Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
On with Mario Lopez. So berl Mario Lopez, you don't
even now? On zoom My buddy, Jenny Garth, how are you, Jenny?
Speaker 2 (00:08):
Hey, I'm good.
Speaker 1 (00:10):
How are you? I'm well? Always nice to see you. Congrats.
By the way, you've been crushing it on your I
Choose Me podcast. Uh, what kind of stuff you been
talking about lately?
Speaker 2 (00:19):
Oh, my goodness. Well, this week we have Sherry Shepherd
on and she's always fun to talk with. We've been
talking a lot about imposter syndrome and different ways to
choose ourselves in life. I think that, you know, that
message is really resonating with a lot of people right now.
Taking that time to take care of ourselves a little bit.
We all need it.
Speaker 1 (00:40):
Imposter syndrome when you're basically being phony. I'm assuming that's
your true authentic self.
Speaker 2 (00:45):
I mean, it's when you feel as if you don't
belong somewhere. You know, like you don't have enough to contribute,
and it's all in your mind. All you're subconscious trying
to get you out of a situation that could be risky,
but you got to stay in sometimes and take those risks.
Speaker 1 (01:03):
Wow, that's good. Never felt that way, but Okay, I've
I always feel like I can talk our way out
of this. I'll be all right. This is cool though.
You're going to be doing a live of that based
on the podcast in January. What can we expect?
Speaker 2 (01:19):
Yes, January eleventh, we're having our inaugural, our debut event.
It's just something that I hope to be able to
travel around the country with and bring to different cities.
But it is just an opportunity to bring together a
really magnetic group of women. There's something about when a
group of women come together. It's just magical and there
are so many insights shared and it's inspiring and it's
just like food for the soul. So this is an
event with some really great women. We're going to do
some panels, we're going to have some great food, and
it's just going to be sort of an experiential day.
And we're doing it at the iHeart Theater in Burbank,
and it's.
Speaker 1 (02:00):
That is a cool venue right there. Are you're gonna have,
guess I'm assuming.
Speaker 2 (02:03):
Yes, We're going to have panels, different panels and different
subjects and some really insightful things. I was just recently
at Reese Witherspoon's event. I think it's called shine or
shine on, and you leave feeling empowered, like there's nothing
you can't do, and you have a new sort of
pep in your step after you spend an afternoon being
sort of motivated and inspired by other women. So I'm
really looking forward to being able to do that for
the people that come.
Speaker 1 (02:33):
Good for you. That's awesome. And you also launched your
clothing brand ME a couple of months ago. How's a
fashion game? Are you liking that?
Speaker 2 (02:42):
I'm loving it. It's a whole new worlds like I
did not, you know, It's not something I knew I
was going to be doing at this age. But I
think that that's kind of the cool thing about it.
I'm fifty two and I'm going down roads I've never
gone down before, and I think that that is, you know,
just a really important message to send out there to
women that it's not over when your fifty life is
sort of just beginning, because we have this whole world
of wisdom that we've garnered through all of our experiences,
all our ups and downs, and it's just sort of
like incorporating that, all those all of that into what
I'm really passionate about right now. And when it comes
to fashion, it's about helping women choose themselves first thing
in the morning and picking an outfit out that looks great,
feels great, makes them feel empowered, and that's what our
fashion line is all about.
Speaker 1 (03:36):
Nice. I like this direction your head man. With all
this stuff, I think it's going to be great. You've
also been dropping some cooking recipes on your ig. Is
a cookbook possibly in your future?
Speaker 2 (03:45):
There no, if people want a cookbook, I'll do it.
I mean I don't. I love cooking. I don't get
to do it enough, but I have so much fun
doing it. All right.
Speaker 1 (03:54):
Hey, do you check out your Girltory Spelling on Dancing
with the Stars of this season?
Speaker 2 (03:57):
Yes? Oh my gosh, Nerve King's say the least. I
was very nervous. She did so good, though, and I
was bummed because I saw so much, you know, room
for growth for her, and I knew she was really
applying herself and trying so hard. I know she had
a great time though.
Speaker 1 (04:13):
That's cool. Something I've been wanting to ask you, and
I said I wasn't ask you next time I saw.
I don't know if it's true or not. Did you
really have two hip replacements. Yes, what happened? Did you
have an accident or do you have some bad hip?
So each hip, I.
Speaker 2 (04:28):
Know, I had one done in twenty twenty and then
I had one done this year in twenty twenty four.
Speaker 1 (04:32):
Wow, what is it a genetic thing or did you
have an accident?
Speaker 2 (04:36):
No, it's genetic And just like lifestyle wear and tear,
I was I used to be a dancer. I rode
horses all my life.
Speaker 1 (04:43):
And were you in a lot of pain prior to that?
Speaker 2 (04:46):
Yeah? I was. I had gotten too the place where
I couldn't even walk my dogs in my neighborhood like
the hills, and so I just thought, you know what,
I'm young. I want to get this taken care of now,
so I have a quick and strong recovery. And that's
exactly what happened. Like I forgot get that I have
two fake hips every day. I just I forget about it.
Speaker 1 (05:04):
And you can go after you have that. Does the
doctor say you can just kind of go back to
doing what you were doing and you're fine. You're good
to go.
Speaker 2 (05:10):
Yeah, back to golfing, I do it, working out, I
do it all.
Speaker 1 (05:14):
Wow, that's a trip. The thing, well, good for you. Then, hey, hold,
are how old are the kids now?
Speaker 2 (05:20):
Oh my gosh, my oldest daughter is twenty seven. Oh
my god.
Speaker 1 (05:22):
You guys have a full on, big adult I know.
Speaker 2 (05:25):
I have my harem of women now, my daughter twenty one, Lola,
who does the fashion line with me, she's the VP
of me, the brand Nice, and my youngest just turned eighteen. Wow.
Speaker 1 (05:39):
So all adults you could party with your kids. We
do have we whoop it up, Mario, i'vevet know. That's
so much fun. Oh that's great. That's great. Well, I
hope I get to see in person soon. Congratulations on
everything and allmyo dot com for info on how you
can attend Jenny's live podcast taping. Thank you so much
for taking the time, and I'll have to see you Stuma,
sweet you too. All right, take care. On with Mario