Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
Hey, everybody, Welcome to the Buck Brief. Aaron Wexler is
back by popular demand of the interwebs and the people
who spend their time on it. She is NONLB take
on Instagram, go follow her, check out her stuff. She's
a commentator, she is a smart lady, and she thinks
what is going to happen now that they've tried their
best shot against removing Biden and it hasn't worked? So
what happens now?
Speaker 3 (00:47):
Oh gosh, Buck, you know this because I said this
to you in a conversation offline, But I disagree with you.
I actually just don't know how the left actually lets
Biden stay in the race now, however they have, how
they choose to get rid of him. I think there
are a few options here. I wouldn't put it past them.
You know, we've had chefs drown off Martha's vineyard. I
really are going to do. I know, I know you
don't agree with me, and I'll I'm sure you'll make
sure your audience knows that. But I don't think that
Democrats are willing to have an honest campaign. I don't
think they believe in election integrity, and so why would
this be any different? Why would they let him stay
in and when we're going to smoke him if he's
the candidate.
Speaker 2 (01:23):
If that happens, then what is the process by which
do you think? I mean, I know nobody knows. I'm
asking to break the future, but the likeliest thing is
the following for Biden and the following person takes over.
Speaker 3 (01:39):
Yeah, I mean, I think they will choose. I think
there's a good chance. I'm not saying they will do this,
but I would be in no way surprised if the
Left comes in and says, we found a candidate, we
like them, We're placing them here, and it doesn't even
matter if it's legal. I've seen great posts from everyone
from Churley Kirk to you and many people online talking
about you know, different state ballots fundraising all of that.
I don't know. I just never see the Left as
playing by the rules. They think they're above the law,
and so I just wouldn't be surprised if they actually
try to go around all these laws that are in
place now. My ideal situation is for Biden to stay in,
and maybe he does. You could be right, and we
can we can make a little bet on that for
a coffee. But I just don't see how they will
actually keep him.
Speaker 2 (02:22):
In, See I that's so funny. I take it from
the other side of which is I don't see how
they get him out, Like that's the part of it
to me, that is the there's no way around this,
Like if you just keeps saying no and he's alive,
there's nothing they can do. I mean the twenty fifth
Amendment that is a guarantee that Donald Trump wins the
election if the Democrat Party goes through the weeks before
the convention, the the like uh, you know, internal melee
of we're using a constitutional provision to forcefully remove our
president and candidate from office. That that is a non starter. Right,
So I don't and I don't know how they convince
him that there's a better, a better thing for him
at this pace. You know, I'm sure you've seen this before.
I mean, is Larry King, No, he passed away, right,
I'm forgetting now. Is he still around? Is he alive?
Speaker 3 (03:16):
I don't know.
Speaker 2 (03:17):
I'm not clean this up in post anyway. But Larry
Kate was a guy who when it was clear that
he was past his prime in even in the broadcast business.
He wasn't president of the United States, he was very
well known to just be like I got to get
back in I got to get back in the game.
And you know he was like married eight times or
seven times or something. So you know, he's a guy
who didn't necessarily learn his lesson in a whole range
of ways. But he didn't know who he was if
he wasn't doing content. You know what I'm saying, the
job becomes the person. I think for Joe Biden, Joe
Biden's been in office for fifty years. I don't think
Joe Biden knows who he is if he wakes up
and he doesn't he's an elected official.
Speaker 3 (03:55):
Yeah, I'm a little more pessimistic in this regard. I
don't think it's that he's so used to being a politician.
I think he's used to power. He's used to protecting Hunter. Right,
those are the things he doesn't want to give up, right,
And same thing with Jill Listen. This might be the
first time in my life, but I see the left
has made their bed and then they have to sleep
in it. Maybe this is that moment. I'm just I
think I'm so jaded from losing so many elections, not all,
but it's been a lot of heartache in my life
as a conservative woman that I just, I just I
don't think the race is over. I don't think we
can assume that he's going to stay in. I think
we have to stay vigilant and just stay on top
of making sure this is an honest election and that
everyone gets out to vote. And I just never we
just absolutely cannot become complacent as a conservative movement right now.
Speaker 2 (04:39):
You have to tell me about this one, by the way,
because I saw this in your in your Instagram feed,
So hat tip you on the show for bringing this
to my attention that New York City ordered a four
million dollar McKinsey study on whether trash cans work. Can
we get to that in just a second. I want,
I want you to explain to me that. But first up,
look it's from our sponsor here, the International Fellowship of
Christians and Jews. It's hard for us in America to
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IFCJ dot org. Okay, back to that's like something really important.
Now we're switching to something not important, which is McKinsey. McKenzie.
It's a hard, hard turn here, McKenzie. Trash cans uh
study for four million dollars. I mean, I've always thought
management consulting and my management consultant friends of which I
have had many over the years or like our we
returned shareholder probably they always like so I'm like.
Speaker 3 (06:17):
Yeah, shareholder value, it's always an increasing shareholder value.
Speaker 2 (06:20):
You're so much smarter than the people who are working
in the business running the business that you can just
show up and tell them how to better do their business.
I mean, yeah, like raise revenue, cut expenses. I think
they can figure some of that out on their own.
But what's with this garbage can study?
Speaker 3 (06:33):
Yeah, So, if anyone was on Twitter yesterday, depending on
where you are on Twitter and like that, which corner
you're on on your timeline, there was a lot of
news around Mayor Adams rolling out a trash can announcing
that New York City is going to start using trash
cans instead of just dumping bags of trash on the
street and buck you lived in New York for a
long time. I also lived in the city for a
long time. We also both thankfully escaped to Florida, where
we don't have trash on the street somehow, and we're
a civilized place, and we also don't have state taxes
to take care of things. But that's okay. And New
York City announced. What people don't actually realize is this
announcement is not actually going to fix the trash problem
in New York City. If anyone who hasn't visited the
city is you just have piles of trash bags everywhere.
And the rats of New York are the best fed
animals in the city because they're just huge and going
all the time. And it's apparently only for buildings that
have one to nine units, So I don't even think
this trash can situation is being enforced for big buildings,
which is the biggest problem in the city. It's for
these smaller I think brownstones, but I could be wrong
on that. But overall, Mayor Adams comes out wheeling a
trash very small trash can and if you notice in
the video, and I don't know if you're able to
clip this in for your audience later, but they have
tape in a square on the ground to show to
show him exactly where to place that trash can to
display it during their big announcement. And part of what's
been revealed since this major trash transformation hubub in New
York City is that the city two years ago Hayden
mckinn more million dollars to do a study on whether
it's better to have trash on the street or in
a trash can. So it took four million dollars for
New York City to understand what a trash can is.
And if I ti bet if we looked into it,
I'm sure someone has a friend of McKinsey who was
working on that study. So, yeah, it's a government government
efficiency at its finest.
Speaker 2 (08:31):
Yeah, management consulting everybody. There you go telling people obvious
things and charging them a whole lot of money for it.
What is the most controversial thing that you have covered
recently on non lib Take like what has gotten you
the most? Because you cover a whole range of ground
and occasionally you upset the What are they? What's the
The official terminology is soy lib beta mail?
Speaker 1 (08:55):
Is that right, low t soy betas loy t low
t soy betas. What has gotten them particularly angry lately?
I like to see that you're upsetting them.
Speaker 3 (09:06):
Oh, that's a good question. I guess there are a
bunch of things. I mean, I have a video that's
pinned to the top of my profile where it's a
very simple video. I'm just sitting with my dog and
there's a caption over me that says, isn't it interesting
how dogs only come in male and female? And if
you chop the balls off a dog, it's still a boy.
And so a lot of people get very worked up
over that. I also did a video about Scotus's decision
on Trump's immunity, and a lot of leftists were melting
over that. So we always expect that, you know, I'm sorry, sorry,
the Constitution is happening to you. But that's always very them.
So I think those are the two biggest meltowns that
I've seen. And interestingly enough, I get a lot of
Europeans following my page. Not they're not a meaningful chunk
of my followers, but I get a lot of messages
from people in Europe who see what's happening to their country,
and a lot of them are actually really relying on America.
It's the course correct to help their countries as well.
They need us to, you know, set the current with
everything that's going on. And so I did a story
recently about how there was a there's a supermarket in
Alabama that's dispensing Ammo like like a diet coke, like
you can just order it comes out. It's great. You
have to present your ID and everything. But some people
were upset because I said, the European mind cannot comprehend.
And I did know this fact already, but some people
from Switzerland decided to reach out to let me know
that in Switzerland they know most males have a gun.
I do know about that. They do have a military
draft in Switzerland, and they have a very interesting system
where you know, every single year you have to go
in and show the number of bullets that you have.
So there's an entire discussion to be had around that.
But that got the European men kind of upset.
Speaker 2 (10:47):
But they're not them. They those rifles are kept at home.
They're for military service. They don't conceal carry, for example,
so they.
Speaker 3 (10:55):
Don't still carry. They're not allowed to use.
Speaker 2 (10:58):
The bullets exactly. People who Switzerland, they don't understand that.
They don't you know, that would be if somebody decided
to like invade Switzerland, that they could run get the
guns at that point and be too late anyway. But
I want to ask you another gun question, and I'm
sure you might have seen a Supreme Court justice had
to be defended with lethal force against well her car.
I should say was if we'll get into this in
a second. Look. A good friend of mine is Porter Stansbury,
and he did something he wants you to know about.
The guy runs a major company, very successful, and you
know he was making big time CEO money and he said,
you know what, I'm cutting my salary to a dollar now.
He's doing this because he wants to make a point.
He wants to talk to people and teach people who
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discussed in this way anywhere else, So go take a
few minutes to check out Porter Stansbury's fascinating insights. Go
to Secret Currency twenty twenty four dot com. That's secret
Currency twenty twenty four dot com. So you see this Sodamayor,
who is look, I will say it, the least intelligent
member of the Supreme Court, the most left wing. It's
like the comments section of MSNBC. Sits there in a
robe and gets to weigh in on the Constitution. But
her US marshals were carjacked or attempted. There was an
attempted carjacking outside of her home, her car, and they
opened up on the guy shot him. He didn't end
up dying. But I just think it's interesting because Soda
Mayor says that there's no constitutional right to bare arms
for protection.
Speaker 3 (12:49):
Interesting, yeah, yeah, and especially you know she doesn't know
his circumstances. This is systemic racism that drove him to
do this in theory, right, So, I mean that's what
she would argue. It's crazy how its rules for thee
not for me. That's always how it works with the left.
She has a classic limousine liberal. And I just don't
know who's surprised seeing these. You know, it's the same
way that we have Hollywood celebrities. They all live in
gated communities, they all have private security that private security
always has guns. Same thing with every single leftist politician.
They just want the rest of us to live differently.
I think that every single law that applies to the
rest of us should apply to them. So especially for
what this was, which is a carjacking. I mean I
personally think, yeah, someone's carjacking your car. You should be
able to defend yourself and defend your property. But so
to my R would definitely if someone else were going
through this situation, she would judge it to say, well,
you were not in imminent danger, right, like we could
hypothesize us to what her argument would be. It would
certainly not be in favor of shooting the thief.
Speaker 2 (13:51):
Yeah, it's interesting the people who are opposed so often
to citizens defending themselves or having the rights to defend themselves,
they have armed guards twenty four to seven. It's funny
how that Bloomberg, who was a decent mayor in New York,
I will say, but this was always one of his
big points of hypocrisy. Arm guards all the time. But
you weren't allowed to, as a law abiding a citizen,
be able to defend yourself, especially if you live in
a high crime neighborhood. No no, only the criminals allowed
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So what's next on the Aaron Wexler Non lib take Agenda?
Tell us, tell us what we can expect this week?
How are you going to upset the soylb non low
tea soy Livetta.
Speaker 3 (15:28):
I'm gonna get.
Speaker 2 (15:29):
Gonna get you a shirt.
Speaker 3 (15:30):
I'm gonna order you one of my shirts that I
have on my website. I'll get it so you know
you won't forget. We can get one for Ginger too.
I'll make a dog shirt for it. Don't worry. It
says it says not a low T soy beta, so
no one will confuse you for being a low te
soy beta. What's next? You know, I'm just I There's
a lot of stuff going on right now. There are
always new videos, stories. I'm just putting out as much
content as I possibly can, appearing on a bunch of
shows such as yours. It's always nice to be on,
so thank you for having me, uh and uh yeah,
doing more. I have a bunch more podcasts lined up
for the summer, so people will hear me in longer form,
which will be great and uh God willing. We just
keep changing minds and help the left see that they're
on the wrong side. And that's really what I'm trying
to do, and I'm trying to do that through humor.
Speaker 2 (16:18):
Have you been getting hit with like censorship a lot
on TikTok or is it? Is it pretty good these days?
Speaker 3 (16:24):
No, TikTok, I'm fully shadow band. They put me in.
I've been put in TikTok prison way too many times.
Uh So they just don't even show my videos to
anybody anymore. And that's okay because I don't love having
TikTok on my phone anyways. But but Instagram has actually
been quite good, and that's actually I'm thinking of doing
a video in the next week or so around Mark Zuckerberg,
cause I feel like he's had this Chad transformation and
it's this very low key transition for him. It's a
transition I could actually get behind where he's turned into
this pro America like UFC guy, like holding you know,
the American flag on Fourth of July and we need
more of that. And he's obviously not being vocal about
his politics, but I'm I think there's some easter eggs
in his activity that tell me that he is voting
for Trump.
Speaker 2 (17:10):
Someone sounds like you're looking for a guy in social
media five eight now much bigger than a trust fund
brown eyes, But you know Mark Zuckerberg, right, so there
you go. There you go, Mark coming through for free speech.
It seems nonlib take. Good to see you. Also known
as Aaron I guess Aaron also know this non lib take.
I don't know why. I just sounded like Trump th
or two.
Speaker 3 (17:34):
You know.
Speaker 2 (17:35):
Sometimes I'm talking to Carry, I'm just like, excuse me,
excuse me. She's like, don't do that. I'm like, I
didn't even know I was doing it. I don't even
know if doing it just happens. Excuse me, excuse me. Anyway,
good to see you. We'll talk soon.
Speaker 3 (17:47):
Crazy Buck. Thanks