All Episodes

April 29, 2024 33 mins

Only 72% of Democrats are calling President Biden's presidency a success. That's definitely not a good number for the President.  CBS is reporting that nearly all voters feel the economy is failing.  November couldn't get here fast enough.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, one hundred and eighty nine days to go,
and we're getting now. I told you it's going to
fly by. It's flying by. Glad you're with us, Thank you,
Scott Channon. Eight hundred and ninety four to one, Shawn,
is a number if you want to be a part
of the program today. Well, you know what it's. It's
it's it's a new day, same old story. You got

psycho students all over the country out there protesting. Now
the deadline has passed at and arrest by the way
in Austin are being made at the college there, but
the protest, the deadline has passed the Columbia. But nothing's
going to happen. I would and you look at the
people that they're actually negotiating with. It's you can't even

make up how insane this is. And it's happening sadly
all around the country. And now it's becoming a big
issue in the campaign.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
I mean, you.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
Know, we we we're in a situation where the lack
of moral clarity is chilling. You know, Israel's concerned. There's
a group called the ICC it's the International Criminal Court
of America is not a part of it anyway, they
want to issue arrest warrants for Prime Minister Netan Yahoo
and other top officials over charges related to their defense

after October seventh. You want to talk about an upside
down world, that's an upside down world. And don't think
it's not going to happen now. I was actually pleasantly surprised.
Today I get in Florida, believe it or not, the
New York Post. I get a hardcover edition and there
was a paid advertisement paid for by the ten to

seven Coalition. I don't know the group, but it had
information in there that I've been saying, and I'm glad
somebody else picked up on it. The October seventh AMASA attack,
scaled to the size of the US would have resulted
in eight thousand Americans taken hostage out of the country,
forty thousand Americans slaughtered in a single day, thousand tortured, mutilated, beheaded,

burned alive. You could add rape to it, and you know,
they actually have a website if you want to see.
I've seen forty nine minutes of this and I'm not
allowed to show it, but there is a lot of
tape available of a lot of these. You know, evil
atrocities because, believe it or not, the terror group PAMAS
wanted to chronicle their own crimes against humanity. Anyway, they

have sixty seconds of a mosque cruelty. The website they
give out in this paid advertisement is Hamas terror dot Com.
Seventy one percent of Palestinians. This was the poll I've
been telling you about support the October seventh attack in Israel,
although you know others are sick and tired of it.
But you know, well, you got to watch what happens

with this criminal court. Let me give you an example.
For example, Great Britain is a member of the ICC,
the International Criminal Court. Okay, so they issue an arrest
warrant for Prime Minister Naton YaHoot yaho, he'll never go
visit Great Britain again. And how could you be so
how could you have such moral blindness if you are

taking the victims of terror? What would have been eight
thousand Americans in a day taken hostage and forty thousand
Americans killed based on a per capita basis the equivalent
of and how can you how come you blame the
victim because that's what this court would do. And you

know where are Democrats. Where's Chuck Schumer, you know, Chuck
Schumer who wants to call for elections as Israel's fighting
their war against terrorism. You know, the court would accuse
senior government figures are pursuing an excessively harsh military response.
Well why have they allowed Hamas and Hezbollah and Islamic
Jihad and isis you know, and and the hoodie rebels

and others to do all the things that they have done.

Speaker 2 (03:54):
And I'll tell you it even gets worse.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
And if you think that the backstabbing of Joe Biden
on Israel, it's all been done for political expediency. He's
watching these protests all around the country in these campuses.
He sees it, and he wants those votes. And he
really got triggered after the Democratic presidential primary in Michigan.
And that's when Joe Biden lost eighteen point nine percent

of the Democratic primary voters to uncommitted over one hundred
thousand votes. And he sees the state of Michigan slipping
away from him. But now the AP is reporting that
the US has expected to block aid to the IDF
and they're going to use what's called the Lahi Law
to do it. Now, It refers to two statutory provisions

that would prohibit the US government from using funds for
assistance to units of foreign security forces where there is
credible information implicating that unit in the commission of gross
violations of human rights. Well, now we're not going to
help Israel in their war on terror. This is Joe
Biden's legacy, abandoning the war against radical terrorists. I mean,

just look at this new access of evil. While he
simultaneously is shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline in America,
He's giving a waiver to Vladimir Putin to continue and
finish the nord Stream two pipeline to make him rich,
which enables him to invade a country like Ukraine and
kill innocent men, women, and children. Gee, that's brilliant, and

then drag America into a proxy war, costing US billions
and billions and billions of dollars.

Speaker 3 (05:33):
You know.

Speaker 1 (05:34):
But and what does Biden do with China? Well, China,
He's been great to China. They can fly their spy
balloon to have no consequences for that, no consequences for COVID,
no consequences when their fighter jets are making hostile maneuvers
against American fighter jets in international airspace, or when their
navy are making aggressive maneuvers in international water waves against

our navy, nothing happens. Forget about intellectual property theft, forget
about unfair trade practices.

Speaker 2 (06:06):
That's small ball.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
The guy that made the Mullahs in Iran rich, the
number one state sponsor of terror rich is Joe Biden
because he wouldn't enforce the sanctions forbidding them to sell
oil on the world market. He even took it a
step further in March of twenty one by starting to
import Iranian oil into the United States and he's continued
ever since. Oh, he wants the price of oil down,

but he doesn't want to drill for it here. Well,
what's the difference if you rape and pillage of mother
Earth as they say on the left, and drill for oil.
If it doesn't matter where you do it. I guess
that Joe Biden it does. He just doesn't want to
get his base angry. His base is now the lunatics
that are on these college campuses here. And Biden, of

course this weekend again pressuring Prime Minister net Yahu to
do anything but with his war against radical terrorists. What
would America do? What would you want your country to do?
If eight thousand Americans were taken hostage out of our country?
What would you want this country to do? What would
you expect your leaders to do? If forty thousand Americans

were slaughtered in a single day and you had videotapes
of mutilation, beheading, people being burned alive, including young children,
women being raped, what would you want your country to do?
What would you expect us to do? You would expect
us to go after the people responsible. It's that simple.
Otherwise you're just going to embolden these enemies to go

further with Iran the policies of appeasement, even when further
Joe Biden signs a waiver of the sanctions, allows a
rack to hand over ten billion dollars for electricity. He
goes into a hostage ransom deal with the Iranians. He
wanted to give six billion to the Iranian mollos. All
that has done has allowed them to continue their nuclear program.

The Gatestone Institute was putting out an article says the
Iranian Mullows are now speeding up their nuclear weapons program,
which I'm not surprised considering how deep into Iranian territory
the Israelis were able to easily penetrate when they had
their response against the rockets being fired into Israel by
the way Hamas and their sexual violence on October seventh

is revealed in a new documentary I've not seen it yet.
It's called Screams Before Silence, spotlighting the mass sexual violence.
You know, do these these you know, these little brats,
not those you know, privileged students that want you to
pay off their student loans at all these universities, uh
that are that are there protesting? Do they even know

what radical Islamis believe in terms of how they treat
women in a lot of these countries. Do they even
understand what sarial law is? Do they not understand they're
so pro woke and lgbt Q rights, You know that
they kill and they murder people if they're gay, lesbian,
they throw them off the tops of roofs and they

murder them. Anyone ever asking these students what they know
about it? I mean you had at George Washington University,
we told you about this on Friday a sign that
says the final solution that they're quoting Hitler for crying
out loud anyway, So Columbia students are defying the deadline
and their encampment stays intact, and you know, then we

learn The New York Post had an article today about, well,
who are these people that they're actually negotiating with? Or
turns out they're all radicals. The anti Israel tent encampment
at Columbia. Again, it just passed the deadline paths for
them to leave, and not only did nobody leave, more

people are joining in. But anyway, it's being led I'm
reading from the New York Post today anyway that the
anti Israel ten encampment at Colombia is being led by
a cohort of controversial student leaders, some of who express
solidarity with Hamas and say Zionists don't deserve to live.
And then it goes on to describe those four people.

And you know, it's okay to having a college campus.
God forbid, you use the wrong pronoun, you'll probably be expelled.
But you can have somebody that has a sign that
says the you know, the final solution is the goal?
Or that people writing in Colombia on the sidewalk from
the river to the sea, do they even know what
it means, you know, you have protests at Havid raising

removing the American flag and raising the Palestinian flag. Columbia students,
as we speak, celebrating as school officials promised no lockdown
or evictions even though the deadline just passed. You know,
anti is Israel protests have reignited outside the Fashion Institute
of Technology in New York City. Cal Poly Humboldt closed

their campus for the rest of the cement A semester
because anti Israeli protesters are occupying buildings there. Things have
heated up again on the campus of Yale University, where
these protesters have erected, you know, tents on Yale's Cross
Campus Green. According to the Delhi News, the Yale Dali News,

you have the Bloomington mayors standing with anti Israel protesters
calling on police to use de escalation tactics. Oh, let's
bring in the social workers. Let's you know, put that
right up there with the genius of no bail laws
and defund and d mantle police departments. You have fights
breaking out. This was at UCLA. They played the Star
Spangled banner and fights break out between pro Israel and

pro Palestine protesters.

Speaker 2 (11:44):

Speaker 1 (11:45):
You have students standing up to anti Israeli protesters, warning
faculty or doctrinating kids with lies and hatred Jewish students
at the University of Texas. They're now being removed as
we speak. It's on Fox. Escalating anti Semitism, is spiraling
into quote you hatred. Multiple students at U T Austin

said that they were approached and told to go back
to Germany. What the hell is going on in our country?
Green presidential candidate Jill Stein among a hundred arrested protesting
at Washington University College. Protesters want amnesty as they await consequences.
But you know, look at the professors that we told
you about last week after the October seventh terrorist attacks,

those very same professors were out there celebrating the death
of innocent men, women, and children. The beheadings that took place,
the people being burned alive, people being raped, people being
taken hostage. Again, it would be the equivalent of forty
thousand Americans killed in a single day. It would be
the equivalent of eight thousand Americans taken out of the

country and taken hostage. And this is now school for kids.
You got to be killed you gotta be kidding me.
Nearly two thirds of Republicans still back Israel, only eighteen
percent of Democrats do. This is a terrorist organization. This
was the worst terror attack in their history. Where is

your moral compass? I'm not saying America should do anything,
just at least offers support for the people to win
their war against those people that are slaughtering them. Morehouse
College now under pressure to cancel Joe Biden's commencement address
in large part because of this issue. They say that
as Biden's support of Israel, as tepid as it is,

is too much. Some are saying they will not be
seen next to the Democratic president, so it doesn't matter
that he's stabbing Israel in the back. That's still not
enough of these crazy people. Later on, we'll play for
you congress Woman Omar saying that Jewish students should be
protected if they are anti genocide or pro genocide? What

pro genocide? This is the modern day woke, politically wreck left.
Bernie Sanders asked about it and won't give a direct
answer about what Congresswoman Omar says.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
Just can't make these times up.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
It's sick, it's ugly, it's twisted and it's now having
an impact on the election. We'll go over some of
these poll numbers that came out over the weekend CNN, Bloomberg, others,
and get to some of your calls as well. Eight
hundred nine to fourt one, Shawn is our number. Kind
of hard to wrap your brain around the things that
we're living through right now, isn't it. I Mean, you

got the pro Hamas organization leading the ten city talks
with the University of Columbia University. I mean, have they
really lost all sense of moral clarity, because it certainly seems.

Speaker 2 (14:44):
Like they all have. I mean, this has gone nuts.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
And all I see with Joe Biden is that Joe Biden,
more than anything else, he doesn't want to lose any votes,
so he tries to say as little as he as
he can, and pressure is real to do everything but
what he should be supporting, and that is supporting their
right to self determination, self defense, supporting them after this

terrorist attack, winning their war on terror.

Speaker 2 (15:13):

Speaker 1 (15:14):
I haven't mentioned any American boots on the ground. They're
not asking for that, but they shouldn't have a knife
put in their back and twisted by an American president either.
But this president cares more about his own blind, you know,
political ambition than he does about standing up for what
is morally right and justice. That simple and fundamental terrorism

is evil, It's not complicated. Continuing to build a foundation
for conservative victory. Victory.

Speaker 2 (15:54):
Now back to the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 1 (16:04):
I know I'm here twenty five to the top of
the hour. Toll free out numbers eight hundred and ninety
four one. Sean, if you want to be a part
of the well, you guys worried.

Speaker 3 (16:12):
I've never worried. We're a consummate professional. We never worked.

Speaker 2 (16:16):
You never worked.

Speaker 1 (16:17):
By the way, Linda would just could take over and
just make it the Linda McLoughlin Show.

Speaker 3 (16:21):
I would never call it the Lynda McLachlin Shows.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
I was about to bus that old tape of the
Sean Hannity is is brooming the halls? Yes, By the way,
do we still have that this idea has a bad habit, Dusty.

Speaker 3 (16:34):
CD that's from the Stangard days.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
Oh my gosh.

Speaker 1 (16:37):
I had had a bad habit of during commercial breaks
going out and talking to people, and I would lose
track of time. The talk shows never stops talking. That's
the problem.

Speaker 2 (16:47):
You know who's worse than you? Who?

Speaker 3 (16:50):
Larry Cudler. Oh really, Larry Cudler was the first guy
I ever worked for in radio on Saturday mornings, and
he used to go down for smoke break and come
back up and the music will be playing. We'd be
literally ten seconds, five seconds, three seconds, there be Larry
running down that WABC hall. It was crazy.

Speaker 2 (17:11):
That's pretty for don't darden funny?

Speaker 1 (17:15):
Not good poll numbers for Joe We told you last
week the Bloomberg Morning Console poll. We got CNN numbers
we're going to share with you. We got Gallop numbers
we're going to share with you. None of them are
good for Joe Biden. And it is fascinating Donald Trump
sitting in a courtroom every day and Joe Biden talking
about Uncle Bosey being eaten by cannibals and never has

a clean day on the campaign trail.

Speaker 2 (17:40):
Although the media was so they wanted.

Speaker 1 (17:42):
To say, oh, he's so great at the White House
Correspondent's dinner, and let the record show my record of
never going to a White House Correspondent's dinner remains intact. Now,
my twenty eighth year in Fox started my radio career
nineteen eighty seven and I've not had to. I've never

gone to one. And for a good ten years, Fox
was putting heavy pressure on me to go, and Linda,
I just I don't know why.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
Just the mere thought of it, I started getting sick
and I never Oh, I.

Speaker 3 (18:18):
Think you should go, but only if you get to
sit at the day ask and ask questions.

Speaker 1 (18:22):
Oh no, I would I tell you what I would do.
I'd go, and I'd be funnier than the guy that
they had from Saturday Night Live. I didn't think it
was funny at all. I mean, it's so milk toast.
This is what's happened to all comedy.

Speaker 2 (18:34):
You know.

Speaker 1 (18:34):
What was saying this recently in an interview is Harry Seinfeld.
The reason people like Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock and
a lot of these great comedians are so popular right
now more than ever is because they don't have the
same lines. And Seinfeld was making the case we don't
have comedy shows like Seinfeld. And then he talked about

how Larry David Kurby your enthusiasm was basically grandfathered in
and and he kind of got a pass, but you
could you could not make it all in the family. Today,
you probably couldn't even make a you know, Larry David
show anymore.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
You couldn't you couldn't make the.

Speaker 3 (19:11):
Office, you know, to Jason's point, you couldn't make married
with children. You can't do anything. You know. Part of
what's funny about being funny is the truth, you know,
the authenticity of it. You know, that's what's funny. And
now everybody. Katy and I were just talking about how
easily offended people are. She's much more sensitive and aware
than I am. I could give a rip how anybody feels.

And Katy's like, I don't know, that's on the line,
Da da dah, you know, And I'm just like, you
know what, man, I'm so sick of you're offended about
being offended. I'm just over it.

Speaker 1 (19:40):
Well, that's what makes this whole thing with the kids
in school that much more, you know, unbelievable to me.
These these kids are triggered if you use the wrong pronoun.
God forbid, anybody said one thing even remotely politically incorrect
about anybody, any background, any unless, of course, you're an

African American Conservative or you're Jewish. You know, there are
exceptions to this rule, their offensive nature is not as
triggered if it's a cause celeb It's so disgusting. I
want to remind you, Mike Lindell my Pillow they don't
have the support of big box stores anymore, they don't
have access to shopping channels anymore. So now they you know,

because they've been a part of cancel culture. Now they're
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Speaker 2 (21:36):
All right, so is out roaming the halls right now.
We'll be back as soon as he is.

Speaker 1 (21:42):
You found it any second now, he'll come storming back
through those doors.

Speaker 2 (21:47):
Please stand by. It's awful. We have yeah, j.

Speaker 1 (21:55):
Happy moment.

Speaker 2 (21:56):
This goes on for these on available for broadcast common Man.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
At this time he's out broadcast complex. Hey Hannity, please
get your fut back in the studiostranity.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
When we turned in a moment.

Speaker 1 (22:12):
By the way, do you remember they would get on
the intercom system?

Speaker 3 (22:16):
Trust me, I know.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
Oh man, that does bring back phone memories, great days, oh.

Speaker 3 (22:21):
My god, so much better than today.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
Gallup poll. Now Joe Biden has a This is blistering.
He is the least popular president in the last seventy
years running for reelection, even below Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter.
He now notched a dismal thirty eight percent positive rating

according to gal Of approval rating. Now, for example, I'll
run down the list running for reelection. Eisenhower fifty six,
had seventy three percent, Reagan eighty four, fifty four percent,
Nixon fifty three percent and seventy two. When he ran
for reelection, Clinton had fifty three George W. Bush in
two thousand and four had fifty one percent, Jimmy Carter

had forty seven percent, and remember he lost in nineteen
eighty Trump had forty six percent and he didn't become
president a second time. In twenty twenty, Obama did win.
He had forty five percent, and he was able to
pull it off. I would argue Mitt Romney handed that
to him in twenty twelve because he didn't show up

for the last two debates. George Herbert Walker Bush in
ninety two was at forty one percent. Joe Biden is
at thirty eight percent. Yikes, not good news. This is
on top of the Bloomberg poll that came out last week.
The Bloomberg Morning Console poll had Trump winning in all
the swing states Georgia and North CA, Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin.

He was down by a pointer or two of Michigan,
which I didn't really buy. I think in Michigan and
I think that's a state that has definitely won that
Trump can pick off and one that he would need
to win. And that also included Arizona and Nevada, where
he's up by ten. I think in Nevada, like, holy moly,
that's amazing. Another poll that has come out, CBS poll

finding voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin. They're preferring the Trump years.
I'll give you more details on that in a second,
but the CNN poll is just devastating. Nearly two thirds
of registered voters in this case, consider Joe Biden's presidency
of failure with Donald Trump to continuing to hold a
comfortable six point lead forty nine to forty three, and

I mean that's a pretty amazing number with one hundred
and eighty nine days outside of election day. Now, does
that mean this is in the bag. No, it's not
and I want to remind everybody I've not been saying
it up to this point, but I will say it now.
We all thought we were gonna have a red wave
in twenty twenty two. Republicans, you better get your act
together on abortion. You better understand what the electorate is. Hannity,

you keep saying that. Okay, well I'm not going to stop.
And you better understand voting early, voting by mail. You
got to get over your reluctance, your resistance. And lastly, Republicans,
I know the RNC is working on legal ballot harvesting
to match efforts of the Democratic Party. I mean, they
are so far ahead of Republicans on this it's frightening.
But when you have two thirds of American voters think

Joe Biden's presidency is a failure and Donald Trump holding
a comfortable lead forty nine to forty three, that's fake news.
CNN for crying out loud. But all these voters saying
that Joe's presidency has been a failure, and sixty one
percent of voters who are questioned considered Biden's presidency of failure,
only thirty nine percent see it as successful. I mean

only seventy three percent of Democrats say he's been a success.
Two percent of Republicans called trump Comes time in office
as success. It was a huge success, even with all
the drama and all the attacks and all the impeachments.
Man anyway, so that is a pretty staggering number for

Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (26:14):
Not a good one.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
And this this kind of fits into Tommy larn and
some other people, I think Clay Travis among them that
thinks that Biden is going to be replaced at the
end of the day. I don't know how they pull
that off, but it's definitely possible. Back to the CBS
poll for a minute, And if you look now versus
looking back, the percentage of voters by state that say

the economy was good. You know, if you look at
right now, the current rating is thirty eight percent in Michigan,
thirty eight percent in Pennsylvania, forty two percent in Wisconsin.
Looking back during the Trump years, sixty two in Michigan,
sixty two, thirty eight, Pennsylvania sixty one, thirty eight, Wisconsin

sixty two, forty two.

Speaker 2 (27:03):

Speaker 1 (27:03):
In the years after the COVID pandemic, the state of
the economy has gotten better, only twenty nine percent of
people of Michigan say yes, fifty percent say worse. Twenty
three percent in Pennsylvania say we're better and fifty percent
say worse. Wisconsin twenty five percent better, forty eight percent worse.

I mean, it's pretty it's pretty staggering. Then if you
look who better understands people like you? All right, A
dumb question, but anyway, In August of twenty twenty, Biden
won forty four to thirty seven. Now Trump is leading
forty two to forty.

Speaker 2 (27:40):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (27:41):
I don't think that makes a difference in terms of
personal finances. And historically people vote based on peace and prosperity.
Prosperity obviously is the economy. Well, if you look at
if Biden wins, you know you only twenty one percent
of people think you're going to be better off financially.
If Trump wins, people think you'll be forty seven percent

better off, Forty seven percent think you'll be better off
worse off. Forty eight percent of people say they think
financially they'll be worse off if Biden wins. And it's
pretty unbelievable and don't forget immediately. In twenty twenty five.
Those Trump tax cuts they're going to expire. That's not good.
But anyway, so Trump has widened his lead significantly, and

Joe Biden has the lowest approval rating in Gallup history
over the last seven years of a sitting president run
of a reelection. So I mean, it definitely gives you data. Now,
it is interesting because these polls are all taken while
Donald Trump is on trial in New York. Of course,
I think most people have figured out that we have
a weaponized system of justice. I think most people now

understand what New York is like after everything they went
through in the civil trial. And I think when you
look at the statute of limitations having passed on what
it would have been just a misdemeanor bookkeeping error, and
they try to turn this into something that is not
I don't think that strategy is particularly effective. Anyway, We'll
get into this later, maybe at the top of the

next hour, but we'll talk to Pam Bondi and Horace
Cooper about this. You know, when we had these arguments
oral arguments before the Supreme Court last week, a lot
of questions of being raised as it relates to presidential immunity.
But I think that One of the things we overlooked
talking about a lot on Friday was US Supreme Court
Justice Clarence Thomas asked former President Trump's lawyers about whether

they challenged the special counsel Jack Smith's authority to bring
charges against the president. Is that did you, in this
litigation challenge the appointment of the special council? I mean,
you know, that runs into a reality that they have,
you know, extraordinary prosecutorial power being exercised by someone that

was never nominated by the president or confirmed by the
Senate at any time. Now, the Trump attorney said, we
hadn't raised a yet in this case when this case
went up for appeal. And anyway, so he goes on
to talk about ed Mee's former Attorney General, Mark Levin,
if you don't know, the great one was his chief
of staff. But he and General Mukasey, former Attorney General,

put a make as brief forward in this case, two
former attorneys generals, and they submitted it to the court,
and in it they said, those actions, you know, in
other words, mister Smith does not have the authority to
conduct an underlying prosecution, and those actions can only be
taken by persons properly appointed as federal officers to properly

created federal offices, and Smith wields tremendous power and effectively
answers to no one.

Speaker 2 (30:46):
They wrote.

Speaker 1 (30:47):
However, neither Smith nor the position of special Counsel under
which he purportedly acts meets those criteria, and that is
a serious problem for the rule of law, whatever one
may think of the conduct of mister Smith's prosecution. And
Attorney General Merrick Garland is the one that appointed Smith.
But however, none of the statutes remotely authorized the appointment

by the Attorney General of a private citizen or government
employee to receive extraordinary criminal law enforcement power under the
title of the Special Council. I mean, basically, Justice Thomas
was saying, guys, get your act together and get to this,
and get to this quickly. I think some of the
other things as it's now beginning to sync in. You know,

when Justice Kavanaugh is warning of a vicious cycle of
malicious prosecutions that could end the presidency. I mean, those
are powerful statements. Or Neil Gorshus saying that it didn't
matter what the president's motives were. That's something that courts
shouldn't get engaged in and then he further goes on
to say, I'm concerned about future uses of criminal law

to target political opponents based on accusations about their motives.
I mean that was raised by the Trump attorneys in
their opening remarks. Anyway, eight hundred and nine four one, Shawn,
if you want to be a part of the program,
we got a lot of ground to cover today.

Speaker 2 (32:11):
We'll get to it all all right. I haven't left
the building. I'm here. Eight hundred nine point one. Shawn
is on number.

Speaker 1 (32:17):
If you want to be a part of the program,
all right, when we come back, law fair, weaponization of
our justice system. Donald Trump since in a courtroom and
his poll numbers go up. Joe Biden talks about Uncle
Bosey and cannibalism, and his poll numbers tank. You know,
it's been six months since the brutal attack by Hamas

on our friends, our brothers, our sisters, our allies in Israel. Now,
since then, the attacks on Israel have only increased, especially
with Hezbollah in the North. Now, the International Fellowship of
Christians and Jews, they're on the ground. They are addressing
all the needs as they come in, and there are many.
Now your life saving donation today can help provide a bombshellter.

Twenty people can fit inside of each mobile bomb shelter
and they're constructed to withstand rocket attacks and they meet
the standards approved by the IDF. Now, the IFCJ has
helped renovate and install nearly three thousand bomb shelters. Now,
the cost of one bomb shelter is fifteen thousand dollars.
The goal for April is five bomb shelters, and we're

asking any of you that can give fifty bucks. If
three hundred listeners give fifty bucks, we'll have one new
bomb shelter installed. Go to their website. It's one word

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