All Episodes

January 10, 2025 • 80 mins
You hid WHERE?
Someone is getting sick...
Ellie's hubby dumper his wedding ring...but, why?
POP 10!
+ SOmuchMORE!!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Wakes up John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
What's cracking like? And this is the Big Boss does
snoopy diagle double gigsel dang boom what you don't do?

Speaker 3 (00:13):
We're not talking.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
About Rich ten ten, We're not talking about last year.
It's the one and only does all the lasts.

Speaker 4 (00:18):
Lastly, big smooth eagle double jibble in your face to
me and in the place to be And you're.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
Listening to John Jay and Rich Wake Lass one O
four seven Kiss FM, John Jay and Rich. Our phone
numbers eight seven seven nine three seven one O four seven,
Our website John jayn Rich dot com. All social media
at John Jay and Rich. You can also text us,
text JJR and your message to ninety six eight ninety

three Kyle.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
What's going on with your son Easton?

Speaker 5 (00:47):
It's kind of really sad.

Speaker 6 (00:49):
So two days ago he came home from school and
he's like, well, my tummy really hurts. And I'm like,
so you have to go through all the things right,
So did you drink it off water today?

Speaker 5 (00:59):
Did you eat your lunch? Do you feel like you
might need to boop?

Speaker 6 (01:02):
I don't know all the things right, And he's like no, no, no,
And so he stayed home while I took Addie to
her first flag football practice of this season. And I
get home and the first thing Scott says to me
with like this, just, oh my gosh, face, is Easton
just threw up? And I'm like no, no, because at

that point, I go, Okay, is this something he ate
or is the stomach bug about to rehavoc on our house?

Speaker 7 (01:32):

Speaker 6 (01:35):
And I do know a few people who have it,
They're not like in Easton circles. So I'm like, I
don't know what's going on here, So we're gonna have
to keep an eye on him. So I started to
hear get all the kids like ready for bed and whatnot,
and Easton throws up again, and this time it's like
projectile and I'm like like sympathy almost, and so I'm like, okay,

this is great waiting for waiting for it to just
like take over all of us. And since then, like
all day yesterday, I'm like, my stomach'squeasy. Did I get
what Easton got? Am I about to throw up? Or
does my stomach not actually really hurt at all?

Speaker 8 (02:10):

Speaker 2 (02:11):
Am I just.

Speaker 5 (02:11):
Feeling phantom thorty pains? Because my son is sick?

Speaker 6 (02:16):
So yesterday I got home, he was doing a lot better,
like he had gotten his appetite back. No throw up
all day yesterday, which is a miracle, and so far
Malcha would it's been contained just to him.

Speaker 5 (02:29):
But Scott and I.

Speaker 6 (02:30):
Have both been having these like almost like moments where
we think we're getting it, but we're not.

Speaker 5 (02:36):
It's totally in our head, like both of us are powerful.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
Fine, see I thought that it was maybe you thought
it was phantom pains, but maybe it was from the
electrodes that you did the other day.

Speaker 5 (02:45):
Oh no, no, no pure impact.

Speaker 6 (02:47):

Speaker 5 (02:47):
But I am sore like I am a lot are
the apps.

Speaker 6 (02:51):
I'm less sore my, I'm more sore in my arms
than my abs, which probably needs That means I needed
them to turn it up a little bit because I.

Speaker 5 (02:58):
Asked them to turn it down.

Speaker 9 (03:00):
In the abs.

Speaker 6 (03:00):
It's like little intense little so they turned it down.
So I probably should have just left it where they
where they had it. But I go back in on Monday,
so I got another round.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
If you missed it, and it was. It's the most
fascinating thing. These electrodes are put on your arms. They
just placed the compstock, puts it on your arms and
then they give you an arm workout.

Speaker 5 (03:17):
It's called Pure Impact.

Speaker 3 (03:19):
It's it's crazy.

Speaker 2 (03:21):
And I went on and I saw Kyle posted her
ab workout. Lay's laying and it's like, this thing's punching
your abs out right. So did you guys see her video?

Speaker 10 (03:33):

Speaker 9 (03:34):
I saw the belly button ring is what through I
was going to get into that there is I know,
I get shocked every time.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
It's been there for a minute. Natalie that but then
you notice she's got three little, three little freckles on
the left side, And I thought, you do because I
thought I want we could take that and make people
can like screenshot it and send us drawings with it,
like Dier and the little Differ. Why would you hate them?

Speaker 6 (04:03):
I really knew, really genuinely want all of them removed.

Speaker 5 (04:07):
But it's fine, you should.

Speaker 3 (04:09):
Say, put the electrodes on these freckles and burn them off.

Speaker 5 (04:13):
It's like I have too many.

Speaker 6 (04:15):
Every time I go into like the dermatologists, I'm like,
can you burn that off?

Speaker 5 (04:18):
Can you burn that off? Can you cut that out?

Speaker 6 (04:20):
And they're like, like, if they actually removed all of
them that I want, which is all of them, I
don't know even what I would look like. I would
look like some type of monster with like scars.

Speaker 2 (04:30):
I think we should post the video of your ad
workout on John Jay and Rich with like an actual video,
like a real can you do that? Jenna? Is that
you okay with that? Kyle vulnerar.

Speaker 3 (04:40):
Not more vulnerable in my skin suit.

Speaker 2 (04:44):
I looked the picture I was telling you guys weut
yesterday about my skin suit. I have gone back and
looked at that photo so many times because it's so
weird and disturbing, and attorney trying to turn it somewhat
into a positive.

Speaker 3 (04:56):
And I saw my doctor yesterday and I showed her this.

Speaker 2 (04:58):
And she goes, she goes, yeah, that's what happens when
you have low body fat. I'm like, oh, I guess
that's a positive way of looking at it. But it's
a suit of human scann it.

Speaker 6 (05:08):
So when you have low body fat and you're in
the water, just like just the top.

Speaker 2 (05:12):
Layer floats above the organs. That's on John Jay and
Rich too. So if Kyle opens up for vulnerability and
you can count a little, you're all medical wonders. Count
all her freckles. Yeah, Colin, I pretty much like these experiments.
Screw you, Brian Johnson, but don't die guy, by the way,
that Brian Johnson guy. He's got this show on Netflix.

It's about an hour and a half show. And he's
the guy that spends two million a year to try
to live forever. He wants to live several lifetimes with
his son, is what he says.

Speaker 3 (05:41):
Right, have you finished it yet?

Speaker 2 (05:43):

Speaker 7 (05:43):
I haven't finished it, but I will say I will
echo what Peyton said in that he looks vastly different
than he did before. He looks better than he did before.
I don't know that his face looks healthy to me
at all. He looks like a ghost.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
I'm not sure Paton used the word vastly.

Speaker 9 (06:01):
That's not like a word in my vot what Peyton said, right.

Speaker 7 (06:10):
Okay, well, then he looks way different than he did
before he started it.

Speaker 9 (06:15):
No, thank you for making me smart.

Speaker 2 (06:17):
This morning Friday, I watched his documentary and I was
all in, and I bought a bunch of his products,
and I got him yesterday. Oh really, I got his
olive oil, which he calls uh because he says olive
oil is like the main the one thing you can
take in your life is olive oil, and he starts
selling olive oil and it calls it snake oil. So
I bought the snake oil olive oil. And then he
has this Macadamian nut walnut peanut butter. It's not peanut butter,

but it's butter. Right, Macadamian nuts is supposed to be amazing.
So I got a jar of that, and it's such
a small jar. But I started yesterday and I put
I put on. I'm putting olive oil on everything I have.

Speaker 6 (06:51):
Anyway, I'm sure you could probably go overboard generation.

Speaker 2 (06:55):
I think it's probably we'll see.

Speaker 7 (06:58):
Well, Brian Johnson is not moderate. He is extreme on everything.
He's just trying to live forever. I don't know that's
bad anyway. Oh, that's on Netflix, so go to our
social media. Hopefully we'll have those. You'll find out if
Kyle approved anything. It'll be up to John Jay and Rich.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
The commercials are finally over. Let's get back to John Jay.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
And Ridge, Kyle and FOLCKU with three things we need
to know.

Speaker 6 (07:19):
So obviously you've seen all of the devastating pictures and
videos on social media of the fires in California, which
have now destroyed some maybe even over five thousand structures, businesses, homes,
taking the lives of ten people, and nearly one hundred
and eighty thousand residents across the country have in order
to evacuate.

Speaker 2 (07:40):

Speaker 6 (07:41):
Yesterday, Los Angeles County accidentally issued an evacuation warning to
all the residents everyone in LA everyone basically in California,
and everyone's like, uh what They basically said, gather, you're
gathered all the important things and get out now. And
that isn't for everybody, And like twenty minutes later they

issued another notification saying, disregard that last evacuation warning.

Speaker 5 (08:08):
It was just for the Kenneth fire only sorry about
that or for the panic that we caused.

Speaker 9 (08:13):
My bad.

Speaker 6 (08:13):
It's like, whoever did That's like, you had one job, man,
you had one job, you know how.

Speaker 7 (08:17):
John Jay was saying there was no drone stories in
the news. There was yesterday because a drone took out
one of those planes that drops water on the fire.
So now they have one left.

Speaker 2 (08:27):
I'm talking about those drones that were like in New Jersey.
It looked like flying, That's what it was. But you
said there were no drones in the news. That I
meant though, those. I don't mean like the drones that
you can go buy at the store.

Speaker 7 (08:36):
I think that was it. That was somebody flying over
the fire to I'm talking about like last week.

Speaker 5 (08:42):
I mean the ones they thought were like aliens.

Speaker 2 (08:44):
Or yeah, they looked like spaceships, you know. Speaking of
the Kenneth fire, I think yeah. I had this audio
clip because you know, if you were following along a
couple of storylines going on the show. Noah on our
show was going to a funeral in Los Angeles. Do
you remember what part of town in Los Angeles going?

Speaker 7 (08:59):
I thought it was right in Altadena. I thought Woodland Hills.
Woodland Hill Hills is where he said was going.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
Right. So apparently the Kenneth fire was intentionally set and
they caught the person that set it.

Speaker 10 (09:10):
What we know right now is that the incident occurred
started here and about twenty minutes three minutes later, a
suspect was detained over Woodland Hill's area.

Speaker 2 (09:21):
My citizens, it's been what if it's Noah.

Speaker 5 (09:24):
Oh my gosh, he's not here right now.

Speaker 3 (09:26):
I'm a ci video. Is you Noah getting cuffed walking away?

Speaker 5 (09:29):
It's not Noah.

Speaker 2 (09:30):

Speaker 6 (09:32):
There have been a lot of changes made because of
the fires. The NFL actually just moved the Vikings Rams
Wildcar playoff game to Arizona because of it, and a
lot of people, I mean, I know, I look at
all these pictures, videos, and you just feel sort of helpless,
like how can you help? They are recommending if you
want to help, you can donate to the American Red
Cross at Redcross dot org. Or the World's Central Kitchen

is providing food to victims and first responders, and you
can donate to that at w c K dot org.
So TikTok is in It's been in this legal battle
for the last couple of years, last maybe even a
few years, where the US wants to ban TikTok because
its parent company is owned by a Chinese company, and
they think that that is an issue for national security,

that they could actually be spying on Americans through TikTok.
So now they've appealed, they've gone to court, they've appealed,
they've gone to court, they've lost, they've appealed, and now
today it's all the way up to the Supreme Court.
So today the Supreme Court will hear TikTok's case, and
lawyers a bunch of lawyers said, rarely, if ever, does
the Supreme Court confront a free speech case that matters

to so many people. You think about it, there are
domestically one hundred and seventy million users that use TikTok
and plenty of people who TikTok is their main income source.
So there are a lot of people with their eyes
on this case. So we'll see what happens.

Speaker 2 (10:52):
I just can't see them saying it's done, you know
what I mean.

Speaker 9 (10:57):
I don't know. I find it interesting though, Like there's
this app it's called Lemon eight, like the number eight,
and TikTok is like pushing people to that app in
case it does get shut down.

Speaker 7 (11:10):
Oh really, get say on that too.

Speaker 9 (11:11):
Yeah, I'm sure they do. And it's kind of like
a mix of like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok reels like it's
a mix of basically everything Twitter x Like whatever.

Speaker 2 (11:20):
Has ever happened in a business gets shut down or
something like that.

Speaker 7 (11:24):
They've broken them apart because they're monopolies. But I don't
know if they've broken them apart for national security.

Speaker 5 (11:28):
Well, I'm sure it has.

Speaker 6 (11:29):
It's just maybe never been a business this big that
affects so many people.

Speaker 5 (11:33):
So we're gonna have to wait and see what happens.
And that's three things you need to know.

Speaker 2 (11:36):
Horse, It's a.

Speaker 9 (11:38):
Peculiar people day. So I'm gonna tell you what this
day means for you and your sign and your birthday.

Speaker 2 (11:43):
You share it with your.

Speaker 9 (11:44):
Birthday, You share it with whoever is born on January tenth.

Speaker 7 (11:50):

Speaker 3 (11:51):
And I thought it was so interesting.

Speaker 9 (11:52):
Oh, really, tell me whose birthday is?

Speaker 2 (11:54):

Speaker 3 (11:54):
Look, Renee rap is twenty five.

Speaker 9 (11:58):
I love her. I wish I would have it.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
Brent Smith from Shinedown.

Speaker 9 (12:02):
Oh that's cool.

Speaker 2 (12:03):
Uh, Pat Benattar, Sean Colvin, George Foreman, Rod Stewart, some
big names that Jacqueline, good morning. What's your sign?

Speaker 8 (12:13):

Speaker 11 (12:13):

Speaker 9 (12:14):
Okay, just like me. So Leo's for Peculiar People Day.
We are an unstoppable icon today, Leo's we are. We're
already the main character, but today we're the weird main
character everyone loves. So just wear glitter to the grocery store,
sing in public, maybe even buy like a giant stuffed
animal and carried around like it's your child, because everybody
is watching and we are the it girls today.

Speaker 2 (12:38):
Absolutely, Yes, that's peculiar thanks, Jacqueline, have a great day, Todd,
what's your sign? Scorpio?

Speaker 9 (12:46):
Okay, so for a scorpio, you guys are mysterious, but
you're gonna make it quirky today. Scorpios, you're the type
to just casually tell people that you read minds and
they actually believe you. So today, maybe we're all black,
but just successorize with like a weird rubber duck or
something like equally unhinged. So let your peculiar power be
the reason that someone does double takes today.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
Todd, You're welcome, Megan, good morning.

Speaker 3 (13:12):
What's your signed?

Speaker 8 (13:14):
Good morning? I'm an Aries Aries.

Speaker 9 (13:17):
Okay, you guys are my certified chaos coordinator today. You
are the friend who randomly screams plot, twist and public.
So today, go full Aries and lead the charge into
something just unhinged, maybe even patronails like neon green, pink, yellow, orange, whatever.
Challenge a stranger to a cartwheel contest. You are the
vibe starter that we need today.

Speaker 1 (13:37):
Aries, that's so funny.

Speaker 8 (13:40):
I do that already podcast.

Speaker 2 (13:42):
Yes, my life and Aaries. I'm gonna ask her today
whoever we are and see somebody go challenge that person.

Speaker 3 (13:49):
In your car will please.

Speaker 2 (13:51):
I would love to see that.

Speaker 3 (13:53):
What do you got for Pisces?

Speaker 9 (13:54):
Yeah, Pisces rich for you. You are my day dream,
extraordinary Pisces, your petit. Your peculiar power is turning life
into an esthetic fever dream. So paint something wild. Maybe
even give your houseplants names, or wear fairy wings to
the coffee shop today. Your whimsical vibes will melt even
the coldest heart.

Speaker 7 (14:12):
I do give my house plants names. In my big
plant I have named Robert plant nice.

Speaker 9 (14:16):
Okay. I love that.

Speaker 3 (14:17):
Today is like National houseplant to he or.

Speaker 9 (14:19):
Something that is Oh it is you give all your
house plants extra love today.

Speaker 5 (14:23):
To give our studio plants some water.

Speaker 3 (14:26):
Stripped that plant alive for a while.

Speaker 2 (14:28):
It's pretty dry over here, Kyle, pretty dry. You know
what I was. I had this Airbnb when I was
on vacation and they have they have plants in the
house and they put little stickers on the plants. They
said please water me. And every time I walked by,
I had guilt because it felt like the plant was
talking to me. What he got for Kyle?

Speaker 9 (14:47):
For libras, Kyle, you, I love this for you because
you are just giving charming, weirdo energy today, libras, you're
like if a pastel aesthetics and conspiracy theorists had a baby,
So throw a spontaneous picnic indoor as if needed. It's
a little chilly out today, and talk about why aliens
probably love Earth's fashion treads. So today your vibe is
going to convert the skeptics.

Speaker 5 (15:08):
I love it.

Speaker 9 (15:08):
Weird, no energic nic.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
Come on, people, come on, I thought you got to
say something about Libra's like, give your this is a
peculiar day. Give yourself a manicure in one hand.

Speaker 9 (15:18):
That is also very peculiar. And also fingers you.

Speaker 5 (15:22):
Had an issue with.

Speaker 10 (15:26):

Speaker 2 (15:26):
Out of all of us right now, that's peculiar.

Speaker 12 (15:30):
If Chaos was a radio show, you're listening to its
John Jay.

Speaker 2 (15:35):
And Rich Shelby.

Speaker 13 (15:36):
Hi, Hi, how are you?

Speaker 2 (15:38):
Did you have a party stories or a New Year's
Eve story? What is it?

Speaker 13 (15:41):

Speaker 2 (15:41):

Speaker 6 (15:41):
What happened?

Speaker 14 (15:43):
So this girl had invited everybody out to her grandpa's house.
I guess he was at work. We're all partying, having
a great time. Later on that night, some people had
said that cops would show up, and normally that was
a false alarm. So I didn't think anything of it,
and we come out of the downstairs and everybody is gone,
including the girl that had invited everybody, and I'm out

in the middle of Beargrove. I have no idea where
I'm at, no phone service, nothing, So we stayed there
and then probably an hour later, cops did show up,
and I'm trying to find somewhere to hide, so I
hid under the bathroom sink and they came in. They
checked the bathroom probably three different times. The guy that
I was with, I guess had ran away into the woods.

Speaker 8 (16:29):
I don't know.

Speaker 14 (16:30):
But then some hours had passed and I'm still under
the sink and I hear like a musical knock instead
of like a regular knock, and I thought that can't
be the cops. So I come out and it's the
guy that I was with, so I let him in
and we end up falling asleep right well, the morning
time comes and I hear people and I say, hey,

I think there's some people in this house and we
walk up the steps and it's the grandpa's girlfriend, her son,
So I guess the grandpa had called her when the
cops showed up and wanted them to come over to
the house to check it out, and she saw me
walk up the stairs and she said, you can come
out now, and so I come out. Uh, the guy

had tried to run, I guess outside, and so they
caught him outside and they called the cops to show
up again, and they tried to get us for trespassing,
and I said no, I was invited here for a
party last night and then I never got in trouble.
But they asked. They said, well, if you didn't trespass,
where were you all night?

Speaker 8 (17:34):
And I said, I.

Speaker 14 (17:35):
Hid under the bathroom sink. They looked at each other,
the two cops, and they said, okay, fair enough. So
I trouble and they helped me try to. Like, I
got onto my Facebook on one of their phones and
got a ride to come get me. But it was oh,
one of the most nerve wracking nights ever.

Speaker 5 (17:53):
Never forget that New Year's Eve.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
Into a horror movie for a second.

Speaker 14 (18:00):
Shelby, Yeah, absolutely, thanks guys, Thanks for listening.

Speaker 2 (18:03):
Have a great day you too, Bike. I don't know
how you found.

Speaker 12 (18:06):
Us, but I'm so thankful that you did. It's John
Jay and Rich.

Speaker 2 (18:12):
Time for stacks and hacks. Have stax information which has
life hacks. I got some good stacks today, man, I
got good stacks. Now, just to give you a little
history of stacks and hacks, is that I was doing.
I would save all this stuff to get to the show,
and we never get to it. And then one day
I just had a stack of stuff and we just
got to it. And now we do it every day
stacks and hacks. A new study is found. I don't

think this is a big surprise, but people that are
people are significantly more likely to feel irritable, angry, and
annoyed the more they consume social media.

Speaker 5 (18:44):
Uh makes sense.

Speaker 2 (18:46):
Now think about this. A third of Americans are trying
to get their whole organized and start to hear out
clutter free. Makes sense, right, I'm always trying to do
that in my closet. When people were asked how long
do you think you're gonna stick with it? Like, how
long do you think you'll stick with a Kyle?

Speaker 6 (19:00):
Well, I actually I scheduled out different areas of my house,
so like once a month, I want to do one area.
January is supposed to be my closet, and then February,
and then I have one for each month and then
December is always the playroom.

Speaker 3 (19:11):
I'd like to check in with you to see if
you stick with it.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
Check in with myself at the The average answer is
thirty eight days.

Speaker 7 (19:17):
You're barely going to get that closet.

Speaker 6 (19:20):
I did small, something small like that, like one little
area of the house.

Speaker 5 (19:23):
I think I could manage that.

Speaker 2 (19:24):
On achievable goals, how long do you think you're going
to keep your house clean? Thirty eight days?

Speaker 7 (19:28):
I would say forever once it's organized.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
Forever days. Such a weird, a weird number. A poll
by Pizza Hut found the best day to order pizza
anyone Friday, Saturday, Today Sunday. Pizza Saturday Sunday. Okay, now
check this out, Kyle, give you a warning. Kyle is
going to be in Denver this weekend. There is a

serial butt slapper on the loose. What Yeah, He's been
riding around on an e bike and slapping women on
the backside. Four incidents have been reported since January one,
So be careful with that booty as you walk.

Speaker 9 (20:03):
Well, that just reminds me of like bringing me back
to middle school, and especially because today's Friday, and like
if you know, you know, but like slap a Friday.
You were running around with your hands on your butt
because everyone was runn around smacking people's butt.

Speaker 2 (20:18):
It hurts so bad.

Speaker 5 (20:20):
Maybe that's what the guh Denver guy, he's just caring.

Speaker 9 (20:23):
He's probably gen z. He's trying to do slopping. It
was a thing every single Friday.

Speaker 2 (20:30):
Yeah, she's got the bugle.

Speaker 3 (20:31):
Good game.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
Good game.

Speaker 3 (20:34):
Would be careful.

Speaker 2 (20:35):
Police of Florida are looking for a woman who relieved
herself on the floor of a family dollar store to
distract the staff while a man stole five hundred dollars
in cleaning supplies. They're still on the loose. I got
an idea. I'm gonna heee over here? Do you grab
all the bleach? Today's National house Plant Appreciation Day, and

tomorrow is National National Milk Day, not to be confused
with MLK Day, which.

Speaker 3 (21:04):
Is a week from Monday.

Speaker 2 (21:06):
A town in England blocked a new pizzeria from opening up.
You know why why because all the kids in that
area are already too fat. Whoa sad? Those English they
just get caught out. They don't care about feelings. They
don't care about feelings. So there's new Star Wars movies
being made. Nick do you know about this new Star

Wars movie being made right now, let's see, Because you're
the big Marvel Star Wars guy, I got some dish
on the new movie. Do you bitch one? Bro? I
don't know the name of it. Well, you know, do
you know anything on any of the Star Wars movies?

Speaker 3 (21:41):
What do you got?

Speaker 12 (21:43):
It depends on which one you're talking about, because there's
one that's like set like three thousand years before a
New Hope And.

Speaker 3 (21:50):
Actually that's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 2 (21:52):
It is set twenty five thousand years before any of
the others, and it'll be about the origin of the Force. Oh,
that could be kind of interesting.

Speaker 3 (22:00):
Mm hmm.

Speaker 7 (22:00):
Like really, I think the best Star Wars movie in
all of it is Rogue one. Right now, that's my favorite.
Right now, mine's the first one.

Speaker 9 (22:08):
Rich is ready to rumble this morning.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
Let's go Star Wars people. US News and World Report
put out a list of the healthiest diets. Mediterranean Mediterranean
is number one. The Mayo Clinic diet is number five.
It's a three month program for way It likes you
eat balanced meals, smaller portions, and can't eat while watching TV.
The Mind Diets a mashup of Mediterranean DASH focus on

brain health, the DASH diets number two. It's designed to
lower blood pressure. Dash dance for dietary approaches to stop hypertension.

Speaker 7 (22:39):
Wasn't that a Kardashian thing? Weren't they hyping the DASH
thing for a minute?

Speaker 3 (22:42):
Don't know?

Speaker 6 (22:43):
Another store was called Dash Flexitarian diet.

Speaker 2 (22:48):
Mostly a vegetarian, but sometimes you meet and the number
one diet is the Mediterranean diet SD. Sweets, processed foods
and red meat. Eat lots of fruit, veggies, grains, nuts,
and healthy fasts like chicken and fish. You know what.

Speaker 7 (22:59):
The main thing they want to use in that Mediterranean
diet though, John Jay, olive oil, extra virgin olive oil.
You're right in there, all right, Life hackers, how about
the New Year's hack to get things done? How many
times do you have a list in your head and
you just don't get the things done? You procrastinate? So
we are going to give you this. In fact, Kyle
and Peyton, you might even want to try this in

your notesapp. Make yourself a list of to dos every morning,
take the screenshot of it instead it as your lockscreen,
and you don't get to change it until you get
everything off your screen. Now here's the hot tip on
you put about three things on there so you don't
overwhelm yourself.

Speaker 2 (23:35):
Don't put like fifty things. You're not going to get
that done.

Speaker 7 (23:38):
But every time you pick up your phone to check
social media, it's going to make you stressed out. You
will see your lockscreen go oh yeah, so I got
to do these three things.

Speaker 2 (23:45):
You'll remember what you need to do.

Speaker 7 (23:46):
For instructions and how to do that, please visit John
Jay and Rich dot com.

Speaker 2 (23:50):
So my dad has had like famous sayings in our family,
like I'm sure every dad does. My dad had one
you just reminded me of whenever he would do something
that was like somebody didn't want to do as he
was doing it, he'd be look at everybody go getting
things done by you taking all the trash getting things done,
or you're fixing a fence, getting things done. So now

I have brought that with me and my kids now
know whenever we're doing something. Finally, if I bitch about something,
we all doing it. Then I look at everyone I
go getting things done.

Speaker 12 (24:21):
You know when it gets the last call and all
the dudes kind of start creeping up on you. We
have the solution, give them the John Jay and Ridge
Drunk Dial Line six two eight, nineteen thirty three is
John Jay and Rich Sandy, Good morning, what's up?

Speaker 15 (24:38):
Hello, Good morning?

Speaker 9 (24:39):

Speaker 12 (24:40):

Speaker 15 (24:40):
So funny story about the roaches in Hawaii. I was
overhearing it and I got okay, I have to share.
I was facing in the Hawaii for a bit and
I run into the roach problem on base and our
neighbors had this big, fat black cat. We called him Sylvester.
We actually never knew his names, and we started noticing

the roach problem. Mind you, these roaches weren't like the
German roaches. They were Madagascar roaches, and I was terrified
of them. So I always had my husband with the
duty of, you know, picking him up. But eventually we
started noticing little piles of them, like together, and I'm like,
are they dying together? So they're not dying alone? And
I'm like, okay, maybe I don't know. So then eventually

we saw the cat opening our backslide door. Tell us
we opened our back slagging door by himself, come in
And we saw him one day walking away right, and
We're like, what's going on? So my husband would stay
home with our daughter and he told me one day,
Bavid selvester, he's putting them in little piles for you.
I guess he plays with them until he kills them,

puts them in little piles for us, and just walks
away and goes back home. We love so bad because
it was a free charge, like no charge.

Speaker 2 (26:02):
Yeah, Sandy, were you listening to the podcast we were
talking about that.

Speaker 6 (26:06):

Speaker 15 (26:07):
I was listening to the radio a little while ago,
and you guys were talking about your son how you
went over and he had like seventeen.

Speaker 3 (26:15):
Yeah. What city are you in.

Speaker 15 (26:17):
I'm in South Texas, near Edinburgh McCallan area.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
We're working on doing a Love Pup family fest there
in April. Oh when in April?

Speaker 15 (26:27):
Oh awesome, I look out for it.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
They were just in a big meeting about it yesterday.
Well I wasn't all right, Sandy, Thank you for listening.
Thank you so much. Speaking of an update on those roaches,
I don't if I said this or not, but did
I tell you guys this's that kept went and got
an exterminator and the exterminator killed all the roaches, right,
But they come out and they like he came home

and they die and he'll just get them later. He
waits until all these dead roaches are everywhere, and then
he scoops, so he lives with these dead roaches. Oh
there's only thirty. I'm gonna wait till those eighty dead.

Speaker 9 (27:02):
Roaches in the That's like a Nurse Hannah and leaving
the seventeen dirty diapers around the house. If you're on
Nurse Hannah, TikTok, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
And that is so gross.

Speaker 2 (27:13):
Okay, number one on Netflix right now. This is big.
I brought it up and Peyton, you finally saw it,
and I did. I watch Jerry Spears Jerry.

Speaker 9 (27:22):
Spear documentary and I binged it in one sitting, which is
easy to do because it's only two episodes. But oh
my god, how fascinating is that show. I was glued
to the TV and I'm not very good at watching TV,
and this documentary had me hooked the entire time. Everything
you guys talked about, like the guy with the horse insane.

Speaker 5 (27:45):
Yeah, they were like kissing.

Speaker 9 (27:46):
Yeah that I was like, oh no, his mouth is opening,
make out with this horse.

Speaker 7 (27:52):
That's the episode that put him over the edge. Like okay,
well now this is our this is.

Speaker 5 (27:56):
That episode end up getting banned air to New York.

Speaker 7 (27:59):
Okay, I thought it was the and then made them
change they got to watch the documentary, but I thought
it was fascinating. Once they did that, they're like, okay,
now we got to go wilder than that.

Speaker 2 (28:07):
We got to go and see the murder.

Speaker 9 (28:08):
Oh my gosh. And then at the one that really
threw me though, was at the end with the daughter
and the dad. I was like, oh wow, this is crazy.

Speaker 3 (28:16):
He took the producers that.

Speaker 9 (28:17):
I'm out, and the producer she was like, I'm done,
I'm done. It was really fascinating and what I found
what I think the reason why I really did like
it is because of what we do every day, like
being in entertainment and media and things like that. It
was really fascinating to be able to watch that and
see how things go on behind the scene, like.

Speaker 6 (28:32):
When the producers are coaching the people and they're like, yeah,
you're mad, and they're like, no, you're missed off, Like
she's a thing you out there.

Speaker 5 (28:42):
Yeah, it was cut downs to throw it up.

Speaker 9 (28:45):
It was remarkable. Yeah, probably one of my favorite documentaries
I think that I've ever.

Speaker 2 (28:50):
Watched, so so behind the scenes stuff that I know
about because you know, when I started in radio, I
was in Cincinnati. That's where Jerry Springer was a news
anchor and he became the mayor of Cincinnati before he
went to go do that. And there's a lot of
stuff they leave out because I felt that there could
have there could have been more in that documentary. For example,
he was the mayor, he was a news anchor, then
he became the mayor of Cincinnati. He got fired for

me in the Mayor of Cincinnati because he wrote a
check to a prostitute.

Speaker 5 (29:15):
Like oh, and then that was the drama he had
so to be like.

Speaker 3 (29:18):
Oh, he's this great guy, he's whatever guy, you know
what I mean, Like.

Speaker 9 (29:21):
Because that's basically what it was, right. There was only
one person in that documentary that was like the villain. Yeah,
that was like I don't like Jerry Springer and I
adored him.

Speaker 2 (29:30):
I used to have Jerry Springer on my radio show
quite a bit. Another weird fact I wouldn't put in
the documentary, but his cousin I would put on the
show all the time too. His cousin's dad invented the
Heimlich maneuver. His last name Helik. I would always get to.

Speaker 5 (29:49):
See a documentary John Jay producers because would be.

Speaker 2 (29:51):
So random uff over the voiceover incidentally becausin the hermblic
maneuver back to Jerry Springer and the prostitute.

Speaker 9 (30:00):
That was that was wild. And then like his cancel
moment like crazy, just crazy.

Speaker 2 (30:05):
Oh what do you mean this cancel moment?

Speaker 9 (30:07):
Like how you could have had a cancel moment?

Speaker 5 (30:09):
Huh you hooked up with the people from the show scandal.

Speaker 2 (30:12):
Oh you got canceled to that.

Speaker 9 (30:14):
No, like they were saying that, like if that were
to happen today, he would get canceled.

Speaker 2 (30:18):
Yeah, you hooked up with some fans that were guests
on the show.

Speaker 9 (30:22):
Not just guests or fans, you know, they were certain
kind of guests fans.

Speaker 2 (30:27):
I think they were mother and daughter.

Speaker 9 (30:29):
Remember they weren't what they were like in like the
adult entertainment, right, but I think.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
Their mother daughter.

Speaker 2 (30:36):
Yeah, telling you guys, tell them there's so much more.
I bet you there's gonna be a season two of
the show because there's got so much more. There's a
lot only that. But he didn't start that stuff. There
was a guy, Geraldo did a show before him that
had stuff like that. And then a guy named Morton Downey.
You remember Morton Downey.

Speaker 7 (30:52):
Those shows were fist fights in the audience.

Speaker 2 (30:53):
All before Jerry Springer. Yeah but anyway, yes, Grant there
Downy documentary that is on Hinged. I can't remember what
it's all, but just look up Morton Downey wherever and
in the documentary and he's literally the craziest thing was
on New York based show.

Speaker 7 (31:12):
Right, yeah, and he had a live studio audience every time,
and every time he was just saying the wild.

Speaker 2 (31:17):
Yeah, they were rowdy on that. He would smoke and
blow to the camera. Right.

Speaker 7 (31:24):
He doesn't seem real, it doesn't, but he was way
before Jerry's Yeah.

Speaker 6 (31:29):
But anyway, at the end of the documentary when they're
like Jerry Springer passed away in twenty twenty three, I
forgot he passed away.

Speaker 8 (31:34):

Speaker 2 (31:35):
My wife was like, oh my god, that just happened. Yeah.

Speaker 9 (31:38):
Yeah, it was in the news, I know, And like,
I wish I would have been able to hear Jerry
Springer's opinion, like you kind of hear interviews, you know,
and how he like defends the defense his show. But
I was like, dang, that would have been really interesting
to kind of see his take on because he went
on and basically apologized for everything he did on television,
So I'd be curious to.

Speaker 2 (31:59):
Hear peaking up television, Kyle, where are you? And Bad Sisters? So?

Speaker 5 (32:02):
I finished the first season?

Speaker 3 (32:04):
Do you like it?

Speaker 5 (32:05):
I did like it?

Speaker 2 (32:06):
I did like I really liked the second season two?

Speaker 5 (32:09):
I started the second.

Speaker 2 (32:10):
Oh you did you pass me up?

Speaker 8 (32:11):

Speaker 5 (32:12):
What's the first episode?

Speaker 9 (32:13):
Just the first?

Speaker 3 (32:14):
Don't you love the relationship of the sisters.

Speaker 6 (32:17):
Yeah, that's I think the thing that like keeps me hooked.

Speaker 2 (32:20):
And aren't the mean people the creepy heavel just mean
enough where you just don't like them? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (32:25):
But the husband was.

Speaker 2 (32:26):
Yeah, mammy mane, mammee. You guys gotta watch it. It's
called Bad Sisters. It was number one and number two
on Apple. Now it's like number five because season two
is already done.

Speaker 5 (32:38):
But you won't like it for the first probably six
or so.

Speaker 9 (32:41):
I can watch it on your two time speed or whatever.

Speaker 6 (32:44):
No, that's the thing that annoyed me the most is
Apple TV doesn't do two time speed as far as
I know, And if it does, he's let me know.

Speaker 5 (32:50):
But yeah, as far as I know, you have to
watch it regulars.

Speaker 2 (32:52):
How Katie, Hi, good morning, you're on there.

Speaker 13 (32:55):
Good morning?

Speaker 2 (32:56):
How are you guys? How are you? What's going on?

Speaker 11 (32:58):

Speaker 15 (32:59):
I was just falling up on your sister to see
if she ever made it Stucson or to Phoenix, Phoenix.

Speaker 2 (33:03):
Now I don't. I haven't heard from her. Well when
she said, she said two days ago. She goes, she goes.
I would say, hey, it's seven thirty, I'm going to bed,
and she goes, okay, we've got the cars packed. It'll
take us nine hours to get to you. And I said, okay,
we'll keep me posted. And then I text her, hold
on me, look me look because yeah, she's in La.

She's the middle of fires. The fires are like right there,
they like they're ready to evacuate. I go, what's the latest? Oh,
I go, and where are you? Is what I said?
And then she goes home dying with smoking my lungs
so sick. What a crazy situation. My friend's lost their homes.
It's so sad. And then I sent her an Instagram
link about how to deal with the air in La
because the air, I guess, is terrible.

Speaker 5 (33:46):
That's just so dangerous.

Speaker 3 (33:47):
And she never responded to me.

Speaker 2 (33:48):
What so wow, Yeah, just call her quickly, let you
see if you're alive. It's so nice to you, Katie,
to ask about my sister.

Speaker 8 (33:59):
Of course, Hi, you reached the voicemail.

Speaker 2 (34:05):
Oh crap, that's her old I call her old work number.

Speaker 7 (34:08):
Oh no, that's not sounded like Carl and Neil are
going okay though.

Speaker 5 (34:13):
Maybe exactly you're texting. That's whether or not.

Speaker 2 (34:18):
You know this when moved. We're in Washington State. We're
fun guys.

Speaker 3 (34:22):
If you're if you're okay, you might want to call
the other or your old number.

Speaker 2 (34:33):
What happens in la same time's earlier just after six
a m uh oh, Okatie, Now you got me worried.

Speaker 9 (34:44):
I'm like, now you're you're in a spiral.

Speaker 2 (34:47):
I know, well, I'll call her. I'll call everybody in
her family during hearing the break in a minute during
the song, there you go, thank you.

Speaker 15 (34:53):
I just I just heard it the other day and
I followed. I was like, oh, I never heard back.

Speaker 13 (34:56):
I never know what happened.

Speaker 8 (34:57):
So hopefully she got out safe.

Speaker 2 (34:59):
For Yeah, I found he would call me or text me,
hey we're on our way, or hey we're good. Katie.
I have a great day.

Speaker 3 (35:07):
Thank you for listening.

Speaker 2 (35:09):
Hi Ellie, thanks for.

Speaker 13 (35:10):
Holy Hi's no worries.

Speaker 2 (35:13):
What's your situation, what's your story?

Speaker 13 (35:16):
So this is really weird, this is a funny story
and it's really crazy. But I was like, I'm gonna,
I'm gonna, I have to say it to somebody, So okay.
So basically, I went to my husband's card the other
night and I was like trying to find a receipt
from something, and then out of nowhere, I'm looking through
stuff and I see my husband's wedding ring in the

center of the console. He I've never seen him take
it off, and it was really weird to me, like
I've noticed he didn't have it on. Instead of saying
something to him, I was just like, I'm not going
to say anything. I'm like, this is weird, but I'm
not going to say anything. And then a little later
we went to play golf and he came home and

it was on his finger, and so since then I
noticed it wasn't on his finger like once. I again
I didn't say anything, and I'm just thinking to myself,
like he works from home, right and I see him
most of the day, So all I think is he
like takes it off when he goes to gym or something.

Speaker 8 (36:15):
But then I don't.

Speaker 13 (36:17):
I'm like, should I confront him? So anyway, I confronted
him and he just like looks down and he's like, okay,
just don't think I'm crazy, and I'm like, okay, so
I'm freaking out a little bit. He's like, should every
day after I go to the gym, I go to
Taco Bell. He's like, I didn't want to tell you
because I'm a I'm wasting money at Taco Bell after

the gym, so that's already a downfall. And then b
He's like, I didn't tell you and I'm not getting
you anything. So I didn't want my ring to smell
at it, so I take it off and I'm like,
oh babe, what.

Speaker 2 (36:53):
What is that?

Speaker 13 (36:54):
So I just yeah, I just wanted to share that
because you know, weird, weird things have happened when people take.

Speaker 6 (37:01):
Does he change his clothes too, because his clothes would
smell more like Taco Bell than his ring?

Speaker 2 (37:05):
I know, That's what I was like, that's kind of
think you know, the beans, everything gets all over your
hands or whatever. I mean, you talk, I eat like
a monster, doesn't metal the same way he does, I guess,
but I don't take my wedding ring off the same
Taco bell.

Speaker 5 (37:22):
I'm smelling my wedding because.

Speaker 3 (37:23):
I feel like, let me present this angle your way.
How beautiful is Ellie?

Speaker 2 (37:31):
And so naive.

Speaker 3 (37:32):
Let's call him up and see who sends flowers to Oh.

Speaker 2 (37:35):
I got caught is talking about Okay, what else your figures?

Speaker 3 (37:41):
Smell up?

Speaker 8 (37:43):
Did you check?

Speaker 2 (37:44):

Speaker 9 (37:45):
Are you like show me the transaction, show me your
apple pang that you're going to talk about every day?

Speaker 13 (37:51):
Well? Yeah, he's like, I mean I can show you this,
and he kind of like pulled out a taco ball
that was kind of greasy, and like, okay, thank you,
that's enough.

Speaker 7 (38:00):
And you don't want him to eat Taco bell every day?
You don't do you care one way or another?

Speaker 8 (38:06):
I mean, I get it.

Speaker 13 (38:07):
Times are tough. It's the dollars taco right, So you know,
I guess that's I don't know. I mean, that's such
a weird. You know, it's like, I don't think he
has time to cheat in between go to that.

Speaker 2 (38:20):
Taco Bell and see if the people that are working
there are really good looking single women, because every time
I go in there, I take off my wedding ring.

Speaker 7 (38:27):
It is like, it is like I believe him because
that is a stupid, dude way to cover up a crime.
I need to take off my rings so it doesn't
smell like taco bell. It's believable, dumb assary from a guy's.

Speaker 11 (38:39):
Part of you.

Speaker 3 (38:39):
But you know what you could do also is wash
your hands.

Speaker 2 (38:41):
Yes, that would be the thing.

Speaker 3 (38:43):
So the rest of his hands, then the smile.

Speaker 2 (38:44):
I'm telling you. So it's a weird it's a weird story. Man.
I don't want to I don't want to ruin your piece,
but I would investigate a little bit more. I would
investigate a little bit more then come back to us
a couple of days. So if you want to do
war the roses on this guy, all right, because you know,
I thought maybe, well, I don't want them to recond.
I'm going there all the time. I don't want to
recognize me, so I take off my ring. Maybe I

look different.

Speaker 5 (39:07):
I mean she could probably just check his location history.
Just feel like he has been to talk about eighty
seven times the last three years, talk about too too.

Speaker 13 (39:14):
Yeah all right, Ellie, crazy but I look.

Speaker 3 (39:16):
But yeah, thank you for calling in thanks for listening.

Speaker 2 (39:19):
Thanks guys, It's the John Jay and Rich radio program.
Two names, four hosts, and a whole lot of fun eats.
John Jaye Rich, Mary Jane, good morning. Thanks for holding.

Speaker 3 (39:33):
What's going on?

Speaker 1 (39:35):
Okay, So, guys, I just need a little advice. So
I'm getting married next Saturday.

Speaker 13 (39:40):
Is super exciting.

Speaker 1 (39:41):
I'm so stoked. But so one of my bridesmaids just
called to tell me last night that she broke her
leg and isn't a cast, and you know, she called
me to tell me that she thinks she can still
do it. She can walk a little bit and she
wants to still walk down the island everything for my wedding.
But she's like on crutches and in a literal like

full leg cast like thigh to ankle. And then I
called her sister about it just to ask, and she said, like, oh, yeah,
there's no way you won't see the cast and like
pictures and stuff, and like right now she can't walk.
So I don't, like, is it rude for me to
like ask her to like not do it and try
to replace her? I don't know what to do here,

Like am I overreacting.

Speaker 7 (40:25):
Or could you just have her not walk and then
not have whoever the groomsman that goes with her walk,
So have one less because replacing her, she's going to
feel a little weird.

Speaker 16 (40:34):
Yeah, but that's a.

Speaker 5 (40:35):
Good pulling her out completely. She's also probably gonna feel weird.

Speaker 7 (40:38):
Right, Yeah, So does it sound like she wants to
walk or it sounds like she wants you to say
that's okay, just to sit this one out.

Speaker 8 (40:45):
No, I think she wants to.

Speaker 16 (40:46):
I think she really was excited about being a part
of my wedding and like this is like devastating to her,
and I think if I ask her not to do it,
she would literally be devastated.

Speaker 2 (40:58):
Well, I think you have to be good friend, and yeah,
make sure that the cast is decorated with the same colors,
you know, or when you do take your pictures, place
her behind it. Do one of those pictures like you
know three, or have like.

Speaker 9 (41:10):
A really good photographer who can angle her right to
where the light cast isn't showing and might be really
good and you know, post wedding editing, or I do.

Speaker 2 (41:20):
This a lot with us when we do like team
photos of the show. What you can do is like
what's her what's your bride'smaid's name Amanda. So you get
everybody in and then you're like, okay, let's take one
without Francine. Okay, let's take one without Funny because you
do actually do that, I'll do Let's take it without
rich all right, that's good. More pictures.

Speaker 3 (41:46):
Eventually, like just take one without Amanda.

Speaker 2 (41:47):
Oh yeah, this is great, you know, do that and
then you can have that you have a then you
frame the one without Amanda in your picture in your
living room.

Speaker 7 (41:53):
I was part of you thinking like the cast girl
is going to take over and steal your thunder because
everybody's gonna be concerned about her.

Speaker 2 (41:59):
Take a time, I think cast and it's just the
whole thing and all the photoshoo.

Speaker 9 (42:05):
Yeah, do you know what color the cast is? Married Jane?

Speaker 1 (42:08):
I don't know, but I don't I think we can
wrap it or hide it or yeah, it's the equivalent
like when somebody orders fajidas at your table.

Speaker 2 (42:18):
Actually is on my birthday?

Speaker 5 (42:21):
Or just get her a long dress, you know, like
give her the long dress.

Speaker 2 (42:26):
Gonna have crushes in the picture.

Speaker 7 (42:28):
Yeah, I'm telling you though, during the during the walk
down the aisle, if I'm at that wedding, and be like, Oh,
she's so sweet. She's walking down. I won't even think
about the bride. I'll be like, oh, look at her.

Speaker 2 (42:37):
She's so important.

Speaker 5 (42:40):
Think about that.

Speaker 7 (42:41):
She's such a good friend. She's on crutches and she's
still standing up there the whole time.

Speaker 2 (42:46):
I try to see if you can move it back
six to eight weeks until out.

Speaker 9 (42:50):
Yeah, I'll try that.

Speaker 7 (42:50):
I'll get to the venue a call, or maybe you
can have her take the have the cast drilled off
for the wedding, and they put and they put back
on the next day.

Speaker 1 (42:59):
Really budget on my wedding.

Speaker 2 (43:03):
It's so funny how weddings and stuff like this, which
we totally get, are completely superficial.

Speaker 7 (43:07):
Yeah, ask her tat the cat, Can we take up
the casts?

Speaker 2 (43:09):
Can? Can you just try to walk normal? I'll have
to have a guy, pay a guy to be there
to drill the cast, the cast off and then to
put the cast on afterwards, just after pictures of oh man,
All right, Mary, j Well, good luck, so this pictures
Dina know what happens. Congratulations, Yeah, thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1 (43:32):
Thanks for your advice. It's very helpful.

Speaker 2 (43:34):
Yeah, don't tell anybody. John Jay and Rich gave me
their personal cell phone numbers.

Speaker 12 (43:40):
Where is my freaking phone? Eight seven seven, nine three
seven one oh four seven. It's John Jay and Bridge.

Speaker 2 (43:47):
I was just talking to my sister. In fact, I
want to get her on the phone real quick because
it was so nice. I just looked at all my dms.
There's so many people asking about what my sister's doing.
Someone I just got toast.

Speaker 9 (44:02):
Time we did this. This should not work out in
our favor when you did it.

Speaker 5 (44:07):
Because you kept going nine.

Speaker 9 (44:09):
Yeah, look at that.

Speaker 8 (44:14):

Speaker 2 (44:15):

Speaker 3 (44:16):
So everyone's asking if you're okay in your house, what's
the situation.

Speaker 2 (44:19):
You're on the radio bay, We're okay.

Speaker 8 (44:22):
We're a mile out from the latest evacuation. It would extended.
So Santa Monica is the border of the Palisades, and
we're half of Santamonica's evacuated, but we're inland.

Speaker 2 (44:34):
We're on the mile that far.

Speaker 10 (44:37):
I know.

Speaker 8 (44:37):
It's terrifying. It's the anxiety I have. So many friends
have lost houses.

Speaker 2 (44:41):
It's so sad.

Speaker 7 (44:42):
So why not is the smoke really bad, so bad,
I'm sick. Why not get away from that until it
clears up.

Speaker 2 (44:49):
A little bit.

Speaker 8 (44:51):
I know that's a really good question, and I think
it's because you feel like you can help. All our
neighbors are sheltering in place, and you kind of feel
like we're in a t together. I think maybe some
of it and then some of it is we have
every day we're waiting to have my daughter of school,
or like what can we do to help people? I
don't know. We should just pack. We're packed, so we're

pointing out we're ready to go.

Speaker 7 (45:12):
I mean, if you're if you're breathing like that, that
could last months and months that that smoke long.

Speaker 5 (45:17):
You should have damage you have for years.

Speaker 7 (45:19):
Yeah, you should. You should think about getting out of it.
I would you should like go State Riches house.

Speaker 2 (45:24):
Yeah, no problem, So rude.

Speaker 8 (45:33):
We we have other people we could stay with. But
there in the city, like we were going to go
into the city and then Studio city was in danger,
Like it's crazy. Everyone we know in the city is terra.

Speaker 3 (45:46):
I ask you this, Noah is going to a funeral
in the in Woodland Hills. Is that is that real?
Is that going to happen?

Speaker 8 (45:51):
Or no, Woolend Hills when I went to bed last
night was in danger, like if it was Calabasas and
all that was coming over the hill. Our cousin Lisa,
you know, she was a Mandigo canyon. Again. When I
went to bed bast Side, that had a whole line
of firefighters that's three miles from here. They had a
whole line of firefighters that were like trying to fight
the fire. And it's just every day it's like praying, please,

don't no more damage. But then I have other friends
that are like looking for houses to stay, and no
one wants to stay here because we have two giants dogs,
so don't.

Speaker 2 (46:21):
Well, yeah, here's the thing.

Speaker 7 (46:22):
If it's a If it's a let's say it's a
mile away from where it's supposed to be by the
time you hear it's time to evacuate, then you're going
to have to deal with everybody trying to evacuate too.
And then the smoke's already bad. It's almost like get
your family somewhere safe and probably it won't reach you,
but at least you're free from all the smoke until
it kind of goes out in the next day or
two or three or whatever it is.

Speaker 8 (46:42):
No, that's true. Two days ago we were going to
evacuate and head to John Jay's and the ten was
so grid locked it would have been nine and a
half hours to get there instead of five and a half.
So we were like, well, then are we in more
danger from the freeway?

Speaker 3 (46:54):
Okay, so look, there's a fire coming towards your house.

Speaker 2 (46:56):
What do you pack? What's in your car?

Speaker 3 (46:58):
What did you put in there?

Speaker 8 (47:01):
All of our paperwork, you know, the passports and search
of birth certificates and stuff. One photo album that has
the kids and they were little in our a wedding photo,
our computers by Louis Vuitton. Bag, this girl.

Speaker 2 (47:20):
I was at the gym yesterday and this girl told
me that her husband would be like, why are you
back in shoes and and and and bags?

Speaker 3 (47:26):
And that's why?

Speaker 7 (47:28):
Yeah, what's your snack situation? That's what I care about.
What do you got for snacks?

Speaker 8 (47:31):
Not great? Mason's been home from college and everything we
have we have to pick that. But our cars are
gassed up.

Speaker 2 (47:39):

Speaker 3 (47:39):
Why why one photo album?

Speaker 17 (47:40):

Speaker 2 (47:40):
I mean if you had if the fires come in
your house and you had to go right now and
you grab what you can, I get it. But you
have several photobums. Why don't you pack all the photo albums? No?

Speaker 8 (47:48):
Because we have most of them are on digital. Those
that one I just found over the holidays. I was like, oh,
this isn't like.

Speaker 2 (47:54):
When we were little. Do I have all this?

Speaker 8 (47:56):
You have them?

Speaker 11 (47:57):

Speaker 8 (47:57):
You have all.

Speaker 2 (48:00):
You don't know where obvious, like I know what people
look like. I'm good, all right, well we're glad you're saying.
It was just really nice and people listen to our show.
I had so many people message me asking how you're doing.
I was like, I haven't talked to her a couple days.

Speaker 8 (48:13):
No, keep keep the prayers coming because it's serious.

Speaker 7 (48:16):
Still, it's crazy that wind changed directions just a little bit.
That's trouble. I'd get the heck out.

Speaker 2 (48:21):
And feel better.

Speaker 8 (48:22):
I know, and it does change. You see my patio like,
I don't know what happened last night, but everything moved again.
It's crazy.

Speaker 3 (48:28):
But thanks neighbors playing tricks. Let's go move.

Speaker 2 (48:32):
You'll leave us furniture again, fire and come.

Speaker 3 (48:37):
I'll talk to you that I bade.

Speaker 8 (48:38):
Okay, thank you guys.

Speaker 3 (48:40):
Hey Mike, thanks for holding man. Sorry about that.

Speaker 4 (48:43):
Yeah, no worries. What were you calling about the wedding
gal with the broken leg?

Speaker 2 (48:49):
Oh yeah, okay. She was like, she was like, do
I not bring my friend or uninvite my friend to
be in the wedding right because of the broken legs? Yeah,
go ahead, which your common on that.

Speaker 4 (49:01):
So our daughter broke her arm just before the wedding
as well, and it went with a black colored cast,
so we actually wrapped it in lace and it mattered. Yeah,
match your dress really good. And then for the crutches,
I would just decorate them with like flowers and whatnot
to match.

Speaker 9 (49:19):
Such a good idea. I'd love like the lace look
because lace is in right now and very wedding.

Speaker 2 (49:25):
Yeah, very Yeah.

Speaker 4 (49:27):
So I don't know what color her cast is and
the dress is, but play around the colors and it
might turn out to be a pretty cool, unique kind
of story.

Speaker 9 (49:35):
I love that.

Speaker 5 (49:36):
So that's better than our solutions.

Speaker 3 (49:38):
Yeah, thanks brother, thanks for listening.

Speaker 2 (49:42):
Yeah, I know, guys.

Speaker 4 (49:43):
Happy Friday.

Speaker 2 (49:44):

Speaker 3 (49:44):
Hey what are you saying about botox?

Speaker 9 (49:47):
My botox has officially worn off and I have created
a very expensive habit for myself and now I have
to budget to make sure that I look good in
the forehead.

Speaker 2 (49:58):
It's gone.

Speaker 9 (49:59):
Huh look at that.

Speaker 2 (50:01):
Hold on, in Kyle terms, You're done. There's no thinking
that people that normally there is still botox in your forehead?

Speaker 9 (50:09):
Not enough?

Speaker 2 (50:11):
That's right.

Speaker 9 (50:14):
Is just a really expensive habit having botox and lip fillers.
But I really do feel crusty, dusty without it. It's
a necessity in my life.

Speaker 5 (50:23):
I mean, I know that I can't even argue that
you have really angry fascent.

Speaker 3 (50:35):
So I have a game ready to go. Do you
have its?

Speaker 2 (50:39):
Friday? We got sidetracked with the fire talk. It's Friday,
and John just got a game.

Speaker 3 (50:45):
For you, Okay.

Speaker 2 (50:49):
I put together this little trivia game of celebrity kids
because Justin Biebert just had a baby not that long ago.
So I'm going to give you the name of the
celebrity baby name or pet name. You have to guess
if it's a baby or a pet baby or pet baby?
Your pet?

Speaker 3 (51:05):
Is it the baby name of the pet name?

Speaker 2 (51:06):
For example, for Justin Bieber, Oscar Peyton, who's Oscar pet?

Speaker 3 (51:13):
Who is he though?

Speaker 9 (51:15):
A pet chameleon?

Speaker 2 (51:17):
No, it's his dog, Oscar. You haven't see Oscar Oscar.

Speaker 9 (51:20):
I know their son Jack, Jack Bieber.

Speaker 2 (51:23):
Kyle Christy Tigan and John Legend Luna. Is it a
child or a pet?

Speaker 5 (51:27):
It's their daughter?

Speaker 2 (51:28):
It is their daughter, she's so cute. She is so cute.
Rich Elon Musk Floky is it he's got fourteen kids?
Is that his pet or his son? I imagine that's
a pet.

Speaker 3 (51:44):
It's his pet?

Speaker 2 (51:44):
Floaky is Elon Musk, shebou okay, I.

Speaker 9 (51:49):
Mean his kids do have some I was gonna say, like,
I'm pretty sure there's some numbers and hyphens.

Speaker 7 (51:54):
I know that's a character on Vikings, and I'm pretty
sure he would be a fan of that show.

Speaker 2 (51:58):
It's a dog named after a character for the TV
show Vikings. Peyton Jennifer Lawrence Si. Is it the child
or is it a pet?

Speaker 9 (52:08):
That's a child?

Speaker 2 (52:09):
That is a child, Kyle Duayne the Rock, Johnson Hobbs.
Is that a pet or a child?

Speaker 5 (52:17):
No, it's a pet.

Speaker 3 (52:18):
It's a pet.

Speaker 2 (52:19):
It's a French poll dog. Rich Katy Perry Nugget Nuggets
gotta be a pet.

Speaker 3 (52:25):
It's a pet.

Speaker 2 (52:26):
Be a child named Nugget, Peyton, Angelina Jolie paxu pet
No Pax is her son, Kyle Kim Kardashian's kid. Is
this a kid or is the pet? Sushi?

Speaker 5 (52:42):
That's a pet?

Speaker 2 (52:43):
Their dog is a Pommer idiot? Rich Ryan Gosling and
is there kids. The kid's name it or their dog
name or kid's name is es Morelda as Morelda. That's
a child. It is Peyton, Lady Gaga pet or child
the answers the name is pet.

Speaker 9 (53:02):
Oh, that's a pet. I don't think she has any
I screwed up?

Speaker 2 (53:04):
She is, No, she doesn't.

Speaker 3 (53:05):
Yeah, Okay, Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry, Daisy.

Speaker 2 (53:10):
Dove, Kyle that's their daughter. That's their daughter, Peyton, Nicholas Cage,
Kyle l Oh.

Speaker 9 (53:21):
That's a human's name, and as a human, I knew
someone with that name.

Speaker 2 (53:25):
Rich are In a Grande Piggy Piggy, Oh, that's her pet.
That's her pet. All that's a fun little game.

Speaker 12 (53:31):
You've got questions and we have four unqualified people to
give you answers.

Speaker 3 (53:37):
It's John Jay and Bridge Jamie Curtis.

Speaker 2 (53:39):
Talk about the fires. All the celebrities. Everyone's talking about
the fires.

Speaker 6 (53:41):
Well, there's so many celebrities that have been affected because
the Pacific's Palisades, which I just like, cannot believe the
destruction that has been happening from these fires. But yeah,
I mean it's literally the town is basically gone. Jamie
Lee Curtis lives in that area, and she was doing
an interview just saying how bad things are.

Speaker 17 (54:00):
And it's gnarling, you guys. It's just a catastrophe in
southern California. Obviously, there have been horrific fires in many places.
This is literally where I live, everything, the market, I
shop in, the schools my.

Speaker 8 (54:13):
Kids go to.

Speaker 17 (54:14):
Many many, many, many, many friends now I've lost their homes.

Speaker 6 (54:19):
She actually donated a million dollars to the relief fund.
And then you have like Prince Harry and Megan Markle.
They're like in the area, but not as far as
I know, affected by this just yet, but they also
just like urged everybody if you can donate.

Speaker 9 (54:33):
The video of Paris Hilton's house, yeah, was crazy, And
I mean you see that stuff, you know, on all
the tabloids and whatnot. But what was really crazy was
hopping on TikTok yesterday and seeing like high schoolers doing
their like house tours and it's literally in ashes, and
I mean they're using dark humor as a way to
obviously cope, but it's like people's childhoods, you know, are

just burnt to the ground and it's just so heartbreaking.

Speaker 2 (54:59):
How does it happen, and because I keep hearing that,
like insurance companies canceled all the fire stuff. Right, So
if you have if you live there and you have
a five million dollar house and it burned down to
the ground and you don't have insurance, you just have
this piece of land and you have to rebuild a house.
There's nothing like you are you suing the government and
you got to be suing somebody, I would assume, right.

Speaker 7 (55:17):
They say like three years minimum to get most of
those things rebuilt, you know, just if you got to
go from the ground up, which in Pacific Pali sides,
it almost doesn't exist on a map anymore.

Speaker 2 (55:26):
I mean it is gone.

Speaker 13 (55:27):

Speaker 5 (55:27):
Yeah, that's the really sad.

Speaker 6 (55:28):
Thing about the insurance thing is a lot of people
lost their insurance and now just don't have It's literally
like so now what can I sell this charred land for? Right,
And that's a lot of people's nest egg, that's a
lot of people's like life investment there.

Speaker 5 (55:42):
So it is it's so devastating, So that.

Speaker 2 (55:44):
When I see this other news like Brandy for example,
like what's the big news of Brandy?

Speaker 5 (55:48):
She's releasing a memoir.

Speaker 2 (55:49):
Did she decide to put that press release out like yesterday. Hello,
this is a good time to let everybody know.

Speaker 5 (55:55):
People don't care right now.

Speaker 6 (55:58):
No, I know, it seems everything else really sort of
seemed trivial. But then when I see news like Zenda
and Tom Holland, I'm like, oh, it's kind of a
light like that's not a press release.

Speaker 5 (56:06):
They just found out they got matching tattoos, right, And
that was happening before the fires light a little light,
you know what I mean.

Speaker 2 (56:12):
They didn't get matching tattoos yesterday. They got matching tattoos
probably two, three weeks ago, a month ago, whatever. Now
it's just coming out.

Speaker 5 (56:18):
Yeah, That's why I'm saying.

Speaker 6 (56:19):
When I see stories like that, I'm like, oh, okay,
good some some positive news, you know, like Katy Perry
for example, Yeah, Katy Perry's like, oh my album didn't
do well, so now I want to go back to
American Idol was like like.

Speaker 3 (56:30):
Right now talking about that right now.

Speaker 5 (56:33):
That news just came out.

Speaker 14 (56:34):
I know.

Speaker 6 (56:35):
It's like and they keep releasing like I think they
released the nominees for like the SAG Awards, and I was.

Speaker 9 (56:40):
Like, just wait, just stuff like hold off, don't need
to like.

Speaker 5 (56:43):
People don't care right now.

Speaker 7 (56:44):
Well, you've heard Geene Smart say, don't even show award
shows right now because.

Speaker 2 (56:49):
It's two tone death totally, Like, if you.

Speaker 5 (56:51):
Have an award show me just announcing the nominees is pretty.

Speaker 2 (56:55):
I saw Mill Gibson was on Joe Rogan's podcast and
he was talking about the fires.

Speaker 3 (56:58):
You talked about bunch of other things too.

Speaker 6 (57:00):
Yeah, he also he is he's working on a lot
of stuff, and I'll get to that in a second,
but yeah, he he came forward and said something that,
you know, it's pretty controversial to talk about, you know,
treatments for cancer that aren't what the Mayo Clinic recommends,
and so take this as you will, that this is
not medical advice.

Speaker 5 (57:17):
I think we have to say something like that.

Speaker 6 (57:19):
But he opened up about an experience that a few
of his friends had with some success in fighting their cancer.

Speaker 2 (57:25):
I have three friends, all three of them at stage
four cancer. All three of them don't have cancer right
now at all, and they have some serious stuff going on.
What did they take? They took some what you've heard
they've taken. I remacting that's yeah, I'm hearing that. A
lot they drink hydrochloride something or other. They drinking metal

and blue and stuff like, Yeah, they need to give
out that disclaimer before because people go out by hydro
clark something or other. Yeah, like that's why.

Speaker 6 (57:53):
That's why me to like just preface it by saying,
it's like like, listen, I had a friend pass away
from breast cancer last year and she tried everything, and.

Speaker 5 (58:03):
It's like, you have to be really careful.

Speaker 6 (58:05):
It's like what you're putting into your body could actually
end up killing you before the cancer does so. But
there are some interesting studies that are being done about
ivermect him. But it's like, also, you got to like
involve your doctor and that kind of stuff. But he
mel Gibson also talked about working on The Passion of
the Christ too. He said it's the resurrection story. He
said it's nonlinear, but it took him and his brother
almost seven years to finish the script.

Speaker 2 (58:26):
Wow, the clip you just played, will you will you
play it again?

Speaker 3 (58:30):
But stop it somewhere.

Speaker 2 (58:32):
I have three friends.

Speaker 3 (58:33):
That's it. That would have been my interview, and.

Speaker 6 (58:41):
I actually edited it so there was a longer pause
in between where he said they all had cancer and
so at first when I first listened to that part of.

Speaker 5 (58:49):
The interview, I was like, you have three friends? Was
that it like awkwardly long pause?

Speaker 2 (58:54):
I have three friends?

Speaker 3 (58:57):
We ever do it like a John Jay, Rich Jay
three friends?

Speaker 2 (59:02):
Oh cool, your scanner stops. It's John Jay and richm'
john Ky and Rich. You know, we's talk about New
Year's resolutions. And my new Year's resolution was to try
to hit ten thousand steps a day, and Lacey sent
me DM, good morning, Lacey, good.

Speaker 18 (59:18):
Morning last year. That's what I set my goal last
ten thousand steps today. And you just have to be
intentional about it. I was telling you in a DM
that ten minutes is roughly one thousand steps. And so
I just like do things like I pace around when
I'm brushing my teeth to get some steps in. I

pace around when I'm on the phone talking to someone
or scrolling through social media. And you would be surprised
at how many steps you get in just doing like
being intentional about it.

Speaker 3 (59:50):
So do you hit ten thousand every day?

Speaker 11 (59:52):

Speaker 13 (59:52):
Yeah, every day?

Speaker 18 (59:53):
And usually pretty early in my day, Like usually when
I'm off work. By the time I get off work,
I'm at like eight or nine thousand steps.

Speaker 2 (59:59):
Why yeah, I get by the time I leave work,
I'm at like eight hundred steps, which is and then
I have a whole freaking day ahead of me. Yesterday
I went hiking with my friend and when I was
done hiking, I was at eleven thousand steps, and I'm
like done for the day. But the day before, when
I was at seven thousand steps, it was a nightmare
trying to get the extra the extra three thousand got

a I got a DM from someone yesterday. Tell me
they do this too, and they'll be at nine thousand
steps and then he'd like this, run around the house
until you get ten thousand steps to the room basically,
and then get this. This friend of mine, they go
hiking with Rick, his friend had they did a year
average year average steps with nineteen thousand a day. Oh
my gosh, what's he doing all day? He's just doing

stuff to get his steps and he intentionally, Like, well,
I'll just walk intentionally, So would that be like in
your case if you go somewhere, park in the furthest
away parking spot and take the stairs everywhere, walk the
long way around the story. With this guy, he will
download an audio book, put headphones on and he has
a walk that he does and listens to the book
at the end of the day if he hasn't already

hit it already. That's what he does, so I might
try that accept that. I don't know if I could
walk with headphones on and get distracted.

Speaker 6 (01:01:09):
My brother in law he is he is the world championship.
He's a world champion in Brazilian jiu jitsu and he's
going I think to Thailand or something like that, so
like a big world competition.

Speaker 7 (01:01:21):
That's the toughest martial arts and he was an.

Speaker 5 (01:01:24):
Army ranger, so he's a pretty tough guy. So his
goal is twenty thousand steps a day until he goes.

Speaker 2 (01:01:32):
I can't imagine that is possible. Twice what I do
and I'm wiped out at ten thousand.

Speaker 9 (01:01:38):
Go to Disneyland to get twenty thousand, ten thousand like
what four miles.

Speaker 2 (01:01:42):
May only day three? You believe this is day.

Speaker 3 (01:01:47):
Four of me doing this and I'm over it.

Speaker 1 (01:01:51):
I was at first, But stick with it.

Speaker 18 (01:01:53):
It'll be so easy, like like I said on a
year now and it's just like so easy for me.
It's like second nature.

Speaker 2 (01:02:00):
Don't you think that.

Speaker 7 (01:02:00):
When you walk you can you can think better too,
especially if you're outside.

Speaker 18 (01:02:04):
I believe that, yes, yes, and like I feel better,
Like if you have like you know, kind of aches
like back aches and stuff like that, it really helps.
Like it helps me so like I can't sit there
on for long anymore because like I just need to
walk and pace around.

Speaker 13 (01:02:16):
It makes me feel better.

Speaker 2 (01:02:17):
Well, that's funny because I thought I do have back aches,
and I thought it's because of the walking, because of
the ten thousand steps. Well it might be your posture
when you.

Speaker 1 (01:02:24):
Walk them, or your shoes.

Speaker 14 (01:02:26):
Check your shoes.

Speaker 2 (01:02:26):
Shoes suck. I can't find good shoes. I have very
difficult arches. It's very hard to even John Jay's arches
are high maintenance. They are very difficult. Well, Lacy, thanks
for the tips and thanks for the motivation. Thank you,
love you guys, leve me too, thanks for calling in. Yeah, fine,
they're like walking to walk is like boring, but like

like hiking, because you have I got to be up
and back and be done, like I want to get
over with like it it motivates me.

Speaker 3 (01:02:53):
But to go walk.

Speaker 7 (01:02:55):
Oh but I got like I got like eighteen different routes.
Well maybe not, but at least ten different routes where
I know once a five mile, once four mile, once
seven miles.

Speaker 3 (01:03:04):
I can't imagine going a five mile walk.

Speaker 2 (01:03:05):
Oh, it's not bad if you just bring you right brings. No,
I don't want to bring music with me like I
I and I want to do like a like if
I download an audio book, I feel like I would
get distracted.

Speaker 3 (01:03:16):
Someone's talking to me.

Speaker 5 (01:03:17):
I think you learn if you downloaded an audio book,
that would make the walk more interesting.

Speaker 2 (01:03:21):
Well, I'll try today because there's so far I got
nothing planned but this and here souk on the studio.
Don't get ten thousand steps? All right, Dan and Richie kids,
Jan and rich all right, we are gonna play a game, right,
it's justin kimberake tickets. We need a contest, right? Should
I still liten for the contesta right now? Fad get
a contesta right now? Should I get a contesta right now?
Should I get a contester? Don't get one right now?

Not yet? Why not yet? Within the next the next?

Speaker 3 (01:03:47):
We still need them?

Speaker 2 (01:03:48):
Ready? You haven't? Wow? Wait work ahead?

Speaker 3 (01:03:52):

Speaker 2 (01:03:53):
Oh, he's good that Nick.

Speaker 3 (01:03:56):

Speaker 2 (01:03:58):
You and your brother got into something that my sister
kind of got into, which she is currently dealing with fires. Okay, okay,
what was trend?

Speaker 9 (01:04:06):
There's this trend on TikTok or wherever you indulge in
your social media, and basically what you do is, if
you have a brother, you text your brother throughout the
day and you give them random updates with no context.
So I decided I was gonna give my little brother Jalen.
We're fifteen months apart and we are getting a lot

closer over you know, the last couple of years. And
the first text I sent him, I was just like, Hey,
I just got home from work. I'm about to eat
lunch and then I'm going to take a nap before
i have to be up for practice at two. And
he replied to me, he was like, did you mean
to send this to me?

Speaker 5 (01:04:46):
And then I said, I wrote it right now, and
then I said.

Speaker 9 (01:04:49):
Yeah, lol, I'm probably gonna watch The Abbot Elementary and
it's always sunny in Philadelphia Crossover before I take my nap,
and he didn't reply. He left me on Rent. I
woke up, I was like, the episode was mid gotta
go to practice. Left on Red and then I texted
him again. I was like, I'm really sleepy. I'm gonna

be doing a photo shoot. Are you gonna come? And
he just replies yes. I was like, okay, sounds good.
I just got home. He left me on Red come on,
you can play the game, and I was like, I
was like, what are you doing for Valentine's Day? I
just got home though, I'm putting away groceries, and he
just replied, okay, stop texting me.

Speaker 2 (01:05:31):
Oh my god, that's so funny. But my sister sent
me that trend the other day. There's there's one one
of those videos has gone massively viral. Yeah, it's really
funny where that the brother at the end is like WTF.
So my sister says this to me, and I was like,
just don't. Like I didn't want her to, don't because
I know she'll text me and I'll just be like,
I'll ignore it right away. It won't it won't have

a good output, which sounds terrible right now, because she's
what's she gonna say, Hey, just pack the car because
in fact, you waiting he right, I know, like, just
don't don't start that tray.

Speaker 7 (01:06:06):
This went backfire me because my brother that's what he
texted me, his random updates about nothing going to clean
up the grill. Okay, so it would be maybe he's
been doing it for me to me for years.

Speaker 9 (01:06:16):
Now, maybe he was the originator of the truck.

Speaker 2 (01:06:19):
He's playing a long game.

Speaker 9 (01:06:20):
But yeah, I still haven't told my brother that it
was a part of the trend. He just thinks I
was like being laying and updating him.

Speaker 2 (01:06:27):
But whatever. So the text line when you text us,
you text jj R and then whatever you want to
say to ninety six eight ninety three, and there is
a text from a fourd oh number that says John,
Jay and Rich. How is it that you all skipped over?
How fish Kyle's husband feels about a mattress in the
house that Kyle may have maroon fived on.

Speaker 9 (01:06:48):
Oh, I thought about it. I thought about it and
figured that wasn't a question I was going to ask.

Speaker 5 (01:06:52):
There was no maroon fiving happen on that bed. It
was in a guest room.

Speaker 6 (01:06:58):
He doesn't care.

Speaker 5 (01:06:59):
He's like, now we don't have to buy a new bed.

Speaker 2 (01:07:03):
Maroon five you got he went back to your house.

Speaker 5 (01:07:06):
No, that's what I'm saying.

Speaker 2 (01:07:07):
There was no guest bedroom, so I thought you went
to was in a.

Speaker 6 (01:07:10):
Guest bedroom, which is why I got care because it
was like, no, like when I lived in that house
with said boyfriend, Like we didn't sleep on that bed.
It wasn't like the guy slept in that bed, so
he doesn't care if.

Speaker 2 (01:07:22):
We have that bed. I took the message was about
you hooking up with a A Levin.

Speaker 5 (01:07:26):
I thought that was just a phrase.

Speaker 2 (01:07:27):
They were the way I'd like to know.

Speaker 3 (01:07:30):
Is that not where you? I forgot where you hooked
up with anim Oh.

Speaker 2 (01:07:33):
My gosh, something I wanted to hear.

Speaker 9 (01:07:36):
But that is cool though, that like a fish is
like down and chill with that. Because when me and
my ex broke up and I still had the same bed,
she made me sell it and get a.

Speaker 6 (01:07:44):
New because it wasn't the bed that you had used
with that person. I could see if it was like
I used it with that person, then I could see
it being really.

Speaker 3 (01:07:54):
Tender, like it depends if it's a great comfortable bed.

Speaker 5 (01:07:58):
It is a great the best bet I've ever slept it.

Speaker 2 (01:08:01):
It's amazing, all right, eron good morning, good morning. You
are playing for justin Timberlake tickets.

Speaker 13 (01:08:09):
Oh my gosh, I can't believe it.

Speaker 3 (01:08:12):
And we are going to play pop ten.

Speaker 2 (01:08:15):
It's time. It's time for Pop ten.

Speaker 6 (01:08:19):
In this game, your creativity gives you as many points
as your creativity gives you, which we've disguised the limit.

Speaker 5 (01:08:27):
Okay, so Aaron, I know justin Timberlake tickets on the line.
This is a big deal. So just get your brain moving.

Speaker 6 (01:08:34):
We're gonna wake you up by having John Jay, Rich
and Peyton go in front of you so you can
get an idea of how the game is played. John Jay, Look,
we want to be super topical with our games this year,
right and Grant had this idea yesterday and I couldn't
ignore it. I just couldn't ignore it. Oh the So
because we want to be super topical, there's ten seconds
on the clock for you, John Jay, name as many

topical lotions or ointments as you can on your mark.

Speaker 5 (01:09:01):
It's amazing, actually gets it.

Speaker 2 (01:09:04):
Go nivea copper tone, Uh uh the e one uh vasiline, It's.

Speaker 8 (01:09:19):

Speaker 2 (01:09:24):
I see all the time choices. Can you give me
the no no no, give me another one?

Speaker 3 (01:09:31):
Usuren that one show he's having to get the usurer.

Speaker 6 (01:09:35):
Okay, from here on out, the Pump ten questions will
be more pop Tenny Rich, Highi Jenner and Timothy Chalame
shared a big kiss recently at the Golden Globe.

Speaker 5 (01:09:45):
So rich, You've got ten seconds to name.

Speaker 6 (01:09:48):
As many people that you can who have dated a
Kardashian and go.

Speaker 2 (01:09:54):
Chris Humphries, Uh, Reggie.

Speaker 5 (01:10:03):
Uh uh, Davidson, you're almost dubbing.

Speaker 2 (01:10:11):
Yeah, I know.

Speaker 5 (01:10:11):
The list goes on. Peyton, We're going to you next. Flavor.

Speaker 6 (01:10:16):
Flave says he wants to be buried with his signature clocks. So, Peyton,
ten seconds is on the clock right now for you
to name as many unique things you could be buried with.

Speaker 9 (01:10:27):
Go the jar, pickles, your left shoe, shorts from the
fourth grade, a ninja turtle shirt, hot wheel shirt that
goes in the darkest yellow, like a specific you work.

Speaker 6 (01:10:40):
I was breaking down my first day of school visual Okay, Aaron, Peyton,
so far as in the lead with five and I
think you can crush that right now. London was actually
named the top destination for travel this year. Aaron, you've
got ten seconds on the clock. Please name as many
destinations as you can that would be better to travel

to than London.

Speaker 11 (01:11:05):
Go, Paris, France, Dublin, Ireland, Old San Juan, Puerto Rico,
New York City, Well, maybe that's not better.

Speaker 8 (01:11:14):
Than London, but.

Speaker 11 (01:11:17):
Cork, Ireland.

Speaker 15 (01:11:18):
Okay, your time is up.

Speaker 6 (01:11:19):
You did great, did great, you did great. Technically you
tied with Peyton. But we've got one more round, so
you can take the lead at that point, John Jay,
back to you. Jimmy Carter's funeral was yesterday, John Jay,
you have ten seconds to name as many past United
States presidents.

Speaker 2 (01:11:37):
The song getset go George Washington, Lincoln, Bush, Ford, Bush, Trump, Obama, Biden, Nixon, Woodrow.
That was pretty good.

Speaker 5 (01:11:53):
That was really a good I mean, I don't.

Speaker 6 (01:11:55):
Think I could have made so great job rich Uber
and they're giving a month of free rides to teens
who failed their driver's license test. So rich, You've got
ten seconds to name as many things as you can
that you would rather have than free rides from Uber
if you failed your driver's test on your mark, get
set go.

Speaker 7 (01:12:15):
Free fried from McDonald's, free swig, let's see a free
ride on an airplane, getting into a restaurant for free,
getting getting into a club.

Speaker 5 (01:12:27):
I count that one. But good try. That was a
good round, John Jay, and the lead so far Peyton.

Speaker 6 (01:12:32):
Lake Superior University released its annual list of banned words.
You've got ten seconds to name words you are so
sick of you think they should be banned on your mark.

Speaker 5 (01:12:42):
Get set and go the.

Speaker 9 (01:12:44):
Name Grant and men stan Lee, it's too hot in here.

Speaker 13 (01:12:51):
I don't know.

Speaker 9 (01:12:52):
It's a hard question.

Speaker 14 (01:12:55):

Speaker 9 (01:12:57):
I like bro though, Aaron. All of the things that
I could say, like I thought toats and memes and bro,
but I love all those words. I love them.

Speaker 6 (01:13:06):
Okay, Erin, you got a really good shot at beating
John Jay right now, because he is the one to beat.
Betty Crocker announced they are releasing Bridgerton themed baking kits.
Ten seconds on the clock right now, Aaron, for you
to name as many things as you can that you
can bake.

Speaker 11 (01:13:23):
Ready, go apple Pie's cookie, It's croissant, biscuits, Uh, pies, oh,
Lasagne pastas bigd Okay, this is.

Speaker 5 (01:13:37):
Amazing, This is actually amazing.

Speaker 6 (01:13:40):
So John Jay had twelve points, Aaron, you got thirteen points.

Speaker 2 (01:13:46):
The bike you're gonna go see justin Timberlake. Hold on line, Aeron,
Thanks for playing, Thanks for listening.

Speaker 16 (01:13:55):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (01:13:56):
Probably when you're talking about locations ago on vacation better
in London, you know it's it on my mind is
that whatever town that is in bad Sisters, it seems
like the coolest little town.

Speaker 5 (01:14:05):
Oh they're a little Ireland. Yeah, that real pretty.

Speaker 2 (01:14:08):
I don't know if they ever say where it is,
but it's like they all have these houses on the beach.

Speaker 3 (01:14:11):
I mean, it looks cold all the time.

Speaker 5 (01:14:13):
I was just going to say, but it's just me
or does the weather always looks crappy?

Speaker 2 (01:14:15):
But it makes me want to go to Ireland. I've
never really been to Ireland or had a desire to
go to Ireland or anywhere outside.

Speaker 3 (01:14:19):
Of this area.

Speaker 2 (01:14:20):
This is a surprise.

Speaker 3 (01:14:22):
Well, if I could just go there, you know what
I mean, you can know, but I mean.

Speaker 2 (01:14:25):
Transport, Yes, yeah, like that. John Jay and Rich we're
like a whole lot.

Speaker 3 (01:14:33):
You guys see you guys see Rich's haircuts there? Yes, sure,
really short.

Speaker 2 (01:14:38):
I like it.

Speaker 3 (01:14:38):
Do you want to get the guy?

Speaker 11 (01:14:39):

Speaker 3 (01:14:39):
Get him?

Speaker 7 (01:14:42):
Is most of my hair is beginning a mass exodus
from my my cranium. I figured I just got to
keep up with the hair loss.

Speaker 3 (01:14:48):
It's so short. One of the short haircuts I think
you ever had.

Speaker 2 (01:14:51):
For sure an extra in Madmen, Short Short Short, it's
John Dane Rich case FM collared three things we need
to know today.

Speaker 6 (01:14:59):
So the Lake Superior or State University has been doing
something for the last fifty years.

Speaker 5 (01:15:03):
Every year they take the year's most overused.

Speaker 6 (01:15:07):
Misused, and just playing annoying words that have warmed their
way into our common use vocabulary, and they they call
it their annual list of band words, words we just
shouldn't use anymore. The words they decided our band are cringe,
game changer, era dropped, if you know you know, sorry,

not sorry, and sorry about this one, jenoffa, skibbity, one hundred,
utilize and period.

Speaker 9 (01:15:37):
The only ones from the whatever list would be skippity.
I like all the other ones and if you know
you know it was one of my favorites.

Speaker 5 (01:15:45):
Well, you don't like skibbity because it's not your generation exactly.

Speaker 9 (01:15:48):
I don't get it.

Speaker 3 (01:15:49):
I love the reaction I get from my kids when
I use skippity.

Speaker 9 (01:15:53):
Their dad is.

Speaker 2 (01:15:59):
The word that they use that I used, and I've
used it wrong and I didn't want to say it is.

Speaker 3 (01:16:05):
I think it's a bad word. Really yeah, but let
me spell it out.

Speaker 2 (01:16:09):
Let me.

Speaker 9 (01:16:09):
I was like, don't say, yeah, there's one that my
high school girls use. Okay, I am it's me and
they like call like all their little boyfriends, their hudds
like h u z z and like one of our
girls airball to free throw in the game and they
were like airballing in front of the huzz.

Speaker 3 (01:16:23):
Come on, now, look at the word I am.

Speaker 2 (01:16:26):
Tell me.

Speaker 9 (01:16:27):
Okay, let's see. Let's see.

Speaker 2 (01:16:31):
Oh no, do you know what that means?

Speaker 9 (01:16:33):
Yeah, like it's like big booty okay, yeah, oh yeah.
We've talked about GAT and they actually spelled like us
a little bit g u y a T Like, yeah,
look at that GAT over there.

Speaker 5 (01:16:46):
Yeah, you're okay, you're good. Yeah, that was a tense moment.

Speaker 9 (01:16:50):
Yeah, you're good, You're good.

Speaker 6 (01:16:51):
Yeah. So fans are eagerly awaiting season four of Bridger Tins.
Mostly season four is going to center around the family's
second oldest brother, Bennett and his love story, and in
honor of that, Betty Crocker is also sharing the excitement
in fact that they decided to release three baking mixes
inspired by the show.

Speaker 5 (01:17:11):
In fact, they're actually called Bridgerton Big Kids.

Speaker 6 (01:17:14):
There's a drama themed cream puff kit, a petite sponge
cake kit, and a petite strawberry scone kit.

Speaker 5 (01:17:20):
They're at Walmart for only seven bucks, So this would
be great.

Speaker 6 (01:17:22):
I know a lot of people do like Bridgerton watch parties,
so you could have the official Bridgeton cakes.

Speaker 2 (01:17:27):
Au petite sponge cake sounds delightful lesson.

Speaker 5 (01:17:29):
And it does sound very Bridgerton.

Speaker 9 (01:17:30):

Speaker 6 (01:17:31):
So they say, if you want a happy life, it's
happy life or happy wife, happy life, right, But that
may not always be the case. They found in research,
doesn't matter how happy the wife is, no matters how
much she's making, because they found men tend to get
sad when their wives earn more than them.

Speaker 5 (01:17:53):
So even if their wife's really.

Speaker 6 (01:17:54):
Happy and they are breadliner and all the things, the
men actually get like how more susceptible to mental health
issues both members of the couple.

Speaker 5 (01:18:03):
But this happens, It can happen more with men. Sometimes
it happens in women. But yeah, so it doesn't necessarily
how happy the wife is.

Speaker 7 (01:18:12):
Can you talk to anybody that I could think of, Hey,
would you be okay if your spouse made more than you?

Speaker 2 (01:18:17):
They'd be like, yeah, they think that.

Speaker 6 (01:18:20):
But apparently when you get in that situation, society has
made it feel like the man has to provide in
this and that and so it affects the men.

Speaker 2 (01:18:28):
Because men are hunters and gatherers. Huh, you're not a
hunter or gather No, that's why I'd be totally fine.
You're a awkward walker to take a.

Speaker 3 (01:18:35):
Napper, chub, a leader.

Speaker 5 (01:18:40):
That's three things you need to know.

Speaker 2 (01:18:41):
I'm the chubby, have Aleena, Kyle's the white Fox's stupid?

Speaker 9 (01:18:47):
You're really leaning into that white.

Speaker 2 (01:18:49):
I can't hell of it. Kyle's wearing a brand of clothes.
This his White Fox.

Speaker 5 (01:18:52):
It's the brand.

Speaker 9 (01:18:53):
It's like a super actually like popular trending brand ring right.

Speaker 2 (01:18:57):
But to me first I thought it looked like, you know,
some she has it, like, hey, by the way, she's
a white fox, sending a message out to everyone.

Speaker 6 (01:19:03):
Because you're so conceited wearing that, like you're calling yourself fox.

Speaker 2 (01:19:08):
Yeah, okay, white Fox, that's.

Speaker 5 (01:19:10):
My nickname, the white Fox.

Speaker 2 (01:19:11):
I kind of like it. I know, what's the white
Fox doing today?

Speaker 9 (01:19:16):
And then you got to have like the what did
the fox say? Music? Behind you? Everywhere? You got yes.

Speaker 2 (01:19:23):
Anyway, fun, we have fun? You make that shirt with
your cricket.

Speaker 9 (01:19:27):
No, I'm like, I feel a really popular brand right now,
Like you walk onto any high school campus and there's
like twenty five kids.

Speaker 5 (01:19:34):
Wearing that live in the nap guys.

Speaker 2 (01:19:36):
I saw she's not going to going the airport todation walk.
Excuse me, white fox, threw Jerney.

Speaker 7 (01:19:42):
Don't need to say when you're the white Fox.

Speaker 2 (01:19:44):
By the way, isn't your daytime or some sort of
foxing too? Yes, what's that called?

Speaker 5 (01:19:48):
I think it's the it's the Foxy Planner or the
just Little Fox.

Speaker 2 (01:19:51):
Aren't you? You're all about the Fox?

Speaker 6 (01:19:53):
I guess twenty twenty five is the year of the
Fox for me.

Speaker 2 (01:19:57):
You're broadcasting live across the world right now. This is
the John Jay and Rich radio program.

Speaker 13 (01:20:07):
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