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May 16, 2024 32 mins

Bill O’Reilly,  author of the upcoming book, Confronting the Presidents, No Spin Assessments from Washington to Biden, gives us his no cupcake take on Alvin Bragg’s civil trial. Mind you while POTUS sits in his courtroom hearing nonsense, violent crimes are going unchecked all over Manhattan.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, thank you.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Scott chanon hour two Sean Hennity Show, eight hundred and
nine point one. Seawn is on number if you want
to be a part of the program. Bottom of the
half hour, All things simple man Bill O'Reilly, and we'll
get his take on this debate issue. If you're just
joining us, maybe you've been busy today. Joe Biden was
very very tough today. Make my Day Pal, and he's

he challenged, although they had to edit it six times,
which is beyond odd, but he got out his thirteen
seconds and this is what he said.

Speaker 3 (00:35):
Donald Trump lost two debates to me in twenty twenty.

Speaker 1 (00:38):
Sin said he hadn't shown up for debate.

Speaker 4 (00:40):
Now he's acting like he wants to debate me again.

Speaker 3 (00:42):
We'll make my Day Pal. I'll even do it twice.
So let's pick the dace. Donald.

Speaker 2 (00:47):
I hear you're free on Wednesdays. Okay, Well, Donald Trump
said he's in. Here's the interesting part. He only agreed
to four networks and he wants all of this only
on his terms. Let's see fake news CNN, which just
announced fake Jake Tapper and the most biased quote phony

basically a TV talk show host that claims to be
a journalist, and danam Bash will be moderating.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
Okay, No, I don't think so.

Speaker 2 (01:17):
Data Maybe maybe Wolf with Dana, I don't know, but
I certainly don't fake Jake doesn't qualify.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
We'll get to that in a second.

Speaker 2 (01:25):
Then, of course ABC and Drum said, okay, they can't
be George Stephanopoulos. I mean, he just said democracy is
in peril because of Donald Trump pretty much, and that
the deep.

Speaker 1 (01:35):
State is really great people in it and everything.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
I don't think he's exactly the guy that I would
be looking to moderate any debate. And then he said
Telemundo and CBS. What about Fox News? Fox News? Now,
Donald Trump is also accepted an invitation that was extended
to him from Fox News to do a debate, and

he was very clear. He put out a truth social
post saying that he accepts the challenge and that he'd
be willing to debate on Fox News with Martha McCallum
and with Brett Baer. I mean, I think that's pretty
fair on Donald Trump's part. You know, if we're gonna

allow fake news CNN and ABC, which are corrupt and
abusively biased, then oh, and then when Trump puts out
that he's accepted a third debate. Yeah, they're playing games.
You're playing games. It's not fair. It's got to be
on our terms. Please let the truth, this truth serve

to represent I hear by accept debating Crooked Joe Biden
on Fox News. They will be Wednesday, October the second.
The host will be Brett Bair Martha McCallum. Thank you
dj T. Anyway, Trump responded, immediately, let's get ready to
rumble and put out a long, long truth social post.

Crooked Joe Biden is the worst debater I've ever faced.
He can't put two sentences together. Crooked is also the
worst president in the history of the US by far.
It's time for a debate so that he can explain
to the American people his highly destructive open border policy,
new and ridiculous ev mandates, allowance of crushing inflation high taxes,

is really weak foreign policy, which is allowing the world
to catch on fire. I'm ready and willing to debate
Crooked Joe and at the two proposed times in June
and September. I'd strongly recommend more than two debates, and
for excitement purposes of very large venue. Although Biden is
supposedly afraid of crowds. That's only because he doesn't get them.

Just tell me when I'll be there. Let's get ready
to rumble. So the negotiation has begun. But then Biden
only has four media outlets excuse me for liberal media outlets.
By the way, Robert Kennedy's pissed. You know, he says
that they're afraid I'd win the debate. Well, CNM put
out their criteria. You have to be you know, at

fifteen percent in the polls that they choose, and also
have enough state be on enough state ballots to win
an electoral victory. All right, let's play fake Jake Tapper.
Then we'll get reaction from Matt Towery and probably the
real reason Biden is doing this is his polls are
just in the sewer, if he even really means it.

But anyway, let's let's let's let's see what the very fair,
fake Jake Tapper is really all about.

Speaker 5 (04:41):
We're back with breaking news in our politics at CNN
is now learning that Christopher Steele, the British spy who
authored the Trump Russia dossier, alerted the FBI in July
twenty sixteen because he was so concerned then candidate Donald
Trump may have been vulnerable to blackmail. This is evidence
of willingness to commit collusion. He wants it released. But

I'm not sure what you're saying. The media got wrong,
But the media reported what the investigation was going on.
Other than the people in the media on the left,
not on this network, I don't know anybody who got
anything wrong. President Trump and others are trying to say
that the FBI is corrupt, and they had this Steele
dossier which they say has been discredited, which is not

entirely true. There's obviously a big move to undermine the
Muller investigation, and we see it all the time with
all the witch hunt, the witch hunt, the hoaks, the
idea that there are members of Congress or whoever, trying
to stop an investigation from going forward into what happened
so we can make sure it doesn't happen again.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
It's it is weird. It's weird.

Speaker 5 (05:45):
It's not just weird, it's unpatriotic. It's interesting you say that.

Speaker 1 (05:49):
I agree.

Speaker 5 (05:49):
I think that does sum up the night, both Biden
saying that and Trump's response, and I think one of
the reasons why, in my view, it did not work,
although I'm sure it worked with the MAGA bubble, because
they think that anybody that expresses affection for their son
or empathy for someone they don't know it is weak.

Speaker 1 (06:11):
But I think that's what it's indicative of.

Speaker 5 (06:13):
President Trump lives in an atmosphere of disinformation, false information
reinforcing itself, and that's why some of the things, some
of the punches he threw at Joe Biden, I don't
think landed, because unless you're Sean Hannity, yeah, you probably
had no idea what he's sawing. You need the president

even though he leaned into it a little bit, but
he didn't really go full bore, which I think was
wise or at least not stupid. He is running the
single most negative, sleazy campaign in American history for a
major party candidate. The campaign that Trump and his allies

in the media and his members of his family and
the Trump allied websites and such are leveling with charges
so heinous, I'm not even going to say them, just nonsense, crap,
tied into QAnon, tied into Pizzagate, tied into the worst
things you can say about a person with no evidence,
just completely made up. Is so disgusting and so beneath

what this election should be. And I just want viewers
at home to be ready because all of their grandparents
Facebook feeds and all of the Twitter Twitter sphere, and
it's gonna be so heinous over the next eleven days
and people should just be prepared for it. The President
leaned into some of it, generally to some of the sleazier,

baseless accusations. Not the worst, but it's going to get
a lot worse.

Speaker 1 (07:44):
He claims to be a journalist.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
He is a liberal, left wing, radical democratic liberal talk
show host. That is, I'm a talk show host, but
I admit who I am. Yeah, I'm a member of
the press, and I do straight news and investigative reporting.
And guess what you want to talk about, the king

of disinformation and false information? That would be fake Jake. Anyway,
here for a reaction is Matt Towery.

Speaker 1 (08:15):

Speaker 2 (08:15):
I thought it was brilliant of Trump to say, yeah,
I'm also doing the Fox debate.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
Now you do Fox?

Speaker 3 (08:20):
Yeah? I agree.

Speaker 4 (08:22):
I have a couple of takes on this debate thing.
I think, first of all, if you think about it,
sean an early a gum debate, much earlier than we
expected if there were going to be any debates at all.
That's one of two things. Either Joe Biden somehow wins it,
which I don't think is likely, or Joe Biden gets
creamed and the Democrats have a reason to pull his
ticket because his polling numbers are disastrous. And you know,

I'm known as the doctor. Know of the posters who
talked about the GOP, Well.

Speaker 2 (08:50):
You run inside her advantage. You have been rated one
of the best pollsters consistently over the years. You haven't
gotten everything right, but pretty darn close.

Speaker 3 (08:59):

Speaker 4 (08:59):
But I also tend to be pretty tough on republiccas.
You know, every poster comes from their background. Most posters
come from Academy or the Democrats. I come from a background.
I haven't been a Republican, but we try to make
sure that we're down in the middle. We call things,
you know, the way they are. In fact, I'm rated
by five point thirty eight is having a slight Democratic bias,
which gets me to my doctor no moniker, because I'm

always on this show and other shows saying Okay, Republicans
aren't running ads, Republicans aren't doing this right, It's going
to be difficult and I believe all of that's still
the case. But there is no doubt I pulled all
of these swing states for Fox. I field most of
them for Fox affilities in the past years. There is
no doubt that the New York Times Siena pol which
showed Trump winning in almost all these swing states, is correct.

And I don't know if you saw the poll today
that shows that Trump is behind Biden by only two
points in a Survey US USA poll in Minnesota. So
he's spreading the field. And I think there is a
panic among the Biden organization. But think about it. I mean,
they have a debate. If it takes place, Biden somehow,
you know, goes in that hyperbolic chamber of heres or

whatever he does, gets so amped up, it has some
great performance and then suddenly you know, he's back in
the ball game, or more than likely Trump just just
thrashes him. And then the Democrats starts saying, we've got
to do something. And I think that's what this is
all about.

Speaker 1 (10:20):
All right.

Speaker 2 (10:21):
Let me let me ask you this, because I think
this is very, very important and I really want to
get to the bottom of all of this, and that
is really really simply here.

Speaker 1 (10:32):
Look at these polls.

Speaker 2 (10:33):
Trump lost Nevada in twenty sixteen and twenty twenty, He's
up by twelve. He's up in Arizona by seven, He's
up in Michigan by seven. He's up in your former
state of Georgia by ten. He's up in Pennsylvania by three.
Now you tell me, is Joe Biden who his campaign
had been saying they don't believe the polls.

Speaker 1 (10:54):
Are they full of Adam shift or what?

Speaker 4 (10:57):
No, let me tell you those polls are correct within
the margin of error. And now some of them I
think are a little overboard. But let me explain one
thing to your listeners, Sean, and that is that when
we wait a poll, in other words, we get the responses,
and then at some point we've got to decide what
percent of the African American votes going to turn out,
what percent of Hispanic, what percent of you know, white,

the voters are going to turn out Republican versus Democrat, independent,
And that is all stuff that has to be worked
out at each individual pollster. So right now we're in
the happy time where you can sort of be fast
and loose with your with your waiting because you really
don't see the intensity of who's going to turn out
and how they're going to turn out. Mark my words,
doesn't matter who the Democrat is. When we get close
to November, you're going to see these polsters who are

giving these numbers right now, they are going to collapse
and they say, oh, the race is getting tight. I'll
make a couple of points that really show that Trump
is doing much better. One is that in the national polls,
Trump is leading by you know, a small amount, but
he's still leading. He never led I think maybe one time.
All of twenty twenty, it was always by and before

that of cour us with Hillary Clinton in the national polls,
Clinton was always leading. So there's something up for Trump
to be leading Biden and for Biden to be getting
creamed in these swing states. I think there is a
panic going on. I think they also are shocked because
this trial was having absolutely no effect on Donald Trump
whatsoever in the poles. So does that tell you he's convicted.

Let's say they come back and the convicted and the
judge says, oh, I'm not going to send you to prison. Instead,
I'm going to use the New York system of making
sure he does put community service. He's got to be
un a probation officer. And by the way, that's going
to start immediately. Pending appeal appeals get turned down. And
Donald Trump is somehow tied up with the election doing
community service in New York. You think that sounds crazy,

but it's a possibility they are, what if.

Speaker 2 (12:47):
They try to put him in jail. And by the way,
I didn't mention Minnesota and Virginia. Hide, I mean, it's
a dead heat. I mean, what do you make of that?

Speaker 4 (12:57):
Well, I mean the survey in the USA who did
the poll in Minnesota, like I said, they tend to
skew a little more Democrats in their results. They said
that there was no impact from this trial between the
last poll they did last month as the poll they
did this month in Minnesota. And in essence, it's a
tied race in Minnesota, which Biden won by ten points,

just a little less.

Speaker 2 (13:21):
Donald Trump has picked up thirteen points in New York
and eleven in New Jersey.

Speaker 4 (13:27):
Yeah, and he's spreading the field and that's something that
Democrats don't want because they want to concentrate on these
swing states. Another thing your listeners may not know in
these swing states right now, the Biden campaign is pelting
them with ads. They're running all the time, and if
they're not running right now, they'll be running soon because
they've announced a huge additional media bike.

Speaker 2 (13:47):
It's not working so far, James Carvel said, everything we're
throwing on him is not working.

Speaker 1 (13:55):
Is that why they accepted the debate?

Speaker 2 (13:58):
I think so, I've known And by the way, do
they even mean it? I mean, for Joe Biden to
think that it's all going to be on his terms
as a joke, but you know, I mean he said
they're playing games, you know, because Donald Trump said, okay,
I'm also including Fox News because you only put out
liberal networks.

Speaker 1 (14:14):
And by the way, Breton Martha, they are journalists.

Speaker 4 (14:17):
They are fair, absolutely no doubt. And what I would
say about that, Sean is this, First of all, Carvel
is a genius and he knows what he's talking about,
and he's in reality and a lot of these current
operators who are running his campaign or not. But I'd
also say this, if I were Donald Trump, I would
go debate on CNN, even if it's with Jake Tapper.

And if I were the Republican Party, I would run
ads before that debate, playing the exact stuff that you
just played and just simply have the tag Donald.

Speaker 3 (14:47):
Watch the debate.

Speaker 4 (14:48):
Donald Trump will be debating two candidates, not one.

Speaker 1 (14:52):
And brilliant strategy. Brilliant. I hate to say goodbye.

Speaker 2 (14:55):
I'd like I talk to you all day anyway, Matt
Towery insider or advantage. Appreciate you being with us when
we come back. Also check in with Bill O'Reilly your
calls coming up, Joe Kanshe, Mark Simone. Look, imagine, God forbid,
you have to face a home and intruder and you
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Speaker 1 (15:19):
It's happening every day we tell you these stories.

Speaker 2 (15:22):
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Speaker 1 (16:17):
By the way, how much is your freedom work? Sean Nity.

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Talk so you can afford to travel this summer. All right,
when we come back, we're gonna check in with all
things simple man Bill O'Reilly. We'll get his take on

all of this, and I'm sure he has a lot
to say, and Bill always has a unique take, and
we'll get his reaction to the debate proposal if it's
even real, but it's certainly intriguing and interesting. Well, the
full details on Hannity tonight. Oh, we've got video of
fake Jake Tapper. You don't want to miss that nine
Eastern Hannity on Fox. And then we'll check in with

Joe Kancha, the media angle and Mark Simone's take. And
your call is eight hundred and ninety four one. Shawn
as we continue, mister O'Reilly joins us. Now, mister simple,
are you really a simple man? Because I view you
as a very complicated human being.

Speaker 3 (18:09):
Well, I appreciate that analysis, Hannity, but you know, most
people would fall into the category of thinking that I
was beyond simple. I'm in the zone where everything is
fairly clear and down to earth. And that's why when
I heard about this debate thing today, I wrote down

a number of notes right away. So who's the moderator.
It's got to be the rock, got to be Dwayne Johnson.
It's got to be somebody with authority with a little menace,
because what.

Speaker 2 (18:45):
About me, o'reiley, Well, I thought I did a great
I've thought I moderated the Gavin newsom Issantis debate.

Speaker 1 (18:51):
Why am I?

Speaker 6 (18:52):

Speaker 1 (18:52):
Why is Dwayne Johnson had Dwayne Johnson ahead of me?

Speaker 3 (18:56):
Well, that's true, and you have that martial arts thing
going on too, because I think you need a specter
of you know, violence there because these guys.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
Hated out of built.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
You know what the problem is is, you gotta have
people that actually take this seriously, you know, and people
don't understand that you actually do have a sense of humor.

Speaker 3 (19:14):
You gotta be simple. Okay. So number one, they hate
each other. And I was thinking about my notes for
confronting the presidents, my book that comes out in September
or September tenth. I don't think there's ever been two
candidates presidents kind of hated each other as much as
these two. And that's where you have to start. And

then the second thing is both of them are known
to embellish and exaggerate. I'll give you an example. Just
last week, Joe Biden said that he took over an
inflation rate of nine percent. You ran it on your show,
I ran it on my show, everybody ran it. Okay,
not true, true one point four. That's a big that's
not a little mistake.

Speaker 1 (19:55):
That's a big mistake, big miss.

Speaker 2 (19:57):
By the way, it didn't happen, that didn't reach nine
percent until eighteen months into his presidency.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
That's a long time.

Speaker 3 (20:04):
Well anyway, so Biden, don't say anything anything, And what
are you going to do? Interrupt them fifty times if
you're the moderator, and Biden hasn't even corrected the nine percent,
And even when Stee when Deucy, Peter Deucy asked Jean
Pierre Hey, oh, I'm not going to speak to that. Well,
what's your job, lady? Anyway, So Biden and Trump does

the same thing. So Trump at a rally said that
Biden under Biden, inflation is fifty percent five zero, it's
nineteen percent. So wow, you got two guys up there
who are going to just say anything.

Speaker 1 (20:46):
So see what what tell me?

Speaker 2 (20:48):
If you agree with this, let me let me take
what you're saying and dovetail it into a debate. Remember
that disastrous town hall with what's the person's name Collins
somebody over at Fake nucy at end. Yeah anyway, okay,
uh any So she's doing this and she's quote fact
checking the debate the the town hall in real time.
It became so unwatchable it's ridiculous. You know one thing,

Donald Trump, if we're gonna turn microphones off, which I
actually think works to Donald Trump's advantage, because I think
the more that Joe Biden has to talk, I think
the better it is for Donald Trump. And I'd make
the answers two minutes long, two and a half minutes long.
Let Joe ramble, and he can't have notes and he
can't have a teleprompter. Bill I think that'd be very important,
and they can't put anything up on the screen to

try and you know, sway the audience as watching the debate.

Speaker 1 (21:39):
These are little details that will all have to be
worked out.

Speaker 3 (21:41):
Right, Well, let me jump in. So the fundamental problem
is that you have two guys who are who have
said and will say anything, and you can't fact check
them in real time because you'd be doing it. You'd
be interrupting after interrupting, after interrupting. So the way to
do this is to have a minute minute, an hour

and ten minute debate. And I agree with you, No,
it's got.

Speaker 2 (22:10):
To be ninety minutes to two hours. They're always ninety minutes.

Speaker 3 (22:14):
Bill, I'm not true. This is new. I'm breaking it
on the Hannity radio program. I know.

Speaker 2 (22:20):
But Bill, you said an hour and ten minutes. I
have to disagree when you're wrong.

Speaker 3 (22:25):
You're cutting me off like you'd have to cut off
the presidential candidates if you with a moderator.

Speaker 1 (22:30):
No, I just shut off your mic.

Speaker 3 (22:31):
But go ahead, debate, then ten minute intermission. Then you
have thirty minutes of fact checking each guy. The moderator
then comes back and says, mister president, you said this.
Here's the truth. Mister Trump, you said this, here's the truth.
You want to reply? So you have built into the

debate at the end, and this would increase viewership. Okay,
you have a fact check at the end, rather than
interrupting these guys every ten seconds. That's the only way
you're gonna get a debate that means anything.

Speaker 2 (23:09):
Well, seeing it, let me compliment you, but disagree. All right,
So let me compliment you for thinking out of the box.
I think it's thoughtful. I don't think it's doable. But
let me just give you my idea, and that is
it's the job of the candidates to fact check the
other guy exc you know, for example, all right, the

MIC's get shut off. I think that works to Trump's advantage.
Why because I thought the first debate in twenty twenty,
Donald Trump interrupted way, way too much, and I don't
think that helped him. Now in the second debate, they had,
you know more, they had the ability to stop that,
and I think that worked at Trump's advantage. I thought

he won the second debate. However, a lot of votes
had taken place by that. So I compliment you for creativity,
but I would argue it's not the media is job
to sit there and be fact checkers. That's the job
of the other candidate. And they've got to show that
they are so well versed in the topics at hand
that they'll be able to fact check their opponent when

they get an opportunity at rebuttal. Let's say you have
a ninety second answer, one minute or two minute answer. Okay,
one minute rebuttal, one minute rebuttal. In the rebuttal, you
could say everything that the president just said is not true.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
Let me give you the real numbers.

Speaker 2 (24:28):
And then over time, the American people will decide in
the moment, and they'll decide when they read the papers
the next day and watch my.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
Show and your show, et cetera, et cetera.

Speaker 2 (24:37):
So I don't like the idea the media should do
one thing, and we should turn off their microphone too.
They should ask a question and shut up and let
these guys answer and let them talk. The American people
are smart enough to figure out who they like, who's
telling the truth and who's not.

Speaker 3 (24:56):
Okay, I disagree, and so we have a very lively
Irish pub debate between O'Reilly and Annity. We're in the public.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
You know what the problem is you don't drink, and
you're one of the people in life that needs to
drink the most.

Speaker 3 (25:11):
I'll get my sprite. You don't drink either, so.

Speaker 1 (25:14):
I do I drink more than you?

Speaker 3 (25:16):
All right, I don't drink anything. But anyway, we're in
the pub So I say to you that the media's
responsibility is to enlighten and stop deceit. I believe in
this kind of a debate there're going to be two
things in play. Malice over the top malice and that's

not going to help the country, by the way, and deceit.
You're gonna have both candidates throw out stuff that's flat
out not true. It is the media's job to give
the viewer who can't possibly know what the rate of
inflation was in February twenty twenty three. They can't know,

And this half hour at the end would allow journalists
to confront both candidates with misstatements and say, maybe you
want to clarify that, and you give them a minute
or whatever. I really think that if you want to
run a debate that cuts down on propaganda and deceit,

you have to have that element.

Speaker 2 (26:26):
Quick break right back more with simple man Bill O'Reilly
all Things o'reillybilloreilly dot com.

Speaker 3 (26:33):
News break news breaks.

Speaker 4 (26:34):
You'll hear the inside story that no one else has.

Speaker 6 (26:38):
Behind the scenes chatter that the mainstream media doesn't even
know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 2 (27:20):
All right, we continue with a simple man, self proclaimed
Bill O'Reilly and all things O'Reilly at Bill oreilly dot com.
Here's the big problem with with your proposal, and you
admitted it yourself. There's nobody capable on fake news CNN
to do that properly. You okay, Now, I would argue

that the way I handled the santas and and Gavin Newsom,
and you know, the numbers were insane. Uh people watched
it is in my question. I put up here's Florida's
crime statistics, here's California's. And I gave each person and
I was then I kind of moderate at the time.
I put up here at the taxes in California, here's

the taxes in Florida. Here's how much you spend per
capital prist student on education. Here's where you rank nationally.
And I put all of that up there. Now, the
Newsom people didn't like it. Now, the one issue that
I did push Gavin on because he was he just
completely dodged it, which is, do you support any any
restrictions on late term abortions meaning seven to eight to

ninth month? And he wouldn't answer, and I said, you're
not to answer the question, and I just challenged for
the answer. I finally got it, and he was pissed
when he gave it, and he finally said it's between
a doctor, a patient and their conscience, meaning no restrictions.
I'm like, Okay, I got my answer. The people deserved it.
Now I think I was still being fair because the
viewer deserved to know that. I don't think anybody on

that network, or frankly George Stephanoppolos, who we know hates Trump,
they don't have anybody capable of being a fair moderator.
So with that knowledge, if I'm Trump and his people,
I'm like, no, no, it's going to be fact checking
each other. And then afterwards they can all play their

game and spin go into their spin room, but the
American people will decide they're smart enough.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
I have enough faith in them.

Speaker 3 (29:18):
Yeah. Elan a more precise acknowledgment from both candidates that
some of the stuff they say isn't true, and you're
never going to get that unless you have a half
hour blocked out for confrontational questions about it. But look,

this will be the most watched debate in the history
of debates because of the malice factor. Both announcements. Both
Biden was malicious toward Trump today when he announced it,
and Trump was malicious to Biden when he accepted it.
And you can just neither man can control themselves, so

you don't have a different You have no discipline on
that stage at all. And Trump will just go after
Biden like you've never seen it, and Biden then will
react and panic as Biden is panicking. Now, that's why
he agreed to the debates. I'm surprised.

Speaker 1 (30:23):
I don't think he had any choice.

Speaker 2 (30:24):
You saw James Carvill I got to run and James
Carvell say nothing that throwing a Trump is working. This
is a hail Mary, but it also locks him in
as their candidate.

Speaker 3 (30:34):
Right, This is it?

Speaker 1 (30:36):
Is it? This is it?

Speaker 3 (30:38):
All right?

Speaker 2 (30:38):
Mister O'Reilly All things, simple man, old things O'Reilly at
Bill O'Reilly dot com.

Speaker 1 (30:42):
Thank you, my friend.

Speaker 3 (30:43):
Okay, you need to drink.

Speaker 2 (30:48):
I'm gonna buy Bill a drink and make them have it. Linda,
don't you like the idea? He doesn't drink, Levin doesn't drink.
Let's see, Uh, Trump doesn't drink.

Speaker 1 (30:58):
I don't know.

Speaker 7 (30:59):
I haven't novel idea, A fantastic idea. Actually, you know,
Katie and I once tried to send Bill some cupcakes
for his book because you said you were gonna give
them a cupcake interview. We failed, miserably. We send him
chocolate covered strawberries, completely out of our control. Hot mess,
hot mess. Bill's like, what are you doing? I'm like,

you know, I'm better than this. You're right, I'm sorry.
So I think we send them cupcakes. We skipped the
alcohol altogether.

Speaker 1 (31:25):
No Bill needs a drink. Bill needs a drink. Full circle.
Never mind if we're going to be in an Irish pub, right, hey,
no question.

Speaker 2 (31:33):
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Speaker 1 (32:43):
On the web, it's Americanfinancing dot net.

Speaker 7 (32:45):
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