All Episodes

March 30, 2024 34 mins

Best of Hannity with Peter Schweizer, Gregg Jarrett and Leo Terrell.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
All right, news round up and information overload. Our Here's
our toll free telephone number if you want to be
a part of the program. Explosive hearings on Capitol Hill yesterday.
As Tony Bobolinsky, he held nothing back going after Democrats
on this committee, the House Oversight Committee, on issues involving

the Biden family syndicate as we affectionately refer to it,
and hears him saying that Biden was active in the
family business.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
Joe Biden was more than a participant in and a
beneficiary of his family's business. He was an active, aware
enabler who met with business associates such as myself to
further the business, despite being buffered by a complex scheme
to maintain plausible deniability. Mister bob Alinsky, who's the big guy?

Speaker 1 (00:53):
Are you sure about that?

Speaker 3 (00:54):
Because when doing Joe Biden you sure? I'm a thousand
percent sure because when hunter and did his deposition under oath,
he said, I don't know who it is, even though
he was copied on an email that said ates will
hold ten percent for the big guy you search.

Speaker 4 (01:08):
The big guy is Joe Biden.

Speaker 3 (01:10):
One thousand percent, and there's other text messages that back
that up.

Speaker 2 (01:15):
And then maybe the best moment of this exchange yesterday
with Bob Olinsky is the showdown with Jamie Raskin.

Speaker 4 (01:22):
Listen to that.

Speaker 3 (01:23):
At the same people preaching this mantra no better, they
continue to lie directly to the American people without hesitation
and remorse.

Speaker 5 (01:32):

Speaker 3 (01:32):
Dan Goldman and Jamie Rasking both lawyers, and mister Goldman,
a former prosecutor with the SDN Y from New York,
will continue to lie today in this hearing and then
go straight to the media to tell more lies.

Speaker 4 (01:44):

Speaker 2 (01:45):
Joining us now is Peter Schweitzer, and we all know Peter.
He's the president of the Government Accountability Institute and host
of his own Drilled Down podcast. By the way, his
new book is out. It's a number one New York
Times bestseller. It's called Blood Money, While the Powerful Turn
of Blind Eye, While China is killing Americans. Anyway, Peter,

always great to have you back, How are you, sir, I'm.

Speaker 5 (02:09):
Great, Sean, always great to be with you. Thanks for
having me.

Speaker 2 (02:12):
You know, the thing that really defines you in my mind,
And this goes back to twenty eighteen when you release
Secret Empires, is the amount of research that goes into
every one of your books and everything that you're doing
at the Government Accountability Institute. I mean, you find this information.

Nobody knew in twenty eighteen that the whole issue of
the Bidens and money that they're making in Ukraine and
China and Romania and Russia, that it would be this
biggest story that it is now rightly become a lot
of it rooted in the hard work you did behind
the scenes, and it even took a couple of years
after you release Secret Empires for people to fully understand

the magnitude of what actually was going on with the
Biden family. I thought Tony Boblensky, in particularly yesterday, you know,
shed a lot of light on this.

Speaker 5 (03:06):
No, I think you're right, Sean, And yeah, in twenty
eighteen I wrote the book. It was really my appearance
on your radio and television programs that really brought it
to national attention. And it does take time sometimes for
these narratives, these stories, these facts to go out and
be adopted by people and for people to see them.

And I think Bobolinski did a fantastic job yesterday I've
met with him a couple of times, and the thing
about Tony is he's not political and you can't really
attack him personally. They're trying to do that, Sean, because
they can't attack the facts that he's stating. But this
is a guy who loves his country. He's not political.

He's made his own money, so they can't try to
get at him in any way. And I think they
see him as probably the biggest threat to, you know,
winning this battle over the Biden crime family and exposing
everything that they've done.

Speaker 2 (04:06):
It was a fascinating exchange with AOC yesterday, leader of
the squad, as she was, you know, asking Bob Olinski
a list of crimes, and then at one point she says, well,
rico is not a crime, and actually it is a crime.
It's codified at eighteen USC UH nineteen h one nine

six one to one nine six eight.

Speaker 4 (04:28):
So she was wrong. But the six change gets interesting. Listen,
did you witness the president commit a crime? Is it
your testimony today? Yes? And what crime do you have
you witnessed? How much time do I have to go through?
It is simple, you name the crime. Did you watch
him steal something? Corruption statutes rico and con what is it?

What is what is the crime?

Speaker 5 (04:52):

Speaker 4 (04:54):
Specific you keep up. You asked me to answer the question.
I answered the question. You go, you're obviously not familiar
with crupt.

Speaker 6 (05:01):
Excuse me, sir, excuse me, sir, excuse me, sir.

Speaker 4 (05:05):
Rico is not a crime. It is a category. What
is the.

Speaker 3 (05:10):
Category of crimes that you're then charging?

Speaker 1 (05:13):
You have charge in long hundred You have charges, sir,
Please the name back statute ric Yes.

Speaker 2 (05:20):
I mean there were numerous moments like this, but Bob
Olinski at one point didn't tolerate any of the bs.
He said, no evidence is being provided of any sort
of wrongdoing by the president, and he just goes to
representative of Garcia that's just a blatant lie, and just
laid him out flat. I mean, just like the exchange
with Raskin. I mean it was a beatdown.

Speaker 5 (05:41):
Yeah it was. It was Sean And if anybody, and
I don't know who would, but if anybody had a
mind to get legal advice from AOC, I guess they're
probably not going to do that anymore. And that's a
good thing. No. I mean, the Democrats have really attacked
this two ways. One is is kind of these ridiculous
statements like AO sees that there's no crime that has

been committed. No, that crime doesn't exist. The other one
is to try to minimize and deflext Joe Biden's role,
and Babolinsky was correct when you look at rico, when
you look at conspiracy, when you look at these other
crimes that Greg Jarrett and others have talked about on
your program, Joe Biden's role is essential punter. May be

the one that is, you know, doing the meetings and
collecting the money. But absent Joe Biden, this criminal activity
could not take place. So Joe Biden is the sun
around which all the planets, the Biden family planets, have
to revolve, and he's an essential ingredient to this. And
you know what people have to realize, Sean is is

you know, what is the president that's established here? If
this is not a crime, If they're going to insist
this is not a crime, where do we go from here?
The next president, the president after that, the next vice president,
the next Secretary of Defense. I guess according to their standards,
it's okay for them all now to start, you know,
have their adult children take millions of dollars from the

Chinese performing those services in response pay to play. It's
apparently now all acceptable because they want to create the
Biden rule, the Biden exception. And the fact of the
matter is is Tony Bobbleinscree was square on. He was untouchable,
and I think he did a great job. And I
think we need a little bit more of this from Republicans.

We've got guys on top of the hill like Jim Jordan,
who are doing a great job. But we have to
be direct, we have to aim accurately, and we have
to be unrelenting in laying out the facts. That's the
only way that this battle is going to be won.

Speaker 2 (07:42):
It's been a little frustrating to me when I find
as a talk show host at times with certain people
that I seem to know more or have a better
ability than they have of laying out the basic fundamental
facts here. And I thought Tony Bobo Lenski did this
very successful six tessfully yesterday, you know, on the issue

of a meeting between Bobolinsky and Joe Biden that took place,
I think the uh where was it? One of the
famous hotel out in California, I forget off the top
of my head. But they had this forty five or
fifty minute meeting, and at one point Bobolinsky, you know,
was asked, you know about the meeting, and and he
gave his answer, and that he was even coached by

Hunter ahead of time how to deal with the meeting
that went on forty five fifty minutes, as they said.
And then you go back to the depositions of James
Biden and Hunter Biden, and James Biden said was asked
if there was a meeting between Bobolinsky and Joe Biden.
He said absolutely not. Hunter said, my dad went and
shook hands with Tony and Bobolinsky said Hunter. Biden, in

his own transcribed interview, confirmed that the meeting took place.
Hunter confirmed that his uncle perjured himself in front of
this committee. He accused both Hunter and James Biden of perjury.
And this seems to be enough evidence to back it
up if we just stick with the fundamentals, Peter, and
you don't need to go any further.

Speaker 1 (09:07):

Speaker 2 (09:08):
You tell me how many boards are going to hire
somebody with zero experience and an admitted drug addict at
the time.

Speaker 5 (09:15):
Yeah, yeah, No, exactly right, Sean. And the problem that
the Democrats are trying to take advantage of corruption stories
are often not simple stories. You know. Okay, you get
the really dumb politician who takes the shoe box of
cash from somebody who's got a wire from the FBI
and they get nailed. That doesn't really happen much anymore.

It's become much more sophisticated than that. And the Bidens
have done that. Remember, they created these shell companies, Sean.
It wasn't them taking the money directly. They created a
cloud of shell companies through which to run this money.
They would give ridiculous explanations to investigators. When asked, why
did this Chinese official send you money? Hunter Biden said

that five million dollars arrived. It was good faith seed money,
even though there was no paperwork or anything about that
million dollars being given. So they obscure it and they
run the hope that they can run out the clock.
And they really want to firmly believe that they can
make this muddy the waters complicated. But you're exactly right.

The challenge that Republicans need to do is stick simply
to the facts, the irreviewable facts. And what the Democrats
have not been able to do. For all the efforts
of Jamie Raskin and the others, those facts haven't moved
because those facts are true and accurate and real. And
nobody has still ever given a plausible explanation of why

they got this money. Why the Biden's got we discovered
some thirty one million dollars from China, why he got
millions from Ukraine, Why he got three point five million
dollars from r Jolena Bacherina in Russia. There's no discernible
legitimate business service or product that was ever provided. And
if you look at the poll Sean, the New York Times,

Wall Street Journal, and Harvard Harris have all in recent
months done polling on this, and they all asked, did
Joe Biden engage in highly unethical behavior or illegal behavior
to Enricher's family? And every one of those polls, a
minimum of sixty five percent of the American people said yes.
So the American people get it. The Democrats' efforts to

obscure it have not worked, and we need to keep
hammering home the message so we can hold them accountable.

Speaker 2 (11:34):
Quick break, we will come back. We'll continue more with
Peter Sweitzer. My Ball with Peter Sweitzer is number one
New York Times bestseller, just out blood Money. Why the
powerful turn a blind eye while China kills Americans Hannity
dot com, Amazon dot com bookstores around the country as well,
we continue with Peter Schweitzer, go back to the fundamental point.

Why would Joe Biden lie repeatedly, both as a candidate
and a president, that he never one time ever spoke
to his son, brother or anybody for that matter about
the foreign business deals, only to have testimony from the
likes of Devin Archer that he was aware of at
least twenty times Joe Biden had called into some of
the meetings with foreign business partners. Then of course famous

meetings at the Cafe Milano with people like one you
just mentioned, Elena Battarina. Then of course there was three
point five million from the Russian oligarch former first Lady
of Moscow. Then according to Archer, another one hundred million
plus invested in a real estate venture. Or then this
guy Galanas testifying of a twenty fourteen phone call with

then Vice President Biden, And then we got picture of
the meeting and eating dinner together, and We don't even
have a final number. We have shell corporations identified by
the Oversight Committee. What were the companies use for? What
legitimate business purpose were they used for? Why did ten
Biden family members get paid? What did the grandchildren do
to get paid for? What services did they run for

the money they got paid. We don't get answers to
any of these questions.

Speaker 5 (13:04):
No, we don't. And look, I think the other thing
that's becoming a parent and clear. I mean the reporting
that you've done and John Solomon has done on Ukraine,
is that this is not just a case. I mean,
it's bad enough that you have a political family enriching
themselves in this way, but this corruption actually has consequences.

It affects people's lives. You know. In the new book
Blood Money, I talk about the fact that you know,
five million dollars that the Biden's got in twenty seventeen
came from this infrast tree forgivable loan from a Chinese businessman.
That businessman happened to be at the time business partners
with a guy who goes by the name White Wolf,

who's the head of a criminal syndicate in China, who
helped set up the Sineloa cartel in the Sentinel trade.
So is it really a surprise that Joe Biden won't
confront the Chinese on Sentinel He doesn't want to bring
it up. Is it really any surprise that he takes
the policy positions towards China that he does, or that
he has adopted the posture in Ukraine that he does. Now,

this is a consequence of the corruption. So it's not
just Hunter Biden, Joe Biden or Jim Biden getting paid.
This actually affects the lives of Americans and the policies
that this president is carrying out or not carrying out.
Corruption consequences.

Speaker 2 (14:26):
Can you imagine the dossiers that the Russians and communist
Chinese have on Hunter? Anyway, Peter Schweitzer is his new
book is out number one New York Times bestseller. It's
called Blood Money. Why the powerful turn of blind eye
while China kills Americans? I want to bring you back
at a future date and talk about all the information

about TikTok that you accumulated and what a real, clear
present danger it is. The information is eye opening, to
say the least. But anyway, we'll put a link on
Hannity dot com, It's and bookstores around the country, Amazon
dot com as well. Congrats on another number one bestseller.

Speaker 5 (15:03):
Well, thanks so much, Shawn, Thanks so much for having me.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
On eight hundred and nine to four one. Shawn is
on number if you want to be a part of
the program. Let's face facts, America is not the same
country we once knew. Violent crime is spiking at an
alarming rate, but the media they don't want to tell
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Speaker 1 (15:18):

Speaker 2 (15:18):
In the wake of the defund dismantled police movement, old
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Speaker 1 (15:35):

Speaker 2 (15:35):
Luckily, the former head of training for the FBI and
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Speaker 4 (15:50):

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Speaker 6 (16:09):
We'll hear the mainstream press talking about this stuff.

Speaker 1 (16:13):
Sean Hannity is on the radio.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
Twenty five now to the top of the art. Thank
you for being with us. Eight hundred and nine to
four one, Shawn our number. If you're a landowner and
look at to protect against the varmints trying to threaten
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Speaker 4 (16:38):

Speaker 2 (16:38):
Henry offers several options to protect what is yours, including
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Speaker 4 (17:27):
I love them. You're gonna love them, I promise you.

Speaker 2 (17:30):
All right, let's get back to the issue that was
in the forefront of everybody's mind yesterday. And I always
kind of enjoy the opportunity to slam the mob, the
media and the media mindset, and the media started freaking out.
I'm not gonna play Donald Trump's context and full again
because there's no point.

Speaker 4 (17:51):
It was obvious, there's no ambiguity.

Speaker 2 (17:54):
At all whatsoever, unless you are part of the media
mob or a democratic radical extremist that you would take
those words out of context and that it's going to
be a bloodbath, he said if he doesn't win the election.
That's not what he was talking about. He's talking about
the automobile industry. And anyway, the mob, the media, they
freak out and purposely distort what he was saying, listen, we.

Speaker 4 (18:17):
Just have to win this election.

Speaker 5 (18:19):
Because he's even predicting a blood bath.

Speaker 1 (18:21):
What does that mean he's going to exact a bloodbath.

Speaker 5 (18:24):
There's something wrong here.

Speaker 7 (18:26):
When the former president, who's already incited violence among his followers,
says that there's going to be a bloodbath after the election.

Speaker 4 (18:34):
If he does not win.

Speaker 1 (18:35):
He is telling us what he is going to do.

Speaker 8 (18:39):
A major Partycounada is saying, you elect me, there's going
to be dictatorship, bloodbath, violence, retribution against my political enemies.
That equals what we saw in Italy and Germany and
other places.

Speaker 9 (18:52):
If you look at the way he said this, it's
going to be a blood bath for the whole then
he stops, that's going to be the least of it.
That's going to be the least of it. It's going
to be a blood bath for the country.

Speaker 10 (19:04):
Obviously, he's talking about a blood bath for America. It's
laid out in the terms of it. And these idiots
on Twitter, these idiots on cable News, these idiots on
Sunday shows when we're our presence, you know, he was
talking only about the auto industry.

Speaker 4 (19:23):
And this is one more just bullying.

Speaker 10 (19:25):
Let me say that at six point fifteen, am just bullying.

Speaker 2 (19:29):
Now we spend a little bit of time and we
went back and lo and behold, we have the media
using the term bloodbath over and over and over and
over again.

Speaker 10 (19:41):
Listen, Republicans understand that they're headed for another potential electoral
blood bath quickly.

Speaker 8 (19:47):
It's still not clear that Donald Trump will in fact
testify because they think that would be a bit of
a blood bath.

Speaker 3 (19:54):
Major university is bracing for a bleak financial situation.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
Why one expert is predicting a blood bath as classes
resume this fall.

Speaker 9 (20:02):
But as politico dot com reports tonight on the quote
blood bath at the RNC coming out of Iowa, they
were promising that this was effectively going to be a
blood bath.

Speaker 2 (20:11):
Not only is it going to be a bloodbath, but
after they leave New Hampshire, it's a bloodbath on her
home turf.

Speaker 1 (20:16):
That's really to Truff has left a lot of corpses
in his way.

Speaker 9 (20:20):
The thing I fear most is if he doesn't run,
there's going to be a blood bath of the Democratic Party.

Speaker 7 (20:26):
Because the battle is already on. Donald Trump is going
to win this nomination and we need to be ready
for that. Look It is a long fight ahead. I'm
not going to sugarcoat it for anybody. People who don't
think this election is going to be a bloodbath are mistaken.
As the administration braces itself for a blood bath in
twenty eighteen and a wave of staff departures.

Speaker 10 (20:46):
We're going to begin all right off the bat with
some breaking news in our money lead and what's being
described as a market blood bath.

Speaker 3 (20:51):
That's like, we're doing just great in Georgia and you know, Ohio,
God was that a bloodbath.

Speaker 4 (20:56):
Of the night.

Speaker 10 (20:56):
Florida is going to be a political blood bath, for
Bernie said.

Speaker 2 (21:00):
Everything that they're saying is predicated on their idiotic, you know, narrative,
because they can't run on are you better off than
you were four years ago? But Donald Trump is inciting violence? Well,
how interesting it was that we learned that Well according
to the Secret Service driver on January sixth, that in
spite of the narrative, and the January sixth committee knew this,

but they they they withheld this exculpatory evidence and they
went with a hearsay witness and it turns out not
to be true because the driver of then an suv,
it wasn't the Beast that day. I said, No, Donald
Trump never once tried to commandeer the car, not one
bit didn't happen. But anyway, let's just remind you of

democratic violent rhetoric, if you will, and.

Speaker 9 (21:46):
Everyone beware, because they're not going to stop it going
to They're not going to stop before election day in November.

Speaker 5 (21:52):
And they're not going to stop after election day.

Speaker 9 (21:54):
There needs to be unrest in the streets for as
long as there's unrest in our lives, and unfortunately, there's
way to go round.

Speaker 3 (22:00):
I just don't even know why there aren't uprisings all
of the country.

Speaker 2 (22:03):
Maybe they will be.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
Press aways aster, don't I worsh I were debating him.

Speaker 4 (22:07):
No, I wish you're in high school. I could take
it behind the gym. That's what I wish. I want
to tell you, Borza.

Speaker 3 (22:14):
I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the
whirlwinds and you will pay the crime.

Speaker 2 (22:22):
All right here to weigh in on all of this.
Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analysts, best selling author, Leo
two point oh Terrell, Fox News contributor and attorney extraordinaire
with an incredible background, welcome both of you. Look, this
is you could just you know, brush this off and
say this is politics. But it's not just politics, Leo.

This is the mob, the media purposely lying. They are
the number one donors in my view, to the Democratic
Party and the Joe Biden reelection campaign, and they're so
dishonest about it that they stand in unison with their lives.

Speaker 5 (23:00):

Speaker 6 (23:01):
They've been lying on President Trump for nine years and
they are going to continue and this year they're going
to do it every day around the clock, twenty four
to seven y because they will do anything to distract
away from Joe biden horrible, horrible record as the worst
president in the country ever in my lifetime, Biden is

the worst. So they have no other choice, and they
have the cooperation. The Democratic Party has the cooperation about
ninety percent of the media. I saw I watched your program.
I saw the repetitive use of the word but bad
by the Democrats. But they don't care. And the scary
part about this whole ordeal, Sean, is that the absentee voter,

the ones who don't pay attention, they might believe this nonsense.
And so this is critical to get the message out
that the Democrats are lying. They're trying to deflect everyone's
attention away from Joe Biden's horrific record as president, and
they're trying to do the same playbook that they've use
aunt Trump this twenty sixteen. It's not gonna work. Trump

is gonna win.

Speaker 2 (24:05):
Well, I hope you're right, Uh, I just yeah. It's
sort of like when your kids get in trouble, Greg,
you don't usually mind what they do. I mean, my kids,
you know, they did everything wrong that every other kid
does wrong, right, But then when they look in the
eye and they flat out light to you, that's when
I canna start getting pissed off.

Speaker 1 (24:22):
Well, my two daughters are angels who have never done wrong.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
So no, okay, we're gonna stick. We're gonna stick with that,
Adam Shipp But go ahead.

Speaker 5 (24:32):

Speaker 1 (24:33):
The mainstream media is either so profoundly stupid and incompetent
that they didn't bother to consider the context of Trump's
blood bath remark, or they knew that Trump was referring
to lost jobs in the auto industry, but the media
deliberately chose to misrepresent it to smear him. And I

suspect it's the latter because the context, Shawn is so obvious.
But This is a pattern by the media. They long
ago decided that they're allowed to lie to the public.
Why because they see Donald Trump as this evil person,
and the press rationalizes their deceptions, exaggerations, fabrications, contortions, the

invention of wholesale fictions, and reporters, in their twisted mind,
thinks it's all justify because they're convinced that Trump is
a national emergency and existential threat to America. So the
press have anointed themselves as the saviors of the republic.

And of course that's the height of arrogance that infects
today's journalism. Fairness, objectivity, those are quaint, archaic notions. In
the age of Trump, these media figures think they're entitled
to be the pied piper of anti Trump rage. They
willingly shredded all ethical standards. The good news is it's

backfiring on them. Americans are smart. They see the media
mob for what they clearly are, crooked, corrupt, and dishonest.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
Quick break forward Leo two point zero Turell, and Greg
Jarrett on the other side. At the top of the hour,
Jesse Waters from Fox will join us and we'll get
your calls.

Speaker 4 (26:22):
At eight hundred and ninety four one Shawn.

Speaker 2 (26:24):
As we continue, He's always been a street fighter who
takes on the system, and Hannity is doing it today.

Speaker 3 (26:37):
Fighting left wing powers who want to stamp out conservative voices,
fighting fire with fire, that Sean Hannity.

Speaker 2 (26:46):
Hey, if you're a homeowner and you're like me, you
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Sadly, if nobody is watching the title to your home,
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title lock dot Com. All right, we continue now with

Leo two point O Terrell and Greg Jarreedder with us.

Speaker 4 (27:56):
Let me ask you both.

Speaker 2 (27:58):
I saw this morning on Fox Friends that Jonathan Turley
was on, and he was weighing in on these Democratic
dominated courts. And I've said from the beginning Donald Trump
cannot get a fair hearing or trial in a venue
like New York.

Speaker 4 (28:14):
He can't.

Speaker 2 (28:14):
That will never happen, or DC, I think is the worst,
or Fulton County, Georgia. But Jonathan Turley, now we're at
a point where in a case, a civil case that
hasd to do with no victim at all whatsoever, and
you know, led by an attorney general who pledged to
go after one man, one family, and one organization and

come up with five hundred million dollars in payment and
given thirty days to get a bond together, and the
President's lawyer saying it's not that easy. None of these
bond companies we've been to nine of them want to
give it to us. And Jonathan Turley this morning basically said,
in order for you to be able to appeal this
and what I've done to you, the same judge and

goron that value tomorrow lago at eighteen million dollars, which
is a joke. I mean, he was more guilty of
false valuations than anything Donald Trump is even accused of. Well,
to get your appeal, you're gonna have to come up
with a half a billion dollars just to appeal this.
It's like said, well, I'm going to take your house away,
but you can appeal my decision, but you'll have to

sell your house in order to do it. And at
this point one has to wonder. You know, he called
it mob justice. What would you call it, Leo.

Speaker 6 (29:28):
Well, I'll tell you right now. I call it downly
mob justice. I'll call it political law. There Sean, let
me tell you right now, I've been practicing law for
work thirty four years. I've never seen the legal system
hijacked by a party. The Democrats have hijacked the legal process.
And that's what makes our country so unique. We have

a system of justice. It's in justice, in New York City.
It's in justice in the state of New York. That's
why you have this going on. And I'll tell you
right now, you know, I am blessed. This whole country
is blessed that the family fathers came up with this
independent this YEARY called the Supreme Court because I'll tell
you right now, this outrageous, victimless crime of over a

half a billion dollars, it's excessive, it violates the Eighth Amendment.
And I guarantee you seize civil rights lawyer this case,
and Trump will get justice eventually unless the New York
Court Appeals do the right thing in the Supreme Court
because this side is excessive and it violates the Eighth Amendments.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
But imagine you had testimony greg even from the lenders
and others. You had a disclaimer as part of all
of these contracts, don't go by our valuations. Nobody claimed
any harm or felt they got hurt in any way.
And the Deutsche Bank executive that testified said, evaluations are
you know, they're subjective. They have a fiduciary responsibility to

do their own valuations. You're not going to give somebody
hundreds of millions of dollars in a loan or an
insurance policy without your due diligence.

Speaker 4 (30:59):
That's on them.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
And the judge got away with valuing bar Alago at
eighteen million dollars, never never backed off, in spite of
all the evidence to the contrary.

Speaker 1 (31:10):
You know, and my judgment in Goron is a disgrace
to the Black Row. He shouldn't be on the bench.
His outrageous, draconian find bears no reasonable relation to the
nature of the offense or the harm which the law requires.
Here there was no harm shown at trial, not a

single dollar loss by anybody. In fact, the banks that
loan Trump money made enormous profits. And then the judge said, well, Trump,
you committed fraud, ignoring the fact that all of the
bank executives who testified said they were never defrauded. And
Letitia James consorted this consumer protection statute where no consumers

were injured. The statute has never before been used this way.
It's unprecedented. She was simply fulfilling a campaign promise to
get Trump, exercising this personal political vendetta that has no
place in the law. You know, and Gorn made this
judgment so astronomically high that it's impossible to obtain a bun.

That was in Goron's intent. His intent was to ruin
Trump financially in leaving him penniless.

Speaker 2 (32:29):
Well, it won't leave him penniless. But what most people
don't understand is even though he's a billionaire, it's not
like he has a half a billion dollars laying around.
No good investor would ever have that much cash on hand.
So you're right. I mean, they've tied their hands in
so many different ways. Anyway, I appreciate both of you,

and thank you Greg, Jared, thank you, Leo two point
o Trell eight hundred and ninety four one. Shawn is
our number if you want to be a part of
the program. Let's base facts. America is not the same
country we once knew. Violent crime is spiking at an
alarming rate, but the media I don't want to tell
you about it now. In the wake of the defund
dismantled police movement, old departments are underfunded, officers are leaving

the force, new recruits are nowhere to be found, and meanwhile,
emergency response times have doubled across the country. Now, the
unsettling truth is that you and your family are increasingly
on your own.

Speaker 5 (33:25):

Speaker 2 (33:25):
Luckily, the former head of training for the FBI and
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