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December 4, 2024 • 17 mins
New York City's migrant crisis has reached a breaking point, with rising crime and political fallout shaking even the most liberal strongholds. Buck Sexton dives into shocking statistics, including over 58,000 migrants with felony records in the Big Apple, and explores the devastating consequences for public safety and quality of life. From luxury carjackings to violent gang crimes, the situation highlights the failures of leadership and the dangers of open-border policies. Buck also unpacks Governor Kathy Hochul's surprising shift on ICE enforcement and the broader implications for Democrats ahead of the 2024 elections.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
Enough of this crap. That's what the politicians in New
York City are saying. Democrats about the migrant crime wave
and all the nonsense around it in New York City.
Welcome to the Buck Brief. I was just in New
York for the Thanksgiving holiday. Really, the only reason I
go back to New York City these days is because
I want to see my family that still lives there. Obviously,

I live in Florida now, and the mess is apparent
for all to see that the city has become and
a migrant issue is something that can't hide from anymore.
This has become the inescapable reality of life in Manhattan.
First of all, you see migrants panhandling, bagging, all that
in the streets all over the place, and that's a

quality of life issue for the residents of New York
as well as for the migrants. Right, people shouldn't have
to be in a situation where they're begging. We're not
supposed to be in this country, and so there's a
lot of challenges with all of that, and there has
to be removal from the country for a vast majority
of the illegal migrants who have come in, especially under
the Biden administration. But it is the crime issue that

is just driving people in New York City nuts and
had I think huge consequences in this last election cycle
for the Democrats. This is the latest numbers on this
New York Post reporting fifty eight thousand, six hundred and
twenty six migrants with felony records or facing criminal charges

in the big app right now. So you have almost
sixty thousand people like a large outdoor sports arena, absolutely
every seat full of criminals, I mean real criminals in
the city of New York who are not supposed to
be in the country at all. In New York City

there are seven hundred and fifty nine thousand illegals. Seven
point seven percent of them were previously convicted of crimes.
Now I understand you said, well, that means that ninety
three percent, ninety two point three percent of them are
not criminals. In addition, they're illegality. Okay, but let's deal

with the fact that seven percent of the number that
they're talking about here is fifty eight thousand people in change.

Speaker 1 (02:41):
That's a lot.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
That's a lot. This is something that when you look
at the numbers, you can't help but feel like we
have been sold out and that US sovereignty has been
turned into a joke by Democrats. And it's all part
of the long term plan to bring in more migrants,
to bring more people into the United States who will

be dependent on the state. But the crime stuff is
where people have really had enough. Right, there's the political reality,
the cultural, social realities of mass illegal immigration. But to
bring in people who are going to murder, rape, rob
and just undermine our system, our day to day lives

as Americans is completely beyond the pill. To give you
a sense of the kind of crimes I'm talking about here,
this is also in the post. This was about the
Upper west Side, all right. I spent a lot of
time on the Upper west Side growing up. I lived
on the East Side, but I spent a lot of
time on the Upper west Side. It is fancy in
a lot in most of the areas as Upper west

Side has lots and lots of multi multi millionaires all
over the place, and real estate's incredibly expensive. I give
you that as background because this is the story about
what happened. Just a couple of weeks ago. A woman
on the Upper West Side parked her two hundred and
forty five thousand dollars Mercedes g wagon at eighty third

and Broadway on the West side. That is a fancy neighborhood,
all right. That is a nice area. Eighty three and
Broadways a very nice part of Manhattan. Two men pulled
up alongside her in a gray Accura, pointed big and
dark gray guns at her chest and said, give me
your purse, where are the keys? And the cops found

this Mercedes Benz in the Bronx, and later on it
was a band in there. So these are the kinds
of crimes that are happening in broad daylight. In addition
to the fact that they're importing criminals, right, so you
get this sense of hold on, we have a crime

problem in New York that's already happening. We have a
rise in crime over the last year in New York City.
And beyond that, you are importing tens of thousands of
criminal migrants into New York because of the border mess.
People shouldn't have to do with this, you know. But
they were busy prosecuting Donald Trump for make Believe bookkeeping

crimes for an NDA with Stormy Daniels, I mean Alvin
Bragg's office in New York City is It's almost like
they're trying to intentionally destroy the city of New York.
It's appalling what they are doing, and I think people
are slowly, even some Democrats and the Republicans have known
for a long time, but I think even some Democrats

are recognizing that this needs to stop and that it
shouldn't be Crimes should not be a partisan issue. We
should be able to say nobody wants violent, serious crime
occurring in their neighborhoods. And they might say that, but
then how do you stop it or how do you
lessen it? The answers, of course, prosecute the criminals, irrespective

of social justice needs, of the demographic considerations and makeup
of the individuals arrested. Whoever commits the crime, does the time.
That's it. That is the only way that you can
ever really get a hold of this. That's the only
way that this gets better.

Speaker 1 (06:20):
Those who are here committing crimes, robberies, shooting at police officers,
raping innocent people, have been a harm to our country.
Our country. I want to sit down and hear the
plan on how we're going to address them. Those are
the people I am talking about, and I would love
to sit down with the borders are and hear his
thoughts on how we're going to address those who are

harming our citizens. That open to to hearing what their
plan is to deport some of these folks. And you
think the city in some circumstances should cooperate with us,
let me let me you know what's interesting, And I
was talking to the team the other day. I want
you to all go back and google Hillary Clinton and

Barack Obama. Google what they said about those who commit
crimes in our city and what they said in our country.
They said, those who commit crimes need to get out
right away. That was their position. So this is not
a new position, you know because in the state of
the in the era of cancel culture, no one is

afraid to be honest about the truth. Well, cancel me,
because I'm going to protect the people of the city.
And if you come into this country, in this city
and think you're going to harm innocent New Yorkers and
innocent migrans and asilum seekers, this is not the mayor
you want to be in the city under our.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
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So the migrant issue is obviously something that Democrats have

a big problem with, and you wonder to know how
bad it is. Liberal Governor of New York, Kathy Hockel,
who is among the dumbest and worst governors in the
entire country. She is now saying that she may be
the dumbest governor actually in the country. She's saying that
she will call ICE to deport illegal immigrants who break

the law.

Speaker 1 (09:10):

Speaker 2 (09:11):
They're not going to do this thing anymore of hide
and seek from immigration authorities with the help of New
York state authorities, which is just disgraceful. She said, quote,
someone breaks the law, I'll be the first one to
call up ICE and say get them out of here.
Well hold them on a second before we say, oh wow, look,
she's come to the right conclusion. Where has she been oh,

her entire life as an adult in politics until now.
What was it exactly that changed here? What do they
figure out that was different? This is the question I
always want to ask. What is it that led hokel
to the most obvious of conclusions, which is that you
cannot have rule of law If state authorities are undermining

federal authorities openly, the rule of law is not something
that you can say even really exists. If that's the case, right,
you're aiding and abetting lawlessness and law breaking. So why
did Hokeel change her mind? Because she Democrats, even in
a place like New York, are starting to worry about
the long term implications of this. You know, there's going

to be more MS thirteen and this trend to Aragua
Venezuelan gang There's going to be more of these these
gang bangers who are murdering people and doing extortion and
rapes and all this horrible stuff. And people are going
to start to ask more and more questions like, hey,
why wasn't this person deported the first five times they
were arrested. Oh, because people like Kathy Hokeel think it's

more important to virtue signal and to build the base
of the Democrat party long term criminals. By the way,
criminals vote Democrat. As we know, real criminals build the
base of a Democrat party so that they can establish
one party rule. And if that means that people in
the meantime have to be robbed, raped, and murdered in
much higher numbers than would have just been the case

with American criminals running around. That is a cost that
Democrats are willing to have you bear. They're not going
to bear that cost themselves. They want you to bear
that cost. And you have been. But enough people are
waking up to this, and enough people are upset by
this such that I think this will not necessarily continue

without political consequence. And that is if I can offer
the good news of all this. That is the part
of it that makes me somewhat hopeful that there is
not so much insanity out there that you have people
failing to recognize what a betrayal of the most basic

of the most basic duties of the state. It is
to allow not just illegal aliens, but violent felon illegal aliens,
not just to come into the United States, but to
help them stay in the United States. And that's where
people who are not completely delusional have woken up and
recognized the Democrat Party needs to be just it really

needs to just sort of be ripped down to the studs.
But that won't happen. I know, you know, they've got
a lot of people who are nuts and they believe
all this stuff. So I'll come back into all this
in a second, including the aftermath of the Hunter Biden
part and that is still ongoing and what it means
I think for j six individuals. So we'll get to this.
You know, I know we're feeling good about the direction

of the country is going to take under President Trump,
economically and otherwise, but inflation is going to be a
problem even with the best team coming in, and the
long term prognosis with our national debt is still very troubling.
Viveg and Elon are going to do what they can
with those but this is a monumental task and even

if they are successful, there could be some really challenging
times ahead. And I don't mean far ahead, I mean
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Protect your savings with Birch Gold text buck to ninety eight,
ninety eight, ninety eight. Today, All right, now we have
the absolute mayhem within the Democrat Party unfolding because of
the Hunter Biden pardon and the recognition that they were
all part of a lie that not only everyone sees

is a lie now, meaning that Joe Biden said, I'm
not going to pardon them. I'm not going to pardon them,
but they put their credibility on the line beside Biden,
and now the whole thing has completely blown up in
their faces and everyone sees it, and they are being mocked,
and they deserve that mockery. But they are being mocked
right now because how could they be so silly, how

could they be so foolish as to really believe that
Joe Biden wouldn't pardon his son from all the crimes,
crimes that he committed. By the way, it's not like
anyone thinks he's Hunter's innocent. He didn't pay taxes, he
didn't file taxes, he hid money, he took money he
shouldn't have been taken, and he was a foreign registered
foreign unregistered agent, which is a violation affair. I mean,

he committed crime, crime, crime, crime, and he's going to
walk away with no punishment whatsoever, never even made it
to sentencing. So now Democrats are going to lecture us
on the rule of law. You got to be kidding me.
I think even they know their favorite game. Oh but
what about institutions and what about our sacred democracy. It's
just not gonna work anymore at all. I mean it

wasn't working well before the election and before this parton
of Hunter Biden. But I think now we're entering in
a whole new phase. Where people are going to recognize
that this is just unsustainable. You can't keep saying this
crazy stuff about what about what about democracy on the
ballot in January sixth and all this stuff. You know,

I would say no one cares, but actually people care
a lot about January sixth. The people who have been
unfairly destroyed, had their lives destroyed, in many cases for
nonviolent crimes because they walked into the Capitol building. Now
there was a riot, there were some scuffles with police,
and they walked into the Capitol building and they were
threatened with years and years in federal prisons. Some of
them got years in federal prison. It's absolutely disgraceful was

done to them, their lives ruined. I hope Donald Trump
pardons all of them. I think he will. And this
latest Hunter Biden fiasco, I think just makes the whole
thing a lot a lot easier, meaning the whole part
in process now for Trump politically, it was I think
a slam dunk before. I don't know what's more than

a slam dunk, but that's what this is. You know,
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