All Episodes

March 28, 2024 30 mins

Unemployment has been rising in all but 3 states and is blaming "greedy corporations" but the truth is, Bidenomics is really to blame!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us. Here's our toll free
telephone number you want to be a part of the program.
It is eight hundred nine to four one sean if
you want to join us. A couple of humorous things
to get going today. I'm not sure if you heard
White House Press Secretary Corrine Jean Pierre telling a Charlotte,

North Carolina radio host a WBT guy's name is Mark Garrison.
Apparently got really got Jean Pierre pissed off by daring
to ask. What I told the number of people I
was talking to you today was it was interesting. They
all said, would you please ask her? Does the president
have dementia?

Speaker 2 (00:44):

Speaker 3 (00:45):
I cut the national debt by one trillion, seven hundred
billion dollars. We literally cut the federal debt in half
by one point four trillion dollars, one trillion, seven hundred
billion dollars, one trillion, seven hundred million dollars cut.

Speaker 2 (01:04):
We cut the dead.

Speaker 1 (01:07):
All right, That's that's the wrong cut. That's not the
one that I was looking for anyway. So well, when
we get it, all player for it, because there's a
good ending to it.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
That I don't want to give.

Speaker 1 (01:16):
Weay, we got it. That's a yes or no, Ethan,
you got to answer that is yes.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
We are working our butts off for you, boss, and
we got it. When I told a number of people
that I was talking to you today, it was interesting though,
they all said, would you please just ask her? Does
the president have dementia? So before I move on from it,
does he Mark?

Speaker 4 (01:37):
Mark? I can't even believe you're asking me this question.

Speaker 5 (01:40):
That is an incredibly offensive question to ask. But you
know people ask wait, no, no, no, no, no you Mark,
you you you You're taking us down as rabbit hole.

Speaker 4 (01:50):
So I'm not even going to truly truly.

Speaker 6 (01:53):
Uh really, you know, take take the premise of your question.
I think it is incredibly insulting. And uh and so
we can you know, we can move on to the
next question. Yes, all the important groceries, both costs.

Speaker 5 (02:09):
Have gone down because of what this president has been
able to do and they and with that, thank you
so much more.

Speaker 4 (02:15):
Have an amazing, amazing day. Wow.

Speaker 3 (02:19):
The political coverage fit looks some of the political players
and some of the let me ask rhetorical questions.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
No anyways, okay, what is offensive about that what is
insulting about that?

Speaker 2 (02:52):
I mean, you have a glorious day, you have a
great day. Click.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
Well, Americans are asking the question and every poll now
they're speaking out loudly that they think it does not
have the mental strength and stamina to be the president
of our country. They just they just don't. It was
a fair question on every measure. It's it's pretty unbelievable.

I don't even know where to begin. One other funny
note is somebody on x you know, the people that
post even if you're making fun of me? And when
sweet Baby James brings it over to me and he says, oh,
did you see this person saying this about you? I'm like, no,
let me see. When it's funny, I'm like, that's that's

pretty funny. And when it's not, I'm like, Okay, these
people need to get a life.

Speaker 2 (03:48):
You got these.

Speaker 1 (03:48):
Keyboard warriors in their underwear, some of them paid. I mean,
you have people that are paid to monitor every word
I say, every sentence, every It's just ridiculous. Why in
the hopes that I might say one word, one sentence,
one little phrase that they can, you know, take out
a context and try and get me boycotted, canceled, fired,

et cetera. I mean, after all, they are so open minded,
those Democrats there really are, just like at NBC. They're
so open minded that you know, are you or have
you ever been a Republican or a Donald Trump supporter?
Because if you have the inmates running the asylum will
get you canceled and get you fired and probably also

end up getting you sued big time. We'll see where
that goes, because there's a report today Ronald McDaniel is
planning to sue.

Speaker 2 (04:40):
Well, we'll see how that ends up. Anyway.

Speaker 1 (04:44):
So Colleen Jean Pierre was offended about this issue. But
here's what's interesting. We found tape of Kristen Welker, who
now I guess hosts Meet the Press and AOC. Listen
to them talk about Mara Lago's value.

Speaker 5 (05:00):
Donald Trump's home here in Palm Beach is quickly earning
the title Winter White House. It's a storied estate steeped
in history. Mister Trump has spent the past twenty thanksgivings here,
but now as President elect, everything is different. The twenty
acre estate was originally built by serial airs Marjorie Meriweather Post.
She actually envisioned it as a winter retreat for US presidents.

Now some say it's the most valuable parcel of land
anywhere in Florida. Much of the one hundred and twenty
six room estate is used by the members only Mara
a Lago Club.

Speaker 6 (05:35):
It further stated from mister Trump quote he also helped
formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents' real estate holdings
by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply
reducing his tax bill when those properties were transferred to
him and his siblings. Mister Cohen, do you know whether
that specific report is accurate?

Speaker 4 (05:55):
I don't. I wasn't there in nineteen nineties.

Speaker 6 (05:59):
Who would know the answer to those questions?

Speaker 4 (06:01):
Alan Weisselberg?

Speaker 6 (06:03):
And would it help for the committee to obtain federal
and state tax returns from the President and his company
to address that discrepancy?

Speaker 1 (06:10):
I believe so unbelievable, But these are the times that
we're living in. You do know that we are just
a mere two hundred and twenty two days away from
this inflection moment for our country. You know, it's just
does anyone can anyone give a rational explanation as to
why Joe Biden claimed that he traveled many times over

the vehicle only Francis Scott, key Bridge community by train
or by car.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
Why would he?

Speaker 1 (06:39):
Why does he always have to insert himself into everything?
I had a talking about the fires in Maui. We
had to fire at my house once so bad. It
was a minor, minor house fire that was handled within
like fifteen minutes. It got close to my little corvette

gas does corvette my Stingray. I don't want you to
have a sting Ray, but I want you to have
an electric vehicle. The Justice Department dismissed fraud charges against
the defendant after a defendant made a six figure donation
to Biden's presidential campaign. Weaponization issues. I'm sure this will

go straight to the judiciary and oversight committees, but they
took a rare step earlier this month. We're only learning
now from the New York Post of moving to dismiss
a three point three billion dollar civil suit a lawsuit
against Dish Network months after the founder and his wife
donated one hundred and thirteen grand to Biden's re election
campaign late last year. How convenient do I think anything

ontoured happened? I have no idea, but timing is a
little bit odd. You know a lot of people have
been asking Hannity, what's the point. Why do you have
these committees investigating the impeachment? Why is there an impeachment inquiry? Well,
the impeachment inquiry, and they said this from the very beginning.

Speaker 2 (08:01):
It's not like it's news.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
The impeachment inquiry will give the committees access to things
that they otherwise would not have access to and stronger
subpoena power. And uh yeah, I can do the math
as well. And there's not going to be enough Republicans
to impeach Donald Trump. And I'm sorry if Joe Biden,
and he's certainly not going to be convicted in the

US Senator, it's not going to happen.

Speaker 2 (08:28):
But James Comer has.

Speaker 1 (08:30):
Been listen saying, and you have been listening to what
the plan really is. Whereas you know, in a Democratic
controled Senate, they never convict Joe and an impeachment trial
didn't matter what the evidence was. The Biden Justice Department
will deep six any criminal referral in the same lock
closet they use to hide their copy of Hunter's hard drive.

That's why Comer is now talking about issuing criminal referrals
on the Biden crime family based on their investigations to
a brand new Trump Justice Department if that happens next January,
and a fundraising email sent to supporters Comer saying that
the criminal referrals in his long running impeachment inquiry may

soon come. I'm preparing criminal referrals as the culmination of
my investigation. They want to interview Joe Biden now. Comer
said that this is the best way to hold the
Biden's accountable for quote their crimes, as it is now
clear that Democrats will do anything to hold on to power,
and he said that Democrats in Congress are protecting the

president and his family. It is clear that Democrats will
choose their party over their country and the truth at
every turn. They should be ashamed of themselves. When President
Trump returns to the White House, it is critical the
new leadership of the DOJ have everything they need to
prosecute the Biden crime family and deliver swift justice. Quote unquote,

James Comer said, We'll have to wait and see what happens.
Attorneys Hunter, by the way or back in court trying
to get his tax case tossed and we'll see what
happens on that front. Two of Jim Biden's business deals
are linked to two criminal investigations that the president's brother

worked with this collapsed hospital chaining. He got his money
under the microscope. As the family's finances face even more
scrutiny today. And of course all the contradictions, all the whistleblowers,
you know, get ignored by the very people that loved whistleblowers,
even hearsay whistleblowers. It's these are just unbelievable times. You know,

I listened in the what Karine Jean Pierre was just
saying there, you know, the grocery prices are down. No,
anything that they're saying about the border, about grocery prices,
about the economy, they just flat out lie. You know,
the border is secured, the border is closed. No, it's not,
it's never been. It's more dangerous than ever before. And

grocery prices are not coming down and they can. And
this after Joe Biden has pivoted after trying to push
Bidenomics onto everybody and that didn't work. Now he's blaming
greedy corporations for higher prices than shrink flation. No, it's bidenflation. Unemployment,

by the way, has been rising in forty seven out
of fifty states. Unemployment rate went up in all but
three states over the past year, as Biden continues to
boast about his great handling of the economy and biden Omics.
The states were the biggest jump in individual unemployment rates
as of February were Rhode Island, Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania,

Wyoming were the only states that saw statistically significant declines,
probably in the state of Pennsylvania. That's due to fracking.
California with the highest unemployment rate of any state in
the country. That shouldn't shock anybody. North Dakota had the
lowest rate at what was it at I think two percent,

followed by Vermont and South Dakota. South Dakota two point
one percent. Overall unemployment rate at you know, four percent
in February. Uh, but it is zero point three percentage
points higher than it was last year. Just like the
cost of everything keeps going up.

Speaker 4 (12:25):
You know.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
It was interesting. I don't remember where I read this,
but I read it in my research today. But Clay
barn has everything in his pawn shop from gold rings
and pearl necklaces and vintage cowboy boots, you know, everything
you'd ever want. He said, right now, we have a
glut of inventory. And he said, that tells me our
clientele don't necessarily have money. Accumulating pawn shop inventory means

that fewer buyers and then there are sellers and a
sign for the lowest income Americans that times remain tough.
These are indicators that probably are not going to be
shown up that much in the polls, although most Americans
get it. You know now that there are eight states
planning a complete ban on the sale of gas powered

cars entirely after Biden unveiled his plans to phase them
out by twenty thirty two. That's eight years from now,
only zero mission vehicles. Well, now we're going to ignore
the science that showed that electric vehicles because of the
heavy weight of the batteries, never mind the pillaging of

the mother Earth of their cobalt and manganese and other
minerals I mean, and the fact that most of the
electric grid is powered by fossil fuels, so, in other words,
fossil fuels still charging your vehicle. And of course the
heavy weight you know, puts tire particles greater numbers of
it into the atmosphere anyway. But if you look at

all these why would these states be buying into this?
They want to now tell you what car to drive,
what stove to own, what refrigerator you can and cannot have,
what air conditioners you might be able to have. I mean,
that's that's how much they want to impact everybody's life.
By the way, Biden Democrats are ditching Bidenomics because it's

not working. Treator Joe's Hike's banana price for the first
time in decades. I mean it, it is really unbelievab.
Renting is now cheaper than owning in all of America's
fifty biggest metro areas. That tells you a lot too.
The dream of owning your home is disappearing right before

our eyes. I had a lot of updates coming up
two hundred and twenty two days till you get to
decide the next president of the United States will update
you with that. We have a lot to get to
with MSDNC. And of course Ronald McDaniel now apparently is
threatening to sue that. I promise you it was inevitable.

I could absolutely see Libel behind a suit over the contract,
and I don't think you know you after everything that
was said, plan or a mob member and so on
and so forth, how they would let the inmates run
the asylum. In my twenty eight years of Fox, I

promise you they don't care what my opinion is on
who they hired. They don't consult me, nor would I
want to be consulted. It's not my job. I don't
own the network. I don't manage the network. I wouldn't
mind owning the network, but I don't, So wherever I go,

I'm being asked about this insanity over at what it
used to be called NBC News now.

Speaker 2 (15:51):
As a matter of being as a matter of being fair.

Speaker 1 (15:54):
And then we're going to get a report from Griff
Jenkins on what happened with the bridge, the Francis Scott
Key bridge that Joe Biden took a train over, even
though they don't have train tracks. We'll get to that.
I'm just gonna say this, are you or have you
ever been? I have had a great relationship Tim Russert,
if you recall he wrote two great books years ago.

When he passed away, it was heartbreaking for me. It
was maybe two or three months prior to his death
that he had moderated a debate between me and James
Carvell and the three of us.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
I mean we had a rock We had a great time.

Speaker 1 (16:32):
He would call me like Peter Jennings often had called me,
asking my opinion as a conservative voice, how do you
feel about this issue? What are conservatives thinking about that issue?
So different to where we are today? Are you or
have you ever been a Republican or a Donald Trump supporter?

Speaker 2 (16:53):
What are they are? My old thing?

Speaker 1 (16:55):
You can't hear an alternative point of view anyway. Two
bits of news will get to in a minute. One
Ronald McDaniel is now considering suing NBC for defamation. I
would imagine a lot of these hosts that threw their
temper tantrums will be mentioned and sued by name. That
would not shock me at all. And as we now,

you have learned more about news in this country in
this one case, and I think you're ever gonna want
to learn. We'll go into great detail. And they don't
want another point of view. And when you had one
of these triggered MSDNC hosts out there saying well, no,
we do want Republicans on. We'd love to interview people

like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. There's not a single
Republican that likes either one of them anymore. They're not
considered Republicans anyway. We'll get back to this in a minute.
But the tragedy that is the Franciscott key Bridge. Joe
Biden of course claiming that he traveled at many times
by car and by rail. Problem about the rail aspect

of it is it didn't have train tracks.

Speaker 4 (18:05):
You know.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
Once again, it's just like Joe Biden. He goes, you know,
talks about Maui and the devastating fires that took place there.
I had a kitchen fire once. It was near my corvette.
Now they extinguished it in about fifteen minutes. But he
wants to, of course, insert himself into everything. But this
has been very very serious. Our very own friend and colleague,

Griff Jenkins from Foxes with Us. He's been on the
ground reporting now for the last couple of days. First,
our thoughts and prayers with the families that lost loved ones.
But Griff, what the hell went on here? How did they?
How did this happen? I'm beginning to hear rumblings that
there were indications something like this could happen, and they didn't.
They didn't jump fast enough.

Speaker 4 (18:50):
Well, and Sean, I'm not even on the ground. I'm
also on the water. I am calling you floating in
the middle of the Tapsco River. We've been doing live
shots showing people the magnitude of this damage.

Speaker 1 (19:02):
By the way, when you say you're floating on the river,
you're not in an inn or two. I assume you're
on a boat.

Speaker 4 (19:08):
I want a great forty two foot fishing vessel. Captain
here the Simoniser fishing charge. If you ever hear just
to give my buddy Lenny, who's taken us out of call,
and book him up. We got a great We're about
a I don't know, five hundred yards from the actual
ship's wreckage. But let me just take two seconds because

before they came to me and you were talking about INBC,
and I know we're not going to talk totally about that.
You did remind me of my first job in television.
Shawn was a producer at MSNBC with our good friend,
Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, and that is when MSNBC had
a hit show called Equal Time with Ali North and
Paul mcgawa, Paul Lagalla being Carvel's Palin and then the

right hand man in the Clinton administration during those years.
And that was certainly a time in the late nineties
MSNBC valued Republican views, alternative conservative views, and Colonel North,
who you know quite well, certainly doesn't plenty punches or
hold back, and that's what we did a counter point

show every night on msn So I just saw that
out there because it certainly has changed.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
Well, they've come a long way from that time. They
won't run a Trump's speech. You got the Republican candidate
for president. They don't even want to hear his voice.
They are fixated, you know, God forbid if anything happened
to Donald Trump, I literally think they'd have nothing to
ever talk about, because that's all they do twenty four

to seven.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
But we digress here.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
Let's talk about the tragedy as a matter of fact,
before I actually ask you about it, let me play
reporters on one of the networks that raised a lot
of questions in my mind that I want to see
if you're hearing anything about this as well.

Speaker 7 (20:58):
Listen, it was just empowered failures left and right. So
whenever it left port. Some of us feel like it
should have left when it was daylight so they could
take care of and see what issues they were having too.
But we can't stop the ships from leaving port the
issues that it was having, and the shipping line knowing
the probably the issues it had, they shouldn't have let

the ship leave port until they got it under control. Honestly,
it was here for two days because it was a
two day working ship, and those two days they were
having serious power outages.

Speaker 2 (21:29):
By the way, that was that was a harbor worker.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
But being interviewed by the media and I'm like, uh, okay,
did this really happen that way?

Speaker 4 (21:38):
Well, we certainly hope we should find out. And you know,
this is like the first real day of the NTSD
being on the ground, and early this morning I was
able to grab a quick interview with the chairwoman of
the NTSB, Jennifer Amendi, and I asked her about, you know,
the ship's maintenance records, and she said, you know, we
want to know an awful lot about that. And the

timeline of this ship is really something I've been spending
all day Sean trying to piece together because we know
at one oh four am the Dolly, the Singapore flag ship,
sets out of Baltimore's Harbor headed to Sri Lanka and
twenty minutes later, one twenty four that twenty first in
that video, start to see the lights flickering, and that's

the power going out. That's the ship losing its power.
And then you see it go dark and then you
see the lights come back on, and that's when we
start to see that smoke. And sources that are familiar
with this NTSB investigation told me a few hours ago
that what you're witnessing there, Sean, is the emergency power
trying to kick in, but propulsion and ultimately control the

ship is not regained. And then, of course, within minutes
at one twenty seven am, the ship collides with one
of the main bridges pillars, the structure that's holding it up.
And then, of course, you know, we all saw what happened.
The historic landmark bridge collapses into the water. And we've
been out here on this water. It's cold out here,

it's been raining all day, and my hat's off to
these divers. We've been watching divers going in and out
as this frigid water, which is about forty seven forty
eight degrees all day long trying to bring stuff up.
You've got the Army Corps of Engineers boat, I'm looking
at it right now. You've got Maryland Department of Natural Resources.
Looks like they've been trying to bring things up. You know,

we can't really tell what they're bringing up when you've
been out on the water, and I know you spend
time out there, you know, when they bring things up,
they kind of float it up and they move it around.
We can't get Some ships have blocked it, you know,
their emergency Coast Guard stuff blocking some of our view.
But they're clearly trying to get a handle on this
and bringing the bodies of these presumed six dead workers

up to bring closure to these families. And it is
the task at hand. It's just a daunting challenge given
the the complexities of as element, and of course the
just magnitude of the structure that's collapse into the river.
And when you sit out here and look at it,
you think about how long it's really going to take

to not only rebuild a bridge, let alone to get
this debris out of here and get this ship out
of here, which we now know from the White House
briefing there are some containers on there. I think fifty sixty,
said the Vice Admiral of the Coast Guard at the
White House, leaving fifty six containers on there that have
hazardous material. Now we're told it's not dangerous to anybody

that's opposed to danger right now because those containers are
not towards the ballot this ship where the structure collapsed
on it. But still, if there's hazardous material in the boat,
I'm looking at five hundred yards in front of me.
You know, that's got to be one of the top priorities.

Speaker 2 (24:51):
Wow, very very dangerous.

Speaker 1 (24:54):
If there's any I guess, how do you say there's
any blessing in all of this is I guess the
total death toll is six. Last night I heard that
it could be rising. Where are we with that? I
know all search efforts have seized because of the chilling waters,
and nobody would be able to survive. I mean, in

a case like this, if it was maybe at a
different point in the day, it could have been a
lot worse, right.

Speaker 4 (25:22):
Yeah, for sure. And you know, if there's a silver
lining here, it is that there was during that entire
entire you know, crisis period shown between like one twenty
four am and one twenty seven when the collision happens.
That the Maryland Harbor Pilots coordinate with Maryland's Transportation Authority

to run the roads and the bridge, and we're warning
them that the ship is in danger, the bridge is
in danger, the ship has lost control, and that resulted
in the bridge being shut down. We've heard the dispatch
call that really probably staves cant lives because anybody who
would have driven on the bridge in the darken night
at one thirty in the morning would have driven right

into the river. So while it looks like you're looking
at the death to all, probably sex, it could have
been way, way worse had there not been that coordination
between the Harbor pilots and the Maryland Transportation authorities. Yeah,
the quick action to shut that bridge.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
Down, well, thank God, and please thank them for us
and our prayers go out to the families impacted by
all this. Griff, you've been doing a great job for Fox.
We appreciate always your time on this show as well.
Thank you my friend.

Speaker 4 (26:36):
Hey Sean, great to be with you. Tuck to you
soon and we'll keep you posted on what we learned.
There's a lot of answers, and as the governor told
me in an interview this morning, somebody needs to be
held accountable for.

Speaker 1 (26:46):
Us one hundred percent, that's for sure. Griff Jenkins, Fox
News eight hundred and nine foot one, Sean, if you
want to be a part of the program, you know
it's it's really interesting and we'll get into this bill.
O'Reilly old things, simple man coming up at the top
of the hour. But as you watch, you know, maybe

we'll call it Ronigate. And the scandal at NBC News unfolding.
America is really getting a real time lesson in the
mob and the media. You know, you may forget, but
I've declared, and I said, and I had no idea
how right I really was, that journalism is dead in America.

The great irony in all of this is the all
these people that work at fake news CNN and MSDNC
and the New York Times and even the big networks
with few exceptions, that they all consider themselves journalists.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
They're not your talk show hosts.

Speaker 1 (27:44):
And I've explained my job as a member of the press,
which I am. You know, I'm a talk show host,
but that includes I do straight news journalism.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
If you will.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
We do investigative journalism, we give opinion, we talk about
you know, other topics, sports, culture, well like the entire newspaper,
including the editorial page. And they just claim they choose
one narrow lane. And they're not. They're pretending to be journalists.
But their talk show hosts, you know. And I will say,

for all the criticism Fox gets, and we also get
the far better ratings under these other networks, But for
all the criticism, you know, you can't say that we
don't let them posing views on the network. There are
tons of them. Marie harf Is on the network, Juan Williams,
harrold Ford Jr.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
Jessic Guitar Love.

Speaker 1 (28:38):
I can't even name them all, and not every host
has an opinion that does the show on Fox News
either you're a straight news shows and then there is
you know, then their talk show hosts like me. But
why do they just why can't they own who they are?
But it's getting very very interesting as this unfolds here.

I think the obvious thing that's going to happen political
reporting today that Ronald McDaniel and her allies are furious
about how all of this has gone down, believing she's
been misled about how she'd be welcomed into the fold
by executives that aggressively apparently recruited her. They blame NBC
brass for botching the whole situation, not having her meet

with top network talent ahead of the rollout, and then
caving to internal pressure from their temper tantrum throwing hosts.
But you know, we're going to see over time how
this plays out. I would imagine there's going to be
a lot of legal actions, as they point out here,
and there's no doubt that this was all a setup.

On Sunday that Kristen Welker knew that, you know, Chucky
Todd was going to go scorched Earth, and you know
Mattow had revealed on Saturday they were told, oh, she's
never going to appear on msdn Z. Okay, that's not
what they had said initially, and that's not what they
said afterwards. They said she would be appearing on all

these So a lot of inconsistencies here. Anyway, eight hundred
and ninety four one, Shawn is our number if you
want to be a part of the program.

The Sean Hannity Show News

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