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April 19, 2024 • 20 mins

Senator Marsha Blackburn joins Tudor to discuss the impeachment trial of Alejandro Mayorkas and the Democrats' dismissal of the charges. Sen. Blackburn highlights the importance of border security and the impact of illegal immigration on communities. The conversation also touches on energy security, the need for a DOJ that enforces the law, and the issue of protesters blocking highways. Senator Blackburn advocates for the Safe and Open Streets Act to penalize those who endanger the public through disruptive protests. Lastly, she discusses the need to defund NPR and promote bipartisan debate in media. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network - new episodes debut every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday. For more information visit

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast. We are going to
jump right in today because we have Senator Marsha Blackburn
from the beautiful state of Tennessee with us today. Senator,
thank you for joining me.

Speaker 2 (00:11):
Always delighted to join you. Thank you well.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
I'm so glad you're here because we have a lot
of questions about the Majorcus impeachment trial not happening. We
were hoping to see this in the Senate. Explain to
us from behind the scenes what happened there.

Speaker 3 (00:27):
Yes, indeed, Chuck Schumer decided he was going to defy
the Constitution. And it's not just a defying tradition, but
it is defying the Constitution in his opinion of what
Majorcus has done with allowing people to run across that border,

people from one hundred and seventy different countries, with making
certain that he was reducing immigration law requirements, with coming
to Congress and saying the border is secure over and
over and over when he knew it was not. While

Chuck Schumer decided on his own that we didn't need
to have a trial because it was just a policy disagreement,
and of course every single Democrat senator sat in their seats.

Speaker 2 (01:28):
No one challenged him.

Speaker 3 (01:30):
And they all voted to defy the Constitution and to
dismiss the impeachment charges. And if your audience were to
go to Article one, Section two of the Constitution, it
lays out the responsibility of the US House in terms

of impeachment. If they read section three, Article one, Section three,
they would see the requirement on the Senate.

Speaker 1 (02:00):
Well, Chuck Schimer knows this. He said this in twenty nineteen,
that it was his constitutional duty to carry out an
impeachment trial against Donald Trump. So does how is he
not getting some sort of reprimand or something.

Speaker 2 (02:13):
How does this happen?

Speaker 3 (02:14):
Well, he should And I actually had my posters on
the floor last night showing where he had said that, tutor,
because he talked about our responsibility to bring the facts out,
He talked about the constitutional duty all in twenty nineteen
and twenty twenty in reference to Donald Trump. But now

he's decided that the people don't need to know that.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
And here's the deal. He knows that the.

Speaker 3 (02:41):
Number one issue with the American people this election cycle
is that open border. YEP. The reason it is an
issue is because every town's a border town, every state
a border state because people are living it.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
They see the.

Speaker 3 (02:58):
Destruction and the way fentanyl is wreaking havoc on families.
They see what gangs are doing in towns and communities
that have never had a gag. They see the impact
of human trafficking and labor crews that are made up
of kids. They are seeing what's happening with sex trafficking

of women and kids because their churches are involved in
protecting these women and kids and doing these rescues. So
the American people are living the effects of that open border.
They wanted us to take majorchestra trial. They wanted to
get the facts out. And now what did the Democrats do?

Don't believe what your eyes are showing. You don't believe
that he's not guilty, and so they dismissed it as
a policy difference.

Speaker 1 (03:55):
Well, and my theory is they didn't want to be
going through this trial because this is constant in the
news every day. Then people would have to know and
the stories that you're talking about. We had the Oakland
County Sheriff from Michigan on the podcast just a few
days ago, and he talked about these Chilean gangs that
are going through our suburbs here. This is not like,
these are not gangs like you think of in a

city where they're not going to touch your life. And
I hate to say that, but a lot of people
are like, Oh, that's not going to happen to me.
These are people coming, he said, highly trained, they're skilled,
like special ops groups coming into the country, going through
suburban communities and robbing houses and jewelry stores. And do
you know that when we put that episode out there,
I had so many This was shocking me. I had

so many people say, this is such a lie, This
is not happening. This is coming from a sheriff in
our state. And yet because the Democrats have been so
controlling of the media, people don't believe it.

Speaker 3 (04:51):
And Tutor, the Chilean gangs they're in Tennessee, and you're right.
They case houses, they go in and they are very skilled,
they're very fast, and they're gone before police can get there.
And then you have the violent gangs out of Venezuela,

the Trendagua gangs, and they are going into communities and
they are conducting robberies, car thefts, carjackings, very skilled. It
was a Trendagua Venezuelan who had, by the way, been
granted parole that special status by Joe Biden that killed

lacoln Riley. And we are.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
Seeing these effects of.

Speaker 3 (05:41):
Crime, and people are living this, and people are beginning
to wake up. And yes, you do still have people
that are trying to deny this and say it is
not happening. Happening, but under Joe Biden, our country is
less safe under Joe Biden, Our country is less under

Joe Biden. The American people are more fearful, and under
Joe Biden, the American people are more distrustful of their
government institutions.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
You brought up lakeln Riley, and recently we had a
similar situation here in Michigan in grun Rapids, Michigan with
Ruby Garcia, who was shot by a man who was
an illegal immigrant and she was dating him. And the
funny thing about this to me was the Democrats twisted
this as this is not an illegal immigration problem, this
was a domestic violence problem. And I see this as

even more dangerous because here's a woman who probably didn't
even know he was illegal.

Speaker 2 (06:41):
We don't know these.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
People are in the country legally or what crimes they've committed.
Because the people who are supposed to be keeping us
safe from repeat offenders, from criminals, and people who are
coming in across the border illegally are not keeping us safe.
So to me, it's not a domestic violence situation. It's
a double whammy violence and somebody who broke the law

to get here, and we weren't protected by Joe Biden.
How many more people's daughters have to go through this
and how do how many of us who have daughters
have to wonder if there's a guy coming into their
lives who's committed all kinds of crimes and the government said,
because he's illegal, we're going to look the other way.
Because that's what I think is happening. They are getting
away with it because they're illegal.

Speaker 2 (07:22):
Well, you're right about that. And think about this.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
If you were coming across that border, if you were
a US citizen and walked across the southern border, you
would be put into jail. If you were here on
a visa and you committed a crime, you would be
deported immediately. But those that are in the country illegally

are given that special protective status. And this is one
of the reasons that Majorcus needed to be impeached and
all of this information needed to come out. Now, I
have filed a bill, the Clear Act. The Clear Act
would require local law enforcement when they apprehend someone for

any kind of crime, it could be a hit and run,
a fender vendor, whatever do youI When they apprehend a
person and they find out that person is illegally in
the country, they can detain that individual, go ahead, do
their penalties or prosecution, call ICE and say, hey, we

have this illegalalien here and you have to come pick
them up within forty eight hours, deport them, and you
have to pay us back for the money that we
have spent on apprehending, detaining, prosecuting, or penalizing this person.
But it would require those illegal criminal illegal aliens to

be deported now. Also, it would deny federal law enforcement
funds to cities that are not going to comply with
immigration law.

Speaker 1 (09:13):
Let's take a quick commercial break. We'll continue next on
a Tutor Dixon podcast. We've had an issue in the
state of Michigan where our governor has called to abolish ICE.
She has come out with a program where you get
five hundred dollars a month if you take a migrant
into your home. We have a congresswoman here who has

worked as an immigration lawyer in the past, and she
has defended people who a woman, one of whom was
a pedophile, and defended her and kept her in the
country because she said the punishment in another country would
be cruel and unusual. And so now we have a
pedophile in our country. This is happening in the state
of Michigan. Now, my question to you is, if you

are a governor and you are breaking federal law because
she's taking taxpayer dollars and aiding and abetting these people,
is there no way to then have some sort of
some sort of punishment for that tutor.

Speaker 3 (10:11):
We're going to have to have a doj that will
go after this. To break the law is breaking the law.
And this is what you saw Majorcus and Biden do
on the southern border.

Speaker 2 (10:25):
They have intentionally chosen to.

Speaker 3 (10:28):
Break the law and they have had no one go
after them. But look what Joe Biden has done. Look
at the issue around student loans. He basically said he
didn't care if the Supreme Court told him he couldn't
do it.

Speaker 2 (10:44):
He was going to do it anyway.

Speaker 3 (10:47):
You know, you look at the Dhaka program for kids
that have been brought across the border. Obama said he
knew it was unconstitutional. The court struck him down, and
he said, I'm going to do it anyway. That blatant
disregard for that law. The two tiers of justice that

we see. The American people are sick of this, and
it is one of the reasons that you see more
independent voters, you see more Democrats that are saying, I've
had it with this. I'm going to vote for Donald Trump.
I'm going to vote for Republicans. Because every town's a

border town, every state of border state, and as I said,
people are living the effects of illegal immigration every single day.

Speaker 1 (11:39):
You brought up him going against the Supreme Court, Joe Biden,
it made me think of something that's happening here in
the state of Michigan. We have an attorney general who
is trying to shut down a pipeline. The federal government
has said, hey, this affects a treaty with Canada, you can't.
But the really twisted part about this is that she
has filed a lawsuit.

Speaker 3 (11:59):
She won.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
Now it's gone back to the federal government and they're
fighting it because she is going to take all of
the ability to have any type of energy in the
upper Peninsula of Michigan away from them, but that they
don't care. They don't care about the realities. They don't
care about people's safety. And to be honest, heat is safety,

when energy is safety, and people don't understand secure energy
security is a real issue in this country.

Speaker 2 (12:25):
Right it is.

Speaker 3 (12:27):
Indeed, and I sometimes say the security moms are back
in full force for this selection cycle. They are looking
at that border and border security. They're looking at energy
security because they know that the price of gas is
up over fifty.

Speaker 2 (12:41):
Percent when they don't fill up the tank. They know
that every item they buy at.

Speaker 3 (12:45):
The grocery store costs more because where do all your
plastic bottles and packaging come from. They are products that
come from hydrocarbons.

Speaker 2 (12:58):
And such a good point. Of course, it's going to
cost more.

Speaker 3 (13:01):
Why is it the tennis shoes for the kids, running
shoes for the kids costs more. It is because of
the synthetics that are in that, and all of it
comes from hydrocarbons. So the silly people that are just
head in the sand when it comes to energy and think, oh,
we don't need oil, Oh we don't need gas, Oh

we can just do it with solar and with wind.
They are just not thinking now the utilization of oil
and gas and how it affects every single sector of
our economy and actually every component of our day from

the time we wake up in the morning and flip
the switch to turn on the light the lights, and
that electricity is costing us about forty percent more. It
would cost us less if we were using clean coal,
if we were using natural gas and not trying to

do so much with wind and solar. Hard to get
a megawat of heat generated by solar in Tennessee, you know.
And when you look at that electricity, it's hard to
get that megawatt with that solar front farm. We don't
have enough heat units today, only one part of our state.

We don't have enough wind to get a megawat of
energy out of wind. So you cannot be so prescriptive
that your economy cannot run and your people cannot be safe.
So energy security, you bet, that's an issue. Border security, absolutely,

economic security. Women are talking about these things. Security moms
their thing.

Speaker 1 (14:56):
When you talk about security moms. I want to bring
up something because I saw this happening this week where
we had people who were trapped on the Golden gate
Bridge because we've got these protesters out there. And as
a mom myself, all I could think is what if
my kids are at school and I can't get to them.
What if my kids have an emergency and I can't
get to them. I mean, think about all of the
people who are trying to go to a hospital or anything.

There's so many crises that could be happening, and you
have people, these protesters, these pro Hamas protesters on the
Golden gate Bridge. You had them blocking the airport to
ohair You had people getting out of their cars and
walking to O'Hare Airport on the highway.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
Because they're blocking the highway.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
You've introduced a new bill that would prevent people from
being able to block access on highways like that, on
major roadways. I didn't even know.

Speaker 2 (15:45):
This was legal.

Speaker 3 (15:46):
We have many different local laws that affect this. You know,
most cities have laws, and if you want to have
a parade or carry out a protest, you go to
city hall and you get a permit, and then you
protest on a plaza in a park or a parade

in the streets at a given designated time. That is
generally how it happens, and that's a good thing because
that is a free speech issue. What is not free speech,
but what is endangering the public is groups that begin
to race across highways. They're jumping in the middle of highways.

They're blocking traffic, and they're blocking airports and bus stations,
they're blocking train terminals, they're preventing people from getting to work.
They're cutting off traffic at the bridge, and then they're
taking that over. And that is why Senator Tillis and
I have the Safe and Open Street Sack, which would

make it a penalty and a federal penalty and up
to five years in prison for people that carry out
these protests in ways that are endangering the public.

Speaker 1 (17:11):
Well, I think that that's I'm glad you pointed that
out because I think a lot of people go, well,
wait a minute, you have this right. This is a
First Amendment right. You can go out and protest however
you want. But this is where people are wondering, well,
what can we do? Because I've seen this all over
Twitter and everything else. All these people that are asking well,
what can we do when someone does this? Are you
allowed to pull them out.

Speaker 2 (17:32):
Of the street?

Speaker 1 (17:32):
Can they be arrested, and there's been this up in
the air question about it. So I appreciate the fact
that you're explaining this to us, and also that you're
putting this act out there, because sure, it's devastating. I mean,
it hurts everything. It hurts commerce, it hurts trade, air,
it hurts people's families. It's crazy.

Speaker 2 (17:51):
It is so out of control.

Speaker 3 (17:53):
And the fact that they would jump in the middle
of the street and then impede transit, endanger the public.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
This is just so wrong.

Speaker 3 (18:05):
And putting a federal penalty on the books for doing
this is appropriate, and I'll look forward to moving the legislation.

Speaker 1 (18:15):
Let's take a quick commercial break. We'll continue next on
a Tutor Dixon podcast. Last thing I want to bring
up is I know you are pushing to defund NPR
after the whistleblower came out and said, hey, we don't
actually have any dispute here. We don't have any discussion.

There is no difference of opinion. Everybody is a democrat.
I looked at all of their registrations and then he
gets suspended and he ultimately resigned, but he got suspended
for calling that out from a radio program that we
fund as the American people.

Speaker 3 (18:51):
Yes, And when you look at NPR and these public
TV stations, what we know is that their structure is under.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
A not for profit.

Speaker 3 (19:02):
In addition to that, TUTOR most of them have endowments
or foundations that support them and allow them to do
the extras if you will. But I started on this
several years ago, and I think we should move in
PR into a position where they're reliant on their not

for profit status and we do the licensing. But the
American people ought not to be paying for something that
gives you only one side of the story. Our nation
and our freedom has been well preserved by having robust,
respectful bipartisan debate, nique that point and the counterpoint in

order for people to know what the issue is and
what the universe of discussion around that issue is. So
to say, no, we're only going to give you one
side of the story. That is not information for the
American people.

Speaker 2 (20:07):
That is propaganda, state run media.

Speaker 1 (20:10):
It really is. We appreciate everything you do for us.
It's always a pleasure having you on. Senator Marsha Blackburn,
thank you so much for being on the podcast today
and thank you all for joining us on the Tutor
Dixon Podcast. For this episode and others, go to Tutor
dixonpodcast dot com or head over to the iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts and join

us next time, have a blessing.
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