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October 4, 2021 16 mins

Caylee Hammack gets down and dirty on this Cody Cast podcast to talk to Cody Alan about everything from swinging hammers and Halloween to Chris Stapleton and life on the road.

Listen in to hear the special moment where Caylee comes unhinged after Cody reveals the secret behind how Luke Bryan picks his openers. She’s stunned by the compliment and responds by sharing the secret skill that Luke Bryan taught her while out on his “Proud To Be Right Here Tour.”

PLUS: The topic of T-shirt cannons come up, and Cody wants to live out his lifelong dream. Caylee wants to help! Listen now to find out what it is!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is Cody Ellen's podcast. This is Cody Cast. Always
love to help you discover the new artists on the scene.
Kyley Hammock one of our next Women of Country at CMT.
We've known Kayley for a couple of years. She's really
got a powerful voice. Recently on tour with Luke Brian,
if you went to the Proud to Be Right Here tour,

you saw Kayley on stage just dazzling the crowd as
she always does, just phenomenal stage presence. She is touring
right now with Chris Stapleton. If you missed her over
the summer with Luke Brian. Hello, Cody Allen, this is Kaylee.
Are you. I'm so good, Thank you for calling. I'm
so sorry. I'm late. I've got an idea in my

head and I started writing it down and I let
the voice memo keep going, and then I was like,
what time am I? Oh? Yeah, like um working on
my stuff here. I forgot you were calling. And then
I was like, oh, is that a SPA number or
who is this? Well it might still be a spam number.
I might try to sell you something at the end
of it. Who knows potential spam. It's a hard time

to be an artist. Gotta do some sad jobs. How
are you doing anyway? I'm doing good. I'm doing good.
I Um, I've just been writing a bunch. I've been
working on my house. Right now, I'm I'm putting up
joint tape in the corners of my dressing room. My
living room is my dressing room. It's a fabulous life,

such a hard life that someone's got to live it.
I guess what is joint tape is that it's honestly,
don't really know how to explain it other than it's
like a thick type of paper that you use in
the joints in the house, like all the corners or
sheet rock meats. Um. This guy, I mean he other
than his fascination and obsession with um that spray glue,

what is it? That spray installation phone, I mean that
is like a decorative touch in this house I'm trying
to change. But other than that joint tape that seems
to be the bane of Mike this And it's just
a lot of puttying it, you know, down with some
joint compound and and then you just sand it and
then you do it again, and you do it again

and I'm kind of learning what hell would be like.
I guess what, how did you check yourself into this mess?
I mean, you bought the house and it was a
fixer upper. Yes, this I found this house in December
when I was off the road and it was just
a fluke of a situation. I would normally scroll Zello
at night, and I saw this house and it was
the first house I ever called my realtor about, and

I said, I gotta go see it. And it was
the funniest thing, Cody. I went through this house with
an its factor and the realtor and everything, and they
said They're like, oh wow, look at look at this door.
And I'd go, oh my god, look at this dore
and pretty much everything that they said, I would say
the exact same thing, but with a different connotation and attitude.

And uh. Anyways, my dad looked around and my dad
pretty much built rebuilt our house. Our ancestors the build
it a long time ago, and he rebuilt it by hand.
And anyways, he looked around the house and he just
kind of chuckled and he was like, you are my child.
We do like challenges, don't we. But the thing is,
it has such a great energy, and everyone I bring
here to write, they just they feel creative and everyone

wants to come back and write. So my plan is
to live in the mess and live in the mayhem,
but create this to be a studio one day and
have it so that this is a creative compound pretty
much and have everybody out have this as a full
blown studio and just share it with other creatives. I
guess what year was the house built. It was built
in eighty four log cabin But yeah, this guy, it's

like one room. He couldn't decide what he wanted to
the next room and made it a little different. I
just really wish he was better at sheat rocking. That
would have made my life a little better. What is
the one thing you've redone in the house? You're like,
you're most proud of that? Actually, uh, you've completed oh
my kitchen. Probably I redid all of the cabinets, all

the hardware, rewired the kitchen, my to a new one. Uh,
put up a range hood. I've got a lot to
do still, I feel like, but as far as the house,
that is the most completed room. And it's my poor roommate,
which is my best friend. She moved into this house
with me because she was like, this is a big
undergoing and I'm okay coming and helping. So uh. At

one point I heard her on the phone talking to
one of our other friends and she goes, yeah, I've
just kind of accepted the fact that I'm going to
go to sleep listening to her sands something I've kind
of gotten used to it. It's like white noise. I
think I need to keep your number handy, Kayley, in
case I have some home improvement you know, things that
I feel like you could tackle anything. It sounds like

I absolutely love home improvement stuff. I feel like I'm
getting to know myself through this house. But I also
have a rule that if anyone comes over, Cody, I
can't wait for you to come over, because the rule
is if you hang, you gotta help, So bring a
hammer or something, or maybe if you're good at pulling weeds,
will uh have coffee in the garden and you can
help me, you know, do some upkeep The house inspired

any any music? Any songwriting? So much, I feel like
there's a song that I'm just insistent on putting on
this next album. We're about to go in the studio
and do it. It's called Bigger Houses, and I wrote
it long before I found the house, but it was
my pursuit of It was kind of the stream of
looking at these nice houses in my neighborhood that were
much nicer than my little, kind of rented, ugly little cottage.

To be completely honest, there wasn't the cutest place in
the world. And I would run past these houses and
I would just wonder, like, once you get enough square footage,
once you get a place of your own that you
can paint the walls and you can fix things yourself,
do you ever have your life together? Do you ever
does everything actually work out magically? I've realized that's a
big no. Yeah, the answer is no. But that song

kind of started this pursuit of trying to find myself
and find a new place so I can grow my
own identity. Um and yeah, I feel like there's a
lot of songs already that's gonna be on this next
album that have kind of come through the fruits in
my labor here. Yeah, I can tell well, and environment
is everything for a creative person. I found like I
I have to have a creative environment in order to

create so um that you are building that and it's
happening organically, and it's all you. It's such a beautiful
thing and it will it will bear lots of fruit.
So congratulations on all of it. Um. Last time I
saw you, it was in Nashville. You were on stage
the Luke Brian tour. A crazy night, lots of special

guests popping up there. Um, by way, does that cooler
he brings on stage does it actually have beer in it? Oh? Yeah,
sometimes we throw it out at the people, But I've
learned you gotta be careful throwing out full beers. Heads up,
You gotta really you gotta be good at aim and
at hands because they do hit heads sometimes. And I
don't know how the insurance are like, you know how

we're covered on that. I actually went to see MT
because I wanted to have them give me you buy
for me so when I go to the concert stops,
our festivals, you know all over the country that I
have a T shirt gun that would shoot T shirts
out to the crowd, a T shirt cannon. Yeah exactly,
so they would the Legal Department, VIACOM, CBS would not

approve my T shirt cannon because it is such a hazard.
You can't, like you know, pelp people with objects and
expect a major corporation like I work for to go
along with it. About this, Let's see if this maybe
this is a workaround we can do. If I have
a T shirt kid, and I bring you own stage

and I just put you on the spot, what a
shame if you'd have to use it. I think that
would work. I think that would work. To let's go
in together. We'll buy a T shirt cannon and then
I will spontaneously show up on one of your tour
stops and shoot T shirts into the crowd and and
and live my life dream that is my dress Like
Brooks and Dunne, whenever the other person was singing, the

other person at a T shirt cannon. We could be legends. Um,
what do you remember about the tour over the summer
with Luke and It? Maybe a favorite moment on stage?
Off stage? My favorite moment? I think it's a hard draw.
It's in between. Uh. It was our last show and
to celebrate me being on the tour with them and

an ending, all the guys in his band and a
lot of the crew had T shirts with my face
on it. And anyways, they came on stage and I
do this little like excerpt of Whitney Houston, and I
do this like it's the silliest little dance thing that
me and some of my guys do. Well, I guess
everyone else had picked it up, so they got on
stage and did it with us. But it's either that

or it's the same night. I dressed up like Luke.
We stood side stage and watched the show, and then
about three songs before I was supposed to go on
for all my friends say, I went back and I
was putting this outfit and I got it from Ross
and I went to get the tightest blue jeans I
could possibly by, and then I got down to the
boots and I couldn't fit the dang boots in. They
were so tight, so I was like running the stage

with half a boot on. But we pulled it off.
All of my band dressed up like his band. And
that was probably the funniest night ever, was walking onto
that stage, having one of the guys throw a beer
to me and you catch it. And by the time
I catch it, I look at Luke and I realized
he's turned around and he's looked at me, and he's
finally put together that I'm dressed exactly like. That was

a great feeling. Also, I've never hit thrust it harder
in my life. I pulled out all of his little
booty wiggler moves. Never felt more free ever. Caylor, are
you making fun of my look? Yeah? Well you think
you're doing crazy girl? How is the god that just

shocked me a little bit? I was like, oh my God,
is he there? Yeah, I've been working on my Luke
Brian impersonation a little bit here home. At first, I
thought you were going to ask what I remember from
Crash my playa two years ago. Nothing. Don't remember, Tim.
I wing to do the interview with you. I'd had
about three too many Penny Clotter. Um. I talked to

Chris Stapleton a couple of days ago. Um, let me
pick that name up. I just dropped, Oh yeah, wow,
you're not kidding. Um. So we talked about you and
how he feels like in choosing you to be on
its tour, that he would pay money to go see
you like he chooses people. Yeah. He was like, I

want people who I would want to see on stage
with me on tour, like I would pay for a
concert with Kaylee Hammock. So I thought that was an
incredibly huge compliment. Uh yeah, I'm about to go put
that in a little good book, a book of anything
that someone I love says about me, so on bad
days I can read it back. Yeah. Right, we all
have those days where it's like, Okay, I do remember

how good I actually am. Um. But nonetheless, Uh, what
a great compliment. How did um? How did it come
together that you were on tour with him? Well, it
came from spontan hypocrite. Uh, during this pandemic, Like I
really sat an album in um my first album if
it Wasn't for You in August, and um, I kind
of it was. It was kind of a bitter sweet thing.

There was a beautiful part where I got to read
on the d M s and get to like have
all this famale from people telling me how these songs
related and resonated with them, and I got to know
some of my fans more in depth. But I didn't
get to do live shows to promote it, you know,
the way I wanted to. But one beautiful thing that
happened through it all was that Chris Stapleton and Morgan
heard my music and reached out to my manager one

of their friends and said, hey, like, we love this girl,
we think this album is great. Blah blah blah. It
was just so nice, so kind about it, and I
was giddy about it because my first wish on the
entire album was I wanted Chris Stapleton to sing the
harmony part. I had written in Small Town Hypocrite that
I had a friend of mine sing on and uh,
I always thought that was a big wish that would
never come true. But one thing I've learn and Cody

is if you don't ask, you'd never know. And uh,
I mean I never thought Reverer Alan Jackson would agree
to work with me at all, and they did because
I asked, um, and you know, I gave him hundreds
and hundreds of dollars d I don't even have that
to give yet. Uh. Anyway, you know, it was a
really cool moment. Um. I remember talking on the phone

with Chris right before he went into the studio to
do it, and uh. The one thing that I thought
instantly was he talks like somebody from my hometown and
there was something very warm and welcoming about that. He
was so kind. I haven't got to meet Morgan yet,
so I'm really excited to come on the road. I'm
bringing them a plant, even though I have no clue
if they like plants or not. But I was staring

at this plant the other day and it told me
that it wanted to go home with them, so let's see.
But yeah, We're about to go on the road this weekend,
and I'm so excited to get to just watch them.
They blow a crowd away every time I've ever seen
him in concert, so it'll be cool to see it
from the other side of the curtain. I guess. Yeah, absolutely,
I love it. And I get that asking thing too,
you know. I just read a book and that's what

I spent a lot of the pandemic doing, outside of
doing the you know, shows and stuff. But I I
asked Keith Urban to write the foreword. And I would
have never dreamed if you told me five years ago,
would Keith Urban step forward and like write something for
your book, I would have never guessed that he would
say say yes, and um, and not that he wasn't
a good friend or you know, a great guy. But

I just you some things you can't even dream up
that happened, you know, And sometimes just asking putting it
out there into the universe, or praying to God or
just actually asking the person to help help with something.
It's amazing what comes back, UM, and that surprises you,
and that is meant to be you know. You know,
it's funny you say that you would never expect it,

because I automatically would out of you. I feel like
you're so beloved in this community, like you truly are
everybody's friend, and not in a fake way. I think
that that shows. I think he probably sees that. Yeah,
it's nice. So I appreciate you saying that. I do
try to just to be positive, you know. I I
think there's enough you know, stuff happening in the world
and chaos and negativity that whenever I have a second

to check in, let's just make it a great experience
for both of us, you know. And so I'd rather
make the listener or viewers experience a positive one when
they come to see, uh, you know, interview with me,
um and an artist. So I hope you're doing real
good at that. Thank you. UM. All right, let's wrap
on this because I was thinking about Halloween coming up

and are you, um, are you a costume girl? Do
you dress up for the big days. Oh yeah, I'm
a costume girl. Even this year. I grew pumpkins for it. Really,
you grew pumpkins? Yeah, yep, I grew pumpkins. I only
got four, and three of them are kind of the
runt of the litter. But I got one big, great

white pumpkin and it is giving me live right now.
I think me and my roommate are going to dress
up as guest on Lafou Um, just because for some
reason that soundtrack has been I have been singing a
NonStop and the other day she was like, Hey, we
should be Gaston and Lafou and have like a whole
dancing when people come over on Halloween. And I was like,

that's exactly what we need to do. When I was younger,
I used to try to find outfits that made me
cute or you know, make me feel sexy. And now
it was either I wanted to dress up like a
Ferbie or Gaston. So um. You know, things have changed.
Thinkings have changed, for sure. I'm going as do you
watch Riverdale? Every thirteen year old girl and me watch Riverdale?

It's I have seen so much. Are you'll appreciate this
being a fiery redhead like you are. I'm going as
Archie Andrews, the main character of the show. Hey, well,
if you need a redheaded wig, I got Boo Coodos.
I knew you could appreciate it. Listen. I love you
so much. I think you're so incredibly talented. And bring

us that new music. We're ready for it. Okay, well,
mark my words. I'm getting a T shirt can Okay,
just for you. I'm even gonna put your name on
a little piece of gap take at the bottom so
you know. But at some point this will happen in
your dreams will come true, Cody, I'll make sure of it.
A man's got a dream, kayle all Right, I'll see
you with a T shirt Canon in your hands. Thanks

for listening to Cody Allen's podcast, This is Cody Cast
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