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September 13, 2018 14 mins

Coming Up ON With Mario Lopez - Mario breaks down this week's Superman drama in the Hollywood Buzz, Courtney's got an epic parenting hack to help you get more sleep on the weekends, we'll make some Emmy predictions ahead of Monday's award show, and where you live might determine how happy you are! All that and more!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What's Mario A little bit alright? Favorite day of the
week Thursday, Anticipation for the weekend. It's Mario Lopez, gonna
keep the music going for you. Also gonna make some
any predictions ahead of Monday's Award's gonna get a mom
hack for my wife Courtney in a bit and interesting
Bruno Mars rumor to break down for you in the
Hollywood Buzz. We got all that more, so let's do
it all Mario Courtney Lopez. Big question this week is

Bruno Mare is about to play Prints in a movie?
So I love this rumor. It started after the Daily Mirror,
which is a UK tabloid brand, a story saying that
Bruno was set to play Prints in a new Netflix
movie about his life. Yes it isn't that great casting. Well,
the internet got all fired up, but Bruno's rep say no,

the story is faults and then Netflix wade in saying
there's not even a Prince movie in development at the moment,
so nothing's true. The whole thing's a big want want
So where do people even get this information to start
this rumor? You know? Will It was just that a rumor,
but sometimes rumors turn into reality. That girl uh Sa

Ray from HBO. It was rumored because she had like
a podcast or a web series prior, and then it
was a rumor that it was going to be a
TV show. Long story short, it actually manifested itself and
it became a show. She's got a hit now on HBO.
So sometimes rumors plan a seed and it turns into something.
Let's hope this is the case here. Mario and Courtney

Lopez will be right back with more from the Geico
Studios fifteen minutes to save You fifteen more on car
Insurress at Geico dot com. Less than a month away
from this year's a m as It's Mario Lopez. Nominations
came out yesterday. Cardi B and Drake tied for the
most nominations. Hopefully she won't get in any fights that day.
Eight each. By the way, Drake post Malone, Ed, Sharon

Imagined Dragons, and Taylor Swift all up for Artists of
the Year, a tough category. The awards go down live
October nine on Mario dot com to see who else
is up the wards this year. All right, a few
more songs and I think we're gonna get a life
hack from my wife Courtney always finding ways to make
life a little easier for you. So hank tight, Mario

Courtney Lopez going to dig back into the Hollywood buzz
and just a bit, but quickly, let's get to my wife,
Courtney and her mom hack. Okay, So now that the
kids are back in school, activities have started back, and
I mean people are busier than ever with the extracurricular activities, homework,
you know, and parents, we want to get as much
sleep as possible, but it seems like we get less.
So here's a little parenting hack for the weekends. And

I do do this. Tell your kids to stay in
bed until a certain time. Yes, I do. I tell
the kids on the weekends, because their rooms are right
next to each other, Um, don't come down. They cannot
come down before eight am. They can watch because she
is she's like a little adult. She can turn on
the TV that makes herself breakfast. She does. Yeah, But

I tell them they can't come down because then when
they come down, Julio comes down, which means I had
to take him out right away, and he will stay
in bed as long as they stay in bed, So
they don't come down to eight o'clock. That's one. Then
you secretly set their clock back an hour extra two
hours sleep, really fantastic, and then we can enjoy more sleep.

I mean, it's brilliant and brilliant, but it's not mean.
It's not mean. One more mom, Max corneys Jana for
you right now on with Mario dot Com. Mario will
be right back with more fun for the Gico studios
where fifteen minutes could save you or more on cor Insurance.
Rihanna raising some big time money for a good cost.
Tonight it's Mario Lopez Rereas annual Diamond Ball going down

in New York City. It raises money to help our
kids all around the world. Great thing if you want
to help out on Mario dot com to donate to
Rihanna's foundation. What up. It's Mario Lopez and we're learning
new stuff about the royal family all the time. This
might be the most shocking revelation yet. The princes don't
even have custody of their own kids. I'm gonna explain
why after a few more songs, you Corney Lopez, and

we got a surprising revelation about the royal family. But
so we're learning a lot about the royals recently, but
I never do this. Prince William and Kate Middleton don't
technically have legal custody of their own children. Come again,
it's gonna be the same for Harry and Megan when
they have kids. By the way, well, apparently there's a
three hundred year old royal rule that says the sovereign

actually has legal custody of the grandchildren. Today it means
the queen has the last word on decisions like travel
in education. So you can basically have kids and not
have any real sense of responsibility. Does she wash them
obaye them too? Well, no, don't get crazy. If I'm
not going to have a say, then you better be
doing all the don't even do that for herself. She said, yeah,

they got because she's old. Because they got they got
servants who got royal nanny's and royal staff. Okay, So
I just I don't under stand this rule. All major
decisions in life, the king or the queen gets to decide.
Mario and Courtney Lopez will be right back with more
from the Geico Studios fifteen minutes to save you more
on car insurance at geo dot com day. Maria Lopez

still a bunch stuff to get to. Gonna make some
emmy predictions next hour or so any tight for that
quickly though, I want to say happy birthday to my
budd Nile Horrn. He is twenty five today. One direction
is growing up. Happy birthday. So apparently where you live
could determine your happiness. It's Mario Lopez ran across the
new survey breaking down the happiest states in the US.

We're gonna see where we land on this next Maria
Lopez whole game here in studio, my wife Courtney, producers
Fraser and Nichols. Real quick, y'all had to guess what
state do you think is the happiest? Oh? Goodness? Um,
the state? Oh god? Um? Do you know what states? Sorry,
I'm gonna have to say, like Missouri, uh, Kansas. I'm

going with Florida. Well, if I was to guess, it
would be Hawaii, and this survey agrees with me it
is the happiest state in the Union. I mean, come on,
you don't it's not much of a stretch right there,
being in Hawaii. No, I did not cheat. It's just
like common sense, right And I would guess something like
Minnesota would be the unhappiest. You'd be wrong, is I
just looked this up in Minnesota's in the top five

of happiest. Oh you know? Do you know? What? Do?
I take back my answer and I'm gonna tell you what.
Minneapolis always is in the list of like happiest cities,
most thriving cities, most for some reason. So they're doing
they are doing something right up there. I guess it
just sounds so cold, right. The other top happiest states

are Utah, North Dakota. Come on, who is happy in
North Dakota? With all due respect? Where do you do?
I've been to North Dakota. Maybe it's just peaceful, I guess.
And California round out the top five. I would guess that, yeah, California.
But West Virginia, oh shoot, yeah, I've been there all right.

Check out the full list right now. It's on with
Mario dot com and hang on more with Mario Lopez
coming up from the Geico Studios in fifteen minutes because
save you or more on car insurance at Geico dot Com.
Gotta set your DVR. Carrie Underwood gonna be on fallon
and I probably doing her new song Love Wins Kimbell's
got the chain Smokers on and if you're a fan
of Go Charlotte, make sure you stay up real late

there on James Gordon. Alright, Mario Lopez, just days away
from the Emmy's going down on Monday this year, And
like we do before most awards, show is gonna make
a prediction or two. Ain't tight. We're gonna dig into
some of the nominations after a few more songs. All right,
Mario Courtney Lopez here with producers Fraserie Nichols. The Emmy's
go down on Monday, first time for that. It's usually

on a Sunday. Anyway, Let's make some predictions. What category
are we focusing on today? How about Outstanding Lead Actor
in a Comedy Series. Okay, who are the nominees? Donald
Glover for Atlanta, Bill Hayter for Barry, which is on HBO,
Anthony Anderson for Blackish, Larry David for Curb Your Enthusiasm,
Ted Danson Your Buddy for The Good Place, and William H.

Macy for Shameless. Well, personally, I would like to see
Larry David for Curb Your Enthusiasm, just for the speech.
The speech would probably be epic or he might just
say thank you and bounce like Joe Pesci did the
one time he won an Oscar. I just think he's
so funny and such a unique talent, and the show
itself is awesome, So that's my pick. I have to

agree with you. Um, it's also the only show I've
seen on this list. I think he's probably one of
the front runners there. Um, if you want to take
a break, we can do another category. Let's do that.
We in on Twitter right now, tweet us on with
Mario and don't move. More fun coming up from the
Geico Studios fifteen minutes you could save you or more
on corn Stress at Geico dot com. Alright, more Emmy

predictions in a set, but wanted to mention we are
just over a week away from our eighteen I Heart
Radio Music Festival Mario Lopez. Here. We got j T,
Kelly Clarkson, Sewn Mendez, Sam Smith, t Mobile Arena in Vegas,
Alamara dot Com Slash Festival for the full lineup and
to get your tickets. Okay, a couple more songs. I'm
gonna dig back into Emmy nominations. It's Mario Lopez. More

predictions ten minutes away alright, a Morion Courtney Lopez, and
we're doing Emmy predictions. Let's hit another category. What do
you got, Frazier. Uh, let's go with the ladies and
get serious. Outstanding Lead Actress in a drama series. Kerry
Russell for The Americans, Claire Foy for The Crown, Elizabeth
Moss Handmaid's Tale, Sandra O Killing Eve, Tatiana Muslani for

Orphan Black, and Evan Rachel Wood for West World. Wow,
that is a tough, tough category. That one is hard
going on pure reputational. Yeah, I was just gonna say,
I think that's on our list. Next, Yes, that's on
our list, and and that to me has gotten the
most buzz um. But I also heard that Carry Russell

was excellent in The Americans Is last year, So I'm
gonna say Carrie Russell or Elizabeth Moss would probably with
Elizabeth Moss walking away with it. There's part of the
really thinks Carry Russell will win because the Americans just
wrapped up the whole series, which was a great series
by the way, But uh, Tatiana Muslani, she plays thirteen characters. Yeah, no,
the whole thing flawlessly. From what I hear. I haven't

seen the show Orphan Black, but which I hear is
another amazing show. Honestly, the Emmy's, I feel are a
way more competitive award show than the Oscars because TV
is just that good. Right now, Yeah, it's so good.
This is on with Mario Lopez Perfect Gigo Studios. Fifteen
minutes could save uncor Insurance. Gigo dot Com on Maria

Lopez New Lopez Family YouTube video out this time, I
take you behind the scenes of the Ellen Show as
I guess hosted. It was. I barely made it too,
I was stressed out. Almara dot Com Check it out alright.
Ten minutes away from Courtney's random question, Mario Lopez, hang
on for that right now, though some more music. It's

Mario Courtney Lopez. Time for another Marine teaser. Let's get
the Courtney's random question. What you got? Okay? Would you
rather be fifteen minutes late for a movie or for church?
You're both all the time? Come on, not? This is
if you had to choose, because you're always like Catholic guilt.
I feel bad when I'm late for church, but not
that bad because they're singing in the beginning is starting,

We're just leaving the house because they're singing in the beginning.
Aren't you supposed to be there? I pray every night,
you know this, and every morning for that matter. But yeah,
I want to be there on time. But I don't
feel as bad because they're singing, and I don't miss
any part of the actual sermon of the eulogy, and

I stay a little bit later if I am late
in the beginning, but ideally I would like to get
there um on time. As far as the movie, if
you're fifteen minutes late, that's cool because there's like twenty
minutes of previews. I went to go see Black Klansman
the other day. There was literally twenty two minutes. Because
I looked at my watch, I thought we were gonna
be really late. I went to the wrong theater and
they were still doing the previous and I'm like, oh
my gosh, twenty two minutes. So you've got a lot

of wiggle room according to the movie start time to
when the movie actually starts. You're picking the movie the
movie all day, which would you use? Let us know
on Twitter at One with Mario Just Mario and Courtney
returned in moments from the Geico Studios. We're fifteen minutes.
You could save more on car insurance. All right. So
if you're playing around on Instagram at on with Mario Lopez,

to check out my chat with the newly engaged Chris
and Crystal from Bachelor in Paradise. You gotta hear what
they think about their cast me Colton being chosen as
the new Bachelor. That was good full interview up plus
picking me with the happy couple. And there are two dogs,
all right, Mario Lopez. Almost the end of my shift,
getting out of here soon, but not before we talk
about Superman drama. One last thing, just a few songs.

Awast I get into one last thing, Mario Lopez here
producers Fraser Nichols, as well. A bunch of Superman drama
went down this week. Hollywood reporter claimed that Henry Cavill
will not be returning as Superman. Warner Brothers fired back,
saying no decisions have been made yet. Henry Cavill posted
a cryptic video on Instagram, however, holding a Superman doll

with the caption today was exciting. I said that was sarcasm,
because I'm sure that's what he meant. I like Henry
cavill of Superman. I thought that guy definitely looked the part.
I know, the last couple of Superman movies, uh, specifically
Superman versus Batman didn't create the buzz and the excitement
that a lot of Justice League. Yes, I mean it did, Okay,

I guess, but those movies are as good as the
Marvel ones. The comic fan boys. Yeah, just tear it up,
and when you compare them to the Marvel ones, they're not.
But as far as him personally, I thought he captured
the way he's supposed to look, much like Christopher Reeve
did back in the day. So I don't not forget
Brandon Ralph. Oh yeah, rest in peace. He didn't die.

I'm just his career. Did you cold as ice? Today?
His Superman did? His Superman did. Head over to On
with Mario dot Com for even more Hollywood bus. This
is On with Mario Lopez, coming to you from the
Geico Studios. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen cent or
more on car Insurress at Geiko dot com. All right,
that's it, time for me to head home. Thanks so

much for hanging out. I will be back tomorrow for
more fun. Until then, let's keep the music going on
with Mario Lopez
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