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May 11, 2024 • 10 mins

In this episode, Tudor discusses the failure of Democratic propaganda and the shift in public perception towards Joe Biden. She highlights how the media's narrative of Donald Trump being a threat to democracy is losing momentum. Tudor also touches on the manipulation of information by journalists and the elitist mindset of some Democrats. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network. For more visit

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast for our quick weekend update.
We've got a few clips we want to share with you.
But the real question of the week for Democrats was
what do you do when the propaganda fails? Oh, let
me tell you the Dems are spiraling. You see, the
storyline permeating the country is supposed to be that Donald

Trump is a threat to democracy. Aaron Burnett interviewed Joe
Biden earlier this week and made sure to get that
propaganda in there. She had to feed the media beast.
Burnett needs to get this story out at night so
that she can make sure that all those morning shows
and daytime talk shows can feast on the idea that
Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. The problem is

when you are opposing this question to a c nile
octagenarian whose CNN wants desperately to get re elected. His
response sort of takes the wind out of the propaganda
machine sales. Listen to Biden, he.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
Told the Milwaukee Journals Center on mister President, quote, if
everything's honest, I'd gladly accept the results of the election,
And then he continued though with this, if it's not,
you have to fight for the right of the country.
How seriously do you take that threat seriously?

Speaker 3 (01:20):
Just like I did in September se I mean on
January sixth. The guy is not a Democrat with a
small D.

Speaker 1 (01:29):
That you see Aaron space when he says September, I
mean January. She kind of you can actually see her
body stiffen, like, oh no, he's doing this. He's taking
the wind out of the sails. And then there's a
great debate over the last part, Democrat with a small D.
Donald Trump's not a Democrat with a small D. Yeah, dude, yeah, yes,

we know. I think he actually forgot about who he
was talking about for a moment. But regardless, Burnette's propaganda
moment lost a little momentum, and the left it's just
losing it over this. They brought the lawsuits, they created
the j sixth Remembrance Days, they even tried to air
dirty laundry, bedroom stories, and they're just not working. It

turns out that independents are more worried about Joe Biden,
and MSNBC political analyst Susan del Percio is flabbergasted at this. Listen.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
Another thing interesting in this polling was more independent said
that they worry about President Biden weakening democracy than Trump
fifty three percent to forty two percent.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
What do you make of this?

Speaker 4 (02:37):
I find it shocking. Honestly, I can't. I can't make
sense of that number. I wish I could. I wish
I had some really great insight to it. But I
don't know if it's an outlier or not. Because the
other numbers with Independence and Biden are going in the
right direction, So that may be.

Speaker 1 (02:54):
It's so funny to watch them just kind of panic
on TV, like, I don't understand. Is it an outlier?
Could it be that people actually don't think that Trump
is the threat to democracy? It might actually be Biden.
You mean, the man who is prosecuting his opponent, who
has all of these lawsuits against his opponent. I mean,

don't they see Stormy Daniels. I guess we've heard the story.
Maybe they're bored with it. Oh gosh, is this not working? No, folks,
it's not working. Remember twenty sixteen, it was similar. They
fed the media beast with all the dirty stories and
lifted their first woman president high to her glorious pedestal

to look down upon those detestable deplorables, and then Trump won.
Oh crap, they miscalculated. They overplayed their hand. If you
will now you hear the same. But they've just moved
on from deplorable to cult members or one of my
new faves, maggots. Such a clever little play on maga.

I love it because it's insulting the voter, and that's
always a major loser. But when you're desperate, you have
to do something. And then we came upon this tweet
the other day from a well known exaggerator. But first
I have to take you back through time, like way
back in the way back machine, to a time when

Katie Kirk was still America's sweetheart and no one actually
knew Matt lower was locking female staffers in his love
done of an office. Back then, there was a reporter
who was named Michelle Kazinski and she was reporting on flooding.
You gotta see the clip. If you're not watching, I'll
talk to you about it afterward. But let's play it.

Speaker 5 (04:37):
And he shit sees Michelle Kazinski. I guess she's in
the canoe. Is in Wayne, New Jersey this morning. Michelle,
Good morning to you.

Speaker 4 (04:45):
Good morning. Well, obviously we're getting a nice break from
the rain, but not the flooding.

Speaker 1 (04:51):
This is essentially now a part of the Passaic River
in this neighborhood.

Speaker 5 (04:55):
Is there some kind of severe drop off there between
the four granite He'll go back. We saw these guys
a second ago, Michelle walking. Are these holy men walking
on top of water?

Speaker 4 (05:04):
What's going on?

Speaker 1 (05:05):
Walk when you can ride? You guys, She's just faking.
I mean, this is the silliest clip. She's faking. She's
in a canoe. She says, the weather is so bad,
the flooding is so bad. Men literally walk in front
of her in ankle deep water. For those who can't
see it, this is like the anchors can barely contain
their laughter. It's not just silly though, it's completely faked,

even for weather. This woman wants to control the minds
of people. But the woke virus, it's taken over her mind.
And if we're talking cult like behavior, well, let me
read her recent comments about people she feels she unmasked
as Trump supporters, and I'm gonna let you decide who's
drinking the kool aid. Remember, as I read this, old

Michelle feels so strongly about Trump's supporters needing to be
re educated that she decided to write this all up
and it's lengthy. She decided she had to write this
all out and post it on X for the world disease.
I'm going to read it to you now. A few
weeks ago, I had dinner with a few couples, friends

of friends, all American. All were well educated and successful
in careers. They seemed great on the surface for like
an hour, but slowly, over a few drinks, they began
to let slip their true maga natures. One of the

couples each attended top ivy league colleges, but now that
it was university time for their own kids, they were
adamantly not letting them apply to any ivys and were
weird about explaining why, though the kids were double legacies. Okay,
moving on. The next crew suddenly busted out with their

air quotes when mentioning climate change.

Speaker 3 (06:58):

Speaker 1 (06:59):
These are otherwise smart people, not scientists, clearly but educated,
and the dude took seething umbrage when my friend mentioned
the damaged Trump had done and vowed to continue to do.
The Others when they realized that a few in their
presence had come armed with gasp actual facts, no quickly

changed the subject and nervously said they don't want to
talk politics. They realized they would be eviscerated at all
idiotic points, especially the economy. As it went on, my
friends and I realized we were surrounded by otherwise carefully
closeted maggots. It's funny how the extremists or just wrong
beliefs can't help but leak out even when you least

expect them, and from people you least expect they are
out there. The dinner continues to haunt me. They all
seemed so normal. When I asked the couple who were
my old friends how they didn't know, they said that
in their upscale floor at a neighborhood, people are extremely

careful not to ever broach or debate the subject. This
is not healthy. If people don't ever talk about these
things as friends and neighbors and only live in their
own warped information silos, how will they ever learn what
is true or false? How will the truth ever make
them consider alternatives? The allure of bullshit is co opting

decent minds. That that's what she wrote. She literally put
the son X, I mean I've read this, I'm like,
this is real life. So how do we even break
this down? So she says, this is not healthy. Look,
if you aren't convincing your neighbors to buy electric vehicles,

support Ivy League and doctor Nation camps, that will never
you'll never be finished paying. And even like they're saying
this even as radical professors are leading death to America
a chance, if you're not singing the praises of high
inflation and dumping Trump, you are not worthy of an
evening gathering with the elites. I mean, you heard it.

They live in a quote upscale Florida neighborhood. How could
they have missed the memo? Elites are with the radicals,
the far leftists, the progressives. But the funny thing is,
just like Hillary Clinton looking down at America's deplorables. This
is why Trump wins. Sorry, Michelle, you're helping see the elites.

They're so self absorbed, they're so out of touch they
would actually take the time to write out an extended
X post about maggots. Those are the best influencers for
Trump because even the country club elites, they actually can't
stand the pretentious, arrogant pricks sitting next to them at

the table, and they won't be told they are lesser
than because they actually support freedoms or values or haven't
our allies. So I say thank you Michelle for being
such an excellent snob. Your post is truly brilliant. Keep
showing us who you are and the rest of the
Democrats are, and I promise you dear we see you.

Thank you all for checking in with me on the weekend.
We'll post a brand new episode on Monday. You can
get it at the Tudor Dixon podcast dot com, iHeartRadio app,
Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. Tune in
Monday and have a blessed weekend. Thank you,
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