All Episodes

January 2, 2025 • 18 mins

Today On With Mario Lopez – Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon joins us to break down his new Christmas album, Mario vs Courtney in a round of Monotune Christmas songs, Gavin DeGraw in the Mario Music Minute, latest buzz & more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
On with Mario Lopez.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
Merry Christmas.

Speaker 3 (00:04):
You're old, Mario, Courtney Lopez back behind the migrator to
share some festive radio fun. Jimmy Fallon joining us later
to talk new Christmas music and more.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Plus a good deed Lopezy.

Speaker 4 (00:13):
We'll talk Christmas movies and maybe open up a gift
or two.

Speaker 5 (00:16):
So turn it up.

Speaker 4 (00:17):
Christmas Day edition of On with Mario and Courtney Lopez
starts now.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
With Mario Courtney Lopez, Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Hope everyone is having a great holiday. All right, what
are we doing here now?

Speaker 5 (00:29):
Well, I have a gift for each of you. Okay,
Now this showed up just right before I came to
the studio, so it's not wrapped, but pretend it is
and open the box. Because it's so cold in the
studio all the time, and there's only one tortilla blanket.
I found something else and then nobody touches. Technically it
was Mario's because it was a gift for him, that's right.
However I had the pill. However, this is a game changer.

What I've found for you.

Speaker 2 (00:53):
Is this late is this tortilla.

Speaker 5 (00:55):
It is a tortilla Pancho get hity basically a wearable
tortilla blanket with a hood and everything.

Speaker 6 (01:04):
This is fan This might be your best gift.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
Oh my god, So I can have my hoodie and
the blanket that I stole.

Speaker 5 (01:12):
Yeah, that's a that's double wrapping the burrito.

Speaker 1 (01:14):

Speaker 6 (01:14):
Yeah, this is serious. It's like a snuggie.

Speaker 5 (01:17):
Yeah, it's like a giant tortilla snuggie.

Speaker 6 (01:20):
Oh this is great.

Speaker 5 (01:22):
Oh wow, Well, Merry Christmas.

Speaker 7 (01:24):
The countdown at Christmas continues in moments. This is on
with Mario Lopez.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
Okay, I don't with Mario on ex and Facebook. I'm
with Mario Lopez on IG Love. Hearing from you, Mario
Courtney Lopez. Here, what'd you find in our inbox?

Speaker 4 (01:37):
This is from at fort Lives and they said until
they make a fast and Furious Christmas movie with Vin
Diesel drag racing a sled pulled by reindeer and teaching
elves about family, the franchise will just never be complete.

Speaker 7 (01:51):
For me.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
I think they're pretty complete. I can't struggling outer space,
but you do you Fort Lives. I'm Mario Courtney Lope.

Speaker 1 (02:01):
That's rank with Mario Lopez.

Speaker 5 (02:04):
All right, Lopez not Rushmore Holiday Movies, Go Love.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
Actually, I've been consistent number one for me. Okay, but
Mount Rushmore, They're all that's true.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
Yeah, so that home alone, Once upon a Christmas Wish Family,
and one more Christmas Vacation.

Speaker 5 (02:24):
Incorrect, The last one is Felice Navi Dad.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
Okay, yeah, Gia.

Speaker 4 (02:29):
My top five would have to be elf Christmas Vacation,
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation Holiday and handcuffs because I think
that is just so super cute. Everyone wants a second
holiday and handcuffs. By the way, Christmas Movies, Christmas Story.

Speaker 5 (02:51):
That's four.

Speaker 2 (02:55):
You're a Mario Courtney Lopez.

Speaker 3 (02:56):
Every week we like to honor someone for doing a
good deed with our good deed Lopezi Award.

Speaker 2 (03:01):
Who we honoring this week?

Speaker 4 (03:02):
Honey, we are honoring t Swift. They wanted only Taylor Swift. Well,
she just wrapped up her Airs tour after two years
of shows and over forty seven songs something like that,
and it was revealed.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
That over the course of the tour.

Speaker 4 (03:14):
She gave out one hundred and ninety seven million dollars
in bonuses. You've heard that correctly, from the production crew
to the dancers, choreographers, truck drivers, merchandise vendors, and people
in other roles all earned bonuses. She gave away about
ten percent of her gross tour earnings, which is far

above the industry standard. And you know what, that's why
she is going to stay on top.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
She gets it, she takes care of she gets its
care of her. So good for her.

Speaker 3 (03:46):
Taylor's smart and her dad's I think very much involved,
and I'm sure he had a big influence on her.

Speaker 2 (03:50):

Speaker 1 (03:50):
Howadays to you and yours. This is on with Mario Lopez.
We'll be right.

Speaker 2 (03:55):
Back while Courtney Lopez. Here was some quick buzz for you.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
Max dropping an early Christmas came on us a nail
biting trailer for season three of White Lotus, which is
dropping some clues about what to expect.

Speaker 4 (04:07):
We are huge fans of White Lotus. But to confirm
Jennifer Coolidge, she died.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
She did roiler alert.

Speaker 4 (04:16):
So she won't be in this one unless she comes.

Speaker 2 (04:18):
Back, as as as maybe a flashback or a zombieber No,
she's very funny. She drowned unfortunately in the last one.

Speaker 3 (04:27):
Waiting to see what the location is and what cast
members will be there on myri dot Com.

Speaker 6 (04:31):
Check it out.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
He's in three of White Lotus set to hit Max
in February.

Speaker 3 (04:36):
Oldmaro Cordy Lopez let you know about our new iHeartRadio
on the Verge artist Damiano David is an Italian born
singer and songwriter. You know I'm from the band Monasky.
Their song Began became a huge hit in twenty twenty one.

Speaker 4 (04:48):
And Demiano is achieving a milestone too, the first on
the Verge artist across three formats at the same time
with Mario dot Com to find out more about Damiano
David and his first solo single, Born with a Broken Heart.

Speaker 3 (05:03):
I'mar and Courtney Lopez, and We're just talking about a boy,
Gavin de Gras and his new Christmas album, and I
mentioned that my son Dominic was playing All I Want
for Christmas Is You, of Course by Mariah Carey, and
Missus Lopez was singing the vocals, and I thought it
sounded great. She doesn't want me to play it, but
I'm gonna play just with you right now, let me

see find it.

Speaker 2 (05:25):
I don't even make any.

Speaker 4 (05:26):
Just I'm gonna put your phone in jail. You should
not be able to have your phone.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
It sounds great his phone in jail?

Speaker 5 (05:35):
Yes, why is no one told me that in ten years?
Okay stop, Oh my god, it's beautiful. I know.

Speaker 4 (05:45):
Okay, good, yeah, no, but the keys were bad.

Speaker 6 (05:51):
The keys were bad.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
Dominic me's the word kid, his ice dominant hits some
foul notes.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
What you maybe get some fun than why We're gonna
redo it over then, okay, we'll do it over again.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
Got you got that Mariah Diva thing.

Speaker 5 (06:08):
Yeah, that is beautiful though, the little bit that we
could heary.

Speaker 7 (06:12):
Holidays from the entire on with Mario fam more fest
and fun coming up.

Speaker 2 (06:16):
Mario Lopez.

Speaker 3 (06:17):
Here, we got some info about Stranger Things season five.
New episodes are going to pick up one year after
the events of season four, so we're talking nineteen eighty seven.
Expect some references to Fatal Traction, bon Jovi, alf alf
maybe the Indiana Hoosiers basketball team. The episode is going
to drop sometime this next year. All right, more music

now all, Mario Lopez, few more songs and Jimmy Fallon's
gonna talk holiday music with us.

Speaker 6 (06:56):
Don't move.

Speaker 3 (06:58):
All Mario Lopez and Enjoying Now on Zoom to talk
about his new holiday album Jimmy Fallon.

Speaker 2 (07:03):
I worry you man, hey, but.

Speaker 8 (07:05):
It's great talking to you as always. Thanks so much
for having me on. I appreciate this. I know you're
a busy man, and I appreciate you taking the time to.

Speaker 6 (07:12):
Talk to me.

Speaker 2 (07:13):
Oh, it is my pleasure.

Speaker 3 (07:14):
And I love that you love the holidays and if
you had your way, you'd be listening to jingle bells
on the fourth of July and how you roll as
far as your Christmas love. You've had a lot of
great collabs on the album, like the Jonas Brothers on
the song Holiday. Tell us about the song and working
with them, and it's only I would imagine it's difficult
coming up with original Christmas songs, right, because I went

a little crazy.

Speaker 8 (07:38):
To be honest, I went a little crazy because originally
what I was going to do was put out an
album that was The Twelve Days of Christmas Sweaters, and
I was going to do cover songs of famous holiday songs,
you know, Christmas songs.

Speaker 6 (07:51):
And then I.

Speaker 8 (07:52):
Recorded one, and to be honest, it was not that great.
It was fine, and I go, what am I doing?
I mean, I'm not I'm not Michael Bouble, I'm not
Kelly Clarkson. I'm not, you know, I can't. They do
this much better than I do this. So I go,
I think I should do a comedy album. Every song
should be a joke, you know. And and so the

label was right, I guess I don't know, you know,
but you know, we'd like to get a little you know,
radio play.

Speaker 6 (08:19):
So I tried to do both. So I did.

Speaker 8 (08:23):
They're comedy songs, but they're poppy, but they're fun.

Speaker 6 (08:26):
I got some weird ones in there.

Speaker 8 (08:28):
But I asked the Jonas brothers if they would do
a song with me, and they were like, awesome.

Speaker 6 (08:32):
So we just shot a video for the song called
Holiday and.

Speaker 8 (08:36):
They're stuck in a snow globe and I'm in a
hardware store holding the snow globe shaking them and it's silly,
but it's a good kind of roller disco.

Speaker 6 (08:45):
Type of jam. I got Will Ferrell to do a
song on the album.

Speaker 8 (08:52):
We have a song called one Glove, which is basically like,
do you ever walk down the street and you see
like one glove in the slush or in the snow?

Speaker 1 (08:59):

Speaker 2 (09:00):
Like, well, how does that happen?

Speaker 6 (09:01):
Yeah? And you want to know what what's the story?

Speaker 8 (09:03):
With who has the other glove? Are they, you know,
are they missing a glove? Are they missing each other?
And so we're kind of starcrossed friends that never meet
and just wondering what's the story with the other person
that has the glove?

Speaker 2 (09:15):
All right, Jimmy Haynes Ti, We're gonna have more with
Jimmy Fallon.

Speaker 7 (09:17):
Coming up, Tabby Holidays from the entire on with Mario
fam or fest and fun coming up, al.

Speaker 3 (09:23):
Mario Lopez more with our guests, and just a bit
in the meantime, I'm gonna keep the music coming your way.
If you got a song you want to hear, please
side into my dms over on ig add on with
Mario Lopez.

Speaker 2 (09:35):
Al Mario Lopez, more with our guests, and just a
bit in the meantime. I'm gonna keep the music coming
your way.

Speaker 3 (09:40):
If you got a song you want to hear, please
side into my dms over on ig add on with
Mario Lopez. We're rapping up with Jimmy Fallon or all on.
Mario Lopez, just a couple of quick holiday questions for you.
What famous person do you think would be the most
fun to spend the holidays with?

Speaker 6 (09:57):
Oh, my gosh. I mean, I think, would it be
fun to hang out with Mariah Carey? I think so? Yeah? Right,
holiday has got to be insane?

Speaker 2 (10:05):
Yes, yes, I agree with that. What would your elf
name be?

Speaker 6 (10:11):
Maybe Jimathy good sounds it sounds like an elf name.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
Favorite Christmas gift that you received growing up.

Speaker 8 (10:21):
I got an electric guitar from Santa Claus, and that
blew my mind.

Speaker 6 (10:26):
That was the coolest thing ever ever received.

Speaker 8 (10:29):
I couldn't believe it because I was playing on this
cheap guitar that we got at the music store that
had plastic strings on it, and I was.

Speaker 6 (10:37):
Happy with that.

Speaker 5 (10:38):

Speaker 6 (10:38):
And then I didn't even know about it or know
that we could afford it.

Speaker 8 (10:42):
But uh, I got an electric guitar, and I walked
down and go, oh, my gosh, if only they knew that,
I'd be writing.

Speaker 6 (10:48):
Songs like Christmas ding down and stuff with it. But
either way, did you go electric before me?

Speaker 2 (10:53):
Before acoustic?

Speaker 6 (10:55):
I did acoustic before elect.

Speaker 3 (10:57):
She did acoustic before because I got my daughter playing
recently too, she mu straight electric and go really well.
She pluted the piano before, but she wanted to go electrics.
I was like, I thought you had to go acoustic first.
I guess she enjoyed. She's sticking with it.

Speaker 2 (11:07):
She is, She's sticking with it.

Speaker 3 (11:09):
They all play piano, and now my boys starting in
addition the drums and my daughter the guitar.

Speaker 6 (11:15):
I got to get into music. I started with clarinet, clarenett.

Speaker 8 (11:19):
Clarinet is not a popular instrument to go to parties
and pull out a clarinet and you hear some songs,
so I go, I gotta take a different instrument. And
then I did piano for a little bit. And I
didn't love my piano teacher, and she had bad breath
and I didn't like it. And you have to sit
really close to your piano teacher. Yeah, I mean share

the bench. If they have bad breath, that's oh yeah,
that's that's bad.

Speaker 3 (11:46):
Hey man, hope you and your family have a great Christmas.
If I don't get to see you too, blessed Christmas.

Speaker 6 (11:50):
I love you.

Speaker 7 (11:51):
But Cabby Holidays from the entire on with Mario, fam
or Fest and fun coming up.

Speaker 3 (11:56):
So what were the top songs And I heard radio
in twenty twenty four, You're on Mario Courtney Lopez.

Speaker 5 (12:01):
iHeart Radio.

Speaker 3 (12:02):
Rewind has the results. Gen X played the heck out
of some Aerosmith and Phil Collins, and.

Speaker 4 (12:07):
The millennials love them some T Swift. Want to find
out yours, Just tap your free iHeartRadio app and find
out who your most played artist was, Top songs and
so much more. All right, let's get back to the music.

Speaker 2 (12:20):
You're on Mario Courtney Lopez. Two more songs. I ain't
gonna bring back a game.

Speaker 3 (12:23):
It's sort of like named that Tune, but a bit
harder because we have to guess the song based on
just the lyrics being read.

Speaker 2 (12:28):
To us in a monotone voice.

Speaker 3 (12:30):
Very difficult, So choose your side, t Mario or Team
Courtney back to play at Christmas theme edition.

Speaker 2 (12:36):
Of Mono Tune coming up next. You're on Mario Courtney
Lopez Appra Pop Quiz.

Speaker 3 (12:42):
Today we are battling it out to see who knows
their Christmas music based on only the lyrics and we
only have to guess the song title because these songs
have will cover by all kinds of artists. All right,
so let's get our hands on the buzzers on with
Mario Lopez.

Speaker 5 (12:54):
It's now time for Mono Tune.

Speaker 6 (12:59):
Tune Tune, all.

Speaker 5 (13:00):
Right, here we go, hands on buzzers the first one. Oh,
I won't ask for much this Christmas. I won't even
wish for snow. That's Courtney.

Speaker 2 (13:12):
All I want for Christmas is you.

Speaker 5 (13:15):
Do to zero. Hands on buzzers. Next time to be
they're singing deck the holes. But it's not like Christmas
at all, because I remember when you were here and
all the fun we had last year. Christmas. Pretty lights
on the tree, Christmas. I'm watching them shine. Christmas. You

should be here with me. Christmas Baby, please come home.
That's Courtney Baby, Please come home. Judges, come home on
zoom Judges. Yeah, okay, Christmas, Christmas Baby, please you get
to to zero zero you give.

Speaker 1 (13:53):
Him my gosh, what do you mean?

Speaker 2 (13:55):
I earned my points too?

Speaker 6 (13:57):
To zero.

Speaker 5 (13:57):
We're going to take a break, come back and do
another one.

Speaker 7 (14:00):
Holidays from the entire on with Mario fam More festive
fun coming up.

Speaker 3 (14:04):
Round two of Mono Tune Mario Courtney Lopez. You're trying
to guess Christmas songs based only on the lyrics being
read to us.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
The score is two to zero. Wortney's winning just one
in this round.

Speaker 5 (14:15):
Let's go Hands the buzzers, Happy Christmas. I wrapped it up.
And sent it with a note saying I love you.
I meant it now. I know what a full I've been.
But if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool
me again. Last Christmas, I gave you my Mario last Christmas.
That is correct, Wow, last Christmas. Two to one. We're

gonna play some music, come back and do another one
on Mario.

Speaker 3 (14:43):
Courtney Lopez in the middle of a Christmas theme edition
of Mono tune, guests and holiday songs. Based only on
hearing the lyrics being read aloud, the score is.

Speaker 8 (14:51):
Two to one.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
Missus Lopez is winning. Hands on the buzzers.

Speaker 6 (14:54):
Here we go.

Speaker 5 (14:56):
You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear is singing.
According deck the Halls correct incorrect, incorrect incorrect, I didn't
buzz calm down. You will get a sentimental feeling when

you hear voices singing. Let's be jolly. Deck the halls
with bottls of holly, rocking around the Christmas tree. Have
a happy holiday, rocking around the Christmas chat is correct.
Two to two. We're gonna play kids. We're gonna play

some music, come back and wrap.

Speaker 2 (15:38):
It up fine around a Monto tune.

Speaker 3 (15:41):
We got a close one Mari Courtney Lopez trying to
get Christmas songs based solely on the lyrics being read.

Speaker 2 (15:46):
The score is tied two to two. Hands to the buzzers.

Speaker 5 (15:49):
Let's wrap it up. Just a few of these left.

Speaker 4 (15:52):
I gave you that.

Speaker 5 (15:54):
Here we go, Here we go. It's Christmas time in Hollis, Queens, Mario,
Christmas time and Hollis Christmas and Hollis. Yes, yes, Chris,
yes it is.

Speaker 2 (16:07):
DMC want to come back. Don't call it a come back.
You've been here for years.

Speaker 5 (16:12):
Three to two. Here we go, two left, two left,
hands on buzzers, Hang all the missiletoe. I'm gonna get
to know you better.

Speaker 4 (16:22):
Yeah, oh yeah, that's the lyric.

Speaker 5 (16:25):
Christmas as we trim the tree. How much fun it's
gonna be together, Mario this Christmas? That is correct.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
That's because I'm of my favorite songs. Donny Hathaway and
it just Brown did it.

Speaker 5 (16:38):
Four to two?

Speaker 2 (16:39):
Wow, this one Christmas will be a very special.

Speaker 6 (16:45):
I should have three.

Speaker 5 (16:46):
Wow, you should have. This one is going to be
worth four to two right now, I'm winning because it's
four to two. This one's gonna be worth forty two points.
So it's anyone's game. Santa Claus goes straight to the ghetto.
Hitch up your reindeer h and go straight to the ghetto.
Santa Claus goes straight to the ghetto. Soil every stocking

you find. The kids are gonna love you, so uh
leave a toy for Johnny, leave a toy for Mary,
leave something pretty for Dominic, and don't forget about Gary.
Santa Claus goes straight to the ghetto, recording.

Speaker 4 (17:26):
Sanna in the ghetto? Is Santa Santa's in the ghetto?

Speaker 2 (17:30):
Judges, Oh, come on, you said it twice different ways.

Speaker 5 (17:33):
No, Santa, I can you can guess and then I'll
make a decision.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
Santa goes to the ghetto.

Speaker 5 (17:40):
All right, I'll give you four points and you two
points because it's Santa Claus go straight to the ghetto.
So we tied it up.

Speaker 2 (17:48):
Oh that's good, by the way, never heard that's on
in my life.

Speaker 5 (17:50):
It's James Brown and I like James Brown too, And
oh dude, it's the best album.

Speaker 2 (17:55):
It is a great album.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
You and yours. This is on with Mario Lopez. We'll
be right back.

Speaker 3 (18:01):
That's it for the Christmas edition of All Mario Courtney
Lopez big thanks to Jimmy Fallon for talking Christmas music
with us.

Speaker 4 (18:07):
More fun tomorrow former role Housewives of Atlanta Kenya Moore
will be here. Until then, Mario and Courtney Lopez saying
good night and Merry Christmas.

Speaker 1 (18:16):
Drawn Wow with Mario Lopez
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