All Episodes

July 1, 2023 21 mins

Chaya Raichik is the founder of the anti-woke social media account "Libs of TikTok."

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:11):
You're listening to The Buck Sexton Show podcast, make sure
you subscribe to the podcast on the iHeartRadio app or
wherever you get your podcasts. Hey, everybody, Welcome to The
buck Sexton Show. Marooned in NYC edition thanks to the
flights that have been canceled for days here so it
looks a little different. If you're not watching on the YouTube,
please subscribe YouTube dot com slash buck Sexton. On this episode,

high Rightchick is with us now. She is the founder
of Libs of TikTok, which is amazing and we have
much to discuss with her right now. Hi, great to
have you on the program.

Speaker 2 (00:48):
Hey, great to be here.

Speaker 1 (00:50):
So let's start, shall we with some other back and forth.
In the aftermath of the Pride parades that happened across
the country, there were photos, video, actually and still shots
of adult naked men in the parades in front of
you know, families, children, and some of the activists in

the left wing punditocracy will make it some pretty interesting
arguments about this, and by interesting I mean insane. Krasenstein
tell me about this. Fellow Krasenstein, with his six and
six million in counting views on a tweet about why
adult nudity in front of children at pride parades is

no big deal.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
Yeah, So Brian Krasenstein got very mad at me that
I dare to report on an event that was happening
in Seattle. So he basically was comparing me as a
reporter reporting on it to the actual event happening, which
is obviously insane.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
You know.

Speaker 3 (01:53):
One of the playbooks that the left likes to use
is they try to tell us that this certain thing
that we say is happening is not actually happening, and
then we provide proof and then they can't refute it anymore.

Speaker 2 (02:07):
But now they're getting upset that we provide proof. It's
the same thing.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
That they did with It's like the porn in schools,
where like, hey, there's there's porn in schools. They're like, yeah,
show us proof, and then we show them proof and
they're like, oh.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
You're posting porn on Twitter.

Speaker 3 (02:19):
So it's the same thing, and it's obviously insane because
it's like you just you just can't win with them.
So yeah, I, as a reporter, will continue reporting on
things that I feel are important to the national conversation.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
What is the reality of these in these pride parades
where there was nunity, it was more than one place.
You know, does anyone try to defend this on the merriage?
I mean, effectively, that's a distraction, Robert Krasinstein said, is
don't report on this by showing people what happened online.
It's worse than whatever the people who were naked in

front of the children were doing. I mean, this is
a completely unserious and somewhat crazy argument. But does anyone
try to defend the merits that adults being naked in
front of little kids at a pride parade or any
parade for that matter, is okay?

Speaker 2 (03:09):
Well, I seen.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
People say that it's legal in Seattle, so it's fine.
You know, I'm not getting into all of the laws
of each particular state. Whether that's true or not. I
do think it's still it's wrong. I've seen some arguments
say that, you know, well, it's not sexual. You know, why,
why does this crazy right wingers have to sexualize everything.

We're just running around eke in front of kids, But
it's not sexual at all. You guys are the ones
sexualizing it, which is obviously completely insane argument because it
is sexual and there are studies on what exposing kids
to nudity and and pornography can do to kids, So
that so that's insane. I haven't seen. I'm trying to think,

have you seen any any other defenses for it? Those
were the two main ones I think. No.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
I just it's pretty remarkable, and you know you, I'm
sure have all show seen hyah that. Now they're trying
to just defy the uh we're coming for your children chant?
Which did you get that video or is that someone
else's video? I can't remember. Now you get a lot
of great video, but.

Speaker 3 (04:20):
Yeah, no, it wasn't mine originally, but I did I
did reshare it?

Speaker 1 (04:23):
You did reshare it?

Speaker 2 (04:24):

Speaker 1 (04:25):
Because they were coming for your children? Chair a lot
of people said, that's a really creepy, weird thing to say.
NBC News came out with a yeah, well guess what.
This has been a chant of Pride activists for years,
to which everybody was like, you're not helping yourself right now.

Speaker 3 (04:44):
They're like, yeah, it's fine, Like we've been grooming kids
for years, so let's just continue. And it's like, okay,
thanks for the admission that it's not just this there.
It's been going on for many years. But The funny
thing is they also said they're like, yeah, it's fine
because you know, we also chance about sex toys and
puba care. So I don't know how that that's some

kind of defense.

Speaker 2 (05:05):
I think that.

Speaker 3 (05:05):
They're they're really just like they're they're just like grasping
a straws. I mean, it's insane.

Speaker 1 (05:13):
Have you been able to I mean, lives of TikTok
your whole I would even just say it's an account,
it's a brand unto itself now it drives the far
left absolutely insane. And really you built this brand on
just showing people really what they say right, what the
left believes, what the activists are doing. Are you able

to share this stuff now pretty freely beyond Twitter? Is
Twitter letting you share it? Are you still getting banned
in places? Because it was amazing. Not only was your
account showing people things that the left didn't want them
to really know about by just magnifying or amplifying some
of the messaging of the left, but then for sharing

what the left says, there were sites that were trying
to shut you down.

Speaker 2 (06:01):

Speaker 3 (06:02):
Well, before elon Twitter, I was temporarily suspended seven or
eight times I was suspended from Instagram on Facebook, both
of which ended up on suspending me. I was suspended
from a few a few places. I think that Elon
is is amazing what what he's what he's doing for
free speech, super grateful, and I don't fear getting a

permanent suspension on Twitter now. I think there are still
some issues with shadow banning. I don't know where that's
coming from. I I believe he's trying.

Speaker 2 (06:34):
To work on it. But I think in.

Speaker 3 (06:36):
General, the whole idea of the of censorship, I think
it like a year ago, before Elon bought Twitter, it
was it was the the the magnitude of it was
just unreal and and the bias of it. And I
think when Elon bought Twitter, he was like, hey, I'm

not I'm not doing this with with.

Speaker 2 (06:59):
The rest of big tech, with the rest of you guys.

Speaker 3 (07:02):
And once one person sort of goes out of line,
it's really I think it's really hard for the rest
of them to continue doing that.

Speaker 2 (07:09):
So I think we're going to see a lot less censorship.
We already are.

Speaker 3 (07:14):
I mean, like Instagram is letting Trump back, you too,
let turn back, I believe, So we're seeing a lot
less censorship. So I'm actually really hopeful for the future
of free speech.

Speaker 1 (07:24):
I want to ask you about what we're seeing with
the drag shows for kids phenomenon across the country, which
I know you've shared a lot of video showing people
just what that's all about. We'll get to that in
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by rogue economics. Have we seen hi a a bit
of a retreat from the efforts to do the drag
show Story Hour for kids stuff in the last few
months or is this still going on all over the place.

Speaker 3 (08:46):
It is still going on all over the place.

Speaker 2 (08:48):

Speaker 1 (08:49):
What are the activists say about why why is this
so important to them? Like when when you expose this stuff,
I'm sure you see a lot of the arguments and
debate around it. What is this Why do they have
to do this?

Speaker 3 (09:04):

Speaker 1 (09:04):
It clearly it upsets a lot of parents. That upsets
a lot of people on the right. It feels too
i think called normal reasonable people, like it's exposing children
to a level of sexualization and sexual content that's inappropriate,
especially very small children. You know, we're not talking about
people who are you know, teenagers who could even watch
like a rated ar movie. They're talking about little kids.
They're doing this for. What's going on? Like why do

they have to do this? Why why is it so
important to them?

Speaker 3 (09:32):
So their main claim is it's just a form of art,
and we just want, you know, we're just expressing ourselves
in this unique art form. But the reality is that
it's actually that's completely not true. They're actually one of
the founders of Drag Queen Story Hour. He goes by
the drag name little Miss hot Mess. He wrote a

paper about the history of drag and the purpose of drag,
and he writes, and this is a direct quote, Drag
Queen Story Hour as a form of queer imagining in
an early childhood context. So they're and they and it's
a very long resource paper. It's actually very interesting, and
they basically talk about how the purpose of drag is

to queer the family and introduce kids to gender fluidity
and a queer lifestyle. So that's that's exactly what it is.
That's a purpose, and that is something that I will
always be against.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
So it's it's explicitly too, I mean, at some level
in doctrinate children into this world of you know, trends
and non binary and cysts and all this gender fluidity stuff, right,
I mean, so it really is about making kids think
that this is the world that they are entering and

that they should be a part of this world.

Speaker 2 (10:50):
Yeah, and they and they say that like they admit that.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
So you know, again, part of you know, my whole
brand is showing what they themselves say. So I post
about this frequently. I'll post like here, this is what
they say drag is. Whenever, whenever they try to say
that drag is not sexual, we're just it's just a
form of art. We're just expressing ourselves. I'm like, uh no,
because the found of drag Queen's Story Hour actually says
the exact opposite, or you know, says something entirely different.

They're telling us that drag is two queer kids.

Speaker 1 (11:21):
It's amazing that somehow, you know, I've seen people say
Lives of TikTok is a hate site when you amplify
what the left is saying, so people can just see, like,
shouldn't the left want you Usually in the world that
we operate and write of online content and commentary, if
somebody with big reach like your accounts have were to

share someone's content, their thoughts, whatever, it's caused for celebration.
But when you do it, the left gets upset. Why
is that.

Speaker 3 (11:52):
Because they want to live in their little bubble where
everybody just agrees with them and where they're able to
get away with whatever they want without anyone noticing or realizing.
And yeah, the funny thing is, like I have helped
a lot of TikTokers get views, which you get paid for.
They should be very grateful to me, and yet.

Speaker 2 (12:13):
They are not.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
Kaya We'll come back to this. We're talking to you,
We're talking to I feel like also you are Libs
of TikTok, right, like I mean in some way it's yes,
it's higher I check the founder of but Libs of
TikTok is a brand now that people recognize. So we'll
come back to this in a second, because I want
to ask about the guy who got into a sorority

and then was upset when the sorority said you can't
join because it's a sorority, which I see you share
this video. We'll get into this coming up here in
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tell me about Mail, who identifies as non binary, says

he was accepted to a sorority but just had his
membership voided because he didn't meet the criteria for membership
and then says, there's a stereotype of a sorority girl
is like using she her pronouns, and he feels he
feels betrayed by the sisterhood.

Speaker 2 (14:24):

Speaker 3 (14:24):
So, uh, Surprisingly, this actually happened in New York, which
is obviously super liberal, but the so, this guy was
accepted to the sorority and then about a year later
they revoked his membership because they said he doesn't meet
criteria obviously, you know, just his his sex was not
was not part of the criteria for joining a sorority,

and he actually blasted them as being transphobic in saying,
you know, there's these stereotypes of what a sorority girl is.
The stereotypes that he's referring to is actually just being
uh a female. So I thought that was a really
interesting story. I was happy to see that some people
are actually standing up to this, because I think there's

been quite a few stories last months similar to this.
Love like these stories which are taking in men and
some of them are taking them in, some.

Speaker 2 (15:18):
Of them are not.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
So I've glad to see that that they actually did
the right thing here.

Speaker 1 (15:22):
So it's becoming a parent that there are these men
who want access to what the left would call women's spaces.
You may have noticed there's now increasingly a push to
make it seem like like the right is winning this argument,
and that's scary because most Americans don't want men to

be playing in women's sports. I want to address the
sports issue and men's and women's sports here in just
a moment. But you know, first you can see, guys,
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that we're winning the argument about trans men competing in

women's sports? Like it is the Left going to have
to retreat on this?

Speaker 3 (17:19):
I think in general, with all particular just sports, but
with all of these these culture issues and this whole
trans agenda, I think we've been gaining a lot of ground.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
I We're very, very very far from the finish line.

Speaker 3 (17:35):
I think the finish line is just removing gender ideology
from society. Altogether. I don't think we'll ever get there,
but we should try to get as close to that
as possible. So I'm actually I'm hopeful. Where you know,
there's bills being passed in all the Red States to
protect women's sports, to ban like puberty blockers and sex
change surgeries for kids, to ban sexualized adult entertainment for kids.

So so I think I think we're on the right track,
but there's obviously a lot more work to do.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
Have you seen some of them the answers? I know
you have, but really this is my way of setting
up for everybody who probably hasn't seen it. There is
also a trend in schools now in some places of
kids high school kids usually, but they identify as a furry,
meaning they say that they are a woodland creature. No,

this is real, this is my team is looking at
me like I'm crazy. They say I am a lion,
or you know, I am a panda bear or whatever.
And some of these schools this actually came up recently
in the UK. Some of these schools are have teachers
who are afraid of not using the identity of the

furry because they know they have to use the whole sister,
gender or non binary language and all that stuff. So
they don't know what to do because they're like, I
guess if I have a twelve year old who says
he's a tiger, I've got to say he's a tiger.

Speaker 3 (19:01):
Yeah. I think I saw that story where the teacher said,
you know, I'm not referring to you as a cat?

Speaker 2 (19:06):
Is that the one I'm referring?

Speaker 3 (19:07):
Yes, yes, it's like you would have thought that would
be here now, you know, just a few years ago.

Speaker 2 (19:14):
You you know, anyone who said that we'd be here,
you know.

Speaker 1 (19:17):
But does it follow, like, isn't it logical from the
teacher's perspective at some level, if you have to be
so insane that you are, it's mandated that you say,
the little boy who's been coming into my school for
the last you know, five years now is going to
be called she and her or even be called like
za or z you know some new age pronoun that

if they if they claim that there are different species,
like on what basis given school policies in some of
these liberal liberal uh you know, dystopias, would they be
able to say, no, you're at you're not a cat,
You're actually a person.

Speaker 3 (19:52):
Yeah, I think it's I think it's really scary. There
was there was something sort of similar in Texas with
that professor who is fired for teaching basic biology, and
he said he's been teaching that for twenty years and
all of a sudden, now you know, the left is
just they're shifting the Overton window of what's acceptable, and
they keep shifting it more and more. So yeah, I mean,

if you don't refer to your student as a cat,
then then maybe you'll get fired. And it's just it's
nothing surprises me these days. I wasn't surprised to see that.
I think it's I think they're only it's only going
to get worse because the last few years just look
at just look at how they kept going more and
more to the left, more and more insane, more and
more crazy, with more and more rules about what language

we're allowed to use, trying to control our speech, and
specifically with all the LGBTQ stuff.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
Yeah, well, lives of TikTok is out there keeping an
eye on at all. So I appreciate you being with this.
Where can people go to follow your work, what you're doing,
and to uh to see what you're up to.

Speaker 3 (20:58):
So lives at TikTok dot com. It's a substack so
you can become a freer PI subscriber. They also wrote
a kid's book on It's available on l O T
t book dot com.

Speaker 1 (21:09):
All Right, I appreciate you being with us, Thanks so much.

Speaker 2 (21:13):
Thank you back
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