moment man,
with your family, that that servory. It's history, and man, I
love playing like they didn't know whatwas gonna happencause I'm sitting at my house.

I'm like, man, he bettergo to the Lakers. Yeah.
But like you said, man,we're witnessing history. And the crazy thing
about it, man, is thatwe got the best Lebron James. Yep,
you know what I'm saying, soulLebron James. It's the best Lebron
James. Man. And you weresaying that earlier lude, what he what
Bronni's gonna learn just on the courtplaying alongside his dad, And I was

just wondering, Man, if yousee Lebron coming down with the ball and
Bronnie's open, does he say Dad? You know what I'm saying, to
get the ball. Because I goto my son's games and everybody, you
know, they like Jayden or youknow, you know, BC something like
that. But yeah, I'm wantingif he yell out, I would yell
out dad. Yeah, yeah,that was actually a question said that.

But other than that, man,I have a couple of questions, said
what that he You know he's gonnalearn a lot from his Oh yeah,
yeah, best believe that. Andlet me tell you, man, do
you think so if they offer himan extension to be with the Lakers in
the next let's say they give himanother three year, then Bryce would be
eligible for the NBA Draft. Canyou imagine? This is ridiculous? Right?
And then you have Bronnie, Lebronand Bryce on the Lakers. Is

that something that could possibly happen?Man, somewhere LeVar ball like, Man,
come on with it. I gaveyou everybody, man, I gave
you all the baller boys and whatyou got to do. Many'll want to
you know, Oh my gosh,it's gonna be historic watching them both play.
Here's the thing, roup, Isthis gonna be the season that Lebron

gets into a fistfight? Why?Because then is out there it's all different
places, it's different. Is hegonna get more technical? You know what
I'm saying? Now, do youthink he'll be awkward if he's trying to
hit on a girl and his dad'slike, hey, Ronnie, get back
in the game. I think Bronnie'sin a relationship as well. Yeah,
man, oh my god, that'son your own relationship. Yeah, exactly

focused on that that merchant man.Speaking of relationships, Man, today is
my wedding anniversary to my wife,Veronica. I love you so much,
y'all love, I love you.Happy anniversary to you. When y'all stick
around, y'all Radio's Big Boy Neighborhood. You're finding a big boy from Big
Boys Neighborhood on iHeart Radio. There'sanother In case you missed the moment with

us, it's going down. Hayesuscovid up in here your pop shall relationships
still good? That's great. What'shis favorite curse word in English? Sign
up? But yeah, yeah,sign up. He loves signed up up.
He doesn't even say it right,which that's what I love because it's
like his version of it is littletwin to He's okay, that's all.

He's in the right place for everything. Sign out. The thing is that
he learns English and construction sites.That's where he learns them. And I'm
like, yo, he can that'snot how you speak in real life.
You know that's over there and foreverything it's mo He tries to use that
in like in normal life. Walmartis like, come, come, that's

two hundred dollars. I'm like,they talk like that. Man, Thank
you for listening. It is youfind a big boy, Big boys neighborhood.
You can catch more of us righthere on iHeart Radio. Keep boy
Neighborhood. An is up in here. What I'm Honie, Oh nothing answer
to what you got? My love, Honnie. Ronnie reached knew. He
like he was like it's time tostrap our boots. When he heard Kendrick

Lamar drop that verse on like thatthis the first place to shoot. I
hope they came with three switches,crash man, this many middle. If
I had to got two teams withI'm snatching chains and burning tattoos, I
think I won't trunk man. Ithink that everybody when we heard just like
what the hell? Yeah yeah,because this for like that came to me

like from nowhere. You know.Of course there was little like things here
and there, and some things biggerthan others, but a verse we didn't
hear like, oh man, youknow Kendrick about to come with something with
you know, Metro in future.Yeah, so it's really cool to hear
like where everybody was and what theythought when they when they heard the verse
song like that. Yeah. Man, when you first heard the Kendrick verse
and you hear you know, dotcoming and you're like, okay, what

what's going on? When you firstgot like that like that? Yeah,
you know Pluto and Metro them,Like, I'm like, that's like mine,
you know, you know what wasgoing down my Mount Rusmore. I
knew it was coming. We heard, you know, we talked, so
I knew it was coming. Ijust didn't know what it was. I
didn't know what it was. So, you know, we was at uh

where was we at? I thinkwe was at Larrabie when we listened to
a Futures album from front to back? But was that verse on there?
Oh yeah? Okay yeah yeah yeah. So you know we listened to it
and and we knew we knew wehad to strap strap up boots, right,
and then we see the back andforth you know what I'm saying.
And did you enjoy and not enjoyedit? Oh? We killing it but

did you understand what that was whenit was with Drake and when it was
with Kendrick, did you know like, Okay, there's something going on here,
there's a movement. What it wasfor hip hop? Man? You
had two of the biggest guys gettingin the ring in boxing, you know,
real sport, you know what Imean. I think it was beautiful
for the culture. We never hadthat, you know what I mean.

We never I mean not never,but we ain't had that in recent years.
Yeah, in recent years, andwe haven't had it like that,
you know what I'm saying. Yeah, you know, it just felt it
just felt a little different. Andyou had two people that's on top of
the game, on top of theworld, right, you know what I'm
saying, and whatever you call itthe sport hip hop being competitive. You

know you saw it go back andforth. I've seen it get real crazy
before back in the past, andthen you just went you know, it's
beautiful. Yeah, it's beautiful.Yeah. Hello, Yeah, want you
to know, hey, man,I think that everyone's had a chance to
have a moment of history. Yeah, you know, it was like a
moment. Man. There's just somethings that you remember and being in the

radio for this many years. There'sjust moments that you remember, just like
in life, there's things that youjust remember. Yeah, and that is
a moment that you will remember,agreed, Big whether or not you were
at the concert or not, justbeing in this moment, because you know,
when No Basilan came out, like, I know the song, but
I don't understand what that felt likein this it felt like ice Cube,
I know, hit them up,you know. J Yeah. So this

is that you just remember it.Believe that whatever side you're on, you
remember it. Y'all. Stick aroundy'all radios though you can find an entire
interview as well with Roddy Rich isa Radiobigboy dot COM's right there for Big
Boy TV our YouTube channel, andas you're watching, hit the subscribe button.
Y'all. Do continue to hang outwith us Big Boys Neighborhood. Big
Boys Neighborhood on demand, full showepisodes posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube

channel big Boy TV. For more. Check out Radio big Boy dot com.
The Big Boy Neighborhood is up inhere. What the Neighborhood. Roddy
Rich, Yes, sir Ken andfriends popped out for real Doug, Like
I said the reaction to the crowd. As soon as they said Roddy Rich,
people were fat hit that stage,man, which amen. And when

you hear everyone that popped out forCannan friends, including Kenjack lamar when you
hear how thunderous it was. Man, it wasn't like they had the whole
farm miked up just for crowd.Yeah, man, it was. It
was amazing and extremely loud. Bro, That's one of probably the most memorable
concerts I think I've ever been to. Like that, I can recap,

like you know, in my headand lives look like he just lives up
there. I watched it again yesterday. Hell, it's pretty badass, right.
Yeah, Roddy when he was inthe neighborhood, he was just talking
about like, you know, heunderstood what Ken and friends meant. At
the forum. Kendrick did his material, but at no point did you hear
him say, man, Drake andDared, is you know what I'm saying?
It was just like we were there. Yeah, it was about a

celebration and it wasn't about hate fourit was it was about the love for
but but a lot of people aren'tgonna understand that because they're not where we're
from, right right? Got youfrom? They think, Oh, I
see game backers up there tripping.It's not about that, No, man,
it's not about that. It's waybigger than that, you know what
I mean, all of them outfor us. Yeah, I'm still tripped

out just seeing I'm seeing three differentwalks at the same time. Yeah,
man, I understand that. That'sthree different walks, three different Yeah,
I mean and and and the handslapsand who was actually on stage and who
were in the audience. You knowwhat I'm saying. Yeah, with those
that know, we know what wehad a chance to see, you know,
and then whatever somebody else got outof it. You got that.

That's beautiful too. That's cool,that's beautiful. But that was one of
the ones, hey man, andit was It was a moment, bro.
It's totally true. Everyone, youknow, the performances were great,
but the whole picture of bringing everybodytogether, everybody on stage at the end.
Everything we're hearing about people backstage,people smiling, people slapping hands from
different hoods, different parts of theyou know, of la whatever it is

like you had, it's a togetherthing. And the one thing that I
loved as well, man was themelting pot of people and the ages and
how everybody just got along. Youknow, there's a video of everyone walking
out and you just hear them rappingout like us. Yeah, Doug,
it's cringe just to come riding.People knew that they saw something very special,
man, you know what I'm saying. And even the racial tone just

everything like it was like everybody wasin there. Yeah dude, Yeah,
it was, man, And Ilove that. The person next to me,
I was like, who are youhere with you? He's like,
damn here by myself. I heardon Kendrick Fan Damn you go ahead.
Yeah, come on radios Big BoysNeighborhood, Big Boys Neighborhood on demand,
Full show episodes posted daily. Subscribeto our YouTube channel, big Boy Tv.

For more. Check out Radio bigboy dot com, Big Boys Neighborhood.
Annie is up in here? Whatup, Honie? Oh? Nothing?
Answer? What you got? Mylove? Roddy Roddy Ridgy Hey,
Roddy Ridge is getting ready to drophis album, The Navy Album. We
don't have a release dy yet,but we got a pre or we got
some new music. This one iscalled nine one one What Jamie ye nye

one by god on like that,like that put Up, put Up Friday,
and the video is out for TooBig. It's so good. But
when we had him in the neighborhood, we even listened to this song with
him. He gave us a previewand he told us what makes it so

special? It's a special record withnine one one. This is actually the
first record that I'm doing with thirtyRock did the Box. It's the first
record since the Box that we're doinga record together. Is it crazy to
go in because you know, youhave a formula with someone and it's like,
ah, damn, we you know, not that we're trying to recreate
that, but we got something sogood, you know. It's a crazy

story. Yeah, it's a longstrike. I can't give it all right
now. But he's a special dudeand that's gonna be That's a good moment,
good moment, good moment to have. This could have happened already.
Why is it happening now? Yeah? Growth, Yeah, being able to
be in in the room and anexperiment and fellowship, you know what I
mean. Learning outside of music.We got a lot of success, so

you would think that that's where ourmind would be. But it's learning people
outside and you make the best music. You know when people say are we
back outside? We back outside?But for real life, we are back
outside, you know what I'm saying. And we're right here. Man,
the sun is here, the summer'shere. Was that intentional, like,
man, this is what I wantthis to feel like, temple Wise and

everything? Though it just feel itjust feeled that way. Yeah, I
feel yeah, and we need thisman. I just got a Cadillac that's
done, you know what I'm sayinghim For the summer, I got me
a seventy eight Broil And this isone of those where it's like, oh
yeah, we need to answer lottemple Wise and everything. Bro. Roddy
makes great music. He makes greatmusic, man. And it's crazy because

you can feel that he's in adifferent space, not a space like,
man, what is he making orit's gonna be a different Roddy, but
there's just a different kind of appreciation. Yeah, he's so grateful, he
kept saying in the interview, likeit's all about being grateful and humble.
I thought that was so dope.This one go platinum. Yeah, I
thought he's like no, no,no, But shout out to Roddy rich
Man. You can find that entireinterview at Radio big Boy dot COM's right

there for Big Boy TV, ourYouTube channel, and as you're watching,
hit the subscribe button as well.Y'all, do continue to hang out with
us Big Boy's Neighborhood. You're checkingout another full show episode podcast of Big
Boys Neighborhood, Big Boy Neighborhood.Annie is up in here? What up,
Honie? Oh? Nothing? Understandwhat you got my love? Can't
you come on down? Hello.Everyone's still talking about the pop up and

when it can pop out and whenit comes out to a lot of people
being out there. Roddy rich wasone of the people who were there,
but when he was in the neighborhood, he told us that he almost didn't
make it, but he had tocancel some stuff. You could have been
anywhere in the world, but wemade sure we were there. And you
say you cancel Paris, Yeah,Paris fashion Week we canceled. Oh shoot,
like yeah, fashion week is big. You know, we just had
plans and I had talked to Doc. I'm like, like, man,

I spent a lot of money inParis already, Like you know, I
get it. If you gotta dowhat you gotta do. And I sat
on it for a couple of days. I'm like, man, I can't
I can't miss this. I'm like, I can't miss this. That's Roddy
rich in Paris. Come on,that's fashion Week, that's you know,
that's my bread, that's my time, that that's my shine, right right.
But for you, that's probably notgiving us. There's probably not too

many things you would have said.It's bigger than us. Man. It's
a blessing to just see everybody,you know, and you know, you
know, just with everybody from thedifferent community of these just being together and
being able to fellowship together even outsideof the stage, just backstage, you
know what I mean, being ableto shake hands, just see everybody.
It's just something you couldn't pay forit, something you couldn't never recreate.
You know. It's never gonna bea moment like that ever. Again,

It's crazy because they all say thesame thing, and not just the artist.
Man. I was at Yeat concertlast night with my son, right
and even at Yeat concert people werecoming up talking about the pop out Yeah,
oh I saw you there or Iwas there, Yeah, Like that
is a conversation thing you know whatI'm saying. I got more people talking

to me about the pop out,you know, and I'm talking about now
still then the debate that happened.Yeah, I didn't even know what was
going on that and Kendrick yesterday.Yeah. So it's crazy, man,
And I think that's gonna still bea lot of conversation. And you can
find that entire interview with Rodny Rich'sright there at radiobigboy dot com. Big
Boy TV is our YouTube channel.As you're watching hit that subscribe button,

y'all continue to hang out with usin the neighborhood Big Boys neighborhood hadies.
You're finding a big Boy from BigBoy's neighborhood on iHeart Radio. Here's another
in case you missed the moment withus. Back up, been here with
our good friend haysusuppvid up in here. You're in your pop show. Relationship
is still good. Gotta call himsee how he's doing. Do they make

it over a lot? Yeah?He goes over there, back and forth,
back again. Man. Yeah,the work. Oh, Mexico he
has money and here he's poor.That's that's like Mexico. He enjoys himself
and posting on Facebook, Like he'slike, what ten bucks over there?
Come back? Oh? Head tostruggle is real on Facebook. Well,

he tries to have a face.He has like a hitting account. I
know he does because you'll bring upstuff like cheezement from like Mexico and I'm
like, how do you know that? He just posted that? And then
I don't know how, but Ijust have feelings. Thank you for listening.
You're pining a big boy Big Boysneighborhood. You can ca it's more
of us right here on iHeartRadio,Big Boys Neighborhood. We have a lot

of winners when it comes to theneighborhood. Man. So this one right
here, this phone tap is ourwinners mashup and listeners man giving away prizes,
experiences. Man, we love doingthat. But also there's sometimes when
you got a phone tap them aswell. Yea, you know they so
that way they win a phone tap. So here's a few of men a
mashup right here, Big Boys Neighborhood, to make it all stick. Got

what happened? You're flagged. That'swhat we call a prize pig. And
they say you won four times inthe last sixty days. No way fraud,
say it was fraud. But Ido have the four tickets to the
glow right and the two free moonBounce adventures. Are you being serious?
This is all me. You cancall directly, just ask for Luther Loofe.
Oh my god, got you couldbe responsible for the five hundred thousand.

So Jason was just telling me hedon't want it to make it seem
like you're off the hook. Butdo you have a lawyer? Don't you
got my stomach and not right now? No, I totally understand. Man.
You listen to us in the Neighborhoodright? Oh yeah, definitely a
course, Thank you. Man.What's your favorite part of the show?
Oh man, you know the phonetaps? This is a phone tap?
Awesome? Have yourself a great today? All right? Yeah, big boy,

what's your premous name? Fol Goahead, girl, I'm really sorry
that I need this money, Erica, how long have you been listening to
the Neighborhood. I've been listening toLonald. I was listening to Big when
he was doing the afternoons before theMorning show. Oh my god, we're
even said, how are you familiarwith a segment that we do call phone
taps? Oh my god, yeah, that's Nathalia that you arguing with I

was putting jeans and comes down thereso down. I don't want to hurt
your feelings, Big Boy, keepit real, calling and give him some
the way that ain't really freeze.When the person called back to say let
me have your credit card from me, he's on her dowt you click,
Kimy, you know we just youright. You will be in the Kenjick

Lamar sweet Party. I gotta gobuy my sign on everything. So Kendrick
knows this up. I heard thathe destiny. It wasn't a phone tap.
You really didn't win. I justwanted to make a promo because I
need a new phone tap for ittomorrow, Big Boy. So I'm gonna
tell you how I am like,Please don't do this. Big Boys Neighborhood

on Demand For more, subscribe toour YouTube channel, big Boy TV and
check out Radio big Boy dot ComBig Boy Neighborhood. Louis G is up
in here. What I y Ghas some great news for his fans.
Man the knock a man him manlike this one right here, right man

YG for this one man? What'sgoing down with ye my brother? And
so he just announced that he's teamingup with the one and only super producer
not like US producer Mustard Bro.Yeah, Man back in the game.
I love it. Man. Forthose who are y G fans, he
has a whole you know, uhseries y G. Yeah exactly, Dog.
He has a series called just ReadUp and he had read up one,

read up to now he's about todrop read Up three back with Mustard
in the lab and this was readup to the intro, I man,
I mean with Dad, tell themwhere you from? And then boom,

go ahead and down what are youfrom from? Bompting Dog. That goes
into that, Bro, And thatwas a great, great just read up
to a great mixtape. This isgonna be a full album, I think.
And I just love the energy ofwhat's happening right now. Yeah,
And you know, there's a lotof attention being paid. There's a lot
of camaraderie, you know what I'msaying. It just feels good with what's
happening right here. And and youcan tell that these things are already into

work, but the attention is different, right Yeah. We already know the
relationship both of them have and howmany hits and bangers gone and stuff like
that. But I can only imagineright now with Mustard being on a super
high right now, Oh yeah,being in the lab and like, oh
that chemistry, Yeah, we're gonnaget You can't wait to hear the album,
man, because Knaka came at mefrom nowhere. YG was like,

Man, that Knacka is just that, and I can and I love what
YG did with his voice on Knacka. Yeah, it's pretty dumb, man,
man. So I can't wait tillthe entire work body of work you
must have been on there. Feelme, y'all, stick around, y'all.
Radio is Big Boys. This isBig Boy on Demand, Big Boy's
Neighborhood, Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. Honie is up in here, whatever,
Honie, what a big Oh that'swhat you got on Big I have

a regret from Kendrick Mar's PopOut showand I feel like we could all relate
to this. But when I wasgoing into the show, some guy came
in. He was like, Hey, do you want to buy this bootleg
merch And I was like, no, I'll see you out there like that.
He didn't. He's like, I'llgive it to you half off,
right, Hey, you want tobuy his bootleg merch. I never heard
him say you want to boot leg, but he's like, do you want
to buy it? He said anotherword. I was like, I'm known
for that, so I will beback for you. And then he's like,
it's half off right now. GetI was like, no, I'll

come back, thinking it's gonna becheaper. Got out. All the merch
was sold out, all the officialmerch everything. But what's really dope now
is that Kendrick Lamar on his website. He put all the merch back on
there, although some of the stuffis already sold out, like the chucks
are sold out, there's a shirtthat sold out, but the sweater is
up there. Yeah. I sleptthat night too, Honie. I wish
I would have grabbed something from thatnight. I know I can go online
now and grab it, but Iwish I would have grabbed something that night

too, and just take a pictureright there and everything, big, one
of them hot dogs on the waybig. That conture was so epic,
like this is just a piece ofthat man, I'm getting tell him bund

like people coming amen, bad night. I knew that we were witnessing history,
man. Yeah. Yeah, Andthe way that he just kept going
back into it. I was like, oh, he's killing And the one
thing with with that as well,man, is that you could really hear
his vocals. Every time he carriedhe kept his energy up and he did

his vocals. Man, I lovethat. And what was no but one
part right before he got into thatversion, because he did the song five
times. Yeah, he at onepoint started the song again. He didn't
say it at all. He wasjust like standing there. Everyone in the
crowd was singing a word for word. You could hear the crowd even in
the street. It was amazing,man. So and then big there was
another part that I really liked,and a lot of people I talked to
keep talking about this part. Butit's when doctor Dre came out. When

Dre officially, when he came outand Dre performed, I didn't I didn't
know that they were going to goright into not like us, you know
what I'm saying. You know,Drake got off that stage though, was
like, man, y'all have thisstage. Everybody started coming up there.
Man, he was such a legendarynight. So the fact that he is
selling all his merch again on thewebsite. But one thing I do have

to say when you go to thewebsite. At first, I was like,
wait, where is the merch.It's kind of a little different.
So when you go to the website, make sure you hit the top right
hand corner and that's where the merchis gonna be. Don't get confused like
that. Hey man, I noticeda lady named Sopa. She lived in
Istanbul. She hit me yesterday shesaid, Oh I saw you on stage
with Kendrick. Oh my god.Yeah. That that just show you right

there, man, you go herenow, I love it. You continue
to hang out with his man BigBoy Neighborhood Big Boys Neighborhood on demand,
Full show episodes posted daily. Subscribeto our YouTube channel, big Boy Tv.
For more. Check out Radio bigBoy dot com. Big Boy Neighborhood.
Phone Tap on the Teen's time,Little Mini Houdini right here just for
Luther wants to perform his uh magicshow at a retirement home. Now the

show is for you know, uhsenior citizens living there and it's a specialty
of illusions. Slante. It's magic. It's going to get it to your
phone. Tap on the t's righthere, Big Boys Neighborhood to make it

all stick. I was calling aroundbecause I was just wondering if there's a
way that I could come down andentertain the people at your retirement home.
Because I specialize in close up magic. Very good. I could take a

quarter from you, rolling around inmy hands, cock back and pitching,
and throw it right into a lady'seye that's in front, that would go
straight through her eye, out theback of her head, go around the
room, hit one wall, hitthe other wall, bank back, and
fall into my front pocket and noteven bend a pin. Thank you so
much. That's magic. Oh interesting. I can make someone in the audience
dentures red, white and blue.Yes, that's great. I can say,

okay, turn on current. Ican walk past someone there that's on
an electrical IV and I have thisElectrica key in my body and I can
have their IV shut off just likethat. Wow, it's magic. I
think that's exceptional. I did thisone trick where I got pressed because I
actually had my breathing stop for thirtyseven minutes. Phenomenal. I did a

show where it was a captive audienceof thirty six people where I took off
my leg and I threw it sevenrows into the audience. Wow, okay,
well you have got me convinced.Brother. Now I can come into
your activity center, of course wearingblack, because that's so magical. My
assistants come over to me, Aishaand Krashanda, and they put up a
veil all around me. Three secondslater, boom, I disappear and there

is a billboard where I'm lying therein silk boxers. Okay. Now my
show is called Luther Mini Hudini louFei presents. It's magic. Of course,
there's certain things that I have toset up in the room because you
understand that magic is just an illusion. Boom, It's magic. Eighties.

You're find a big boy from BigBoys Neighborhood on iHeartRadio. We have the
most fun on your radio. Hey, susup, hove it up in here.
Hey man, you say, y'allgrew up and I grew up different,
But you and your girl different.Like, what's what's the difference.
Well, the hugs she got,the confidence her mom gave her. My
girl told me, she said,yeah, we never said I love you.

My girl said was like, wewere I love you family, I
love you, I love you.She's like, yeah, we didn't really
say that. Yeah, damn yeah, exactly like her mom just gave her
confidence, like tells her like,well, just because you're the best,
and I'm like the best. Mydad still brings up to the stuff that
I did in kindergarten. He stillcan't get over. He's like, hey,
the best. He couldn't even spelldug. Thank you for listening.

It is your find the Big Boy, Big Boy's neighborhood. You could catch
more of us right here on iHeartRadio, Big Wood Neighborhood. Annie is up
in here, what Honie, Oh, nothing understood? What you got?
My love? I know what Jaycalls up too big. Everyone's been wondering
ever since Kendricks pop out happened.You know, him and Drake have been
going at each other. But Jakewhole kind of step back after he apologized.
You didn't really hear much from him, but you did hear spottings.

She was at the beach. Afan saw him. He was probably sitting
there on the rocks, like reminiscingabout things. And then they saw him
at a Tesla shop and he probablywas getting that car so he could drive
around and like, let me getmy thoughts real quick and think about my
friends. And then Big he wasmaking it up and like his biggest fan,
like, I know you guys,I know this. But recently he
was seen on a bike again.He loves doing this in New York.
He'll just get on a bike andhe'll start biking. Sometimes fans don'team.

Sometimes they don't. But recently whenthey did notice me, he actually stopped.
Did he stop? Is everybody gatheredaround him? He stopped. He
even like stopped his bike. Heput his leg down. Everyone is around

and doing a selfie like, look, who's hide me? It was just
so cool to see him out.Yeah, Yea's like right now, Big,
you know it's crazy that people say, oh, it's so cool to
see him out, Like you didn'tsee j Cole out a lot anyway,
except kind of like that, youknow what I'm saying. I don't think
Ja Cole went into hiding. JCole was just doing Jacob. It was.
But the thing is that we wereseeing him a lot recently because he
had just gone on tray. Hewas on tour with Drake when all of

this secreally was happening. Right beforethat, he was on another too,
so it was like we were gettinga lot of J Cole. He told
us the Ball off is coming,which he's still working on. But we
did get some new music from JCole recently, and this was on Thame's
album called three Ball What's So DopeToxic? Who would have thought was coming
with a plot to us soon asyou let me start for the locksmith?

Now the key I once had inyour heart is not fit. I got
three choices. Bat on your dogor lock pick or walk away confused?
That's your logic, back of mycrib, cleaning your clothes and your shoes
out in the closet thinking something issupposed to be. That almost sounds like
he sent them vocals and they movedthe vocals around. Yeah, like just
like the mix of it and thebuild of it. Yeah, it doesn't
sound like he was totally rapping overthat. To me, I don't know

if I can listen to that now. Yeah, we don't do it right
now. Believe that we shout outto J Cole, But there's been a
J Cole siding y'all. Stick around, y'all radios, Big Boy Neighbors.
You're inside Big Boy's Neighborhood. Fullshow episode podcast, Big Boy Neighborhood beautful
day in the neighborhood. Man,Luis gi is up in here with a
lou dog. I'll tell you thismuch. There's two pissed off people in
space right now. Bro, Man, it's two astronauts. Oh no,

two astronauts are staying at the InternationalSpace Station longer than they've planned while engineers
work out some issues with their BoeingStarliner capsule. This as NASA scrubs today's
space walk due to a space suitCoolently, Hey, man, they are
stuck in space. They are engineers. Dude. Have you ever been ready

to come home from somewhere and somethingprohibits you from coming back? That's bad
enough, man. When you say, oh, you know what, man,
the bus broke down, we gottawait or such and such our flight
got canceled. We have to waitthat. Those those are things where I
couldn't imagine being stuck in space.Even at the airport. We've missed flights,
or you go to Vegas whatever,and then you say, you know,
put me on the next one.There is no next spaceship. You

know what I'm saying. Like you'rewaiting man, and Annie you were saying
you would love this. I wasjust like did you do okay the Milky
Way that way? How much timedo you think I have to make it?
Man, you're not not up thereon TikTok. All the things that
you do right here may not beavailable for you in space. But think
about everything that I'll never see thatagain. I have to But you've been

looking at it for the longest andnow you're forced to stay there. I
would, man, I'd be like, man, yeah, And it's not
like I could just call Louis you. I could just say, hey,
man, come pick me up.Bro, my car is not gonna be
ready. They say it until tomorrow, even when your carging rady. You
know what I'm saying. Have youever dropped your car off and had to
wait for your car to be doneor something like that? Yeah, you

have somebody call and pick you up. Yeah, you have no friends to
come over and hang out with.Damn man, like you could just eat
a great meals like you could justif you were in space, you would
have missd to pop out. Iknow that you wouldn't have seen it man,
street that they don't have that AmazonPrime up there. Yeah, yeah,
man, I would freak out ifI was an astronaut. Bro,
Like, if I was up therein space, just anything that moved or
anything that I saw flying by,like, I would really freaking. I

would freak out if you were anastron I don't think I could. All
right, how did he get upthere? I think there's a height limit.
I don't even think I could bethere, looking at all the strip
clothed, those dots are down there. I don't think there's a height limit
because technically you're just floating up there, so I could reach things that are
out there because I could just jumpup right and just like float and then

touch things. Like. You don'thave to be tall, yeah, really,
it says you have to be aminimum height of five ft two inches.
Man. You just made it in. Let's go. You just made
it in. Man. There's gottabe better places to be stuck and other
than space. Man. So we'retalking to some of our listeners as well,
man, and I know there's otherplaces I'd rather be stuck in.

Just stick around, y'all. RadiosBig Boys Neighborhood. Big Boys Neighborhood on
demand, full show episodes posted daily. Subscribe to our YouTube channel Big Boy
Tv for more. Check out RadioBig boy dot com, Big Boys neighborhood.
All right now, Luigi was speakingabout how astronauts at the International Space
saying, because they are stuck inspace, already stuck in space, they

got to wait for like engineers tobring them back, so they're stuck in
space. We're just saying, man, there's gotta be better places to be
stuck in than space. Yes,our neighbor Joseph gave us a great example.
I think I agree where I wouldwant to get stuck at. I
think the best place to be stuckat would probably be like a Costco.
Man, just because you got everythingyou need there. There's pallets of food,

uh you know, freezers full offood, pallets of water, a
bunch of free beer, free alcohol. I mean it's all there for you.
You got TVs, you got amattress, stuff to shower with.
I mean, you can't go wrongwith Costco man. I think Costco is
a way to go. Hey man, that is great because that that is

a real one Costco. Costco.I could definitely do Costco. Could you
do Costco? Honi? Okay?I know, because you were talking about
how you want to be stuck inspace, you know what I'm saying,
man, Costco, he broke itdown, man, Costco. Costco has
everything, And that's one of thosespots when they come to pick you up.
You're like, man, what youdoing here? You said a little

basic? Nah man, because yougotta think, and that's your thing,
but you gotta think how he saidthis food? Then you can just go
over grab a microwave because that you'reeating. Man, everything is in there,
you know they have like they haveseasonal stuff. I just go grab
me a sectional, sit down onthat or grab a mattress. Man.
I could definitely stay in there.Our list, our friend, our neighbor

Breedge, she had a whole differentdifferent I would probably like to be stuck
at Louis Baton. Workers in there, and then I can leave with all
the bags I don't want. Yeah, what if you couldn't leave with anything?
You like Louis Baton? If theysaid you can leave with whatever?
Yeah, but what am I gonnado? I'm gonna go to the employees

kitchen and grab a half of asandwich. Yeah, Man, it depends
on where you at the value.You know what I'm saying? The value
certain things? Man, Like Ican give you a bag of diamonds right
right here while we're sitting here,and you'd be like, oh, man,
this bag of diamonds. But ifwe were stuck in the in the
desert and I handed you a bagof diamonds, you'd be like, what

am I gonna do with it?What if I handed your bag of oranges?
It'd be totally different, you knowwhat I'm saying. It depends on
where you are in the circumstances.Man, Like if I got stuck in
Louis Vatan, I'll be like,Man, get me out of here.
Costco you can leave. But I'ma Costco guy. Yeah, even if
I didn't have to leave with anything, I'll be finding Costco. Whereould you
want to be stuck at? DavidBuster's bro got beer? You got TV?

Yeah? Man, cool restrooms.You know what I'm saying. Believe
that y'all stick around, y'all RadiosBig Boys neighborhood. Big Boy has left
the building.

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