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October 5, 2017 15 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is on with Mario Lopez. All right, Mario Lopez
almost made it through the week already. Thursday, My Favorite Day,
got a couple of the folks from the Bachelor World,
stuffing by Later Dean Uncle Art from last season and
Becca Tilly, Chris Souls and Ben Higgins season, plus all
kinds of music and a special guest to tell us
all about the newest Lopez Family YouTube video. All that

more on with Mario starting right now. Yo, Mario Lopez,
I've got a very special guest in studio today, my
daughter Gia Francesco Lopez. What's up, hi, daddy? So talk
about some of the videos that we've done lately. Not
too long ago, I gave a tour of my room
and I drew all my stuffed animals on my day bed,
and I made drawings and I put them on my

dresser and on the outside of my door. How do
how do you get along with Dominic these days? Uh? Well,
I he asked me to play with him, and I
play with them. That's all he asked me to do
with him and I And if I don't play, then
he wants me to play with him. He'll tell on me. Oh,
it's just like your dad. He hasn't he stopped punching

you in the face though, right, Yeah, he doesn't hit
me that much because we're getting along better. That's good.
No hitting brothers and sisters. Was he trying to take
your stuff in that video when you were showing people
your room? I think he stole pencils because I keep
them in a drawer just in case I want to
write secrets about something? What secret? What secrets do you

have about people? What secrets? And I forgot them? I
don't read, You're find secrets. And then we also talked
about your Toothperry Fillow, how many teeth are you missing now? Um?
Six teeth? How can you eat when you're missing six teeth?
Has it worked out well? I lost six teeth and
I have then? What do you mean you lost six
teeth and you have? You mean they're growing back? Yeah? Okay,

very good? All right? So bottom line check out Gigi
and all her adventures on the Lopez Family channel on YouTube.
Thanks everyone, and don't forget to subscribe I Studios. We're
fifteen minutes. You'd save more on cars. This is on
with Mario Lopez. It's Mario Lopez. Might want to set
your DVR. Wonder Woman Gala dot is going to be

hosting SNL, Sam Smith is musical guests and Sam by
the way, apparently as himself a new boyfriend on with
Mario dot Com to see who he was spotted kissing
on the streets in New York earlier this week. Right up,
it's Mario Lopez on with Maria dot Com to check
out my full chat with the ladies of the Real
tamaraw Jennie and Adrian stopped by yesterday. Talked hot topics

and they got all musical when I put them on
the spot. It was fun full interview up right now.
All right, you're on with Mario Cortney Lopez And did
everyone have a great National Taco Day yesterday? I celebrated
with some shrimp tacos. At night, I went next level
gourmet tacos, betting night off from cooking. Thank you National Tacos.
All right, did you have tacos? No? I you know

what I did do though Mario didn't force you to.
So they had to run in quick erran and there
happened to be in northtern Act right next door. I
had to go, so it learned me in there taco,
I'm gonna tell you. And they had um a shirt
of a dinosaur wrapped in a taco called Tacosaurus Rex.
So I bought it for Dominant. That was my contract.

And then right next to it was a hinz awesome
sauce shirt. So I'm from Pittsburgh, your Mexican. I got
the taco. It was meant to be, meant to be,
and we got a shirt for next year. Yeah on
with Mario Lopez continues in moments from the Geico studios.
What does it mean when Geico says fifteen minutes could
save you fifteen center moral and car insurance, It means

you probably should have gone to Geico dot com fifteen
minutes ago. What up, Mario Lopez? Still need your fan
questions for Dolly pardon she's gonna be doing and ask
anything for us in a few days, Hit upon with
Mario dot com to register and tell us what you
want to know. All right, it's Mario Lopez keeping the
music headed your way. Plus another look at the Hollywood
buzz coming up in about thirty five minutes or so,

some up setting news for all of us, making a
murderer fans that's on the way in a random question
and for my wife Courtney back to see how weird
that's going to be intent you, Courtney Lopez, let's exercise
our brain. It is time for Courtney's a random question.
What you got? Would you rather be forced to find
a needle in a haystack or a four leaf clover?

I four leaf clover? To try to die a four
leave clover and make a wish, make a wish, that's
not bad. Come on, Darby, Oh she is my dear,
my dart, Oh my gosh, come on, that was my
Irish accent. I would because of all that, I want
to find a four leaf clover. You find a needle
in a haystack. First of all, when you find it's

gonna hurt because they'll probably stab you, okay, and that's
not going to be any fun. Looking for a four
leaf clover is fun. Finding an area that has clovers
is difficult, But once you do, I'm sure if you
want to do Ireland, that land. That's sort of like saying, um, Oregon,
which would you use? Let us no one twitter that

on with Mario. Just Mario and Courtney returned in moments
from the Gigo Studios for fifteen minutes you could save
more on tor insurance. It's Mario Lopez got your first
look at justin timber Lake in this new Woody Allen
movie Wonder Wheel, JT Rock and Old School Swimming Trunks.
First trailer is out. You can check it out all
Mario dot com. What happens Mario Lopez? Bad news for

fans of the Netflix show Making a Murderer. You may
not be getting the happy ending you're hoping for. I'm
gonna tell you why. Next in the Hollywood Buzz you're
al Mario Lopez, and it looks like it is the
end of the road for the star of Making a
Murderer with Mario Hollywood Buzz. So Stephen Avery was the
subject of the Netflix series. If he didn't see it,

it's fascinating. He's in jail for murder and the show
makes you think he was framed, so it's it's it's
really intriguing. Anyway. His attorneys have been trying to get
him a new trial, but a judge is finally turned
it down saying there is not enough evidence. Did the
judge not see the documentary? Apparently not? Every lawyers say
this isn't the final say on the matter. However, the
scientific testing isn't complete yet, so they still hope to

uncover new evidence. How long does something like this take?
My goodness, what about your boy, um, Robert Shapiro, Brandon Dascy,
Brandon Das Brandon Dascy. Yeah, you're sposed to tacular WrestleMania
And when he gets out, I thought you were talking
about my other boy, Robert Shapiro, who I'm surprised he's
not involved. More fun coming up, This is on with

Mario Lopez coming to you from the Geico studios. What
does it mean when Geiko says fifteen minutes could save
you or more on car insurance? If it means you
probably should have gone to Geico dot com fifteen minutes ago. Hey,
it's Mario Lopez. Miley Cyrus back on Fallon again tonight.
She's basically moved into the tight show. Been they're all week.
Great video from last night too. She looks like she's
having a lot of fun. Miley and Jimmy impersonating Dolly

Parton and Kenny Rogers doing a little Island in the stream.
Great song right there, all dot com to see that
epic moment. All right, we got to know Dean Anglert
last season on the Bachelorette and then spend the summer
watching him on Bachelor in Paradise. Becca Tilly competed on
a couple of seasons of the Bachelor, and they are
both joining us after a couple more songs. What's up?

You're all with? Mario Lopez going to us down in
studio from Bachelor Nation. Dean Angler and Becca Tilly? How's
it going guys? Hey? Well great? How are you? Um? Well,
y'all are nice looking couple walking in looking like prom
right now? Now, before we get to your podcast, let's
talk a little bachelor first off? What's up with you two?
Are we friends? Are we more than that? We're friends?

We're just friends at the moment for into perpetuity forever.
She's my older sister. Okay, once you've a sister, you
can't go back that that would be bring friends zone
orselves because Dean, you had that whole Christina Danielle love
triangle right on Bachelor in Paradise. Yeah, I struggled with
that a little bit. Are either in your life right now? Um? Yeah?

Christine and I are. You know, we talk a lot.
We're talking, we're figuring things out a little hesitation right there,
because it's always it's always tricky subjects. You know, Hey,
women are tricky with all do spects. Do you have
any regrets about how Bachelor Paradise played out? I'm not
sure if you watched. I mean, there are definitely a
lot of things I did that I handled poorly, But
looking back, I mean I learned a lot from it,

so it's hard to necessarily regret anything. Right, Okay, it's
your how old six if I can go back and
learn now, Yeah, you got another good time. You're all good.
You're all good. And Becca, you split from Robert a
while back. What what's what's uh? What's the dating situation
looking like? Now? Are you someone special? Are you're just
kind of having fun? I'm just kind of having fun.

I'm not really dating anyone. I'm kind of just focusing
on myself right now, which is very selfish time in
my life. That's important, though totally important. It's Mario Lopez.
I got Bachelor Lums, Dean Unglert and beck At Tilly
in studio. I'm gonna find out about their new podcasts
and it's sex. Mario. We'll be right back from the
Geico Studios. We're fifteen minutes could save you fift or
more on Core Insurance. It's Mario Lopez, got Dean Unglert

and Beck Attilly in here from the Bachelor franchise. Uh so,
tell me about this new podcast. I suck at eating.
That is a great time. Yeah, it's kind of embarrassing
in in a few ways. But I think, like watching
back on Paradise with the whole Christine and Danielle thing, Um,
I think my heart was in the right place. But
I have a lot of bad habits in the dating world,
and I feel like I'm not alone in that situation.

So um, just I mean, I guess a lot of
it is kind of figuring out exactly what those are,
identifying them and then working on them. Um. And so
what we're gonna be doing with this podcast is like
calling dating experts, calling my exes. Christina, Um, you know,
I hope to have some some of my real life
ex is on there as well. Okay, cool, that's the stars.
Dean Glerd and Becca Tilly are hanging out. It's Maria

Lopez and Becca. Your podcast is called Scrubbing In Yes,
and it's all about your favorite TV shows. Yes, so
it's it's basically like girl talk talking about TV shows,
just pop culture topics in general. But like, my sisters
are going to be on this week, so it'll be fun.
They both live with me, So I kind of wanted
to bring in, you know, something that people can relate
to in general, because I feel like there's so many

things we talked about and people want to know about
The Bachelor, but it's there's so much of that, So
it was like, what else do I love? What else
is there to three favorite shows on your dbr um Well,
I would say Grey's Anatomy, This is Us, and The
Good Doctor, which is new Mario Lopez here back with
Dean Unglert and beck Attilly from The Bachelor, Bachelorette, Bachelor

in Paradise, All Things Bachelor. Um, all right, I'm gonna
put you on the spot. Quick questions, quick answers, all right, Okay,
go to karaoke song wonder Wall Oasis, Damn that was
quick Delicious by Dusty Child, Yes, get it. Ideal, first date?
Oh um, concert, I would say, like food, dinner in

the concert scoop and scoop it up. Do something fun
you want to see like all tight on her. That's
why so great your first date. You're going up on
a blur, but expectations really high. True? Yeah, biggest turn off.
I mean there's so many things. Um, there's there's a lot.

Give me one like bad breath, sloppy eater. I guess
maybe okay, chewing smacking high school nickname I was. My
friend called me Binkin. She was Hanks and I was
being Hanks and Banks, Okay, I was. I was kind
of I was kind of hoping this nickname would escape
me and never come back. But it was Deanie Weenie Weenie.

I thought he said teeny we to We're gonna go
with that is a name. Thank you for sharing that.
Where you can check out pearls like this on Dean
and Becca's podcast on iHeart Radio or wherever you listen
to podcasts. Follow him on Twitter at Deany Weeny No,
Deanie Underscore Babies and at Becca Tilly five. Thanks for

stoping bye than with ma. This is on with Mario
Lopez Gico Studios fifteen minutes you could save you or
more on car insurance at geo dot com. It's to
Mario Corney Lopez Quick birthday shout out to Oscar winner
Kate Winslet. She is forty two today. Kate also about
to reunite with Titanic director James Cameron. Kate is going
to be in the new Avatar movies. Oh yeah, I

like her. She's cute and her her athletic leisure line,
um Fabiletics is really great. That's Kate Hudson about Kate.
This is Kate Winslet. Oh my gosh, Mario Lopez here,
We're about to take a trip to Courtney's Corner where
my wife has some cool mom hacks, and apparently today's

lesson will require a few sponges. We're gonna get to
it after a little more music. John Morrow, Courtney Lopez.
Let's take another trip to Courtney's Corner where she's uncovered
another cool mom hack. What you got honey? Um, okay,
here's the trick you can do with a couple of
kitchen sponges. Take a knife and cut a hole in
the sponge along the bottom edge. Then take some tongs

and slide a sponge on each end, following it's cleaning
so he's not following. Um. Then you use the tongues
to clean vinyl blinds or anything else that is double sided. Oh,
because it's hard to get in there. Get in there.
You gotta get in there. Sometimes you gotta get in
there or oh god, I didn't know brack, biggy backhack.

You know nothing about cleanness. I have a huge fans.
This is just a general in the kitchen or in
the house. I'm a huge fan of those wet wipes
and the clorox well, but you can't use them on
everything because sometimes it's smears and you see, but there's
some that aren't. There's some that are very moist, and
there's some that aren't that moist. Put that in a

little stick. Get in there with the blinds. You can
get in there with anything, and you're also disinfected exactly,
and you get a nice smell. Piggyback Corner, you'll be quiet.
One more, Get more from Courtney's Corner and On with
Mario dot Com. On with Mario Lopez continues next from
the Geico Studios, where fifteen Minutes Could Save You or
more on Core Insurance. Charlie Pooth dropping new music. He

was teasing a new song late last night. If you
want to check it out. On with Mario dot Com.
What Up, It's Tomarrio Lopez. Season two of Stranger Things
is out at the end of the month, and if
you can't wait, Netflix has dropped something cool to help
you cope. One Last Thing coming up next You're on
Mario Cordy Lopez. Time now for one last thing. Stranger
Things season two comes out just in time for Halloween

on the and Netflix has released a new free video
game on Android and iOS. It looks just like an
old school Nintendo game she used to have in love.
You play as each of the show's main characters, and
it's pretty cool. It's free to we should get it. Well.
I know how to play Nintendo. I don't know the
new stuff. We can't remember how to play Nintendo many decades,

many decades I made. I made a promise that once
I turned eighteen, I was gonna put it away, not
um play anymore. And I stayed true to that promise.
But man, I used to play. I used to play
a lot. The new stuff like PlayStation and all that.
We've on it for the kids, but they have no
desire because of the tablets now, So people who don't
really play old this game is cool because it's just
on your phone. Yes, don't move more with Mario coming

your way from the Geico Studios where fifteen minutes you
can save you or more uncor Insurance. All right, that's it,
Mario Lopez, A good night, big things to Dean Unglert
and Beckett Tilly from the Bachelor World for stopping by.
You can check out their new podcast on iHeart Radio.
I'm Gonna be back tomorrow with Jordan Fisher and his
Dancing with the Stars partner Lindsay Arnold, plus three to

the week, weekend movie preview and more. Until then, the
music rolls on with Mario A Little Pass
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