Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is past. My guest has a brand new project
out called Revived, Remixed, Revisited. So many of those Reba
classics we all know, Redone in unique ways. I want
to talk about that and lots more to get to
here with Reba. One name says it all a Reba.
Hey there, Hey, how you doing. I'm doing great today.
I am here at the house doing my thing. You know,
I do everything out of the house pretty much now, Reba,
believe it or not. I mean, you know, all the
radio stuff, the TV thing. We've we've been on the
road a little bit with the TV stuff, but it's
just has been somewhat limited. So, by the way, every
time you call me, I always have the riff of
Fancy going through my head, you know, talking about that
guitar riff. I mean, it's so refreshing to hear so
many different versions of that classic along with the whole
collection on this new project. I mean, how fun was
it to do this? It sounds like it was just
a blast. We did. We did have a really good time.
Of course, the dance mix. I get the biggest kick
out of that of Fancy. But then when we got
into the studio with Dave Cobb to do the uh
pare down. Everything was really more simple, laid back version
of fancy. That was the one I loved, And then
I was most familiar with the one the revived that um,
the band and I did together in the studio and
it's fancy will just hold up any way you want
to perform it? What saw was the most difficult to
go in there and revive or reimagine or revisit. Which
one was the hardest. I think the dance mix. If
I'm a survivor. I was like, are you serious? And
they said, yeah, let's let me. Let's show us, let
us show you what we can do with it. And
when they came back, I said, wow, y'all are genius.
Says you bet, go for it. Every time you play
that song. Women and and guys too, mean we're survirus too,
some of us. Um, every time you play it that
women seem to stand up and just roar, knowing every
single lyric to the song right very much Lee. So
because they take it personally how it relates to them.
That's what a good song is supposed to do. It's
kind of like ring the Bible, you know. They said, Well,
I didn't get that verse that way. Well, that's the
way it is when you listen to a good old
country song, you take it the way you can relate
to it in your personal life. Absolutely. What are some
of the songs that stand out on the project, the
sort of personal favorites of yours? Consider Me Gone on
the Dave cob revisited album. Uh, that's a slower um,
more scaled back, you know, fewer instrumentation, and it's just
let's the song. The lyrics really shine through. I was
really pleased with that. And then on the UM revived
album walk On, I loved how we it it. We
went back, uh the way we used to do it.
Um gosh, maybe in the nineties. Uh really with a choir,
That's why we did it in the nineties, And then
we brought that version back to do for the fans.
Dolly also makes a cameo with a do wet I
mean a highlight for sure. The first ever for you
two together on a studio project. So does He Love You?
Of course is a song. So um, how did that
come together? Well, when we were gonna put it on
the on the album package, we first of all we
had to say which one did we want to put
it on revived, remixed or revisited, and I thought, well,
the fans have heard it so much on revived with
me in the band, why don't we put it with
the revisited, the more stripped down version. And so I
went in, I recorded it, and in the meantime we
were saying, who are we going to get to saying
the other part? Because I've been so fortunate enough to
get have so many wonderful singers saying it with me.
And I looked at everybody and I said, well, Dolly's
first on my list, at my vote list, and hopefully
fingers crossed. And so management went to her management, and
she came back with the resounding yes, I'd love to.
And we sat there when we were doing the video
and we couldn't believe we hadn't gotten to sing a
song together other than when she and I and Kerry
sang on the Seal May Awards. But it wasn't a
do it that was more of a trio. I was
thrilled just in the way she did it. I was like,
why how come you know everybody else just sings that
like Linda Davis did it. She said, I just sing
the way I feel she used something else. She told
me one time that she wakes up every day with
new dreams, you know, things she wants to get done,
which is hard to believe because she, like you have,
so many things have been crossed off the bucket list
at this point, so what's still left on there for you? Well, Cody,
that's the difference between Dolly and me. Dolly wakes up
with a new dream. I wake up listening to say
what am I supposed to do next? I'm not the
think upper. I'm just the doer, so that I rely
heavily on the Lord telling me what to do, given
me ideas. And then my team, my team come up,
Justin McIntosh, Marney mclyman, Leslie Matthews, my Universal Team, Record label,
my management with Clarence and Marty. They come up with
the dangis thing for me to do. And at first
I look at those ten pages and I'm going, are
y'all serious? And that's the way it was for this project,
of all the things they had thought up for me
to do, And they said, oh yeah, we took out
about ten pages when we first came up. So that
was thrilling to me that everybody wanted they were so
excited about this project. It was different. How they came
up with it was wonderful, and then to do more
things of promoting it different ways. So I'm very flattered
people care that much, and I'm so excited for them
that here we are, kind of coming out of COVID,
that we can now do things that are a lot
of fun. You give me some great business advice years ago.
I don't know if you remember this, but i'd ask
you about allowing other people to control some of your
world and how difficult that sometimes is if you're like
kind of a control freak and I kind of am
like letting people, uh, you know, have their space in
their domain to make decisions for you. Was that something
you concluded quickly into your career or did it take
time for you to learn that. Oh well, back in
the eighties, I kept thinking, you know, there's a better
way of doing this, there's a better way of doing this,
but shoot, I didn't know what was I wasn't a professional,
they were, But then I kept thinking, you know, that
would be better, and then I would suggest it and
they'd go, oh, you're cute. You over and then finally
I'm you know, one of these days, I'm gonna do
it that way. And then I got to later on,
and then that gave me confidence. But I was always
waking on my team, looking to my team and if
and if they suggested something, I would add too. But
I'm a team player. That's why I love sports so much.
I'm a team player and I love to be a
part of the team. Back in the nineties and early
two thousand's, Um, your shows were legendary for production. And
now you're back out on the road. You've announced a
new tour, UM, and I can't wait to see you
again in one of these venues. I know you always
bring a few surprises, there's always something off your sleeve.
But what can you tell us about this tour and
how how you want to make it maybe different. Well,
so when COVID started in March of we were rehearsing,
we had done the clothing outfits, got in mall fitted.
Um we were, I mean primed and ready to go. Well,
COVID hits so everything's stopped and it was the biggest
shock to me. We went home. I went home to
Barry Mama and they said, well, you can't have a
funeral because they're probably gonna shut down the state lines.
I said, what on Earth four? And they said COVID.
I was like, what's covid? Tody. I was so busy,
you know, helping taking care of mama, she had uh
bladder cancer, and then putting the show together, and I
was flying back and forth from Oklahoma to Nashville. And
when that hit it, can you talk about a shock?
They shut everything down and I was just like, holy crap.
So move forward to Jano. Well, you know, I've had
a very relaxing time at home, and I've cooked more
than I ever have and fell in love with rex Lynn,
who also loves to cook, and we're foodie. So we've
had a little bit of an issue of COVID weight.
So we have to go back in about every two
weeks for a fitting. And they're like, okay, Well, I said,
I'm gonna lose it. I'm gonna lose it. So here
we are now, uh October, and January is creeping up
on us real quick. So I am heavily dieting right now,
trying into those but I'm really looking forward to getting
back on stage. I haven't been on the stage since
March first. Besides Grendel lopry in front of an audience.
So the band and I are craving it. We're looking
forward to it. We're gonna tour January, February and March,
and it's gonna be a big production like we used
to do early home. I can't wait. You mentioned Rex.
He calls you Tator todt. Is he the only one
allowed to call you tator Tot? No? No, no, that's
my official U nickname. He's sugar Tot. So we're Tater Tot,
Sugar Toot, We're the Tots. And now Riddler. Our dog
is Riddler Toyt and my horse is Gator, so he's
Gator Tyt. And we've got two long horns there, rowdy
and catch tought. I saw y'all on TikTok. You seem
so happy together, like you're having the best time in
this relationship. So tell me what makes Ariba and Rex
click and work so well? Cody. Mainly during COVID we
were talking every day. We'd have coffee camp in the morning.
I was in Oklahoma at Susie's house, my little sister,
helping take care of mom. Daddy's cleaning out their house,
and every morning that's the first thing I did when
I woke up, I would call him and we'd have
coffee camp together for about two hours, and he was
the last person I talked to when I went to
sleep that night. We'd talked an hour and a half
two hours before I went to sleep. So that built
an intimate relationship that was totally talking and visiting. And
when he when we finally got together in June, it
was like we knew each other so well that it
just worked. And he's funny, he's interesting, he knows my business,
I know his business, and we just get along. Speaking
of things on TV. Christmas in Tune is the new
Lifetime movie. So what can you tell us about that? Well,
it's a movie that we did in June, and that
was really hard to play, like you're thing when you're sweating.
John Snyder and I got to work together again. We
had worked together co hosting the A C LMS back
in the eighties, I'm pretty sure with Mac Davis, and
that was a lot of fun to get to do.
UM he's really a lot of fun to work with
because he's prepared, he's always in a great mood, shows
up on time. UM and the rest of the cast
Norm Lewis, you know, Broadway actor and singer. He was wonderful.
Candice and Justin who plays the other people, my daughter
and her love interest, just just the wonderful cast. Um Lifetime.
It'll be out the night after Thanksgiving. So we are
officially starting the Christmas movie thon for Lifetime the night
after Giving. I love those movies, by the way, There's
just something about the charm and having them on. It's
just a warm, good feeling. Um, so you can you
can't wait to watch it? Um is John Schnyder, Is
he your love interest to this? H yeah he is.
That's it. That's pretty good love interest. I'd say, oh yeah,
um all right, what would Reba do? Let's wrap on
this real quick? Since you do sing uh with with
Dolly on does he love you? And I usually play
what would Dolly do? I have a big poster here
in my studio what would Dolly do? So? What would
re But do? Is what I want to know? For example,
when it's time for dinner? What would Reba do? When
it's time for dinner? Well, first of all, I look
see what I've gotten the refrigerator, and if I don't
have anything, the best thing I make our reservations and
then I take off and and uh. We we love
to go out, we love to eat, we love to
get with friends. But I'm pretty good at just throwing
something together. And I think my favorite throw together meal
is uh five minute oatmeal with blueberry, strawberries, nuts, honey,
and cinnamon. What would Reba do when you have an
extra hour just to kill? Clean my bathroom? I'm always
but either that or my closet. Straighten up my closet
or my bathroom? Um? What would we be do when
choosing a song to record? Uh, if it's something that
I really touches my heart and makes me either last
cry or just feeling some emotion whatsoever, then I hold
on to it. And if it continues to touch me
in that way, I hold on to it and I
record it. Right. What would we be do if you're
planning a date night with Rex? What would I do?
When I? Well, I would get dressed up and looks
so nice for him, and um, let him pick the place,
of course. But if he asked where would I like
to go? Then I would suggest something, but usually I
let him handle that completely. And finally, um, what would
we be do on the day after Thanksgiving, sleep in
Okay because I have eaten so much and played so
many games. Uh, go to my little sister Susie's house
for even more food and a little bit that's left over.
And this Thanksgiving I'll be doing a concert of the
night after Thanksgiving and during Oklahoma. So put me back
to work. There you go, Reva. I love you so much.
Thank you for coming on the show always, and I
love the new project. I'll make sure we get the
word out about it. And can't wait to see you
in person. It's been too long. I know it has you.
Take care of you something. It's good. Thanks for listening
to Cody cast. Follow Cody right now at Cody Allen
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radio stations every day, and watch Cody on Hawks twenty
this weekend Saturday and Sunday at n a m. Eight
Central on CMT. Bye for now,