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November 15, 2023 33 mins

In this episode, Tudor welcomes human rights attorney Brooke Goldstein to discuss the Gaza-Israel conflict, focusing on the indoctrination and radicalization of children in Gaza. Goldstein shares insights from her documentary, "The Making of a Martyr," which exposes the system of oppression and child abuse in Palestinian territories. She criticizes the media's reliance on information from Hamas and highlights the pervasive culture of violence promoted in schools, cartoons, and radio broadcasts. The discussion also covers the role of Hamas in Gaza's transformation into a launching pad for rockets, the support of terrorism by some US Congress members, and the funding of Middle Eastern studies departments by Qatar. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network - new episodes debut every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday. For more information visit

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast. Hey everyone, you know,
we have heard so much about the children of Gaza
and the children of Israel. But I started asking myself,
are any of us here in America speaking from a
place of true knowledge and experience? I really started to say,
are we all just like spewing the hot take? We
hear all of these hot takes, and much of that

is speculation. It can be hard to remember that when
we're reading our social media feeds and getting riled up
for this issue or that cause, that maybe the folks
that are talking about it have not actually been there.
They're not actually speaking from a place of experience. That's
why we wanted to get someone who could actually talk
about it from that place of experience. And today we're
fortunate to have a guest who actually went behind the

scenes and not only learned what goes on with these
terror organizations, but also documented it in her two thousand
and six film The Making of a Martyr. I'm not
going to lie, it's tough stuff. Seeing what these kids
face is shocking. It's nothing like what kids face in
our country, where in our country we're focused on reading,
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you hear from our guest, because you don't want to
miss this. Let's welcome our guest in Brooke Goldstein to
the podcast. Brook is a human rights attorney and the
founder of the Lawfair Project, which provides pro bono legal
representation to the victims of anti Semitism, and she's the
founder of the Njew Hatred movement. Brook, thank you so

much for being here.

Speaker 2 (02:36):
Thank you for having me.

Speaker 1 (02:37):
Oh, I appreciate it. I actually I was watching some
of the clips from your documentary, and that's kind of
I really wanted to get into that because I think
that is where everybody gets their heartstrings tugged. Right. We
think about the kids over there, We think about what
happened to the families in Israel, But then you have
this this counter argument that all of these kids are

in Gaza and the these attacks are hurting kids on
both sides. What I found most interesting about your documentary
is that these kids in a lot of cases are
being abused and they become the terror They are used
as terror ponds of the terrorists. They go in with

the suicide vests. One of the kids that you had
in your documentary was only six years old, So how
do you fix that? I mean, tell us a little
bit about why you did it, tell us a little
bit about the documentary, and then help us understand what
happens when kids this age are brought into terror organizations.

Speaker 3 (03:38):
So, first of all, Tutor, I want to thank you
for bringing up the issue of the child abuse that's
happening and the mass radicalization, as well as my film, because,
as you mentioned in the beginning, a lot of reporters
are covering the conflict from this place of extreme privilege here.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
In the West.

Speaker 3 (03:58):
Even if they're in Is, they're reporting from a hotel
in Tel Aviv. Gaza is run by Hamas. There are
actually no journalists in Gaza. Everybody who is getting the
news is getting it from Hamas. Hammas does not allow
the international press to enter into Gaza to document firsthand

and see what's going on. And prior to the war,
if you wanted to enter Gaza, you had to do
so with Hamas permission on a Hummas tour, and obviously
they were setting up stories.

Speaker 2 (04:31):
They weren't showing you the reality.

Speaker 3 (04:34):
Because the reality is, as we documented in our award
winning film The Making of a Martyr, there is a
system of an oppression and mass child abuse and indoctrination
and radicalization that's happening not just in Gaza, by the way,
but also in Judaea, Samaria, in the Palestinian administered territories,

where children, innocent children from in infancy, are being taught
through their school textbooks, by their television programs, by their
religious leaders, often by their own family, that the greatest
thing that they should aspire to is violence, is jihad,
is their own death, while killing Jews in the process,

that this.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
Is a religious duty for them.

Speaker 3 (05:23):
So this indoctrination starts the radicalization of Muslim youth, which,
in my opinion as a human rights attorney, is one
of the greatest crimes against humanity, because you are destroying
the future of that innocent child.

Speaker 2 (05:37):
Whether you are a.

Speaker 3 (05:37):
Muslim or Christian or Jewish, it doesn't matter. All children
deserve an education and a media free of incitement to
hate and violence. And yet if you go into the schools,
as we did for example in Ramala, into calm and
junine and novelist, what you see are not schools indoctrination

and recruitment centers. And nowhere is this more prevalent than
in the United Nations run schools, the UNRA schools, the
un RWA, the United Nations Relief Works Agency which is
the arm of the United Nations tasked with providing education
to the Palestinian Muslim population. Now, these schools, especially in Gaza,

have been completely taken over by Hamas. UMRA has actually
hired teachers off the Hamas payroll. They teach from curriculum
provided by Hamas, and they have allowed Al Kutla Ali Islamia,
which is Hamas's youth wing, to recruit children out of

their schools to become suicide homicide bombers, to become child
soldiers and to act as human shields, and in Gaza
in particular. And I'll conclude with this thought, the purpose
of Gaza since the Israeli withdrawal in two thousand and
five has been to create the largest civilian human shield,

rocket launching pad for terrorism and human history. And that's
what is happening to the children in Gaza. There are
weapons being stored in children's schools and obviously under hospitals
as well, and innocent Muslim children are being used as
human shields for the sole purpose of Hamasa's terror and

propaganda war.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
And when we say human shields, I want to dig
into that a little bit because I think people some
people hear that and they think, you know, people are
running around holding a kid up, But you're talking about
they're putting this into hospitals. They're putting their operator they're
military or militant operations into hospitals and schools because they're
saying because then they can come out and say, oh,

they bombed a school, but they're hiding the whole operation
there behind these kids. These kids. They know these kids
are going to die.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
And their intent is for these children to die.

Speaker 3 (08:05):
And actually what I am talking about is physically also
using children, holding the children as human shields. When I
interviewed two soldiers for my film, this actually didn't make
the final cut, but we have it, and actually I
think I'm going to upload it. It was such a
powerful interview. There were two soldiers they were actually brothers,

and the brothers explained to me how when they were
fighting that there was an instance actually where the terrorists
were using babies. They were using Muslim babies, holding them
literally as shields as they were shooting at the soldiers,
and I asked them, well, you know, what do you

do in that circumstance, And one of the soldiers said, well,
you know, if it's between me and.

Speaker 2 (08:57):
Him, I have no choice. I have to shoot, because you.

Speaker 3 (09:01):
Know, the laws of armed conflict are clear. The person
who puts the child in harm's way is then responsible
for the foreseeable result. Whereas the younger brother said, you know,
I couldn't live with myself if I shot the child.
You know, I would rather take the bullet myself. And
these are exactly the types of split second decisions that

will cost you your life on the battlefield, besides actual
physical human shields. Exactly what you said is correct. The hospitals,
the schools, and I just uploaded a couple videos now
on Instagram also showing evidence of this, are literally used
to store weapons. But the grounds of the schools are

also used as rocket launching areas where the Jamas or
the alak Samarta Bagades, or the Islamic Jihad or there's
a whole range of different terrorist groups that operate in
this area. It's not just humas go into these schools,
they fire the rockets knowing that the Israelis are going

to have no choice but to fire back, they run away,
and then they leave the children there and their teachers
again to act as human shields, relying on the fact
that the IDEAF is the most humane army in the
world and if it can, it will not carry out
that attack. Only under the circumstances where it's absolutely necessary.

Will the IDF then target what is a civilian shield entity?
And you see this now in the fighting in Gaza,
where the IDEF does everything they can to warn the
civilians to evacuate, to provide a corridor for the civilians
to evacuate, and even when they do so, Hamas refuses

to allow them to evacuate.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
We saw.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
That's what I wanted to ask that because like my
Western mind is trying to and I think that's the
problem that we have across the United States right now,
is that we think of this from our own life experience,
from our own Western world, and my Western mind says
to me, why do these parents send their kids to
this school? Because there is no way I would just

absolutely no way I would refuse to allow my kids
to go to school knowing that this was going on.
Why is there no alternative? Why don't they just keep
them home? Why do they go to school?

Speaker 3 (11:28):
So, first of all, they have no choice. The indoctrination
system is pervasive. It's not just the school system, it's
the cartoons, it's the radio, it's the broadcast from the
mosques every day, broadcasting violence.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
It's a culture. It's a culture of violence.

Speaker 3 (11:48):
And if you talk about this, you are labeled racist,
you're labeled Islamophobic.

Speaker 2 (11:55):
But I always thought to myself, how ironic that.

Speaker 3 (11:57):
Was if people like me are risking their life And
I risked my life for a period of two years
going in and out of these areas controlled by designated
terrorist groups to document this form of child abuse.

Speaker 2 (12:10):
Okay, if risking.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
Your life to make the argument that Muslim children are innocent,
Muslim children.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
Don't deserve this.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
If that's anti Muslim, If being anti terror is anti Muslim,
what then is pro Muslim? And isn't that in and
of itself the bigotry, the bigotry of low expectations, where
you're infantilizing this community saying, well, this is their culture.

Speaker 2 (12:37):
They have no choice. They do have a choice.

Speaker 3 (12:39):
And the other thing that I realized when I was
filming is that the Palestinian people, whether you're living in
the so called West Bank or Gaza, are being held
hostage by radical elements. And there's a huge difference between
the adult population and the child population.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
Now, let me explain.

Speaker 3 (13:00):
When we were interviewing adults, some would say completely different
things off camera than they would say on camera because
they knew if they came out and criticized the Islamist
terrorists that they would put their lives in danger. We
actually had a very brave mother of Hussam Abdu, who's
the main character of my film, who is a fifteen

year old physically handicapped. He was rumored to be mentally
handicapped Palestinian boy who was recruited for a suicide homicide
attack and in the end he ended up chickening out
not doing it, and you'll have to watch my movie
to see what then happens to him. But we interviewed
his parents on camera, and his parents were adamant that

they did not support these activities. They were very brave
to tell us that on camera. They said he was duped,
they don't support the recruitment and they wanted their son back.
We then interviewed his older sister. She was about twelve
thirteen years old, and she was very proud of her brother.

Speaker 2 (14:03):
She held up a certain wit that was given to.

Speaker 3 (14:06):
Her by Hamas praising her brother as a martyr, as
a hero, and her indoctrination.

Speaker 2 (14:13):
Level was higher.

Speaker 3 (14:15):
And as a child, she doesn't have the capability to
make these types of decisions. She doesn't have the capability
to really understand what she's saying. That's why we have
special laws for children to protect children.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
Let's take a quick commercial break. We'll continue next on
a Tutor Dixon podcast. I'm listening to what you're saying,
and it's so reminiscent of some of the folks that
we've had on this podcast that have talked about sex
trafficking in the United States. And it's the same thing
where the parents are like, I had no idea, this
is not what I wanted. They got to my kid.

My kid was somehow vulnerable either. They said, we're going
to get you something that you've never had. You're gonna
have nice things, You're going to be held in high esteem.
They get to these kids who and the boy you're
the fifteen year old boy you're talking about who had
a physical limp and was teased by the kids in school.

He was vulnerable to that message. And I think, you know,
a lot of times people are like, oh, these kids
are just bad kids, and I do. I mean, I'm
guilty of thinking to myself, well, this is not like
our kids, Like our kids here in the United States
couldn't get drawn into this. But I'm naive in the
fact that this doesn't happen. I don't have to worry

about this. I don't have to worry about the government
coming into my school and telling my child that you're
going to have this beautiful Well what are they why
do you? I mean, let me ask you that is
there is this heaven? What are they going to? Why?
Why die for this?

Speaker 3 (15:48):

Speaker 2 (15:48):
It's theology.

Speaker 3 (15:51):
People don't understand that the conflict we have throughout the
Middle East, you know, the so called Israel Palestine conflict,
which I think is a little bit misnamed. There's no
conflict between the Israeli people and the Arabs. There's a
conflict between terrorist groups that are proxies of Iran and
Kintar in the Western world. And this is a religion based,

a theologically theological based war. It's the same as Isis,
al Qaeda, the Taliban. There is a radical version of
Islam that is being used to preach violence, to recruit violence,
and to justify terrorism against civilians. And what's happening in
Gaza is exactly the same. This is not about land

for peace. We all know the Palestinians were offered dozens
of times to have their own state.

Speaker 2 (16:44):
But that's not what they want. They want a jihad.

Speaker 3 (16:47):
And it's very clear we in the West, like you said,
we impose our own thoughts. But if we just listen
even to what they're saying at the pro Hamas chance
all over the world, in London and Sydney, on the
streets of New York and Paris, they're chanting from the
river to the sea. The goal is to re establish
an Islamic caliphate over what they claim is Muslim land,

and to defeat the Infidel, to kill non Muslims and
to subjugate them. And if you watch Palestinian Authority TV,
if you watch Iranian TV, if you listen to what
they're saying, they have no qualms about what they're doing.
They're telling you what they're doing, and they view Israel
as a little America because they view Israel as the other,

as a Western ideology, as a non Muslim ideology, and
the hatred that they direct against Israel, against Jews is
the same hatred they direct against the United States, they
direct against Britain, they direct against.

Speaker 2 (17:50):
Every Western country.

Speaker 3 (17:52):
And we have to wake up and realize that we
are all in this together, that creating another Palestinian Islami
state in a sea of failed Islamic fascist dictatorships is
not going to be a solution to the very real
problem of radical Islam. And yet when we started waking

up to this after nine to eleven, and people in
the counter terrorism community and a lot of my clients,
for example, and moderate Muslims started going on the media
started talking about this, writing books about this, politicians raising
alarm about this. There was a campaign to slander and
defame anyone who was speaking about theologically motivated terrorism as

a threat to peace, as a threat to the West,
as anti Islam, as islamophobic. And that campaign was very
strategic because it managed to silence and intimidate people from
talking about this. And then came the woke and the
political correctness.

Speaker 2 (18:55):
We've turned a blind eye.

Speaker 3 (18:56):
Not just to what's happening in the Middle East, but
radicalize on our own campuses.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
I want to point something out when you talk about this,
because I think that we see this radicalization on our
campuses and we think this all just started, you know,
and even though we hear, oh, this has been going
on for thousands of years, this battle between the Israelis
and the Arabs, and I mean, you know, we can

read through history that that is true. But I think
that this is so personal now because we have students
on either side of it, a lot of students on
the side of the terror organization, and they think that
this is They think this has just happened. They think
that Israel has just occupied I mean I heard a
kids say, well, just a few years ago, the Palestinians

lived there and the Israelis kicked them out. Like people
don't know the history. But I want to point out
that in your movie The Making of a Martyr, that
is almost twenty years ago that you did. You made
that movie almost twenty years ago, you're seeing this and
now in that time, in that space, we have had
people like Rashida Talib here in Michigan get into Congress,

and that chant that you were talking about is a
chant that she is out there. She made an actual
I guess I would call it an ad that she
put out on Twitter. Warning, no, not warning, I would say,
threatening the president of the United States, we are not
with you unless you agree with us, saying from the
River to the sea, that is a call to exterminate

Jewish people. So what is your take on Rashida Talib
and our college students looking at that and going, man,
this is a congresswoman. She must I mean, you have
authority as a congresswoman, right.

Speaker 3 (20:44):
So to address your first point as well, you have
to live in a total historical vacuum. You have to
be completely ignorant of history to take the position that
this is Israel's fault, that Israel occupies Aza and there
has to be a ceasefire. There was a ceasefire on

October the sixth, and that ceasefire was broken by Hamas.
Israel was sending millions of dollars worth of aid to Gaza.
They were letting thousands of gozens cross the border every
day to come into Israel for jobs, eight thousands, thousands,
and many of those thousands participated in the attack. People

don't know this. It wasn't just Hamas that came over
the border. It was thousands of regular, every day gos
and citizens that stormed the border and committed atrocities against
innocent civilians. To say, for example, Gaza is occupied, is insane.

Israel pulled out every single man, woman and child, because
the world told the Jewish state that if you leave Gaza,
if you create a Palestinian state, if you let them
govern themselves, there will be peace. And a lot of
people warned about what exactly happened, which is that Gaza
would be taken over by terrorists and would be used

as the largest civilian rocket launching pad in history. And
that's exactly what happened. And in terms of Rashida Talaib,
the Law Fair Project a couple of weeks ago actually
submitted a report and a demand to the Congressional Ethics
Committee demanding that she be censured, and so we were

really happy to see that in the end she was.

Speaker 2 (22:39):
Because there's nothing that.

Speaker 3 (22:41):
Is a greater threat to the integrity of the US
government and the safety of the United States of America.
The members of Congress who are pro hamas members of
Congress who openly support terrorism, not just against Israelis, against Americans,
over thirty Americans are dead. We have American servicemen being

attacked all over the world by Hamas and their allies
and Iranian and Qatar proxies. We have Americans currently being
held hostage, and we have pro Hamas members of the
US government that not only openly support terrorism terrorism against Americans,
but who also feel comfortable to attend pro Hamas rallies

and chant genocidal chants that advocate for the elimination of
the Jewish state and the Jewish people. And Americans need
to think long and hard where this country is going
if we continue to allow our students and our youth
to be indoctrination, to be indoctrinated, not just by members
of Congress, but pro Hamas academia. A report just came

out by NCRII and I always forget what the acronym
stands for oursel You'll forgive me the National Contagion Research
Institute or something like that, which documented that Qatar has
spent over one billion dollars a year for the last

ten years.

Speaker 2 (24:12):
That's ten billion dollars, and that's what they could uncover.

Speaker 3 (24:17):
And there's tons of undocumented funding as well, and the
funding is going to our universities to fund Middle Eastern
studies department, critical race theory, diversity, equity inclusion, to radicalize
the American population not just against Israel, but to be
anti American. And that is the point. We cannot see

this not only in a historical vacuum, but we also
cannot view this just in a so called Israeli Palestine vacuum.
The problem is not over there. The problem is here,
and we're seeing that right now.

Speaker 1 (24:52):
Let's take a quick commercial break. We'll continue next on
a Tutor Dixon podcast. Let me bring this home for
our listeners a little bit like bring this all together
for you, because a few weeks ago, we had a
young woman on here named Reina. She is and she's
a motivational speaker. She mentors high school kids. She also

spent a year in Israel. She experienced anti semitism here
in the United States when she moved from Memphis, or
from Tennessee to Florida. One of her students last week,
and this is just so devastating to think about this,
because I think that people need to understand that Americans
fight for the IDF. Americans go over there and they serve.

And we had a young woman from Georgia who was
one of her students, and she sent us this and
she said, this is just this is what this is
the reality. Grew up in Georgia, grew up as an American,
went back to serve when this happened, went back to serve.
She was stabbed twenty times and killed. This is someone

who is someone who lived like us. You know, the
same is true of Israeli people. They are a Western country.
And so she went over there and she was stabbed
and killed by one of the Hamas. I guess terrorists.
I don't know how else to say it, but I
struggle to say it honestly, because it was a fifteen

year old boy, a fifteen year old boy who was
able to stab someone twenty times, stab a woman twenty times,
and kill her. And it was so shocking to me
because I have a fourteen year old daughter who is
dating a fifteen year old boy, and I cannot imagine
this boy having that in him. You know, what does

it take to create that? And how disarming for someone
to have a child attack them. I mean, I think
it is so hard for us to understand. You've been
fighting so hard for these kids, but is there a
real way to save these children. If this is so
ingrained in society there.

Speaker 3 (27:05):
Well, you asked, what does it take for a fifteen
year old to become a murderer, And the answer is
that it takes a lifetime of indoctrination. And that's why
this is the greatest crime against humanity, because not only
are you turning children into killers and ruining their future
and destroying them psychologically, destroying them forever, but you are

supporting violence against others as well. Look, I write about
this a lot in my book and Jew Hatred, a
Manual for Mobilization, which is coming out and actually available
now for pre order. And I answer this question, how
have we come to this place? Where does jew hatred
come from? And while everyone is capable of hatred, okay,

when you're born, you have a whole different types of emotions.
You can hate, you can love. Jew Hatred is taught.
Nobody is born an anti Semite. And what we've seen
in the Palestinian context is a culture that is entirely

based on indoctrination of their children towards hatred. They're not
teaching their children to become lawyers, to become doctors, to
seek a better life to engage in peace. There is
no peaceful Palestinian movement. There is no Palestinian movement for democracy.

It just doesn't exist. It is a movement for violence
and for hatred. And we need to call this out
for what it is, and we cannot be afraid of
speaking the truth because when you advocate against this type
of hatred, what you're really doing is you're doing pro

Palestinian advocacy. Because if you really care about Palestinian children,
if you really care about the future of the Arabs
in the Middle East, then you want to advocate for
a non violent solution. And if you support Hamas, if
you even support the PA or Fatah or slam A

Jihad or the Alacks or Marty brigades, you are supporting
the continued oppression and violence against innocent Palestinian people.

Speaker 1 (29:28):
I think that's something we so desperately needed to hear.
And I want to say again that I think that
the folks listening should watch your documentary. Where can they
find it?

Speaker 3 (29:37):
We put it online for free, I believe now it
exists on a platform called Vimeo, and I think you
can find it simply by googling the Making of a
Martyr documentary film. Probably add my name in that Google search,
Brooke Goldstein, and it will come up. And I welcome
any comments. And unfortunately the documentary, even though it was

released in two thousand and six, unfortunately could not be
more relevant today because of anything, things have gotten very
much worse.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
And tell folks about where to pre order the book
and you you.

Speaker 3 (30:14):
Can go on Amazon and Google or search and you
Hatred a manual for mobilization. Please do pre order the
book and leave a comment as well about what your
expectations are, what your feelings are about the current climate.
We welcome all comments.

Speaker 1 (30:33):
It was so nice to have you here today. Honestly,
this is something that we needed to hear. We needed
that deeper understanding. Like when I started this podcast, I said,
I see all these hot takes, I see all these
people who act like they're coming from a place of knowledge,
and we're all trying to figure it out because so
many of us are looking at this from the standpoint
of growing up in a society where you don't have

these things pushed on you. So hearing from you today,
getting the background, Brock Goldstein, it was very, very very
helpful to us.

Speaker 3 (31:04):
Thank you for having me I just want to make
one more small point, sort of coming off what you
just said. All of these protests again they complain about colonialism.
But it occurred to me the other day that while
watching actually videos of really brave Gosins filming themselves criticizing Humas,

begging the world to listen to them, that they don't
support Hamas, that they want the Israelis to get rid
of UMAs, and then watching videos of members of the
Western media justify Hammas, I thought, well, isn't this just
a modern form of colonialization where people in the West,

from their place of privilege, are promoting a terrorist group
to control violently and indigenous population when that population itself
doesn't want them. And I want everybody to think about that.
Think about the effect of the Western media acting as
a peasers and justifiers for Hamas when the population itself

is suffering under this terrorist government. You are complicit in
the abuse, the continued abuse of the Palestinian Arab people
if you support Hamas.

Speaker 1 (32:27):
I think it's such an important point. It's something that
we don't we aren't able to unpack on our own.
So I appreciate that you were able to pull back
the layers of this onion today because honestly, it was
something I needed to understand as a mom of four kids,
because I'm going how, how how I don't get it

because I don't live it and I don't understand it.
And you were there, like you said, you spent the
two years. I really encourage people to watch that because
I think we're all wondering, well, what is it really like?
And I think that the Making of a Martyr will
help everyone. Brook Fldstein, thank you, thank you, and thank
you all for joining us on the Tutor Dixon Podcast.

For this episode and others, go to tutordisonpodcast dot com.
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iHeartRadio app or wherever you get your podcasts and join
us next time on the Tutor Dixon Podcast. Have a
blessed day.
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