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November 19, 2024 32 mins
Buck Sexton is joined by Michael Malice, author, podcaster, and host of "YOUR WELCOME." They dive into the left’s strategies, the challenges facing Elon Musk, and the potential shake-ups under leaders like Trump and RFK Jr. From immigration policy to the influence of bureaucracies. Buck and Michael unpack insights into how the left might regroup and the role of powerful figures like Nancy Pelosi behind the scenes.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to the Buck Sexton Show podcast, make sure
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
All right, Buck, brief time, everybody. Michael Malice with us
hosts of your welcome fantastic program.

Speaker 3 (00:25):
You should all check out. Michael.

Speaker 2 (00:26):
I haven't talked to you since the election. I wanted
to get first and foremost, your your thoughts on what's
going on right now. You got NFL players doing the
Trump Dance. You got people running around seemingly more excited
about Trump than ever before. MSNBC has hosts going to
pay homage to Trump at mar A Lago after saying

he was hitler.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
What is happening?

Speaker 1 (00:52):
I think there's a lot that's happening in different ways.
First of all, I think you'll agree with me, and
it's very rare I do this. You have to give
the media some credit because they prepared their voters for
a loss. It's not like twenty sixteen where they're suffering
this kind of existential trauma. Part like the in the
marginally ones saw this as a possibility. So that is

good in terms of not having unrest and all sorts
of your insanity happening Number one. Number two is just historically,
you know, grow any kind of entertainment, you've got the
corporate wing, and then you've got the cool stuff, right,
You've got the stuff that they play on the radio
and the mall, and they have the records that you
know you have to order from far away. So when
you have all of corporate entertainment behind one candidate, you know,

beyondce to Taylor Swift and every other one of these people,
it's going to create The cool move to do is
to go away from that. You know, instead of watching ABC, CBS, NBC.
Remember we were kids would watch what Spike or MTV
or something like that. So I think, just on a
very basic sociological level, that's what's happening there. But two
is Kamala Harris was like a combination of a cop,

like an annoying your friend's annoying mom, a d I hire.
It's like she's like this clown car of all the
things that so many people hate. And we've at a
time and place where podcasts are so influential in terms
of shaping our opinions of people, and she's, even though
she's relatively young, is still in this kind of like

two thousands model.

Speaker 2 (02:24):
Now, do you think that the decision she made to
not do the Rogan podcast. I know you've been on
like fifteen times or something, so you know there's that how.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
Many times you've been on?

Speaker 3 (02:35):
Right, big fan?

Speaker 1 (02:36):
I know, I just wanted to hear you say a
big fat goose, big fat goose.

Speaker 3 (02:39):
I don't know, I don't know what Joe, you know
what I mean? You know you can put it.

Speaker 1 (02:42):
In word for a guess who are likable and myself
so harsh?

Speaker 2 (02:46):
You know, you know he's he's making memes of how
big my head is.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
Where we're like in the green room here getting ready,
you know, versus green room.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
We're both in our underwear green room, green room, green room. Yeah,
you're room right now.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
It's the virtual green room. And they're pajama pants, sir,
not underwear, elf.

Speaker 1 (03:07):
I'm in sheth underwear.

Speaker 3 (03:11):
Anyway, So she didn't go on the Rogan show.

Speaker 2 (03:15):
Was that actually the better move that her going on
because it would have been more catastrophic? I mean, do
you think going forward, democrats realize they have to do
the biggest shows by audience and not just what they've
been doing for the last forty years, it.

Speaker 1 (03:28):
Would have I think she would have been disaster and Rogan,
let's put that out there, because he has a great
BS detector. He wouldn't have been tough in terms of
being playing gotcha like Peter Doucy, you know at the
White House correspondence briefings with KJP. But her entire candidacy
and political career is very performative. Right. It's her like

trying to guess what answer is going to get her
the most votes. I forgot who it was, maybe with
Scott Adams, but she just seems like someone who doesn't
even read a newspaper and just reads headlines. It's very bizarre.
Like I remember in twenty twenty when she was running
for president and someone asked her about banning plastic straws
and she's like, yeah, I think we should, and it's
clear she had not thought about it for at all,

but was like, Okay, this seems like the lefty answer,
and I'm going for the lefty votes, and it's the primary.
I'm going to give that. So she doesn't seem to
have very many convictions, so that's very hard to pull
off for three hours.

Speaker 2 (04:20):
Here's the here's the thesis, though, I want to. I
want to post to you the uh has the lesson
or or the lessons have been learned. I guess now
it's a question yes or no.

Speaker 1 (04:29):

Speaker 2 (04:29):
You have people like John Oliver. I don't know what
kind of audience he even has these days, or what
kind of residence he has with Democrats, something about people
thinking that we need British people with British accents to
yellous about our politics.

Speaker 3 (04:42):
I've never understood this, Like if I went to.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
I went to like what, Oh darn, you understand this
perfectly because there's a certain part of population that uses
secondary cues to determine truth or false. This is why
Joe Biden refers to herself as a doctor. This is
why so many of these shit libs for themselves as
ESQUIRE or PhD on their social media, because these are
cues that this person is smart and therefore should be

listening to.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
Oh yeah, no, you know they take a British accent
is smart. I just think it's kind of to assume
that some guys are like, oh, like, I'm from Liverpool.

Speaker 3 (05:13):
Let me tell you watch Gwango.

Speaker 2 (05:15):
No one cares, right, It's bizarre. A lot of people
care you're right. People shouldn't care. People should not care
about it, Yehrrect, it's I have a disdain for people
who hear a fancy sounding accent and automatically assume that
this person is worth listening to you.

Speaker 3 (05:32):
That's what I should say.

Speaker 1 (05:33):
Hold on this I'm interrupting with is a key point,
A central part of contemporary leftism, obsession with the foreign
and the exotic. Oh, I got these chocolates from whatever country.
Automatically it's gonna sound like it's better because it's important,
Like you don't know.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
That it's aboutter.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
You don't know this can find this country, Ukraine and
all these other things. So they're very fixated on the
out group and any kind of They're not waving their flags,
but they're gonna wave some other countries flag, you know,
seven days out of the week. So the fact that
someone is an accent will tell them in their mindset
that this person's better than us because their other Yes.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
Well, and that I agree with your assessment. I just
wish that wasn't the case. What I want to asking
about about John Oliver though, is he's saying, you know,
there's no evidence for girls are as good as boys
in sports doing this whole thing you saw him on
the trans issue. Is that is that gonna fly anymore?
At least for the foreseeable future. They're just digging in
on You think they're not gonna abandon this hill, They're

gonna keep fighting on it.

Speaker 1 (06:29):
Well no, no, no, there's two different things. You say.
Are they gonna abandon this hill? Are they are the
gonna fly? It's still gonna fly until the script flips.
And I think the script is gonna flip very quickly
on this issue because there's i know, like a lot
of people think, oh, the Democrats are rather left or
all stupid. There's a lot of smart people in that
party and in that movement, and they can see the
right in the wall. This is also alienating Trump got

if you just get enough black men or enough gaze,
this is gonna flip some states and flip some races. Right.
So there's plenty of gay people who are very uncomfortable
that they have to fight for decades like they're dudes
who like dudes and that doesn't make them a woman.
And now they're being told who wah you actually are
Woman's like who wha wha wha whoa whoa whoa and
when you get kids involved, it gets even trickier. So

what's going to end up happening I predict, and I
bet you're gonna agree with me, is corporate media are
going to pave the way by writing articles about the
OH hormones have side effects we never thought of, and
talking about these transitioners and the hidden costs of medical
transitioning an early age and maybe we should wait. And
when that happens, the politicians will have the space with

their audience to follow suit. So they are going to
back away. But whatever Oliver says, he could say, no
matter how ridiculous it is, the more ridiculous, the more
they'll be proud to champion it, because that's how faith works.

Speaker 2 (07:43):
Yeah, I mean this is if you're in a cult,
the best, the closest person in the cult, of the
cult leader is always the one who's like, well, I'm
not going to sleep with my wife because you say
I can't, but you can sleep with my wife, right,
Like the utter devotion and debasement of reason and reality.
I want to ask about the Doge team and what
Trump's going to do here. I want to kind of

take a forward look. But first up, our sponsor here
is Birch Gold. We got thirty five trillion dollars in debt,
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Speaker 1 (08:56):
Oh, look at that he's actually got a silver coin there.

Speaker 3 (08:58):
Look at that fantastic. I hope you got it from
my friends at Birch Gold. I'm gonna tell you this.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
I am concerned that Elon, who I think is as
impressive a person in terms of accomplishment as exists in
our lifetime and perhaps many lifetimes. I am concerned that
Elon is about to run into the buzzsaw of bureaucratic
intransigence and federal judges who are absolutely devoted to the

communist cause here, et cetera, et cetera, and that this
is gonna be much harder than people are getting a
sense of. Right now, what do you think are you
Are you optimistic about this or do you think that
when they say they're gonna get rid of whole government departments?

Speaker 3 (09:41):
Really yeah?

Speaker 1 (09:43):
I By the way, I really appreciate that you have
this perspective, because so many people were like, all right,
we want it's over. It's like okay, like Slayer roles
like that. One of the points I made, and I'm
sure obviously you're going to agree, is these mess deportations.
There is a gigantic infrastructure to maintain these legal immigrants
in America, including plenty of people in the judiciary. And

if the judiciary rules against Trump, it's not like Ice
is going to be like, well, we're just gonna go
with the president ignore the judicial system says that's not
how it works. So that is going to be an
issue in terms now in terms of self deportation of
something different in terms of what you're talking about. I
think Elon is really I think a lot of politicians
are more naive, like they really thought, Okay, I'm going

to get into government, we have the Republican majority, We're
gonna start cutting stuff. And then you get there and
you realize every single program in DC has someone who's
sponsoring it and that's their pet project and no one
wants to cut it. Elon, of course is not a
Republicans are being elected, and as a CEO and Vivek
as well, he's going to have a much better approach about, Okay,
what's producing return on investment, what's just a cost, and

what's you know, politically costly. So he's gonna make some
great recommendations. I hope. I hope Trump's ego works in
the way that the classical CEO does, which is I'm
the head of the company. I'm going to hire brilliant people.
They're going to run the departments, They're gonna figure out
what to do. Then they're gonna come back to with recommendations.
I'll take the recommendations and I get all the credit.

A genius how I thought all these things fine, Like
I don't think Trump is a nuts and bolts guy
in the same way Reagan wasn't. He had a good staff.
He just had the big picture you guys figured out.
And I think Elon knows very well how to deal
with bureaucracies. Now, the Washington bureaucracy is a lot more
powerful and entrenched than any companies had to deal with.
But I remember vividly and I thought about this week

thirty years ago. I was in college and made a
speaker from New Zealand and they had had a right
of center. I don't remember. The party was government and
they were privatizing things. And what they had done is
they did it basically like snowball, Like they privatized one thing,
and before people had a chance to freak out, they
privatized the other. The prize, you know, at a certain point,
like they no one knew how to keep up. Now

that's different because of parliament, right, so you just if
you have the majority, you could do basically what you want.
So I am hopeful that I'm certain Elon realized, Okay,
you're gonna be called fascist already, you're gonna be called radical,
you're gonna be called extreme. If you're gonna pay the cost,
you might as well spling for the fences, because they're
going to call you that anyway. So why go for
five when you could get seven? And why go for

seven when you get ten.

Speaker 2 (12:15):
I do love his philosophy of if you don't cut
too much, you haven't cut enough, because I can tell
you from a government side of things, meaning you know,
if you don't go to the place where you go, well,
maybe we should put that little piece back, you know,
or maybe maybe we should scale this down a little bit.

Speaker 3 (12:28):
You're probably nowhere near where you.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
Have to be to affect effect real change, honestly, but
if even one department gets cut, this is so major
in terms of the Overton window and showing people that
this is possible. It will also put great pressure on
governors to look at their states and be like, oh,
look at me, I cut this department in my state.
So that's the kind of trickle down effect that could

be really powerful, you know.

Speaker 2 (12:54):
I think also there's the biggest freak out we've seen
so far. Some people would say that it's Matt Gates
as Attorney General. In terms of the nominees, what do
you think about the RFK junior factor at HHS and
what the system will do Because people think AJHS, I

think CDC they had, like Medicare is in there. We
were talking about a multi trillion dollar agency in our
multi trillion dollar healthcare industry. And a guy showing up
who's like everyone's too fat and sick and the drug
companies are lying about stuff. I think that's going to
shake some cages.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
Yeah, there's no question though that our off case at
old school lefty and Medicare is one of their favorite things.
So he's not going to cut in terms of, you know,
not having poor people or unhealthy people have access to healthcare.
So that's a really concern what lefties were best at
and they abandoned like since Romney, and I'm shocked that
conservatives picked up this baton is being skeptical of corporations.

When you remember, you and I both remember very vividly
that this Chamber of Commerce guy is the quintessential Romney Republican,
Republican through and through, and there were those riots in
the world in the was Seattle where you had these
kind of globalist organizations. All the lefties don't trust Monsanto.
You know, we should be skeptic, Occupy Wall Street. Then
overnight big pharma can do no wrong. Just shove whatever

they tell you in your body and there can't possibly
be long term side effects. That's ridiculous. That's tin foil
hat Alex Jones theory. So for RFK to bring the
skepticism of big pharma to government is something I think
is superbly healthy. He's completely correct that if you look
at photos of people in the sixties to now on
the beaches, the fact that mobility scooters are a thing

is insane, you know, to that extent. And you also
remember when we were kids that we were told low
fat food, high carb food keeps you skinny, totally the worst,
the worst part.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
And don't eat don't eat red meat, don't eat real butter,
don't eat real fat, saturated fat. It's going to give
you a heart attack. All all garbage, all bad advice actually.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
And now people are paying the price for it. So'm
I'm very hopeful what he could do. And also I
think there's so much corruption and you know, and I
know this from a let's get a little granular. But
this is something key. There are right now cures for
different types of cancer, but you can't get them through
the FDA because basically, like if you have a pill

and I have like a remix of that pill, Okay,
we've done the Jones on that. But if I have
a pill that will cure like let's say post breast cancer,
you have to jump through so many hoops because it's new,
that's the time to get it to mark and the
cost is exorbitant. And result of this, people are dying
like right now. So this is something where when people
realize when bureaucracy is bad and they say it's inefficient,
Inefficient doesn't mean just things cost more money. It means

people are dying for no reason. Yes, and I'm very
hopeful that RFK can and Vivek as well has background
in this area, can and can do some much useful chainsawing.

Speaker 2 (15:54):
I want to come back in a second here with you, Michael,
and I want to want you to tell me how
you think the left rallies on what issue, who leads
the rally? How do you see this happening? Because right
everyone I know, right now everyone's were like dancing around
the ring. After the first you know, the first knockdown,
they're gonna get up. They always do, so I kind

of want to know how you see that happening and
what issue that happens on. But first up, mantis x
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Speaker 3 (16:35):
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m a n tis x dot com. Mister Malice, how
does the left rally like? How does the Empire of
Evil strike back?

Speaker 1 (17:07):
I think what I mentioned earlier, if he starts going
for these deportations, that's the kind of stuff that makes
for good news footage. If people are getting ripped out
of houses, people are getting rounded up, it's the kind
of thing where it's going to be heartbreaking for a
lot of people. The media is going to do whatever
they can to get the most juice out of that squeeze.
I think there is an enormous vested interest among huge

sections of the left and the Republican Party of having
mass migration as much as possible. So this is the
one where they're going to dig in their heels. And
I also think this is the one where he's going
to be going forward. First. I think people remember in
twenty seventeen, like one of the first things he did
overnight with no warning was to have that travel band
from Muscle majority several MUSLM majority countries, and it was

complete chaos at the airports. So this like if all
you if you asked him what the big issues for him,
and he hammered this over and over during the debates
and the campaign, immigration, immigration, immigration, I think this is
where and this is also going to feed into their
whole thing about him being a Nazi and white national
so on and so forth. They've laid the groundwork to
and like, see, I told you so about this.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
Who is the most powerful Democrat in the country right now?
When you say Pelosi, I'm asking you you tell me
I think it's Pelosi. Here's something everyone agrees on. Biden
sat with George Stephanopolis and he said I'm not stepping
down unless there's an act of God. That Sunday morning,

his I think was campaign manager or chief of staff,
whatever was on the Sunday Morning shows. Biden's not going anywhere.
That afternoon, he released a statement on Twitter. I have
no doubt that he got that.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Mark Halpern's reporting is correct, that he got sat down
by powerful Democratic leaders that said, Okay, we try this
a nice way. Now we're moving on to threats. And
I don't know what the rumor was. They said we're
going to twenty fifth the meend me you maybe a
threatened hunter.

Speaker 3 (18:57):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
I wouldn't want to cross Nancy Pelosi, Like I think
she's a very scary individual and she's ruthless, so and
she's clearly been behind the scenes steering policy, so on
and so forth. So if I had to put money
on who's the most powerful, it would be her.

Speaker 2 (19:12):
But what about in terms of running and running for
office and running the party going forward? Right, Pelosi's got
limited time. I think she's not speaker anymore, right, so
she might be the most powerful voice behind the scenes.
And I think your anecdote relays that. But I mean,
if this is Donald Trump's Republican Party, do you see

is it even a handful of names? I mean, is
it Do you think that they're really going to be
able to rally around avenuwsome Gretchen Whitmer, somebody else that's
not really on the radar. To me, it just feels
like they don't have a torch bearer, you know. The
main person that they're going to want to turn to
to make the case against Trump is who, I mean,
is AOC the most powerful young brand in the Democrat

Party right now?

Speaker 1 (20:01):
Buck, it's the New York Times that's the leader of
the Democratic Party. It's always the New York Times. It's
never Pelosi or Schumer or Kim Jeff And these people,
they're the ones who make the arguments, They're the ones
who destroy their opponents. They're the ones who pick the
issues that are going to be important. AOC I don't
think has much of a brand left other than like

for boomer conservatives to hate on. And I think the squad.
Pelosi did a great job and getting the squad to
sit down and shut up, and that was her doing.
But The New York Times is by far the leaders
of the Democratic Party, and they have been for quite
some time.

Speaker 2 (20:34):
I don't think anyone's really spent much time at least
talking about this. But it is very unusual for an
election cycle to happen and for both the incumbent president,
the nominee of the party, and the vice president on
that ticket to all have their political careers ended in
one fell swoop. And I think that that happened here.
You know, usually you could have, like if you had

had Biden run and let's say Josh Shapiro was his VP,
people would blame Biden Shapiro. There's this vacuum now because
you use the Kamala option. Biden, you shoved the side
and Tim Wallas was a joke. So there's really nobody
who's sort of standing and waiting, as far as I
can see, waiting in the wings to take over.

Speaker 1 (21:18):
But this is why we have to give President Biden
another medal of was it bettle freedom whatever he got
from Obama, because by forcing them to pick Kamal as
his successor, she's not in a position in twenty twenty eight,
she can't go back to the Senate, she's not going
to run for government California. He ended her political career.
So we owe Joe Biden a great deal of thanks for,

you know, sending this switchback to Salem.

Speaker 2 (21:40):
And I think I think his political legacy going forward,
in the way that people, certainly in some corners will
be writing about this is that Biden would have won.
I think there are a lot of people who, whether
you agree with that or not, you can't run the
historical experiment. And they didn't give Biden a second shot,
and she got a lot less votes than Biden did,

So it is an interesting analogy. I want to ask
you. You mentioned the New York Times last subject.

Speaker 1 (22:05):
Can I say one more thing? I think that's key?
Just one thing is this, Yeah, I think people need
to appreciate what a big loser Obama was because the
Obama brand of decolonizing whiteness, that whole DII school of thought,
was completely repudiated in this election by forcing her, who
has no credentials and no likability, in trying to install her.
That was the Obama model. I actually it's worse than that.

Speaker 2 (22:28):
I think it's worse than that mouthlice because he also
he told one of the lies that more people have
woken up to at this point as a lie, which
is the very fine people Charlottesville lie. That is just
a lie. That is not a debate, there's no discussion.

Speaker 3 (22:44):
That is a lie.

Speaker 2 (22:44):
And for Obama in campaign mode to really build up
to that as his like this is why you can't
vote for Trump, I think he disgraced himself even among
some sort of independent swing voters who used to like Obama.
In fact, I can name one. I think it was
Chi Moth from the All In podcast. I think said
that that was a real breaking moment for him. He's like, Wow,

Obama just did that.

Speaker 1 (23:08):
I don't want to say two things. First all, thank
you for saying lie instead of hoax, because a hoax
is like a practical joke and it's kind of fun,
and it's not the Charlotsville hoax. It's a good, very
good people lie. So credit to you. And I think
it wasn't for social media, they would have gotten away
with it. Again, Obama is operating just like Kamala Harris
was in a pre social media largely world where you

could take a clip out of context, characterize it and
no one's going to skeet the full context. And now
it's impossible because your account, my account, Obama's account, they
all look the same. On Twitter. He has more followers
than us, obviously, but the tweets look the same. So
all has to happen is he has to say something
and then any asshole, including myself, could just put up
the full context and you realize this isn't a mistake.

This person didn't miss hear or mischaracterize. He knows he's
a lie because maybe the first time it's like, oh crap,
you know, I misspoke. Now, thank you for giving me context.
But when you keep doing it, you're doing it on purpose.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
Yeah, No, he absolutely was. Come in here on where
does the media go? We talk about the MSNBC turn
around with Morning Joe was hilarious stuff. I want to
hear mister Malice weigh in on this one. But you know,
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do you think this was I understand this is tactical retreat.

These people haven't changed, but there is a level of
humiliation here that I don't think that they were expecting
before the election, they would have to go through for
them to go for how do you go from telling
your audience that somebody is hitler too, I went and
hung out with him, and he's not that bad in
the span of two weeks.

Speaker 3 (25:23):
How do you do that? It's worse.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
So if you and I had a beef, right, you
and I argued, we could sit down and were like,
all right, let's make nice. We used to be friends.
If I'm going after your wife, things are very different.

Speaker 3 (25:34):

Speaker 1 (25:35):
This isn't like, okay, you've crossed the line. Yeah, I
don't have to hate you. We could be in the
same room together. We're never going to be boys again, right,
And then vice versa. He went after them and their
marriage like repeatedly. So the fact that they have I mean,
and no one they didn't need to get their asses
on that plane, you know what I mean. So the
fact that they came groveling to me speaks to their character,

because it'd be one thing to say, you know what,
we overreacted, It backfired, and now we have to deal
with Trump again. And we're gonna deal with it because
that's the reality. We can't be infants throwing a tantrum.
But to go there and bend the knee to someone
who spit in your face, what kind of person are you? IgE?
Even lower than I thought?

Speaker 2 (26:17):
And I just I don't understand how anyone watching them
can think that there's any credibility because this memory it's
not just Joe and Mika.

Speaker 3 (26:25):
So I watch.

Speaker 2 (26:26):
This has been a habit of mine for certainly the
last like six months. I watched Morning Joe. I don't
watch the whole thing, but I will, Yeah, I watch
it to see what they're saying, because I find it.
I found it fascinating because they really were running this
endless loop of Trump is Hitler, Trump's a racist, Trump
fascism all the time, especially since Kamala became the nominee.
It was all just you know, you know, Trump's sexual assault,

Trump's a race, all the negative loop that they had
going on, and then trying to say that Kamala Harris
was not a moron. It was fascinating to watch this
play out. But they bring on historians. We're like, oh,
I've written books on the founding fathers, Like let me
tell you Donald Trump is Hitler. I mean they've really,
you know, they've dirtied up a lot of people with this.
None of these people should be taken seriously ever again.

And I think that the the legacy a term like
mister Malice taught me. Actually, we don't use mainstream here,
legacy media, legacy, democrat, media apparatus.

Speaker 1 (27:19):
I don't say legacy because.

Speaker 2 (27:20):
That's corporate corporate I'm sorry, corporate legacy, corporate media or
corporate media.

Speaker 1 (27:26):
Yes, my legacy is wrong. At what this is being pedantic?
What's important? Legacy has a positive connotation. You want to
carry on your father's legacy, right, you want your kids
to carry on your legacy. It's a positive word. So
if you say legacy media, it gives them the gravitas
of something great that they're carrying forward. It's the I
think I hate that term. That's just my two cents. Well,
corporate media, that's the that's the Malice term.

Speaker 3 (27:46):
I was getting it. You know, he comes on my show.

Speaker 2 (27:48):
He he quibbles with me and then he makes he
makes memes where we see that that's the Easter Island
head and my head, and this is what he does
on this show. He makes it so that he makes
fun of my giant noggin, which is large, and I
will admit it. I will admit it, and he means
it and then he comes on here to correct my

spelling and my my parents are not my spelling, my
my word choice.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
Do you disagree?

Speaker 2 (28:15):
No, you know, you're totally right. I just like I
try to give you crap back because now no, no,
I just want to be I was, I was, I
was thinking of legacy corporate media when I said, but
you you first, I remember you told me you're like
this term because it was very much in the conservative
mindset or millie oh whatever to say mainstream media. And
you're like, why you're saying, They're like, that's the what

the people watch and that's and I agree with you,
and that was maybe like pre COVID you told me that.
I've I've totally agree with that. And I really one
on legacy too. We need better words for the other side.
That is a challenge that we always have. We need
better words to describe.

Speaker 1 (28:51):
And can I say one thing, don't say legal aliens
a foreign trespasser.

Speaker 2 (28:56):
Well that what I would be a little a little different,
just because legal alien is the actual criminal code term
that's in the federal Like in the federal register and
everything else. But I guess you can call them what
you like, but that is the technical legal term.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
You know.

Speaker 3 (29:08):
They've tried to change that.

Speaker 2 (29:09):
They've changed that now, so now it's I think in
some documents federal because of Obama, I mean because of Biden.
I think they say undocumented now actually as a matter
of federal policy, but it's illegal aliens, foreign trespasser. That's
a much better term, though I would agree with it, right, yeah, no,
it really is. Well, that's that's what I think more
than anything else. I know, the trans issue became very

big in some of Moost commercials. I think though, what
lost in the election was they had no answer for
how'd you let ten million plus people you know whatever
the number is, twelve million, forty He.

Speaker 1 (29:40):
Had no question. It wasn't a problem. You're making it up.
That was the point. If they had acknowledged this is
an issue, and this is how we're going to solve it,
and Trump won't, they would have been fine. But they
just gaslit and gaslet and gas lit and said it's
not happening.

Speaker 2 (29:54):
Well, no, but they said that Trump wouldn't sign the bill,
So they admit at some level that it's a problem,
or that Trump rather tried to kill the bill, but
up to that point they gasl it until the summer
before the election, and then they were like, we want
to take this seriously. And at that point everyone's like, well,
you're clearly that's bull like you're not in any ways.
But I mean, the what they've done to the country,

I don't know. I don't know if we can even
turn this thing around. So we shall have.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
To see, Well, well, I'm sorry. You're a patriot, you
love this country, don't you say? Can we not turn
this thing around? This is America. Yeah, yes, we can
turn it around.

Speaker 3 (30:30):
Come we can. We can.

Speaker 2 (30:31):
It's gonna be a you know, I'll tell you. Uh
I can't tell you who said it, but uh you'll
I feel like this is malice humor. You'll appreciate this
because he said it to me, said it to me
off camera.

Speaker 1 (30:43):

Speaker 2 (30:43):
Somebody though, when Christy Nome kind of pointed to DHS,
he said, which was I think was a suspect pick
to a lot of people, because that's a very important
agency for what the main main mission of the administration is.

Speaker 3 (30:53):
Going to be.

Speaker 2 (30:54):
But he said, uh, well, I guess you want somebody
who shoots puppies for fun to be in charge of
deporting ten million legals.

Speaker 1 (31:03):
I was like, oh my god, that is a malice line.

Speaker 3 (31:07):
That's a malous one right there.

Speaker 2 (31:08):
You could you can borrow that one if you're willing
to show that you can bollrow that one anyway.

Speaker 3 (31:13):
Oh man.

Speaker 2 (31:14):
But yeah, that was yeah, that was that said a lot.
I think about the the kind of steely determination.

Speaker 1 (31:22):
You're gonna need going forward, going forward on this.

Speaker 2 (31:24):
When do I By the way, I'm gonna keep saying
this because we don't forget about going on Joe Rogan show.

Speaker 3 (31:28):
You know, I don't know.

Speaker 2 (31:28):
I haven't been a guest on You're Welcome in a
very long time. So I'm just gonna say this right now.
I am putting a marker out there.

Speaker 1 (31:36):
Because you're like, I'm so glad that you just give
up on being a broken Oh.

Speaker 3 (31:41):
Yeah, no, it's like never gonna happen. I don't know.
I don't know what I have to do.

Speaker 2 (31:44):
You know, Sean Ryan's podcast amazing, great feedback, have a
great time three hours then, but you know, nope, no, Rogan,
I don't know, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (31:53):
It's all right, Do you want to be on next week.

Speaker 3 (31:56):
Yeah, sure, whatever you tell me, you just text.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
Okay, let's do it next next week.

Speaker 2 (31:59):
I'm actually traveling and working. It's Thanksgiving week? Can we
do the week after? Trying to get me on a
holiday week?

Speaker 3 (32:03):
Look at this? Look at this, shady so ob you
want to do it? Like?

Speaker 1 (32:07):
There, I give you the next slot and still complaining.

Speaker 3 (32:10):
You know what I mean?

Speaker 2 (32:11):
The holiday week? He's like, hey, you want to come
on Christmas Eve? I know all the tricks, Malice. I
know all the tricks in this game, but yeah, I'll
probably week. So if you knew all the tricks, you'd
have been un rogain. Wow, so harsh on my own show.
Look what happens here, Michael Malice. Everybody, You're welcome is
the show if you can stomach all of his meanness,
it's actually quite amusing and insightful, mister Malice. I'm sure

the audience enjoyed this prop prep and I can't even speak,
probably more than me, probably the most.

Speaker 3 (32:41):
Thank you, mister Malice. You are fantastic.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
Ptch your buck
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