All Episodes

March 30, 2024 33 mins

The Best of Hannity brings you President Trump!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, thanks Scott, shown an hour two Sean Hannity Show.
Here's our total free number. It's eight hundred and nine
four one, Sean, if you want to be a part
of the program. I've always been a fan of doctor Phil.
I'll explain us in a second when he joins us.
But he did something recently. He actually been watching what's
been going on at the border and decided to do
something about it. Go down there, see for himself, take videos,

talk to the people on the ground, and he learned
an awful lot. And it's interesting and even more fascinating
that he showed up on the View and tried, By
the way, the View is that hard hitting news show
on ABC, but anyway, try to, you know, inform the
ladies of the View what he saw with his own eyes,

what Border Patrol was telling him in terms of that
they're using American tax dollars and they're shipping children into
prostitution rings and sweatshops. This is something we have reported
on for years on this program. And then he explained
how damaging and harmful it is to children to shut
down schools during COVID. But don't worry if you have

sent your kids to a private school like Governor Newsom,
they had in person learning, while the rest of the
state's kids did not. Anyway, here's doctor phil from the
view yesterday with listen.

Speaker 2 (01:18):
My understanding is that you went to the southern border.
Now you're saying that you're going to give people facts.

Speaker 3 (01:22):
What did you take away from that experience and what
kind of reporting are you going to be bringing back
from that experience?

Speaker 4 (01:27):
I'll tell you.

Speaker 3 (01:27):
In fact, I took away. I talked to the head
of all the border guards down there, they the Union.
I asked him straight up, kids are coming over the
border with numbers written on the phone, numbers and addresses.
Do we check those out? He said, well, we call them.
Is it possible that we're sending them into known prostitution
rings or sweatshops? He said, It's not possible. It is absolute.

We are using American tax dollars to ship children into
own prostitution and sweatshops. Some children, Well, who knows, We
don't know, I said, are you.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
So what kind of checking do they do?

Speaker 3 (02:08):
So they call the number, I said, do you know
about this child? They say yes, will you receive And
when they come yes, I said, is it possible? That's
a prostitution ring. He said, we know enough to know
that in a number of cases, it has turned out
to be absolute sex ring. It has turned out to
be an absolute sweatshop. I said, how is this possible?

Like eight nine, smartphones came on and kids started they
stopped living their lives and started watching people live their lives,
and so we saw the biggest spike and the highest
levels of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidality since records have
ever been kept, and it's just continued on and on

and on, and then COVID hits ten years later. And
the same agencies that knew that are the agencies that
shut down the schools for two years.

Speaker 2 (03:04):
Who does that?

Speaker 3 (03:05):
Who takes away the support system for these children, who
takes them away, shuts it down. And by the way,
when they shut it down, they stop the mandated reporters
from being able to see children that were being abused
and sexually molested, and in fact sent them home and
abandon them to their abusers with no way to watch.
Ann referrals drop fifty to sixty percent.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
Doctor Phil joins us He's got a brand new book out.
It's on Amazon dot com. We'll put it on Hennity
dot Com. It's called We've Got Issues, How you Can
Stand Strong for American Soul and Sanity?

Speaker 2 (03:37):
Doctor Phil, How are you, sir? Great to have you
on the program again.

Speaker 4 (03:41):
I'm good, Sean. It's good talking to you.

Speaker 1 (03:43):
You know what I always loved about you when I
watched your daytime program. You at no holds barred, and
I couldn't believe some people would go on the show
and they give you the dumbest answers, well do.

Speaker 2 (03:53):
You talk to your wife that way? Yeah?

Speaker 1 (03:55):
I'm like, well, you're not allowed to talk to people
that way and expect them to love you in the
just simple things like that, just basic, pure common sense
that you applied to your show. And I noticed that
you often really help people, unlike some of the other
daytime programs that I thought were absolutely useless, Like you
are not the father, you are the father. I mean,

I couldn't stand that far, but I thought you really
were in this to help people have better lives, and
you did a lot of great work.

Speaker 2 (04:23):
I thought there, well.

Speaker 4 (04:24):
Thank you. I'm proud of what we did for twenty
one years. And during that time, I really watched the
questions that we were getting from people evolved because things
changed across time. You know, it's when I started, the
first text message had never been sent. I mean, think
about it. We weren't so tech dependent back in two

thousand and two when I first started, you know, twenty
one years of taping, and then long about eight nine,
they dropped smartphones on everybody, and we weren't amore. We
started becoming dependent on this stuff, and it changed our
entire society.

Speaker 1 (05:08):
And by the way, did you ever have any experience
either you're out to dinner or you're hanging out with
your family, and where normally you'd be having discussions, every
single person is on their phone at the same time,
and we don't even communicate like we used to anymore.
I forbid that. By the way, when I'm with my kids,
my family, I put your phone down. This is our time.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
You have to do that, because you know, the average
person checks their phone three hundred and fifty two times.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
A day, and my gosh, by the way, I'm probably
double that because of my work.

Speaker 2 (05:39):
But I do have somewhat of an excuse.

Speaker 4 (05:43):
Yeah, it becomes a tool, but for kids, they get
addicted to it, and it really is an addiction. If
you look at the brain. It lights up, just like
it does for heroin or any other drug. And you know,
I changed what I'm doing because the questions I get,
the challenges people are facing change And I've absolutely come

to understand that family in America is under attack. And
if you ever want to subvert the society, you start
with family, You start with children. And that's why I've
written We've got issues. Look, Sean, I love this country.
I really do. I stand up when the flag goes by,

I put my hand over my heart when I play
the national anthem. I love this country. I believe that
it's going to be everything that we've ever hoped that
it would be. And I just can't watch it get
hijacked by these extreme activists coming in wanting to say, Okay,

we're going to ignore science. We're going to ignore biology,
we're going to ignore history. We're going to start teaching
kids that it's okay to strive for a quality of
outcome instead of working for a meritocracy. And so I've
written about that. That's why I say, how you can
stand strong for America's soul insanity. People have to understand

what's at stake here.

Speaker 1 (07:08):
Now there's a lot of great a lot of great
advice that I think anybody can benefit from. And and
you go into detail how things have changed. You mentioned
cell phones and the amount of times people check their
phone every day, and you talk about faith and family, community,
and you talk about ten working principles for a healthy society.

And by the way, you said one thing that really
struck me about you don't always have to win an argument.
You can listen to the other person's point of view.
I got criticized when I interviewed Gavin Newsom, and I
had promised him before the interview, I'm going to let
you answer the question and I won't interrupt you. And
some people you know, jumped on me. He said, why
didn't you stop him? I'm like, because I told him

i'd give them time to answer, then I would give
him my rebuttal and I did. But I thought the
conversation was worthwhile. I think he's not his view these
are absolutely crazy. In person. Happens to be a nice guy,
but his views are crazy. What caused you to want
to go to the border?

Speaker 4 (08:09):
Well, you know, I hear everything and you can't get
straight scoop about what's going on, and you see all
the different sides. I wanted to see this for myself,
and I'm a huge proponent of law enforcement. I'm a
huge proponent of the military. I have great respect for

the men and women in uniform. I wanted to go
down and talk to them and let them tell me
what their lived experience was down there, and boy was
it eye opening if they told me, Look, we signed up.
We wanted to guard the border for our country. We
wanted to protect America. And we've become social workers. We

don't apprehend anymore. We process and it's driving us crazy.
I mean, they are The morale is such a check
challenge for them because they're not chasing these people and
protecting our border so we know who's coming and trying
to come in. They now are meeting these people not

at points of entry, but coming out of the river.
They have to give them a ride to a processing center,
and for some of them, if they're intercepted by the
Federals border guards, then they get processed, given a court

date that's seven to ten years away, if ever, and
then they've got papers and they're released into the country.
I mean, it's the catch and release program. And they're saying,
we don't get it. There are times that they've had
literally thousands and thousands of people coming across not at

a court of entry, that are having to be processed.
You asked them straight up about these children. I said,
what's happening with these children? They said, some of them
are getting recycled. They'll come through with a group that
makes it look like a family, and two or three
weeks later we see the same children with another group,

so we know they're being recycled so people can get
into the country. And we're just so frustrated. We don't
know what to do. And I talked to the head,
Brandon Judd, the head of the union for the guards,
and I said, what do you need? He said, we
don't need more money, we don't need more agents, we

don't need new laws. We just need the ones that
are on the books to be enforced, and we need
to be allowed to do our jobs, and we'll have
this under control in no time.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
All right, quick freak borre with doctor Phil on the
other side of his new book, We've Got Issues. How
you can stand strong for an America's soul Insanity eight
hundred and nine four one Shawn on number you want
to be a part of the program. I would continue
with doctor Phil. His new book is out, We've Got Issues.
It's How you Can Stand for Strong America and America's

Soul Insanity Amazon dot Comhanity dot com bookstores around the country.
Doctor Phil, I'd been down to the border reporting on
this for well over a decade and a half, two decades.
Here's where we are today, and I'm going to the
border yet again on Thursday with President Trump. I guarantee you,
doctor Phil, and I pray to God that I'm wrong

and I'm proven wrong that among the ten million unvetted
or around ten million, are going to be people that
have nefarious intentions and that are forming terror cells in
our country and they will attack and Americans will die
as a result of this. And putting aside the instances
where crimes committed by illegals, like the death of this

young in Georgia.

Speaker 4 (12:01):
Well, I think we would be incredibly naive and narcissistic
to think that out of all of the people that
have come across that border from these places that you
just described, and they told me that's where they're coming from,
we would be incredibly naive and narcissistic to think that
they're not. Some of them are not in this country

well with ill intent for Americans, and people need to
speak up about this.

Speaker 5 (12:30):
You know.

Speaker 4 (12:31):
I did set out ten principles that I think are
critical for a healthy society, and one of those is
that we can't remain silent just so other people don't
get upset. We have to be willing to find our
voice and speak up. And I'm really trying to have
a call to action with We've got issues to that

middle eighty percent of America that really just wants to
live and let live, but they need to recognize, hey,
I've got to speak up here. I've got to be
heard on this issue. And one of the things that
I really think this book does is I think people
agree with what you're saying and what I'm saying, but

they don't have the facts to fight back against the
other side with. I'm giving them the facts, I'm giving
them the numbers, I'm giving them the actual information they need.
So when somebody says, well, you know it's this, or
they say no, that's not true, here are the facts.
I've got them. They've been vetted, they've been checked, and

I invite people to fact check me on everything that's
in this book, because it's been triple vetted, and I
think people will be empowered by having that information.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
I understand by the way that you have now partnered
with the Trinity Broadcasting I guess network to launch a
new TV network, Merriat Street Media, I guess you're launching.
I'm kind of glad to hear that you're getting back
on the air. I think it's great. I well, wish
you would come over to Fox. We'd love to have you.

At least I would not that anybody ever listens to me,
But I think your voice is an important one, and
your work is important, and I think I have a
lot of respect for the fact that you actually took
the time to, you know, do all of this at
the border, and you learned a lot, and you're sharing
it with even the ladies of the view. Were they
open minded at all? And I only have about thirty seconds.

Speaker 4 (14:29):
No, No, I don't think that they were particularly open
to it. But it was interesting when I said the
things I said about the mismanagement of COVID, the audience
erupted in applause, and I don't think they liked that.
But it tells me that if you deliver the truth
that people respond to it, and they did, and so

I know that, you know, maybe it's good to go
there and deliver the message. And I'm going to respect
your thirty seconds. I thank you for talking about We've
got issues you can stand strong for america vil insanity,
and it's always good to talk to you, Sean.

Speaker 2 (15:05):
All right, doctor Phil.

Speaker 1 (15:06):
This new book We've Got Issues, How you can Stand
Strong for America's soul and sanity. We'll put a link
on Hannity dot com. It's on Amazon dot com bookstores
now all across the country, Doctor Phil. Always appreciate your
time and appreciate your work. Thank you so much for
being back with us.

Speaker 4 (15:21):
Thanks for what you do. Will talk sin.

Speaker 1 (15:24):
You are listening to the best of the Sean Hannity Show,
and stay tuned all right twenty five to the top
of the hour. And what will certainly be a landmark case,
the Supreme Court nine zero unanimous decision ruling that states
like Colorado, Maine, Illinois cannot remove Donald Trump from the
presidential election ballot. But we conclude that states may disqualified

persons holding or attempting to hold state office, but states
have no power under the Constitution to enforce Section three
with respect to federal offices, especially the presidency. For the
reasons given, responsibility for enforcing Section three against federal officeholders
and candidates rests with Congress, not the States, the ruling said,
and the judgment of the Colorado State Supreme Court therefore

cannot stand. President Trump reacted immediately thereafter with a post
on truth social that literally said the ruling was a
big win for America. He gave a statement at mar
A Lago and a speech that he held there and
went on to say that this decision will help unify
the country and former President Trump now joins us.

Speaker 2 (16:34):
Sir, her are you, I bet you're pretty happy today?

Speaker 5 (16:37):
Well, I am. It was a great decision. We're very
honored by it. And it basically said you have to
win by getting the votes as opposed to some other way,
and that's really what we wanted. And it was a
very powerful decision, very well crafted, and very well respected.
I must say thank you.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
Let's talk a little bit more about this. I mean,
you did have concurring opinions. For example, for example, Judge
Justice Amy Coney Barrett and her concurring opinion agreed with
even the three liberals on this case. But you had
even the three liberals on the court case, although they
wrote a concurring opinion that they disagree with some aspects

of it, but not on the main issue in question here,
and that is that states can just randomly say, oh,
we're going to kick you off the court. And that
had been argued by people like sam Alito and others
know that this would create nothing but chaos around the country.

Speaker 5 (17:37):
Well, it would have been chaos. You'd have some secretary
of State or assistant secretary of State saying we're not
going to accept him as a candidate, and him maybe
I'm not talking about me. I'm saying somebody running for president.
And it could be in the case of me, I'm
leading both the Republican Party, and I think she's probably
gone now from what I hear. But you're leading the

Republican and then you hear you're leading the Democrat. You're
leading Biden by a lot according to the New York
Times and every other poll that's come out that were leading,
and then you're going to take that person off the ballot.
It would seem to be a quite an undemocratic thing
to do. Sean and the opinion was very strong. It
was very forth the right, and I think it's been

very well reviewed. I mean, I've just seen some of
the great legal scholars are agreeing with it. I think
a lot of people have said that, you know, that's
really the option, that that really they did the right thing,
And I think it unifies the country because otherwise you
would have had all these people if they were your opponent,
if they were let's say, in this case, if they
were a Democrat state or a blue state as they

call it affectionately. But if they were Democrats or something,
they would just challenge you, and you'd have a lot
of states challenging you couldn't You couldn't run a country
that way. So they took everything off the table, a
very strong decision. Actual everything is off the table, and
they just don't have the right to do that.

Speaker 1 (19:04):
Keep Justice Roberts, you know, during oral arguments, questioned the
Colorado attorney Jason Murray about the consequences of their decision. Quote,
what do you do with the consequences of your position?
It will be disqualification proceedings. On the other side, some
will succeed in very quick order. I would expect that
a you know, goodly number of states will say, whoever

the Democrat is, you're off the ballot. It would then
come down to a small number of states deciding the election.
That would have a very severe consequence. Justice Alito pressed
Murray in that and those arguments, you know, to grapple with,
you know what some people have seen as consequences of
the argument that they were advancing, which there would be
conflicts and decisions among the states, and the different states

would disqualify different candidates, and even pointing out that he's
getting no help from then on how they you know,
this would not become an unmanageable situation, which it would now.
Last time I checked with all the court cases that
you have been dealing with, I don't believe at any
point you've ever been charged with insurrection.

Speaker 5 (20:09):
No, I haven't, And in many ways, I guess this
clears that up, because if they thought I was, or
if they believe that I was an insurrectionist, they would
have not given us a win. So it probably clears
that up. I would say it does. A lot of
people say that clears that up by not charging or
by not discussing, that goes down. But I haven't been

charged with that, and you know they charge you with
whatever you can look. This is why we talk about
the immunity. The immunity a president needs immunity. If a
president doesn't have total immunity, he won't be able to
hear or she won't be able to function. You have
to make big decisions as president, like defeating ices, which
I did, or taking out the number one, number two

terrorists anywhere in the world, which I did. All of
these things have very big impl occasions. And if you
weren't if you weren't immune, if you weren't free to
do what's proper for the country, it would be it
would be a terrible situation. You have to be able
as a president, and that'll be up next, but you

have to have presidential immunity. If you don't have presidential immunity,
you're not going to do anything because your opponent or
your opposing party, or who knows, maybe a friend of yours,
but somebody would sue you and you'll leave office and
you'll be sued like I have been for the last
long period of time. And that shouldn't happen to a president,

not a president that's been popular, who's done a great
job and It shouldn't happen. Shouldn't happen to any president,
whether they're popular or not. Frankly, you have to have
presidential immunity, and I think people are really seeing that now,
much more so than they would have understood it three
months ago. If you have to be free to make
the correct decision that's going to help our country, maybe

save our Countrywise, you're going to be a ceremonial president.
You're going to sit there, going to say this is great.
But nobody's going to do anything because they don't want
to be sued as they're leaving office and for the
rest of their life and get indicted criminally by some
prosecutor like deranged Jack Smith or Fani, you know girl
Fani and lover Wade, lover Wade. So you know, you

just you don't want to be put in in a
position like that. And I was put in that position
because they've read they've read it all wrong, and what
they're doing with me is ridiculous. These prosecutions are ridiculous.
The good news is the American public seeson and my
poll numbers are higher than they've ever been, so it's
been rather amazing.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
Actually, well, the actually look at your poll numbers, I
would say that you should be a pretty happy candidate today.
Now we are, as of today, two hundred and forty
five days out of this election. If you look at
the New York Times, Sianna Pole, you you're up by five.
There's been a number They have been a number of
poles that have come out showing you doing very well.

I saw Joe Biden's approval rating was at thirty eight percent,
eighty six percent, and that was the Gallop poll, eighty
six percent in the ABC poll. Felt that you know,
he was not up to a second term based on
his age and obviously as cognitive issues that have come up.
You even passed the fifty percent mark in a poll
that came out this weekend. But if you look at

all these polls combined and then look at us specifically
on the issues, I don't care if it's immigration or
the economy or national security. He's under water on every
major issue. And Kamala Harrison some polls is even lower
than him. How do you read these polls with two
hundred and forty five days to go.

Speaker 5 (23:45):
Well, he's the worst president in the history of our country.
There's never been anybody close I always say in speeches.
I'll say often that you could take the ten worst
presidents put them together, and they haven't done the damage
that Biden has done in the Biden administration. And the
happiest person is Jimmy Carter because his presidency looks brilliant
by comparison. I mean what he's done with Afghanistan, what

he's done, And I don't mean by leaving. We were leaving,
but we were leaving with dignity and strength, taking the
military out first and then having that catastrophe, I think,
the most embarrassing day in the history of our country.
But what he's done with these these the migrants coming
in and taking over our cities and taking over our country,
and now we have migrant crime. It's the new category

of crime. And when did you ever see policemen having
boxing matches in the middle of the street. I mean,
the whole thing is crazy. And if that happened to
them in their country, they'd be dead within two minutes.
They wouldn't stand for it. But they come in, and
they'd come in from jails, they come in from prisons,
they come in from mental institutions and insane asylums, and

they're terrorists, and they're just we have some very bad
people pouring into our country. Nobody's checking who they are,
Nobody knows anything about them. They don't know who they are,
where they come from. And they're rough, they're rough, and
many of them come out of jails in prisons. You
look at the world's jail population. I'm not just talking
about South America. You look at the world's jail population.

It's way down now because they're dumping these people, rough people,
they're dumping them into the United States. Same with mental institutions.
They have mental institutions that were packed and now they're
not packed any longer. The reason is they're taking these
mental patients and they're dumping them into our country, showing
this man is destroying our country. And I think November

fifth this year, November fifth, I think it's going to
go down as the most important day in the history
of our country.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
Well, you certainly will learn a lot more on Tuesday night,
because it's Super Tuesday. Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota,
North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, A lot,
a lot of primaries will know a lot more by

I guess by by Tuesday night or certainly by early
Wednesday morning, you're expected to win I think in pretty
much every one of those states. And you had a
couple of big wins this weekend, although you didn't win Washington,
D C. Which I would not have expected to be honest.

Speaker 5 (26:19):
No, we didn't do anything there. We didn't send anybody,
we didn't spend She spent everything there because she thought
she could do it. And it almost sends it. It
would almost have been bad. You know, it's the swamp,
and it just shows that it's the swamp. And still
we got a lot of you know, we got a
lot of votes there, but we didn't do anything about
that when we wanted to. It almost that's a good

example because that's what we're talking about. That's the swamp,
and she's from the swamp. That's what she's all about.
And uh, it's it's been amazing this weekend. You know,
Missouri we won one hundred percent, we won, Idaho, we won, Michigan,
we won. We had three great victories this weekend plus

and one hundred percent of the votes in all of them.
And it's you know, it's been amazing. Now the big
one is tomorrow because we have many of the state
sixteen seventeen states come to Some of them are very
big ones. They're all sort of big, actually, and that
should just about wrap it up and we get onto

Biden because we can't have Biden. Look, Biden is a
disaster for our country. He's destroying our country. We can't
have him. You cannot have him be president. He is
just so bad. We're laughed at all over the world.
The guy can't find stairways off the stage when you
have five stairways. He can't put two sentences together, and
he's negotiating with Vladimir Putin over nuclear weapons. The whole

thing is crazy. We have to get him out November
fifth this year, that's election day.

Speaker 2 (27:48):
Well let me ask you this day.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
Uh, for those people that say I like Donald Trump's policies,
I really do. I wish you wouldn't fight so much.
I've asked you this question before. I've known you, long
before you ever thought about running for a president. And
I know this other side of you, and that is
you'll always be the funniest guy in the room, generous
to a fault, and extremely knowledgeable. I think during I

don't think Joe Biden could have done the town hall
that we did together last week at the border. I
don't think he's capable of doing that. He can probably
get through a State of the Union address because they
keep interrupting every few seconds for a clapping, but I
don't think he's cognitively strong enough. And you made a
point during our interview that it's not necessarily aged. I
would argue Bernie Sanders is as sharp as he's ever been,

and I think he's older than Joe Biden, and I
do think it, but it's clear that he's had cognitive decline.
What do you make of that cognitive decline and about
traditional democratic demographics that are leaving him?

Speaker 2 (28:49):
How do you interpret that?

Speaker 5 (28:51):
Well, Number one, he's not too old, because old is
I know so many people that are making a fortune.
I know man became a rich man. From eighty to ninety.
He was a failure almost his whole life, and from
eighty to ninety he became a very rich man. And
you have that, you know so much. You look at
Bernie Marcus, who's ninety five years old. Do you ever

speak to him? I mean, he's had I know him well.

Speaker 2 (29:15):
He used to run home depot.

Speaker 5 (29:16):
He's a great guy, right, no founder, and you speak
to him, it's like speaking to him twenty five years ago.
It's not an age thing. Let's say there are other
problems and he had operations in the nineteen nineties on
a certain part of his body that is, you know,
tough stuff. Look, we can't afford I would love everybody

to take a cognitive test. I took two of them.
I haated them. Both very public information. I think everybody
it's just.

Speaker 1 (29:44):
Wait, when did you take the second one? Because I
noticed the media is saying, well, we haven't seen the
second one. When did you take that one?

Speaker 5 (29:50):
I had that done by the doctors in upstate in
New Jersey, in New Jersey, and it was a similar test.
And it's a tough test. Tell you what, I guarantee
you that he couldn't pass that test. Couldn't pass that test.
It's a tough test. Nicky should take the test. I
think that anybody running for office, I really believe that.
Now they say it's the constitutional problem, Well what about

the people that have to suffer with somebody that can't
pass the test that you should be able to pass
if your president the greatest was the document Oax where
they say that he can't go to court because he's
not competent, but he is competent to be president. That's
one of the great classics of all time. And he
was so guilty on that, but they gave him a pass.

But I don't want that kind of a pass. That's
not a good pass.

Speaker 2 (30:38):
I hate to tell you.

Speaker 1 (30:39):
We are on a hard break, but mister President, thanks
for checking out with the radio audience.

Speaker 2 (30:43):
We appreciate your time.

Speaker 1 (30:44):
As always a former president, Donald Trump will continue.

Speaker 2 (30:53):
Bringing you up people who'll make the news.

Speaker 1 (30:57):
This is the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, Sean Hannity here.
You know there's so much happening in our country, from
border issues to local crime. It seems to be everywhere.
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Speaker 2 (31:16):

Speaker 1 (31:16):
Burner fires powerful deterrence like tear gas and kinetic AMMO,
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Speaker 2 (31:55):
You'll get a ten percent discount.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
That's by RNA dot com slash Hannity.

Speaker 2 (32:03):
Hi, we want long.

Speaker 1 (32:05):
In the last segment when we come back, we're going
to stay on this issue. This nine to zero Supreme
Court decision, Trump will remain on the ballot in all states.

Speaker 2 (32:14):
The Colorado case.

Speaker 1 (32:15):
We'll get reaction from Jay Secular, Chief Council, American Center
for Law and Justice, representing the Republican Party out in Colorado.
That's next. As we continue, let's face facts, America is
not the same country we once knew. Violent crime is
spiking at an alarming rate, but the media they don't

want to tell you about it now. In the wake
of the defund dismantled police movement. All departments are underfunded,
Officers are leaving the force, new recruits are nowhere to
be found, and meanwhile, emergency response times have doubled across
the country. Now, the unsettling truth is that you and
your family are increasingly on your own. Luckily, the former
head of training for the FBI and the USCCA, they

have partner to bring you something I wish I had
years ago. It's called the Complete Concealed Carry and Family
Defense Guide, which you can download and it's absolutely positively free.

Speaker 2 (33:09):

Speaker 1 (33:09):
Inside, you're going to learn proven ways to deter criminals
and protect your home. You're going to learn self defense
mindsets and techniques from world renowned experts, as well as
seven firearm drills that could save your life. All you
have to do is go to USCCA dot com slash
Hannity right now to get instant access

The Sean Hannity Show News

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