Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Mario Fun with Mario Lopez.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
Here we go, Mario Lopez back behind the MinC after
a crazy few days while these wildfires in Los Angeles.
Who are of course going to get into that. In fact,
podcasters Amy Robock and TJ. Holmes are on the ground
reporting on the devastation, so they're gonna zoom in later
to tell us what they've witnessed.
Speaker 3 (00:19):
Plus we're gonna have some fun as well.
Speaker 2 (00:20):
Catch up on the buzz, dig into our inbox to
see what's on your mind and more.
Speaker 3 (00:24):
Tuesday edition of On with Mario.
Speaker 1 (00:26):
Starting right now.
Speaker 2 (00:28):
I'm Mario Lopez, producer Fraser and Studio with me. No
Missus Lopez today because she is with our kids, still
cooped up in a hotel because of these massive wildfires
in La More than sixty square miles of La County
has been burned, over two and a half times the
size of Manhattan. Just to put it in perspective, we've
been out of our home for over a week, uh,
mandatory evacuation, no power, and now we got to deal
with potential looters who have been in the neighborhood and arsonists.
Speaker 3 (01:03):
I just that is just pure.
Speaker 2 (01:04):
Evil, especially and high winds have returned. Correct, we are
not out of the woods yet. It could unfortunately get worst.
A huge just god felt. Thank you to the firefighters
and first responders. You guys are amazing and a lot
of people have been stepping up to help those that
have been displaced too. That's been awesome to see. If
you want to help as well, just hit up on
with Maria dot com to find out how more.
Speaker 1 (01:29):
Mario Lopez coming up.
Speaker 2 (01:31):
You're a Mario Lopez A long producer phrase. You was
going to tell us what's new on TV and streaming.
Speaker 4 (01:36):
Discovery has a new season of Moonshiner's Master Distillers in
an all new season of America's favorite backwoods competition. It's
the number one Backwoods competition apparently, top legal and outlaw
distillers take on innovative new challenges like turning beer into
liquor and making prison shine.
Speaker 2 (01:52):
Ooh prison shine. You know, I think I've mentioned this before.
I've had some good old fashioned moonshine that was fermented
in peaches. Yeah it was really tasty, but really really strong.
You don't need too much, Nope, just a sip or two, Yes,
just a sip or two. I'm fascinated with that show.
Speaker 4 (02:09):
Okay, and Peacock is dropping a Diddy doc The Making
of a bad Boy already already that was quick. Yep, wait,
I gotta check that out.
Speaker 2 (02:18):
This is this is going on the nightstand right here.
All right, let's get back to the music. Am Mario
Lopez quick reminder, Big iHeart Radio Music Awards announcement coming
on Thursday at nine am Eastern, back for its twelfth year.
Speaker 3 (02:30):
Alur i Heeart Radio Music Awards is.
Speaker 2 (02:31):
The only award show that reflects the songs and artists
fans love. All the details dropping Thursday morning and we'll
be posted for you to easily find at almwin Marion
dot com.
Speaker 3 (02:42):
All Mario Lopez, Amy Robota.
Speaker 2 (02:43):
T J. Holmes is gonna be joining us next hour
to talk LA wildfires. They are on the ground and
we'll tell us what they're seeing just after the top
of the hour. In the meantime, squeezing in some celebrit
they shout outs quickly. Frazer's gonna tell us who's turning
a year older. I'm gonna try to guess the.
Speaker 5 (02:57):
H Caleb, but follow well from Kings of Leon.
Speaker 2 (03:01):
I'm gonna say Caleb is thirty.
Speaker 5 (03:03):
Five forty three. Oh wow, okay, pit Bull, mister Worldwide.
Speaker 2 (03:07):
Mister three to five, mister Bull is coming in at
forty six, forty four, forty four.
Speaker 4 (03:14):
I was actually shocked by that, and I don't know
if it's because it feels like he's been around for
a long time.
Speaker 2 (03:18):
I think he's been around and he's in, he's and
he's worldly.
Speaker 4 (03:21):
Yeah, exactly. Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters, he is fifty
two fifty six.
Speaker 6 (03:26):
Speaker 4 (03:27):
Okay, your buddy from Arrested Development from Ozark, Jason Bateman.
Speaker 2 (03:32):
Jason Bateman's got to be fifty.
Speaker 5 (03:34):
Five fifty six, oh wow, okay. And LLL cool Ja wow.
Speaker 2 (03:39):
LLL has got to be coming in fifty six as well.
Speaker 5 (03:44):
Fifty seven Wow.
Speaker 1 (03:46):
More fun on the way on with Mario Lopez.
Speaker 2 (03:49):
Music rolls on as we quickly recognize today's obscure holiday.
Mario Lopez here, all right, Well, I was celebrating on
January fourteenth.
Speaker 5 (03:56):
It is organize your home Day.
Speaker 2 (03:58):
Oh my gosh. I've been wanting to celebrate this the
longest time. Every time I set time aside to organize
my closet, office, whatever something comes up.
Speaker 4 (04:10):
Did it get done over the holidays? Because I think
you said we're gonna get this done over the holidays.
Speaker 2 (04:14):
I'm gonna tell you why it didn't get done over
the holidays, because we had to leave out of town
and then I had to work, I believe, And I'm
so mad because I was looking forward to it. I
feel like Will Ferrell in old school when he's like,
wants that nice little Saturday to go home, depot and
straighten up. That's me right now on Mari Lopez a
few more songs and gonna get podcasters Amy Robot and TJ.
Holmes on Zoom. They're on the ground in La touring
the destruction from these deadly fires. They're gonna get the
scoop from them next, but first, more music. Marilopez joining
me now on Zoom. The hosts of the podcast, Amy
and TJ. Amy Robock and TJ. Holmes.
Speaker 7 (04:52):
Hey, you guys doing Hey Mario for doing well.
Speaker 6 (04:55):
I guess we're doing better then most. We just got
to La. Yes. So man, it's been incredible to see
what you guys have been going through out here.
Speaker 2 (05:03):
Oh man, it has been just that incredible and unfortunately
been living at a firsthand. We haven't been in our
house and about what is it weak. Now it's nightmarish,
and I know you're always covering the news on your podcast.
Have you visited any of the sites out to Dina Palisades.
Speaker 7 (05:23):
Yes, actually we were able to get out to the
Palisades this morning, right as the sun was rising. And
my goodness. We have covered our share of weather related disasters,
from hurricanes to tornadoes, to fires to floods, but nothing,
nothing with the scale and the scope of what we saw,
and just the indiscriminate nature of the fire. I think
that was jarring for us to know that an ember
can travel with the wind and suddenly one house can
be spared and the ten houses around it are gone,
And it was just it was eerie, and it was
so I've heard people describe it as apocalyptic, but truly,
that is the word to describe it. Almost a scene
from the TV show The Walking Deck. I mean, that's
what it felt like.
Speaker 6 (06:12):
And she used the word, Mario, indiscriminate, but I guess
at the same time you can also use the word
that the fire discriminates, because it seems like this whole
neighborhood is fine, but then the fire decided to you
know what, I'm gonna take this house out. I'm going
to take this house out. So it feels like it
is indiscriminate and it seems to discriminate at the same time,
but it always saw. We got a tour of fire
chimneys today, right, because that's the only thing that was
left standing in so many neighborhoods. That's the only thing
that survives. It's just on a level. And we talked
about tornadoes that both of us are from the South
and we can deal with floods. We know hurricane damage.
But it's just still it's weird to say, Mario that
this is like for folks who have spent decades covering
disasters to say, I've never seen anything like this. Has
been a long time since I've been able to say
that more.
Speaker 3 (06:57):
Mario Lopez on the way, getting back to Robot and TJ.
Speaker 2 (07:00):
Holmes, Mario Lopez here talking about the La wildfires. So
what are your thoughts, by the way, on the on
the overall response and readiness to the fires from the
city government.
Speaker 6 (07:10):
You know, I can't I can speak to the unfortunate
nature of the political back and forth. Yes, there needs
to be a whole, a whole unpacking of the preparedness
and then the response, of course, right now, we need
to save each other. Right now, we need to love
each other right now. Even politicians need to be standing
side by side at a podium saying, you know what
we will. I will get back to cutting this dude
out later, but right now, he and I or she
and I are going to stand here and give a
united front. And that's that should be the only thing
I think right now we're talking about and unfortunate least
sometimes our politicians let us down and sometimes are you. Look,
the preparedness might not have been what it should have been.
That's not for me to say right now, but Mara,
what you said, you asked kind of about the response
to whatnot, and then my should have been it's been
heroic because the response is coming from all those folks
and you all have seen them here. Every time you
pass on the street, to anybody who is in a
firefighter's you a first responder of any kind, you just
want to go hug them, no matter where they are,
where they're from, and what they're doing.
Speaker 5 (08:14):
You just want to.
Speaker 6 (08:15):
So the response, the right answer is that the response
has been heroic because they've been out there and we've
been hearing stories about the first couple of days. They
didn't sleep, they didn't eat at all for the first
couple of days of trying to fight these fires. And
they are absolute heroes from top to bottom. So the
response to how the response has been, it's been absolutely.
Speaker 2 (08:36):
He DJ Holmes and Amy Robot on Zoom, ri A
Lopez here and they've been on the ground in La
reporting on the wildfire. So have you been able to
talk to many people on the ground in the palisads.
Speaker 7 (08:48):
We're there and we've actually we've been doing that all
morning long. And sadly, normally, you know, as a journalist
you're looking for people to talk to. We have had
so many people to talk to we can't even fit
them all in, which is a sad situation because so
many people have lost so much. But you know what
I will say, and I know TJ has witnessed this
as well. Despite these folks who have lost all of
their worldly possessions, have lost their children's artwork, they have
lost their grandfather's clock, they have lot, you know, all
of these things that can't be replaced, they have smiles
on their face. They have a positive, hopeful energy about
them that they're going to rebuild, that they're going to
build their communities back, because this isn't just one person's
home going down. This is an entire neighborhood. These are
entire communities. And to see them banding together and helping
each other out and feeling that spirit of community, it's
lifting them up, and it was lifting us up talking
to them, because who are we to complain about anything
right now? When people who have lost everything, thankfully but
their lives still sitting there with a twinkle in their eye,
hope in their heart, and a will to rea built.
That is inspiring.
Speaker 2 (10:01):
It is encouraging. All right, hangtime, were gonna have more
of Amy Robock and TJ Holmes coming out all Mario
Lopez talking with podcasters Amy Robock and TJ Holmes and
switching gears real quick second. In addition to to the
weekly podcast, y'all recently launched Morning.
Speaker 5 (10:18):
Run, which airs every weekday.
Speaker 2 (10:20):
For those not familiar, telling me.
Speaker 7 (10:22):
About it, yeah, Monday through Friday. In fact, TJ got
up at eleven thirty pm.
Speaker 6 (10:28):
That sounds stupid, doesn't it, Mario? You got I got
at this is.
Speaker 7 (10:34):
We launched this right after Labor Day and this is
our first time on the West Coast doing it, and
we have to remember that it still goes up East
Coast time. We want to get in time for the
commuters out there to listen to the podcast Get the
Headlines Monday through Friday, so we had to get up.
I got up at one thirty. You got up at
eleven thirty. That's truth be told. But we it's a
labor of love.
Speaker 3 (10:56):
We are back.
Speaker 7 (10:57):
To doing the news in the way we love doing it,
where we get to share the headlines and offer some
perspective and just get people caught up. Basically, it's between
twenty and thirty minutes every morning, but it's a way
if you're however, you're getting to work or taking your
morning run, you can run with us and we'll keep
you updated. We'll get you up to speed so when
you walk into work or wherever you're headed, you kind
of have a pretty good idea of what's going on
in the world, and that's our hope.
Speaker 1 (11:23):
You're the full interview now on with Mario dot Com.
More Mario Lopez on the Way.
Speaker 3 (11:28):
We're wrapping up with Amy Robock and DJ Holmes.
Speaker 2 (11:30):
You're on Mario Lopez and before you go, you two
are also big runners, right, you both recently completed the
New York Marathon.
Speaker 6 (11:36):
Yes, we are big time runners. We are marathoners. Yes
we are officially marathon ers. You're don't mess around. We're
debating about whether or not we should run while we're
here because of the air air quality.
Speaker 2 (11:47):
Yeah, yeah, I would hit a treadmill. Maybe the air
quality is not too I've done a few marathons. I'm
probably comfortable saying that they're behind me. They're daunting, as
you know. But man, then it's hard on the knees,
man in the shin.
Speaker 7 (12:02):
When you say a few, how many? How many? You
know exactly how many.
Speaker 2 (12:05):
I've done the Boston, I've done the Vegas Marathon in
New York, and I did Las before.
Speaker 4 (12:11):
To be fair, though, during the Boston Marathon, he stopped
at someone's house and had lunch and used the restaurant
in the middle of it. That was my first marathon,
and that's also why that's why Will Ferrell beat his time.
Speaker 3 (12:21):
That's right, that's right. That was my first marathon.
Speaker 2 (12:25):
That was for charity, and I thought it was going
to be too white, and I got hungry.
Speaker 3 (12:30):
Somebody waved me over and offered me a meal. I
was like, yeah, all right, so I stopped. I had lunch.
Speaker 5 (12:35):
He's true.
Speaker 3 (12:36):
Thank you for sharing that. And then I finished the.
Speaker 7 (12:37):
Uh fin he ran on the pull stomach. As my
bigger question, woo, that's it.
Speaker 5 (12:42):
It was a light lunch.
Speaker 3 (12:43):
I didn't crush it. I didn't crush it. It was
just like a light like a sandwich, babe.
Speaker 6 (12:47):
But how long was the pit stop, Mario? And what
was your final time? Oh?
Speaker 2 (12:51):
Man, I met It was a good twenty minute pit stop.
Hey did you get a tattoo to commemorate the marathon?
Speaker 1 (12:58):
Speaker 7 (12:58):
I have.
Speaker 6 (12:59):
I can't show it. It's up the sleep but yeah,
it's the route, it's the actual course. And then and
then I have each date for the three New York
City marathons I've done, and I've left space to keep adding.
I've told myself I'm going to run the New York
City Marathon every year as long as my body allows
the rest of my life.
Speaker 2 (13:19):
Wow, you guys, thanks for all the great work you're
doing down there. Appreciate you taking the time to talk
to me and listen. Be sure to catch TJ and
Amy on their podcast The Morning We're On and TJ
and Amy available now wherever you listen to podcasts.
Speaker 3 (13:33):
Thanks so much for checking in.
Speaker 7 (13:35):
Thanks Mario, Take care.
Speaker 3 (13:37):
Guys, keeping the music and fun coming your way.
Speaker 2 (13:54):
Mario Lopez Here a quick reminder to download an all
new version of the free iHeart Radio app. It's everything
you love about your car radio in the palm of
your hand. New features like a live radio dial and
even lyrics so you can sing along without making up
your own words.
Speaker 3 (14:08):
That is funny.
Speaker 2 (14:09):
The IRA Radio app will even make it easier to
enjoy and discover your favorite radio stations, artist radio playlist
podcasts anytime anywhere. Almright dot com to find out more
on with Mario on X and Facebook at all, Mari
Lopez on IG love hearing from you at Mario Lopez
here along with Fraser.
Speaker 4 (14:26):
Would you find this is from Att's Ultimate Wrestling Fan
eighty three.
Speaker 5 (14:30):
Congrats on your son's wrestling win.
Speaker 4 (14:31):
I know you started wrestling young, and this might be
an unfair question, but who's better your son now or
you at his age?
Speaker 2 (14:38):
Ooh, that's a good question right there. Okay, let's see he's.
Speaker 5 (14:40):
Eleven starting some drama.
Speaker 3 (14:42):
Ah, you know.
Speaker 2 (14:45):
My son is probably technically better. He's got more technique. Okay,
but I think I was a little meaner and well,
he's pretty.
Speaker 4 (14:57):
Athletic, but at his age, had you been wrestling the
same amount of time?
Speaker 5 (15:01):
Yes, okay, yes.
Speaker 2 (15:02):
But he's had a lot more training in his technique
is definitely better. But I think, uh, I think I
was a little meaner and and had a little had
a little more fight in me. I don't know, but
he's mean. That had been a good match, let me
kill that would have thatud have been a good match.
But I think I still would have got him. I
think I still would have got him. I recently took
him sparring with me boxing. I gave him a good
little body shot. See how he reacted what he did,
and he got he got dropped, but then he stood
up and continued fighting, so he didn't quit on me.
I was proud of me.
Speaker 1 (15:33):
Hit us up on Twitter, on with Mario and hang
on more Mario Lopez on the Way a.
Speaker 2 (15:39):
Mario Lopez keeping the music coming your ways. We quickly
make a digital pit stop at all Mario dot com
to see what's trending.
Speaker 4 (15:45):
The latest on the deadly Los Angeles wildfires and how
you can help out those affected.
Speaker 2 (15:48):
Yeah, a lot of great people stepping up.
Speaker 4 (15:50):
Toy Spelling recounting her terrifying experience fleeing the fires. Oh okay,
and a resurface clip shows that medium our friend Tyler
Henry may have actually predicted when Ricky Lake was on
his show That's Wild.
Speaker 2 (16:03):
ONMRI dot com to see that and more. A Mari Lopez,
we were just talking about some of the celebs that
had been affected by the LA wildfires, others stepping up
to help out. Beyonce's Be Good Foundation has donated two
and a half million to the LA Fire relief Fund.
Miley Cyrus says her soul aches for the victims. She
posted links to her organization, the Malibu Foundation, which she
co founded after losing her home to a wildfire back
in twenty eighteen. Also, Paris Hilton is personally contributing one
hundred thousand dollars to the fun and will match additional
donations up to one hundred thousand dollars. That is great
ALMI dot com to find out you can help out
as we get back to the music. Aon Mario Lopez.
Missus Lopez not here today because we're still in a
hotel after being evacuated last week, and she needs to
keep an eye on the kids and the dogs. Of course,
So Fraser stepping into Courtney's corner with a helpful life fact.
What are we talking about today?
Speaker 5 (16:54):
Go bags?
Speaker 4 (16:55):
These are go bag essentials, which is something I did
not know until a few days ago when I packed
my vers go bag. Because of the potential evacuations, these
are things you should be putting in there. Medications, any
medications you have. You may not be able to get
back to your house within days or weeks, like you
know now, So you got to take your medications with you,
especially if they're medications.
Speaker 5 (17:16):
You need to live.
Speaker 4 (17:18):
Three days of non perishable food and disposable forks and stuff,
important documents, insurance papers you really need, insurance papers, passports, IDs,
first aid kit, backup chargers and batteries, a physical map
of your area with exit routes actually marked because you
know the cell service could go down, you wouldn't have GPS.
All of that, and cash in small bills in case
you need to use something because electricity maybe out and
you can't use cards.
Speaker 2 (17:47):
That's true, And you don't want to leave cash there
because it catches on fire there it goes.
Speaker 1 (17:51):
Exactly moor Mario Lopez coming up at.
Speaker 3 (17:56):
All Mario Lopez on IG Hit me up.
Speaker 2 (17:58):
Click follow to join the fam to check out updates
on the wildfire and how you can assist. Go behind
the scenes of the radio show. You can watch my
fun TikTok train videos. Add on Mario Lopez and IG
for all that and more. It home stretch, final hour
for me, Mario Lopez. Here one last thing to get
to in about forty minutes or so plus Rumors of
a new fast food dessert may have my mouth watering.
I'm gona tell you about that in a bit in
the meantime, If you got a request or to slide
into my DMS over on X and let me know
what you want to hear. Add On with Marlen All
Mario Lopez more music in a segment for some food
buzz rumors swirl and that Wendy's is about to drop
a game changer for Frosty fans everywhere, A thin Mints
frosty flavor. Okay, Wendy's, if true February you could bring
a minty chocolated masterpiece featuring everyone's favorite girl Scout Cookie
mind is Samoa's, but that's a close second.
Speaker 5 (18:48):
But you like mint i do like mint.
Speaker 2 (18:50):
I am a big min fan. While the details are
still under wraps, people are already speculating and drooling over
the possibilities, from minty chocolate swirls to indulgent cookie goodness.
If this flavor isn't the real deal, don't worry. There's
always the diy root with a frosty and a box
of thin mintes. O Mario dot com to find out
everything we.
Speaker 1 (19:05):
Know Mario Lopez. We'll be right back.
Speaker 2 (19:08):
Tell them to get your vote on for all your favorites.
Nominated for our twenty twenty five I Heeart Radio Podcast Awards,
Mario Lopez here and it is all going down March tenth,
live from Austin, Texas. Hit up Almaro dot com right
now to check out a full list of nominees, to
vote for Podcasts of the Year, and find out everything
else you need to know about our twenty twenty five
iHeartRadio Podcast Am Mario Lopez. Almost time for me to
head out. Just one last thing to get too, hank
time for that as we keep the music coming your way.
Got a song you want to hear, Please hit me
up on Facebook at on with Mario.
Speaker 1 (19:41):
Speaker 3 (19:41):
Mario Lopez time for one last thing.
Speaker 2 (19:43):
If the moon is looking crazy to you this week
is the reason why. The wolfmoon is the first full
moon of twenty twenty five and peaked on Monday according
to NASA, but will remain full through Wednesday.
Speaker 3 (19:56):
January's wolfmon name originates.
Speaker 2 (19:58):
From the Main Farmers Almanac, which published Native American's name
for each full moon.
Speaker 3 (20:02):
According to NASA, it came.
Speaker 2 (20:04):
From pack of wolves heard howling outside the villages amid
the cold and deep snows of winter. So my wife
took a picture and video of this full moon when
the fires were going out, and it was actually a
pretty picture. It was sort of like blood.
Speaker 5 (20:18):
Red orange, almost like the eye of Sauron.
Speaker 3 (20:21):
Yeah, it was.
Speaker 2 (20:23):
It was dune.
Speaker 5 (20:24):
It was wild.
Speaker 2 (20:25):
So I know about this wolf.
Speaker 1 (20:27):
Move more Mario Lopez on the way.
Speaker 2 (20:30):
All right, that's it. Thanks again to Amy Robock and TJ.
Holmes zooming in to talk LA Wildfires and more. Almerio
dot com for that full conversation to find out about
both their podcasts. Back tomorrow to do it again.
Speaker 3 (20:40):
Denise Richards is gonna be.
Speaker 2 (20:41):
Here to talk Fox's Special Forces till then. Mario Lopez
saying good night with Mario Lopez