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May 9, 2024 16 mins

Buck Sexton does a deep dive into the current state of economic affairs under the Biden administration. In this episode, Buck dissects Joe Biden's recent CNN interview, where he was questioned about his economic performance compared to Donald Trump’s. Buck reveals glaring gaps in Biden's explanations and sheds light on the potential consequences of his administration's fiscal policies. Plus, who could be Trump’s running mate? Buck speculates on potential vice presidential candidates, with JD Vance mentioned as a likely contender.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to the Buck Sexton Show podcast. Make sure
you subscribe to the podcast on the iHeartRadio app or
wherever you get your podcasts. Welcome to the Buck Brief
Joe Biden's disastrous CNN interview. Look, they approach him with
kid gloves, They do everything they can. What more obvious
question can they throw his way than why is the

economy by all the pollsters, considered better by the American
people under Trump than you? Why do they trust him
more on the economy than you? What's going on? Biden
knows at some level that there's no good answers for
this anymore, right, he can't claim that it's the pandemic
or anything else, and he goes so far as to, well,

you know what, it's better if you hear it from here.
This is what Biden says when asked about this.

Speaker 2 (01:03):
What about I mean, but there's real pain. I mean,
grocery prices are up thirty percent, more than thirty percent
since the beginning of the pandemic, and people are spending
more on food and groceries than they have at anytime
really in the past thirty years. I mean, that's a
real day to day pain that people no.

Speaker 3 (01:20):
No, it really is and it's real. But the fact
is that if you take a look at what them
people have, they have the money to spend. Its angers
them and angers me that you have to spend more.
For example, the whole idea of this notion that Senator
Case you talk about shrinkflation.

Speaker 2 (01:40):
I think you know it's on your price for a
smaller bottle of it.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Example, stickers wore they did a thing and it's like
twenty percent less for the same price. That's corporate greed.
That's corporate greed, and we've got to deal with it.
And that's what I'm working on.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Okay, I understand that ever since we were little kids,
when you would open a bag of potato chips, you
were perhaps disappointed that there was a lot of air
in that bag. But for Biden to pull this pseudo
Marxist crap about greedy corporations and prices, let me tell
you I run a coffee company right now. I'm a

partner in it with Klay Travis and my brother Mason.
It's called Crockett Coffee. Now, we would love to sell
coffee even cheaper than we currently do, and we have
a great price at Crocketcoffee dot com. Go check it out.
We would love to do that, But the price of
things everywhere bought in US dollars has gone up. Why
Because Biden is an imbecile and the Democrats are running

the show around him, and they are effectively pushing for
modern monetary theory. I mean they just think that you
spend whatever you can, spend whatever you want to spend,
and you don't worry about it. Now, this can destroy
an economy. This is the way to bring down any
nation's financial infrastructure, because the debasement of the currency means

everything else is effectively null and void. When the currency collapses,
everything falls apart. But Biden has no answers because his
party demands more spending, more spending, more spending, more taxes,
more spending. You already look at the line item of
servicing the current debt. We have thirty four trillion dollars
on the budget. It's one of now the top I
think top three or four items in our entire budget,

paying for money that we've already paid, or rather that
we've already run up as a debt. This is unsustainable
social security. Then anouncing I think runs out in twenty
thirty five. This is unsustainable, but you feel it in
the prices you pay for milk and bread and gas
and electricity, and these are all things that are a
direct function of having people like Joe Biden making decisions.

Joe Biden is never forget this. Beyond the ruthlessness and
the political machinations and his oleagenous nature with his big
grin and his you know, I Irish Joe and all
this crap, they say, Joe Biden is very very dumb. Okay,

he's a dumb person. Now, you can be incredibly stupid
and gain a lot of power. You can be incredibly
stupid and be very popular. In fact, a lot of
people in media. It's a whole other conversation dumb but popular.
So it's not about popularity and it's not about power.
When you're looking at someone's intelligence, you're looking at their
ability to process information and have judgment of some kind.

That's just what you're observing. And Joe Biden is an imbecile.
I mean, he is a dumb person. He is not
a smart man. People say, oh, well he's president. Now,
Remember they said George W. Bush was dumb as the
dumbest person ever. He actually isn't dumb. I've interacted with him,
I've talked to him about complicated subjects. He's not particularly articulate,
that's true, but he's not dumb at all. Actually, he's

actually quite perceptive and pretty sharp. And the notion that
he was an imbecile was a complete fabric of the media.
Joe Biden like a little marionette, you know, like a
little puppet. He mouths the mandatory slogans, but he's an idiot,
so he can do the little you know, it's like
a parrot to repeat something that it's heard. He is

an imbecile, and that's something that you have to remember
when're looking at Joe Biden run the economy and all
the rest of it. Now, Look, the economy is rough
right now. Prices are high, and a lot of people
realize you gotta find ways to get some yield, to
get some investment going. That's going to help you prepare

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paid for by shake In Analytics. Now, my friends, the
betrayal of Israel by Biden. This is not a surprise.
I knew this would eventually happen. I will say, the
protest lunatics have been more effective at bullying the Democrat
Party than I had anticipated. But it was only a

matter of time before Biden was going to cave on this.
Because Biden, he has no ethics, he has no honestly
to say, he has no soul. Might be good, but
he has a very damaged soul, and so he has
How does his administter now say, if the Israeli military,
the IDEF is really defense forces, goes into Gaza, into Rafa,

specifically the southernmost portion really of Gaza, where there's this
last holdout of Hamas and yes, civilians, this is a war,
it's the terrible thing. But if they go in there,
the US will cut off their supply of precise precision munitions.
Now that of course also would mean that the Israelis
would probably have to use some less precise munitions, which

would result in higher casualties of civilians. But Biden is desperate.
This is Michigan. This is Muslims in Michigan who support
Hamas and hate Israel, pulling the chain of the Biden
administration so that it will stab Israel in the back

at the critical moment. That is what is going on here.
It is plain for all see. And it's just a
reminder that people think of the Democrat Party as just
this coalition of interests that are held together by their
desire for power. But the problem is that coalition is
only possible because there's no ethical framework for this. It's

just a raw power coalition. It's whatever we have to
do to be in charge, to have statism and greater
authoritarianism and the eradication of Judeo Christian morality and foundations
for America and all that. That is what the Democrat
Party in the left stands for. More government, more people
telling you what to do, and more power in the

hands of anyone who signs up to be a leftist Democrat. Now,
that's that's effective. Unfortunately, you know, it's kind of ruled
by the mob, and different factions of the mob come together.
But the downside of it is eventually the mob can
turn on you as a leftist. And so that's why
left wing Jews are getting a very harsh lesson in
the truths of the Democrat Party right now and what

they what the Democrat leadership really values just power. There
is no principle. It is just power. And there is
no one who is less principled involved in any of
this than Joe Biden himself. There is nobody who can
point to, I think, who is easier to sway and
turn his back on what he just said a minute
ago than Joe Biden because he is a hollow husk.

I mean, he looks like all of us in these days.
But he's a person who is just playing a role,
and his role is to do whatever the people around him. Whatever,
the puppeteers, whatever strings they pull. However they make the
little marionette dance around on that doesn't really dance. It
kind of stumbles, but stumble around on the stage. That's
Joe Biden, do you know? On the firearms guy switching

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first order. Now, some talk of JD Vance as VP

is getting more attention. I'll tell you this, I think
JD Vance is going to be the VP. I've said
it all along. Here he is, though, on Glenn's show.
On Glen's radio show, listen to this talking about whether
that conversation between Trump and JD has even been had. Listen, Hello,
JD how are you?

Speaker 2 (12:00):
Hey? Glen? How you do man?

Speaker 1 (12:02):
Great? Great to talk to you. First, I have to
ask you, uh, how are the talks to be vice
president going?

Speaker 2 (12:08):

Speaker 1 (12:09):
I'm just saying, well, you'll be the first to nolen
you know.

Speaker 3 (12:15):
Of course the media is very curious in this, but I've.

Speaker 1 (12:17):
Never yet had a conversation with Donald Trump about being
his white president. Really, until I do, I will save that.
This is a lot of media speculation. Lets you do
about nothing. Well, we're pulling for you. Actually we're pulling
for you. Now. Got to tell you, I think the
JD Events is still going to be the VP. I

think would be a great choice because this VP needs
to be ready to go, and also Trump has to
pass the Maga torch to somebody. He has to in
four years. God willing. He's going to win this election,
but he has to pass it along in four years.
There's no other option, right, and so we don't want
a VP who's just window dressing. We want a VP

who is growing into the role, who is youthful for
a president future president meeting somebody in their forties fifties,
and who can unite the party and who is ready
to lead day one of their own presidency. I really
like Tim Scott as from I don't know the guy,
but from everything I've seen, just a very decent, very

honorable man with an inspiring story. I don't know if
he could be the guy to lead the party in
the future. I don't know if he has the fire,
the fight in the belly. You gotta be a brawler,
you gotta be a brawler. I don't think Tim Scott's
a brawler. I think he's a good man. Who else

is in contention right now? People have talked about Least
to Phonics. She's pretty liberal for a Republican. He's telling
you pretty liberal. Jad Vance is in the mix. I've
heard some people say Marshall Blackburn. I really like Marshall Blackburn.
I think she is charming. She has the best accent.
It's amazing. That was a bad Marshall Blackburn impression. But
she's great. I don't think she's gonna do it though.

I don't think that Trump having a woman is going
to get him. I think when we play identity politics
as Republicans, we just lose because we don't get it
doesn't work for us, so we shouldn't do it. And
we also oppose it in principle, So why are we
doing We shouldn't pick a VP based on anything other
than ability and also what it brings to the ticket,
obviously the political calculation. So I think it's going to

be JD Vance. You heard it here, even though I
know JD is saying I haven't even talked about it yet.
You know, we keep hearing about people out there who
are on the fence about gold. Look, Biden could win
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them out today. Also, if you're listening to this on podcasts,
please go to the Buck Brief on YouTube. We would

love to get to the point where we're actually verified
on YouTube, and we've got a huge audio audience for
this podcast, which I really appreciate, but our video because
I've had YouTube has banned me and shut me down
because of COVID stuff like four times already. It's been
a total joke. So we're trying to build it out
and get video going as long as we can before
they ban us again. So if you're listening on audio,

please go subscribe on YouTube. Buck Brief go subscribe. Different
than the Clay and Buck Show, which is amazing, best
radio show out there, so go check that out too.
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I should say soon. So that's it for today, everybody
on the Buck Brief. Thanks again, Shield High
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