Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Hi, Robin, thanks for holding Hi. What's up? I have
a little bit.
Speaker 2 (00:09):
Of a moral quandary. I don't know if I am
a total lother for accepting a really expensive apology gift
from a boyfriend that I just found out was cheating
on me.
Speaker 3 (00:20):
Okay, tell us more.
Speaker 4 (00:21):
Okay, So my.
Speaker 2 (00:22):
Boyfriend and I we broke up last week. I found
out he was cheating on me.
Speaker 1 (00:26):
Devastated me.
Speaker 2 (00:28):
I was away in Europe for a few weeks, and
I cried and I cried and I cried, and I
never consider taking him back. I have never been so devastated.
He did not relent, and he showed up and he
just kept showering me with gifts over and over and over.
Speaker 1 (00:46):
Just would not stop.
Speaker 2 (00:47):
And then his mom called me and told me how
depressed he was and how sorry he felt, and so
I was like, fine, I will speak to him. And
so then when he showed up, he had diamond earrings
and he brought me an aura ring, which I've wanted
for a really long time, and he promised to be
taking me on his vacation over Christmas. And so I
don't know, I just I felt so overwhelmed that I
I took him back. But then my sister was like,
you should have made him work harder, he should have
made him suffer longer.
Speaker 5 (01:23):
But I don't know.
Speaker 2 (01:24):
I'm just I'm the sucker for gifts, and I you know,
he knows that's my love language. And don't know, do
you feel like I should have waited longer? Or am
I just crazy for even taking him back at all?
Speaker 4 (01:36):
It's giving Kobe Bryan vibes.
Speaker 6 (01:38):
Remember when he she did on Vedessa, Brian got her
like an eight million dollar purple diamond ring ring.
Speaker 1 (01:44):
I think Kobe started the whole apology gifts. I know
I ruined everybody she took him back.
Speaker 6 (01:52):
She did, And I think, Robin, like, that's a question
only you can answer. Are you comfortable in the relationship?
Are you going to be able to really rebuild the trust?
It's it's your call. Emotionally, if you feel like you
are in love with this person, you got to be
around this person.
Speaker 4 (02:07):
Nobody else can say what you should or shouldn't do.
Speaker 3 (02:10):
True, I agree with you, Kyle, because right when you
were telling your story, Robin like, in my head, I'm like, why.
Speaker 4 (02:15):
Would you go back to him? Like why would you
do that?
Speaker 3 (02:18):
But then again like I'm not you, and I'm not
in your shoes, and I've never, you know, fortunately been
in a situation where I know that they cheated. So
I can't say I would leave him because I don't know.
Speaker 4 (02:27):
I don't know what I would do.
Speaker 1 (02:28):
I've never been there.
Speaker 3 (02:29):
So since you've been here, I think you got to
go with Kyle's option. If you feel like you can
heal eternally internally and work on it and work on
your relationship, then I think that's okay. If that works
for you.
Speaker 7 (02:39):
You find out Kadeen's cheating on you, Yeah, yeah, okay,
you're destroyed.
Speaker 1 (02:44):
He says he's sorry. He drops down on one knee,
gives you an engagement ring you marry me. I don't know.
Speaker 3 (02:52):
I don't know like how I would how I feel
right now with like how obsessed I am with my boyfriend,
Like I have shared with you plenty of times, I
would have to just live inside of his body, like
I would love.
Speaker 5 (03:02):
To just.
Speaker 4 (03:04):
I would love to just.
Speaker 3 (03:05):
Be attached to So to answer your question, I probably would.
I probably would take him back.
Speaker 5 (03:11):
You're like, now we're going to really take it to
the next level.
Speaker 7 (03:13):
Yeah, you'd like to marry me and it won't happen girlfriend,
there's no commitment.
Speaker 3 (03:18):
Yeah, and that's sad, that's really sad. But I think
to answer your Christian I probably would take him.
Speaker 4 (03:23):
Back, like where do you go from there?
Speaker 6 (03:27):
As the relationship survived from there?
Speaker 4 (03:29):
He forget exactly they were now, I know, and many
people do, Beyonce and jay Z.
Speaker 3 (03:35):
You know, you got to do Robin, like you got
to put him in the doghouse. Like if you want
to take him back and you want to get the gifts, cool,
but like, don't let him forget.
Speaker 4 (03:42):
What he did to you.
Speaker 5 (03:44):
Let it Like that's how.
Speaker 4 (03:45):
You can kind of dig your nails into him a
little bit.
Speaker 3 (03:47):
And then if he reacts like he's upset because he's
still in the doghouse for being a dog.
Speaker 4 (03:52):
Then leave him.
Speaker 5 (03:53):
If you're using Beyonce Liminade as your reference, you didn't
spend enough time on the first part of Leimonade. You
would do the second part where everything's all rude rosine.
Speaker 7 (04:00):
Fine, Yeah, find out who's Becky with the good hair?
Is all right, Robin, thank you for calling.
Speaker 2 (04:07):
In awesome, Thank you.
Speaker 7 (04:11):
Send us a text, text JJR. Whatever situation you're you're
in or whatever. Advice you need to nine six, eight
ninety three, John Jane Rich gonna get into a little
television new documentary drop this morning. I think our last
night Jumping Ramsey documentary. So it's now number one on Netflix.
Number two on Netflix is the Ted Dancing Show's telling
you about Call a Man Inside, which is absolutely fantastic.
Before we get to the review, because I know Grant
already saw the John Minny Ramsey one. Cal have you
started the Ted Dance one yet?
Speaker 5 (04:50):
Speaker 4 (04:51):
Because I just finished the other show. We were watching,
Cross Cross and.
Speaker 1 (04:55):
What do you think Across.
Speaker 8 (04:56):
Finished Across this morning.
Speaker 6 (04:57):
It's such a good show, right he to watch it like,
I know you and kiddem are.
Speaker 4 (05:01):
Gonna love it.
Speaker 3 (05:02):
Yeah, I'm binging it this week. And that's the plank
I'm beinging.
Speaker 7 (05:05):
Cross Crosses on Amazon, Cross on Amazon. The Jomini Ramsey
thing is on Netflix.
Speaker 1 (05:12):
Also Lioness Lioness that's on Paramount Plus.
Speaker 5 (05:18):
I'm all cut up. I think there's six or seven
of them out, maybe it goes eight. But it is
good CIA Espionage. I think it's excellent.
Speaker 7 (05:27):
Okay, So now Grant came in talking about the John.
Do you guys remember the Jompne Ramsey.
Speaker 1 (05:32):
I know the story.
Speaker 8 (05:33):
I don't remember the murder though, that was.
Speaker 3 (05:35):
A long time.
Speaker 6 (05:36):
I remember though she was like a little she was
in beauty pageant. She was really young, and I just
remember like the parents were suspected for a really long time.
Speaker 1 (05:44):
And the brother, I think too, like everybody's dead now
or something, right.
Speaker 5 (05:47):
No, just uh, just Patsy Patsy Ramsey.
Speaker 1 (05:49):
Speaker 5 (05:50):
Yeah, no, he's in the whole documentary. Wow, almost every
minute of every part of this documentary he's got his
hands in.
Speaker 1 (05:57):
Is it a good documentary?
Speaker 5 (05:58):
It's I well, I Sister Wives ended at nine o'clock
last night, so I started John Binay Ramsay and I
was like, I'll give it five minutes at I think
one o'clock. I went to bed last night finishing the
whole dicta. I think it's fantastic. They debunk pretty much
every theory and then they're just like, we have no
idea what really happened here That they debunk the theory
that she's alive and she's Katie Perry.
Speaker 3 (06:23):
Speaker 5 (06:23):
What's cool is they didn't get into any of the
conspiracies stuff. It was just like, here's what the police did,
here's what the family did. Here's what the press did.
But it's crazy because the police, they did a huge investigation.
They were giving bad evidence to frame the parents to
the police, to the press, so they'd be like, hey,
we did a hand she actually submitted a handwriting sample
in a match. There's no evidence of that, of any
of the handwriting from the note, any of this stuff.
Speaker 8 (06:48):
But it is the family through because.
Speaker 5 (06:51):
They wanted the Boulder DA wanted a conviction on this
because they didn't want to have an unsolved murder.
Speaker 1 (06:56):
She was murdered and like duct taped and everything.
Speaker 6 (06:59):
Speaker 5 (07:02):
They did a search of the house and the police
were there for like three or four hours, and then
they found her body in the basement like three or
four hours after they got there. And the reason there's
so much craziness is because the dad, he panicked, he
saw her there, picked her up, took her upstairs, and
basically kind of destroyed the crime scene. But what they
what they this is I'm not really spoiled, like he
was implicated, but all the DNA that they've been testing,
all the people they think it could be, is there's
something wrong with it. So basically everyone that they cleared,
they're now like, well we actually didn't really clear these
guys because the DNA was dirted.
Speaker 1 (07:36):
So when it ends, do you know who did it? No?
I forget it.
Speaker 5 (07:39):
Yeah, see they're no closet.
Speaker 7 (07:41):
But like the Zodiac killer pretty much got nine vibe
who the Zodiact Killer.
Speaker 6 (07:46):
A lot of these things they put out there because
now all the Internet sleuths and the Internet investigators are
going to go crazy and it like reignites the fire.
Speaker 4 (07:54):
For the interest of the case.
Speaker 5 (07:55):
They really they really get into the brother because ABC
Studios are one of the big networks accused the brother.
Speaker 1 (08:01):
Of doing it.
Speaker 5 (08:02):
He sued the studios for seven hundred and fifty million
dollars and they settled out of court because it was
just salacious and just crazy. But yeah, so they clear
the parent. They basically clear the parents, clear the brother,
clear anybody who has been a suspect. And then they
were like, all the other suspects might actually be the guy.
But there's one dude who got arrested in Bangkok. Remember
Mark Allen Carr, that the creeping guy that was really
like like a stalker. Yeah, and he d he's admitted
to doing it in the press and he's he's the
biggest creep, but they basically they don't know if it's
one of these three guys.
Speaker 3 (08:35):
At the end, Wow, does it change how you feel
about the case and what your thoughts were?
Speaker 5 (08:39):
I was very deep in the case and like really
knew everything. And I saw some stuff I saw, like
a layout of the house. I didn't know how big
the house was. I didn't realize like some of that stuff.
They showed some crime scene stuff that I hadn't seen before.
Speaker 1 (08:52):
It on things.
Speaker 7 (08:53):
I know the family watched this horrible, horrible story.
Speaker 1 (08:58):
That's a good question. Oh, probably doesn't know.
Speaker 8 (09:01):
People are going to be at home not doing much
into true crime.
Speaker 1 (09:04):
Jen, Jen, Jen, what is going on? Where she hold on?
Speaker 5 (09:13):
Sounds like he's still talking. You can't pick it up
yet now, Jen, Hey, good morning.
Speaker 1 (09:18):
Hey, you want to play a game with us?
Speaker 7 (09:21):
Yes, I'm ready. Zoolight tickets, Yes, tickets. That's one of
my favorite games. Kyle works your butt up on this game.
Speaker 1 (09:35):
Speaker 6 (09:40):
Okay, so this game is called Netflix Comma number one
about Netflix number ones or just number ones.
Speaker 4 (09:48):
In pop culture period, Jen, you're in for a good time.
We're gonna give John j.
Speaker 6 (09:52):
Rich and Peyton a run at it so you can
get a feel for the game, and we will dive
right into round.
Speaker 4 (09:57):
One, John Jay.
Speaker 6 (09:59):
According to Rotten Tomatoes, what is the number one TV
show of twenty twenty four?
Speaker 1 (10:09):
Ooh, nobody wants this?
Speaker 8 (10:12):
Speaker 6 (10:12):
Anyone for the Steel Peyton Elementary incorrect, John Jay. I'm
actually surprised that you didn't guess this because you love
the show so much.
Speaker 4 (10:20):
It's slow Horses on the way. According to Rotten Tomatoes. Now,
great show, Rich, We come on over to you.
Speaker 6 (10:27):
According to year end lists dot com, what was the
number one TV show of the year Wednesday?
Speaker 4 (10:34):
Incorrect? Anyone for the steal the show the end of
the year. This is this is a different list.
Speaker 6 (10:39):
So that was Rotten Tomatoes, but Year End Lists gave
the number one spot to a different TV show.
Speaker 4 (10:45):
Speaker 1 (10:46):
Nobody wants this.
Speaker 4 (10:47):
It was Baby Reindeer.
Speaker 5 (10:48):
Oh about that show.
Speaker 6 (10:51):
But it was it was a big deal too.
Speaker 4 (10:53):
Okay, Peyton, We're up to you.
Speaker 6 (10:55):
What was the number one or is currently the number
one highest grossing movie that was really least on Thanksgiving?
Speaker 8 (11:02):
Speaker 3 (11:02):
Geez um Thanksgiving movies? Batman, The Dark Knight Rises, eh.
Speaker 8 (11:08):
Anyone for the steal? Eh?
Speaker 4 (11:10):
It's Frozen two.
Speaker 6 (11:12):
Frozen two holds the record for highest grossing Thanksgiving a
weekend with one hundred and twenty five million dollars in
ticket sales.
Speaker 5 (11:19):
You gift us all so far, Jen, we have.
Speaker 6 (11:22):
Zero points on the board, which gives you a really
good chance.
Speaker 4 (11:25):
Of taking a commanding lead. Here, Jen, Turkey da is
in two days?
Speaker 6 (11:30):
You got you know, apple pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, cookies, cakes. Jen,
tell me what is the number one consumed dessert on Thanksgiving?
Speaker 1 (11:41):
Pumpkin pie?
Speaker 4 (11:42):
Correct, Jen is the only one on the board.
Speaker 6 (11:44):
She is smoking you losers? Okay, chance to redeem yourself
to be moving to round two. John Jay, Shibouzi is
still the number one song on the Billboard Hot one hundred.
Speaker 4 (11:56):
It has been for nineteen weeks.
Speaker 1 (11:58):
Speaker 6 (11:58):
What is the only other song that's been number one
for that long ever?
Speaker 1 (12:04):
Or this year? Ever? Uh? Little nas X?
Speaker 4 (12:08):
Yes, how did you know that? I did not think
you would get that.
Speaker 6 (12:11):
I am impressed by you. It is Lil nas X,
Old Tom Road. Congratulations, John Jay, you were on the board.
Rich Cold Case Who Killed John Beney Ramsey is number
one on Netflix as the TV show What is the
number one movie on Netflix right now?
Speaker 5 (12:28):
It's a Christmas one like the merry gentleman.
Speaker 4 (12:33):
It is the merry gentleman. Good job, good job redeeming yourself.
Speaker 6 (12:37):
Peyton, please tell me what the number one injury on
Thanksgiving Day is?
Speaker 8 (12:43):
Speaker 3 (12:43):
Fires from your turkeys be more specific with the fires
from your turkeys.
Speaker 4 (12:49):
The injury is a grease fire.
Speaker 8 (12:50):
Oh burns.
Speaker 3 (12:51):
Burns is correct, putting in a frozen turkey into a
deep and the whole thing just goes.
Speaker 4 (13:01):
Burns and knife cuts.
Speaker 8 (13:03):
Specifically, I would have taken either one of those good.
Speaker 4 (13:05):
Jobs, okay, Jen.
Speaker 6 (13:07):
Everybody has one point on the board, which means if
you get this answer right, you win legitimately. Okay, So Jen,
please tell me what the number one Thanksgiving side dish is. Congratulations,
You're going to zoo lie job yay, and you get
a bracking songs for you know. I'm gonna tell you
why you should never get a store credit card this
time of year.
Speaker 4 (13:47):
Next with John Jay and Rich.
Speaker 5 (13:50):
In the morning.
Speaker 4 (13:54):
Coffee and hands ear buds on John Jay and Rich.
Speaker 6 (13:58):
You Okay, So I always yet asked this question, like
whenever I go to TJ Max or Home Goods or
really wherever, they're always like, do you want to apply
for our store credit card and save twenty percent today, right,
don't do it. Especially this time of year, retailers are
jacking up rates on their store cards.
Speaker 4 (14:15):
Ahead of the holiday shopping season.
Speaker 6 (14:17):
In fact, at least fifty major retailers, including Macy's, Nordstrom, Gap,
Big Lots, they've all just completely raised their rates and
had to do with the you know, like the FED
and their interest rates or whatever. But either way it
affects you and the This means the average interest rate
on store credit cards is at an all time high
right now. So you think it's helping you save money,
but overall it's actually gonna end.
Speaker 4 (14:38):
Up costing you a lot more in the long run.
Speaker 5 (14:41):
Some stores are super aggressive, like that Home Goods. They
alist don't let you get out of there. Let's just
sign up for sue every time.
Speaker 6 (14:45):
Like I know, they're like, but you could save twenty
dollars today. I know, but I don't want another credit card.
Please don't ask me again. I woant to like just
have a sign like just don't. I don't want the car,
but thank you for asking that. We each dictionary ends
up doing their own word of the year. Dictionary dot
Com has announced THEIRS and they said, the word of
the year isn't just about popular usage. It reveals the
stories we tell about ourselves and how.
Speaker 4 (15:09):
We've changed over the year. And for these reasons, which
seemed very deep, right, dictionary dot COM's twenty twenty four word.
Speaker 1 (15:17):
Of the year is demure, like a short trend.
Speaker 4 (15:21):
How mindful of that? But it was a big short trend.
I mean, it really haven't took over for a week.
Speaker 6 (15:26):
Skibbity, But that's I'm like, I mean, it was popular usage,
but you said you didn't pick the year the word
on popular usage.
Speaker 4 (15:33):
But either way, that's the word of the year. Flavor flave.
Speaker 6 (15:36):
If you guys brought so much love to the twenty
twenty four Paris Olympics, he is now announced he will
have a role in the twenty twenty eight Los Angeles Olympics.
Speaker 8 (15:44):
He's going to be.
Speaker 6 (15:45):
Carrying a torch and I will hopes to be heavily involved.
You guys, remember he was sponsoring the US women's and
men's water polo teams at the Summer Games this year.
We wants to continue to support them in the twenty
twenty eight Olympics, and I'm sure we're gonna get more
and more of these type of announcements as we get
closer and closer, but I'm like, we're still four years away.
Speaker 4 (16:04):
He gets something to look forward to for four years.
So that's great. And that's three things you need to know.
Speaker 1 (16:08):
Peyton, you MC. Your first gig I did?
Speaker 3 (16:11):
Yeah, thanks to Stacey Vera.
Speaker 8 (16:13):
She totally lobbed it to me. That was really cool
of her.
Speaker 3 (16:15):
I got to EMC my first event called for this
charity called Comfort Bears in a Catastrophe, So it was
really cool. It was a golf tournament over at the
Talking Stick Resort area over there was like so up
put together, such an amazing cause.
Speaker 8 (16:30):
It was really cool.
Speaker 1 (16:31):
So what you like, Hello everyone, my name is Peyton
Wickmore exactly, just like where were you?
Speaker 7 (16:36):
Speaker 1 (16:36):
Welcome to the stage, so and so.
Speaker 3 (16:38):
And I got to call people up and like let
them know, like which awards that they had, and like
it was a golf tournament, so I got to talk
about like who won the golf tournament, who had the
longest drive?
Speaker 4 (16:47):
All fun stuff. Absolutely not I wore booth.
Speaker 7 (16:52):
I don't know if I've ever been in MC for anything,
and I just committed to do it. I don't think
and I don't, and it's bigger than I thought of.
Speaker 8 (17:00):
Have you found anything out more about the like three
sage contract?
Speaker 7 (17:03):
But they just posted So I go get stem cells
in Cancun, right, and they're opening a clinic in Cabo.
And the guy that runs the clinic said, Hey, we're
going to have this big seminar. Would you m see it?
And I was like, yeah, Cobo's listen it to our flight.
I go, I'll go get more stem cells.
Speaker 1 (17:17):
Speaker 7 (17:17):
He's like, yeah, there's going to be a bunch of
doctors are going to be there, and I was like sure,
and Gary Breca, that biohacker, is going to be there,
and a guy named Josh Axe, and a whole bunch
of other people and my doctor Carrie Portico, who and
I who started the podcast.
Speaker 1 (17:31):
The doctor and the DJ they asked us we both
do said yeah sure.
Speaker 7 (17:36):
But now it's like making me extremely uncomfortable because they've
started posting stuff and tagging me. First of all, they
tagged they put a doctor Bardico and me on the
on the ad and then they said the hosts of
doctors and the DJ like you had the name wrong.
Speaker 5 (17:51):
That's right, you're changing the name anyway. Eventually, right, Yeah,
I don't know.
Speaker 1 (17:53):
We're gonna call it.
Speaker 7 (17:53):
I wanted to call it and podcast, but I feel
like my doctor's too smart she won't want to do that.
But anyway, so now it's like I'm hosting it like
two days and I don't use.
Speaker 5 (18:03):
Two days of hosting.
Speaker 1 (18:04):
Yeah, and I don't understand what I have to do.
Speaker 7 (18:06):
You got to, you just gotta because I told Colges
I had to sign a contract to do it, and
I've never done that before. No, what what if I
screw up?
Speaker 6 (18:15):
Like I know, you better read that contractor at least
have someone read it for you, because you don't want
to end up being and then they you do this
whole thing and it's a nice thing, and afterwards they're like, Okay,
now you're gonna be fined a million dollars.
Speaker 7 (18:26):
Because, like I know that if someone asks, like Rich
and I are any of us to do commercials for
them on the radio station there. We've been around for
a while. They know what we do, so you can't
get mad. Take you mad if we do something a
little inappropriate, because you know the show. Dude, those people
don't know me. They just know that I'm a radio
personality and that now they ask me to host, I
can't speak.
Speaker 5 (18:46):
Even if they know you, because you know, my wife
friend's at Miss Arizona and she asked me to host.
And you can't screw up on that thing because they've
got a plan.
Speaker 1 (18:54):
You both die where she if you say something wrong.
I'm at a medical clinic. I could say something wrong
and then.
Speaker 3 (19:00):
That's a lot of smart people up there that you
gotta like.
Speaker 6 (19:02):
Yeah, there's about thousand people called Kevin Rowe and have
his legal team.
Speaker 4 (19:09):
Oh my gosh, John Jay, my doctor.
Speaker 7 (19:11):
My doctor was like, I just signed it. And I
was like, oh, okay, cause she's got lawyer friends. So
I thought she just signed, no big deal. But now
I'm like, when I saw the ad which I just posted,
made me real nervous. But I mean it's open to everybody.
Speaker 5 (19:20):
Are you going to write some materials? Some medical humor jokes?
Oh yeah, no, you got those. You got through valaria
joke that kills people. Well that's where I'm actually sick,
and I say I have malaria.
Speaker 1 (19:30):
People love that.
Speaker 7 (19:33):
Yeah. Little stem cells, little stem cell jokes, Oh my gosh,
I don't have anything.
Speaker 5 (19:38):
A couple of stem cells walk into a bar. We
had to figure that out. We'd have worked this out
for you.
Speaker 1 (19:43):
So you're hit anyway that's gonna be. That's the end
of January. End of January January.
Speaker 7 (19:49):
If you go to a website right now, We've got
a couple of things going on. First, Christmas Wish Season
is here, so you can nominate a family, submit a
letter at John jan Rich dot com or one O
four seven kiss FM dot com. We're giving away a
flyaway trip to Vegas to see Jennifer Hudson for Christmas.
Speaker 1 (20:03):
You can register for that at John Jaynrich dot com