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Speaker 1 (00:11):
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
The final days of Bidenism are upon us many ways,
Tomorrow's the last business day of the Biden administration. Are
you feeling all of the nostalgia? No, you're not. You're
looking forward to the end of perhaps the most incompetent
presidential administration of our lifetime. The Obama administration was uniquely destructive,
but Biden's administration was both destructive and idiotic, not even
good at advancing the policies that left wing Democrats wanted advanced,
and they shoved him aside even though he was an
incumbent president. It is an ignominious end to an ignominious presidency,
and in many ways, I think it's particularly fitting that
you had at the State Department, you might have seen
a couple of journalists freaking out and shouting at Anthony
Blincoln because the Democrats have propped up these lunatics within
their base for years and now reality is dawning on them,
and the reality is that Donald Trump is going to
be president in just a matter of days. You can
pretty much count the hours now, and all that stuff
about you know, Russia collusion, the insurrection and the fascism
and the prosecutions and the impeachments all for naught. It
was all just a giant waste of time. Isn't that amazing?
All that stuff they did against Trump? And I'm not
even including in this the two assassination attempts against Donald Trump.
But all that the radical left did and the Democrat
Party did to stop him was effectively useless in the end,
as we shall see. And he's about to take office.
But you know what's not going to make Trump and
the Trump team particularly sad. Oh I know that Michelle
Obama is not coming to the inauguration. Oh no, what.
Speaker 3 (02:23):
Are we gonna do about that? Michelle Obama's not blending
on showing up at the inauguration. She didn't show up
to Jimmy Carter's funeral either. Yeah, because she doesn't want
to and she doesn't do things she doesn't want to do.
This is also why I knew all along, despite what
some people were saying, that she was never going to
run for president.
Speaker 2 (02:41):
She likes being a very rich celebrity who does whatever
she wants and has people who will worship her no
matter what she says or does. Lots of people that
follow that category. She has no interest in, like civic
duty or anything like that. But it's pretty funny. The
New York Post here has a story Trump team having
a good laugh over for Michelle Obama's deliberate decision to
skip inauguration. Didn't expect her to come anyway. Yeah, of
course they didn't. Its supposed to be really cold in DC.
I'm going to be in DC if the inauguration because
Clay wants to go, so we're both going, and it's
gonna be very cold. It's currently like a nice, balmy
seventy degrees in Miami where I am, and I'm gonna
be in twenty something degree weather in DC. So that's
gonna be a little bit tough. That's gonna be a
little bit of a rude awakening.
Speaker 3 (03:33):
But it'll be okay.
Speaker 2 (03:35):
It's gonna be fun. Yeah. The fact that Michelle Obama's
not going to the inauguration is I'm sure not a
a major blow to the hopes and dreams of anybody
in Trump world. They didn't think she would come regardless,
and sure enough she is not. And you know, the
pomp and circumstance of inauguration. We'll just have to see
how it all shakes out. I though, think that the
Biden administration is going out with a particular whimper, and
I think that it's hard for anyone to argu otherwise.
There's nothing that Biden can point to that's an accomplishment.
The stuff that he did on COVID was all wrong
and terrible, and late in the game too, when we
knew a lot more. The fact that he wanted OSHA
to have a COVID regulation, remember this, that was going
to make every business that had one hundred employees or
more get COVID shots or else that we're going to
have like fines and all these. The whole thing was insane.
The whole thing was nuts and so destructive and so wrong.
And you look what I was. Biden allowed the Democrats
to spend a bunch of money on stuff that we
shouldn't spend money on, to raid the treasury, to run
up inflation. Wars broke out abroad because no one scared
of Joe Biden. No one thinks that there was really
a commander in chief. And the border was the worst
border that we've had in the history of our country
wide open total invasion of illegals, millions and millions, ten
million of them came over four years, and it was
just a complete debacle, I mean, an absolute mess on
an administration with a guy who had dementia who never
should have been even running, never mind actually the president.
And so the depression that I think Democrats feel, the
exuberance and the exhilaration and the excitement that Republicans feel
is very much warranted, and the Democrats feeling quite a
bit down. They've earned it, and so it's good for them.
Should they should marinate in their sadness because they should
be sad. They should never have made Joe Biden president
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sponsored by Preborn. Yeah, it was a particularly tough closing
week here for the Biden team. Scott Jennings over at CNN,
I think said it very well, what is the the
real legacy of Bidenism at this point? Bringing back Trump?
Speaker 1 (07:17):
I think the way he's leaving office has been frankly
pretty terrible. He's going to be remembered for a few things,
but politically it's mostly for when he was vice president,
he and Obama sort of ushering in the Trump era initially,
and then as he's leading office as president, bringing back
Trump and Trump is stronger and more popular than ever Today.
Biden has like a sixty one percent disapproval and Trump
is over a fifty percent approval and more popular in
his ideology, is more popular than it's ever been. If
everything you say is true, the Democrats should have had
no trouble getting re elected in this election. Yet it's
an issue of a community I know, and for Democrats
it's always been about communication and no introspection about the
policies that led to him leaving office as one of
the most unpopular presidents. When I watch this tonight, I
remain astonished he his family and other people around him
thought he could ever run for another term. I mean,
there's no way he could serve another six months, let
him known another four years. The fact that they pursued
that forrest for as long as they did to me
remains one of the most astonishing things about this term.
Speaker 2 (08:25):
Trump is more powerful, has more momentum, has social media
barons now coming to his side, something that would have
been unthinkable just a few years ago, or at least
was not thought of by many people. And he has
better numbers, popularity numbers than he's had before. I mean,
it is the most amazing comeback story in the history
of American politics. I don't know what else could even
compete with it. To go from, they raided his home
at Mar Alago. The FBI was used to raid his home,
and this is what ends up happening. Donald Trump becomes president,
manages to run through all the roadblocks and ambushes and
everything else, and it is setting up for what I
think could be an incredibly consequential and important presidency. It's
an unbelievable story. And it's remarkable also that he's really
managed the full defeat of at least temporary defeat of
the media. I mean, the Washington Post now is saying
news for all Americans, they're moving away from Democracy dies
in Darkness as their slogan. Why is that happening? Because
they turned into a left winging activist organization of loons
and it wasn't working and they had to figure something
else out, and Jeff Bezos decided he didn't want the
inmates running the asylum completely anymore. At the Washington Post,
which exists by his leave, by his generosity, And so
he had Trump shattered, CNN shattered, the Washington Post, New
York Times a figment, a fraction of what it used
to be. And this is all because they went all
in against Trump and it just did not work. Truly,
his endurance and his desire for the fight is just superhuman.
It would have crushed so many other people what has
gone on. It would have absolutely crushed so many other people.
And yet Trump, it really almost inspires him to fight
harder when they fight dirtier, you know, the dirtier they got,
the more committed he was. It's amazing when you think
about it. And now we're at the end of Biden.
I mean, I think I haven't really no sympathy for
Biden as a public figure. I don't think he's a
good person. I don't think that he cares about the
country and any means way. I think it's always been
about him and his family. I think he's a I
think he's corrupt. I think he's a criminal. I think
that he is not very bright. I think he has
no morals. I think that he'll do absolutely and say
absolutely anything, and if that ever sounds too harsh. I'm
just reminded of the fact that Biden was the biggest voice,
with the biggest megaphone for fire people who won't get
the COVID vaccine. Basically, you know, they're creating a winter
of death and the divisiveness in that moment, and to
do that to people, and he was wrong, of course,
COVID vaccine was practically worthless. He was wrong, and yet
this was this was the attitude that he took. Never
apologize for it. I think he's a jerk and he's
a bad person. I really truly believe that. I don't
think that Joe Biden. I don't think there's anything admirable
about him, and maybe loyalty to family members, you know,
even the most degenerate family members, but his president, his
presidency was truly a failure. I cannot say that the
Obama administration, which went on obviously for eight years, not four,
but I can't tell you that that was a failure
from the perspective of a democrat. I got Obama care through.
There was a lot of leftward movement, a lot of
radicalizing of the country towards the left that occurred. You know,
it was a big lurch to the left under Obama,
pushed on a whole in a whole bunch of ways,
and the weaponization of government really started under him. There's
a lot of reasons to say if you're a Democrat,
Obama managed to get some important things done that they
wanted done. Bad for the country, yes, but that's my opinion.
They like what he did. Biden didn't get Biden was
a joke, was a joke, couldn't get anything done. Never
should have been president. And I think the good news
here is that the justice that will come from this
is that Biden is the guy who set up an
incredible term for Trump. And that's really what's bringing this
whole thing full circle. See, you know, I grew up
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twenty twenty five dot com. I know I mentioned this
yesterday on the on the podcast, I think the TikTok
is going to be saved. You know, Biden is now
saying he's going to work to save it. So, you know,
the Democrats in Biden and unfortunately Republicans went along with it.
They passed this law and they create this problem or
TikTok maybe shut down. Now they're saying they're going to
save it too. Isn't it interesting? You know, it's at
the end here where yours truly has been saying that
shutting down TikTok is silly all along. I mean, I've
been kind of on my own on this one, but
I think I'm right. Trump now has decided he likes TikTok.
I've been saying all along, TikTok is actually a really
impressive platform with a lot of really good content. We
need to work on their censorship and their anti conservative bias,
but I think that there's a lot of leverage to
do that now. But just the fact that Biden here
at the end, you know, the hostages are going home
because Trump is coming in, and TikTok might be saved
the last minute because Trump likes it. And it's just
amazing to see, even before Trump is fully president, how
different it is to have somebody who is who is
a leader, who is effective, versus somebody who is just
a puppet effectively of the advisors around him and the
people who are actually making the decisions. Which was true
about Biden all along, and I said it all along.
I do love that Biden is saying that he would
have won and Kamala is getting ticked off about this.
Like Biden publicly saying he would have won the election
if he had stayed in. I know it sounds crazy
to a lot of you. I still think that he
was a even with the dementia stronger candidate than Kamala.
Kamala was a uniquely awful national level candidate for office.
She is not likable, she is not charming, she is
not funny, she is not smart, she is not accomplished. Really,
she represents everything that people resent about this, the dei
left wing political trajectory of the Democrat Party. Everything they
see there. That's just someone being advanced for superficial reasons
and who you know, checks off certain boxes but has
no actual skill set and doesn't bring anything meaningful to
the table other than their identity and you know, their ethnicity,
their gender, things like that. Kamala was a uniquely awful politician.
And I still think that Joe Biden would have been
for a lot of people in the middle, if you will,
would have been a more palatable option than pulling the
lever for Kamala Harris. Like I could be wrong, but
I just think it's funny that Kamala was mad about
this because she wants to have a future political career
and I don't see how that can happen. She can't
be believed if Kamala Harris is the nominee in twenty
twenty eight Republicans are going for They're going to win again.
There's a number of Republicans who would win against Kamala
Harris and I would put a big bet on it.
So that's to me, that's a non starter. Sponsors Barcreek
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All right, that's the buck bree for today. Shield tie