Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:02):
It's John Jay and Rich. We talked about this the
other day. This woman in Kansas City, she had six
ribs removed to get a smaller waste. Her name is Emily.
She got seventeen thousand dollars surgery, and then she had
the ribs all these bones in a plastic bag.
Speaker 2 (00:17):
Got my ribs removed.
Speaker 1 (00:18):
I got them removed for cosmetic purposes. These are my
rib bones. There's six of them. There's one are tiny
and small. Let me keep them so I don't having
someone make a crown and like incorporate my bone pieces
in there like shaving down. So she kept a rib
that's her surgery souvenir. So we thought we'd get into
your surgery souvenirs. Eight seven seven nine three seven one
o four seven Kelly, what's your surgery souvenir?
Speaker 3 (00:45):
It is a I have three gulf stones and I
have a port that they removed.
Speaker 1 (00:56):
Wow, and where do you keep that?
Speaker 3 (00:59):
In my memory books? I have a memory box that
I keep all of that kind of stuff.
Speaker 2 (01:04):
Now, big are the gallstones?
Speaker 3 (01:06):
One it was the size of about a number two
pencil eraser.
Speaker 2 (01:09):
So prepare that could cause some break, some havoc.
Speaker 1 (01:12):
What else is your memory box.
Speaker 3 (01:14):
Oh, lots of lots of soup niers and lots of pictures.
Speaker 1 (01:19):
You got any paper weights in there?
Speaker 3 (01:20):
No joint?
Speaker 1 (01:21):
Oh okay, Ahi Kelly, thanks for calling in and have
a great day.
Speaker 3 (01:25):
Hey Jio.
Speaker 1 (01:26):
I remember my mom one time. We lived in Mexico.
So I was in third grade, fourth grade, and I
was coming home from the grocery. My mom sent me
to the market, which people don't do anymore, right, So
I went to the market. I had a bag full
of stuff groceries, and I remember walking to the door
and I pounded on the door, pound pound for her
to open the door, and it turns out it was unlocked,
so I went to open the door. When I opened
the door, I saw my mom running like she's coming
out of the shower. She's running with a tower on
her waist and she slips to come open the door.
She slips and falls, lands on her elbow and breaks
her arm. Oh no, my fault. And she has to
have surgery. And it was terrible. I remember she like
died on the operating tables in Mexico. They gave her
to me. It was terrible. My dad had to scream
and it was just like a movie. Anyway, after the
surgery they gave her, they cut off, which I'm sure
was not the right surgery to do, but they caught
off a chunk of her bone and she was able
to keep it in a jar, and we had to.
It was like a it was like it looked like
a disc. It was like a thick, very thick nickel.
And we would shake it all the time. And you
have it, my mom's bone and this little cup. Oh
my gosh, I know, weird, right.
Speaker 4 (02:30):
Little rattler?
Speaker 1 (02:31):
Speaker 4 (02:32):
Did her arm like heel fully?
Speaker 1 (02:34):
Yeah, it was weird. It was a weird time going
to school in Mexico and all that crap. Weird time,
you guys. Fun servant souvenir, though I don't know where
it is. Let me ask her. Oh she's not with us.
Speaker 2 (02:47):
Here we go.
Speaker 1 (02:49):
Maybe I keep some of her ashes as a souvenir,
but I don't. We buried those Christmas wish working it
out eight seven, seven, nine three seven one oh four seven.
What's your surgery, souvenir? More of your calls. Next to
John Jay and Rich in the Eternal Bottle of Morning
Show Supremacy, we are one of them.
Speaker 2 (03:08):
It's John Jay and.
Speaker 1 (03:09):
Rich Jessica, what's your surgery souvenir? H.
Speaker 5 (03:13):
It was a screws and a rod that I had
in my back for sign surgery.
Speaker 1 (03:19):
Did you say a scourge and a lodge, A screw.
Speaker 5 (03:22):
And a rod that they put my back and they
took it out.
Speaker 3 (03:26):
Speaker 5 (03:27):
The doctor actually let me ask me during the right
before the surgery if I wanted it out. And all
the people, all his coworkers, were just kind of astonished
that he was asking about it because he was about
to retire, and he was just like, well, how are
they gonna what are they gonna do? Just hire me,
I'm leave it.
Speaker 4 (03:46):
Oh my gosh, Yeah.
Speaker 1 (03:48):
Is it in a jar?
Speaker 6 (03:49):
Speaker 1 (03:49):
Where do you keep it?
Speaker 5 (03:51):
I just keep it on the counter in my bedroom
and just have it.
Speaker 1 (03:55):
We pay showed us a picture of it right now. Wow,
that was in your back.
Speaker 2 (03:59):
That's pretty bad.
Speaker 5 (04:00):
Yeah, helped the size of my palm. They only had
to reach a little bit because they only had to
mess with part of my back.
Speaker 1 (04:06):
What's in there now?
Speaker 5 (04:09):
Just a couple of loshers that they couldn't find.
Speaker 1 (04:12):
They couldn't find what happened to your back? They needed it?
Speaker 5 (04:15):
I had pretty good scolios because one of my vertebrae
was messed up, so they had to use a few
bones and just stabilize it with that. Oh my god,
And then I ended up growing way more than nice
thought say that I would, so then it kind of
just messed up for everything up. So I had to
get approved by the surgeon, who just happened to be
not retiring just yet.
Speaker 1 (04:37):
Wow, that's a fun thing to have, though. I should
make it to your necklace. Keep it on your neck.
I should.
Speaker 5 (04:42):
I shouldn't take it in my car.
Speaker 1 (04:43):
Start a whole new trend with hip hop artists.
Speaker 2 (04:46):
And are you okay? Now?
Speaker 1 (04:48):
Yeah, all right, Thanks Jessica, thank you for sharing your
surgery souvenir, have a great day. You took has one.
Speaker 7 (04:57):
I mean, it's not as cool as the screws, but
I do have a photo of my ruptured implant, which
I thought was pretty cool because that means whilst I
was open on the table, they were snapping the photos,
which was amazing.
Speaker 1 (05:11):
What wait a minute, so like you're cut open and
you can see the yeah.
Speaker 4 (05:15):
Wow, like it's your body, it's not just the implant.
Speaker 1 (05:18):
Well, and the implant, do you have a photo of
it in there? Before they cut it.
Speaker 2 (05:22):
No, do they repair? Do they repair the ruptured?
Speaker 1 (05:25):
Speaker 2 (05:25):
Did they pull it out and put a new one in?
Speaker 1 (05:26):
No, they had to pull it out.
Speaker 4 (05:27):
They had to clean everything out.
Speaker 7 (05:28):
I guess it's like the silicon or whatever was everywhere.
Speaker 2 (05:32):
Oh, really painful for you.
Speaker 7 (05:33):
No, No, you know what's crazy is he thinks it
ruptured like right after my daughter was born and I
just got him read on like eight years later.
Speaker 4 (05:39):
Oh my gosh, what beautiful job.
Speaker 1 (05:41):
Beautiful work he did. It's beautiful work. That guy's amazing.
That guy's an artists.
Speaker 2 (05:47):
We should send him some flowers and cookies.
Speaker 1 (05:49):
Did you see that? There was a survey downe of
who has the largest breasts in the world, and America
is number two, number two, probably because of Kyle.
Speaker 4 (05:58):
Come to the number One's done both number one.
Speaker 1 (06:00):
I don't remember who number one is.
Speaker 4 (06:02):
That funny, there's a lot of back problems right there.
Speaker 1 (06:04):
Yeah, I'll find out who number one is in a minute.
It's but speaking of a surgery. Stuvenir years and years
of years ago. I remember when my kids were little,
we started rescuing all these dogs in my house, I
mean our own personal dogs. I remember we had Lego
Lego kept sneaking out, and I had put chicken wire
around our pool fence because Lego was getting between the
wall the bars. And put chicken wire, and then my
kids are screwing around the chicken wire. So I said,
you guys got to stop messing with chicken wire. You
can get hurt. And I went to show them how
they can get hurt. And I hurt myself and I
cut open underneath my rib and so anyway I had.
It was a big and I do that keloid scar,
you know. So I saw a surgeon and he cut
the keiloid scar. I don't know if you remember this part, rich,
because then I brought it in. I had a big
chunk of meat. Oh my gosh, you remember that. I
wanted to cook it and eat it and then I
could say I had a human flesh. It caused a
big problem on the air. Probably shouldn't bring it up,
but I had it. It was like it looked like
a like a thick piece of bacon. It looked a
piece of.
Speaker 4 (07:01):
Have you guys ever seen like tonsils in a jar?
Speaker 1 (07:04):
Now, so many people on Instagram or Facebook, we posted
so many people said they had that. I can't imagine
how gross. I would look.
Speaker 4 (07:10):
I remember when my sister got her tonsils out and
my parents brought it home and me and my brother
Jayleen just screamed something from like outer space.
Speaker 2 (07:20):
That's not going to go anywhere, that that that you
need it.
Speaker 4 (07:24):
Chunk away.
Speaker 1 (07:25):
I don't remember what I did with it. I didn't
eat it. I want to.
Speaker 4 (07:29):
Blake probably has it somewhere.
Speaker 1 (07:32):
So Noah apparently has the surgic surglar a lot of
stories of all time. What do you have?
Speaker 6 (07:37):
Do you guys know my friend Taylor or Swift? No,
my best friend Taylor Ga. I have two best friends,
actually have many best friends.
Speaker 1 (07:48):
Well fair enough, okay, so Taylor.
Speaker 6 (07:50):
Yeah, so Taylor she works or she worked out a
vet clinic, and while she was at the vet clinic,
she found a feral cat on her way into work
and decided that she is going to make it her pet.
Just two dogs, honey and sugar. So she asked me
for a name. I said Oatmeal. She agreed with said name,
and while she had Oatmeal there, they went ahead and
they got her fixed, and she told me that she
was going to keep Oatmeal's uterus in a little jar
from aldehyde. And every time I go to her house.
She has oatmeals uterus with a like on a sharpiit
says Oatmeal's uterus on a little format a hyde bottle
above her bed. And as soon as we start talking
about surgery souvenirs, I was like, oh, I like you
should come on and tell the story, and she didn't
want to, so I'm telling you on her behalf. But
she proceeds to tell me not only does she have
Oatmeal's uterus from her time at the vet clinic, she
also has seven puppy tails, a dog eyeball, and a
pin from her own toast surgery.
Speaker 1 (08:46):
All jars sounds like above John Paul's dad or John
Paul in Freaking Bad Sister season one.
Speaker 2 (08:55):
Right, whoa.
Speaker 6 (08:57):
I've been friends with Taylor since the seventh grade, and
I had no idea.
Speaker 4 (09:01):
That she's twisted.
Speaker 1 (09:03):
Dog does the does the uterus? Does the uterus? The
jar look like in the drawings, like a little v
and everything?
Speaker 2 (09:10):
Speaker 1 (09:10):
Yeah, it does.
Speaker 6 (09:11):
It looks almost like if you could take your tongue
out and put it in a jar and it would
just float halfway.
Speaker 1 (09:17):
That's what it looks like.
Speaker 6 (09:18):
And I knew about that one, and I thought that
the story was funny, but I didn't know that there
was a whole collection.
Speaker 2 (09:26):
Be worried. If you're a you're a little doggy walking
to that clinic, your tail mike right end up on
the nightstand jacket.
Speaker 1 (09:32):
Yeah, that's pretty wow that that that is a I mean,
we didn't say you have to be your surgery that's sure,
or your or your huge.
Speaker 6 (09:38):
He has the most so far right know you in
whatever surgery I have, she's probably gonna wanna, Oh, yeah.
Speaker 1 (09:43):
What are you gonna have? You haven't your uterus removed?
I'll let you know have you had surgery.
Speaker 2 (09:49):
I'll take a Friday and a Monday off to get.
Speaker 1 (09:51):
My all right. If you have any other ones, shootes
a call eight seven seven nine seven one four seven
or d M. John J. Vaness, Eugene Rich