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May 15, 2024 18 mins
In this episode, Buck Sexton discusses the upcoming election with Ned Ryun, founder of American Majority. They explore Trump's strong polling numbers in key swing states but express concern about the Democrats' superior election machinery in places like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Buck and Ned discuss the Democrats' strategies, including the use of Biden's executive order to boost voter turnout and potential issues with non-citizens receiving federal ballots. Ryun remains cautiously optimistic but insists that Republicans must bring their A-game to win. They also touch on Trump's legal battles and their potential impact on the election.

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to the Buck Sexton Show podcast. Let make
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Speaker 2 (00:20):
Welcome to the Buck Brief. We got Ned Ryan in
the house on this episode. Our good friend Ned. He
is the founder of American Majority and he is going
to fight like hell to make sure that the Communists
lose this upcour election. And we're going to talk to
him about how that's all going. Let's jump right into that,
shall we, Because here's the problem as I see it.

Ned Trump ahead in all the polls, basically right, all
the polls that matter, that show the states that are
up for grabs, the swing states. I worry though, that
the other side still has better election machinery, especially in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin,

the Russ Belt. If you will tell me what's going
on with this? First of all? Is that how you
see it? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (01:10):
No, I'm running like we're behind. I think there's a
lot of positive signs. I mean, I love a good pull, Buck,
But for me, it's like a weather forecast, could be right,
could be wrong, positive sign. You know, Trump was never
like this in twenty sixteen or twenty twenty like he
is in twenty twenty four. So good, you know, that
should give us hope. That's great. Yeah, I the left
is very good at this ballot collection game. They also

have a few other things they've been cooking up. I mean,
it's kind of a lot of people are feeling really
good right now on the right as the poll numbers
are looking great for Trump. This law fair is completely
collapsing like I thought it might, and I think poll
numbers will get even better for Trump. That all to say,
this presidential race is coming down to seven states. It's
gonna be Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.

So it's seven states. The question is, are we going
to have our a game in regards to creating more
ballots among mid to low prop Republican voters. Are we
going to increase our registrationation among the base in these
seven states before the deadline's in October? And then are
we going to do the right things and collecting at
least eighty, if not eighty five percent of the ballots

by November fifth to make sure that Donald Trump wins.
Those are the numbers that count book the other thing
that gives me a little bit of pause is and
I'm sure you've talked about this Biden's executive order in
the spring of twenty twenty one that has essentially taken
our taxpayer dollars and turned a lot of pieces of
the government into essentially a get out the vote machine
for him. So that's a problem. And I also think

that this idea of non citizens getting federal ballots, some
of it's been beaten back, but I still have question
marks about games that are going to play on that front
as well. So yeah, I'm I'm optimistic. I think we've
got a good plan in place, but I'm not sleeping
on I think I'm going to run like I'm behind
all the way until November fifth, and I think everybody
else should as well.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
Who does that stuff but that you talked about, I
mean just for the you know, you work in this world,
so you just can speak about like the movement people
doing it, but you know who's making sure that we
get Obviously you know there's the Trump campaign, what the
campaign's doing, But who else is involved in making sure
that in Pennsylvania we start to close the gap of
registered voters that we have ballot chase where it's applicable,

that we do early voting where it's applicable, like what
are the entities both sort of official and now more
grassroots that are playing a role in this for this
election cycle.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
So I think you're the listeners the viewers need to
understand there's some things that have taken place in recent
times because of Mark Elias. By the way, buck who
requested from the FEC and ruling in regards to this.

Speaker 2 (03:50):
Real quick he's like the Democrat dirty tricks election lawyer
in case in case, in case anyone doesn't know, he's
the election dirty trickster.

Speaker 1 (03:59):
Correct and behind Russian collusion and all this crazy Steele
dossier he requested from the FEC not too long ago.
Are ruling regards to how closely could outside groups coordinate
in regards to canvassing door knocking with an actual campaign,
And the ruling came down that in fact, there could
be coordination between campaigns and outside groups in regards to canvassing,

specifically in regards to what doors are being knocked, the
data being exchanged, advice on messages, etc. And so I
think there's going to be a lot of good things
taking place between the Trump campaign and some outside groups
in regards to making sure the right targeting is taking
place in those key states, the right messaging all of
these things, and obviously a data exchange has to take
place on the back end. But you asked me about

outside groups. RSLC, the Republican State Legislative Committees doing some
great work in regards to doing ballot generation, ballot chase,
I know, the Sentinel Group, Heritage Action, they're doing some
good work on this front, turning points, starting to try
and play in this. We'll see how effective their work is.
American Majority Action is doing this, SBA List, Susan Anthony

List is doing some of this. So there's some fairly
robust groups that are in the right place. Is doing
the right thing, you know called five and a half
months out from the election, So the ball is moving
in the right direction. The question is are we going
to get all of the funding necessary to do all
of this to the one hundred percent that we need
it done right? Are we going to be able to

generate enough ballots? That's an arms race all the way
until October. I mean in Arizona, for example, Buck you
can request an absentee ballot all the way until October
twenty fifth. So are we going to have all the
funding necessary to create ballots up to the deadlines? And
then are you going to chase in eighty to eighty
five percent of those ballots? And I think the groups
that are doing it are starting to get on the

right path. We've been talking about this in American majority
for the last year and a half, and I think
a lot of people are waking up to realizing we
need to fund absentee ballot generation, and we need to
fund voter registration to those deadlines, and we need to
fund absentee ballot chase. And the good news, there's a
couple of good news good things on this front. Book.
Trump is actually embracing this. If you haven't noticed some

of his recent comments, not only at the recent rally
but also on true social that have been posted on Twitter.
It's okay to request an absentee ballot, It's okay to
vote early in person, and if you want to vote
an election day, that's fine, but have a plan. The
other thing that is also working in our favor is
the fact that the RNC has changed leadership. Buck I

was fully convinced that if Ranna and her team stayed
in the place they were that it was going to
be severely damaging to Trump in this election. They finally
woke up to that reality. They changed, They put in
the right leadership. I'm bullish on our chances because of
those changes, because of the things that have taken place,
and because of the focus and the priorities not only

of the Trump campaign but by extension, the.

Speaker 2 (06:51):
R and C. I want to come into how you
think all this legal stuff against Trump is going to
shake out. We've got the New York City trial already
under ways, and then and I are talking. That'll be
up here. We'll dive into it in just a second.
But I recently watched a documentary called America's Last Election.
You've got to check this out. It's produced by my

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in America right now and the dangers opposes to millions
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our nation and the serious repercussions they could have for you,
your future and your finances, how you work, where you live,
how you plan for retirement. Nothing may ever be the same.
So make sure you watch this new documentary while it's online.

Go to www. Dot Last Election Documentary dot com. That's
last Election documentary dot com. Last Election Documentary dot com
paid for by Porter and Company. Uh ned the stuff
that we're seeing go on in New York and you
gonna sit here, you know, it's it's absurd, it's disgraceful,

it's terrible for the country. Like we can just take
as a granted that this is and I spent a
lot of time on radio going through they held it.
They're they're rigging it, They're they're misapplying the law, like
we've we've done a lot of that.

Speaker 1 (08:30):

Speaker 2 (08:31):
Is it blowing up in the Democrats' faces?

Speaker 1 (08:34):

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Like are we can we already say looking at the
data that this isn't working as intended? Is it even
going in the other direction where they might be losing
swing voters or is it just too early to know
and we got to see how it plays out.

Speaker 1 (08:47):
I'm seeing a trend. You know. We talked about this,
I don't know what was it two three four months ago,
in which I said, look at the opposite side of
the coin. This is a this is a central part
to Joe Biden's re election campaign. This political law fair.
I think it is going to blow up because the
merits of it are purely political. There's no legal merit
to any of these and I think that's playing out

in real time. I think you see it reflected in
the and I think you're seeing it. I mean you
and I, Like you said, you and I follow politics
pretty much twenty four to seven, three and sixty five
days a year. It's what we do. The normies, the
people that don't, the people that kind of sort of
pay attention every now and then, but really only when
elections come close. I think it's breaking through to them. Anecdotally.
I see that, but also in the poll numbers, when

people are saying, we really don't care what happens with
these cases. It's not changing our mind at all on
who we're going to vote for We're still going to
vote for Donald Trump because they know that it's actually read.
They know that there's no merit to this except for
its political lawfair, and they're trying to take out the
chief political opponent for Joe Biden. So yeah, I'm optimistic
that you're going to see all of the First of all,

this one's collapsing in real time. This this Brad case.
I mean, Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen are your two
star witnesses. Give me a break. I mean, come on,
if that's what you're basing your hopes on, that's pretty pathetic.
And I think it's going to collapse, you know. And
then the other cases, I'm not even sure they're going
to be heard or there's going to be a trial
before the elections. So that's gone for for Biden's re

election campaign, and it's it is backfiring. And I think
it's these normanies are going this is a gross abuse
of our legal system for purely political reasons, and they're
finding it repulsive.

Speaker 2 (10:27):
I would think that you'd have to at least see
where independents are swinging on this one, because and come
to that conclusion because so far people are talking about
it almost as if Trump is the incumbent president. I mean,
for a for a challenger against an incumbent at this
stage to have the kind of numbers in the key

states that he does, he's got to be a panic
for the Democrats. I mean, if you were a war game,
this from the other side of the of the the battlefield,
or you know, if you're a look at this on
the other side of the chessboard. So we sound a
little so I sound a little less nerdy here, or
maybe that's more nerdy. I don't know whatever, But if
you were to do that, what do you think Democrats?

What do you think? Thank you? What do you think
Democrat plan is here to turn their fortunes around? I mean,
are they Is this a little bit of a playing
possum thing where oh Biden's numbers are so bad. Oh
it's so bad. And then you know, look at look
at Katie Hobbs in Arizona, not debating, no campaign whatever.
She just knew she had the votes where she needed

the votes, end of story. Like, how do you see
the Democrat strategy?

Speaker 1 (11:35):
I kind of see it that way. They are focused
on trying to increase their ballot universes. I mean again,
like not to sound like a broken record book, they're
looking at the same things I'm looking at. Can we
increase our ballot universes in these seven key states? Can
we continue to register and build our base in these
seven key states? And quite frankly, how many non citizens
can we get a federal ballot into the hands of

It hopes that enough of those slip through the system
to actually be counted, So by all means legal, and
I would argue illegal. They have a plan. And the
question is, like I said, it's an arms race. Who's
going to win the arms race and focus on the
right numbers and actually have the bigger number come November fifth?
So yeah, they've got a plan. I mean again, Think

about the fact that Biden issued that executive order in
the spring of twenty one. They knew he was going
to be a week president and a week incumbent, and
they started three years ago putting pieces in place for
the reelection in November of twenty twenty four. Yeah, they've
got a plan. They're thinking ahead, they're looking long term,
and they realize, you know, we might I think some

realists among them understand This is going to be an
art even harder hill to climb than they would have
thought a year ago. But yeah, they know they've got
a great ballot generation and collection machine. And the question
is can we match them? And here's the thing, Buck,
I don't think we have to match them exactly. We
don't have to bring our A plus game to win
in these seven states. We need to be present. We

need to have a B or B plus game, hopefully
a minus at the worst. At the You know, we
could settle for a minus and we can beat them,
but that's what they're banking on their bank. You know,
we're going to have more ballots collected than Donald Trump
and these seven states, and we're going to win. And again,
look at how close these elections have been. If they
can sneak out another ten thousand votes like they did
in Arizona and basically the same in the vat a

little bit more twenty thousand Wisconsin, they put Joe Biden
back in the White House. And I tend to think,
despite the polls being rosy for Trump right now, I
am looking at these battleground states as probably being razors
and margins one way or the other. This is not
I just don't think this is going to be a
landslide on November.

Speaker 2 (13:40):
Fifth, So you think it's going to be a tense
election night, even if maybe you know, the good guys win, like,
this is not going to be some kind of It's
not going to be Ronda Santis' reelection in Florida where
he wins by Sawny points things a joke.

Speaker 1 (13:53):
Yeah, no, no, no, not at all. I mean, the
left is wired for political power. It's they're precious, and
I would call them their dark, twisted souls like a little.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
Golf Gollum is kind of the left. Gollum is kind
of the Democrat mascot, whether they realize it or not.

Speaker 1 (14:09):
My precious, my preciousest political power. You think they're just
gonna sit down and go, oh, you know, Donald Trump
one is winning, We're gonna lose. Oh well, oh my gosh. No.
I've been telling people, I don't know what they're gonna
pull out. I've talked about some of that with you,
but I'm expecting some new tricks the next five months.
They're not gonna take this sitting down. They're not gonna

let Donald Trump just waltz back into the White House
because they view them as an existential threat to the
administrative state and the status quo. Obviously they're hold on power.
So yeah, I think they're gonna pull out the stops.
I think there's gonna be much closer than people people
are thinking right now.

Speaker 2 (14:45):
Well, I think you're right, and I'm you know, money, Yeah, man,
I'm trying to be hopeful, but uh not. We should
be not get ahead of myself, right, I mean, because
at twenty twenty two we got to learn the lessons
man that we we We went into that one like, oh,
things are great, the American people have woken up since COVID,
and just was like a buzz saw that we walked into.

Speaker 1 (15:07):
I was. I was one of those. I was really optimistic,
looking at trends, looking at historical all of these things,
and also you know, approval numbers. And we got we
ran into the bus, solved their ballot collection machine. I'm
never gonna let that happen again.

Speaker 2 (15:21):
All right, Before I let you go, I'm gonna have
you recommend one book of any kind that you want somebody,
you want everyone out there to read, that they probably
haven't already read. So, I mean, I see you have
the last line behind you there with Winston church I
mean with William Manchester about Winston Churchill. I read that
my freshman year college. I absolutely love it. We could do this.
I got iin ran Atlas Rugg behind you obviously love it. SPQR.

Mary Beard love it. Bob Offer Erica, Texas Like, I
see a bunch of ones here, So I want you
to give us one that's not in the like Hall
of Fame, that's behind you, that you've read reason that
you like. But first, I just got to speak to
something else for one second while I'm gonna give you
a minute to think about it. Ned and that is
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Go to patriot deefender dot com. Sign up today. Ned
what is the book for you?

Speaker 1 (17:02):

Speaker 2 (17:02):
You want to recommend everybody? Fun book, important book, whatever
you want.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
I'm gonna cheat and tell two books by the.

Speaker 2 (17:09):
Same Okay, I like Nick.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Nick Bunker wrote two phenomenal books, Making Haste from Babylon
and An Empire on the Edge. And Making Haste from
Babylon is the journey of the separatist the Puritans and
leaving England and how they eventually got to the Americas
and settled in the Americas, and what their vision was
for this country. An Empire on the Edge is really

those last days before really the Civil War between Englishmen
on the other side of the Atlantic, and the philosophies
that were taking place. He writes extremely well. He's a
brilliant writer. I hope that I can write that well someday.
But yeah, Nick Bunker, making Haste from Babylon and An
Empire on the Edge, I think those are both great
reads for people if they're interested in really pre revolutionary

American history.

Speaker 2 (17:55):
I'm going to go pick them up. Excellent recommendations. My
friend ed Ryan ned you to have you back. We'll
talk more elections. Please go win this thing for us
through like go do what you do so do that
political ninja stuff and make sure that we defeat the communists.
Thank you, Zoi, my friend. Good to see you.

Speaker 1 (18:11):
Thanks by
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