Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I Am on with Mario Lopez.
Speaker 2 (00:03):
Lights are red MIC's Alive Tuesday edition. While with Mario,
Courtney Lopez lots to get into.
Speaker 3 (00:07):
We're gonna catch up on the buzz, dig into our
inbox to see what's on your mind.
Speaker 4 (00:12):
And chat with singer Robbie Williams, who's got an interesting
new bio pickout, So turn it up. You're on with
Mario and Courtney Lopez.
Speaker 3 (00:20):
All Mario Lopez was something to help with those New
Year's resolutions. There's a new app to help with your
love hate relationship with social media. It's called Steppin' and
it locks you out of your favorite platforms until you
hit a certain fitness goll oh, this is funny. The
inventor got the idea while on a family vacation, and
notice everyone was glued to their screens instead of enjoying
the scenery.
Speaker 2 (00:41):
That is funny.
Speaker 3 (00:41):
However, one pushback. I warm up often on the life
cycle and I'm on social media, either making memes or
posting stuff, posting headlines right, posting headlines while I'm warming up,
so I'm being productive.
Speaker 2 (00:55):
But as soon as it's time to go to work,
I put away the phone.
Speaker 1 (00:57):
More Mario Lopez coming up.
Speaker 3 (01:00):
Almoro Lopez olmar dot com for the latest on the
La wildfires and the recovery efforts. Also got everything you
need to know about the Fire Aid benefit concert going
down Thursday, January thirtieth to raise money for rebuilding communities.
Speaker 2 (01:12):
Devastated by the wildfires.
Speaker 3 (01:14):
Both into a Dome and Kia Forum in LA will
host one night only events bringing together some of the
top names of music. We got performances by Lady Gaga, Sting, Pink,
Katie Perry, Gwen Stefani, Green Day, Dave Matthews, and Moore.
Speaker 2 (01:28):
You're gonna be able to listen live on our free
iHeartRadio app.
Speaker 3 (01:31):
For donations in the entire concert lineup, just visit Fireraidla
dot org.
Speaker 5 (01:37):
Music rolls on as you're ready for another helpful live
hag Royal Courtney Lopez Here a few more songs and
then going to see what my wife has for us
in Courtney's corner. Would love to play a song for
you in the meantime, So if you got something you
want to hear, slide into my DMS over on x
at Old Maaro.
Speaker 2 (01:53):
Hey, you're all Mario, Courtney Lopez. Time to get some
fresh life acts in Courtney's Corner.
Speaker 4 (01:57):
What you got, honey, We're talking about never having to
deep scrub your shower again. Okay, So all you have
to do is buy one of those dishwans that you
can fill up with don dish soap. You fill it
with dish soap and vinegar. Vinegar is like the key
to everything. Yeah, and keep it in your shower. Then
scrub the walls and tub every time after you shower
and before you get out. Takes you about ninety seconds
and you'll never have grime or mold growing in your
shower again. You know. It's always like it's one of
those things where you have take your shoes off and
you don't want to put them away. If you just
put them away when you take them off, then it's done.
If you just put the dishwasher the dishes in the
dishwasher when you're done, then it's done. Clean the shower
when you're done, and then it saves your.
Speaker 6 (02:45):
Time in the future, clean your body, clean your shower.
Speaker 2 (02:47):
Go there, you got that.
Speaker 1 (02:49):
Poor Mario Lopez coming up.
Speaker 2 (02:52):
A Mario Lopez never a shortage of things to celebrate.
Speaker 3 (02:54):
Today, we are recognizing International Sweatpants Day.
Speaker 2 (02:58):
I'm rocking them right now.
Speaker 6 (03:00):
Me too.
Speaker 3 (03:01):
If there was a wardrobe garment that I could live
in every day, it would be sweatpants. They're just super
comfortable and you're chilling in them, and.
Speaker 2 (03:10):
They make like nice ones.
Speaker 3 (03:11):
Now you got designer sweatpants out there for even casual wear.
A few more songs. I'm gonna fire up the zoom
to chat with Robbi Williams, Mario Courtney Lopez here.
Speaker 4 (03:20):
He just dropped a new bio pick and he's played
by a CGI chimp, so it's a little different. We're
gonna get all that scoop from Robbie.
Speaker 7 (03:28):
In ten.
Speaker 2 (03:30):
Tubyl Mario Lopez joining me right now on Zoom. Singer
and songwriter Robbie Williams.
Speaker 7 (03:35):
How you doing, Robbie, I'm doing really well. How are you, brother,
I'm well, I'm well.
Speaker 2 (03:40):
Thank you for asking. You got a new bio pick out. Congrats.
Better Man is the name of it.
Speaker 3 (03:46):
But there's a twist of fascinating one. A CGI chimp
is playing you. What was what was the creative decision
you made with that casting there? What was the process there?
Speaker 7 (04:00):
Okay, so Michael Gracie, the director of the Greatest Showman
asked me if I wanted to do a biopic about
my life, and I am a attention seeker for a living,
and I thought this is too good of an opportunity
to turn down. Michael Gracie himself from Australia, Melbourne, decided
that the genre for biopics is long and quite vanilla
and we needed a usp and he came to me
and he said, Robbie, what's your spirit animal? And I
was searching for some self work that day and I
said I am a lion. And he looked at me
as if to say, come on, bro, we know that's
not true. And he went, okay, so here's the idea.
Speaker 6 (04:43):
Speaker 7 (04:44):
Instantly I loved this idea, instantly could see it, could
get it. It's audacious. My whole career is audacious. And
then I went into the next room where my wife
was and she's the Minister of all Affairs and finance
and decision, and I went and guess what, I'm going
to be a monkey. It was there that I realized
that the idea may be contentious, when she looked at
me crestfallen and confused. Here we are now he is
I am a monkey and it works on so many levels.
Speaker 3 (05:17):
That it's incredibly innovative and clever and getting a lot
of us so, so kudo's on that, all right, Robbie
hay Tight, quick break and we're gonna have more with
Robbie Williams.
Speaker 1 (05:27):
More fun on the way on with Mario Lopez.
Speaker 2 (05:30):
Robbie Williams. I was hanging on. Zoom Mario Lopez here,
and get back to your new biopic quickly.
Speaker 3 (05:34):
Man. I know you you're portrayed by a cgi chimp,
but are you the actual voice.
Speaker 2 (05:40):
Of the monkey?
Speaker 7 (05:41):
I am the narration of the monkey. And but Jon
O'Davis plays me, plays me very well.
Speaker 3 (05:48):
Okay, Robbie hay Tight. We're gonna have more with Robbie
Williams after a bit more music. Catch it up with
Robbie Williams this hour. Mario Lopez here, and this is interesting.
Speaker 2 (05:56):
Tell me that's true.
Speaker 3 (05:57):
You once said in an interview that at the height
of your fame, there was actually a contract out on
your life.
Speaker 2 (06:02):
Was that really? Is that addressed in the movie.
Speaker 7 (06:06):
No, it's not addressed in the movie. We just couldn't
fit it in. And nobody wants a five hour movie
about Robbie Williams. It was one of my many stories
that I couldn't quite fit in. Yeah, and it was
only two grand Mario my life.
Speaker 2 (06:24):
We're only too grand. So you must have not done
something that bad.
Speaker 7 (06:29):
Well, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Speaker 8 (06:31):
I actually haven't done anything other than become successful. And
some people that do that kind of thing didn't enjoy
the fact that I may be enjoying my life more
than they were enjoying theirs.
Speaker 2 (06:42):
That is fascinating.
Speaker 3 (06:43):
All right, quick break, We're gonna come back and wrap
it up with Robbie ron Mario Lopez.
Speaker 2 (06:48):
Wrapping up with Robbie Williams.
Speaker 3 (06:49):
And before you go, as far as the new album,
what can fans expect or when can fans expect?
Speaker 7 (06:55):
The fans can expect a new album in mayish time.
I think this movie is out now, and I will
say that I think the soundtrack sounds better than the originals.
Speaker 2 (07:07):
Oh nice, nice, And You're gonna be touring in Europe
this year.
Speaker 7 (07:10):
Correct, I'll be touring in Europe and maybe maybe coming
to North America.
Speaker 3 (07:16):
Oh fun fun, okay, okay, Well, well, I hope you
do make it out here, and congratulations on the biopick.
Speaker 2 (07:24):
Speaker 3 (07:24):
Be sure to check out Robbie's biopick Better Man in
theaters now and be on the lookout for some new
music come May. Robbie, thanks for taking the time and
checking in.
Speaker 7 (07:34):
Bless you, buddy, Thank you lovely to see you you.
Speaker 3 (07:36):
Too, Take care You're the full interview now at on
with Mario Dunc More Mario Lopez on the Way.
Speaker 2 (07:42):
Mario Lopez, here was a quick buzz for you.
Speaker 3 (07:43):
Despite the horrific and ongoing La Fire's word is the
twenty twenty five Grammy Awards will still take place as planned. However,
now the show is going to raise funds to help
to support relief efforts and honor the bravery of first responders.
The Recording Academy has already given over two million to
those in need. On Maria dot com to find out
how you can help and get ready sixty seventh Grammy
Awards on CBS February second.
Speaker 2 (08:18):
You're all Mario Lopez cook.
Speaker 3 (08:19):
Reminder that tomorrow morning, nine am Eastern, we're getting all
the details of our twenty twenty by by Heart Radio
Music Awards nominees, how to vote for your favorites, everything,
so set a reminder to hit a ballwri dot com
tomorrow morning at nine Am Eastern to find out everything
you need to know. Al Mario Courtney Lopez. Time for
a few celeb B Day shout outs. Fraser's got the list.
We and try to guess the agents.
Speaker 6 (08:40):
Emma Baby Spice Bunting from the Spice.
Speaker 2 (08:43):
Girls, Baby Spice, which one was that one?
Speaker 6 (08:45):
She was the youngest?
Speaker 1 (08:46):
I think?
Speaker 4 (08:46):
Was it the redhead?
Speaker 6 (08:47):
I don't know know that's Ginger?
Speaker 9 (08:49):
Oh yeah, yeah, that's right, come on, and Melby was
the scary one.
Speaker 4 (08:54):
Yeah, which I would not want that to be my name.
Baby Spicey longer a baby she is fifty.
Speaker 3 (09:02):
Seven, No, I'm gonna say she's forty five, forty nine, okay,
forty nine.
Speaker 6 (09:07):
Geena Davis from A League of their Own and.
Speaker 3 (09:10):
A movie that I think is underrated. And she was
great in Last Kiss good Night.
Speaker 6 (09:13):
That's actually that's a great movie.
Speaker 2 (09:14):
Good movie. She's a good action star in that one. Gina,
I'm gonna say is.
Speaker 6 (09:19):
Fifty three, fifty seven sixty nine, oh wow.
Speaker 9 (09:23):
And get out of his dreams and into his car,
Billy Ocean that.
Speaker 2 (09:27):
Was himself a Caribbean queen.
Speaker 4 (09:29):
I would never get into a car.
Speaker 6 (09:30):
I used to think.
Speaker 9 (09:30):
When I was younger, I used to think Caribbean queen
was Caribou queen for something they get sounded like that.
Speaker 2 (09:36):
He said Caribbean quid.
Speaker 6 (09:38):
But it's but it's not about.
Speaker 4 (09:40):
The pronunciation Caribbean.
Speaker 9 (09:43):
Caribbean and Caribbean are both correct, but it depends on
what you're talking about. One is an adjective. So if
you're describing the sea like the the sea is the
Caribbean sea. But if you're saying like, oh, those shirts
are are Caribbean the caribal got it?
Speaker 2 (09:57):
Got it?
Speaker 6 (09:57):
That's your lesson for today.
Speaker 4 (09:58):
With that, said Billy, which is three quarters of the earth,
he's sixty seven.
Speaker 6 (10:08):
Sixty five seventy five.
Speaker 2 (10:10):
Wow more.
Speaker 1 (10:12):
Mario Lopez coming up?
Speaker 2 (10:14):
You're all Mario Lopez, Let's get to your comments.
Speaker 6 (10:17):
What'd you find in the mentions?
Speaker 9 (10:18):
This is from at Divorceia Da Sexy says, how am
I just finding out about the movie Husband for Hire?
Eric Estrada, Mario Lopez, Mark Consuelos, All Star.
Speaker 3 (10:29):
Cast Divorceiata Sexy says, uh, that's an what's good movie?
Speaker 2 (10:34):
My gosh, I must have did that. Two thousand and six.
Speaker 6 (10:37):
Erica Strada player Dad Erica Strada.
Speaker 3 (10:39):
Believe played Mark Consuelos's dad, Okay, I was vying for
the same girl that Consuelos was, And yeah, I had
a it was It was.
Speaker 2 (10:50):
A funny little movie.
Speaker 3 (10:51):
It was a funny little movie, romantic comedy. I believe
we shot in New Mexico. A lot of people have
been bringing that up to me. They must be playing
much hey somewhere. Yeah, yeah, husband for hire.
Speaker 2 (11:03):
There you go.
Speaker 1 (11:04):
Git us up on Twitter, head on with Mario and
hang on more. Mario Lopez on the way.
Speaker 2 (11:10):
Mario Lopez with some quick buzz for you.
Speaker 3 (11:12):
We know that a lot of celebs have been affected
by the La wildfires, but a bunch you're also stepping up.
Leo DiCaprio is donating a million dollars towards wildfire relief
in La. Other stars pitching it include Beyonce, Paris Hilton,
Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba, a whole bunch more and now
the Eagles are pledging over two million dollars to fire Aid.
They're from La the benefit concert for the victims of
the fires.
Speaker 2 (11:34):
The concert is going to.
Speaker 3 (11:34):
Go down January thirtieth at the end to a dome.
For donations in the entire concert lineup, visit FIREAIDLA dot Org.
Time to get your vote on olmar dot Comcaster votes
for all your favorites. Nominated for a twenty twenty five
hour Radio Podcast Award, Mario Courtney Lopez.
Speaker 4 (11:50):
Here shows going down live from Austin, Texas on March tenth.
Make your pick for Podcast of the Year. You can
check out a full list of nominees and more just
headed on with Mario dot com slash Pop Cast Awards.
Speaker 3 (12:02):
Al Mario Courtney Lopez twenty twenty five shaping up to
be the year of celeb splits.
Speaker 1 (12:08):
On Memorial Hollywood Bust.
Speaker 3 (12:11):
So I told you last week that after only a
couple of years of marriage, j Loo and then Affleck
have finally settled their divorce. Well, the couple finally reaching
an agreement on splitting their many assets where it is.
Speaker 2 (12:21):
That includes splitting the proceeds of a.
Speaker 3 (12:23):
Sixty eight million dollar estate that's been sitting on the
market for six months.
Speaker 1 (12:27):
At least.
Speaker 3 (12:27):
They were very amicable, it appears, and quick with their divorce,
unlike Brad Pittan, Angelina and Jolie who took eight years.
Speaker 6 (12:35):
That's good. They were quick about it.
Speaker 4 (12:37):
Also mentioned the other day that Jessica Simpson and her
husband Eric Johnson announced that they are calling it quits
after a decade of marriage, adding she and Eric have
been living separately. They have three kids and say they
are focusing on doing what's best for them and asking
for privacy as they work through the divorce as a family.
But some say she was dropping hints when she recently
teased making new music.
Speaker 3 (12:58):
You know, you don't ever really hear too much about
her in any sort of drama. This just sort of
came out of nowhere, and it is said because they
do have three small kids in ten years a long time.
Speaker 4 (13:10):
Well. Another Jessica is also announcing a trip to Splitsville.
Jessica Alba and her husband Cash Warren are heading for
divorce after sixteen years of marriage. Jessica says that she
and Cash were just like roommates before they split. They
also have three kids together.
Speaker 3 (13:24):
This one I didn't see coming at all, because sixteen
years is a long time, and she was recently quoted
as saying the spark was gone after like two and
a half years.
Speaker 6 (13:32):
I was like, WHOA, that's a long time to wait.
Speaker 2 (13:34):
Yeah, that is a long time.
Speaker 3 (13:36):
It's very very sad, and you know, obviously we wish
them all the best and hopefully they can stay positive
and amicable for the kids involved.
Speaker 2 (13:44):
But I'll tell you who's not splitting the Lopezes.
Speaker 4 (13:47):
That's right, stay away from my husband.
Speaker 2 (13:49):
We're stronger than ever.
Speaker 1 (13:51):
More Mario Lopez.
Speaker 2 (13:52):
On the way A Mario Lopez.
Speaker 3 (13:54):
We've been dealing with the wildfires here in La most
of the country enduring a polar vortex, meaning way below
average for three.
Speaker 2 (14:02):
Hundred million Americans. How do you deal with it?
Speaker 3 (14:05):
Dress in layers, stay active, and stay indoor as if
you can. But experts also say in cold weather you
should eat well too, hot meals, soups, oat meal, a
lot of comfort food. Cold weather can actually cause you
to crave more carbs. So if you blow your Niars diet,
you can blame.
Speaker 2 (14:20):
The polar votex Al Mario Lopez. Almost time for me
to head out.
Speaker 3 (14:25):
Just one last thing to get too hang time for
that as we keep the music coming your way. Got
a song you want to hear, Please hit me up on.
Speaker 2 (14:31):
Facebook add on with Mario Yo, Mark Courtney Lopez. I'm
not one last thing. Food safety experts aren't completely on
board with.
Speaker 3 (14:39):
Jessica Bill's latest trend to which I think she's still
trolling us, but she's been talking a lot about how
she loves to eat in the shower, which is absolutely ridiculous.
Speaker 2 (14:48):
Who likes wet food?
Speaker 3 (14:50):
However, experts warn that besides wasting water and heat, water
from your dirty hair can driven to your food, and
the surfaces on your shower and wall floor could have
a lot of micro organisms.
Speaker 2 (15:01):
I used to like her and think she was really cool.
This is unless she comes out at one point and
said I said some crazy stuff and y'all believe me.
Speaker 4 (15:08):
Haha. I think I think she's just kidding.
Speaker 2 (15:11):
She's committing though, because she's doing she's.
Speaker 4 (15:13):
An actress, she's probably maybe she's doing this for a role.
Speaker 2 (15:16):
Maybe, but she's uh, She's done like two or three
videos talking about how much she likes it, so she
is trolling than.
Speaker 1 (15:22):
Bravo More Mario Lopez coming up.
Speaker 2 (15:26):
That's it. Tuesday's DONEZ big thanks to Robbie Williams. Full
chat up at on with Mario dot Com.
Speaker 4 (15:32):
More fun tomorrow. Until then, this is Mario and Courtney
Lopez saying good night
Speaker 1 (15:37):
With Mario Lopez