All Episodes

January 15, 2025 • 75 mins
Noah has some... interesting friends. HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Today we asked you to tell us your SURGERY SOUVENIRS and BOY DID YOU! Also, Who or What do you hate because of Johnjay's influence on you over the years?!? We would love you to DM US @johnjayandrich. Also, Payton spent the afternoon in a new machine, what does it do? And don't get us started on Dutch's vision board, the little stinker. ALL OF THIS and MUCH MUCH MORE Today on Johnjay and Rich!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Wakes up.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
What's crack ale like?

Speaker 3 (00:07):
And this is the big Boss does Snoopy Deagle double.

Speaker 2 (00:09):
Gigsel dang boom?

Speaker 4 (00:11):
What you don't do?

Speaker 5 (00:13):
We're not talking about rich ten T and we're not
talking about last year.

Speaker 2 (00:16):
If the one and only do in your face.

Speaker 4 (00:20):
To me and in the place to be and you're
listening to John Jay and Rich wakes one O four
seven kiss f M. It's John j and Rich text us.
You text jj R and whatever you want to say
to the number nine six eight nine to three. Here's

a text from a four one two number, John Jay
and Rich. I have to give you guys kudos being
live every day. I'm a teacher and I have an
observation by my superintendent tomorrow. I'm just channeling you all
doing the show in front of your bosses every day
and killing it.

Speaker 6 (00:59):
Pray for me while we don't do the show front
of our bosses, I'd freak out everyone while they come
in and they sit in here and they come and
talk to us earlier.

Speaker 4 (01:09):
Well, good luck to you for one. Two.

Speaker 6 (01:13):
We did our vision board yesterday and it was it
was my my wife, Blake, my son Jake, my son
Dutch and me and then we had my son camp
on FaceTime from Hawaii just for a little bit, because
he does this stuff all the time on his own right.

Speaker 4 (01:27):
The rest of us are the ones circling the drain.

Speaker 6 (01:30):
So we and we were talking about, and Kyle brought
this up last week, how hard it is to find magazines.

Speaker 4 (01:34):
But my wife went and bought some magazines. I took
some from the gym, you know, and then we found
a bunch of our old magazines and we just filled
the dinner table full of magazines. We had scissors and
everyone's cutting stuff out. It was. It was a good
it was. It was a good time.

Speaker 6 (01:49):
Until I went and saw my son, Dutch's vision board.
One of the things he did, you know, doing what
we do for a living. Sometimes we end up in magazines, right,
pictures of us doing whatever. In fact, someone sent me
a picture of my wife and I had an event
and she's like, where's that from? I said, I have
no idea where that's from.

Speaker 4 (02:08):
But he found a picture, a group photo of Rich,
me and Kyle in a magazine, and Dutch cut out
me and Kyle and posted rich, what does that mean? Rich?
Part of Rich part of the vision board. And then
he put, and then I was looking at me. He wrote,
he cut out from it. Think about that.

Speaker 6 (02:28):
We had like women's magazines, Men's magazine. He took out
super Sex. Satisfy Her with Science was on his vision board,
and then he put this is what he put on
the vision board. I'll show you this real quick, Kyle.
What does that say?

Speaker 7 (02:46):
The secrets of the female climax?

Speaker 8 (02:52):
You didn't understand what.

Speaker 7 (02:59):
He just wasn't He's got like, like, why is that
what his aspiration?

Speaker 8 (03:05):
It should be? To graduate?

Speaker 4 (03:07):
He has that out here, he has that on there.
He has college, he's got pictures of graduation. Uh, he's
got friends, he's got stuff like that. He's got a
couple of things that have more things that are under
there that are inappropriate. And then there's rich.

Speaker 6 (03:21):
The vision board, the key and I went to bed
last night and they were still doing vision boards. I
woke up this morning. My wife had everything clean, all
the magazine the fact. At the end, I go, should
you grab all these magazines?

Speaker 4 (03:31):
Throw them away?

Speaker 6 (03:31):
She's like, no, I'm gonna same for next year. I
didn't want to argue because like, what do you mean
same for next year? We just cut out all the
good stuff right now. So I woke up this mooint.
All the magazines were stacked up all nice. The vision
boards were all set up in the kitchen, and her
vision board looks so perfect, you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (03:45):
It was like she's the overachieving student.

Speaker 6 (03:47):
And Jake he took a picture of a giant turkey
in Jason Momoa's head.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
I'm like, I don't.

Speaker 6 (03:54):
I don't think you're following what we're doing here. And
then you found like the number seventeen million. I'm like,
I'll take that it. Yeah, that's good. But anyway, it.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
Sounds like your boy is like right for it.

Speaker 4 (04:05):
They did, they did, but I can't believe he cut
you and me out.

Speaker 2 (04:08):
Kyle. Maybe if anything to keep Kyle cut you and
me out.

Speaker 7 (04:14):
That's all right.

Speaker 3 (04:14):
Bridge can be up there.

Speaker 6 (04:16):
So what happened? You should talk about your your husband's birthday.
It's coming up. It seems like it was just the
not that long ago.

Speaker 3 (04:22):
No, it's this weekend.

Speaker 7 (04:24):
So it's it's interesting because Grant from the show, his
birthday's Friday, and then I always have to remember there's
Grant's birthday and then my husband's birthdays on Sunday. So
of course I've been trying to plan, like what do
I get in because Christmas just happened right, and I
felt like I gave him all the gifts for Christmas.
So now I'm like, Okay, well, we've been watching football
and the Broncos made it to the playoffs and then

they're they're out now. But while we were watching, about
three or four times, he mentioned like, I think, I
think I don't want to like jinx it or anything,
but I really like bo Nicks, and so I think
I think we should.

Speaker 3 (04:56):
Get a bow Nix jersey.

Speaker 7 (04:57):
And he's saying this to my son, and so I'm like, genius,
We'll get him that for his birthday.

Speaker 3 (05:03):
But he wants like the old.

Speaker 7 (05:04):
School throwback jersey with the stripes on the side and
like whatever.

Speaker 3 (05:07):
So I'm like, no problem, no problem.

Speaker 7 (05:10):
I did procrastinate a little bit, but it wouldn't have mattered,
I don't think, because I'm looking on every site aside
from like eBay and shady sites that I'm pretty sure
they're just like knockoff ones and they're all sold out,
Like that version of the bownext jersey is completely sold out.
So I was talking to the kids and I'm like Hey,
I know we want to get Daddy this jersey. I

think that's a great gift. I think he'll really like it.
But the problem is the one he wants is sold out.
So we're just gonna get him like the newer version
of the jersey, and if he doesn't like it, you
just hang on to it and when they restock the
old school one, we'll just exchange it.

Speaker 3 (05:46):
And so the kids are like, okay.

Speaker 7 (05:48):
I'm like, I'm pretty sure he'll like it, but I
don't know.

Speaker 3 (05:52):
Anyways, we have been talking about this.

Speaker 7 (05:54):
Jersey thing for a few weeks, and every time we
talk about it, I'm like, Okay, don't tell daddy.

Speaker 3 (05:58):
Don't tell daddy, And the secret has stay until now.

Speaker 7 (06:02):
So this happened over the weekend, right and last night
we're sitting down for dinner and Scott sits down next
to me and he's like, I gotta tell you what
Bubby said. That's what we call my son easton Bubby's
He goes. He came into my office and said, sorry, Daddy,
you're not gonna get to jersey you want, but you
are gonna get a jersey and it's gonna be all right.

And Scott's like, Okay, I just have to laugh because
when we were talking about not getting the right jersey,
that was the one time I didn't.

Speaker 3 (06:35):
Say, don't tell daddy, don't tell daddy, and he just
like went straight until.

Speaker 7 (06:42):
And so I'm just looking at it, Scott, and I'm like, well,
happy birthday. It's not here yet, but the secret is ruined.
He's like, oh, I get new jersey.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
It's fine.

Speaker 7 (06:52):
So it's fine, but then it's like in total bummer,
like when he opens it up, like do I even
wrap it now?

Speaker 4 (07:00):
Birthday? Did he put on his vision board? That's probably why.

Speaker 3 (07:05):
He opted out on vision board?

Speaker 7 (07:06):
Are you the only ones that did vision boards in
the family when me and Addie?

Speaker 6 (07:10):
Because you know that stuff works if you put that
new Jersey on. What if he got a trip to
New Jersey.

Speaker 4 (07:15):
I saw what I meant. That's not what I meant.

Speaker 3 (07:18):
It's all good. He'll he'll be grateful for whatever.

Speaker 4 (07:21):
Vision boards birthdays. I know Jake my son, he turns
twenty two in February, and he was just like, I
forgot if my birthday coming up, I don't know what
I'm gonna do. What I want to get, what I
want for my birthday, and I was like, She's like yeah.
I was like, damn, it was just Christmas.

Speaker 8 (07:35):
Yeah, birthdays and next weekend that's too Monday. So I'm like,
I don't know what the heck I'm gonna do for
him either, especially when to have everything already.

Speaker 7 (07:43):
It's like, I always feel bad for the people who
have birthdays like around Christmas or right after Christmas, because
I feel like they do probably like.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
They do kind of get the short of this stick
for sure.

Speaker 4 (07:53):
What's coming up with three days you need to know?

Speaker 7 (07:55):
I'll tell you what type of music actually has healing power?

Speaker 3 (07:58):
Next with John Jaye Rich.

Speaker 4 (08:00):
Really going up with that John j Riche Colin, fuck,
you have three things we need to know.

Speaker 7 (08:05):
The upcoming benefit concert for the LA Wildfire victims has.

Speaker 3 (08:09):
Received such a huge.

Speaker 7 (08:10):
Response from big name artists and bands, so they were like,
we're thinking of doing this concert.

Speaker 3 (08:15):
We've got twenty four slots, is there anyone.

Speaker 7 (08:17):
Interested in over fifty huge big name artists have contacted
them and they're like, WHOA, Okay, maybe we'll try to
put some more spots in there, but chances are they're
going to have to turn some.

Speaker 3 (08:27):
Of the artists down because they don't have.

Speaker 7 (08:30):
That many positions for the slots, but as of now
they're trying to finalize the list. The benefit will be
called fire Aid. It'll be held at the forum, and
if you're obviously not going to be able to be there,
it will be streamed live and you can still be
involved and still participate and still donate if you can. Meanwhile,
the LA Police actually arrested four different people separate situations

for trying to start new fires in southern California. It's
like people taking advantage of the situation. It's like, let's
see the humanity. Let's see the people coming together and
helping and just like really stepping up and just like huge,
huge shout out to all the first responders, all the
firefighters out there and everyone like risking their lives to
save these people. Walmart, you guys, they've did something big.

They changed their logo for the first time in twenty years.
They call it a brand refresh. If you look at
the logo, you might not know they changed the logo.
It's still blue with the little yellow like star type
flower thing. It looks exactly the same, but we changed
the color palette. The blues a little brighter, the yellows

a little brighter, I guess, and the flower is just
like it's almost like they took It's almost like they
took the logo and they hit the bold button.

Speaker 9 (09:46):
That's exactly That's exactly what it looks like. It's like,
what did we actually change here?

Speaker 3 (09:52):
And they're all excited.

Speaker 7 (09:53):
They're like, this is gonna this is gonna sparkle whole
new vibe. With the comment it's like everyone's like, how
much did this cost you?

Speaker 3 (09:59):
Because it looks basically almost exactly the same. And some
people yet appreciate the fact that they.

Speaker 7 (10:03):
Didn't go so far away from like, didn't change the
logo so much that it's like they're rebranding totally.

Speaker 3 (10:09):
It's not a rebrand, it's just a refresh. It's so
good for you all art.

Speaker 7 (10:13):
If you are feeling down, they say, go ahead wallow
in the sad music because there is actually incredible healing
power in that sad music. They say, we listen to
sad music or watch a sad movie, we're kind of
disconnected from the real threats or.

Speaker 3 (10:30):
Dangers, you know what I mean.

Speaker 7 (10:31):
Like there's if you're watching a movie, you're not really
threatened by murders happening or whatever the violence happening in it,
and so that kind of like affects your brain. Also,
when you listen to sad music, it releases a hormone
called prolactin. It's a soothing, tranquilizing hormone that produces feelings
of calmness, which really counteracts the mental pain. So if
you are going through something, definitely turn on that sad music.

They say it's a powerful trigger for nostalgic memories, which
can be really helpful and really heal.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
To like dive into.

Speaker 7 (11:02):
And they also say sad music produces the psychological benefit
of mood regulation.

Speaker 8 (11:06):
I kind of love this.

Speaker 3 (11:08):
Instead of trying to listen to happy music when.

Speaker 8 (11:10):
You're deady, go so all in on this.

Speaker 9 (11:13):
Like growing up playing basketball, especially in high school, all
of my pregame music used to be like sad songs,
and I would do it to like calm myself down.
But then also I would get so mad because some
guy had like broken.

Speaker 8 (11:24):
My heart, and then I'd be ready to just crush
it on the court.

Speaker 9 (11:27):
Yeah, So I love that there's a study that validates
my sad music before basketball game.

Speaker 4 (11:31):
What's a sad song you listened to? Before you play.

Speaker 9 (11:33):
Oh, I would always listen to Fallen by Alicia keys Well,
I mean like I mean Fallen or like I mean
any Alicia keys Usher, like anything that was like in
my feelings kind of music.

Speaker 8 (11:50):
In and out of love.

Speaker 4 (11:51):
Yeah, I never listened to the words.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
Part of the that's the sad part.

Speaker 3 (11:58):
Good for you judging.

Speaker 7 (11:59):
It doesn't have to be sad words. It could just
be the vie sad vine too.

Speaker 4 (12:03):
And that's three things you need to do, like give
her listen to a song that you just think is
a great song and you find out it's oh my god.

Speaker 8 (12:09):
Yeah, that's how Parts of a Feather is.

Speaker 2 (12:12):
Seems so happy, so dark.

Speaker 4 (12:15):
Words of a Feather, what's it? Fly together?

Speaker 9 (12:17):
We stick together. But it's more so it's like the
beginning party.

Speaker 2 (12:21):
She's like if I put me, She's like, put.

Speaker 9 (12:22):
Me in a casket, Like I don't want to be
here if you're not here.

Speaker 4 (12:28):
Yeah, it's way said, Well, it sounds happy, like I'm driving.

Speaker 8 (12:31):
Going listen to the lyrics very dark.

Speaker 6 (12:36):
We got your shot at sweets hash Mafia tickets about
two hours from now.

Speaker 4 (12:39):
We got Peyton's predictions too. What's the vibe.

Speaker 9 (12:42):
Peyton, Well, it's Elementary School Teacher Day, So I'm going
to tell you which subject you would teach if you
taught elementary school.

Speaker 6 (12:48):
Oh that's funny. We got lots of texts from teachers,
so I didn't know that. I wonder that that's why
they're texting. It's Elementary School Teacher Day eight seven seven
nine three seven one o four seven.

Speaker 4 (12:59):
To get yourself I read, We'll do it after Miles
Smith just lack a food girl, you.

Speaker 6 (13:08):
Alone, John Jane Rich time for horsecopes painting the vibe.

Speaker 9 (13:11):
It's Elementary School Teacher Day, so I'm going to tell
you which subject you would teach based on your zodiac sign.
And if it's your birthday, you are a Capricorn and
you share a birthday with Pipple, Regina King, Skrillicks, Dove Cameron,
and Martin Luther King Jr.

Speaker 4 (13:25):
Eight seven seven four seven.

Speaker 6 (13:28):
To get your sign, read good morning, Connor, what's your sign,
what's your name, what you're signing and all that stuff.

Speaker 10 (13:32):
Connor Sagittarius.

Speaker 9 (13:34):
Okay, Sagittarius. You're the substitute teacher. You're just the cool
sub who shows up with no plan and you just
wing it. Your spontaneous energy is magnetic, but don't let
it make you forget the basics. So remember even adventurers
need a map sometimes, Sagittarius, that's awesome.

Speaker 3 (13:51):
I actually worked for a school.

Speaker 11 (13:52):
I was an IT director h and my third day
on the job, that second grade teacher needed to go
get some tape from the copy machine and.

Speaker 2 (14:01):
She's like, can you watch my class?

Speaker 4 (14:02):
And I'm like sure.

Speaker 10 (14:04):
With twenty eight eyes looking at me, I was freaking out,
really freaking me out. I told them I'll be quiet,
don't anybody move.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
You can do it like a bank.

Speaker 8 (14:14):
Nobody like that's cool.

Speaker 12 (14:16):
Subtimes, but it's okay, recess.

Speaker 4 (14:22):
I yelled down the hall, I said, please hurry, thanks God,
I have a great day. Dog.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
Thanks for listening, you bet, thank you.

Speaker 4 (14:32):
Krista. What's your sign? Good morning?

Speaker 3 (14:36):
Good money?

Speaker 11 (14:38):
Is this for Crystal?

Speaker 4 (14:39):

Speaker 10 (14:40):
Ok hey, I didn't hear what the name.

Speaker 13 (14:41):
I'm sorry, I'm a touris.

Speaker 8 (14:43):
Yes, touris okay.

Speaker 9 (14:44):
So the elementary school subject that you would teach would
be art. So you're thriving in creativity today, tourists. So
whether it's organizing your room aesthetic or curating the perfect playlist,
you are making life a whole mood, So don't get
lost in the perfection and pain outside the lines and
enjoy them today.

Speaker 4 (15:01):
Awesome, Thank you so much. Bye bye, Darylynn, good morning,
good morning. What's your sign, Libra?

Speaker 9 (15:12):
Just like Kyle, Okay, So for my libras, the school
subject you guys would teach would be music because harmony
is your jam today, Libra, you are out here creating
vibes like a fire ukulele cover, so share your good energy.
But remember not every note has to be perfect, and
life is more fun when it's a little off beat.

Speaker 8 (15:33):
Right on.

Speaker 13 (15:33):
That's cool.

Speaker 10 (15:35):
All have a great day from Hawaii.

Speaker 8 (15:40):
Go by you today. That'll be amazing.

Speaker 13 (15:42):
All right, thanks gay bye?

Speaker 7 (15:45):
Are welcking?

Speaker 4 (15:47):
Then step this way, step that way, then step this way,
step that way. Josh Davis da, I heard you have
a suggestion for the show. I do.

Speaker 13 (15:58):
Okay, so I have. I've been a long time listener
and so the other day I was listening to the
podcast right so you and I'm like behind on the podcast.
So I've been listening. I think I'm in October listening,
and you guys were talking about how John Jay was
mad at Vince Vaughn, like you know, like the whole

thing was Vince von a long time ago. Sorry to
open the wound again, John Dry. But so you were
talking about that, and then I remembered because when that
was happening in real time, like Vinvugh, like I didn't
you know, I didn't have any opinions about him, but
when you were talking about him, a movie had come
out about him, and I remember like having this disdain

about him when the movie came out, and then when
you started talking about him, I was like, yeah, I
don't like vitz Van. He's stupid whatever, Like we're not
gonna He's canceled in my mind, you know. So over
the years it's like triggered a memory because I started
to think about all the other people that I started
to have disdain towards because of you. George Lopez, that

was a big one, Like we even got free we
got offered free tickets. My husband and I did go
see George Lopez, and I was like, no, we're not
gonna let me and my husband was like what. And
then James Cordon, that was another way to speak up

hate that guy. Yeah, yeah, they're all dead to me,
John Jays, Well, listen, I will tell you what Vince
von yes, and James Cordon.

Speaker 4 (17:30):

Speaker 6 (17:30):
George Lopez doesn't like us. I think he's incredibly talented
and hilarious. But go ahead, we'll.

Speaker 13 (17:36):
Keep going right exactly, Me too, Me too, And I like,
you know, my husband watches his shows, but like because
of those, because of that, in my mind, I was
just like, no, John Jay, like he did John Jay wrong,
Like he was like this, and my husband was like,
oh my god, like, are you serious because of John Jay?
And so like, I don't think my husband really likes
you very much. But the bit I was saying was

like the suggestion was that who do you not like
or what do you not like? Because of John Jay?

Speaker 4 (18:09):
And I hope nobody calls that would be so sad.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
Who do you not like because of John Jay? That's amazing, right.

Speaker 13 (18:16):
Exactly, And I have a whole list, but yeah, so
thank you John Jay. But I love you guys like
like I do. Like it was, it's a whole list,
and I'm like, and my husband, like I said, because
I bring this up, He's like, why don't you like
this person? And I'm like, because.

Speaker 7 (18:30):
John Jay said this?

Speaker 10 (18:31):
Did they were like this and they.

Speaker 13 (18:33):
Treated him like this, and like you know.

Speaker 2 (18:34):
Yeah, so I have a whole list, but because they
wear their watch inside their list, those people pissed me.
She was mad at Mandy Moore for many years, long
time until this is Us came out that he forgave.

Speaker 4 (18:44):
I still, you know, I kind of for everybody, kind
of like I'm still kind of like, uh, you know what
I mean.

Speaker 9 (18:48):
Character, Yeah, this is like mayde me not like Mandy
Moore as.

Speaker 8 (18:54):
Such a good job that I was just like.

Speaker 6 (18:56):
But when she was sixteen, she really pissed me off. Sixteen,
but now she's a mature woman. Okay, Dina, that's good.

Speaker 4 (19:06):
We'll try it.

Speaker 6 (19:06):
Okay eight seven seven nine three seven one oh four seven.
Just if you happen it can relate to a Dinas,
if there's somebody that I made you not like.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
Maybe a business too, because you've gone off on many
restaurants who've done you during pay Taco.

Speaker 4 (19:19):
Yeah, Pink, I just I destroyed Pink Taco. All right, Thanks,
that's awesome, have a great day.

Speaker 13 (19:24):
Thank you so much for great day.

Speaker 4 (19:27):
Rich what he got coming up for stacks and hacks.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
It's the hack to absolutely rock him a job interview.

Speaker 4 (19:33):
Rich has life hacks. I have stacks of information, stacks
and hacks coming up next with John Jay and Rich
or throw shade, Oh you call John Jay and Rich
eight seven.

Speaker 6 (19:44):
Seven nine, John Jay and Rich not going on the
studio about about a treadmill so I could get my
step till I'm.

Speaker 4 (19:51):
On the air. Put it in the studio.

Speaker 2 (19:53):
You're so and he's refused to step on it so far,
I'm not gonna have Well.

Speaker 6 (19:58):
My thought here was my no, no, let's get my
I thought was I put it right here where I'm
sitting and I could do my part of the show
while I'm on the air and get my steps because
my New Year's resolutions get at least ten thousand steps
a day, which I've been doing. Then, as I thought
about it, I'm sure it's gonna affect I can't do it.
There's the way I can speak and be on the treadmill.
So then I thought, put.

Speaker 4 (20:16):
It over there, and then during commercials or whatever downtime
or we get off the air before we have a meeting,
I'll just get my steps in over there, and then
my grandsaw it walking on it right now? Can you
talk and walk? It's amazing.

Speaker 2 (20:27):
I was telling John Jay and like we should use
it as a punishment one of us has a bad break.
You gotta do a lap.

Speaker 4 (20:31):
We'll be on there all the time.

Speaker 6 (20:33):
And then I thought of these if you put it
here by the guest mic every time we do Christmas
wish we have the recipient or the person that visa
letter on the treadmill.

Speaker 2 (20:41):
Why are your guests always out of breath?

Speaker 8 (20:44):

Speaker 6 (20:46):
Anyway, all right, we're doing stacks and hacks. I have
stax information. Rich has life hacks. A pizza place in
England added Hawaiian pizza to their menu. The elders think
pineapple on pizza is a crime, so they're charging one
hundred twenty dollars.

Speaker 8 (21:00):
With the pizza, as they should.

Speaker 4 (21:02):
Other pizzas are only fifteen bucks. I love pineapple.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
Everything is good.

Speaker 8 (21:05):
I think it's a crime. I'm with that shot.

Speaker 4 (21:07):
Listen, they haven't sold one pizza yet.

Speaker 6 (21:09):
A cop in Virginia got fired after you hired a
hooker named Dream and had to call it in after
she stole his car, wallet and police credentials. Police found
her driving around in his car with another guy who
she said was her baby daddy.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
Oh she's in trouble.

Speaker 4 (21:26):
A poll found.

Speaker 6 (21:29):
Forty eight percent of workers in twenty twenty five sometimes
text a coworker instead of talking to them, even.

Speaker 4 (21:35):
If they're sitting nearby.

Speaker 6 (21:37):
Seventy four percent of people overall admitted they struggled to
make conversation with coworkers and they running them in the
office with the kitchen or an elevator.

Speaker 4 (21:43):
That's me, I can't I have I have such stress
that I have to talk to people that sometimes people
on social media talking about modern trends that everyone will
regret in ten years. Everyone think about these modern trends
by NFTs, the broccoli are cut, which my son has,
having an only fans sports betting, sending their DNA to

a random company. Kyle's been a big I'm against.

Speaker 6 (22:12):
Kids, giving kids really terrible names. These are things that
we're gonna regret in ten years. Face tattoos, getting advice
from TikTok influencers instead of actual experts, filming kids' worst
moments for the Internet, for Internet cloud. Those will resurface.
Putting their whole lives on the Internet. The worst parts

will resurface. These are modern trends that people will regret.

Speaker 9 (22:38):
Like I'm waiting for the documentary of like all of
the kids who have been put on TikTok and their
parents are like their momagers, Like I'm waiting for the
documentary to see like how that affected them.

Speaker 2 (22:49):
Right, it's gonna be the same thing as like child.

Speaker 9 (22:51):
Actors, Yes, right, kind of like quiet on the set
kind of thing like type of well, not like that,
but that type of documentary I'm waiting for.

Speaker 4 (23:01):
How mad would you be if you bought this and
gave it away?

Speaker 6 (23:04):
A family in Michigan did a white elephant gift exchange
for Christmas. One of the gifts was a lottery ticket
that ended up hitting for five hundred thousand dollars.

Speaker 4 (23:13):
Yeah, you're this girl.

Speaker 6 (23:14):
Twenty five year old Emily Hickcocks got the ticket, but
not until the exchange was over. She got a flashlight
her dad gave her and then he wanted it back,
so he took the flashlight and gave her the ticket.

Speaker 4 (23:24):
You know how you did that? But she's given everybody
money from the part Yeah rich we got for.

Speaker 2 (23:28):
Life facts the hack to Rock in your job interview. Okay,
so if you are lucky enough to have an in
person job interview, I know my son was saying, Joe,
he was saying that the last three he's had have
all been AI interviews until you make it to the
final one. So when you actually get a person, towards
the end of the interview, indeed dot com says, the
interviewer will ask you if you have any questions, and

here should be your question. Your question should be, is
I do have a question? Is there anything on my
application or my resume that concerns you in any That way,
you face whatever the objections are head on, and you're
at the top of the stack to get hired, taking
responsibility for any mistakes or anything that's a little uh,
a little dicey or questionable. That's the way to do it.

According to indeed dot com, that little hack made just
get you a job today. That's at John jayn rich
dot com.

Speaker 4 (24:17):
Peyton, what happened to you? What happened to your face?
What happened?

Speaker 9 (24:19):
Well, nothing really happened to my face. But I just
love when a dig turns into a compliment, when like,
just okay, so this is what happened. So yesterday we
were talking about how I did a photoshoot from my
friend Angel's dumpling business called love Bite, and we posted
some like behind the scenes videos from it yesterday, right
because we talked about it, and so I got a

comment on one of the on the posts and it
was like you're fake and you use filters, and I
was like, you're not lying, Like I do use filters.

Speaker 3 (24:51):
I love it, don't.

Speaker 9 (24:52):
I love a filter moment, But this specific video was
no filter. I really just look like that.

Speaker 2 (25:01):
That is a compliment. Wow, good for you.

Speaker 4 (25:04):
Did you say that? Did you respond to him like that?

Speaker 8 (25:06):
Oh? I didn't respond. I mean it's whatever. I don't
care you could be like that.

Speaker 9 (25:09):
It's just so funny because it was like that was
not posting it under my skin and like it probably
would if I used a filter, but.

Speaker 8 (25:15):
I did it.

Speaker 3 (25:16):
So that's amazing. Actually, I was like score.

Speaker 4 (25:22):
It's like sometimes, you know, I've been opening about botox
and stuff in my face, right, and sometimes I'll let
it wear off and I won't do it for a while,
and then someone's like making a comment like do too
much botox? You look terrible, and I'm like, ha, that's
just my face, there's no botox there. Then I'm like,
wait a minute, I think that's not a compliment, just

taking its So.

Speaker 7 (25:45):
Also when people say that, I don't think they understand
what botox is. It doesn't really change your look at all.
It just paralyzes your face must it does.

Speaker 6 (25:51):
But with me, like, sometimes I know what they're talking
about because sometimes when I do, like my forehead and
then I'll smile and then like, maybe my eyebrow's wearing off,
so my eyebrow has a weird will look things.

Speaker 4 (26:02):
But I don't care. I don't care, you know, but
I like that when people say, whoa man, I didn't
expect your baby to be that cute.

Speaker 6 (26:13):
You don't sweat that much for a big guy. Kind
of a backhanded compliment, right, yeah.

Speaker 2 (26:18):
But you can still take it, you know, you still
take it for a win, right, don't you at some point?

Speaker 4 (26:22):
Yeah? But then later you go way.

Speaker 3 (26:25):
Actually a compliment or not?

Speaker 4 (26:27):
It was? It wasn't that? And Payne, where were you yesterday?
I was on your social media and I feel like
I've seen this thing you were in around certain places.
Like when I was in Hawaii last week, I walked
by this building and they had this pod in there,
and I was like, what is that. It was like
a makeup place and I was like what it was

like a spa type of thing, and I thought oh,
it must be a makeup thing.

Speaker 6 (26:51):
It's not me. I'm not into the makeup thing. But
then I saw your post yesterday and I was.

Speaker 4 (26:55):
Like, what is this?

Speaker 9 (26:56):
Yeah, so I was at my boyfriend couldis cousins Girlfriendspah,
and she was like, I have this like rejuvenation pod
that I want you to come out and try it out.
And when I got in this pod, I was like,
I can one hundred see John Jay putting this next
to his son in his garage, like this is so
right up his alley.

Speaker 8 (27:16):
I feel like.

Speaker 9 (27:17):
So it's literally it's called like the relax Well Pod
Deluxe or something like that.

Speaker 8 (27:22):
It looks like a giant egg and.

Speaker 9 (27:24):
You have to literally like open this like gate up
and then you like close yourself into this giant egg.

Speaker 8 (27:30):
Like I felt like.

Speaker 9 (27:30):
Lady Gaga and that like one music video where she
like comes out of the egg. Like I seriously felt
like that. And it has like infrared heat, has like
the Lymphomic massage show. It like vibrates gives you like
all of the like benefits to basically like detox. So
if you're gonna take like a juice cleanse, it essentially
I think does the same thing by detoxing like the

toxins in your body. It's like red light, blue light,
like whatever you want to set it customized to you
can do. It has like a green light. It was
really really cool and I was like, what is this?
Like this was almost too high tech for me, So
I was like, can you explain, Like I don't really
get it, and she's like, it's literally just to detox
your body. And she has like firefighters who come in

and detox their body after like smoke inhlation and it
like cleanses you.

Speaker 8 (28:16):
And I was like, so I was in it for thirty.

Speaker 9 (28:19):
Minutes, and I guess you like you want to do
like your initial cleanse, you want to go like three
times a week for like two weeks, and then you
can like do it like once a month or something
like that to keep up with your upkeep. But it
was I was so fascinated.

Speaker 8 (28:30):
It was warm.

Speaker 9 (28:31):
It was like I took a nap, I fell asleep into. Yeah,
it was like a relaxing music and then you can
pick like which aroma you want to like smell to relax.

Speaker 3 (28:39):
That's amazing.

Speaker 9 (28:40):
It was so it was seriously so cool and what
like really like kind of like intrigued me. Is she
was telling me how in Europe they're using this pod
to like reverse like dementia, like serious serious things that
like people are like battling with And it's like positive
effects from this like infrared light in this pod and
it's like the most unique cool thing ever. And I

can totally see John Jay putting one in his house.

Speaker 4 (29:04):
Well is it?

Speaker 6 (29:04):
I'm just googled it is. It is an infrared sauna
pod something. It says the nine benefits of Infrared Sna
Pod detox Therapy, And it looks like the thing do.

Speaker 4 (29:12):
Your whole body? Did you fit your whole body in there?

Speaker 8 (29:14):
Your whole body goes?

Speaker 9 (29:15):
You lay down, Yeah, you lay down except for your
head because when your head is outside of it, your
body can withstand more heat.

Speaker 4 (29:22):
Wait, so your head is sticking out? You get any
pictures of that?

Speaker 9 (29:25):

Speaker 8 (29:25):
I didn't. I couldn't use my hand.

Speaker 4 (29:26):
The cartoons.

Speaker 6 (29:30):
To the person that runs her friend that you're seeing,
the person that said welcome.

Speaker 9 (29:36):
It was funny because I was like, like, there's like
little things where you just stick your hands out and
you look like a little dinosaur out of this egg.

Speaker 4 (29:43):
Oh well, that's not what I just googled, you have
any other information what it looks what it is.

Speaker 8 (29:46):
Yeah, this is what it looks like. I just pulled
it up.

Speaker 2 (29:50):
So it's all.

Speaker 3 (29:51):
Relax pod and you like you laying down?

Speaker 8 (29:54):
Yeah, you lay down and then your head sticks out,
like right about it.

Speaker 2 (29:57):
Sh it looks like a big toilet. It looks like
you're sitting in a toilet.

Speaker 9 (30:00):
It's a multisensory wellness pod designed to deliver a relaxation
experience through biostack.

Speaker 3 (30:06):
You know what that reminds me of? It?

Speaker 7 (30:07):
It reminds me of like the new modern version of
like a tanning bed, except for it doesn't taner sin.

Speaker 3 (30:13):
It heals your body.

Speaker 4 (30:14):
Yeah, okay, hold on, so then what you just said,
I do that every day this thing. No what you
just said. So it's a tanning bed, but it's a
red light therapy bed. And after I work out, I
lay in there for twenty minutes. And you pick a setting.
I wonder if it's the same thing that you're talking about,
except your thing is a round thing. I lay down,
picture a tanny bed. I walk in and there's different settings.

There's male vitality, there's female vitality. There's lots of female settings,
and then there's grow your hair, there's eyes, there's some brain,
there's inflammation, and I usually set for inflammation. And then
I go in there and I lay down and it's
all these put a little thing over your eyes, and
then the red lights turn on, the blue lights, green lights.

Speaker 6 (30:54):
Everything turn on for twenty minutes and it gets hot
in there and you're laying down or just sitting. I
lay down, I lay down, and I go to sleep
the whole time. And I found out I've done it now.
Five hundred and six times is how many times. I
feel the same.

Speaker 4 (31:10):
But maybe things are working.

Speaker 3 (31:11):
I don't know about on the inside.

Speaker 8 (31:13):
Yeah, but do you know how much it costs to
go and do the pond?

Speaker 9 (31:17):

Speaker 4 (31:17):
To have one? You keep saying one in my garage.

Speaker 8 (31:20):
I'm like, I don't know, no idea.

Speaker 4 (31:22):
How much twenty thousand dollars.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
I just clicked on it, a lot of membership.

Speaker 9 (31:29):
I know how much your guys, I just went and
stat in an egg for thirty minutes.

Speaker 4 (31:33):
Did you do it like in a bikini?

Speaker 8 (31:35):
I was, I was booty naked or you were.

Speaker 4 (31:37):
So there's no window because it looks like there's a window.

Speaker 8 (31:39):
No, there's no window.

Speaker 4 (31:40):
You can't see the one. This one ad looks like
a window.

Speaker 8 (31:42):
No, no window.

Speaker 4 (31:44):
The naked people walk by.

Speaker 1 (31:46):
Hey, you.

Speaker 2 (31:48):
Can't see me.

Speaker 8 (31:49):
It is like my own room. Like it was nice.
It was really cool.

Speaker 9 (31:53):
Yes I did, and I burnt like one hundred and
eighty calories for something that's pretty sure sounds different, john Ja,
because you don't put the little eye things over it,
but it does.

Speaker 4 (32:02):
Your head's not in it. Your head's not in it.

Speaker 8 (32:03):
Oh you're okay, my head's in it.

Speaker 4 (32:05):
I'm completely because I take pictures posted today.

Speaker 10 (32:07):

Speaker 9 (32:07):
It has like weight management or like if you have
like if you want to work on muscle recovery, you
can set it to that setting or whatever.

Speaker 4 (32:13):
I'm gonna say this to my doctor and see what
she says. Please, if it's the same thing, do something different.
But I don't know.

Speaker 2 (32:18):
It sounds close because I love that stuff.

Speaker 4 (32:21):
Where is it? Where's where's this place I have?

Speaker 9 (32:22):
It's called Rejuvenate Renew And it's like off of like
Pima Road, Like it's actually right over the road.

Speaker 4 (32:28):
It's like an hour.

Speaker 9 (32:29):
From it's right by that Honesty Aquarium. It's like literally
like five minutes that I feel.

Speaker 3 (32:36):
Like it's actually in your bubble.

Speaker 4 (32:38):
It's really it's a little side my bubble.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
It's close Pema.

Speaker 6 (32:42):
It's right by the it's right by uh is it
by what was that via de Lavilla whatever else?

Speaker 4 (32:49):

Speaker 9 (32:50):
Like literally, like when I got off of the freeway,
I took a left and the Odyssey Aquarium was on
my right right.

Speaker 4 (32:54):
So then there's the is that where that I fly
is and all.

Speaker 3 (32:57):
Its Yeah, yeah, that's right.

Speaker 4 (33:00):
Border too far.

Speaker 2 (33:00):
You won't drive outside of your bubble to get inside
a bubble.

Speaker 4 (33:06):
When I said Pema, I thought there's a Pema way
up north we should go. I have to go up
there for basketball practice.

Speaker 8 (33:12):
PM on our side of town.

Speaker 6 (33:13):
Okay, I could do that Pemo anyway. Oh look, Nick
just sent me a picture of Peyton in the chamber.
But it's et.

Speaker 4 (33:23):
We're getting ready to talk to Tara. She met her
boyfriend's family this weekend and things didn't quite go as
she planned. She's gonna explain to us after Subpreena Carpenter,
John Jandwitch. Tara, thanks for holding high you're on the air.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
Yeah, Hi, thanks so much.

Speaker 4 (33:44):
Yeah, what's up?

Speaker 1 (33:45):
I met my boyfriend's family this weekend and I am
like nine nine point nine nine percent sure that his
sister already hates me.

Speaker 3 (33:57):
What did something happen or do you know her from before?

Speaker 1 (34:00):
Well, the second I walked in, she gave me this
look like I was the gum she just stepped on,
like the like the germs of the gum.

Speaker 4 (34:09):
She just stepped on.

Speaker 1 (34:09):
I tried to compliment her outfit, you know, trying to
break the ice, and she had asked, just said, oh thanks,
I didn't know basic.

Speaker 10 (34:20):
Was in style.

Speaker 1 (34:20):
Again, ew, like, are you serious? Basic?

Speaker 4 (34:25):
Well, maybe you compliment her outfit in what you thought
was a compliment was a compliment.

Speaker 3 (34:30):
What did you say to her?

Speaker 13 (34:35):
I think I just said I love your fits.

Speaker 2 (34:38):
I love your fit.

Speaker 6 (34:39):
I can never I can never pull that off. That's
so courageous of you. And you're like, it looks good
on you though, Wow, some people just wear anything. I
like how you just don't.

Speaker 4 (34:52):
Care what you wear? Go on, go on?

Speaker 1 (34:57):
Right? You know, we were trying to butter her up
and she was it's like not having it. So then
during dinner, she kept bringing up his ex girlfriend, who
is apparently a saint who rescues puppies. I'm I'm allergic.

Speaker 13 (35:10):
How am I supposed to compete with that.

Speaker 4 (35:13):
Did you say that friends with her?

Speaker 2 (35:15):
Yeah, she likes the other one better.

Speaker 14 (35:19):
Well just you wait?

Speaker 1 (35:20):
So then she she laughed at me when I said
I didn't eat seafood, and she said, oh, you're one
of those people.

Speaker 13 (35:28):
What Like it was so weird.

Speaker 1 (35:30):
It was so weird, like I.

Speaker 14 (35:32):
Was like something musty up.

Speaker 1 (35:33):
So I ended up stalking her on Instagram. And get this,
she's best friend with my ex boyfriend's new girlfriend. So
how I didn't know it could get more awkward? But
here we are.

Speaker 7 (35:47):
Oh so she doesn't care about your boyfriend's ex. It's
her best friend's boyfriend.

Speaker 2 (35:54):
How do you fall?

Speaker 10 (35:55):

Speaker 9 (35:55):
It's almost like so weird? How close the world or
how small world is?

Speaker 8 (36:01):
Can that happen?

Speaker 6 (36:02):
The world seems to be against her? Like that's so crazy.
I know sometimes those things happen.

Speaker 2 (36:08):
Yeah, I don't think she's ever going to be a
fan of you, so you don't have to try as
long as your boyfriend. How about mom? Does mom like you?

Speaker 8 (36:15):

Speaker 1 (36:16):
Yeah, mam and I get along, right, it's just a
sister who decided that I'm the worst?

Speaker 7 (36:22):
Does your ex boyfriend is he still hung up on you?
Because why Like he's moved on, and how you grow up?

Speaker 8 (36:27):
Like, why do you care?

Speaker 7 (36:28):
Why would she care about his ex unless her best
friend is like insecure about you?

Speaker 3 (36:34):
Like why has she talked about you in the relationship?

Speaker 9 (36:36):
You got to do some more let us know, because
those are some good questions.

Speaker 4 (36:41):
Transfer to a different high school.

Speaker 1 (36:44):
Yeah, no, I.

Speaker 15 (36:45):
Mean I did end things.

Speaker 1 (36:46):
I don't know.

Speaker 8 (36:47):
Maybe he's still hung up.

Speaker 1 (36:48):
That ain't my fault, right, not at all.

Speaker 8 (36:51):
Dang girl, all right, stay away from the sister.

Speaker 4 (36:54):
That's a tough story. Tough.

Speaker 8 (36:56):
Yeah, we're going to keep a.

Speaker 1 (36:57):
Distance for sure.

Speaker 8 (36:59):

Speaker 4 (36:59):
Well, thanks for sharing with us, Sarah, good luck, We
like you.

Speaker 14 (37:02):
Well, I'm gonna need it.

Speaker 5 (37:03):

Speaker 12 (37:05):
It's John Jay and Rich your flea, I have you please,
John Jay and Rich Maliah.

Speaker 4 (37:16):
Hey, hey, thanks for holding.

Speaker 15 (37:18):
Oh yeah, thanks for having me. Well I had to
call and tell you guys this because you're literally my beatsies,
and uh, this tea is just too hot enough to
tell you guys.

Speaker 2 (37:28):
So yeah, I would.

Speaker 15 (37:29):
Hold for a long time to be able to spell.

Speaker 4 (37:31):
Okay, I like that, let's hear it.

Speaker 15 (37:33):
So everything blew up with my friend group because we
found out that our friend Taylor had been hanging out
with this girl, Jayla, even though Jayla literally slept with
our other.

Speaker 14 (37:45):
Friend, Braylan's ex boyfriend.

Speaker 8 (37:48):
Yeah, I'm talking about the.

Speaker 15 (37:50):
Same guy that broke Braylan's heart. Okay, she was struggling
to get over him for months, and we all found
out because Jayla posted a picture of herself and Taylor
a coffee shop on her story and of course we
all saw it, so she went off in a group chat.
She was like, are we really still pretending that Taylor
didn't sleep with my man?

Speaker 13 (38:08):
Is that what we're doing now? It was straight up chaos, and.

Speaker 15 (38:13):
Of course Taylor was trying to defend herself. She was
like saying it was in the past, she didn't really
think it was her place to take sides, But honestly,
that whole thing just made everything worse, and Braylan was livid,
so she started calling Taylor a trader. She was saying
how she felt like she didn't trust anybody anymore. And
at this point, now everybody in the chat is picking side,

and I was trying to calm things down, but honestly,
it was just like way too far gone at that point.
So now Taylor's been ghosting everybody literally everybody in a
chat because now she has trust issues, I guess, and
Braylan's like threatening to cut her off for good. And
they've been friends since they were like seven, so it's
like sad, it's total fallout. It's just insane.

Speaker 13 (38:58):
So yeah, that's that's the tea that's.

Speaker 3 (38:59):
Going right now.

Speaker 9 (39:00):
I feel like we were just on FaceTime Taylor's brook
friend code, and we do pick sad.

Speaker 7 (39:08):
If there is a girl that wrongs one of the
other girls in the whole group, what is it going
to stop her from wronging you?

Speaker 2 (39:13):
She's out.

Speaker 4 (39:15):
What's funny is that you said you felt like you're
on FaceTime. I feel like I was watching like previously
on and then we're going to get into a new
episode of Gossip Girl.

Speaker 8 (39:24):
It was a really.

Speaker 4 (39:28):
Whoa and I'll try to visualize everything she sayd really
fast and then how the new episode is going to start.

Speaker 2 (39:36):
That's helpful, right, So who side we all?

Speaker 4 (39:39):
Do you guys follow?

Speaker 9 (39:39):
Who were Taylor's Taylor's Tayla is the one that slept with.

Speaker 2 (39:45):
The man, I think, so why are we on her side?
Because she's just evil?

Speaker 8 (39:49):
She slept with Braylan's boyfriend.

Speaker 3 (39:51):
And Taylor hung out with her.

Speaker 2 (39:52):
You don't hang out with Brayle, hang out.

Speaker 4 (39:54):
With her on Braila's a girl, I'm assuming. Oh I
don't know. I know a Braylen. It's a guy.

Speaker 8 (40:00):
Oh really interesting.

Speaker 4 (40:02):
I don't know any guy's named Kyle.

Speaker 13 (40:05):
I do, really.

Speaker 3 (40:06):
I just had to meet him. I was like, Kyle, Kyle,
Kyle col.

Speaker 4 (40:13):
You should do that sometime. That he means some guy,
nam Kyle. I've never met a guy named Kyle. All right, Well, thanks,
well ya, thanks that update. Call us next week here
have another update.

Speaker 15 (40:23):
Oh gosh, I'm sure I'll have plenty to update you.

Speaker 4 (40:26):
All right, thank you very much.

Speaker 13 (40:28):

Speaker 6 (40:33):
It's John, Jay and Rich. We talked about this the
other day. This woman in Kansas City, she had six
ribs removed to get a smaller waist. Her name is Emily.
She got seventeen thousand dollars surgery, and then she had
the ribs, all these bones in the plastic bag.

Speaker 3 (40:48):
I got my ribs removed.

Speaker 4 (40:49):
I got them removed for cosmetic purposes. These are my
rib bones. There's six of them.

Speaker 3 (40:54):
There's one so tiny and small, and let me keep
them on.

Speaker 2 (40:57):
Having someone make a crown and like incorporating my bone
pieces in there like shaving down.

Speaker 4 (41:03):
So she kept a rib. That's her surgery souvenir. So
we thought we'd get into your surgery souvenirs. Eight seven
seven nine three seven one o four seven Kelly, what's
your surgery souvenir?

Speaker 14 (41:17):
It is a I have three golfstones and I have
a port that they removed.

Speaker 4 (41:27):
And where do you keep that?

Speaker 7 (41:30):
In my memory box?

Speaker 14 (41:32):
I have a memory box that I keep all of
that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2 (41:35):
How big are the gallstones?

Speaker 9 (41:37):

Speaker 14 (41:37):
It was the size of about a number two pencil eraser,
So prepare.

Speaker 2 (41:41):
That could cause some Greek some havoc.

Speaker 4 (41:43):
What else is your memory box?

Speaker 14 (41:45):
Oh, lots of lots of souvenirs and lots of pictures.

Speaker 4 (41:50):
You got any paper weights in there?

Speaker 9 (41:51):
No join it?

Speaker 4 (41:52):
Okay, Kelly, thanks for calling in and have a great day.

Speaker 8 (41:57):
Ay Jip.

Speaker 4 (41:58):
I remember my mom one time we lived in Mexico.
So I was in third grade, fourth grade, and I
was coming home from the grocery. My mom sent me
to the market, which people don't do anymore, right, So
I went to the market. I had a bag full
of stuff, groceries, and I remember walking to the door
and I pounded on the door pound pound pound pound
for her to open the door, and it turns out
it was unlocked, and so I went to open the door.

When I opened the door, I saw my mom running
like she's coming out of the shower. She's running with
a towerr on her waist and she slips to come
open the door. She slips and falls, lands on her
elbow and breaks her arm.

Speaker 3 (42:29):
Oh no, my fault.

Speaker 4 (42:31):
And she has to have surgery. And it was terrible.
I remember she died on the operating tables in Mexico.
They gave her to me. It was terrible. My dad
had to scream and it was just like a movie. Anyway,
After the surgery they gave her, they cut off, which
I'm sure was not the right surgery to do, but
they caught off a chunk of her bone and she
was able to keep it in a jar and we
had to. It was like a it was like it

looked like a disc. It was like a thick, very
thick nickel. And we would shake it all the time.
And you have it, my mom's bone right in this
little cup. God, I know, weird, right.

Speaker 3 (43:01):
Little rattler did her arm heel fully?

Speaker 4 (43:05):
Yeah, it was weird. It was a weird time going
to school in Mexico and all that crap. Weird time,
you guys, fun servant souvenir, though I don't know where
it is. Let me ask her. Oh, she's not with
us here we go. Maybe I keep some of her
ashes as a souvenir, but I don't. We buried those Christmas
wish working it out? Eight seven, seven, nine three seven

one o four seven. What's your surgery, souvenir? More of
your calls. Next, it's John Jay and Rich in.

Speaker 8 (43:31):
The eternal battle of morning show supremacy.

Speaker 4 (43:35):
We are one of them.

Speaker 2 (43:39):
It's John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 4 (43:41):
Jessica, what's your surgery souvenir?

Speaker 14 (43:44):
Uh? It was a scurs and a rod that I
had in my back for sign surgery.

Speaker 4 (43:50):
Did you say a scourge and a lodge?

Speaker 5 (43:52):

Speaker 14 (43:53):
A screw and a rod that they put my back
and they took it out.

Speaker 4 (43:58):

Speaker 14 (43:59):
The doctor actually let me ask me during the right
before the surgery if I wanted it out. And all
the people, all his coworkers, were just kind of astonished
that he was asking about it because he was about
to retire, and he was just like, well, how are
they gonna what are they gonna do just fire me.

Speaker 2 (44:16):
I leave it.

Speaker 3 (44:17):
Oh my gosh, is it in a jar?

Speaker 4 (44:20):
Like? Where do you keep it?

Speaker 14 (44:22):
I just keep it on the counter in my bedroom
and just have it.

Speaker 4 (44:27):
Showed us a picture of it right now. Wow, that
was in your back.

Speaker 2 (44:30):
That's pretty big.

Speaker 14 (44:32):
Yeahbout the size of my palm. They only had to
reach a little bit because they only had to mess
with part of my back.

Speaker 4 (44:38):
What's in there now?

Speaker 14 (44:40):
Just a couple of loshers that they couldn't find.

Speaker 4 (44:43):
They couldn't find what happened to your back? They needed it?

Speaker 14 (44:46):
I had pretty good scolios because one of my vertbrae
was messed up, so they had to uuse a few
bones and just stabilize it with that. And then I
ended up growing way more than I thought say that
I would so and they kind of dis messed everything up,
so I had to get approved by the surgeon who
just happened to be not retiring just yet.

Speaker 4 (45:09):
Wow, that's a fun thing to have though. Should make
it to your necklace, keep it on your neck?

Speaker 14 (45:13):
I should. I shouldn't take it in my car.

Speaker 4 (45:15):
Start a whole new trend with hip hop.

Speaker 2 (45:16):
Artists and are you okay? Now?

Speaker 7 (45:19):

Speaker 4 (45:21):

Speaker 6 (45:21):
Thanks Jessica, thank you for sharing your son surgery souvenir.
Have a great day, Cau has one.

Speaker 7 (45:28):
I mean it's not as cool as the screws, but
I do have a photo of my ruptured implant, which
I thought was pretty cool because that means whilst I
was open on the table, they were snapping the photos,
which was amazing.

Speaker 4 (45:42):
What wait a minute, so like you're cut open and
you can see the.

Speaker 9 (45:45):
Yeah, wow, like it's your body, it's not just the implant.

Speaker 3 (45:49):
Well and the implant.

Speaker 4 (45:51):
Do you have a photo but in there before they
cut it?

Speaker 8 (45:53):

Speaker 2 (45:54):
Do they repair? Do they repair the ruptured?

Speaker 10 (45:56):

Speaker 2 (45:56):
Did they pull it out and put a new one in?

Speaker 3 (45:58):
Know, they had to pull it out. They had to
clean everything out.

Speaker 7 (46:00):
I guess it's like the silicone or whatever was everywhere.

Speaker 2 (46:03):
Oh, really painful for you?

Speaker 10 (46:05):

Speaker 7 (46:05):
No, you know what's crazy is he thinks it ruptured
like right after my daughter was born and I.

Speaker 3 (46:09):
Just got him read on like eight years later.

Speaker 6 (46:10):
Oh my gosh, what beautiful Jeb. Beautiful work he did.
Its beautiful work. That guy's amazing. That guy's at hardiest.

Speaker 2 (46:18):
We should send him some flowers.

Speaker 4 (46:20):
Did you see that there was a survey done of
who has the largest breasts in the world, and America
is number two, number two, probably.

Speaker 3 (46:28):
Because of Kyle number one's dub it was number one.

Speaker 4 (46:32):
Remember who number one is? That funny.

Speaker 8 (46:33):
There's a lot of back problems right there.

Speaker 4 (46:35):
Yeah, I'll find.

Speaker 6 (46:36):
Out who number one is in a minute. It's kind
But speaking of a surgery, Stuvenir, years and years of
years ago, I remember when my kids were little, we
started rescuing all these dogs in my house, I mean
our own personal dogs.

Speaker 4 (46:48):
I remember had Lego. Lego kept sneaking out and I
had put chicken wire around our pool fence because Lego
was getting between the wall the bars and put chicken wire.
And my kids are screwing around the chicken wire. So
I said, you guys got to stop messing with chickwha.
You can get hurt. And I went to show them
how they can get hurt, and I hurt myself and
I cut open underneath my rib. So anyway I had

it was a big and I do that keloid scar,
you know, So I saw a surgeon.

Speaker 6 (47:13):
He cut the keloid scar. I don't if you remember
this part, Rich, because then I brought it in. I
had a big chunk of meat. Oh my gosh, you
remember that. I wanted to cook it and eat it
and then I could say I had a human flesh.
It cast a big problem on the air. Probably shouldn't
bring it up, but I had it. It was like
it looked like a like a thick piece of bacon.

Speaker 4 (47:30):
It looked a piece of.

Speaker 8 (47:33):
Have you guys ever seen like tonsils in a jar?

Speaker 6 (47:36):
So many people on Instagram or Facebook we posted, so
many people said they had that. I can't imagine how
gross I would look.

Speaker 9 (47:42):
I remember when my sister got her tonsils out and
my parents brought it home and me and my brother
Jayalen just screamed, Yeah, why that something from like outer space?

Speaker 2 (47:52):
That's not going to go anywhere? That that that you
need it.

Speaker 3 (47:56):
Chunk away.

Speaker 4 (47:56):
I don't remember what I did with it. I didn't
eat it. I wanted to.

Speaker 8 (48:00):
Blake probably hasn't somewhere.

Speaker 4 (48:03):
So Noah apparently has the surgic surgular a lot of
stories of all time.

Speaker 11 (48:07):
What do you have so you guys know my friend
Taylor ror Swift, No, my best friend Taylor Glaura. I
have two best friends, okay, actually have many best friends.

Speaker 4 (48:19):
Well fair enough, Okay, so Taylor, Yeah, so Taylor.

Speaker 11 (48:23):
She works or she worked at a vet clinic, and
while she was at the vet clinic, she found a
feral cat on her way into work and decided that
she was going to make it. Her pets two dogs,
Honey and Sugar. So she asked me for a name.
I said oatmeal. She agreed with said name, and while
she had oatmeal there, they went ahead and they got
her fixed, and she told me that she was going

to keep oatmeal's uterus in a little jar from aldehyde.
And every time I go to her house, she has
oatmeals uterus with a like on a sharpissas oatmeal's uterus
on a little format of hyde bottle above her bed.
And as soon as we start talking about surgery's soirs,
I was like, oh, I like you should come on
and tell the story, and she didn't want to, so
I'm telling you on her behalf. But she proceeds to

tell me not only does she have oatmeals uterus from
her time at the vet clinic, she also has seven
puppy tails, a dog, eyeball, and a pin from her
own toast surgery.

Speaker 16 (49:17):
All like in jars, sounds like above John Paul's dad
or John Paul in Freaking Bad Sister of season one?

Speaker 4 (49:27):
Right, WHOA.

Speaker 11 (49:28):
I've been friends with Taylor since the seventh grade, and
I had no idea.

Speaker 8 (49:32):
That she's twisted.

Speaker 4 (49:34):
Does the does the uterus? Does the uterus the jar
look like in the drawings, like a little v and everything?

Speaker 2 (49:41):

Speaker 4 (49:41):
Yeah it does.

Speaker 11 (49:42):
It looks almost like if you could take your tongue
out and put it in a jar and it would
just float halfway.

Speaker 4 (49:48):
That's what it looks like.

Speaker 11 (49:49):
And I knew about that one, and I thought that
the story was funny, but I didn't know that there
was a whole collection.

Speaker 2 (49:57):
Be worried. If you're a you're a little doggy walking
ac clinic, your tail mic right end up on the
nightstand Jack. Yeah, that's pretty.

Speaker 4 (50:04):
Wild that that that is a I mean we didn't
say you have to be your surgery.

Speaker 2 (50:07):
That's true, or you're or you're he has the most
so far?

Speaker 11 (50:10):
All right, O you in whatever surgery I have, she's
probably gonna wanna, Oh.

Speaker 4 (50:14):
Yeah, what are you gonna have? You haven't your uterus removed?
I'll let you know have you had surgery.

Speaker 11 (50:21):
I'll take a Friday and a Monday off to get my.

Speaker 6 (50:24):
All right, if you have any other ones, shoots a
call eight seven seven nine seven four seven or DM
John j.

Speaker 4 (50:30):
Vaness. It's John Jay and Rich you John Jane Rich.
Justin Bieber has apparently unfollowed Usher on Instagram, and the
world wants to know what that could mean.

Speaker 7 (50:46):
Interesting He's been on an unfollowing rampage as of late.

Speaker 3 (50:50):
He unfollowed Scooter Braun and then he, I guess blocked
Scooter Braun's business partner.

Speaker 4 (50:55):
I saw that. How can you tell if someone blocks somebody,
because if you block them on Instagram, they're just disappeared.

Speaker 3 (51:00):
Well, that person probably knows and probably started.

Speaker 8 (51:02):
To telling got out.

Speaker 2 (51:05):
Do you think this is all tied the Ushers?

Speaker 9 (51:09):
I mean yeah, maybe maybe JB like going through something
and Usher, you know, doesn't want to have any part
of it.

Speaker 8 (51:16):
But who knows.

Speaker 4 (51:17):
What were you saying about Kanye?

Speaker 9 (51:19):
Well, Kanye he he let me see where I.

Speaker 4 (51:23):
Can post the goats.

Speaker 8 (51:25):
Oh yeah, sorry, I have it right here.

Speaker 9 (51:27):
But Kanye he posted he said that he's the goat
of all goats, and I'm like, Kanye, they.

Speaker 6 (51:34):
Posted a goat he should I also saw that Kanye
apparently he's with his kids in Japan. It's the first
time he's been with his kids in like over one
hundred and something days and Kim Kardashian is with him.

Speaker 8 (51:46):

Speaker 4 (51:47):
But also that's cool.

Speaker 7 (51:49):
I like seeing stories like that, where like if people can,
like despite their differences, they can like hang out and
play nice for the kids.

Speaker 6 (51:56):
Yeah, did you see the picture he posted his wife
and then deleted it, but everybody got it.

Speaker 8 (52:00):
I thought they broke up, like I thought they weren't together.

Speaker 4 (52:02):
Oh, really, did you see the picture though?

Speaker 8 (52:03):

Speaker 4 (52:04):
Oh, it's a beautiful picture. It's it's her, It's very sexy,
but it's like her and some weird bikini outfit just
to close up from her neck.

Speaker 3 (52:13):
To her torso him Kardashian or Cinsy Yanka Cinsery.

Speaker 4 (52:17):
Yeah, it's incredible. What's the news with David Schwimmer who
played Ross on Friends?

Speaker 7 (52:21):
So he was actually opening up about his like jobs
before he made it big, right in the industry, and
one of them was he actually served legal papers and
he actually got to serve legal papers to someone pretty famous.

Speaker 4 (52:34):
Thank goodness.

Speaker 11 (52:35):
I've never run into him since, but I served Rod Stewart.

Speaker 4 (52:43):
I don't even know if he knows I don't think
he knows.

Speaker 15 (52:46):
He knows now, he knows.

Speaker 7 (52:47):
Now papers he served were divorce papers would probably wasn't
a great day.

Speaker 6 (52:52):
His laugh there was so ross. Yeah, Princess Catherine is
that is that William's wife?

Speaker 8 (52:59):

Speaker 7 (52:59):
Okay, Yeah, they announced that her cancer is in remission,
and it just totally brought me back to It was
basically almost a year ago where we were like where
is printis Catherine?

Speaker 3 (53:08):
Where is she member?

Speaker 7 (53:09):
And then then we were like, oh, she's dealing with
some big stuff and so good news for the royal
family that her cancer is in remission. A Kylie Kelsey
She actually I like Kylie Kelcey, but like she's got
this podcast now and it's it's her opening up.

Speaker 3 (53:24):
It's where we learned she like met Jason Kelcey.

Speaker 7 (53:26):
On Tinder and she like opened up about some like
you know, lines that she did when she was trying
to impress him, like you know, like pickup lines. And
she actually just received her first podcast nomination award or
like award no ready shit, Yeah, she's like kind of
beside herself and taking it back because she's like, I
like never saw myself doing this and so to get

like a word of it.

Speaker 3 (53:49):
It was just just like, what is happening? This is
It's the Tailor Swift Effect, the.

Speaker 4 (53:54):
Heart Podcast Awards. That's the only word show I know
of a podcast.

Speaker 3 (53:57):
I didn't know what a word it was. It was
just her her action to getting an award nomination.

Speaker 9 (54:01):
I kind of love though, how like she's just sharing
her world with us, like because especially with like the
way that she parents, Like she's like, I curse in
front of my kids, Like okay, Like it's so real
and raw, and I feel like sometimes when you're in
the spotlight like that, it's easy to not be that way.

Speaker 7 (54:17):
Well and then yeah, and like the pickup line, she
was like, I literally don't really tell people the line
that I use because you know, we were just being
stupid flirting back and forth. She's like, I've held that
really close, but then opened up and showed that it
was like if you were a ups driver, would you
let me handle your package?

Speaker 3 (54:33):
And she's like, it's so embarrassing, it's ambrazing.

Speaker 8 (54:35):
I love it.

Speaker 3 (54:36):
I love her personality.

Speaker 4 (54:38):
About Patrick Mahomes.

Speaker 7 (54:39):
Well, we have to say congratulations to the Mahomes family.
They just had another baby. Brittany gave birth and It
was cute because he was doing a press conference and
you know, she gave birth on the bye.

Speaker 3 (54:49):
Week commnially for a Kansas City chiefs right.

Speaker 7 (54:52):
And he was like grateful that it was on that
week and just gave all the credit to his wife.

Speaker 2 (54:57):
It's been it's been cool with me.

Speaker 5 (54:58):
I'm just supporting, you know, Britney crushed, but it's it's
been cool to welcome another baby girl in our family
and see how my other kids react to her and
having baby sissy and stuff like that.

Speaker 2 (55:09):
So it's been it's been a.

Speaker 5 (55:09):
Lot of fun. And it was cool that football was
on TV when I was in the hospital, so I
got to watch a little bit. And so, uh, Brittany
was kind enough to let us watch football as she
was getting ready to give birth to our second daughter.

Speaker 7 (55:21):
That's so real, yeah, because you just imagine she's like,
I can never get away from it.

Speaker 3 (55:26):
But it's part of their life. It's who you know,
it's who they are. And so they named the baby
girl Golden Ray cute.

Speaker 8 (55:32):
Golden's on my baby list name.

Speaker 7 (55:34):
Dang it, they heard us.

Speaker 8 (55:38):
Talking about it exactly. Give me some credit for that.

Speaker 4 (55:42):
I gave you that name, Dorothy, what's your comment on Hanny's.

Speaker 10 (55:50):
Oh my gosh. When I heard you guys talking about Hanny's,
I immediately how to tell you. This is my litmus test.
So I'm a single lady, and I will take a
man like or I will say, like, let's meet a
Handy's on a first date and we'll have great drinks,
great food, and then I'll just turn to him and say,
do you want to see the basement? And I'll take

him down there and we'll look at the dolls.

Speaker 13 (56:12):
And that's how I.

Speaker 10 (56:14):
Tell it if the guy's going to be cool or
not based on his reactions.

Speaker 4 (56:17):
Have you ever had somebody say no, they don't want
to go down the basement.

Speaker 10 (56:21):
No, everybody wants to go see that.

Speaker 4 (56:23):
I know. Well. I mean if you're sitting there, if
you're a guy and a girl says you want to
go down and see the basis, yes, you're not thinking
there's going to be scary dolls down there. You're thinking
she's going to hike up her dress.

Speaker 10 (56:36):
Yep, exactly, but nope, it's dolls and coins. And then
come over to the area where the elevator shaft is
and make him look down and see how he reacts
to that. So is this a good gauge of if
the guy's going to be cooler?

Speaker 7 (56:49):
Okay, but true, because if you think they're going to
get something, then he's got a good sense.

Speaker 3 (56:52):
You were about creepy dolls like that should be a keeper?

Speaker 2 (56:56):
But do you want them go to be manly down there?
Would you prefer he screamed like a girl when he
looks down the U the elevator shaft.

Speaker 10 (57:02):
Well, I've experienced both, maybe not screaming, but you know,
like freaked out and showing it, which is you know,
it's fine, be vulnerable, that's fine, But if you hate
it and you don't call me back, then you're not gonna, like,
we're not gonna have fun.

Speaker 7 (57:19):
Like what if he said, what if he said to you, Dorothy,
I want you to wear one of those dresses that
the dolls have and I want to make love to you.

Speaker 10 (57:32):
I would commit to the bit.

Speaker 4 (57:33):
Honestly, you commit.

Speaker 2 (57:34):
To the bit.

Speaker 4 (57:37):
That's awesome.

Speaker 2 (57:38):
She's a keeper.

Speaker 4 (57:39):
Are you single now still?

Speaker 10 (57:42):

Speaker 4 (57:42):
Yeah, you must have scared somebody away.

Speaker 2 (57:45):
I know you're gonna need it. You're gonna need a
very cool partner because if you're committing to the bill,
that's a lifetime of committing to the bit, because once
you're in, you can't be the one that that jumps out.
He just can't.

Speaker 10 (57:56):
Oh exactly. Yeah. I recently went on a date with
one guy and hope this is it's very promising, but
I'm still single. But we did go on a date
and he committed to the bit at the restaurant, and
then he told me that he has always kind of wanted,
like to cause a scene in a restaurant. And I
was like, Okay, tell me more. And he was like like,

like you throw a fit and you storm out. And
then I'm like, oh, yeah, I sold all her dog
gies or like something stupid like that. And I was like, wait,
that sounds like fun, just something we're not inconveniencing anymore.

Speaker 4 (58:33):
Did you do it?

Speaker 1 (58:35):

Speaker 10 (58:35):
But I mean we've only gone on two dates, so
there's still time.

Speaker 2 (58:38):
I kind of like that though.

Speaker 4 (58:39):
Does anyone know the story behind Hanny's Do you know,
Dorothy So?

Speaker 10 (58:43):
It used to be a department store? I know that much,
and I think, yeah, that's about it. It used to
be an apartment store. Now it's just a really cool bar.

Speaker 6 (58:55):
Are those original dolls from the department store?

Speaker 10 (58:59):
I don't think so. So I think because there's some
eccentric art around which I'm super into. There's like like
a Lady Deer. I haven't been there in a minute,
but there's like a Lady Deer statue thing that has
like pearls and jewels on it. So I think it's
just like eccentric art.

Speaker 8 (59:15):
With baby doll heads in her butt by the way,
like on.

Speaker 4 (59:19):
Her butt are to.

Speaker 10 (59:23):
Where they go.

Speaker 2 (59:24):
I mean it used to be a department store. Isn't
very deep lore for me, but okay sure.

Speaker 10 (59:28):
When a Yeah, sorry, I need to study up again.
I haven't been there in a minute. I haven't like
taken I haven't taken a guy there. I haven't taken
this new guy there yet.

Speaker 3 (59:36):
So on their website, yeah, yeah, it was.

Speaker 7 (59:41):
Our building's rich history and architecture is a renovation of
a nineteen forty seven men's clothing store by the same name.
It's a true house of style. So she's right, that's
kind of what's going on of like fashion.

Speaker 4 (59:52):
Yeah, I don't go to any building that has architecture
by Dorothy. Thanks for listening, Thanks for calling in.

Speaker 10 (01:00:00):
Hey, thanks you guys, have a good day.

Speaker 4 (01:00:01):
Thank you. What Street is hand he's on Where is exactly?
It's downtown Phoenix.

Speaker 8 (01:00:04):
Where downtown Phoenix. It's like.

Speaker 9 (01:00:08):
It's like you can walk from foot Print Center. Okay,
it's like maybe two blocks from Footprint Center. Okay, Adams,
maybe lockhom Street.

Speaker 4 (01:00:15):
It's John J and Rich.

Speaker 8 (01:00:17):
I do that, raybo or something?

Speaker 2 (01:00:19):
Can just five you.

Speaker 10 (01:00:23):

Speaker 4 (01:00:28):
Got this text? You could text us.

Speaker 6 (01:00:29):
You text jj R and whatever you want to say
to ninety six eight ninety three.

Speaker 4 (01:00:36):
Hey, this is Maddie. I was wondering if John J
knows he is saying confiscated like that. I hear confiscated
every time and was waiting for someone to call him out.
Or is it a John Jay is something like Lord
and behold love you guys. Confiscated?

Speaker 8 (01:00:52):
How do you say the word confiscated with an F?

Speaker 4 (01:00:55):
What do I say?

Speaker 8 (01:00:56):
I thought you confiscated just sounds.

Speaker 2 (01:00:58):
You almost like you're saying con vict at the front,
con confiscated, confiscated is.

Speaker 4 (01:01:04):
Confiscated? Is I say confiscated? I think I was saying
with the V confiscated convey conversation convert So is it
conversation conversation con if I was gonna write convisc conve
no there's no the like Fred Confiscated, confiscated. Hey, uh

we were talking about the other day mister Beast games, right,
And so it's a number one on Amazon. So I
go to Amazon. It is not number one on Amazon anymore. No,
it's this other show. So I was like, what's this show?
It's called on Call. Does anyone said it yet? Okay,
so Peyton, you like that show? What's that?

Speaker 8 (01:01:54):
Law and Order?

Speaker 4 (01:01:56):
Dick Wolf is the guy's name, that's the director. Yeah,
so this is his new show. And I've never seen
a show like this before. It's and it man mad
mad respect for the police when you watch this show.
So it's a it's a it's like actors. It's not
reality show, but it's actors and it's cops and it's
a cop killed in the line of duty. But it

shot like a TV show and then it cuts to
bodycam camera and then it cuts to It's just so
different and it's so scary seeing what a cop has
to go through just when they pull somebody over. But
I mean, so it has like storylines or whatever. It's
also has Ant Becky's in it from Full House Yeah,

and Eric Lesle from e R.

Speaker 2 (01:02:40):
He was in Uh, what's the people getting shows?

Speaker 4 (01:02:44):
What's what's afro glow? Oh yeah, coming to America, Come
in America. So anyway, it's I'm on two episodes so far,
and it is really crazy and just makes you go, man,
it's tough being a cop, you know what I mean.
It's not like active and I get to solve the murder.
These are the guys in uniform doing everything.

Speaker 10 (01:03:03):

Speaker 4 (01:03:03):
So so it's it's called on call. It's I think
it's worth.

Speaker 8 (01:03:06):
It sounds like it's right up my alley.

Speaker 2 (01:03:07):
But how far are all the Mister Beasts out yet?
I mean that whole show, that is a great, great show.

Speaker 3 (01:03:14):
It is so moved so quickly.

Speaker 2 (01:03:15):
They do so many games. You're like just like out
of breath from the last one, Like, okay, now you
have a stock box? What if a false? I mean,
is he the host? Yeah? He is the host? I
love it. I mean it's it's almost like Squid Games
turned up a couple of notches quite honestly.

Speaker 3 (01:03:32):
Without the death.

Speaker 2 (01:03:33):
But they just drop people into this bottomless.

Speaker 9 (01:03:37):
Pit and you, like you, so, how does how does
mister Beasts do? Because I've seen plenty of interviews and
I actually met a guy that worked with him, and
they're like, he's so socially awkward, so.

Speaker 3 (01:03:49):
Great energy, really interacts with the people a little bit.

Speaker 9 (01:03:52):
Maybe if it's like when the cameras are on, he's
not awkward, but like in real.

Speaker 3 (01:03:55):
Life, well, it could be that.

Speaker 7 (01:03:57):
And and part of it, I think is like he
is in most just a hosting thing. Has two friends
who are basically co hosting with him, and they mostly
interact with the people. And then they have something like
over a thousand cameras, like getting.

Speaker 3 (01:04:09):
Professionals from people.

Speaker 7 (01:04:11):
They have all like all one thousand contestants each had
their own camera set up, and the very first like.

Speaker 3 (01:04:18):
It's challenge or whatever.

Speaker 2 (01:04:20):
I've never seen a show with an elaborate set like
that before. We're I mean, it's like they've spent so
much money on cameras, on sets, on It's crazy what
they've done. This has got to be the most expensive
game show of all time. Grant, There's something really cool
that happens. There's one guy who's very religious and he
basically is like being very evangelical to everybody on the show,
and some people are really turned off by it, but

a lot of people are like he's inspiring, and then
there's so there's this whole there's this challenge where they
have to give everybody one coin, like everybody gets a
coin and whoever has the most coins at the end,
you know whatever. It's it's complicated, but it's my favorite
line of a TV show ever. There's a contestant and
she objecting to giving this guy a coin. She's like,
I'm not gonna give him a coin. I don't like him,

I don't like all this stuff. And then she's like,
what is your objection?

Speaker 17 (01:05:07):
And she goes, my objection is disingenuous and she goes
and the girl goes, what does that even mean?

Speaker 2 (01:05:14):
And she goes, I don't need to explain that to you.

Speaker 17 (01:05:17):
It's just like there's little gems throughout the whole show
that it's perfect.

Speaker 4 (01:05:21):
On that show I was telling you about on call
that they they they're following somebody, and it shows you
how the cops are following somebody and they could just
because they just plugging the licens to play with the
car in front of them and the person has a
whatever warned after them, so they're like light them up.
Oh yeah, did you turn on the sirens? That's coo cool.
I also finished episode one of Severance.

Speaker 3 (01:05:40):
Right finished a week ago?

Speaker 4 (01:05:43):
No, no, I.

Speaker 6 (01:05:44):
Finishally finished it last night. What episode one? And even
you know you're saying that it takes many episodes to
get into it. I'm after episode one, I'm kind of like, Okay,
this is intriguing. It's very slow, but it's intriguing already
after episode one, Right.

Speaker 3 (01:05:57):
Yeah, that was kind of the vibe that I had.
I was like, what did I just watch? I'm so confused,
like does this show suck? But I kind of want
to see the next step?

Speaker 8 (01:06:04):
But what's the premise again?

Speaker 7 (01:06:05):
So the premise is basically, these these people work at
a place where they have all agreed to basically sever
their memories from the outside world. So whether at work,
all they have memories of is work memories. When they're
in the outside world, they remember nothing from what.

Speaker 3 (01:06:21):
Happened at work, Okay, And then you have to.

Speaker 7 (01:06:23):
Kind of figure out, like eventually they all try to
like figure out what are they there for?

Speaker 3 (01:06:28):
Like what are they doing in this place? Not why did.

Speaker 8 (01:06:30):
I sign up for it? Huh? Interesting?

Speaker 4 (01:06:35):
I think about what that'd be like here, did you
when you're watching it?

Speaker 6 (01:06:37):
What you're thinking it would be like here, Yeah, Like
you come into work as Kyle and then you leave
and you have no idea what happened on.

Speaker 2 (01:06:44):
The show, but people probably still come up to you
and talk to you about the show.

Speaker 4 (01:06:47):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (01:06:48):
Well, actually it's interesting because people do come up and
talk to like the main the main character, they come
up and talk to you about about the seventh Process
because people know he did it and it's apparently really
controversial at the time.

Speaker 17 (01:06:59):
The finale is so through the ten episodes, when you
when you get to the end of the of the
first season, you're.

Speaker 2 (01:07:06):
Just like, oh my god, unbelievable. I cannot wait.

Speaker 3 (01:07:10):
I know, I'm Friday Friday.

Speaker 7 (01:07:12):
The second season of seven is kind of out on
Apple TV, and it's like, I can't wait for it.

Speaker 8 (01:07:17):
I love that it's a good ending because I feel
like we didn't get that with Squid Game right now,
so I feel like I need a good season ending episode.

Speaker 6 (01:07:25):
By the way, you know, it's another show. I watched
this on Netflix. It was a top five show yesterday
and I had no idea this show existed. But it's
The Walking Dead. Five years later, after Rick died on
the bridge, what do they call the show that No.

Speaker 4 (01:07:38):
I can't call it. It's called I don't know what
it's called. The show. But Rick didn't die on the bridge.
It's Rick. It's Rick and Michelle's Rick. Yeah, and it's
the first If you just watched the first episode, it
is one of the most violent episodes as far as
killing zombies.

Speaker 9 (01:07:52):

Speaker 4 (01:07:52):
Oh, they are killing zombies like crazy. Well, they probably
didn't need that, right because they overdue.

Speaker 2 (01:07:57):
Walking Dead was like for there were just people walking
around for a long time. They weren't killing anybody.

Speaker 3 (01:08:02):
Yeah, it wasn't that.

Speaker 7 (01:08:03):
The reason everyone started really liking that show is because
like all the main characters would die off and you
would start to like someone and they would just die
by the zombies.

Speaker 4 (01:08:11):
But it was also cool because you put yourself in
like what would I do if there were zombies? And and
that show showed you what you would do if there
were zombies. But now it's five years later and the
first thing is that, dude, Rick, this is the part
I don't understand Rick. Oh, it's an episode. It's number
two on Netflix right now. Is called The Ones, The
One Who The Ones who Live, The Walking Dead, The
Ones Who Lived. Only six episodes okay, brand new and

like the first.

Speaker 6 (01:08:34):
Episode, Rick, this is why I don't get the star
cuts off his arm, so he's his own arm. Why
because he's a prisoner and they and they keep on
a on a like a fishing line, and he goes
and tries to uh, he on the fishing line as
he kills zombies, so he doesn't get away. They reel
him back in, so he cuts his own arm off,
but then he doesn't get away.

Speaker 4 (01:08:55):
Like I would cut off if I was guaranteed I
was going to get away.

Speaker 2 (01:08:58):
You're still what's the point.

Speaker 4 (01:09:00):
And then he's in prison and he's killing His job
in prison is to kill zombies, and the one guy's
going bet you could have used the other arm for that.

Speaker 3 (01:09:07):
Oh, oh my god.

Speaker 2 (01:09:08):
So anyway I could get into that, we were gonna
play a game.

Speaker 8 (01:09:12):
But right out of time, I was like, what's going
on here?

Speaker 3 (01:09:15):
He's got too into talking about the TV.

Speaker 8 (01:09:17):
Shows we're watching?

Speaker 4 (01:09:18):
Yeah, is there anything else? Is there any other show
that's not the right now?

Speaker 8 (01:09:20):
He's got to watch the sex Life of College Girls.
It is so good. Ten out of time.

Speaker 9 (01:09:24):
I watch it, Grant watches it, Jenna watches it, and
it is so good. And it's so fun to watch.
It's called It's on HBO Max and it's like up
in the top.

Speaker 8 (01:09:33):
I think three right now. But it's so good. Please
watch it.

Speaker 3 (01:09:37):
Missing you show?

Speaker 4 (01:09:38):
Oh do you like it?

Speaker 9 (01:09:39):

Speaker 8 (01:09:40):
It was.

Speaker 7 (01:09:40):
The ending was not that satisfied, right, although it's kind
of what you I thought was coming.

Speaker 4 (01:09:46):
Did you notice her hands actress's.

Speaker 3 (01:09:48):
Hands with you didn't notice her hand something with her hands?

Speaker 6 (01:09:50):
Yeah, the actress And I noticed this on her other
show she was in She's in Slow Horses, and I
noticed it on the other show. And in this show
it's it's very prevalent. She's as a birth defect. She's
missing fingers. Her fingers are like different and they're deformed.

Speaker 3 (01:10:05):
I did not notice at all.

Speaker 4 (01:10:06):
Yeah, it's it's and I looked it up and it's
just it's a dizzy. She was born at this thing.

Speaker 2 (01:10:10):
So the actor has not like Rick where he pretends.

Speaker 4 (01:10:14):
No, no, no, no, okay. Yeah, Kyle's cot of three
things you need to know.

Speaker 7 (01:10:18):
I'm going to tell you the viral reason that one
woman says people are lonely.

Speaker 3 (01:10:24):
You can see whether you agree or disagree. Next with
John Jay and Rich Coffy in Hand Your buds on, John.

Speaker 4 (01:10:34):
Jaye, Rich Calo are three things we need to know.

Speaker 7 (01:10:37):
This actually kind of blew my mind, but they say
that the Lions versus Commander's game is the most expensive
game in NFL playoff history, in fact, actually beat Super
Bowl ticket prices.

Speaker 3 (01:10:52):
Why so many people want to go to this game?

Speaker 7 (01:10:54):
So ticket prices for this divisional round playoff are in
Detroit and on two pick, the average at purchase price
for the game is nine hundred and eighty one dollars
for a playoff game. This isn't even the Super Bowl, insane.

Speaker 3 (01:11:11):
So there's a lot of expendable income.

Speaker 7 (01:11:13):
I know there's like a couple of good seats that
were like six thousand bucks apiece.

Speaker 9 (01:11:18):
A lot of luxury to be able to drop that
kind of dough on a football game, right.

Speaker 7 (01:11:22):
I just started thinking, like, Okay, I don't always love
watching all the football games, but like at home, my
husband and my son they love watching a game, so
it's usually on right and I'll be in and out.
But like, I can't wait to like watch this game now,
to be like, what's the hype? Which one of you
paid sixty one hundred dollars for your tickets?

Speaker 2 (01:11:38):
The guys, Taylor Swift's gonna be a different game, right right.

Speaker 4 (01:11:41):
Plus for me, you know, I'm I'm kind of still
becoming a sports fan. Let's say.

Speaker 6 (01:11:46):
You know, like I enjoy going to basketball games. I
think that's fun to watch at a basketball game. I
don't think going to a football game is fun to watch.
I think you get a better view of the game
watching it on TV. That's true, there's too much going on.

Speaker 7 (01:11:57):
Like I've been I've been to a couple of football games,
and it's like it's just being a part of like
feeling everyone around you get excited about it.

Speaker 4 (01:12:03):
It's just the energy like that when I go to
a basketball game, everyone stands up.

Speaker 9 (01:12:08):
No, oh my gosharja, you gotta get into like that's
the fun best.

Speaker 7 (01:12:16):
But like like everyone who's ing for the same people,
it's like we're together.

Speaker 9 (01:12:19):
Football is so hard for me to watch though, Like
those hits look like, oh they hurt me from the screen.

Speaker 7 (01:12:24):
So I'm just like, look a badass there. They just
like got laid out. They're just gonna get up and
run out and do it again. That's pretty awesome. So
one woman, you guys, is going viral because she claims
and some people really agree with her. I want to
see how you guys feel about this, But she claims
people right now generally are so lonely because they're not
willing to be inconvenienced by friendship. She said people need

to start being better friends with the people in their lives.

Speaker 3 (01:12:49):
If they actually.

Speaker 7 (01:12:49):
Did, they would notice a huge shift in their feelings
of isolation and loneliness.

Speaker 3 (01:12:55):
It is you.

Speaker 7 (01:12:56):
You're the one not reaching out. You're the one not
participating in your friends lives, and that is making you
feel lonely. You have these people, most some people, or
if you do right, it's you you can reach out
and if you don't have people.

Speaker 3 (01:13:08):
She also says that's also on you because you can
reach out to people.

Speaker 2 (01:13:12):
Get to know that part.

Speaker 7 (01:13:14):
And it made me kind of think because John Jay,
you were like you. You said you want to be
a better friend.

Speaker 4 (01:13:18):
I want to be a better friend, but I'm not
going to do those things.

Speaker 8 (01:13:22):
We really don't want to be a better friend.

Speaker 4 (01:13:24):
I do want to be right, I do.

Speaker 6 (01:13:26):
It's just very hard for me to want to care
about what's going on in their lives. I don't want like,
you know, I don't like I don't all that stuff
you talk about, like, I totally relate to.

Speaker 4 (01:13:38):
But I know I'm not the lonely part. I'm not
lonely like I'm not. In fact, I like being alone
so much. I don't never feel I never feel lonely.
I think, I know there's a difference, but you being
alone and being lonely. Yeah, but I don't ever feel lonely.
But I enjoy being alone so much. I miss the
times when my kids were so little and my wife
would go away for the summer.

Speaker 2 (01:14:01):
You're welcome to continue the tradition.

Speaker 4 (01:14:03):
It was just enough they'd go away because I'd see
him on Sundays and Fridays. Right, so I had Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday just alone, eat what I want, watch TV I want.

Speaker 8 (01:14:14):
Where would they go?

Speaker 4 (01:14:15):
Pine Top?

Speaker 8 (01:14:16):
Oh, just so go chill. It was years makes sense.

Speaker 7 (01:14:21):
It always fascinates me, You guys, what they spend money
on to you like studies, So like this latest study.
They actually took the time and probably money to figure
out the nine beverages most likely to make your peed
the most coffee.

Speaker 3 (01:14:35):
Coffee was up there, but not number one.

Speaker 7 (01:14:37):
Actually, doctors found that beer or a glass of wine
is most likely to make you pee of all the
beverages because the alcohol disrupts hormones that normally suppress urine production,
and this makes the body produce more urine. So that
kind of like if you've ever been out and you're
like drinking and you're like, don't break the seal, yes,
because related the alcohol makes you need second up where

the energy drinks like Monster and Red Bull and.

Speaker 3 (01:15:04):
Follow closer behind by coffee. So coffee came in like
fifth on the list.

Speaker 7 (01:15:08):
But if you're like, if you're on a long road trip,
these are drinks you obviously not the alcohol obviously, but
like energy drinks and Red Bull, they're gonna make you
pull over and then you're gonna ruin that time and
you're not gonna get the water off the list. Water
was not on the top nine because it doesn't irritate
your body. It hy drinks got your body, doesn't cause
like more production of your ine and everything like that.

Speaker 3 (01:15:29):
And that's three things you need to know.

Speaker 6 (01:15:31):
We dropped it afterwards podcast? Has it dropped already? Is
it gonna drop? The Behind these podcast?

Speaker 4 (01:15:34):
That's what afterwards is it's behind the scenes stuff that
happens in the studio that we don't talk about but
we talk about it on the afterwards podcast. So we
got a new one that we just dropped this morning.
Has it dropped? It will drop any minute now. So
you can go to wherever you find podcasts, you search
John Jay and Ridge afterwards you can listen to it.
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