Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:11):
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
We've got an answer when it comes to the drones, courtesy.
Speaker 3 (00:25):
Of the United States government under Joe Biden. I don't
know if that means you're going to believe any of
what is said and you're gonna accept this out. I don't,
but I feel like we should at least give you
the official answer. There are a lot of people now,
hundreds and hundreds of sightings of these mysterious drones, and
this shouldn't be hard, right. The government should be in
a place where they can just say, you know what,
this is X, Y or Z. This is a foreign
drone doing surveillance like the Chinese spy balloon. That would
be really bad, but you know that's possible, I suppose.
Or it is civilians who are running some game and
we need to track on what's going on here, or
it's the government and we all think it's probably just
the government, right. So that's been the approach for this
this whole time. It seems like we've all been waiting
for the government to come forward and say you know what,
you know what the truth is here. This drone program
is something that we haven't wanted to talk about, but
we've now put out these new drones for everybody to see,
and not that we want them to see them, but
they've seen them. So there you go, and instead what
you get is Kirby and the what White House. Tolm's guy,
I don't know what his title is, used to be
the Pentagon spokesman. Here he is saying, Yep, it's lawful, and.
Speaker 1 (01:55):
Legal assessment is that this is lawful, legal, commercial, hobbyist,
and even law enforcement aircraft activity. Some of it's manned,
some of it's unmanned. We absolutely I acknowledge that a
lot of these are probably drones, but they're they're flying legally,
and it is legal to fly drones in non restrict
restricted airspace as long as you're registered with the FAA.
And there's thousands and thousands of these kinds of flights
every single day. I think there's more than a million
drones that are registered with the FAA just in the
United States alone.
Speaker 2 (02:33):
Okay, so.
Speaker 3 (02:35):
I don't buy it. I don't think you buy it either.
Why all of a sudden would this be a thing.
Why all of a sudden would we be told that
all these people are seeing drones. Suddenly suddenly there's all
these was there like a sale Black Friday sale on
drones in November?
Speaker 2 (02:54):
That's why we're all seeing all these drones. That makes
no sense.
Speaker 3 (02:57):
Something else has got to be going on here. Book,
are you saying the government might lie to us, Well,
here they are.
Speaker 2 (03:02):
Speaker 1 (03:03):
Everything we're seeing to date, our assessment tells us that
these are commercial drones, hobbyist drones, or law enforcement drones,
all operating legally and lawfully. I mean when people shoot
video of that, Kate, I mean, you're seeing the lights
on these things, the navigation lights. That's what's required if
you're going to be flying in US airspace at night,
are navigation lights. So clearly they're being operated in a
lawful and legal way, and we've seen nothing from their behavior,
nothing that tells us there's a public safety threat or
a national security threat. I do want to add one point, though,
we still got about one hundred leads that the FBI
is following up on, and if we learn something that
contradicts that, or something more, something additional, something more specific,
my goodness, we're going to come public and we're going
to talk about it. We have been trying to be
as transparent with the American people as we can. But
I think it's also important to remember that there are
a million drones registered with the FAA, and thousands upon
thousands fly in US airspace legally every single day, including
in the Northeast Quarter. In fact, that's one of the
busiest areas.
Speaker 3 (04:06):
Okay, the numbers are only going to increase from drones
like this. Yeah, we know that people can fly drones.
We know that there are people who are involved in
this stuff and it's a hobby for them or their
business uses it or whatever. Why is it so different now?
Why are people seeing so many? Is it really what
they're suggesting is this is just a social media hysteria,
a form of contagion that is going on. And that's
the whole explanation that this is nothing to see and
move along, folks, nothing to see here. I don't think
that you're going to accept that. I don't accept that.
That's just a little too convenient, isn't it. Here's what
I think is really going on with the drones. The government,
some part of it had a program they tested out
these drones, or they've been testing out these drones, and
they figured, we'll just tell everybody there's nothing to see here,
that there's what do you mean drones, there's someone else's drones.
And now that they've said that, even though people accepting it,
they don't want to admit that these were government drones
or some government programs drones. And so they have to
just keep going with what they got because they know
that they'd have even less credibility if they said, turns out,
you know, Department of Homeland Security actually has this thing.
I've seen this stuff about nuclear waste or you dirty
bomb trying to find that. I think you'd see a
lot more drones and a lot more activity if that
was going on, you would hope somebody if they thought
there was a loose nuke in America, which I do
not believe, I would think that this would be a
much bigger operation and it would be even harder for
them to hide aspects of it. So that's what I see.
But I'm open to being proven wrong. I'm open to
being told that there's something else going on. So just
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Mote Research Bradlert dot Com. Okay, so now you know
what I wasn't expecting because you know, Joe Biden during
this whole drone thing is basically mia. And so I
sit here and say to myself, who's the commander in chief?
Speaker 2 (07:13):
Donald Trump?
Speaker 3 (07:14):
Really he doesn't have the powers yet, but he is
the de facto commander in chief. And I think everybody
at some level recognizes that when was the last time
he saw Biden? He was in Africa on some boondoggle
and he fell asleep in a meeting, fell asleep in
a meeting, you know, on video with everybody there. Now,
I get it. The guy's ancient, so of course he's
gonna fall asleep. The fact that they made this guy
president even to this point, though, is it's It's so reckless,
isn't it. We all disagree it's so reckless. But making
Kamala the president I think would have been worse. But
Kamala doesn't think. So she's out there to tell everybody
that she is. She's leading the It's gonna be okay
folks chorus for the Democrats, trying to convince them that
it's fine. Our spirit is not defeated.
Speaker 4 (08:05):
She says, our spirit is not defeated. We are not defeated.
Let's be clear about that. We are strong. We are
clear about why we are in this, You're willing to
put in the hard work, and that work must continue.
Speaker 3 (08:25):
I think it's pretty defeated, Kamala. I think the Democrats
are in the midst of the biggest butt kicking. I
don't just mean in the with the vote totals and
what the actual election and because I know Kama got
a lot of votes too, whatever. I'm talking about the
narratives though, and what they can rely on going forward,
the narrative machinery that is in place that they use
to try to prop up some of this stuff. The
Democrat corporate media is running for cover right now, MSNBCC
and at New York Times. What are they supposed to do?
How are they going to get their message across. They're
not as powerful as they once were. The people have
won more and more people at least have woken up
to the fact that they lie, they cannot be trusted.
They're not doing journalism, they're doing activism, and so they
are inherently engaged in a deception and in something that
is fraudulent. So I think that's a part of this
as well. And I think that the Democrats don't have
the same tools of propaganda at their disposal. Certainly not
as effective tools as they once did, and they're freaking
out and Kamala telling them all it's going to be fine.
I'm sorry that that doesn't that doesn't pass.
Speaker 2 (09:48):
That's not good.
Speaker 3 (09:48):
I thought she was gonna go to UC Berkeley or
something and become Now that's too smart of a school,
one of the second or third tier, like one of
the UC schools that you don't know where it is.
There's a lot of them, right you know, you see, Uh,
I don't know. Some someplace somewhere in California that I
can't think of right now. Is there a UC Burbank school?
Speaker 1 (10:12):
I don't know.
Speaker 3 (10:13):
Maybe so instead THO, they're saying she's going to be
the governor of California, And I have to say that
to me, seems very plausible because if Gavin Newsom can
be governor of California as horrible as he has been, yeah,
sure Kamala could become the governor of California too. This
is a uniparty state. It's a one party state. So
if the Democrats want to get behind her there, then
there's no it doesn't matter what Republicans think in California,
So there's no check on the madness. So yeah, maybe
she could be the governor California. Here's the thing about that, though,
that means to me, I mean if she's governor of California,
that means at some point she can run for president again.
And I think that's a great thing. I think that
would be very helpful for Republicans because DEI is not defeated.
It is not gone forever, but it is it has
taken some major losses. It is in remission. I like
to say it is at a low point. Had a
nator and.
Speaker 2 (11:16):
Is that how you say that word? I gotta yeah,
I think that's right. N A d I R.
Speaker 3 (11:21):
So DEI is at a low point and it will
come back though, and it will become something that uh
is is a major rallying cry for the Democrats, but
it as an idea has received a substantial SmackDown in
this last election because Kamala Harris I think represented a
more a more clear and aggressive DEI agenda as a
candidate and as a you know, her platform than than
what we've seen before. So they're going to try to
find a way to resurrect this. There's no question about
that in my mind. But to me, it's just an
Anvale Ravakant had a great uh.
Speaker 2 (12:10):
Tweet about this.
Speaker 3 (12:11):
The guy's a thinker, he's a Silicon Valley you know,
big big dog from Silicon Valley. Important guy. And he
said that Marxism is the religion with a thousand faces.
It's so true, and DEI is one of the faces
of Marxism. DEI is just a version of the basic
Marxist approach, which is, take the malcontents and the discontents
in society, tell them that they have no accountability for
their unhappiness, that it's someone else's fault. And then the
people telling them that say, give us enough power and
we will punish the people who have made you malcontents,
made you unhappy, oppressed you. And they of course don't
really do that. They just want to accrue more power
for themselves. They don't make anything better, They make everything worse.
And that is the essence of communism, that is the
essence of Marxism, of socialism. So yeah, that is where
DEI is.
Speaker 2 (13:06):
Speaker 3 (13:07):
Let's talk about the Pete hegg Seth for Secretary of
Defense situation.
Speaker 1 (13:12):
Speaker 3 (13:12):
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the swamp has been unable to stop, Pete Hegseth. A
big part part of it is that Donald Trump has
completely rallied behind him.
Speaker 2 (14:13):
Here's what he said.
Speaker 5 (14:14):
I think, Pete Hegseth is making tremendous strides over the
last week. He's going to be great. Look, he went
to Princeton, he went to Harvard. He was a great
student there, but he really was. From the first day
I met him, all he wanted to talk about was military.
It's just a military guy. I think it's a natural.
This was my idea. And you know, Pete Hegseth gave
up a lot because he was going big places in Fox,
big big places, a lot of money. And he didn't
even hesitate When I said, do you want to do this?
He said absolutely. I said, you know, if it doesn't
work out, you'll never have the opportunity that you have
right now in terms of the world of entertainment or business,
whatever you want to call it. You'll never have that
opportunity again. In fact, it could be just the opposite
because it's nasty out there. He said, I don't care.
I have to do it for my country. He gave
up a tremendous amount of this certain work. It would
be it would be a tragedy.
Speaker 3 (15:10):
Now I understand that at some level this is just
about the Pentagon not wanting and the swamp and the
system not wanting. Somebody coming in with the mandate and
the backing to do big things, major things, to change
things up. So that's a part of it. That's a
component of all of this. But I also think that
there is an understanding from Trump and his team that
if the media was able to derail the Hegseth nomination,
they would have then moved on to RFK Junior next.
You know, this is just it's just another scalp. It
doesn't matter whether or not it changes anything policy wise,
although they obviously want to stop the Trump agenda, but
really it's just about the Democrats feeling like they have
some means of trying to obstruct and stop this Trump
administration from getting what it wants. And so that's why
it was so important to push Pee through, even through
with all the opposition. I know Pete well, he's a
dedicated guy. He loved the military truly, and he loves
the men and women in uniform, wants to see always
pursue and seek their best interest. And Trump has rallied
behind him. So I think Pete's going to get through.
RFK Junior, I think is going to be more of
a challenge than people realize. Right now, we're going into
the holidays, you know, Christmas, Honka, New Year's going into
the hot Kwanza of course, cannot forget Kwansa going into
the holidays. And the media is going to come back
from all of this, and I think they're going to
dig in against RFK Junior in a big way, which
is pretty amazing because I know what they're going to say, Oh,
he's not qualified. But the truth is, think about the
people that they thought were qualified to be in charge
of health agencies, et cetera. In the past, people like Fauci,
Little Fouch effectively a religious figure right for people. That's
what Fauci became.
Speaker 6 (17:03):
That's why you could say, you know, you got to
mask up and you got to watch me on MSNBC,
and and you know, even though I lie and am
wrong about everything, you will still worship me because you
are dumb libs and you don't think for yourself.
Speaker 2 (17:18):
You're part of the hive mind. You could even say
that to him. They'd say, I love Fauci, He's amazing. They
don't care. It's all the same.
Speaker 3 (17:25):
As long as they get to worship at the Fauci altar,
they're fine with it. But he was a major health guy.
Right at NAIAD National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease,
which is part of NIH, not even at CDC. CDC
there was some other guy, doctor Redfield I think was
his name, for a while in the COVID and they
were wrong with everything too. So what are we so
worried about? Have the health authorities made us healthier? So
how are they going to be? How are they going
to be so much better? Or how would they be?
How would maybe RFK Junior be so much worse than
they were? If anything, they're not. These agencies don't make
us healthier. They have a lot of really pointless and
poor recommendations Americans are. We have a lot of nationwide
systemic illnesses, particularly around things like obesity and heart disease
and type of diabetes and all these challenges.
Speaker 2 (18:15):
Are they helping with any of this?
Speaker 1 (18:17):
Speaker 3 (18:18):
Are they holding big pharma accountable when big pharma transgresses.
I'm very honest about this. I think big farma does
some great things too. And anybody who has a parent
who's on certain drugs that are incredible, or anyone who's
had a really remarkable success in their fight against cancer,
I think also realizes big Farma also does great things.
It's not all bad. I know everyone likes to beat
up on big Farmer. People who do that are wrong.
They're being demagogues. There are wrong things that big Pharma does,
but we need to separate these things.
Speaker 1 (18:44):
Speaker 3 (18:45):
Pushing oxyconton on people and saying it's not addictive, which
they did for a while for years, that's wrong. That's horrible.
Coming up with new diseases to clear people I mean sorry,
new pardon me, new drugs to clear people's arteries of
heart disease. Yeah, that's a great thing, right, I mean,
some of these and changes that have happened are are
remarkable because of what these agencies are able to accomplish. So,
you know, I'll continue to harp on this issue, but
I just think that RFK Junior is somebody who we
could see a really strong opposition to from the media
because of what he represents. This Christmas and Honkka season
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Thanks for being here on the buck brief Shields high