Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Say it again, Lay.
Speaker 2 (00:09):
Charlottemagne, the same is true.
Speaker 1 (00:12):
Yes, donkey Today for Thursday, July eleventh, goes to a
Philadelphia man named Gary Miles. Now. I was going to
do this story today to raise awareness to this individual
because it seemed like he was gonna still be on
the run for his crime. But a day after Philadelphia
police and Meek Mill asked for the public's help and
finding this freaky ass negro, he has turned himself in.
See this man did something very diabolical at a dollar tree. Sidebar,
Why do they still call the dollar tree the dollar tree?
What the hell is a dollar in the dollar Tree?
The average price point in dollar Tree is a buck
twenty five and the max price of an item is
seven dollars. Another sidebar, Jesse Hilarrys still steals out of
Dollar General. But that's a story for another day. You
got a mouthful of captain crunch. You can't even reply
right now? Okay, let's get back to this freaky as
John named Gary Miles. Now, Gary Miles walked into a
dollar tree in Southwest Philly with a T shirt on
that had a picture of a candy cane with the
words It's not gonna lick itself. Gary got a weird shirt?
Why is he around? Okay, well, it could lick itself. Well,
if he could lick itself, then Gary probably wouldn't have
committed the crime he committed. Because Gary has been charged
with in decent assault. Would you like to know what
Gary did? Let's go to Fox twenty nine Philadelphia for
the report. Police.
Speaker 3 (01:28):
This just in.
Speaker 4 (01:29):
The man police say sexually assaulted a woman at a
South Philly Dollar tree store has turned himself in the attack,
gaining national attention, even wrapper meek Mill tweeting today that
he would award two thousand dollars the person who finds him.
Police identified him as thirty five year old Gary Miles.
His surrender happening after disturbing videos circulating on social media
appearing to show the end of the assault. It happened
at the store, located at Snyder Plaza on East Snyder
Street on June twi twenty third. Police say a mugshot
will be released once charges are officially filed.
Speaker 1 (02:05):
Masturbating on a woman in a dollar tree is absolutely
the pure definition of a cheap thrill. Now, there is
a video, as you heard the woman say, that shows
the end of the assault. I'm gonna play this audio
because I want you to hear the pure terror in
this lady's voice, so you understand why I believe Gary
needs a taste of his own poison.
Speaker 2 (02:24):
Let's listen, you fucking you got out back? Oh my
good jone.
Speaker 1 (02:43):
Never in the history of Philadelphia has someone deserved to
be called a nut ass nigga more than Gary Mouse. Okay,
of all the places to celebrate Palm Sunday, you decide
to do it in a dollar tree on a person.
No need to bring out the caution web flow signs
because your perverted punk ass decide to ejaculate on a
random woman. I totally agree with Meek mil putting the
two thousand dollars bounty on his headtop not to kill him,
but to simply bring him to justice. Okay, And if
he got roughed up in the process, so what. At
some point the community has to police the community. And
if this man can go in dollartry and intentionally put
homemade jerk sauce on some unsuspecting john, then he can
intentionally get hands and feet put on him. Okay, you
dudes be running around here doing things the women as
if these women don't have any men in their life.
Women have fathers, brothers, uncles, husbands, boyfriends, friends who loved
him and who will beat your ass for him. Ask
yourself if beating your baby maker on a stranger in
a dollar tree is worth getting your ass beat for
beating your baby maker on a stranger in dollatry. Okay,
you really have to give people like this a taste
of their own poison. Gary needs a taste of his
own poison. Gary Miles need to taste up his own poison. Seriously. Okay,
we have to start getting with devil with some of
these creeps, because that's the only way folks are gonna learn.
We say, smart people learn from their own mistakes. Wise
people learn from the mistakes of others. So let's instill
some wisdom. I believe Gary Miles should have to have
a healthy diet of cock chowder while in prison. Okay,
at least okay, every day for thirty days straight. He
should have to get some knuckle babies splashed on his
leg in the same spot he did it to that
poor young lady. I prefer he has to eat the
baby gravy of random inmates. That's what I prefer Okay,
now we can mix it into things.
Speaker 2 (04:30):
Speaker 1 (04:30):
He doesn't have to eat it raw, but he should
be forced to see the love liquor go into his food,
and then he has to eat it. Don't feed him
nothing else. He will resist that first, but then eventually
he gonna get hungry, and the peenis is pudding gonna
be right there waiting for him when he does. Okay,
I got the whole menu for Gary Miles. Peanuts, butter
and jelly slong sandwiches, throat yogurt. On Fridays, we're gonna
have happy Hour from five to six. Oh, you can
drink Peenus colaidis. That is the only way folks like
Gary will learn. And Gary is gonna say this isn't right.
Why y'all doing this to me? Well, guess what. That's
exactly what that young lady in Dollar Tree was thinking.
That's exactly how she felt. It wasn't right. Why you
doing that to her? We don't have no remorse for you. Gary.
Sit down, take a sip of this penis and be quiet.
Please let bring me Ma get Gary Miles the biggest.
Speaker 3 (05:20):
He huh he ha he ha, You stupid mother? Are
you dumb?
Speaker 1 (05:25):
That's the only way they're gonna learn. That's the only
way to go.
Speaker 5 (05:30):
I feel like you didn't see this man like jerking
off before he because it don't you don't just go out.
I mean, I don't have a penis, but I'm just saying,
I know it doesn't work like that. You just can't
spray seeming like you Spider Man, like, did you not?
Was there a build up?
Speaker 1 (05:47):
Did you see him?
Speaker 3 (05:48):
Maybe he was behind I thought about that too, like
unless he's just all her victim blame, I'm just curious,
like you, was he behind the eye? Might he probably
was behind an eye or looking at her, and then
right before completion he ran out because the then he
ran out right after.
Speaker 5 (06:03):
Okay, because I was just like, nah, I don't work
like that. He ain't you know seming Spider Man like
you know what I'm saying. But no, I'm not victim blaming.
Speaker 1 (06:11):
I just wanted to know did She's the question The
Internet is definitely going to say you're victim blaming.
Speaker 5 (06:18):
It's not about the Internet. It's about Meek Mill trying
to bring this man in justice.
Speaker 1 (06:21):
It was like his location.
Speaker 5 (06:25):
He ain't say your tournament, he said where he at
right now when it comes on.
Speaker 3 (06:29):
He turned and he said, I'm messing with Philly right well,
thank you for that. Crazy activated all the seaman chases
to go find this man. He couldn't wait to jump
on ches cream chases.
Speaker 1 (06:44):
They found that say, we.
Speaker 3 (06:46):
Picking on helone man.
Speaker 1 (06:49):
Oh my gosh, I'm trying to be serious. Man.
Speaker 5 (06:52):
You don't the cream chases. You don't know, you don't.
Speaker 1 (06:57):
Donkey Today is sponsored by renowned personal injury attorney Michael
to Bull lambing'soft Don't be a donkey when you need
a fighter on your side. If you're ever injured, go
to Michael to Bull dot com. That's Michael to Bull
dot com. And when you mess with the bull, you
get the horns.
Speaker 2 (07:13):
Wake that ass up in the morning. Breakfast Club