Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Except for Staxson hacks.
Speaker 2 (00:01):
I go over stax Information, Rich as Life hacks guy,
and you talk about a used car Monday.
Speaker 1 (00:05):
They went back to.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
The dealership the same day and accused them of selling
him a lemon. When he didn't get their refund he wanted,
he drove it straight through their front door.
Speaker 1 (00:13):
Did you see the video, Yes, this is the moment
of the crash.
Speaker 2 (00:17):
Then it's the manager of the dealership talk about then
the guy that crashed the car talking about it. There's
some they're very calm.
Speaker 1 (00:23):
I think anybody under mcguar. Oh no, no, no, it.
Speaker 3 (00:31):
Was kind of a very very scary situation. Several hours
later he came back and he was very emotional. He said, listen,
if you don't give him my money back right now,
I'm going to run this car right through the front door.
Speaker 1 (00:45):
I was just really angry.
Speaker 3 (00:46):
I was upset about my money.
Speaker 1 (00:48):
I kind of blacked out for a second. You know,
I know I probably should have done it, but I
guess I just get a breaking point. I know I
shouldn't have just drove through this building. Hello.
Speaker 4 (01:01):
He got calm fast after that.
Speaker 1 (01:02):
She killed somebody.
Speaker 2 (01:04):
Yeah, the green jacket that the United Healthcare Ceo Killer
was wearing. It's a two hundred and twenty five dollars
shirple lined hooded jacket from Levi's is supposedly flying.
Speaker 1 (01:15):
Off the shelves right now. Everybody wants it, and I
think I have it already. I know it, I know,
I know.
Speaker 2 (01:22):
Did you see now? The guy's name is Luigi, right ye?
Did you see when he was being transport of the cops.
What happened to when yell of the background, like, what
do you think of Luigi?
Speaker 1 (01:30):
Mario? Luigi? Listen to this? Mario to me, Mario so childish,
but like, how do you prevent yourself? How do you
hold that?
Speaker 2 (01:51):
In a new poll, fourteen percent of people say they
have successfully crashed a party or event without the host permission,
and say they successfully crash a holiday party, you know
the movie Wedding Crashers. I have this friend of mine,
he's very very successful friend. He'll be at a bar
drinking with his wife or with some buddies and at
a hotel or they'll be like, hey, let's go, let's
go crash his wedding and they just should go in
and they start eating, and he said, they've only been
kicked out a couple times crazy, he said he would
before he was married. He took a girl on a
date and they met at the hotel and then they
went to crash a wedding.
Speaker 1 (02:28):
Yeah. Wow, just like the movie.
Speaker 2 (02:31):
It's so crazy, But like I think, when you get
kicked out, that's the part is embarrassing.
Speaker 1 (02:35):
Yeah, he said he crashed up.
Speaker 2 (02:37):
He was another a friend of his who was a CEO,
and they went to go crash a party and the guy,
the CEO, was like, this party is someone who works
for me, so it's to be kind of weird. But
they went anyway, and then the guy recognized his boss
and the pictures at my wedding grub hub is releasing now.
The end of the year's stats, Chicken was included in
nearly forty percent of grubhub restaurant orders. Grub Hub delivered
over one ton of cottage cheese to customers. That's more
than two thousand pounds of cottage cheese.
Speaker 1 (03:13):
That much cottage sheese.
Speaker 4 (03:14):
Yeah, and then from a restaurant too, Right, Because grubhubs
mostly restaurants.
Speaker 2 (03:18):
Grubhub espresso orders spiked the week of June twenty second.
Speaker 1 (03:21):
Right as a song Espresso topped the charts.
Speaker 2 (03:24):
There was a fourteen percent increase in orders for pickles.
And guess what was the number one most ordered soda.
Speaker 1 (03:31):
Peyton Dr Pepper, Yes, doctor Peppepper, That's what I'm talking about.
Speaker 2 (03:36):
Come through USA Today says this song is the worst
song of Christmas songs of all time.
Speaker 1 (03:43):
What do you think it is? Anyone? Guess Christmas song?
Speaker 4 (03:46):
Man Grandma got run over by a rain deer.
Speaker 1 (03:48):
Nope, no, nope.
Speaker 4 (03:50):
Blue Christmas Nope, oh yeah, jingle bo.
Speaker 1 (03:53):
All I want for Christmas is my two front teams.
Speaker 4 (03:55):
The Christmas Shoes song, that's very sad. Wow, March Choices
were much worse than.
Speaker 2 (04:07):
Christmas Shoes is number three, GRAMDM I got rin over
Raindier number two and Chipmunks number one.
Speaker 4 (04:11):
Like Alvin and the Chipmunks, So like that is like
such a good Christmas song.
Speaker 1 (04:16):
It came about in nineteen fifty eight. Way whoa, I
thought that.
Speaker 4 (04:21):
It was an Alvin and the Chipmunks animated movie. In
the they did bring it back, and then there's the
movie chip Wreck, which was also amazing. That song was
made wine eight the test of time.
Speaker 1 (04:35):
They brought it back for life. Ex rich.
Speaker 4 (04:38):
Everybody's got something going on.
Speaker 1 (04:39):
Everybody's hurting.
Speaker 4 (04:39):
And I know I've talked to Kyle about this that
you don't like to take like just medicine for things
you like natural.
Speaker 1 (04:46):
If I came to a natural cure, I will try
that first.
Speaker 4 (04:49):
So we've talked about beyond catheen if you want to
stay awake, and apple is much more effective. And we've
talked about before pineapple juice the broma. I think I've
saying that right in pineapple juices five hundred percent more
effective than cough syrup to clear up infections.
Speaker 1 (05:06):
So check this out.
Speaker 4 (05:08):
If you have a headache, two gatorades knock it out
faster than taking any sort of pill with no drug
side effects. If you don't have gatorades, just grape juice
alone will knock out a headache. And if you have
a sore throat, eat some cucumbers because it'll actually soothe
and cool and coat the area. Try those life hacks
out if you're feeling a little bit of something. Those
life hacks can be found to John Jay and Rich
dot com.