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February 19, 2019 16 mins

Wow. Just wow. What a phenomenal human is Tim Tebow! He stepped onto a football field and stole our hearts several years ago, and continues to hold them in his strong, capable hands! Football star, baseball star, founder of the Night To Shine Foundation, and now teaming up with his brother Robby as executive producers of the movie, "Run The Race."

I ran into Tim while we were both in New York, he promoting "Run The Race", and me talking about my book, One Heart At A Time.  He graciously sat down with me behind some pipe and drape to have a genuine heart to heart chat about what love really is. My favorite quote from the conversation, "The greatest form of love is to chose the best interest of another person and act on their behalf." Amen

I'm so glad I get to share my chat and Tim's warrior heart with you! "Run the Race" is in theaters February 22nd! ~ Delilah

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hello, Welcome, my friend, Welcome to uh Love Someone with
the Lilah. I hesitated there because I almost said conversations
with the lila, which is what we called our podcast
last year when we started it. But in my heart
of hearts, I truly believe that you have within you

a gift, a talent, a skill, the power to change
the world for good. You do, you have something or
a combination of things. Actually, there are people that are
fabulous singers, There are people that are fabulous entertainers. But

somebody like Adele, her voice comes along once once in
the history of the world. And voices are great, and
singers are great, and stars are great, but not nearly
as great as those people who use their gift and
talent and skill and abilities and history and misfortunes to

change the world for good. And in this new podcast
series that we're calling Love Someone with Talna, I want
to help you unlock the goodness that is within you
so that you can change your world for good. I
want to use this podcast series to introduce you to

people who have changed the world impacted the world for good.
And today's guest has certainly done that in a myriad
of ways. He has used his gifts and talents and
skills and fame as a football star and a baseball
player to motivate people to cling fast to their faith,

to love their family completely, and to make the ald
a better place, especially for people with disabilities. I'm talking,
of course, about the legendary Tim Tebow, and we are
going to talk to him in this podcast about life,
about love, about a movie that he has produced, but

especially about how he uses his gifts to motivate other people. So,
without any further Ado, I can't wait for you to
meet my new friend, Tim Tebow. Before we do that,
I have to say thank you to the Home Depot
who allows me to broadcast both on the air on

the Delila Radio show and in these podcasts. The Home
Depot is teamed up with me for years to make
this world a better place. And I want to tell
you how much I appreciate everybody, especially at the Home
Depot in my neighborhood, because I go there a lot,
and now that springs upon us, I'll be going there
even lot more. Tim Tebow, welcome to the Delight so

much for having me been a huge fan for a
long time, and just appreciate what you represent. Oh, thank you,
thank you you too, thank you. I love your faith,
I love your boldness. Thank you so much. It's um
it's just so important, you know, to try to share
a good message and positive and uplift people and make
people's life better. You don't I always say, I think

the greatest thing we can do is change another life
for the better. Well, it's funny you should say that,
because I wrote a book last year and the title
is One Heart at a Time. Because I truly believe,
in the very core of my being, the only way
we're going to change anything is one heart at a
time by actively loving people. And it's the only way.

And you know, I heard from my dad a long
time ago the greatest form of love is to choose
the best interests of another person and act on their behalf.
And I really believe that. Yes, is love a feeling,
Sure it can be some time, But the greatest form
of love is a choice. When we go out of
our way to love people, to help people, to make

a difference in their life. When we for people. I
can never do anything for us, but we go out
of our way, we choose their best interests and we
act on their behalf. Because we truly choose to love them.
It's true. I heard a pastor one time that said
a lot of people think that the opposite of love
is hate, and he said, that's not true. He said,
the opposite of love is selfishness. The opposite of love

is selfishness. Because when you're being selfish and acting on
your own behalfs and not caring how your actions impact others. Ah,
that is the opposite of love. And it seems from
your professional life and everything we're exposed to that you
learned at a very early age to operate from that

place of love and faith and family. Well, it's it's
not easy. It's really not because we're all born with
the selfish nature and it creeps in all the time.
And if we don't challenge hardest challenge for you that
you can talk about on the radio, to say no
to self and yes to love. Yeah, but I think
we're all we are all have our own inclinations to

certain things. I'm asking what is yours? If you can
talk about it like probably um a form of one
and competitiveness and striving and being driven to certain things.
And I got to make sure that that I'm not
driving myself towards all selfish things that I'm driving myself
towards things that affect other people's lives. And do you

find yourself rationalizing that totally? It's very easy too, but
that's I'm doing this for you, and no, no you're not.
I'm doing this for me. But what's important, and that's
why it's so important to keep perspective and when we
have the right perspective and we understand in God's economy
is the more we give, actually the more we get.

And it's kind of hard to kind of understand that,
but once we experience it, once we feel it, then
it's like, Okay, wait a second. I just went on
this mission trip and I did nothing but give. But
I'm coming back and I'm the most fulfilled I've ever been.
Our podcast today is made possible because of our relationship
with the people at the Home Depot there. They've been

so good to me for the last ten fifteen years.
Not just good to me personally because I go there
all the time, but good to me professionally, and they
are our podcast sponsor today. Appliances in our homes can
make life so much easier until they don't. There's rarely
a warning signal before your washing machine washes its last

load of clothing, or your dishwasher decides it's time to
retire permanently, and the home depot knows that, and they're
ready for you, Ready for you, with a large selection
of great appliances, ready for you, with store hours that
allow you early morning visits, after work visits well into
the evening visits, ready for you, with a free deliver

and with urgency so that you don't have to wait
weeks while the laundry is piling up, or you have
to wash dishes by hand for a couple of weeks
on end, because they are ready for you the home Depot.
More saving, more doing. And now let's get to the
heart of the matter. I would love to introduce you,

uh to a young man that just captured my heart.
Welcome to Love Someone with Delilah featuring Tim Tebow. So
you are now not just doing sports football, baseball, but
you're doing movies and you just you and your brother

just produced a movie and I got a little preview out.
Thank you very much, fully my heart. But how much
of the relationship between the two brothers in the movie,
how much of that is your own life? I feel
like that. I feel like there's definitely a part of it,
and there's definitely a parallel because we were each other's

biggest advocates and supporters and when he did something, I
did it, and when I did something, he supported me.
And and I think you'll see that in this movie.
But you know, six years ago we read the script
and our hearts were definitely impacted by it, and we
wanted to be able to be a part of this
film and help get this get this film to theaters
because we wanted people to see it because a lot

of times for us growing faith based films, UM, growing
up with cheesy and we wanted to make something that
was real and authentic and real life and UM and
you know, overcoming obstacles and UM and having faith not
only in the highs when it's good, but in the lows,
and and how we're all built for relationships and community

and with God first and then with each other, and
how no families perfect, but how we can really not perfect. No,
but there's a lot of families like that, and every
family struggles and we have we have to learn to
forgive and UM and and accept forgiveness as well, and UM,
you know those are those are huge things and a

big part of this movie. I loved what the character
the nanny said to the brother who was struggling with
the forgiveness with his dad, and she said that what
he's doing is not okay, not excusing what he's doing,
but you still have to forgive. Yeah, you still have
to forgive him. It's forgivable. And I loved that. That

was That was one of the my favorite lines in
the whole movie. And um, you know, not everything is
always acceptable, but it is forgivable because we've been greatly forgiven,
therefore we should forgive. And um, I think that's just
it comes from the heart. I heard a quote one time,
the the hardest thing to ever do was accept an
apology that was never given. You know, you wait for

the apology, and you wait for the apolo ology, and
then you realize the apology is not going to come.
But I still got to forgive. That's right, that's hard
and um, and then you keep that bitterness inside and
answer and it turns to hard to bitterness is like
drinking poison and thinking the other person is going to die.
It's just it's it kills us. And unfortunately, too many

times we hold onto things and hold on to bitterness
when um, we need to learn to forgive, and we
need to learn to ask God to help us forgive
and so we can make those relationships right. For me,
I didn't just hold onto it. It became my like,
my personality, my my mantra, my my identity. Was feeling

so victimized. And then I went to Africa and started working,
and I came back and I went, what have I
been complaining about? You know when when you feel so
victimized and like this is unfair and you know, my
dad wasn't there for me, and blah blah blah, and
then go to Africa and you realize, wait a minute, Yeah,

my dad kept a roof over my house and food
in my belly and in his own way loved me.
We had problems later on, but uh really took very
good care of his family. And then all of a
sudden everything is in perspective. Yeah. We just finished this
past weekend Night to Shine, which is something our foundation does.
It's a worldwide problem for people with special needs. And

how many people did you have come to Night to
Shine across the country, actually across the world. Twenty four countries.
We had two over two volunteers and over a hundred
thousand UM Kings and queens are guests with special needs.
And that is so amazing when I share that, because
that also helps me keep perspective and you realize, you

know so many of these UM. You know, our kings
and queens are going through such tough times. UM, but
the smile on their faces and the joy that they
show in the light that they have is so incredible
that UM, if anybody has not gone and search your organization,
search your charity and watch the videos and the pictures,

they need to do that. Thank you. I mean you
want to bawl your head off, but in such a
good way. I probably spent before I when I heard
I was going to get to meet you. Probably well.
Our family watched the movie together. But then when I
started reading about the Night to Shine, I because my
niece actually sponsored one of these for her senior project.

Uh Lacy Luke put on a Night to Shine for
the special needs kids in Corvallis, Oregon and or philm
With Oregon. And I started reading about it, and then
I started looking at the pictures, and then there's videos
everywhere that people have posted from around the world, and
I don't know how many roles of toilet paper I
went through, just you know, the ugly cry. Yeah, there

was a lot of that for us this past weekend
as we traveled from Night to Shine a Night to Shine.
And you know, one of the videos we got back
from Uganda was a boy walking down the red carpet
and he falls and everyone helps them up, and we
just couldn't stop crying. We couldn't even post it because
we were crying. We had this shop and it was

just so incredible. And then in Ecuador, we were wheeling
and a girl on a bed and um and and
she can't move. She's face down on the bed and
that's the way she has to lie. But there she's
on the bed, it's has wheels and they're spinning her
on the dance floor on the bed and if you're
not emotional watching this at the time of her life.

But she can't stand, she can't truly dance. But the
bed rolls and it spins, and so she's dancing, and
it just puts into perspective and just what really matters.
And you know, that's hard in society, because society tells
us it's that it's about us, and it's about you
know these few things. It's about money, it's about fam,
it's about power, and and it's just not it's it's

it's fleeting and it's not real sick cess and um
it might feel like it for a time, but it's
not true joy. And um it will leave you with
me today on this podcast Loves Someone with Delilah is
the incredible, incredibly sweet Tim Tebow. We're just talking about
what real joy means, biggest joy in your life right now? Well,

I just got engaged. Women's hearts are breaking across the world.
Do you that congratulations? So that congratulations? That is really special?
And how do you ask the question? Can I ask?
Of course? Um? Yes, I had a bunch of surprises.
I did it at my um my parents farm where
I spent so much I grew up and spent so

much time and out by the lake, and had it
all planned with her favorite singer there to surprise her,
a South African artist named Matthew Mole. And then I
had her secretly flew in her family from South Africa
and her friends and they all surprised her and it
was just really special. Wow, Wow, and you pulled it off,

and we pulled it. Thankfully, we pulled it off. She
had no clue, and she had no clue. No one
gave it away. Well, he's so nervous when you're trying
to play these surprises, and the best way to throw
a surprise is fake another surprise. So we fake surprising
my dad with a brand new truck. So me and
her drove a brand new truck to my dad's to
surprise him. But that was just a keeper thrown. Yeah, dude,

that's a better fake than on the field. That is awesome.
I hope that you are as blessed, blessed, blessed as
as anyone can possibly be in marriage and family, and
may God grant you the desires of your heart. Thank
you so much. I'm so proud of you. Thank you.

It's very exciting time right now. Tim Tebow, thank you
for what you do and mostly thank you or sharing
your love and your faith with so many. Please folks
go see his new movie Run the Race. I had
a sneak peek. I can promise you it will bless you.

And also this little ps bring lots of cleanex lots
of tissue. Once again, thank you, to my sponsor, the
Home Depot, This podcast would not be possible without your support.
I'm Delilah reminding you to take some time out of
your busy schedule to slow down and love someone
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