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November 22, 2021 14 mins

“New phone, who dis?” Chris Lane dials Cody Alan from his “new” hand-me-down phone to announce a new song, share baby updates, and discuss the nostalgic reason he can’t wait to be part of the upcoming Macy’s Day Parade.

PLUS: Chris namechecks the stars and celebrities that he wants to spend time with as he plays Cody’s game called “I Ain’t Even Met You Yet.”

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is Cody Ellen's podcast. This is Cody Cast is
one of my favorite fellow Carolinian's. Chris Lane is my guest.
Chris from North Carolina. I'm from South Carolina, and man,
just talking about a string of hits over the years.
Start with fix Um way back in the day, and
then current song filled in boots, Big Big Plans came

out last year and was massive anyway, So Chris Lane
with us, Hey, what's up? Man? It's good to have
to hear your phone. By the way, sounds clear as
a bell. Is that an iPhone thirteen year on? One
of the new ones? To be quite honest with you,
I don't know which iPhone because my wife, my wife
gave me her phone and she took my upgrade smart

which sounds pretty good. I just got the thirteen because,
first of all, my lucky number, so I wanted to
is it yeah, me and Taylor Swift, although it was
mine long before Taylor came along, but nonetheless I knew
I had to get the thirteen, and I was overdue
for a phone. I was like still on like a
I on seven or something. So congratulations on this big week.

You're going to do the Macy s Thanksgiving Day parade. Um,
so how excited are you? First of all, did you
watch as a kid, and like, what's this moment going
to mean to you? Yeah? So I actually did growing
or grow up, uh watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade?
And Uh, I have to say, it's pretty dagon cool

that I'm going to be planning on one of the floats.
I believe it's the Mount Rushmore float um if I'm
not mistaken. Um. But yeah, And I think what makes
it even cooler for me is is having a five
month old and I'm able to take him with me
and I'll be able to tell him for the rest
of his life that, uh, the year you were born

I played on the Macy's thanks Might be it might
be a tradition that we can start together and and
you know, have him watch as a kid like I did.
I mean so many parent points. You're plunching the t
get way early for forting. I mean that's awesome. Um.
And by the way, how is he? Uh? I love
the name. I want to talk about that a second.

But how's he doing? Like, um, what stage is he yet?
At this point? Yeah, he's doing great. I will say
he's five months in maybe about five months in a
weekend now, But um, it was the greatest five months
in my life, but also the most exhausting and hard
five my life at the same time. Um. But he

is thriving right now, man. He We finally got him
on a schedule, which took us all five months to
get to. But he is finally sleeping through the night
for the most part, and that has given us a
little bit of our sanity back, so we're not so
exhausted all the time. But um, yeah, he's thriving. Now.
What's been the most surprising thing about fatherhood? Has it been?

Just the amount of work that it is, especially early on.
It's it's a little bit crazy. I remember. Yeah, I
think at the end of the day. I've been telling
all buddies this as well. It's like, you know, we
prayed hard for it, we wanted it, we were ready
for it. Um. But I think the most surprising thing
is is that I don't honestly think you can really

prepare yourself, um ever for at least your firstborn, Like
you just don't know what to expect. I mean, we've
been in the hospital twice now because I feel like
we were were so uh worried over every tiny little
thing that I think when you have your second third
I've been told, um, nothing really bothers you at that point,

But yeah, I think it's it's definitely been. The surprising
part has been. It's hard and uh, you know a
little stressful because you just you want to do everything
right and you want to make sure that he's taken
care of and and all that. It's a ton of
ton of ton of work. One of the fun things
that um, I loved and still loved by being a
dad is like sharing with your kids things that you

loved as a kid, like the parade we were talking about,
but like movies, you know, music you can play for
them and introduce them to for the first time, like
Star Wars. You could sort of experience your whole childhood over.
So I mean, like, what things are you looking forward
to sharing with him as he grows older? Yeah, I
mean all all those things. Obviously. I feel like my
number one would be, uh would be taking him golfing,

um and showing him my favorite thing in the world
to do outside of music. But um, yeah, I think
I think a lot of exciting things, sharing music that
you grew up on him that you loved and and uh,
also you brought up a great point with movies. I've
watched my brother go through the same thing with his
ten year old and I've watched this happen as they've

grown up, but watching old movies that we watched. And
he loves all those old movies, TV shows my brothers
put him through, uh, say by the Bell Family, Matters,
Full House, all those shows, and he he's eating them up, um,
just like we did when we were kids. And and um,
one of the things that I used to do every

Friday night before Pop Warner Saturday Morning football is my
brother and I we would always watch The Little Giants together.
And uh, when Dutton gets involved in football and other
sports all that kind of stuff, I can't wait to
the night before play play movies like that and let
him watch it because I feel like I feel like
he'll love it like we we used to. I'm guessing

he doesn't have a choice. We'll have to be a
Carolina Panthers fan too, right, Yes, he does not have
a choice, even though, uh, we're not doing a whole
lot of cheer in this year. I'll have to tell
him as the first year he was born, they really sucked. UM.
But yeah, he's definitely got to be a Carolina Panthers,
saying that is sure. Dutton is his name, which, as

you mentioned in UM, named after the Dutton family in Yellowstone. UM,
so tell me how that came about, and like, how
y'all like settled in on that name because it's so unique. Yeah,
you know what, UM aren't and I were fans of
the show Yellowstone. Uh, and you know she was not

pregnant when we first started watching that show. We all
we always just said, you know, when we finished season one,
we thought, you know, if we if we ever, uh
we're blessed enough to have a boy, we should name
him Dutton. Like we loved that, We loved the last
name of the family on there, and and thought it
could make a good boy's first name. And and then
we found out we were praying that then found out

we were having a boy, and and we kept calling
him duddy buddy the whole time, and we just kind
of felt like Dutton was gonna stick and so and
so we uh, we just we kept that one. And UM,
I have to say, I thought it was the coolest
thing in the world. When you asked Kevin Coster in
an interview, or you you told him about that and

I was just me and Lauren had the biggest smiles
on her fast thought that was the coolest thing ever. Yeah,
it was so fun. First of all, Kevin Coster incredible
actor as we all know, but um, he has a
band of his own played the Rivan Auditory him. So
you're right for CMT. I got to sit down with
him and chat a little bit, and yeah, I want
to make sure he knew about that because and he was.
He was surprised. It put a smile on his face,

which he's so I love the guy. He's really nice.
Every time I've done anything with him, We've had him
on my shows over the years. But um, he's very
intimidating and taller than you might think, Chris. He's a
little Yeah, he's a little till. I thought it'd be
like my size of your like five ten or something,
but he he uh, he's probably about six foot and um,

that surprised me. And then he's very quiet. You know,
he's just got a real kind of shy personality, which
I didn't know what the Yeah. So all that said, Um,
it was such a cool thing. So maybe, um, I
feel like because the country music thing, maybe you'll get
to either meet him one day and play with them,
you know, on stage or act maybe in Yellowstone. Would
you ever would you ever want to do that? Oh

my gosh, that would be the greatest thing ever to
get asked to come on the show and be an
accurate I would want thousand or sent. I could see
you fitting in with the cast though, I could see you.
You know, we might have to grow their hair out
a little bit, but nonetheless you could. You got to
fit your way into the Dutton family. I'll take that. Yeah,
I would. I would be a h that would be

a bugget list. That would be awesome. We love that show.
When it comes to the new year, outside of uh,
your potential acting career, um, you'll be good shows. Uh
the Fielding Boots tour of course. So it's Dutton by
the way, he's gonna go out on the road with you.
Will will Lauren go how it works? Yeah, So we
haven't taken him out on the road yet, just because
we felt like he was too young. Um, and even

though I had my own bus and we had a
crib on their forum, we just never made that move
because we were really trying to get him on a schedule,
and and now that he's really sticking to that schedule,
we feel like, um, we could potentially bring him out
on the road, uh, starting in January, and and it
won't be every weekend. We'll kind of pick and choose,
just because being out on the road is sometimes a

little uncomfortable. Sometimes hard to sleep at night when you're
bouncing around on the roads. But uh, we just don't
know how he'll do. Um, but we're definitely gonna do
some test runs and if and if he seems to
to thrive out there and actually go to sleep when
when he goes to sleep at home, I think we'll
start doing it a lot more. Well, you're working too.
To me, it's like it's great to have the family

out there, but you know, you've got to get the
job done and do get your sleep, get your beauty. Yeah,
And and on the weekends they don't come out, I'll
be bringing riders out on the road of feast so
I can I can really work while I'm out on
the road all day long. And and that'll cut down
on having to write so much during the week to
make up for the lost time on the weekend. You've

got some great music out right now fielding Boots, of course,
is the single you also did with Scottie McCreery, a
little party Hicks tape UM song called small Town on It,
which you're both from North Carolina? Is this kind of
made sense? Um? What can you tell us about that one? Yeah? So, uh,
I really loved the small Town on it. Um, I'm
a big Scotty fan as well. We both grew up

in North Carolina, so um, we kind of had that
connection going. But a small Town on It's a song
that I actually recorded, uh years ago, and I hadn't
put it out up until that point. And then we
got brought up with the Hicks tape idea about potentially
putting that song out and find a collaboration for it,
and being both from North Carolina, I felt like Scotty

would be a good person to jump on that song
and and pump that. He said yes, and I feel
like it turned out great. I can't I haven't even
been able to play that song live yet, so filling
Boots tour, I'll probably crank that one up in the set,
and uh, I just love that it has so much
energy and and again. The song reminds me of North Carolina,

where I grew up at and I just love it.
Have you already got the set list together for the tour?
All the stuff you want to do? And kind of
I don't. I don't, but um, I'm probably close on it. Um,
it won't take a whole lot of rearranging. I know
around about the songs that I'll do and I'm gonna
have we haven't announced as yet, but I'm gonna have

um at least one new song out there that I'm very,
very excited for that I just finished up in the studio.
Um it's called Stop Coming Over. So uh, I'm gonna
get that one out at some point before tour starts.
Um to get another song in my set and and uh,
I can't wait for people to hear that one. Ain't
even met you yet? Is one also recently released? And

so I thought it might be fun, Chris, to play
a little game here with you people you would like
to meet? But haven't I think I already know. My
first question was famous movie star. It sounds like that
would be Kevin Costner, right, Yeah, we can we can
throw him in there for sure. Is there anybody else
you'd like to meet. Who's a movie or TV star that, um,
you haven't met yet. Reese Witherspoon. I know that. I

know that's such a random one, um to say, but
I don't know. I feel like I always grew up
a fan of hers, and I feel like she's pretty cool.
So yeah, probably she would be a good one and
loves country music and she's um all, is she a
country fan? She yeah, and she has Nashville ties. You know,
she's got that little shop over in Twelfth South. Um,

And yes, she spends time in Nashville as well, So
that actually could happen, Hey, fingers crossed one day that
it will. How about a sports figures similar from the
sports world you'd like to meet you haven't yet. I
would say, uh, Tiger Woods, Oh yes, loves the golf.
And finally, how about a music hero you haven't met
yet but you'd still like to meet some day. I

feel like i've met or I know for sure i've
met Kenny Chesney before, but I am a massive Kenny
Chesney fan, and so I would love just like meet
him and have a long conversation with them. Yeah, I'm
with you on that, Like sometimes you you can say
you met someone, it's another whole story, like actually sit
down and have a conversation that's meaningful. You know, you

can kind of pick through this brain, especially be in
the music business. I can see that easy good stuff.
Absolutely well. Listen, Um, so you'll fly out for the
parade win like Wednesday, actually tomorrow morning, because so they
do apparently do a rehearsal of some kind tomorrow night
at nine o'clock, which, uh, it's gonna be a little chilly.

So I got some I got some winter clothes that
I'm definitely bringing that for sure. Yeah, all right, so
you get there, you'll do the rehearsal and then be
live live on Thanksgiving morning. Crazy, but what a bucket
list moment, dude. That that's awesome. Oh yeah, I think
it's gonna be awesome. I cannot wait. All right, see
you soon, Chris, Thanks again for the time. Always great
catching up. Thanks for taking the time, you bet And

is it too early to say Happy holidays? I don't
think so. Happy holidays, Thank you man, Happy holidays. All right,
Thanks for listening to Cody cast. Follow Cody right now
at Cody Allen on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Care Cody
I hundreds of radio stations every day, and watch Cody
on Hawks twenty this weekend, Saturday and Sunday at n
a m. Eight Central on CMT. Bye for now,
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