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January 15, 2025 • 9 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Peyton, What happened to you? What happened to your face?

Speaker 2 (00:01):
What happened, Well, nothing really happened to my face.

Speaker 3 (00:04):
But I just love when a dig turns into a compliment,
when like just okay, so this is what happened. So
yesterday we were talking about how I did a photo
shoot from my friend Angel's dumpling business called Love Fight,
and we posted some like behind the scenes videos from
it yesterday right because we talked about it, and so
I got a comment on one of the on the

posts and it was like, you're fake and you use filters,
and I was like, you're not lying, Like I do
use filters. I love it, doesn't I love a filter moment,
But this specific video was no filter.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
I really just look like that.

Speaker 4 (00:45):
For you.

Speaker 1 (00:46):
Did you say that? Did you respond to him like that?

Speaker 4 (00:48):

Speaker 2 (00:48):
I didn't respond. I mean it's whatever. I don't care
you could be like that.

Speaker 3 (00:52):
It's just so funny because it was like that was
not posting it under my skin and like it probably
would if I used a filter, but.

Speaker 2 (00:58):
I did it. So that's amazing. Actually, I was like, score.

Speaker 5 (01:05):
It's like sometimes you know, I've been opening about botox,
the stuff in my face right, And sometimes I'll let
it wear off and I won't do it for a while,
and then someone's like making a comment like do too
much botox? You look terrible, and I'm like, ha, that's
just my face, there's no botox there. Then I'm like,
wait a minute, I think that's not a compliment.

Speaker 1 (01:26):
Just taking it.

Speaker 4 (01:27):
So also when people say that, I don't think they
understand what botox is.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
It doesn't really change your look at all. It just
paralyzes your face.

Speaker 1 (01:33):
Must it does.

Speaker 5 (01:33):
But with me, like, sometimes I know what they're talking
about because sometimes when I do, like my forehead and
then I'll smile and then like, maybe my eyebrows wearing off,
so my eyebrow has a weird, evil looking face.

Speaker 1 (01:44):
But I don't care. I don't care, you know, But
I like that when.

Speaker 5 (01:48):
People say, whoa man, I didn't expect your baby to
be that cute. You don't sweat that much for a
big guy, kind of a backhanded compliment, right, yeah, but.

Speaker 4 (02:00):
You can still take it, you know, you still take
it for a win, right, don't you at some point?

Speaker 5 (02:04):
But yeah, but then later you go, hey, well.

Speaker 2 (02:08):
Actually a couple of it or not?

Speaker 1 (02:09):
It was it wasn't that and Payne, where were you yesterday?
I was on your social media and.

Speaker 5 (02:15):
I feel like I've seen this thing you were in
around certain places, Like when I was in Hawaii last week,
I walked by this building and they had this pod
in there, and I was like, what is that. It
was like a makeup place and I was like what.
It was like a spa type of thing, and I thought, oh,
it must be a makeup thing. It's not me. I'm
not in the makeup thing. But then I saw your

post yesterday and I was.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
Like, what is this?

Speaker 3 (02:38):
Yeah, so I was at my boyfriend Kadem's cousins girlfriends
spa and she was like, I have this like rejuvenation
pod that I want you to come out and try
it out. And when I got in this pod, I
was like, I can one hundred percent see John Jay
putting this next to us on in his garage, like
this is so right up his alley. I feel like

it's literally it's called like the relax Well Pod Deluxe
or something like that.

Speaker 2 (03:05):
It looks like a giant egg and you have.

Speaker 3 (03:07):
To literally like open this like gate up and then
you like close yourself into this giant egg. Like I
felt like Lady Gaga and that like one music video
where she like comes out of the egg, Like I
seriously felt like that. And it has like infrared heat,
has like the Lymphomic massage show. It like vibrates like
it gives you like all of the like benefits to
basically like detox. So if you're gonna take like a

juice cleanse, it essentially I think, does the same thing
by detoxing like the toxins in your body. It's like
red light, blue light, like whatever you want to set
it customized to you can do. It has like a
green light. It was really really cool, and I was like,
what is this? Like this is almost too high tech
for me, So I was like, can you explain, Like
I don't really get it, and she's like, it's literally
just to detox your body. And she has like firefighters

who come in and detox their body after like smoke
inhlation and it like cleanses you. And so I was
in it for thirty minutes, and I guess you like
you want to do like your initial cleanse, you want
to go like three times a week for like two weeks,
and then you can like do it like once a
month or something. Like that to keep up with your upkeep.
But it was I was so fascinated. It was warm,

it was like I took a nap, I fell asleep,
and yeah, it was like a relaxing music and then
you can pick like which aroma you want to like
smell to relax.

Speaker 2 (04:22):
That's amazing.

Speaker 3 (04:22):
It was so it was seriously so cool and what
like really like kind of like intrigued me is she
was telling me how in Europe they're using this pod
to like reverse like dementia, like serious serious things that
like people are like battling with and it's like positive
effects from this like infrared light in this pod. And
it's like the most unique cool thing ever. And I

can totally see John Jay putting one in his house.

Speaker 1 (04:46):
Well is it?

Speaker 5 (04:46):
I'm just googled it is. It is an infrared sauna
pod something. It's this says the nine benefits an infrared
sauna pod detox therapy, and it looks like the thing do.

Speaker 1 (04:55):
Your whole body? Did you fit your whole body in there?

Speaker 3 (04:56):
Your whole body goes lay down except for yeah, you
lay down except for your because when your head is
outside of it, your body can withstand more heat.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
Wait, so your head's sticking out. Any pictures of that?

Speaker 2 (05:07):
No, I mean I couldn't use my hands.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
The cartoons.

Speaker 5 (05:13):
To the person that runs her friend that you're seeing,
the person that said welcome.

Speaker 3 (05:18):
It was funny because I was like, like, there's like
little things for you to stick your hands out, and
you look like a little dinosaur out of this egg.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
Oh well, that's not what I just googled, Dan, you
have any other information. It looks what it is.

Speaker 2 (05:29):
Yeah, this is what it looks like. I just pulled
it up. So it's relax pod and you.

Speaker 3 (05:35):
Like laying down, Yeah, you lay down and then your
head sticks out, like right about it.

Speaker 4 (05:40):
It looks like a big toilet. It looks like you're
sitting in alet.

Speaker 3 (05:42):
It's a multisensory wellness pod designed to deliver relaxation experience
through biostack.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
You know what that reminds me of?

Speaker 3 (05:49):
It reminds it reminds me of like the new modern
version of like a tanning.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
Bed, except for it doesn't it heals your body?

Speaker 5 (05:57):
Yeah, kind of hold on, So then what you said,
I do that every day this thing? No, what you
just said. So it's a tanning bed, but it's a
red light therapy bed, and after I work out, I
lay in there for twenty minutes and you pick a setting.
I wonder if it's the same thing that you're talking about,
except your thing is a round thing. I lay down,
picture a tanning bed. I walk in and there's different settings.

There's male vitality, there's female vitality. There's lots of female settings,
and then there's grow your hair, there's eyes, there's some brain,
there's inflammation, and I usually set for inflammation. And then
I go in there and I lay down and it's
all these They put a little thing over your eyes,
and then the red lights turn on, the blue lights,
green lights, everything turn on for twenty minutes and it

gets hot in there. I lay down, I lay down,
and I go to sleep the whole time. And I
found out I've done it now five hundred and six
times is how many times. I feel the same.

Speaker 1 (06:52):
But maybe things are working that I don't.

Speaker 2 (06:53):
Know about on the inside.

Speaker 3 (06:55):
Yeah, but do you know how much it cost to
go and do the pod?

Speaker 1 (06:59):
No, you have one, and you keep saying that one
in my garage, Like, I don't.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
Know, no idea how much.

Speaker 5 (07:05):
Thousand dollars I just clicked on its members.

Speaker 3 (07:12):
Know how much your guys, I just went and stand
in an egg for thirty minutes.

Speaker 1 (07:15):
Did you do it? Like in a bikini?

Speaker 2 (07:18):
I was, I was booty naked or you were.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
So there's no window because it looks like there's a window.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
No, there's no window.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
You can't see the one. This one add looks like
a window.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
No, no window.

Speaker 1 (07:27):
The naked people walk by.

Speaker 4 (07:29):
You can't see me, like.

Speaker 2 (07:32):
My own room. Like it was nice. It was really cool.

Speaker 1 (07:35):

Speaker 3 (07:36):
Yes, I did, and I burnt like one hundred and
eighty calories for.

Speaker 4 (07:39):
Something that's pretty.

Speaker 3 (07:40):
Your sounds different, John, because you don't put the little
eye things over it.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
But it does because your head's not in it.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
Your head's not in it.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
Oh you're okay, my head's in it.

Speaker 1 (07:47):
I'm complete because I take pictures and posted today.

Speaker 2 (07:49):

Speaker 3 (07:50):
It has like weight management or like if you have
like if you want to work on muscle recovery, you
can set it to that setting or whatever.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
I'm gonna say this to my doctor and see what
she says. Please don't want if it's the same thing,
something different. But I don't know. It sounds close because
I love that stuff. Where is it? Where's where's this
place I have?

Speaker 3 (08:05):
It's called Rejuvenate Renew And it's like off of like
Pima Road, Like it's actually right.

Speaker 1 (08:09):
Over the road that's an hour from here.

Speaker 3 (08:13):
It's right by that aquarium. But it's like literally like
five minutes that I think.

Speaker 2 (08:19):
It's actually in your bubble.

Speaker 1 (08:20):
It's really it's a little outside my bubble. I it's
close Pema.

Speaker 5 (08:25):
It's right by the it's right by uh is it
by was that via de Lavilla whatever?

Speaker 2 (08:30):
That's Aventura?

Speaker 1 (08:31):

Speaker 3 (08:32):
Like literally, like when I got off of the freeway,
I took a left and the Odyssey Aquarium was on
my right.

Speaker 5 (08:37):
Right, So then there's the uh Is that where that
I fly is and all its time?

Speaker 2 (08:40):

Speaker 1 (08:41):
Yeah, that's right. The border too far.

Speaker 4 (08:43):
You won't drive outside of your bubble to get inside
a bubble.

Speaker 1 (08:49):
When I said Pema, I thought there's a Pema way
up north. We should go. I have to go up
there for basketball practice.

Speaker 2 (08:54):
Pema on our side of town.

Speaker 5 (08:55):
Okay, I could do that Pemo anyway. Oh look, Nick
just sent me a picture of Peyton in the chamber.
But it's e t
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