Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Right, Thanks Scott.
Speaker 2 (00:01):
You had an hour two Sean Hannity Show eight hundred
and ninety four one Sean, if you want to be
a part of the program, our final show in our
nation's capital. And then I escaped back to the Free State,
the warm, warmer state, not as warm right now. They
had snow in Pensacola and Tallahassee. For crying out loud,
I mean South Carolina has snow, and Georgia I think
had snow, and everybody's getting snow, and guess what, you
can all keep it. And I prefer no snow in
South Florida, but that's neither here nor there anyway. So
we have our interview with the President in the Oval
Office tonight.
Speaker 1 (00:36):
It'll air nine Eastern.
Speaker 2 (00:38):
Actually we went long, so it'll air tonight and part
two tomorrow night, which is going to be great. Some
really really reflective moments of the President and things that
you've never heard before, and I don't want to give answers.
Speaker 1 (00:53):
And then I asked a bunch of stuff that I
thought was interesting.
Speaker 2 (00:57):
And you know, you're going to release the JFK files,
the RFK files, the MLK files, and why you know,
things that you normally don't talk about. And then we
talked about the economy and foreign policy in Putin and
Chi and the Mullahs in Iran and the economy and
energy and all the things that you might expect. We also,
I'm not sure if there's going to er tonight, but
we went into a long, long discussion. He was very relaxed,
very dialed in, very focused, and it was just a
great experience for me.
Speaker 1 (01:32):
And I think you.
Speaker 2 (01:33):
Really get to see more of the person that I've
known for thirty years, I think in this interview than
any other interview I've done. And anyway, so part one
of that will air tonight. It will be the full
hour on Hannity on the Fox News Channel. Let's go
back out, and we do talk a lot about Los
Angeles and California and forestry and him and Gavin Newsom
in twenty eighteen, which we played that clip numerous times
on this program. And I mean, there really is no
excuse for not having the water from northern California flow
down to southern California. There's no well, what's the purpose
of having a hydrant if there's no water in the hydrant?
What is the purpose of having a reservoir if it's
not full of water. And what is the purpose of
getting a degree in forestry if you're not going to
practice management of areas that are known for wildfires and
for drought. It's insane and that known for Santa Ana
wins well. This has now resulted in a petition. It's
at change dot org dot petition demanding the resignation of
the La Mayor, Karen Bass. In two days, they got
one hundred and fifty two thousand signatures. That's how bad
this has been for people out there. I've never met
anybody that's not true. There are politicians that are that
bad and that incompetent, and she is one of them.
Here she addresses reporters questions about the impact of the
budget cuts to the LA Fire Department.
Speaker 1 (03:04):
And meanwhile, keep in mind, as you.
Speaker 2 (03:05):
Hear this, they allocated federal state dollars six hundred and
fifty million dollars to make the Port of La green,
and they advocated even more money if you can believe it,
for wind turbines.
Speaker 1 (03:20):
I mean, it's insanity. Ay, Well, here she is.
Speaker 3 (03:23):
Can you address the criticism now over the budget issue
and the slashing seventeen million dollars.
Speaker 4 (03:29):
Speaker 5 (03:29):
I think if you go back and look at the
reductions that were made, there were no reductions that were
made that would have impacted the situation that we were
dealing with over the last couple of days. And then
there was a little bit there was a little bit
of confusion because money was allocated to be distributed later on,
which was actually going to support salaries and other parts
of the fire department that were distributed a little later.
I think it's most important to understand that we were
in tough budgetary times. Everybody knew that, but that the
impact of our budget really did not impact what we've
been going through over the last few days. Again, back
to the unprecedented wind storm when at such verocity that
we haven't seen in years.
Speaker 2 (04:25):
Okay, you want to blame Santa Anna wins. They're predictable.
They happen quite often out there, and she was warned
by the fire chief specifically that they had half the
manpower if they ever had a major fire in Los Angeles.
Joel Pollock, who's going to join us in a minute,
says he has spoken to the White House Advanced Team
for Donald Trump on what they need to do to
help the Pacific Palisades. The President did confirm that he's
going to North Carolina.
Speaker 1 (04:55):
He is going.
Speaker 2 (04:56):
We talked a lot about that, Linda, which is the
right thing to do, And we talked a lot about
the help and whether or not I won't give it
the answer that that help should be contingent on actions
that are taken. Anyway, Here's what Joel Pollack said.
Speaker 6 (05:12):
Hi, everyone, this is Joel Pollack from Breitbart News. As
I was driving down Sunset Boulevard today, I noticed a
group of cars parking. I thought it was a local
or state official, but it turned out to be the
advanced team for the Trump White House, twenty four.
Speaker 1 (05:27):
Hours after he took the oath of office. He is already.
Speaker 6 (05:29):
Planning a visit to Pacific Palisades and other areas that
are affected by the wildfires.
Speaker 1 (05:35):
And I spoke to his advanced team.
Speaker 6 (05:37):
You can see them there behind me, and I told
them what they need to look at when they come
to Pacific Palisades and what the issues are here. The
lack of water pressure, the lack of leadership from the city,
the traffic jam that happened on Sunset Boulevard because of
a lack of traffic officers on scene. We love our police,
we love our fire fighters, but there was a lack
of leadership and coordination by city officials. And I've talked
about the other issues as well, and I am confident
that when they visit on Friday, they're going to talk.
Speaker 1 (06:11):
To those of us who live here.
Speaker 6 (06:15):
And who understand the issues, and to understand that much
more could have been done to save the Pacific Palisades.
Speaker 2 (06:24):
All right, Joel Pollock, Senior editor at large at bright
Bart News and also Kiarra Davis, LA, Resident author of
Drawing Lines, Why Conservatives must begin to battle fiercely in
the arena of ideas. Thank you both both you know
live out there, Joel, let me start with you, based
on what you saw out there, I mean Donald Trump,
it told me personally he's going out there. I asked
him extensively about the issues involving Gavin. Gavin has been
trying to Trump through California. I think the state legislators
putting aside twenty five to fifty million dollars for lawsuits
against the federal government, which only costs the taxpayers of
California more money. And you know, all this money spent
on green energy and they cut back on the fire department,
they don't practice forestry, they don't have any water.
Speaker 1 (07:15):
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Speaker 7 (07:17):
It is ridiculous, and people are really upset about it.
There are areas where private property owners were not able
to clear brush on state land or land in the
Santa Monica Conservancy, which is in the mountains here near
the upper part of the Pacific Palisade. That's where the
fuel for the fire came. And this city did not
coordinate the emergency response. Again, we have great firefighters and
great police, but there was nobody quarterbacking the emergency effort.
The agencies weren't talking to one another. Rudy Giuliani on
nine to eleven had a command center. It was hit,
it was destroyed. You set up another command center. There
was one person in charge, one point contact through which
everything could go. Somebody knew what to do and how
to keep everybody talking to each other. And that did
not happen here. And it's a miracle. More people weren't
killed because of that traffic jam that you heard me
talk about in the clip. People had to abandon their
cars and run for their lives because there was nobody
directing traffic in the evacuation, and that is a failure
of city leadership, and we have yet to hear anybody
take responsibility. The Ela County fire chief, not the city
fire chief, but the La County fire chief apologized to
the residents that as far as we've had any kind
of accountability, but nobody else is.
Speaker 2 (08:37):
And in fairness to that fire chief, the fire chief
is the one that said we only have half staff
to go and fight a wildfire, and that warning was
given well in advance of this fire.
Speaker 7 (08:47):
That's correct, and all that we've seen from everybody else
is patting themselves on the back for what a great
effort they've done. And that's why Trump needs to come
here and he needs to intervene and tell California to
get it act together because this is not acceptable, not
just to those of us who live here, this is
becoming a drag on the nation. We're going to ask
the nation to bail us out. Then we have to
make sure that we take measures to stop this from
happening again, because it cannot happen over and over again.
Florida has a snowstorm coming. Ron De Santis is out
there with all the emergency vehicles you need, with all
the power teams, power companies, whatever. He's got everything in place.
Gavin Newsom, where is he?
Speaker 8 (09:27):
You know?
Speaker 7 (09:27):
I did a story about that. Today. I got an
email from Newsom's office. They want me to correct the
story because they say, well, we did send sixty five
engines throughout southern California. Yeah, maybe you sent sixty five
engines for one of the most extreme wind events in
local memory. But there were none here and this town
burnt down. So I'm not correcting my article. And that's
the thing. They want to look good. They don't want
to do the right thing.
Speaker 2 (09:52):
I think it raised a lot of great points and
I don't think there's any excuse on anybody's part. And
the one guy that took responsibility, frankly, was the one
that I was warning about what would happen and how
unprepared they were.
Speaker 1 (10:04):
Kiera Davis, your reaction.
Speaker 8 (10:06):
To this, well, I want to point out that everything
we learn moving forward makes the situation worse. I reported
a story over my sub sect this week. I got
a tip from a friend in Arizona who said their
neighbor worked for LAFD but lives in Arizona. So I
did a little poking around and it turns out that
even as resably as twenty twenty, the La Times reported
that La City is missing up to three percent of
their fire force. They live in other states and they
commute in for work, So there were a lot and
on the night of the firestorms that Joel was talking
about so passionately, every off duty LAFD officer.
Speaker 4 (10:51):
Was called to duty.
Speaker 8 (10:53):
How many of those people weren't even living in the
state to get here. I'm not blaming anyone for taking
advantage of these loopholes, because this is a difficult state
to live in and thrive in. I'm blaming the government,
Gavin Newsom, Karen Bass, and the supermajority in Sacramento for
making it impossible for people to live and thrive here,
especially the people who serve our citizens. And as Joels,
I just want to echo with Joel said, because being
here and having to watch these idiots give their stupid
press conferences every day, they never give information. All they
do is congratulate each other and what a great job
they're doing.
Speaker 1 (11:32):
Well. I mean it, it is amazing.
Speaker 2 (11:34):
Actually, it's sort of like and this actually came up
in my conversation with Donald Trump at Alire tonight. You know,
the two assassins would be assassins. You know what did
the what did the Secret Service say, Oh, that was
a slope roof.
Speaker 1 (11:50):
No, it was not a slope roof. That was a lie.
Speaker 2 (11:53):
So we put them inside the building. What you can't
see anything inside the building. You needed people surrounding the
perimeter of the build bilding so nobody can get on
the roof of the building one hundred and thirty yards
with a scope AR fifteen and nearly assassinate a former
president and top presidential candidate.
Speaker 1 (12:12):
But they allowed that to happen. They made that excuse.
Speaker 2 (12:15):
Then Trump International, the same story occurs a known area
where paparazzi hang out, a treat area surrounding Trump International.
They never swept the area, and if it were not
for one eagle eyed, sharp shooting Secret Service agent, Donald
Trump would have been killed. Then he got within three
hundred yards of the president with an AK forty seven
and a scope on it. I mean, you can't miss
that shot. I mean we're just lucky it didn't happen. Now, Joel,
they're saying that these fires are continuing to burn. As
you know, Santa Ana wins have returned to strength and
fuel fires near San Diego this point.
Speaker 7 (12:57):
Yes, there is a fire burning today at Lake Hughes
and it is moving rapidly in strong winds, and they've
just sent eight helicopters over there to try to deal
with it. It's not as the incident as we expand
from the seventh of January, so hopefully they can get
those airborne assets up there to dump water on the
fire and do what's to do. But a lot of
what you're seeing right now in California is shutting the
stable door after the horses have bolted. So they're all
coming out with press releases about how they're preparing for
the next wind event. And this weekend we have rains,
they're preparing for the rain event because there could be landslides.
So now they want to be seen to be doing
the right thing. But they did not do it before
January seventh. And they were actually having press conferences on
January eighth, three hundred yards away from where I'm standing,
further down on the beach, while the town was still
burning up above, and people watched their houses burn, while
the governor and the mayor were going to be press conferences,
and they couldn't get fire here, So there needs to
be accountability, and it's not going to come from California.
It's got to come from, first of all, the Republicans
in Congress, who need to investigate California's failure and Los Angeles'
failure effect everybody. We're supposed to have the Olympics here
in three years. We can't do that if we have
this level of incompetence in city management. And then the
Trump administration needs to take charge of the rebuilding effort
and make sure that the agendas of the Democratic Party
to cover itself don't complicate the agendas. This is an
area that is more conservative than other parts of LA.
They voted for Rick Caruso for mayor in twenty twenty two,
not Karen Bass, and he managed to save his mall
using private fire fighters. Nobody blames him for that. People
say that to the evidence of what could have been
done if there were more fire trucks, if there was
more water. But there's also a lot of Democrat agenda
stuff happening here where the Democratic Party wants to control
the rebuilding. We're going to try to impose all their
own priorities. They want zoning for low income housing, or
they want environmentally friendly, climate friendly whatever.
Speaker 2 (15:00):
Well, look you know to that, I say this, take
a look at the skies over La even today and
tell me how's the air quality out there and how
good is that for the environment. I'm just running out
of time. I do appreciate both of you, Kira Davis,
Joe Pollock, Thank you both, and to all our friends
that have suffered here.
Speaker 1 (15:19):
Our prayers are with you. But you better change your government.
Speaker 2 (15:22):
But unless you want more of the same to our phones,
we go, Paul, my free state of Florida. I can't
wait to get back. It's very cold in DC. I
hope my state misses me because I miss it.
Speaker 1 (15:34):
What's going on?
Speaker 9 (15:36):
We miss you terribly too. But it is a little
cool for us, for a Ridians down here right now.
Speaker 2 (15:42):
I've been reading about it. But I'm a little more
south probably than you are.
Speaker 1 (15:45):
Where are you?
Speaker 9 (15:47):
About fifty miles south of Jacksonville.
Speaker 2 (15:50):
Okay, point of Jacksonville got snow, is my understanding.
Speaker 9 (15:55):
The north side of Jacksonville got a little flurries, yes, sir.
Speaker 2 (15:58):
And so did the panandle I mean Pensacola got snow.
Speaker 9 (16:02):
Pensacola got a lot of snow.
Speaker 1 (16:04):
Yeah, crazy John, I wanted to miss mention.
Speaker 9 (16:08):
The hypocrisy of the Democrats center in office is chilling me.
Back in twenty twenty, you mentioned mister Trump, President Trump,
you should pardon your family and yourself. They're going to
hunt you. What did they do? And then today here
we are with mister Biden pardoning his family with everything
that crime family has done, and the Democrats act like
it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I just don't
understand it. They have to hear themselves saying these things.
Speaker 2 (16:39):
Look, I could play it for you. I played it yesterday.
Maybe it's worth playing again. But you know, you have
Chuck Schumer and the media and Democrats and Adam Scheff
will end with Adam Scheff, you know, slamming Trump in
twenty twenty over the issue of preemptive pardons. And now
they sit idly by and silent, and if anything, they
just justify the fact that Joe did it because what
they really fear that they'll never express. They know what
they did to Trump was wrong. They know they weaponized justice.
They know that they tried to use law fair to
prevent him from ever becoming president. They threw everything they
possibly had at this man, and they failed. And so
what they fear is, and this is where the preemptive
pardons come up, is that what they did would be
done to them. And that's what the origins of this is.
Listen to this montage.
Speaker 10 (17:38):
President's reportedly asking his staff whether he can issue preemptive
pardons for himself as family members. Rudy Giuliani, there's a
simple answer. No, No, mister president, that would be a
gross abuse of the presidential pardon authority.
Speaker 1 (17:54):
Do you say thos pardons are appropriate? Do you think
they would be legal?
Speaker 3 (17:57):
I don't think they are appropriate at all.
Speaker 5 (17:59):
This is an administration that came in drifting, and it
appears it's going to lead the same way.
Speaker 2 (18:04):
Is there an innocent explanation for someone to seek preemptive pardons.
Speaker 1 (18:09):
For family members? Would you do that if you knew you.
Speaker 2 (18:15):
Were innocent and just worried about outside forces?
Speaker 4 (18:18):
The answer to that is going to be no.
Speaker 11 (18:22):
And you know, if you haven't done anything wrong, you
sit there and go, what do you need a preemptive
pardon for. It's an effort not only to prospectively pardon
people for things they have not yet been charged with
and may never be charged with. But also it's the
president's own family, its people that had been covering up
from the president, in addition to his own family, and
so there is a self interest at play as well,
and I think that makes this quite unique.
Speaker 2 (18:53):
Oh what a change in heart. What's your reaction, Paul.
And then you have, you know, the Rachel Maddows of
the world. Joe Biden said it, Chucky Schumant Schumer said it.
Adam Schiff who got a pardon, a preemptive pardon, he
said it, you know, and these MSDNC, fake news CNN
people said it. And it's just it's pretty amazing to me.
And then you know, Joe Biden said he wouldn't do it,
and he did it. One thing I'll say about Trump
a lot of people, and I asked him about this tonight,
you know, he ran and he said he's going to
get pardons to the people convicted about January sixth. He said,
they've they've spent enough time in jail and they were
unfairly targeted a lot of them.
Speaker 1 (19:31):
And he said, no, I'm sorry.
Speaker 9 (19:34):
Yet, people can burn down cities and it's a peaceful protest,
and let's make accounts for him, so we can we
can bail them out of jail.
Speaker 2 (19:44):
I mean, exactly five hundred and seventy four riots in
the summer of twenty twenty. We had dozens of dead Americans,
thousands of injured cops, billions in property damage. We have
videotape evidence. They never prosecuted these people. And remember, Kamalo,
they're not going to stop. We're not going to stop.
They shouldn't stop anyway, my friend, thank you. Eight hundred
nine to four one, Shawn our number of Richard, Massachusetts. Richard,
how are you glad you called?
Speaker 1 (20:13):
Speaker 3 (20:14):
How are you doing, mister Hannity.
Speaker 1 (20:16):
I'm good, sir. What's going on, mister Hannity.
Speaker 3 (20:20):
I'm so glad that Trump won. You know, when he lost,
I almost had a het attack. I didn't think I
was going to be able to live through it. And
all the time when he was gone, I was thinking,
why don't you run for like president or something really big.
You're a very intelligent man. You're very honest. When people
are being killed in the world, you always say get
their names, you know, on TV to show how much
you care about the people. And I personally myself, you
know where you're such a big fan of mister Trump.
I believe that you'd have a lot of followers. I
believe whatever you wanted to run for, I believe you
would win.
Speaker 2 (20:59):
I don't know if if I could win dog Catcher.
I mean, I don't think Linda would ever vote for
me number one, for anything.
Speaker 1 (21:04):
I would vote for you two or three times, like a.
Speaker 2 (21:07):
True vote early vote office and vote under many different names.
Forget about voter integrity that we that we fight for
every day. You know, I've just never felt a calling
to run for higher office.
Speaker 9 (21:21):
You know.
Speaker 2 (21:21):
I spent a lot of time with these congressmen yesterday,
and I did see Senator John Thune last night as well, and.
Speaker 1 (21:30):
I had an interview with him. We're going to air
that later in the week.
Speaker 2 (21:34):
And I can only tell you this, and I'll be
very blunt with you. I'm although I got to admit,
being in the Oval office is a very very cool experience,
and all of you in this audience make that possible
for me because you watch Hannity the TV show, and
you listen to the Sean Hannity radio show, and I
never forget that part of it, but it is, you know,
and I won't reveal. Had a private conversation with President Trump.
We talked a lot about about being back there, and
we'll air a lot of it. We talked about it
on air and then we talked about it more personally
off air. And today happens to be his twentieth wedding anniversary,
which is pretty cool. And anyway, it's a special place.
I wish every American got a chance to go there
and to sit there and to see how hard the
job is. The weight of the world is on your shoulders.
That is not an easy job at any moment. And
we talked about, you know, terrorists being in this country,
and I said, mister President, you know, at any moment,
your whole the trajectory of your presidency can shift and
we can be in a war footing, and you know
it's that has to be in the back of your
mind at all times. Anyway, I appreciate the call. Well,
you're very kind, Richard. If God calls me to do something,
then I'm not going to say no. I'm just hoping
he doesn't knock on that door. Quick break right back.
We'll get to your phone. Calls eight hundred nine four
one shaw on number if you want to be a
part of the program as we continue final hour my
town hall with Congress last night and Speaker of the
House Mike Johnson. Straight ahead, all right, we continue back
to our busy phones. Let's say hi to Carolyn in California. Carolyn,
so sorry for all that you guys have suffered through.
Speaker 4 (23:34):
Yes, Sean, I was calling about if President Trump has
something in mind for the senior citizens, because we're taking
that one two punch between Social Security and Medicare. I
waited day by day and through the voting and the outcome.
That was more important to me than Christmas, that Trump
would make it through.
Speaker 2 (24:02):
I don't know if election day should be more important
than Jesus's birthday. I'm not sure, but it was pretty
dark important. I'll tell you that I was.
Speaker 4 (24:10):
I was with Jesus and talking to him at the
same time. But I'm just talking about the typical presence
and that type of thing that didn't That was not
important to me.
Speaker 3 (24:21):
What was important to.
Speaker 4 (24:22):
Me was that I make it through Christmas and through
the nomination of Trump running and his actual winning. And
I was on pins and needles the night that he
went through the voting process. So I just want to know.
I know he said some things about Medicare and how
the administration had put a real dent in our medicare,
which is true, and we're taking a pounding when it
comes to that for seniors and every since count that we.
Speaker 9 (24:57):
Get each month.
Speaker 4 (24:58):
So and I'm retired, so I don't want to end
up going to Walmart.
Speaker 2 (25:03):
You know, well you should go to Walmart, and I
like Walmart, but putting that aside, you should not have
any benefits cut. And one of the things again we
got into a lot of specificity in detail, but you know,
we talked about how rich this country can be if
we just tap into our energy resources. Guess what, we'd
be able to give everybody a bigger, a larger cost
of living adjustment increase in Medicare, social Security. We'd be
able to salvage that from insolvency, stop robbing from our
from future generations and our children and grandchildren, pay down
our debt and live within our means. And there's so
much that can be done if we just if we
just apply simple common sense to governing, and we're much
better than what we had the last four years. I mean,
I promise you Joe Biden could never do an interview
like Donald Trump did with me today, and I wouldn't
have cared if it was with a you know, liberal.
I want to know what the president's thinking. I'll tell
you what. What I think makes my interviews with Donald
Trump different than most other people is I let him talk.
I want to hear him talk, and you know, at
the right time, I'll interject and maybe move the interview
along a little bit of you know, we're talking about
a topic too long, as you only have a limited
time frame to do it. But I want people to
hear what their president is thinking, what he's believing, what
he's saying, because it matters. Carolyn, Thank you, Tim, and Colorado.
We have a minute for you.
Speaker 1 (26:40):
Tim. How glad you called.
Speaker 12 (26:42):
Hey, Shaun a longtime listener, first time caller, Thanks for
having me. You know, I wanted to see what President
Trump's thoughts are on addressing Chinese landownership in this country
since TikTok's on top of mind the Panama Canals being
run through proxy from a company they own. If there's
anything on the table to address that.
Speaker 2 (27:03):
I talked to him about China. He did have a
conversation with President she I got one little tidbit off
the record, and then what he said on air. I
think his plan ultimately is to have a good relationship
with all these countries. But I think he knows he's
dealing with bad actors and that it's going to take strength,
and they're going to have to believe he means it
if he's gonna put tarifs on these countries, and I
have no doubt he will be successful. He's a very
strong human being. America got to see that. They saw
Donald Trump stand up after nearly dying, and we spent
a lot of time on the assassination attempt on his life,
and he stood up and he said fight, fight fight.
That is not your average person. That is not that
is not you know, people ask all the time, who's
the next Donald Trump. I'm like, there is nobody, there
will be. Nobody doesn't mean there aren't good conservatives, there
aren't people that won't push the MAGA agenda.
Speaker 1 (28:10):
There was never another Reagan. There was only one Reagan.
Speaker 2 (28:13):
There's never gonna be another guy like Trump. And that's
why these four years matter. That's why I took the
time to go to Congress last night and make sure
they're on the right page so that they can implement
the Trump Agenda, which by the way, we're going to
air in the final hour of the program today anyway.
Speaker 1 (28:31):
But I appreciate the call. I really do.
Speaker 2 (28:33):
We have to deal with China, Russia. We mentioned Russia
earlier in the program today, Iran. We got big challenges
ahead of us this country. And the good news is,
I think all of these problems we have we're going
to be able to fix with just simple common sense measures. Hey,
if you're a small business owner, if you have kids,
listen up, how great would it be if you could
pick up a walkie talkie, not a toy talkie, a
real walkie talkie that goes nationwide and with the push
of a button talk to start talking to your staff.
Let's say you're in Florida. You can talk to your
staff in California, New York, Pennsylvania. You can talk to
your kids wherever they live. And they're not going to
be on the Internet because it's not a phone. It's
nationwide with complete privacy. Up to two hundred units on
one feed. They're one hundred percent private. As I said,
you're ready to go right out of the box. Just
go to rapid radios dot com rapid radios dot com.
You just push one button, you talk. I can wake
Linda up at three in the morning. Linda, wake up,
it's me your boat.
Speaker 1 (29:40):
It's work at three am. So you're in luck. Not
always occasionally asleep. They're occasionally asleep. Anyway.
Speaker 2 (29:51):
You talk about technology, I can talk from Florida to anybody,
any place, anywhere. They have a nationwide LTE network. You
never sign a contract, you're not paying any monthly fee.
Real new technology, walkie talkie ease, all the connectivity, all
the technology of today, and it just is.
Speaker 1 (30:10):
You're gonna love them. They're fun to use too. Linda. Wait, Linda,
it's three am. Are you awake? Just checking, just checking?
Are you awake?
Speaker 8 (30:19):
Some people are looking for their children.
Speaker 1 (30:20):
This guy's looking for his producer. He's got things to do.
Speaker 2 (30:23):
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