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May 22, 2024 19 mins

Lily Tang Williams, a Chinese immigrant and political activist, shares her experience of growing up in China and her journey to the United States. She discusses the dangers of having Chinese companies connected to the CCP operating in the US and the need to be vigilant about protecting American values. Lily also highlights the similarities between the cultural revolution in China and the current political climate in the US, where identity politics and division are being used to bring down American institutions. The Tudor Dixon Podcast is part of the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Podcast Network. Find out more at

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Welcome to the Tutor Dixon Podcast. You've heard us talk
a lot about what is going on in China in
the United States. You've heard us talk about this because
in Michigan especially, some people are now calling Michigan the
portal to China because the governor has brought in quite
a few Chinese companies. And we have said for a
long time that there is a danger to having companies

that are directly connected to the CCP operating in the
United States owning land. We can't go to China and
own land. And yet this is happening here, especially in Michigan.
And so we heard about a woman who is running
for office out of New Hampshire and she is actually
someone who fled China herself. Her name is Lily Tang Williams,
and I wanted to have Lily come in and chat

with us a little bit about not only her experience,
but why she's running because she knows the very intricacies
of what happened in China, the revolution, everything that happened there,
and what could happen. This is a time right now
where there is a lot of strife in the world.
You have all heard me talk about. Also, what's going

on in Israel, and I just want to remind you
I a partner with the International Fellowship of Christian and Jews,
and we have to take a look at what happened
October seventh and understand that they are still under attack
from Iran. The Israelis are living every day with the
harsh reality of terror. The International Fellowship of Christians and
Jews is on the ground addressing all of their urgent needs,

and that's why I'm partnering with them while praying for
the best. IFCJ is preparing for the worst by packing
emergency bomb shelter kits that can be delivered immediately to
those in desperate need, and you can help. Your life
saving donation today will help assemble and place these kids
with enough food and life saving emergency supplies for twenty
people huddled in a bomb shelter. The cost to put

them together and distribute the kids is two hundred and
ninety dollars each, and your gift can help save lives
and great news. Thanks to a matching challenge gift from
a generous IFCJ supporter, your gift today doubles an impact
to provide twice the support, so the number you need
to call to get your gift in right away is
eight eight eight four eight eight IFCJ again, that's eight

eight eight four eight eight four three two five. Or
you can always go online to support IFCJ dot org
to give. That's one word support IFCJ and give your
life saving donation today. Now I want to bring in
Lily Tang Williams. You have your own experience. Lily, tell
us about why you came to the United States and

how you decided to run for office.

Speaker 2 (02:39):
Well that was thirty or six years ago when I
came here to attend the graduate school. My purpose was
to come to my promised land called the United States
of America, to live under freedom. I was born before
mouse Cultural Revolution. I saw first hand and lived it

his the ten years political social chaos in doctrination and
you know, political divide of the Chinese society and so
the cultures were destroyed. And so when I started questioning that, oh,
somebody liked to me in China and I went to
college and studied law, I met an American student who told

me about the Decoration, Independence and US Constitution. I decided
this is country I wanted to come. And after you know,
two years of struggled to get the permission to leave
and quated my job as a law school faculty member
in Shanghai. I finally made it to the US and
thirty six years ago May eleventh, actually and my celebrated

our thirty six anniversity we met the first night when
I arrived in America.

Speaker 1 (03:54):
That is so amazing. But I want to go to
something that you. I've read about you. You said that
it took you years to fully flush out the Chinese propaganda.
So do you feel like that indoctrination worked on you
and it took you a while to really see the
light of what the truth was.

Speaker 2 (04:10):
Well, you know, when party dictatorship CCP controls all the schools,
all the media, all the press, I had no way
to know the truths. So I was fit all the
lives in my twenty four years in China. So when
I started to wake up and I fought back, I
wanted to come to the United States. But I did
not have an ideology what I was, you know, really

fighting against the nineties. So they lied to me, they
oppressed me. I wanted to live with the freedom, so
I came here. So you know, I had to learn English.
I had to learn about my new country political system
and learn the truths even about my native country. And
with my husband, American husband's help. So finally I called

myself twenty years later, from nineteen eighty eight to two
thousand and eight, and I become independent thinker, and I
start to pay attention to my new countries what's going
on here? And I got scared and I said, well,
this country is changing. It's not what I thought I
had in mind when I come to a constitutional republic.

So I started to getting involved. You know, I've been
activist as a grassroots in person for past the eleven years.

Speaker 1 (05:24):
So when you see these college campus protests and you
see these folks that have come out in support of
hamas essentially say we've seen the comments, and you'll have
people that will argue that's not what they're supporting. Well,
wait a minute, I've heard death to Jews, I've heard
death to America. And this is coming from college students
that are have been raised in America and they have

these influences on campus that are coming in and indoctrinating them.
Does it feel reminiscent of that time during the revolution
in China?

Speaker 2 (05:54):
Correct? And I've been calling out this is silly similarity
since two twenty twenty and during the you know, like
a month's long and you know BLM Antifa on riots
and burning and the braindown statues and the one to
Change America and wanted to destroy and the traditional cultures

by using people's skin color. And you have to be
actively participating in anti racism or you could be called
the racist you know CRT sixty nineteen projects and you know,
whatever the issue is. But that's one first time I
saw this massive similar tactics and the radical left side

are using using also young people, and I was very scared.
And the founders of Bio m sid we are trained Marxists.
They were openly talked about their admiration. Worchu my mouth
little read a book and I said, what's going on
in this country? So so I did, you know, a
lot of follow up and I throw lots of social

media accounts and I found out that you know, the
message the tactics they're using is to weaponize our urban
youth college students the way to do the destruction, and
college students might be used for their political agenda. They
might even not know what they're protesting, but it's always
the same kind of people and pay the professional agitators

to use the young people to do their bidding. So
it could be you know, on CRTDI Clement justice, gun control,
and transgender rights. Now it's free panistant and that's to
use real that's to America, And I just feel like
they're not single incidents anymore. It's not a single issue anymore.

I support free speech, I support freedom to protest, but
when you threaten people, and when you have this kind
of vandomization of property and blocking jury, students from going
to class and professors going to each you know, you know,
these kind of tactics are so similar than what I

saw in China.

Speaker 1 (08:08):
So you talk about these professional activists and they've come
on and they've been promoting these types of this type
of propaganda. But I think one of the strongest messages
we've received in the last few days is from our
own president of the United States, who went and spoke
to a historically black college at their commencement ceremony, and
he told them, you will go into the world with

very little opportunity because essentially white people will hold you back,
and talked about George Floyd. You can came into college
during these riots. Look at how terrible this country is
for you. I mean, I can think of nothing more
than pushing the Marxist line. Then that was what you said.
The BLM people came out and they were clearly coming

out with this Marxist ideology. And you have the president
pushing this with students over the weekend. And we've heard
from people who have said the student some of the
students didn't like this. They said, how can you talk
about us commencing going off into the world. This is
the beginning of our lives, and you're telling us after
we just graduated from college that are we won't have

the opportunity that other students have. How can the president
of the United States so openly go out there with
this kind of propaganda and try to scare people into
joining his movement.

Speaker 2 (09:24):
You know, our president is a very divisive figure, and
I sometimes call him he's the racist because he only
focused on people's race and skin color. It's insulting to
my loyalties to black Americans. Use to say, you are
oppressed with all government help and without the you know,

actual you know, and rely on the government and to
do the eye and affirmative action. You cannot say that
America is a racist, systemic, racist country. I just reject
that because I came here thirty six years go with nothing.
I cannot speak English. I only got the one hundred
dollars in my pocket and in debt twelve hundred dollars.

I'm leaving American dream here running for office, have three
home business with loving husband and three wonderful children. This
is the greatest country on ours. Everybody can come here
if they just work hard, embraced American ideals, and based
on their personal responsibility and the meritocracy, they can succeed.

Why is he painting the black people who were born here? Oh,
you cannot succeed. You have to play risk, Carden. Do
you think that very misive figure?

Speaker 1 (10:37):
When do you think that changed? Because it used to
be the politicians running would come out on both sides
and say, this is the land of opportunity. We're going
to make America better. America is just going to keep
getting better. When do you think it changed the Democrats
started going to minority communities and saying life is not
good here for you, and it will be very a
very long time before it can be good. Because he's

not offering something better. He didn't go to them and say, hey,
I'm going to make this better for you. He literally
said you should feel like this country has treated has
wronged you. When did this start and what is the
point of that?

Speaker 2 (11:12):
I call that the modest cultural revolution with American characteristics.
The communist tactic is always using identity politics to separate,
divide people and then conquer them all. Mao did that,
and he used Marxist a serial of class and struggle

to divide people between oppressor versus press, five black classes
which deem to be enemy of the state versus five
red classes. You can, you know, find out called the
five Black categories and the five Red categories and get
them fighting each other and destroy Chinese culture and make
him the most powerful supreme leader in China's you know history.

And I don't want to see that happening here. I
think that there is a certainly agenda agenda by the
radical leftists and progressives and Marxists. They learned from mal
to divide citizens by using gender, raised skin color, economical status,
and now they're using our children and use the transgenderism

to confuse them and to give them rise up to
demand the more government actions and take away parant to rights,
destroy nuclear feminies. It's terrifying to say these similarities. And
we need a lot more immigrants like me who have
seen that before, who know the history, and to speak
up and to stop this cultural revolution because I love

this country. I have no place to go, and I
don't want the CCP users soft to powers, infiltrate our schools,
our country, and to further divide Americans. So they are
actually enjoying this division right now. They're laughing at us.

Speaker 1 (12:56):
Of course, if you look last week, you see the
President g met with President Putin, So you've got Russia
and China meeting together. And they came out and they said,
we've signed a pledge for a new era in the world.
Let's take a quick commercial break. We'll continue next on
a Tutor Dixon podcast. What does it mean when you

have Russia and China sitting down and talking about a
new era? And let not let's not forget that they
also said they were condemning the United States. What do
you think when you hear that?

Speaker 2 (13:29):
Well, Shi Jimping is the new chairman Mao. He's a
hardcore communist, even though his family suffered under Mouth's cultural revolution,
and he is doing all the you know, like a
personal worship like modd. He demands the Chinese people to
listen to his chairman Sheese Salts and the college campuses

you have to start in his app andful they you know,
communists officials, and he's he has a something different from
Malta doom. He wants to take over United States as
the number one economical.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
Don't do that but power. Yeah, people do not believe that,
but it's true. And they also don't believe that he
commits human rights offenses. But we know that he has
committed genocide. Why do we not have students marching against
any connection with China if we know he's committed genocide.

Speaker 2 (14:25):
Well blame my American education system. Do not teach our
kids properly with real history. And they just have no idea.
Do they even know what happened during the Holocaust? Did
they watch some even movies about the Holocaust? It's like
it just happened nineteen thirty three. Now it's in America.
They're you know, the Jewish Americans feel like they cannot

even feel safe to go out and to show they
are Jewish Americans. So our kids are very miseducated. That's
why when I want the congressional state, I would like
to say, we stop abolished department education and gave that
back to the states, back to parental control, and we
need to keep educting our kids. Also at home at

the dinner table, that's what I did with my three children.
I caught a deep progress and from the home family
dinner tables.

Speaker 1 (15:19):
So tell us about your race, because you're running in
New Hampshire, tell us about what you're running on and
what your plan is once you get to Washington.

Speaker 2 (15:27):
Well, and I ran twenty twenty two and I finished
very strong in the primary. I'm running again because I
feel like I'm answer my coding. This is my mission.
I am actually on the CCP's blacklist. This threatened me.
Twenty nineteen, I was not running for any said, but

I was on the speaker bureau of you know, Communism
Memboreral Foundation, telling my stories to educate our kids, and
this threatened me. They wanted me shut up. And now
I'm getting even an O because I said, like living
a new free or that states I'm not going to
be silenced in my new country and my slogan is

keep the American drama alife. I embrace American ideals freedom,
free market, capitalism, meritocracy, rule of law, and the equal
optunity and justice for all. But right now I see
those American ideals are sleeping away, and because they radical democrats,

progressives even including the US Congress, and bid them mystraching,
and they are using all these similar tactics to actually
bring down American institutions and bring down American values, and
they're trying to replace it with something totally different. I
have seen China before. You can call any kind of
collectionism also terranism. So I'm running to say, I don't

want to see this country becoming the country I left.
And I don't care how much up cycle and pressure
and the blacklist I faced. I'm doing the rising, I
answering my coning, and I want to save our country
from this radical leftist destruction.

Speaker 1 (17:12):
Well, we appreciate what you're doing. For sure, give people
your website so that they can help out.

Speaker 2 (17:18):
My website is a ladytown Williams dot com and there's
donate buttons, big button, please push it that and to
help me to win. I might be out raised, but
I have there a true firm belief in our America
system where governments supposed to be for the people, by
the people, and off the people. And I always tell

people that we need to hold our politicians accountable. You
need to send somebody like me who is for liberty
and not for sale and to really keep our kids
American dram alife. I'm a very active on ex if
you can follow me there and Instagram, two channel Facebook.

I have been talked about some messages for like last
eleven years.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
Yeah, I suggest you do follow Follow Lily because she's
been out there. She's fought against the battery factory in
Michigan that we've talked about several times on this podcast.
But she came over here with an advanced degree. She's
an attorney. She's fought, she's helped to work between the
United States and other countries. She's done amazing work. So

you have to look at her background and understand that
this is someone who would be a true benefit to
us in the United States and someone who can interpret
what's actually happening on the ground. So when you see
governors like Governor Whitmer giving out hundreds of thousands of
taxpayer dollars to a Chinese corporation. Lily Tang Williams can
then come together with like John Molinar, who has been

who's our congressman here, who's been fighting against this with
some real inside knowledge of what the CCP likes to do. So,
Lily Tang Williams, thank you so much for being on
the podcast today.

Speaker 2 (18:58):
Well, thank you for having.

Speaker 1 (18:59):
Me absolutely and thank you all for joining us on
the Tutor Dixon Podcast. For this episode and others, go
to Tutor diisonpodcast dot com. You can subscribe right there,
or head over to the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcast, or
wherever you get your podcasts and join us next time
on the Tutor Dixon Podcast. Have a blessing,
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