Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
How un fucked your things. We need to know what
you got.
Speaker 2 (00:02):
Paris Hilton's Stop Institutional Child Abuse Act actually passed unanimously
in the US Senate still needs to go through the
House of Representatives to reach President Biden's desk for him
to sign it. If you remember, it was introduced over
a year ago, and this is when Paris Hilton shared
the physical, emotional, and sexual abuse that she endured at
a ruth yet youth residential treatment facility. And so this
is definitely a good win to pass. Glad it passed unanimously.
We'll see what happens in the House of Representatives.
Speaker 3 (00:28):
I started watching her show with Nicole What do you think? Well,
so far, I'm only one episode in and I'm waiting
for them to get to it because I'm waiting for
Simple Life.
Speaker 1 (00:37):
But I don't know if it is Simple Life.
Speaker 2 (00:38):
It's different than Simple Life. Supposedly, it's like them turning
their song into an opera, right.
Speaker 4 (00:45):
Yeah, Well, I watched the interview with Alex Cooper on
her Call Her Daddy podcast, and first of all, where
has Nicole Richie been my entire life? Like, I know
all about Paris Hilton, but Nicole Ritchie is that beat,
and I'm here for her. I want to be like
her when I grow up. Also, I had no idea
she was adopted.
Speaker 5 (01:03):
That blew my mind.
Speaker 1 (01:04):
Speaker 5 (01:05):
Yeah, she's just hanging around backstage, no idea.
Speaker 3 (01:07):
She was like the saxophone player's kid who's just lying around.
Speaker 4 (01:10):
So you literally mind blown. Anyways, but Big Nicole Richie
fan and I will be watching their news show. I
did go and try the Paris Hilton Sonic drink yesterday, though.
Speaker 5 (01:20):
Was it good?
Speaker 1 (01:21):
It was?
Speaker 4 (01:21):
It's sour, It's it's okay, Okay, it's okay.
Speaker 1 (01:24):
Story because they're sponsored by Sonic.
Speaker 4 (01:26):
I love that random.
Speaker 3 (01:31):
In Simple Life they do a whole mon tage showing
a lot of Sonic, and I was like, what's up
a Sonic?
Speaker 1 (01:35):
Oh? It sponsored by It's just weird.
Speaker 3 (01:37):
The thing is when they're on the couch talking narrating everything,
they look so classy in first class like you're like, wow,
they've come a long way.
Speaker 5 (01:43):
Yeah, they really have come a long way.
Speaker 2 (01:45):
Do you guys ever have that moment where you're trying
to think of something and it's right on the tip
of your tongue. You're like, I can't remember thinking of it.
Trying to think of this name or all the time
tyle was something. So they do say that that is frustrating.
And so here's what they suggests. They say, initiating motor
movements may help you retrieve that sought afterwards. So they say,
if you're trying to think of the name of a
song or the name of a person you met, start
tapping on the table because that motor movement actually helps
your brain access really your memory.
Speaker 5 (02:17):
I think maybe people do that. What is that like, Yeah,
you can do that anyway.
Speaker 3 (02:21):
Right, that's how you say that that's a sign of dementia.
Speaker 1 (02:24):
You probably you can't go week without YouTube. It's horrible
dementia story.
Speaker 2 (02:29):
This one's actually to help your memory, but also having
to do with your memory. So this is actually a
little disturbing. So there is a scientist who claims to
know how many minutes of life you lose every time
you eat a cheeseburger, hot dog, or drink a coke.
Speaker 4 (02:44):
I don't want to know this.
Speaker 1 (02:46):
I do not whole minute.
Speaker 3 (02:47):
Let's get granted here, Hey, you Greg committed real quick, Gret.
Speaker 1 (02:50):
Scott like some hot dog being going on? Is he
that in there? Where could he be?
Speaker 5 (02:55):
Speaker 2 (02:56):
It could cost you an average of thirty six minutes
off your life.
Speaker 1 (02:59):
If you wash it down.
Speaker 2 (03:00):
With a soda, you're shaving off another twelve minutes from
your life. So every so you drink, apparently in twelve
minutes chased off your life.
Speaker 1 (03:08):
More than a cigarette.
Speaker 5 (03:09):
Yeah, that's a terrible lot.
Speaker 1 (03:10):
See this.
Speaker 5 (03:10):
I'm happy with life for the most part, But why
can't French fries give you great apps? And why can't soda?
Speaker 1 (03:17):
Hold on? Grant just walked in there wasn't listening, was
it another part of the building. Yeah?
Speaker 3 (03:22):
Okay, So Grant real quick, give us the hot dog update,
and then Kyle's gonna drop some knowledge on you.
Speaker 1 (03:27):
Speaker 5 (03:28):
So Albertson's the grocery store right next to my house.
They have a two for four deal on hot dogs,
so I can get two Nathan's hot dogs for four
dollars every day, which is a great deal. But when
your wife finds out you're eating two quarter pound hot
dogs every day for lunch, she gets upset with you.
And she went through the trash the other day and
she was like, would you have for lunch today? This
is after she found out, and I said, I had
a hot dog and she was like, are you sure
about that? And I said, I had two hot dogs.
So basically, yeah, I come to find out, I've been
eating a lot of hot dogs. A had a doctor's
appointment yesterday. I had to bypass the hot dogs because
I was getting blood worked on. But trust me, I
had hot dogs immediately.
Speaker 1 (04:09):
How long had you been having two hot dogs a day?
Speaker 5 (04:11):
I don't know, maybe like a week, two weeks, two weeks.
Speaker 3 (04:14):
That's fourteen days, fourteenth days, okay, Now, Kyle, the knowledge
Kyle has this is how much a hot dog knocks
off your life.
Speaker 2 (04:20):
Okay, Grant, every time you eat a hot dog, just one,
you knock off thirty six minutes of your life. So
for the last two weeks, you say, fourteen days, okay,
So for the last fourteen days, you've you've eliminated over
one thousand minutes for your lifespan.
Speaker 1 (04:40):
Probably die right up.
Speaker 5 (04:44):
Did you wash them down with the soda too?
Speaker 1 (04:46):
Yea course, Oh yeah.
Speaker 4 (04:49):
I'll tell you that two weeks as the men from
Grant the Free Conservative, considering he's been.
Speaker 1 (04:55):
Talking about these hot dogs.
Speaker 5 (04:56):
For at least a month, ye be honest, I don't
know if that's a good deal or not. Four for two.
I don't know if that's a good a great deal.
Speaker 1 (05:04):
I don't understand what happens about just meat. Right.
Speaker 5 (05:09):
If Joey Chestnut can eat ninety eight hot dogs once
a year, I can eat two hot dogs every day,
doesn't mean terrible heart disease.
Speaker 1 (05:18):
Fine. Great.
Speaker 2 (05:21):
I feel like we care too much about you to
let you continue eating your hot dogs.
Speaker 5 (05:25):
Kob from you are preserved. Maybe you needing so much
you are the preservative. Now I am a hot dog.
I mean, that's that's basically it.
Speaker 2 (05:35):
They did say that the good the good news is
if we want to end on a positive note, which
I do like to end on a positive note, there
are good foods that can add life back to.
Speaker 1 (05:47):
Fish so that it equals out getting a.
Speaker 2 (05:49):
Fish, dogs and vegetables, that.
Speaker 1 (05:52):
Kind of thing all John d Rich Christmas Wish full Swing.
Speaker 3 (05:57):
We're granting another wish in about a half an hour,
and they're still time for you to get your wish in.
Speaker 1 (06:01):
You know, family needs help and don't dm me. I
got people dm me.
Speaker 3 (06:04):
There's like a because we're like, you know, an official
five oh one p C three po thing. You gotta
go to the website, go to John j Ridge dot
com or go to one O four seven kissfm dot
com and click on Christmas Wish