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July 5, 2021 • 14 mins

It's a podcast playback on this episode of the Cody Cast podcast, with the ultimate BS'er - Blake Shelton. Listen in as the "Minimum Wage" singer dishes on all things The Voice, Dan + Shay, and reveals a new album is on the way!

PLUS: Why is Blake trying to recruit Cody to leave radio and join his management team?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Podcasting from Welcome to Cody Allen's podcasts. Yo, it's Blake.
How do you well. I'm just sitting around my house.
I was, I know, West was trying desperately to FaceTime
so you can see my double chin right now. I'm
missing that. Yeah, it's a site zoom. You know, all

these facetimes we do now, all this virtual stuff, I
mean they usually have a little bit of a filter.
Do you use the filter? By the way on there?
I feel like you might know that about the filter.
I didn't know. I didn't know about the FaceTime filter
until I saw that uh cliff the other day where
the attorney had accidentally had the kitten on. I didn't
even know that was a thing. That's that's pretty damn funny.

I'm gonna start using it though. Yeah, if you just
want to change your face and then the one that
like will smooth you over. I mean, I'm sure you
get this treatment at the voice all the time where
they'll just make everything look perfect. Sadly, we still do
it the old fashioned way with a fat up for me,
So speaking to makeup, I saw Luke Brian in that
underwear commercial for Over the weekend. I guess he was

on during the Super Bowl, like your commercial does the
thought of Luke Brian in underwear? Does it disgust you?
Or is that just me? Well, it is disgusting, but
it's not surprising. I mean, Luke is one of those
guys that he just seems like the kind of guy
that probably walks around and he's underwear, you know, all
day at his house, like with with peace stains on it,

and then he saw He just seems like that kind
of guy. Doesn't he like it? If he doesn't have
to put clothes on, he probably doesn't. It's true. And
his wife is in the commercial with him. She's lovely Caroline.
Caroline now Caroline and her underwear. It does not sound
as disgusting to me. That's just me though, That's just me.

I'm gay and it sounds better to me. I mean,
Caroline and I love it. Uh. Let's see here, twenty
years a go. Um. A lot of people don't know.
I found you uh in Fort Worth, Texas. Scraped you
off the sidewalk there, brought you to a I think
a blockbuster music where you played Austin with your mullet

for a bunch of Texans. Do you remember that day.
By the way, No, I don't remember. Here's what I remember.
I don't remember that day, just so you know, as
long as we're being honest with each other. But what
I do remember is I didn't remember the first time
I met you, but even before I believe it was
before I ever even met you. This was back when

I still had, like, you know, a O L dial
up internet. I think I've told you this story before,
but you used to host a top twenty show in Dallas,
Texas at the Radioation and it was the Texas Hot
twenty or Texas I don't remember what you called it,
but it was something like that. And I and I

had found out through a friend that lived in Dallas,
Jason Gray called me some and they are playing your
song in Dallas. And not only that, but you've made
it onto the countdown. It's like a daily countdown count
And I figured out how to get on America Online
and listen to the audio of you doing your countdown.

Uh and and like every every day or every I
can't remember it wasn't it was it a daily countdown? Yeah?
And so you would would you vote them for yourself
on the on the countdown? Maybe maybe doing whatever I
could just survive, man. I was trying to make man voted.
And then the song became like a huge, gigantic hit
there in Texas, and then all of a sudden the

country Austin was my first number one. Yes and you
know so, so I took the long route around to
say yes, in fact, you did starting my career. I
will never forget though the blockbuster music there in Hearst.
I believe right there were at the mixed master where
the highways meet, and I'll never forget you standing there
and singing for I Don't. There were fifty people packed

in there and you just belted it out. Man. So
I've always known you've had it so and here you are,
twenty years later, still making giant hits like minimum Wage.
First of all, I love this song. It hits me
right when the first chord bound it don't don't but
don't bo. And I heard it and I thought, that
is like an opening song and a concert. That is

that's a mood that you could actually probably be, Cody,
You would actually be good on mine, like management team
and and some of that, because that's exactly that's how
we think too, Because it's like, Wow, you know this
song will be great to open concerts with on by
the way Back. You know, you don't have very many tempos,
and that's another, yet another reason this should be a single.

That's that's literally has some of the conversations go. You know,
it's like, how does this fit into the concert? You know,
if it it would be a great opener because it's
got a long drug out intro. You know, well, I
don't know where this radio radio thing or CMT is going,
so if you need me, let's just talk off a
line and see if there's some opportunities. You got it? Yeah, sorry,

go back to a new story though, benimum Wage. Yes,
opening concerts, there was a there was a point where
Scott Hendrix actually said, he goes, maybe we should think about,
you know, editing that intro and making it half as
long because you know radio stations they won't it's too long.
You know, I go, man, they can talk over with
the weather, don't intro. What are you talking about? That

intro is gold? Yes, I love that intro. It does
give us plenty of time to talk. We've got a
lot to say on radio and sometimes it's good to
fit it over the intro and I love to hit
like a post, like right when you start singing like
the Wolf, It's it's just right up to the last middlese.
It's magic, it really is. So did this strike you

not only a great concert song, but the message of
the song when you first heard it, like, Okay, this
is this is what I could do? Yeah, Dad, you
know I didn't. I didn't think that hard about about
the message of the song. Honestly, it's it's it's just
such a fun lyric and and uh, you know, of
course there's always it seems like there's always a dust
up these days, no matter what. But you know, the

message of this song is just basically, you know, the
you know, not having a lot of money it sucks,
but if you got love then that's sure. It makes
things a lot easier in life, you know. And and
I just loved it. It was a it was an
upbeat message, and it was an up tempo song, and
I just think it's a blast. It's not it's definitely

not not brain surgery. It's just a classic country theme,
you know that. I was proud to record a lot
of people overthink things these days, I'm finding and uh,
I think a little bit. I mean, there's a little
bit of that going on. Um, what was the worst
minimum wage job you ever worked? I'm guessing it was
as a teen or maybe first moving to Nashville or something. Uh,

the first minimum wage job I had. And I'm not
even sure I'm gonna tell you the truth. I may
not have even made minimum wage. I'm gonna ask because
I roofed houses for for two for two years, and uh,
and I was and I was a pretty crappy roofer
and and only what they found out is, why don't

we just have this kid tear off the roofs and
then we'll go in behind him. And so I ended
up being like the fast guy who could tear off
a roof really quick. I was almost like the the them,
the demolition guy, you know, and I cleaned up the
mess and and uh and I don't think I even
made minimum wage. I need to find out, because I
probably made, you know, five six dollars an hour. I was,

you know, probably eighteen years old at the time, and
and uh, they I was probably not even making minimum wage,
to be honest, And now how much are you making
I've gotten a raise, then, Uh, yeah, I don't know.
I have to look it up. I think there's one
of those uh net worth dot com sites. I'll look

on there and see see what I'm worth these days.
It has been ten years at the voice of picking
up that paycheck um, which secretly I feel like watching
last season without Adam Levine, like I feel like you
secretly do miss Adam a little bit. I do miss Adam.
I'm not even gonna I'm not gonna make a crack
about it. And and here's why I miss and those

because I still have to talk to the guy twice
a week every week. I mean that he hasn't you know,
you would think that you know him leaving the show,
that he would he would do me the solid and
just get out of my life. But but he doesn't.
He's still He's still it's constantly texting and FaceTime. And
then we shot this commercial, you know, a few weeks ago,

and so he's still alive. But I missed him on
the show because if he's still gonna be in my life,
I at least I would like the opportunity to make
fun of him on on a national television platform, you know.
And it was Adam Levine is one of the easiest
human beings. You can just look. It's so easy to
to set him off. You know, he's looked. He has

such a short fuse and and I missed that. I
do miss that on the show because these other coaches,
you know, they they're they're better at keeping it together
and not losing their mind on television like he would.
Who's your favorite to compete against? I mean, is it
the the the easy kill or not? Uh? The other

coaches to compete against? You know, who's your favorite to
compete against? Like it? Nick Jonas seems like he's kind
of a lightweight. Yeah, you know, Nick's so he stays
so cool. I mean, he's almost robotic, and you can't really,
you can't really rile that guy up. I think because
he was he's been a star since he was born. Basically,
he's pretty much seen it all now. Now Kelly Clarkson,

she's she's probably my favorite to compete against because and
even John Legend, it's hard, it's really hard to rattle
that guy. He's just so calm. We were convinced for
the first few seasons, Uh that John must just be
high the whole time that he on the show, because
he's so chilled and just so laid back and just

just grant on his face and so like that. Nobody
feels like that all the time, naturally, but it turns
out I guess, I guess he's not. But but Kelly Kelly.
I can get under Kelly's skin. If it's more work,
but I can do it. And I enjoy that. DNN
Shade will be battle advisors on this upcoming season. Um

you always choose people with amazing hair. I've noticed as
your advisors on the team. Uh men, you have great
hair as well, Blake. Um So why I noticed these
things because I have none. So it's just, you know,
I live vicariously through what um So, why did you
pick up d N and Shade? Well, you know, I've
known those kids since they you know, since they started,

which I guess now that I say that lad probably
hasn't been that long ago. But I took him out
on tour with me and uh Man, I want to
say two thousand thirteen or two thousand fourteen, and and
they were just I think they had just had one
single out at the time, and and and uh you
know that was it was. They did the the opening

slot on the tour, and I and I and if
I'm remembering right, I brought Neil McCoy out, I brought
the band, the band Perry were out there, and and
it was just it was an odd combination of people
to begin with, you know. And and when you have
that many artists out on tour with you, you want
to you want to spend some time and get to
know him. And and I tell you what I mean,

you know, we all we all of you know, Dan
and Shade, but let's face it, Shay is one of
the funniest human beings I have I've ever met in
my life. And you know, I just he's he's one
of the he's he's so funny. He's got to with
and and so we've stayed in touch over the years,

and and and Dan also, but uh, you know, especially she,
you know, he he's that kind of guy to wake
up in the morning and and text you something that
you're you'll be laughing about for the next eight hours.
But uh, I so obviously I wanted I've actually wanted
to have those guys as as my mentors the last
few seasons. And they just, you know, they're so they've

they've just gotten so down popular that you know, That's
the other thing is like, you know, oh, now, after
I gave you guys this opportunity to open on tour
and be in front of you know, hundreds of people
that I pack in, Uh, thank you, you got that.
Thank you, They couldn't pay me back, you know, to

be on be mentors for me on the voice. So
I finally was able to guilt them and say, all right,
I'll see how it is now. And so now that
we're in a world pandemic and they don't have much
else to do, they finally found the time to to
be my mentors. Love it, um, real quick before I
let you go. For all the Blake fans who love
the music, what can you say about new music this year?

I know the minimum wages that the lead a single
from an album or what where are we at on that?
I guess technically Happy Anywhere was the leadoff single album
because we found it hasn't found a home yet uh
so uh and and neither as a minimum wage. Honestly,
so I guess by the time we put out an album,

and we'll put one out this year. Uh. You know,
I've was always the first one to say I don't
know if I'm ever gonna put out an album again,
And because I don't know how much longer those things
live on, you know, but as long as people are
buying on the of course, you know. Uh, and so
we'll put out an album this year. I I just
I like the idea of releasing a few singles and

and this day and age, you know, when somebody goes
in to buy an album, I like for there to
be you know, several familiar songs on there already, so
they feel like they're getting, you know, their money's worth
out of it. And and uh so I wanted to
just wait until we had two or three singles was
out there before we before we put the album out,

so they'll have some things on there that they already know.
We'll bring it. Blake, thank you for the time. I
know you've got a busy day, a lot of people
up pulling at you, so thanks for making time for me.
I love you, Cody Allen, I miss you. I love you,
Blake Shell to take care tell Gwenna said hi, thanks
many thanks for listening to Cody cast. Follow Cody right

now at Cody Allen on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Care
Cody on hundreds of radio stations every day, and watch
Cody on Hot twenty this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, and
n m e's Central on CMT. Bye for now,
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