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March 14, 2024 • 18 mins
Buck Sexton breaks down the latest headlines with a fresh and honest perspective! He speaks truth to power, and cuts through the liberal nonsense coming from the mainstream media. Subscribe to never miss an episode of The Buck Sexton Show.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to the Buck Sexton Show podcastle make sure
you subscribe to the podcast on the iHeartRadio app or
wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, welcome to Buck Brief.
I don't trust this TikTok ban at all, Okay. I
see what's going on here, and I understand better than
most people, almost all people, because I have a background

in intelligence and the history of espionage, and I know
how totalitarian regimes operate, actually writing a book on it,
which you will all of course be hopefully buying in
about twelve months time when it comes out. But I
understand the concerns about the Chinese surveillance and all of that.
But let's just take a step back for a moment.

First off, at the highest level, the Biden administration wants
to get this done right away. Why what's going on.
Do you trust the Biden administration? Do you think suddenly
they care a lot about the nationalscuit already of the country.
You think all of a sudden, Joe Biden's.

Speaker 2 (01:13):
Like, you're not a joke.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
I really you should take millions from China and now
I want to stop them from snooping on your kids
with the TikTok no, I'm sorry, something's going on here.
I just don't trust this. I know they're saying it's bipartisan.
I know a lot of Republicans that I really like
are pushing this, or at least some Republicans that are

like or pushing this.

Speaker 2 (01:36):
But there's a lot of problems with this, A lot
of problems with this.

Speaker 1 (01:41):
First of all, you are I know it's a forced
divestiture then ban if they don't divest bill, But you're
passing a law that's really attacking one app and you're
doing it under the notion that if you don't, China

is going to get access to American sensitive data and
information all the rest of it, and they're going to
use that against this. But but hold off second, when
has China done that with TikTok? Now, there might be
some there's some case I know as a BBC journalist
or something who says that the Chinese somehow got into TikTok,
and the Chinese are getting into stuff all the time.

The Chinese hacking and cyber operations capability is pretty terrifying.
Really a North Korea, I know, we make fun of them.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
Like, oh what do they have? Dos? Like internet from
nineteen ninety four.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
But the North Koreans actually have a pretty sophisticated just
ask Sony Pictures sophisticated hacking operation as well, and they
have no consequences.

Speaker 2 (02:49):
Right It's a.

Speaker 1 (02:49):
State actor effectively operating within its own boundaries, doing whatever
cyber it wants to do, and it's so disconnected from
the web that there's really no cyber operations we can
do that are meaningful in response. Anyway, North Korea is
a problem with that, China is a problem with that.
But I just think that the focus, the enormous focus
right now on TikTok is suspect. Why would TikTok. I'm

just working you through the argument as I see it here,
or the problems as I see them.

Speaker 2 (03:19):
First of all, it's a.

Speaker 1 (03:20):
Bill that's punishing a company because of the theoretical abuse
of information down the line that it's acquiring. Second of all,
if TikTok were to be found to be siphoning, and
remember it's based in the TikTok arm of the company,
it's based in Los Angeles, it's headquartered here in the US,

and so if they were found to be siphoning information
back to China right in any Way, if that ever
came out, TikTok is dead as a company in the US.
I mean overnight, the stock would be worthless. Effectively, the
whole company would have to because people would be like,
oh my god, you're feeding my stuff back to China.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
So think about that.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
I know the Chinese will do it, they're ruthless, but
they're American employees of this company. They say they would
not comply with any China these demand for US user
data information about you know, individuals. Now you can say,
although they're lying, and I don't trust anybody, but.

Speaker 2 (04:18):
Is it in their interest to lie? Really?

Speaker 1 (04:21):
This company is worth I think a couple of hundred
billion dollars or something like that. I mean it's a
it's worth a lot of money. Maybe it's maybe it's
one hundred billion dollars right now.

Speaker 2 (04:29):
So there's that.

Speaker 1 (04:30):
But the bigger problem that I have with all of this,
right so, there's passing a bill that targets a company
for something it hasn't done. Oh you don't think Democrats
will abuse that at some point in the future. Uh,
there is the I think the absurdity of like, oh,
but they're going to be spying on our kids and
I'm going this ties into my next point. But and
and China is gonna pollute our children's minds with all
the TikTok stuff, all these arguments I look at, I say,

what about Google? What about YouTube and Facebook and Instagram?
And this thing that people do where they watch other
people play video games that apparently millions of kids and
teenagers and weird dults are doing on a regular basis
watching other people play video games. Look, I think video

games are fun, don't get me wrong, But watching other
people play I don't know.

Speaker 2 (05:17):
This is a thing. Apparently it's a thing.

Speaker 1 (05:20):
But what about all that all these people that are
talking so tough on China and TikTok in Congress, Where
are they on the fact that Twitter before Elon bought it, now.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
It's x and so he stepped up and did something.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
But you know, YouTube and Google and Facebook, all the
all the big social media giants.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
It's more than that. It's searched too.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
It's basically the underlying Amazon, Amazon Web services, the underlying
Internet architecture is all under monopoly control. These are monopolies
now effectively, and they have so much more influence and
they will. They've already shown you. They will throw elections,
they will suppress information.

Speaker 2 (06:03):
They do not like.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
They are a much bigger threat to you know, it's
YouTube that's teaching your kid who's twelve, Hey, you're a boy.
You're at you actually can be a girl. Maybe you
should have gender transition surgery, which is impossible because you
can't transition your gender. But you know, maybe you should
chop off some stuff and take some hormones. It's YouTube
that is doing that. It's YouTube that does not care
when people say, oh, but buck, I'm watching.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
This on YouTube. I have like five followers on YouTube.

Speaker 1 (06:28):
You know why this is my eighth YouTube channel or
something over the last ten years, because they shut me down.
They shut me down over and over again. My YouTube
channel got shut down. They got shut down for masks,
they get shut down, shut down for election stuff in
twenty twenty, get shut down for you know.

Speaker 2 (06:42):
Hate speech or whatever all the time.

Speaker 1 (06:45):
I don't trust anybody who's a conservative who hasn't been
kicked off of YouTube. I mean, how can you be
a real conservative and have a huge YouTube following. Think
about that, because YouTube is a total monopolist, left wing cartel.
When it comes to speech and idea is they don't
care about the suppression, and in fact, they care a

lot about suppressing.

Speaker 2 (07:06):
But I mean, they don't care about the First Amendment.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
So anyone was like, oh, but so and So's he's
so based, he's so right wing, and he's got a
big YouTube following. I'm like, look, I do with Clay
the biggest radio show in the country. So you know,
I'm used to having a big audience. And when I
see people that have these huge YouTube channels who are
right wing or I mean, if they're doing politics, I'm like, well,
clearly you didn't say very much of interest during COVID
because you still have a channel. Clearly you were like,

take the vaccine and do all.

Speaker 2 (07:31):
This other stuff. Right, So.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
I'm just saying I'm by that it's probably gonna get
my YouTube channel. So but you know, whatever, I subscribe though, please,
nothing will piss YouTube off more than subscribing to the
Buck Brief on YouTube. The good news is we've got
so many of you listen on audio and they can't
track us down. And you know, thank god I work
for iHeart, and I'm able to have free speech at
the company that I work for, where I do have

true free speech and the ability to really say what
I think, because you know, YouTube a bunch of censoring
comedies over there, and so they're just it's such a
bigger threat to your civil liberty, to the future of
this country from these American companies. Anything TikTok is doing.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Oh, TikTok is poisoning our kids' brains.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
And then they open up their iPad and they're all
sitting there looking at YouTube. But their kids like, oh,
look it's YouTube. It's an American company. We can trust them.
They are more dangerous to your future than anything China
is doing. Wake up, everybody. You can say, oh, well,
you know, we can walk and chew gum at the
same time. Is anyone saying we're gonna do anything about
big tech? Really, we talked about it a lot at

the end of the Trump administration. They saw they talked
about it. Is anyone really saying, oh, we've got to
take action? No, no, they want their Biden administration is
urging the Senate to move quickly on this TikTok band.
You trust Joe, I mean, think about what's going on here.
Oh they're going to foresay divestiture and that will be okay.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
It's not that easy.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
You know, it's not that simple and straight for the
people who are also passing this bill.

Speaker 2 (08:56):
They don't know.

Speaker 1 (08:57):
Crap about tech, about how these how these systems work together.
I mean, you know, it's like and look, I'm not
saying that I'm an expert in it, but I'm not
the one who's passing a bill saying that you have
to invest the companies. So it's just more complicated. There
are problems here. It's more complicated than what people have
been led to believe. And I oh, and then tho,
it's my last objection to it, which is it's just

a way for people to pretend they're tough on China
while you know, we still have all of our iPhones
made there, and like six percent of all of our
pharmaceuticals are made there, and you know, we're still getting
all this stuff, all this cheap stuff from China. So
much industry that we have is actually stuff made in China,
and none of that's getting touched or and no one

wants to deal with that at all.

Speaker 2 (09:42):
Right, so it's.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
Easy to say, oh, get rid of TikTok. You know,
it's I think it's honestly, the whole thing is like
a scapegoat for our Week on China policy, stretching back
for thirty years.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
This is what we're gonna do. We're gonna ban TikTok.

Speaker 1 (09:58):
And look, you know TikTok is is the American is
so funny. The American company that is TikTok, or rather
you know, the American arm of the company Bykedance owns it.
But that on TikTok, there are a bunch of commies.
They're just as bad as the Chinese. Basically, I mean,
what what do you think? What are their politics? You know,
there are a bunch of left wing lunatics. So you know,

I've got my problems with TikTok based on that. But
this notion that, oh well, China is gonna spy on
your kids. You know, I sit there and what are
they gonna They're gonna know where I am?

Speaker 2 (10:28):
Who cares?

Speaker 1 (10:29):
They're gonna be able to reverse engineer what Americans like,
and then they're gonna be able to pollute all of
our minds. They're not that sophisticated about America. I hate
this is true of the Soviets. To the Soviets ran
all this anti American propaganda for decades during the Cold War.
They really didn't understand American politics very well at all.

Speaker 2 (10:45):
They had terrible.

Speaker 1 (10:45):
Analysts and assessments coming out of the KGB all the time.
You know China, You know what China knows. They can
buy off our elites that they know everything else they're
kind of guessing. So we want to take a moment
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Now there's something else that people are all fired up about,

and I really I gotta say, I think it's pretty
easy to deal with this. The Katie Britt State of
the Union response. She has now come back and said
it was awesome that she was made fun of by
hot Scarlet Johansson on Saturday Night Live. If you haven't
seen it, it's actually a very well done sketchy They

nailed it. Scarlett Johansson did an incredibly good job of
the Katie bridge State of the Union response, and I'm
glad to see that she's leaning into this because that's
the only way to handle it, The only way to
handle this is, yeah, it was funny, you know, Yeah,
I agree. I actually like I like what they did here,
So that's good. She's handling that in the way that

she should. And I think, you know, she just has
to move forward. And no one's going to remember this
thing really already, but certainly in a matter of weeks
everyone will have forgotten about it. But it is a
first of all, the GOP leadership. Are these people just
not very smart? Why was Katie Britt? Katie Britt was

the choice because they think that she's a mom, so
she'll appeal to suburban moms.

Speaker 2 (13:26):
That's not how this is going to work.

Speaker 1 (13:28):
The suburban moms that hate Trump. Let's be honest, they're
not going to stop hating Trump. And there's no woman
who's going to convince them, and certainly no VP candidate
or senator who's going to convince them to stop hating Trump.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
It's just reality.

Speaker 1 (13:40):
The GOP likes to play identity politics, even though they're
always saying we don't do identity politics, but they like
to play the identity politics game sometimes.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
Now, oh we have to.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
This is the GOP mindset, you know, we have to
have a woman or we have to have an individual
who is a minority. Give the following speech so we
can appeal to fill in the blank group. No GOP
should be and conservatism must be about ideas about things
that are true for all of us, regardless of what

your skin color is, regardless of what your sex is.
It's true for all of us because it is true. Right,
That's what our principles, our policies or ideas have to
be about that fundamental truth and not Oh but we
change things based upon those characteristics that they are so

obsessed with on the left, with the EI and all
the rest of it. So I think that the GOP
has to have a little bit of a wake up
moment here. We never get credit, so to speak, politically,
for representation. I mean, how many front page articles do
you remember seeing about Condoliezer Rice, a black woman who
was National Security advisor and then Secretary of.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
State under George W. Bush.

Speaker 1 (14:56):
How many times did you see her celebrated as you know,
breaking glass ceilings and and you know, uh, you know,
tributes from any corner of the media really to what
Condoleizer Rice meant at that time. I'm breaking down barriers,
none of that, none of that counted. They just say
it doesn't count at all. The same way you don't

read about the incredible legal mind and body of work
of Justins claris a Justice Clarence Thomas, and how he
is a truly great American, Yes, but a truly great
Black American. The left never even refers to him when

they talk about great black Americans, right, because they just
they act like it doesn't count. If you're conservative, it
doesn't count. And unfortunately this is true when it comes
to voting. It doesn't move the needle. Oh we're going
to have somebody who looks like the group that we
want to vote for is, then the more of them
will vote for us.

Speaker 2 (15:55):

Speaker 1 (15:57):
No, you know, the latin the Latinos, and the the
Blacks and.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
The women and the.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
Asians who are going to vote Republican are going to
vote Republican because they like the idea and the stances
of the Republican Party, or they just despise Biden and
the communist Democrats. But you know, it's about the stuff.
It's not about Oh, we have more diversity and representation
now in the gopiece, and now it's okay. It doesn't work.

So that's one lesson I think that's important to take
away from all this. And then the other one is
you've just got to be authentic. You know, one thing
you know from radio. If you're gonna talk for three
hours a day like I do and have for many years,
you got to just be who you are because otherwise
you're gonna go crazy. And also the audience can sniff.

Speaker 2 (16:40):
It out orry.

Speaker 1 (16:41):
I guess they can hear it, can't really sniff it.
That'd be kind of weird on radio, but you know
what I mean. They they know they know when people
when you're really being untrue to yourself, it comes across,
or at least it comes across to enough of the
audience that he'll have problems. And Katie Britt would have

been much better off, Honestly, it would have been better
off if she had just give it an unscripted Just
just talk talk to people like you're talking to a friend.

Speaker 2 (17:12):
Best advice you ever got about radio.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
Talk to people like you were talking to a friend.
Don't think you're, you know, Julius Caesar standing up in
front of you know, the gathered citizens of Rome, and
you're you know, you're in the forum, and you're addressing
all of history, you know.

Speaker 2 (17:27):
None of that stuff.

Speaker 1 (17:28):
Talk to them, Talk to people like you're talking to friends,
because that's what you.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
Should be doing.

Speaker 1 (17:33):
Just think of these people you're speaking to and trying
to convince as you were friends. I wish someone had
given Katie Britt that note. But she'll be fine. You know,
she's uh, seems like a great, great nice lady, So
that's good.

Speaker 2 (17:44):
You know.

Speaker 1 (17:44):
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it for today, team, Thanks for rolling with me. As always,
chill time.
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