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December 26, 2024 15 mins
Buck Sexton wraps up 2024 with a heartfelt and reflective holiday episode of the Buck Brief. From sharing his thoughts on the year’s biggest events, including Trump’s remarkable comeback, to personal milestones like becoming a soon-to-be dad, Buck dives into the highlights of a year that marked a turning point for both him and the country.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to The Buck Sexton Show podcast, make sure
you subscribe to the podcast on the iHeartRadio app or
wherever you get your podcasts. All right, Welcome into the
final Buck Brief of twenty twenty four. It is a
Christmas Bucks Birthday carries Birthday and New Year's spectacular here
on the Buck Brief, and it really is just me

reflecting a little bit on the year that we've just
had the year ahead, tell you some stories, gonna hang
out for a minute. Maybe you got some chestnuts roasting
over and open fire? Does then it actually do that?
I always wonder about that. I don't know if I've
ever even had a roasted chestnut, and I'm a guy
who likes food, so that's a surprise. But my point

here being that this is our last podcast. I appreciate
so much those of you who listen to the show.
Even though I know I'm on radio for three hours
a day, I've always got more to say, and it's
fun to just be able to sit and chat a
little extra interview with a guest we didn't get on radio,
or just talk to you about whatever's on my mind.
We're planning to do more of this next year. Those
of you who are only on the audio side of things,

police consider subscribing to the YouTube channel if you want
to see some video. It's nice to have that going
on in the background while you're stuffing the stockings or
doing whatever it is you're doing. I'll say this, we're
going to do review. Well, for first a review. Carrie
saw Diehard and she loved it. It was excellent. We
really enjoyed it. Such a great movie, I believe. I know,

the most iconic line is welcome to the party, pal,
I think that's very clear. But to me, the funniest
line is we're going to need some more FBI guys,
which is delivered by that guy who also plays the
principal in the Breakfast Club. So yeah, it's a great movie,
fun to watch. It was fun to watch it with
Carrie for the first time, and really moved so well

and so so well written, you know. John McTiernan did
a great job as the director. And then I just
it was funny because we watched I guess on one
of those streaming platforms I forget, and then it went
right into Diehard too, and we watched and carros oh,
I like Diehard one and then Diehard Too. And we
got about twenty minutes in Diehard Too and she's like,
I can't, I'm done, So I try. I went for

too much. I went for too much. Diehard two is
not a good movie. I'm just it's the truth. You know,
it's the truth. It's not a good movie. There's a
weird scene with like the main bad guy doing naked
yoga or something in the beginning. I'm not making it up.
Go watch the Diehard Too. You're in the beginning. This
guy he's standing there butt naked in front of a
TV doing like stretching for his karate or something. Yeah,

the whole thing is remember when Also, everybody just kind
of knew karate and movies in the eighties and nineties.
He watched like Roadhouse and that guy somehow just first
of all, Patrick Swayzey was awesome in a lot of
ways Rest in Peace, But Patrick swayzey karate was preposterous.
Do you watch it? Like there's a lot of that too.
But people just knew karate, you know, you'd watch this

and they would, and that was like, oh, it was
so powerful that they had the karate chop ready to go. Anyway,
we didn't get through Diehard too, which I understand. But
that's a great, great time for Christmas movies right now,
of course, and the year we just had. Let's talk
about the year we just had, because I thought it
was a special year in so many ways. I think

twenty twenty four was my favorite year, probably since twenty nineteen.
I think this is the best year since the pandemic
that I have had, and that I would argue that
the country has had as well. I think that this
year was absolutely you know, I just it was fascinating.

It was heart stopping at some points. I mean, when
Trump took the bullet in the year, I mean I
remember I was like, oh my god, what's going to
happen this country? I thought Trump had been hitting the
head for about thirty seconds. I said, oh my god,
so worried. They prosecuted Trump. Republicans Trump huge win thanks
to Donald Trump in the election. It was really pretty amaze.

And that's the story of twenty twenty four is just
never give up. I mean, you just have to keep fighting.
You have to keep fighting these communists. You have to
be resilient, and just if you just gut it out,
I don't know, you have to just keep pushing, keep pushing,
no matter what they throw in your way. You have

to keep pushing. And Trump was remarkable, I mean, almost
superhuman in his ability to fight through the ambushes, in
his ability to keep going. So to me, twenty twenty
four was the year of the Trump comeback in so
many ways, just culturally and Elon Musk, it's amazing with

X and it just it feels like America is back
in a lot of ways. I know people have been
saying that since the election, but it feels like there's
some sanity. You know, we don't want we don't want
criminals to be coddled, we don't want wide open borders.
We don't need to spend ourselves and do oblivion and
tax and tax more and just all of this stuff,
all of this stuff, and you know, I just view

it as things are being set right. Things are being
set right. So twenty twenty four is an incredible year.
And honestly, it's the best year that I've had in
five years. I did not enjoy the Biden years. Look,
I enjoyed my life. I met Terry, I got married.
I mean there's some great so I got ginger, there's
great stuff, right, Clay and I had a fantastic run

on the show. But just in terms of I'm talking
about not just for me, I mean as a year
in the history books, I think twenty twenty four is
the best year we've had since twenty nineteen. Twenty nineteen
was an awesome year. By the way, you remember that
economy was absolutely booming, America was at peace, Trump was
kicking ass, I mean everything, you know, twenty nineteen was
a really good year. So this is the best one

we've had in five years. So I think this holiday,
it's really worth taking a moment to just think about that,
enjoy that for a moment. The good guys won this
round finally. And it's not just about politics. It's not
just about Trump and the election. It's the left, the Democrats.
The Demons are they're not defeated. Maybe they've lost a battle,

but they're not defeated forever. But they're exhausted right now.
They're scrambling, they're on their back feet. They have been
dealt a substantial blow just by the events of the
last year. And you know, the good guys are, the
good guys are on the move. So I just think
it's fantastic sponsor. Here is Barck Creek Arsenal for gun owners.

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Bearcreekarsenal dot com slash buck. All right, now the year ahead.
You've heard me say in the most recent podcast, it's

very true that we absolutely must have Trump do the deportations.
So my prediction for next year is that this is
where the left is going to try to resurrect themselves,
and that the issue of deportations is going to become
incredibly contentious of course, and that trumpet is team. They're

going to try to the hashtag resistance is going to
come back in the courts and the media and everything
they can to try to stop these deportations from happening
at the levels that Trump and his team are saying
they are going to happen. So this is all big stuff,
big moves that will be coming and if they're successful

in this. If they're successful in this endeavor, I think
it'll create a lot of momentum for everything else that
they want to do, and it could be one of
the most consequential presidencies we have seen in a very
long time. If Donald Trump is able to be successful
in this. I worry though, that this is going to

really be It's going to create some mayhem for a while.
Because Democrats this is their long term plan. They've lost
Americans politically, They've lost too many Americans. So they're trying
to make new Americans, if you will, not new Americans. Really,
they're trying to just make new voters. That's bringing in
the third world as fast as they can, trying to
inundate the system, overwhelm the system, create the grounds for

a mass amnesty, and then they will just make them
all voters in one party state. They want to turn
American to California the whole country where there's no accountability.
There's just idiotic policies, limousine liberalism, left wing lunacy, and
that's what they want to do. Not all the rest

of the country can count on Hollywood and Silicon Valley
to pay its bills, right, I mean, this is the problem.
They took the wealthiest and a lot of ways one
of the most advantageous geographically financially states in the country
and have done as much damage to it as they
possibly can. That's what they want to do to America.
That's what they want to do to America. So I

think you have to keep keep in mind that these
are what the stakes are right now. Our sponsor here
is the IFCJ, the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews.
They want to wish you a blessed beginning of the
holiday seasons. You gather with your families, grateful for all
that God has given us. Let's also remember those who
are facing hardships and in need of fellowship, including Israelis
who are threatened daily by attacks from enemies on all sides.

During these times, the Israelis are thankful to the Fellowship
for food and basic assistance. Your gift of twenty five
dollars will help provide a food box to an elderly
Jew or a Jewish family who are suffering and a
desperate need. Go to support IFCJ to make a gift
now that support if CJ, or call eight a eight
four eight eight if c J. Now maybe where I

just have some fun because some of you who listen
to this, I guess this week Christmas Week, I hope
you have a blessed Christmas. My favorite holiday in all senses, right.
I mean, I know that the most important holiday to
Christians is actually Easter, but I mean the most fun holiday.
And it's also just a I was like I said,
it's the most wonderful time of the year. I mean,
it is the most wonderful time of the year in

a lot of ways. It's nice to have an excuse
to spend extra time with family and friends. And you know,
I can tell you I'm day in and day out,
I am always very you know, engaged and psychologically deep
in the in the midst of things, big issues, big
problems to the countries. What I do for a living
I can talk about it. It's very I feel so blessed.

I absolutely love my job. I have an incredible wife,
I have a beautiful family. I have a little baby
boy on the way. I have the most adorable little dog.
I get to do this job, and it's all because
you listen and you support me. So I always remember that.
I have a tremendous amount of gratitude for it. I'm
coming up on my birthday here, I'll be forty three

years old. I think, I think forty three. I'll be forty. Yeah,
I'll forty. I had to remember. I actually did not
remember birthday. I'll be forty three years old, which to
me feels like that's old. But I know a lot
of you are saying, oh, just wait, it's actually pretty young.
In some ways. It all depends on your perspective. But
this is a year has been a year of blessings

for me. Has been a year of tremendous just happiness
and great things. And my wife's got a little baby
on the way. And like I said, fan, I've got
the love of my life. I've got a fantastic wife,
I got a great family. My wife's family is great.
You know. I am so blessed. And the fact that

I can do this every day. The fact that I
can from a studio, sit down and just share my
thoughts with you and get paid to do this absolute
dream come true. So that's on my birthday. I'm just
going to tell you, is are you not that? I
know you're not supposed. I don't believe in superstitions. So
all I want for twenty four twenty twenty five personally
is to have as good a year as I did
in twenty twenty four and for things to just go

you know this way. I've had tough years in the past.
Not something I talk about, but I've had tough years
in the past. This year was really strong and this
was just fantastic. So I appreciate all of you who
listen and give me your time. I hope I can
provide an insight, entertainment, keep you company. I think I
am an incredibly Yeah, I've worked very hard and all

these things people in media will tell you, of course,
and I've I've been I've been passed over in the
past for media opportunities that I absolutely deserved and should
have been given, and it was just sort of you know,
somebody's nephew got it instead or spite from some executive
or whatever. So you know, I've got my battle scars
just like everybody else. Nonetheless, I'm incredibly blessed and very

fortunate despite whatever work I've put in, despite whatever talent
I have to be able to do. This is like
I said, I I just want another year living my
life next year like I've lived at this year. My
little little boy, baby boy on the way, couldn't be
more excited about that. Finally get to be a dad.
I'm gonna try to convince, try to conce Carrie. Maybe

we should get a second puppy. I'm just saying that,
you know, maybe not right away after the baby, but
I like dogs a lot too, and we're hopeing get
you know, hey, we have one kid at a time.
I was going to say, we're hoping that we can
build continue to build a family, but I would just say,
if you're listening, and this is over the holiday break
for you, I know not all of you get to
take off that much time, or maybe no time, but
you know, at night or when you're with family during
the Christmas celebration or during Hanukkah or however you celebrate,

you think about your blessings. It's so important. Context is
everything in a lot of ways. First of all, happiness
is always temporary, and it's also always a choice in
a sense meaning I don't mean like biochemically. I know
people can get depressed and stuff, but I mean you
can decide to be to feel good about what's going

well and to focus on that, or you can decide
that nothing is ever enough and everything is unfair. And
so mindset matters so much. And I know for a
lot of you you've had a you know, you've got
a great year two and hopefully we all have a
great year ahead. And happy birthday to me. He might
be listening to this on my birthday December twenty eight,
so forty three years old. And I just appreciate all

of you very much. So it's my last show of
the year, also my last read of the year. Are
Our sponsor is Mantisex. My shooting has been getting better,
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dot com. Big Christmas hugs and a happy New Year

to all of you. I appreciate each and every single
one of you who listen. If you want to give
me a birthday present, tell one friend of yours, just
send them a text or send them an email or
you know a link to this show and so you
should check out this Buck Sexton guy. That's the best
birthday present you could give me. And I'm thankful to God,
my family and to all of you. Happy New Year.
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